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(Last Updated On: )
Date: May 4 2009
Location: Lake District, England
Time: 0130a
Summary: After a long day the witness had eventually settled down for the night in his tent at around 2300hrs. He was woken up by a deep humming sound, not loud but really deep so much that it seemed to vibrate through him, the inside of his tent was also lit up by a dim glow. What is most puzzling and very disturbing is that from about that time the witness remembers nothing until dawn on Wednesday morning when he woke up outside his tent stark naked and very cold. His tent and all his clothes had a very strong ‘ozone’ type smell. He only has a vague recollection of being laid face down on something hard and something being pushed into his rectum which was now very sore.
Source: http://iwasabducted.com/forum
Date: May 7 2009
Location: Edmonton Canada, AB
Time: 05:30
Summary: It started at 5:30 when I went up the use the bathroom, When i got back to my bed I heard what sounded like the wind. A few minutes later I heard the same noise (I will point ut that I was completely awake at the time). The third time I looked up and I saw that my window was illuminated by a bright red light With A disk shaped shadow in the center. After about 10 seconds It simply left and I never saw it again.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: May 7 2009
Location: Fallon, Nevada
Time: 2118
Summary: Two teenagers, one male and one female, were alone in their car near the Fallon Naval Air Station when they encountered odd lights in the sky to the east. Three boomerang shaped objects were seen with five lights on each. They said that each object had one light at its center, one in the middle of each side, and one at each end. While they watched the three objects, one of them separated from the group, shut off three of its five lights, and appeared as though it would land or crash. At this point, the two witnesses decided to give chase. After driving 3 and a half miles, one of the objects moved closer to their vehicle—about 100 yards away and just 20 feet off the ground—and began to pace it. And a second object positioned itself behind them. At this point they accelerated from 30 to 50 miles per hour, but the objects kept pace. The witnesses observed that the objects were about 50 feet across, but they could not estimate their thickness. They drove five more miles, stopping where the road came to a dead end. They turned their vehicle around at a dairy farm’s private drive, and stopped next to an irrigation canal. The first object was now circling 50 feet above them, while the second object was still behind them at about 50 feet off the ground. The female witness described the craft’s main body as ‘silvery but when it banked and turned it appeared to be transparent and she could see the stars through the hull of the craft. She described the crafts as being shaped almost like a horseshoe, having two rear ends with red glowing elements.’The male witness used a million-candle spotlight from his truck to shine on the craft above, using his hand to shade the light back and forth to produce a ‘signal’. The object overhead then responded by descending from 50 feet to 20 feet above them and then it disappeared. The witnesses reported that they had been parked near the irrigation canal for only about five minutes, but after they worked through the time sequence with investigators, it appears they were at that location for as long as an hour and 20 minutes. One odd event at the scene involved a broken iPod in the vehicle. During the event, the unit began playing music, but after the event, they realized it was back to its original and broke state. Additionally, they reported that there were no sounds during the incident coming from any of the nearby farm animals. And no insects were seen or heard during the event. Both witnesses arrived at their Fallon homes at 2300 and reported the encounter to their parents. The male witness returned to the scene an hour later with his father. At this time they were able to observe the area ‘being combed by helicopters and black SUVs with dark windows’ and apparently military personnel with flashlights walking the area. The helicopters were using spotlights to search the ground from the air. The two decided not to approach the group.
Source: Richard Lang Mufon UFO Journal July 2009
Date: May 14 2009
Location: Michigan, exact location not given
Time: 0300a
Summary: In the early morning hours the witness (involved in other encounters) was awakened by a sharp pinch to her upper lip. He yelled out and swatted at her face to remove the offending object. She opened her eyes (though everything appeared as in a fog) and though she saw a pair of legs that were grayish-green. She then heard in her mind, “You scratched yourself!” She got up from bed very agitated and in pain from the “scratch” and went to put ointment in the wound to ease the pain. She groggily walked into the bathroom and tried to open he eyes so she could see the ‘scratch’ but what she saw was not a scratch at all but a bloodless circle with blistering around the edges of it. She put some ointment on it as if in a trance and went back to bed. Her husband, who is a light sleeper, never woke up during this whole episode. She didn’t remember the incident until later in the evening the next day.
Source: http://mufoncms.com/
Date: May 15 2009
Location: Wolverhampton England
Time: 01:00
Summary: I was sleeping over at my grandma’s and I heard something so I went to to my grandmas room to see if she was o.k. and then i saw this cone shaped craft land in the field next to the lake then I watched it out of curiosity It flashed a beam of light and then i cant remember what happened i just woke up with head aches and neck cramp. Duration: 2 hrs Shape: Cone
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: May 15 2009
Location: Osprey, Florida
Time: 00:00
Summary: A group of aliens went into my house and implanted me with a blue sphere, at night. This is a personal account of a time when my home, which I am still a current resident, was broken into and I was implanted by a being who I can only describe as a grey reptilian, with something like a small blue marble shaped object. I am going to be as descriptive as I can be, but I do not remember everything and I only have a crude drawing to depict some of what had happened. I was laying down in bed, on a mattress on the carpeted floor. In my room there was a home gym, an entertainment center with a television and a DVD player. I witnessed very bright lights outside of my bedroom window, and when I got up to see what was going on, they were unlocking the back door, the sliding glass door, when I retreated to my bedroom and locked the door. I then heard voices speaking to my in English telling me to make it not be so much of a struggle and give up peacefully. Also, the object knocked out the electricity to my house. A being that was tall, and slim, and had what appeared to be grey skin entered into my room accompanied by at least one who is very short, something like up to my thighs (I am six feet tall), I immediately felt as though I was tranquilized and fell back onto the bed. I awoke again when a being calling himself a doctor of sorts, although he said that he didn’t go to Harvard or anything like that, was preparing a device which looked like a pistol, but bare bones, just a frame, a long slender metallic object used for inserting and a blue object, which was a small sphere. It proceeded to insert the blue sphere into my left nostril and what seemed like up into my brain through my nasal cavity until I heard a drilling noise and a crunch. I was sedated, but I felt compelled to get up, walk to my bathroom and to look at myself in the mirror. I then noticed profuse bleeding from my nose, I then fell unconscious, backward, into some other being who said that he would catch me, although I must have been very heavy for him, as he struggled to catch my falling body. I still am not clear on whether or not I fell on the rim of the bath tub, although I seem to recollect the noise of that happening. I was numb. When I woke up, it seemed to me to be very late the next day, but admittedly I do not remember what day it was when I was implanted. I actually went later to get a MRI image of my brain, because I had remembered it shortly after, and the doctor said that something was wrong, and people in suits proceeded to confiscate the images, I was told to leave the premises, and I was not charged for the MRI scans, but was not allowed to see them. But I would like to give it another go, I would gladly submit to MRI images or X-Ray scans, or polygraph tests to verify to you that I am honest about this, I believe that this object is still inside. The one who put this object into my head, he said that they wouldn’t be able to remove it, because that would kill me, but that there would be scar tissue around where it will heal. This is really only one of several interactions, I am a multiple abductee.
Source: Davenport, Peter
Date: May 16 2009
Location: Near Findlay Ohio
Time: 0300 am
Summary: Earlier the witness had been viewing different UFOs in the sky. The majority consisted of red, blue, yellow and green flashing lights at a very high altitude. They were also hovering in one general area but would zoom back and forth effortlessly as if gravity and inertia had no effect on them. The witness rode his bike so he could change locations and have a good view of what he was looking at. Later he found himself riding by an abandoned airplane runway. About less than a quarter mile away from the street, there was a whitish blue light on the runway. It was hovering back and forth very similarly to the other UFOs he had been looking at. He watched it for a while and then left to go to a different location. After a period of time, he returned to the airplane runway. It was already 0330am as he returned to the abandoned runway. This runway sits on a road that is no longer in use because it was partially eroded away by a big flood a couple of years ago. It’s basically a dead end with nothing around it except a golf course which is directly in front of the runway’s gate in the fence. As he rode up to the gate of the runway, there is a streetlight directly above the gate, he caught sight of a slight movement under the streetlight that suddenly comes to an abrupt halt. He then proceeds closer to the “objects’ that appear to be moving and as he got closer they started to move again. The witness then was shocked to see that the two ‘objects’ were two little humanoids that appeared to be less than 4 feet tall. They had some sort of bulky apparel on and they had large light gray spherical heads (helmets?). They then ‘waddled’ from the street through the gate, they seemed to sway their right shoulder in conjunction with their right foot and vice versa. He didn’t see their faces just the back of them. He quickly drove his bike away in shock of what he had just witnessed. A little over an hour later he returned to the location where he saw the little humanoids, he wasn’t too afraid of them because of their “tiny size”. He was checking his back constantly and looking in every direction to make sure nothing walked up on him while he was looking for the UFO. After about 10 minutes of sitting on his bicycle looking at the UFO he caught movement in his peripheral view coming from the gate. He looked over at the gate to see a tall man walking around the corner of the fence. He was now walking directly at the witness. The ‘man’ had now been in view for about 2 or 3 seconds when he realized that it wasn’t a man at all. It took him a few seconds to get a good enough look at the creature to describe it. It was light gray in color, very tall, maybe 6 ft or more, very skinny and it had no clothing on. It was walking very fast directly at the witness, who began to pedal his bike as fast as he could away from the creature while he nearly burst into tears from fear. Once he got up to full speed, he looked behind to see if the creature had given up the pursuit and to his surprise it had not. It was still coming at him, the witness however managed to drive away and return home.
Date: May 19 2009
Location: England
Time: 23:59
Summary: 100 little ufos came down to earth about 2 metres above ground 1 exploded and lots of little green men came out I ran inside then at night I saw a face at my window.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: May 28 2009
Location: San Leandro, California
Time: 03:00
Summary: On april 28 2009 at 3 am pacific time an alien appeared in the living room as i was sleeping on the couch. I was sleeping on the couch in the living room. It was about 3 am. I was on the couch facing the french doors. I dont know why but i awoke to see an alien standing in the living room next to the kitchen cabinet. It was looking towards the kitchen to the left. From what i could see by the light on the stove and night light it was about four and a half to five feet tall. Its skin looked almost oily and was muddy to gray in color. It was very smooth looking.. From the side its head looked larger than its body. It came down and bulged out at the lower back of its head. It had long skinney arms and legs. I couldnt see the lower trunk very well. It had a skinny neck. I sat up and when it turned its head and looked at me. It had almond shaped big black eyes a small nose and mouth. I dont recall any ears. As it looked at me i stood up to walk towards it when all of a sudden in a flash of light it went t
Source: Davenport, Peter
Date: May 30 2009
Location: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Time: 14:00
Summary: It was last year when I saw this unidentified flying object. I didn’t knew where to report it then. However, I’m reporting it now because I saw an article in my local newspaper today regarding a UFO sighting in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, so I decided to search for a place to report my sighting. This is not a joke. It was around May or June last year. I was waiting for my girlfriend in my car at a petrol station directly opposite her house which was location opposite the Malaysia National Zoo. It was a sunny afternoon. The time was approximately between 1300 to 1400 hours. I was looking into the sky because I have a habit of gazing at cloud formations. It was then I noticed a golden sphere object in the air, the color was somewhat rough like sandpaper, perhaps matted. I thought I was seeing things, so just to confirm it, I got out of my car and took a good look at it again. It was still there hovering about the clouds as though it was trying to use the sun’s glare to cover it’s existence. The UFO was hovering approximately 10-12 Kilometers above ground level. I’m not quite good with measurements but it’s about the altitude of a flying airplane. After 2 to 3 minutes, the UFO started to gain altitude till it disappeared amongst the clouds. Not sure if it went into space or what, but it certainly doesn’t look like a mirage. I can’t see any proper means of propulsion on the unidentified flying object but it was definitely spherical. Hope this report helps out the research on UFO. This was definitely my first sighting. None of the Characteristics check-boxes below fits the description. The UFO is just as I described it, no lights or anything, it just seems that the gold surface of the UFO reflects the light from the sun. This is the latitude an longitude according to my search on Google Maps: 3.207056,101.755012. Duration: 2 minutes
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Source: Location. Trenque Lauquen, La Pampa, Argentina
Date: end of May 2009
Time: 1800
Summary: The witness who had been hitchhiking in the area was dropped off near the town center and decided to go on walking alone, after about 10km it started getting dark. At this point he noticed a ‘person’ by a nearby barbwire fence that appeared to be gathering something on the floor, the witness assumed it was firewood. He decided to approach the figure calling out, “Don, Don” (Sir Sir) but received no reply. At this point he noticed that it was a man but very short and thin, he approached closer and asked the strange figure if it was collecting wood for a fire, the strange figure then turned to look at him and the witness noticed that it had strange red glowing eyes, terrified he ran from the area and was almost hit by a passing vehicle. He told his family what happened the next day.
Source: CEUFO www.ceufo.blogspot.com
Source: Location. La Perla, Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico
Date: summer 2009
Time: various
Summary: Local farmers have reported on several occasions encountering landed disc-shaped craft and standing next to the objects humanoid creatures about 80cm in height, wearing a sort of shiny metallic suits and helmets. Other travelers near the town of Hercules Coahuila have reported seeing tall muscular blond haired strangers in the vicinity of lighted objects near the side of the road. Others have reported large luminous spherical objects flying low over the fields. According to the source this area is rich in mineral deposits including a large concentration of iron, quartz and uranium.
Source: http://gifae.blogspot.com
Source: Location. Carite Lake, Guayama, Puerto Rico
Date: June 2 2009
Time: late night
The witness was on vacation visiting the tropical rain forest that surrounds Carite Lake when he awoke in the middle of the night from restlessness. He wandered around the forest like he always did, but after wandering for a bit he started to notice a strange metallic vapor smell. He recognized the smell from his freshman year in college when they were turning silver metal into a vapor compound. Very similar, but with something indistinguishable mixed in. He followed the smell and stumbled upon an area full of tall grasses and ferns. In the middle of this was a large black almost diamond shaped object. It was faceted on top like a diamond and rounded off at the bottom. It touched the ground on its rounded end and somehow managed to stay upright. He got closer in an attempt to find an opening but found none; it was almost like a solid black stone in the ground. He attempted to use a stone to scratch off a sample of the material and a small chip came off. The material peeled away from the object almost like obsidian. He ran to the house to get his camera and returned as quickly as he could. When he returned the object was in the air almost indistinguishable from the surrounding sky, the colors mingled perfectly to camouflage it. He attempted to take photos, but it was pointless. The object was too dark in color, the light too low. As it rose however, he did noticed an almost honey colored row of circles appear on the faceted top. They seemed to be lit almost like a tungsten bulb behind paper. They seemed to move independently from the object and circled the faceted top. To make things even stranger the hole in the ground the rounded edge of the object had made was covered in plants by morning. As if overnight the forest had sprung up to repair the damage. He cleared them away and tried to find the hole left behind but could not. The only thing he found was an abundance of plants and insects in unusual numbers near the area. The only evidence he found was a 1mm burn on a nearby rock with the impression of the small shard he had managed to chip with the rock.
Source: http://mufoncms.com/
Date: June 6 2009
Location: Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Time: 0300 am
Summary: The two witnesses were working on a computer and one of them was demonstrating software that they had planned to use for their business. They had been visiting Rhode Island on a business trip and went outside to take a break. At that point they saw a bright light in the sky. They next remembered being in an enclosed room with two unknown entities. One of the entities had green skin, the other entity was more human looking, but had eyes that seemingly would not focus. They felt that they were onboard the craft for about 15 minutes. However they woke up lying in the yard side by side at noon (nine hours later). The entities were both humanoid, but the witnesses said that one of the entities had green skin and an “evil guffaw” that frightened both of them.
Source: UFOs Northwest
Date: June 11 2009
Location: Hull England
Time: 18:59
Summary: stood on the rear door step having a smoke I glanced up and saw a yellowy pulsating light moving at a steady speed across the sky. There was no noise and the sky had patchy thin cloud. As the light passed over the house I guessed it to be not as high as general planes Ive seen and it did not have any flashing lights it just moved silently with a slight pulse another appeared identicle to the first. Same height same color. The second was heading in the same direction, about 1000 yards behind. I then ran through the house called to my family what I thought I was seeing everyone followed me upstairs and we all looked out of the front bedroom windows. By this time the first had gone and the second was fading. I then went down stairs and back into the rear garden and saw a third object/light. I called everyone to the garden and we all stood together and watched it move accross the sky. Our dogs where very excited and began barking and running around. Possibly becau! se we had all ran upstairs and down again. I didin’t get my camera and now I’m really regretting not doing so. Their where not flares /planes/police helicoptors. The direction was from south to northeast. As there seem to just appear from nowhere Im guessing maybe it was the thin clouds that gave that impression. Not sure if they did just appear or broke through cloud. The whole time of this sighting was no more then 2 minutes.Non of us have seen anything like this before.It was very strange. I have now got my vid next to the back door.you never know i might catch something on film. I intent to check local press on Monday see if anyone else saw them. Hull Daily Mail.(google it)
Source: NUFORC
Date: June 12 2009
Location: Thornville, Ohio
Time: 0430 am
Summary: The witness had been unable to and was up on the computer. She lives in a wooded 4.5 acre lot and her neighbor’s yard is a cleared lawn that transitions into woods like theirs, and as she looked over to their yard out of her office window (it was very dark near her house, but their porch light illuminated their lawn very well) she saw a “human-like” invisible creature appear out of nowhere in the middle of the lawn and walk very rapidly (faster than a human could walk—it looked as if someone was rolling a tape in fast motion) for about 15-20 steps, maybe at a distance of 30 feet and then it just disappeared. She could see through the being as it was invisible, however, she could definitely tell that something was there. The best way she can describe it is that it was like the alien in the “Predator” movie. Thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her she blinked and moved her head side to side by the window wondering if the window screen had caused her to see something, trying to recreate the sighting to no avail. Spooked she ran to her room and jumped in bed next to her husband.
Source: http://mufoncms.comLocation. Near Rocky Branch, Louisiana
Date: June 14 2009
Location: Laval France
Time: 16:00
Summary: It was around 4 PM local time, and I looked at the sky toward the North and admire the clouds (I collect kind of lenticular clouds). I got a picture and blown up later.
Source: NUFORC
Date: June 15 2009
Time: late evening
Summary: Having run out of gas in an isolated road and was walking back home with her son. The sun was just starting to set, but it was not dark out yet. On the way home they had to pass by these three huge garbage containers on the right side of the road, where all the locals hauled their garbage to. They were walking along and as they passed the containers they got the shock of their lives. There was a creature that looked like a troll out of a Dungeons and Dragons book. It was standing there eating out of one of the containers. It had a big, wide forehead, a long nose with wide nostrils and a long skinny chin. It had long white hair and big blue eyes. It had a large torso, but skinny arms and legs. When it saw the witnesses it crouched between two of the containers, as if it did not want to be seen. The witness’s son took off running and the witness was right behind him. All she could think was, “Please don’t chase us, whatever you are.”
Source: Your True Tales February 2010
Location. Oregon, exact location not given
Date: June 16 2009
Time: night
Summary: The witness had taken his dog outside and was smoking a cigar when halfway through the cigar he began to notice flickers and flashes of light in both crescent shapes and orbs. There was cloud cover but no thunderstorms. The lights seemed to be in the clouds at times and also under the clouds. As he watched the very lengthy light show he was aware of a passing car. His dog then began to get unnerved and looked in the same direction he was looking. As the car came closer down the road, across the street he noticed a pair of eyes of an animal’s eyes that were reflecting the light except they were a deep purple/indigo color. As the car passed he watched the spot where he had observed the eyes and was shocked to see a whitish humanoid shape stand up and quickly walk into the neighboring yard across the street. His heard began to race and he became quite nervous. He called his wife outside and told her what he had seen and asked her to look at the lights in the sky as well. She confirmed the multiple flickering and flashing lights. They both then got very nervous and came inside the house. All through the episode the dog was alert and cautious as though she was watching something that he couldn’t see across the street. Sound afterwards he heard a loud jet engine roaring overhead.
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Location. Near San Antonio, Texas
Date: June 20 2009
Time: 0240a
Summary: The witness suddenly woke up for no apparent reason, he rolled over and went back to sleep. Ten minutes later he woke up again and felt uneasy. He turned his television on and went to the bathroom, fixed a glass of tea and sat on the couch for about 5 minutes. He doesn’t know why but he felt like he should just go back to bed. He turned everything off and got back under the covers, this was around 240a. He woke up again and noticed that there was a bright white light with a vertical black shadow in the middle like a light pole or a telephone pole, coming in through the window. It was so bright that it cast a ‘white silhouette’ on the wall across from it. The witness thought that it was someone with some really bright headlights in the apartment parking lot. He tried to ignore it and tried to go back to sleep. However he couldn’t get back to sleep because of the light, so feeling somewhat scared he pulled the blanket over his head. The light wouldn’t go out and he couldn’t hear any kind of engine hum from anything in the parking lot. He finally calmed down enough to doze off when suddenly the blanket started to be pulled off of him from behind. At first he thought it was his grandmother and wondered why she just didn’t pull the blanket off like a normal person would do, so he reached up and grabbed the blanket and whatever it was that was pulling was tugging back. He became terrified and started screaming for his grandmother, but he was so afraid that he couldn’t get the words out. As he screamed under the blanket a small thin gray arm, with a small skinny hand with really long fingers reached under and got a vice-grip on his wrist. He then blacked out. The arm’s skin wasn’t gray like the stereotype ‘gray’, but it was very dark grayish brown, maybe close to black. He never saw the face or body of the creature. Finally when he woke up, he was in his bed. There was still bright light flooding the apartment. He saw his grandmother coming out of the bathroom and asked her if she didn’t hear his screams, she then asked, ‘Why? Were you looking at the window?’ The question struck the witness as kind of odd. He felt exhausted; feeling like he had just ran a mile and was feeling sort of sick to his stomach. He finally managed to go back to sleep. He was left alone in the house for the next week and could not sleep and over the next few months he would randomly wake up around 230a for no reason at all.
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Date: June 28 2009
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Time: 19:30
Summary: June 29, 2009 approximately 19:30 hours. On a cruise ship departed from Miami Fl, off the coast of Puerto Rico. My wife and I had returned to our balcony stateroom. I stepped out onto the balcony just to have a look at the ocean and see if there were any other ships around. I did not see any other ships. What I did see were three red lights in the shape of a triangle,one light above 2 below, possibly 1-2 miles away, in the sky, probably 15 to 20 degrees above the horizon. The sky was clear with scattered clouds. At first I thought these three red lights were some sort of helicopter formation.I am an Air Force veteran, I quickly dismissed the helicopter formation as these light were, infact, perfectly stationary. They made no movement and there was no sound coming from them. I assumed that I was too far from the object to hear any sound anyway.I looked at the lights for maybe 5 to 10 seconds, watching for any movement and could not detect any. Next, I turned a! way from the object and looked around the sky , deliberately trying not to view the object. I once again found the object, still in the same location, unmoving. It was at that point that I called for my wife to come see this object. My wife had been occupied with doing something else and by the time she got to the balcony the lights just disappeared as I watched them.Just as though someone turned off a switch, as though turning off a light in a room. Gone! I have no understanding of how or where these lights came from. I can only say that they were real, not some transparent reflection of a common item which I mistook as something unexplanable. My immediate impression was of a helicopter or some sort of military aircraft, which I dismissed. Then I thought it might be some sort of marine navigation device such as a channel marker, which I also dismissed.I then began to get the feeling that these lights were “watching” us as I was watching them.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: June 29-30 2009
Location: Castelluccio, Baia del Silenzio, Sicily, Italy
Time: 2300
Summary: Ion a warm quite summer night, Concetta Z, owner of the villa and her sister Marie Antoinette were feeding a stray cat in the patio of their kitchen when suddenly the cat looked up as if startled by something, at the same time Marie Antoinette heard a strange sound resembling the purr of a cat mixed in with a gasp. She looked in the direction of the sound and saw something looking at them from behind the corner of the house. It resembled a human shadow that appeared to be attempting to conceal itself. She could not see any other details of the dark figure, other than the eyes like looked similar to cats when reflecting the light of a flashlight. They were larger than normal cat’s eyes. Terrified she grabbed her sister’s hand and ran into the villa telling her what she had seen. A couple of hours before the two sisters had seen unusual military aircraft over the area, including an aircraft that seemed to be circling the area. Later it was estimated that the height of the creature was about 110cm, based on the height of the wall and its position.
Source: Centro Ufologico Siciliano

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