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Date: April 2005 (?)
Location: Near Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Time: unknown
Summary: Local shepherds tending their sheep at night have reported seeing large plate-shaped objects hovering close to the ground. They could see “people” that didn’t look like humans. They were very tall, bronze and shiny. Others have reported seeing the tall bronzed humanoids that reportedly have long arms and very long legs. Still others have seen the large plates hovering close to the ground. According to locals, these humanoids show themselves only to “certain type of people with higher thinking”
Source:Santiago Yturria Garza syturria@intercable.net in: ufoupdates@virtuallystrange.net quoting Kathy Adelaide
Date: April 2005
Location: Wilmington North Carolina
Time: night
Summary: Kathleen Gay (involved in other encounters) was awakened by a light that went through the house, a bedroom, a door, a hallway and another door, to be by her bedside which stayed for about an hour until she noticed an unusual sensation of “innocence” and great love near her window which is level with her head. She stared for five minutes and finally saw an “electrical being” about 4 ft tall, with a yellow glowing face, eyes and mouth that seemed to smile shyly. The being had what appeared to be electrical lines running down his neck and body. The witness invited it to come closer in a loud voice but the creature soon disappeared.
Source: http://www.etcontact.net/newsite
Date: April 2005
Location: Kuranda, Northern Queensland, Australia
Time: night
Summary: A woman reported lying in her bed one night when she received a message to wake up. When she did she could see a golden dome above her house which had red and blue lights on it. She also reported having numerous paranormal experiences including two near death experiences. One of these occurred when she was 11-years of age and was pushed into a pool. She couldn’t swim and was drowning when she saw a funnel appear which contained her life. Her second NDE was at age 27 during childbirth. She had lost a great deal of blood and her heard had stopped. She floated out of her body and up to the ceiling where she could see the nurses wheeling in a machine to restart her heart. In her out of body state she could see her own blood and wondered whose it was. Although she tried to communicate with the staff nobody appeared to hear her as they didn’t respond. She was proclaimed dead by the doctors and woke up to find a sheet pulled over her face and her father crying over her body.
Source: ACUFOS News
Date: April 2005
Location: Wloclawek, Poland
Time: 2200
Summary: The witness had gone to bed along with his wife after a long day at work when suddenly he was awakened by something, he felt as he had been lying on his back in a kind of quasi-sleep state. Moments later he sees a light in an upper corner of the room that rapidly rushes down towards the witness and strikes him on his chest. At this point he begins to feel very light and had the impression that he was floating in the air and he was emanating a white glow. He felt like his body was stretching or bending and experienced the following thought, “Yes, I can live this way, nothing hurts, and is all right”. He then turns on his side and that’s all he remembers. He told his wife about the strange “dream” and she told him that on the same night the room had been filled with a strange light. She wanted to wake up but couldn’t. Apparently the witness experiences similar phenomena two months later.
Source: NPN ORG Poland
Date: April 2 2005
Location: Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Time: 2000
Summary: Several local residents sighted a strange bird-like creature “loitering” in the sky. The strange thing about the “bird” was that it had a white light on top of the portion of his neck. The creature itself was white in color according to one witness, Khairul Mohamad, 11-years of age. He and several friends spotted the bird after it had stopped raining. The bird was said to be much larger than any ordinary birds. Many other residents in the nearby villages also claimed to have sighted a similar bird-like creature on the same night. And just less than 4km away a bright UFO was sighted by many in a nearby village at 2200 on the same night. The UFO was seen on three consecutive nights
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin aj404my@yahoo.com
Date: April 5 2005
Location: Culiacan Sinaloa, Mexico
Date: April 10 2005
Location: El Zumbador El Cobre Venezuela
Summary: 2 crashed objects
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: April 15 2005
Location: Baltow, Poland
Time: night
Summary: That night the 55-year old witness (involved in a previous encounter) felt like she was leaving her body. She could see her sleeping husband from above. After a while she found herself in a strange “dark square”. Suddenly the figure that she saw back in March 10 appeared again. The figure was well built but she was not able to see any features in detail but was convinced that the entity was “evil” and that it was going to harm her. She then realized that she had to reach the “railings” at the end of the dark square. The dark eyed creature appeared to be spinning around and was approaching the witness. Anna knew that it wanted to strike her on her solar plexus. She then found herself pass the railings and saw several people around her and then felt that she was safe when a mysterious looking Asian man came to her. She then found herself sitting on her bed.
Source: Marcin Mizera “Demoniczne Spotkania” & Piotr Ayman M Cielebia woe_@vp.pl
Date: April 28 2005
Location: Paris, France
Date: April 28 2005
Location: Timbo Arkansa
Date: April 28 2005
Location: Campania Italy (exact location not given)
Time: 1140A
Summary: At least 30 students and a teacher at a local grammar school reported encountering a bizarre creature walking the corridors of the building. The creature was short, with a large head and claw-like hands, no other description is available. The witnesses ran from the school and apparently the creature left. The school chancellor advised the students who all elected to remain anonymous not to talk to the press about the incident. No other information.
Source: CUN Italia
Date: April 2005
Location. Near Boulder, Colorado
Date: late April 2005
Time: 0100A-0200A
The witness (involved in other experiences) had gone to bed around midnight. He had been feeling uneasy and couldn’t go to sleep even though he was exhausted. He decided to burn some sage and say some extra prayers of protection. Right before going to sleep, his friend’s dog woke up, barking strangely. She was silenced by her owners and everything was quiet. Sometime around 1-2am the witness felt “attacked” while sleeping. He saw a white entity at first in his “dream state”. When he noticed that something was unusual about the entity (nothing in particular, just a feeling) the situation changed. Immediately there was a physical contact, which angered the witness. There were 3 separate entities that literally jumped on his back, trying to forcibly “get inside” of him or do something to him. He fought them off and when he turned over nothing was there. He went back to sleep, this time sleeping on his back, ready to fight again. An hour or so later he had another encounter but it was different. He felt a presence and started to wake up. Something was going down his throat. He woke up coughing and choking. He saw a probe of some kind retract through the ceiling. The probe was a white flexible “etheric” tube that wasn’t solid. This angered him even more. He then called upon the highest guidance for protection while he slept. There were no more incidents. However in the morning he had a sore throat.
Date: April 2005
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