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(Last Updated On: )
Date: Summer 1967
Location: Near Middletown Ohio
Time: unknown
Summary: A huge bird like creature was sighted flying over several farms. James Morgan said it had a wingspan from about 15-20 feet and was dark in color, resembling a pterodactyl. Four other witnesses saw the creature as it glided over their porch.
Source: : Ron Schaffner
Date: Summer 1967
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Time: 0200A
Summary: The witness had gone outside to lie down on the grass & look at the star-filled sky, when he noticed three odd looking green lights arranged in an equilateral triangle, hovering high above the area. He began concentrating his thoughts towards the lights, thinking about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Suddenly one of them shot away from the formation & began moving closer to the witness. The object, which now appeared to be saucer shaped, with its bottom spinning, with red lights on top & green lights on the bottom, hovered briefly above the witness, then landed behind a nearby church. Soon, a humanoid figure at least 12-feet tall appeared. The figure was accompanied by an odd looking animal described as a cross between an ostrich and a buzzard. The giant humanoid was dressed all in black, with arms and legs in proportion to a human. Its head was like a large dome, with no visible facial features. The being could apparently read the witness’s thoughts & answered some of the witness questions by nodding his head. He claimed to be from a planet within our galaxy & that it was looking for a place to raise their “livestock.” Soon the being & the strange bird-like animal re-entered the craft, which then shot up to join the other two. Then all three shot out into space and vanished.
Source: Heartland UFO Journal # 41
Date: Summer 1967
Location: Miami Florida
Time: 0300A
Summary: Antonio Martin was fishing at the mouth of the Miami River near an area called Government Cut, when he heard some loud splashing in the water. Suddenly he saw coming out of the water a huge 8-foot tall hair covered figure. The figure weighted about 400 lb and was covered with thick black hair; it had large eyes and pointy ears, long dangling arms and huge hands and feet. The figure, dragging his left leg, had no trouble jumping a nearby fence, it stood 10 feet from Martin staring at him, and making a guttural sound. Suddenly the lights of a police car illuminated the figure, which ran and jumped into the water quickly disappearing from sight. Two police officers with drawn weapons approached the witness and told them that they suspected the creature had come across a nearby canal. They admitted knowledge of the creature apparently having been seen before.
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo
Date: Summer 1967
Location: Fort Lauderdale Florida
Time: late afternoon
Summary: Marge Rogers was sitting in her den reading a book on flying saucers when she felt her hair stand up as if from an electrical current. She looked up & saw 2 men 8 ft tall, wearing space suits. “The helmets were like boxes, with a square box on top.” The men’s eyes appeared to be blue. She heard a deep voice say, “Tell your people to stop trying to find out about us in space.” The men then disappeared. Since this experience she had “become very psychic.”
Source: letter to Cufos
Date: Summer 1967
Location: New York City, New York
Time: evening
Summary: Max’s Kansas City was a famous watering hole for New York’s hip crowd. In the summer of 1967 an oddball character wandered into that restaurant noted for its oddball clientele. He was tall and awkward. His chin came to a sharp point and his eyes bulged slightly like “thyroid eyes.” He sat down in a booth and gestured to the waitress with his long tapering fingers. “Something to eat” he mumbled. The waitress handed him a menu. He stared at it uncomprehendingly, apparently unable to read. “Food”, he said almost pleadingly. “How about a steak?” she offered. “Good”. She brought him a steak with all the trimmings. He stared at it for a long moment and then picked up his knife and fork, glancing around at the other diners. It was obvious he did not know how to handle the implements. The waitress watched him as he fumbled helplessly. Finally she showed him how to cut the steak and spear it with the fork. He sawed away at the meat. Clearly he really was hungry.
“Where are you from” she asked gently.
“Not from here.”
“Another World” Was his incredulous answer.
The waitresses then gathered around and watched the bizarre character as he fumbled with his food.
Source:: John Keel, “The Mothman Prophecies“
Date: Summer 1967
Location: Union Avenue Bridgeport,CT
Time: afternoon
Summary: I notice something in the sky that was in the distant and i had never seen before and suddenly it turned around and came toward us. My grandma screamed to get inside and i was by now on the porch with her and my sister and friends still on the sidewalk. The silver object with its multi-colored lights ,just hovered over the telephone pole ,just above it. We were all frozen with and unable to move and also curiosity and it seemed like forever and then it just sped off so fast and disappeared to where i first noticed it. ROUND SHAPE AND AROUND CENTER WAS A SILVER RING AROUND THE CRAFT WITH MULTI-COLOERD LIGHTS GOING IN A CIRCULAR MOTION ONE AFTER THE OTHER.MY GRANDMOTHER AND I WERE ON OUR PORCH WATCHING AND MY SISTER AND MAYBE TWO OTHER NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS WERE STANDING ON SIDEWALK NEAR THE STREET LOOKING UP.
Source: UFO.net
Date: Summer 1967
Location: Loughborough Leicestershire England
Time: night
Summary: The witness found himself in a dream like state floating out of his bed and house into a featureless room. A tall, normal looking human dressed like a doctor examined the witness’s eyes. At that time the witness awoke with a temporary pain in the chest.
Source: Raymond Fox Strangeways, FSR Vol. 30 # 4
Date: June 1967: Morro Branco, Ceara, Brazil Abduction
Date: June, No date, 1967
Location: Fremont, Ohio
Time: Evening
Summary: A pilot and his wife saw an object with amber to red body lights moving an estimated 100 mph at about 2,000 feet altitude. The object stopped, the lights blinked off and on three or four times, then it disappeared over the horizon in 5 seconds (rapid departure).
Source: Stroud letter, 7/21/67, NICAP files
Date: June 1967
Location: Santa Barbara California
Time: 2030
Summary: The two young witnesses were walking along a beachfront area when they became aware of seven three-foot tall beings following them. The beings were humanoid with large round eyes. They wore black jumpsuits with a white “V” pattern down to the waistline. The witnesses then ran to their homes but could see that the beings were still following them. The witnesses now hid behind some bushes until the beings finally apparently left. Both youngsters arrived home and realized that they had lost 3 hours of time.
Source: Tom Dongo, Alien Tide
Summary: Early June 1967; Khoper River, Russia
11:00 p.m. LT. While walking along the banks of the river M. Gavrilyuk and his wife saw a luminous object shaped like a half moon. The weather was clear and the real moon was shining in the sky. The object moved from the west to the south, passing above the moon and accelerating until it disappeared, leaving a faint trace. (Ref. 3)
Location. Near Mt. Incahuasi Chile
Date: June 1967
Time: night
The main witness, Manuel Munoz Carvajal, a chauffeur who had become sick because of the altitude was returning from a drive when a ball of fire flew by the car. Moments later a light that appeared to be from a truck approached, it shone a brilliant beam on the witness and his companions hurting their eyes. Soon they passed under a disc shaped object with resembled a walnut, with lights and antennas. A loud noise could be heard. The object followed the vehicle for some time. Later under hypnosis Mr. Carvajal was able to recall more details of the event. He remembered getting out of the van and approaching the object, then found himself unable to move and apparently fell asleep. In a dream like state he saw two men come out of the object, then woke up again inside the car, while the beings walked around outside. The humanoids were described as having large heads, large protuberant eyes, round faces, and pointed dog-like ears. They were short and their skin was green. They had broad chests & narrow waists with thin, knee-less legs. Their clothing was skin-tight and one of the beings seemed to be the leader. The witness felt telepathic communication from the humanoids. The next day he reportedly saw two of the beings at the same location on the road.
Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 4
Location. Near Veracruz Mexico
Date: June 1967
Time: late night
A vacationing couple traveling along an isolated stretch of road struck with their vehicle a huge eight-foot tall furry man like creature with combined human-ape facial features. The driver walked up to the creature that was lying prone on the ground when it suddenly sprang up and ran into the nearby dense tropical forest. The being was completely covered with reddish hair and had long thin fingers.
Source: Warren Smith, Strange Abominable Snowman
Date: June 1, 1967.
Location: San Jose de Valderas, Spain
Time: 20:00
Summary: A yellow-orange disc with windows and three less (tripod landing gear) landed , leaving three holes and burned grass (physical traces) at the landing site. (Ballester Olmos, 1976, p. 11.)
Summary: June 1, 1967; St. Augustine, FL
8:12 a.m. EDT. A woman saw a revolving disc with peaked top for 2-3 minutes. It passed in front of a cloud and made a sound like a jet aircraft. (NICAP report form.)
Time: June 1, 1967; Richmond, VA
11:30 a.m. EDT. A pre-teen boy and a 16-year-old girl saw a hubcap-shaped (disc) object with red and green lights (body lights) around the perimeter, white and golden at the bottom. The Volkswagen-sized object landed in a clearing in the woods. A slight buzzing sound was heard. The object took off fast (“like lightning”) and disappeared. The young boy was so upset that he was taken to the hospital. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June f 1967, p. 7; unidentified newspaper clipping, 6/2/67, NICAP files.
Summary: June 1, 1967 (approx); Warrensburg, MO
Witnesses in their car on the way home from College classes at Central Mo. State University in Warrensburg on Hwy. 13. They reported two lights cross in front of their windshield very, very rapidly.
Summary: June 1, 1967; Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, Canada
5:00 p.m. MDT. A school-bus driver saw a circular, dull aluminum object that had a superstructure with eight circular marks or portholes around its midsection. Above that was a glass-like dome. The object paced the bus for 2 miles, maneuvering and hovering around it. The object apparently responded to headlights turned onto it (light reaction), rocking four times before it rose with a roar and Disc disappeared. (Clausen report, NICAP files; U.F.O Investigator, school bus Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June, p. 3.)
Date: June 2, 1967
Location: McKeesport, PA BBU
Summary: Clark and Smith. Conflicting data on whether to ID this as meteor.
Source: Hynek-CUFOS-Willy Smith files; FUFOR Index
Time: June 2, 1967; Philadelphia, PA
10:20 p.m. EDT. A man saw a glowing orange disc for 8-10 minutes. The object moved slowly, then suddenly accelerated away. (NICAP report form.)
Time: June 3, 1967; Extremadura, Spain
Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed. Cat and mouse pursuit. Object shot straight up and disappeared (section II).
Time: June 5, 1967; Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada
1:00 p.m. CDT. A Mounted Policeman and a Royal Canadian Air Force squadron leader saw a silvery circular or slightly oblong object flying rapidly to the north with a wobbling motion. The object was visible for about 15 seconds. (Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba, 6/29/67, copy in NICAP files; Winnipeg Free Press 6/7/67 with date of sighting indicated as June 6, copy in NICAP files; case reported to the University of Colorado Project).
Summary: June 5, 1967; Shamokin, PA
Evening. A school principal, teachers, and many elementary school students saw three objects for 1 1/2 hours. Two were high, and one was low near transmission lines. The sighting occurred during an area electric power blackout (EM effects). The lower object, joined the higher ones and all disappeared at high speed. The local newspaper ( reported damaged generators at Shamokin Dam Plant. (Cook report, NICAP files; The Shamokin Dam News.)
Time: June 5, 1967; Uncasville, CT
9:20 p.m. EDT. A man saw three lights in triangular formation that hovered over a power station, emitted a brilliant blue flash, and moved away. Two of the lights were red and pulsating, and the third was a steady white. They were viewed through binoculars. (NICAP report form.)
Time: June 5, 1967; Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
10:30 p.m. PDT. Five neighbors saw a large saucer-shaped, orange-yellow object with distinct edges. The object flew into view, hovered for 2 minutes, tilted on edge, and took off at high speed. A similar object appeared in the same spot, behaved similarly, but flew off in another direction. The object was viewed through binoculars. (Letter dated 6/9/67, NICAP files.)
Time: June 6, 1967; Itajuba, Brazil
1:30 a.m. LT. A mushroom-shaped object buzzed a car. Humanoid faces were seen through a window in the object. EM effects on the car were reported. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 6; cited in Rodeghier, 1981, p. 35.)
Time: June 6, 1967; Colonsay, Saskatchewan, Canada
8:40 p.m. CDT. A former World War II paratrooper and others saw an object with shiny, bright, white oval lights (body lights). It approached within 400 feet, stopped, glided from side-to-side, then sped away. (NICAP report form.)
Date: June 6, 1967.
Location: Suomussalmi, Finland near Soviet border
Summary: Arvi Juntunen. A saucer-like object flying just above the ground. Device was brownish, it had diameter not more than 80 cm and it caused little hum. After first witness tried to get close to the object, he sensed weak electrical shock in his body after the object started to move and three antennas arose from it. He wasn’t able to get much closer as the device was moving and his hat, which he threw towards the UFO, fled almost 15 meters away from it because of the strong whirlwind as the device was moving.
Time: June 6, 1967; Pine Grove, PA
11:55 p.m. EDT. A woman and her son saw a silvery disc-shaped object that flew two to three times the speed of a jet. (Witness letter to Cook, 7/12/67, NICAP files.)
Date: June 7 1967
Location: Itajuba Minas Gerais Brazil
Time: 0130A
Summary: A disc shaped object with a rectangular protuberance on its underside approached close to an ambulance driven by Geraldo Baqueiro and caused its electrical system to fail. Through a transparent surface of the object, brightly illuminated, the faces of strange beings, resembling bipedal cat-like creatures with cat-like eyes stared at the stunned witness intently.
Source: H B Aleixo, FSR Vol. 14 # 6 Also Panel Ovni, Brazil
Date: June 9 1967
Location: Seattle Washington
Time: 2100
Summary: 6-year old Leland W was in the bathroom when a red ball came in at the window and struck him in the forehead, then “went up through the ceiling.” He looked outside and saw bright blue, red, and black lights, and a strange being who had short horns, slanting eyes, and a lipless mouth. This stranger asked the boy what the garden soil was, and told him to “watch the rocket ship—he’d be back.” Then he flew up on the roof, with 2 tanks on his back shooting out white smoke. The boy said, “He didn’t have a body.” Two more strange beings were visible in the ship. Then the first being came back, asked Leland what a tree in the backyard was, and pointed a gun-like implement at him; the boy screamed and ran out of the bathroom.
Source: Richard Hall for Nicap
Summary: June 9, 1967; Extremadura Province, Spain
Time not reported. A Spanish Air Force jet trainer flying at 1,200 meters altitude encountered an unidentified object that played “cat and mouse” with the plane. The object speeded up and slowed down, and moved above and below the T-33. The aircraft’s radio emitted static and ceased to function (EM effects) when the object was close to the plane. The object finally disappeared climbing vertically at high speed. (Good, 1987, p. 149; from Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1968, p. 26.)
Time: June 9, 1967; Pittsburgh, PA
9:35 p.m. EDT. Three adults and three children saw a fast-flying object with a large white light on top (body lights). The object also had lights around the edge like windows, which appeared to revolve. (Letter dated 6/20/67, NICAP files.)
Date: June 10, 1967
Location: Freeport, TX
Time: 6:30 a.m. CDT.
Summary: A man saw four light sources for about an hour that moved fast, stopped, zigzagged, straightened, made right-angle turns and other maneuvers. One object emitted a red flash.
Source: Texas NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files
Date: June 10, 1967 Woonsocket, Rhode Island Photo
Date: June 11, 1967
Location: Da Nang, Vietnam
Time: Time not reported.
Summary: An unknown number of witnesses saw a silvery cylinder for several minutes, reportedly chased by two Air Force F-102 interceptors.
Source: Associated Press, New York Post, 6/15/67, NICAP files
Date: June 11, 1967: Encounter No# 2 in South Wellington, Texas
Date: June 11, 1967: Encounter No# 3 in Loco, Texas
Date: June 11, 1967
Time: June11, 1967; Harrisburg, PA
11:15 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a bright cigar-shaped object with a red light. The object hovered, accelerated straight up and disappeared. The red light turned green when the object ascended (color/motion correlation). (NICAP report form.)
Date: June 11, 1967
Summary: June 11, 1967; Dorval, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
11:30 p.m. EDT. Two witnesses, including a graduate student in psychology at Harvard, saw an oval, dull gray object with three colored lights (body lights) and a glowing pink band around the middle. The object moved slowly at tree-top level from lake to shore, hovered, then moved behind trees, finally disappearing. It was estimated to have passed 100-150 feet away from the witnesses at eye level. (NICAP report form.)
Date: June 13 1967
Location. Caledonia Ontario Canada
Time: 0230A
Summary: A night shift worker, Carmen Cuneo, saw two objects in the factory’s scrap heap and dump area; a large cigar shaped object on the ground, 35 feet long by 15 feet thick, and a hovering disc shaped object about 15 feet in diameter. The smaller object, tilted up at a 45-degree angle, had a row of orange-lighted windows around its periphery. In the larger object were four square windows emitting a pulsating orange light, and from one end of it projected upward a 45 degree angle a boom or rod 15 feet long, bearing a large red light at the end. Beneath this light moved three small humanoid figures about 3-foot tall, apparently wearing miner’s hats with small lights on them, who were picking up and examining small objects on the ground, with quick, jerky movements. After watching for 10 minutes, Cuneo called Marvin Hannigan to see it, but by the time Hannigan arrived the humanoids were gone. Then the two craft started to rise, very slowly, straight up into the air; after they reached a height of 50 feet, they departed at about 40-45 mph without sound. At the site branches were broken and the brush charred, and an oily liquid was found on the ground.
Source: James J Ferrito & Jeffrey J Gow for Nicap
Date: June 14 1967
Location: Landers, California
Summary: A picture of a “UFO” taken by Richard Sandberg over a small observatory at Landers, California on June 14, 1967.
Time: June14, 1967; Manchester, England
A group of International Sky Scouts in England saw a cigar-shaped object while engaging in a skywatch near London. In Manchester, five unidentified objects were observed making “gyrations and extraordinary maneuvers.” (Baltimore Sun 6/26/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Date: June 15 1967
Location: Lexington, Michigan
Summary: A couple who reported seeing strange lights on Lake Huron told the Sheriff Department that they spotted an object resembling a “submarine with what appeared to be a Russian insignia” as well as what seemed to me figures of men dressed in frogman’s suits. The woman shone a light towards in the direction of the craft and it submerged.
Source: Shadow Research Inc.
Date: mid June 1967
Location: Chimney Rock Colorado
Time: afternoon
Summary: A month after seeing a strange crescent shaped light over the Great Sand Dunes National Monument and painting a picture of the light, the witness; Mrs Blundell was visited by a strange character at the Pine Cove Inn. The man was deathly pale, had very dark hair, and wore a dark suit. He told Mrs Blundell that he was not from our universe and could not read but could name the contents of any book in any library. He expressed interest in obtaining the picture of the light, but said he had no money and would return on a later date. The strange visitor then departed in a vehicle with Arizona license plates. He was not seen again.
Source:APRG Reporter November 1967
Date: June 18, 1967.
Location: Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Summary: The photo actually appears to be from a much earlier time period as it has a strange resemblance to an Adamski ship of the 1950s. Probable hoax.
Date: June 18, 1967: UFO Visits Ontario Lake
Time: June 21, 1967; Mechanicsville, VA
3:00 a.m. EDT. A woman saw a large lighted object with a rounded bottom and domed top that rose straight up from the woods into the sky with a roar like a jet. Trees in the woods reportedly were bent and broken (physical traces), all at the same height. (Heath letter 6/26/67, NICAP files.)
Date: June 21 1967
Location: Cordoba Argentina
Time: daytime?
Summary: Four days prior of a massive wave of UFO sightings in the region a man dressed in black showed up at the newsroom of Cordoba’s, “Los Principios” daily, where he dropped off a letter addressed to the editor stating that before the week was out the Southern Cone would experience a massive fly over involving hundreds of extraterrestrial craft. The day before the sighting began, the newspaper received a phone call stating, “Attention, it will begin at any moment…”
Source: Dr Rafael Lara
Time: June 21, Los Angeles, CA
2:30 a.m. PDT (5:30 a.m. EDT). Two witnesses in a very barren area outside of the city observed two bright, cone-shaped objects, one after the other, that undulated, appeared to change to disc shape, and rose abruptly, the second joining the first in the sky. After hovering briefly, the objects vanished. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report in NICAP files.)
Time: June 21, 1967; Kenmare, ND
10:45 p.m. CDT. Three boys and a policeman saw a hovering oblong object that had a row of lighted windows or ports. They viewed it through binoculars for about one minute. (North Dakota NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) [Kenmare, North Dakota, is located in the area of the Lima Flight Launch Facilities, Minuteman ICBM Complex, Malmstrom AFB, MT]
Time: June 22, 1967; Danville, VA
9:30 p.m. EDT. A couple saw a central white light surrounded by alternating rows of revolving yellow lights or ports on a dark object. The object tipped 45 degrees, righted, hovered, and reversed direction before disappearing. (Letter dated 6/23/67, NICAP files.).
Time: June 24, 1967; Austin, TX (BBU 11815)
3:12 a.m. Artist/UFO contactee Ray Stanford saw a solid, blue-white, elliptical object fly from NW to NE and stop, seemingly in response to flashlight signal, for 1.5 minutes. Object then continued along its original path at high speed and disappeared behind clouds. (Berliner, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.)
Date: June 24 1967
Location: Bovington England
Time: night
Summary: A man walking alone along a bridal path came upon a strange figure bending down by the side of the path. The figure was short and was wearing what looked like a black one-piece leather suit. He had a trowel like object in his hand and appeared to be digging in the earth. When he noticed the witness approaching the figure made a strange, high-pitched sound and was lost from sight. No other information.
Source: Jenny Randles, Awareness Winter 1977
Summary: June 24, 1967; Trenton, ME
10:00 a.m. EDT. Two people saw a silver-gray, hat-shaped object hovering over the ocean about 500 feet from the shore. The object emitted vapor at its base. Finally it ascended into a fog bank, descended again farther away (maneuvered), then moved out of sight. (Fowler, 1974, p. 349.)
Time: June 24, 1967; Warrenton, VA
11:00 p.m. EDT. Two people saw three small objects and a large object that was white, blue, green, and red colored (multicolored lights). Finally the three smaller objects merged with the larger one and disappeared after about an hour. (Pickrell report, NICAP files.)
Summary: June 24, 1967; Paso de los Libres, Argentina
At 10:00 pm in Paso de los Libres, policemen saw 8-10 bright lights that flew in formation over a military post at an estimated 15,000 feet altitude. (La Voz Del Interior 6/26/67, NICAP files.)
Time: June 24, 1967; Asuncion, Paraguay
In Paraguay, Asuncion, many residents saw six objects in formation maneuvering over the city. Communications interference (EM effects) was reported by the airport control tower director. (Baltimore Sun 6/26/67,.copy in NICAP files.)
Time: June 25, 1967; Wilmington, DE
9:30 p.m. A man saw a lens-shaped, metallic-appearing object (disc) with a “deck” and a “pole” (protrusion) at the rear. The object was estimated to be 100 feet in diameter, and had a 10-foot-thick black band around the rim. A red light that looked like an exhaust opening was visible. The red changed to green, orange, yellow, and back to red. The object passed over the house, turned about a half mile away, and came back over the house again before disappearing. (Phone call from witness, 7/20/67, NICAP files.)
Location. Near Harrisburg Pennsylvania
Date: June 25 1967
Time: 0205A
Summary: During a wave of sightings in the Harrisburg area, 2 anonymous observers saw a brightly lit UFO hovering 20 feet off the ground; although no figures were seen, the pair could hear voices coming from the object, speaking an incomprehensible kind of “gibberish.”
Source: George Cook for Nicap
Date: June 25 1967
Location: Near Durham Connecticut
Time: 1030A
Summary: Robert Luca was driving from Durham to Hamnonassett Beach when he saw 2 large cigar shaped objects in the sky. From one of those came 2 smaller objects; one flew to the east, the other to the west. One of the discs came towards him, descending in falling leaf like fashion behind some trees about 1/4 mile away. It was dull metallic in color. The next thing of which he was conscious was arriving at the beach shortly before 1400, with no memory of the intervening 3 hours. Under hypnosis in 1977, Luca remembered being nude in a room with a white floor, lighted by indirect blue white light. In a later session, he remembered being on a table in this room, with 2 “persons” at his head & feet who had large baldheads, no noses & “tapered” faces. Further hypnosis investigation is in progress (1978).
Source: David Webb & Richard Nycz
Time: June 26, 1967; Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii
8:40 a.m. HDT. A woman and her son saw a double disc (like one plate inverted on top of the other) that hovered and was observed through a 20x telescope. The object then moved rapidly to the east, returned, hovered briefly, then flew away rapidly to the south and disappeared into clouds. The sighting lasted 1-2 minutes. (Witness interviewed by Richard Hall who was visiting in Maui at the time; report in NICAP files.) :
Date: June 27 1967: Capsule-shaped Object Photographed in Wichita, Kansas
Date: June 27, 1967
Summary: June 27, 1967; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
1:00 pm. CDT. A couple saw a glowing yellow object shaped like a large soup bowl (dome shaped). The object hovered about 300 feet over a service station, moved slowly, hovered again over a river, then disappeared below the tree line. (McPhillips report, NICAP files.)
Date: June 28, 1967
Summary: June 28, 1967; Tehran, Iran
8:00 p.m. LT. Reportedly 10,000 people saw a bright round, glowing object three times larger than the full moon. It hovered, sped away, landed, and took off. (Tehran Yomiori, 7/1/67, NICAP files.)
Date: June 28, 1967
Location: New Castle, Pennsylvania.
Summary: UFO photographed by Gabriel Kozora at New Castle, Pennsylvania, USA, on 28th June 1967 while he was photographing his young son. He said the object was about 60 feet long and it hovered overhead for about 15 seconds before heading northwest. Another source says it flew over from south to north. The witness was quoted as saying he was all shook up, wanted no publicity, and believed that the government was responsible for objects.
Date: June 29, 1967
Location: Scotch Plains, NJ BBU 11831
Time: 1:30 a.m.
Summary: Truck driver Damon Brown saw an oyster-shaped object 200 ft wide 25-30 ft thick with a huge red light at each end, one light on the bottom, and a row of blue lights along the bottom, which circled an aircraft, hovered, moved rapidly, then followed the witness’ car for about 500 ft, veered S and departed at great speed.
Source: Berliner
Summary: June 29, 1967; Newington, CT
10:50 p.m. EDT. The 18-year-old daughter of an engineering instructor saw a luminous disc for 1 minute as it darted among clouds with abrupt motions. (Letter from witness’ father dated 7/6/67, NICAP files.)
Time: June 30, Rapid City, SD
2:00 a.m. MDT. Three patrolmen saw a large object with red. green, and white flashing lights (body lights) and windows that emitted light illuminating the ground. The object took off and hovered just above trees, exhibited jerky movements, landed again, the white light growing brighter as it neared the ground (luminosity/motion correlation). It then took off and flew away over a hill. (Rapid City Journal, 7/2/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Date: June 30 1967
Location: Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
Time: 1800
Summary: A woman was walking through her house when she heard an odd beeping sound. It was repeated at regular intervals of about one second, and she wondered what was causing it. She looked out her kitchen window, and saw dirt and loose pieces of paper flying in a large circle around the house. Outside, she found her husband (who had just returned home) and five children staring up into the sky. A young boy was holding her eight-year old daughter down on the ground. Up in the sky, a rectangular object hung in the air, slowly rotating counter-clockwise and showing alternating silver and black sides. It was black on its lower surface and made no noise. The object began moving off at an angle, stopped and hovered, then continued towards the southeast. Until this time, the circle of dirt and dust had persisted, but it now died down. The whirlwind was confined to the area immediately around their house and did not affect any other houses on the street. When the object moved away, the dirt fell to the ground. Going to the children, the woman found they were gradually calming down, all except her daughter, who seemed dazed. The boy explained that the five of them had been playing in the yard when the object first appeared overhead. As they watched, her daughter had risen into the air, apparently under the influence of the object in the sky. By the time the other children had come to her aid, she was about one meter off the ground and her clothes had edged up her body. Her daughter said she did not remember anything from the time she felt the wind, to the time she recovered after being dragged back to the ground.
Source: Chris Rutkowski in Unnatural History, True Manitoba Mysteries
Date: late June 1967
Location: Near Downieville California
Time: evening
Summary: A family of tourists, who refused to be identified, reported that while camping at Wild Plum Campground they heard a whistling sound and saw a large saucer shaped object descend on a parking area. Robot like arms came out of the vessel’s sides and took samples of earth. A turret atop the object turned so that a large porthole faced them, and they heard clicking sounds. Then a mechanical sounding voice, “asked them to identify themselves from left to right,” which they did. The object again emitted a whistling sound and took vertically at high speed.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source
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