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(Last Updated On: )
Date: January 1965
Location: San Miguel, Andes, Argentina
Time: unknown
Summary: It was reported that an object had fallen from the sky at San Rafael, 4 kilometers fro San Miguel, and a photograph of it appeared later in FSR May/June 1965. The Argentine Air Force subsequently removed the object, whatever it was. Most folk thought it was a satellite of some kind, but a few inhabitants of the area where convinced that it was a UFO and several said they had seen small individuals, near the object, that wore “strange diver’s suits” which gave off a greenish phosphorescence.
Source: Hanlon, The Humanoids
Date: January 1965
Location: Near Woodstock New York
Time: 0400A
Summary: A group of musicians (including Jimi Hendrix) driving back to Manhattan were stranded in a heavy blizzard and had gotten stuck in a heavy drift that reached the hood of their vehicle. It was bitter cold. The road ahead of them suddenly lit up, as a bright phosphorescent object, cone shaped, like a capsule landed in the snow about 100 feet up ahead. It stood on a tripod landing gear. Before any of the stunned occupants of the vehicle could move, a door opened on the side of the craft and an entity stepped out. He stood eight-feet tall, his skin was yellowish, and instead of eyes, the creature had slits. His forehead came to a point, and his head ran straight to his chest, leaving the impression that he had no neck. The being proceeded to float to the ground and glided towards the trapped occupants of the van. The snow seemed to melt in the wake of the creature. His body seemed to generate tremendous heat, so much so that as it came across a small rise, the snow disappeared around in all directions. In a matter of what seemed like seconds, the being came over to the right hand side of the van, where Hendrix sat and looked right through the window. According to other witnesses at the scene the creature seemed to be communicating telepathically with Hendrix. Immediately the interior of their vehicle began to heat up. The heat coming from the being evaporated the snow enough to free their imprisoned van. The being glide behind the van and the snowdrift by now had completely vanished. Turning the ignition the driver gunned the engine and drove away at high speed. As they looked back they could see the road filling in with snow again. The object was at the same instant lifting off like a rocket from a launching pad.
Source: Timothy Beckley, UFOs Among the Stars
Date: January 1965
Location. Near Table Mountain, Central Tasmania, Australia
Time: late afternoon
Summary: A hunter was stalking deer near the marsh area when a man in dark clothing suddenly appeared out of nowhere beside him and stayed with him in the walk, of about 150 yards, down to the marsh. The hunter tried to no avail to engage this man in conversation. He saw that the man seemed to have an incredibly old face marked by cracks and wrinkles, “like a skeleton with skin on it.” The man wore a big dark military coat with light epaulettes. At the edge of the marsh the hunter turned to the man and asked to no avail what he wanted. He then looked down and was shocked to see that the man had no feet. Then the man vanished.
Source: Bill Chalker
Date: January 1965: Torrent, Corrientes, Argentina Encounter
Date: January, 1965: Huge disc shaped object with bright light around edge
Date: January 1, 1965
Location: St. Ansgar, IA
Time: 20:00
Summary: The black top I was traveling was and still to this day is elevated 5ft. above the fields.Around 20:00 hrs (8:00 p.m.)Heading north,on my left side,i noticed a ball of fire grow from out of no where into a beatiful redish/orange color that intermixed with in itself.This energy/fireball glowed but did not light up the ground or area .This wonder stayed exactly to my left and same speed as i was driving(60mph).It stayed at this beatiful intentness and colors for 10 seconds max.,then dissapeared (went out??) as fast as it appeared.After maybe 6-7 seconds,to my supprize,again the same occourance happened as the first mentioned above.This time the brightness and color hit the same max as before for about 2-3 seconds-then intensified way beyond anything i had ever seen before,but could look at it. As i was thinking,just how big and bright will this thing become,it left at a rate of speed,that is not possible from anything on our earth.It went forward and up and out of sight in 2 seconds.Looking at it,the size would be compaired to a soccor ball at arms length.This object glowed redish orange.No actual structor was noticed.Just a intense beatiful color in a fire ball.Maintained with in itself.Nothing abnormal went on with the car.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: January 1 1965
Location: Norfolk, Virginia (BB)
Time: 3:13 a.m.
Summary: A Norfolk Police patrolman observed in the western sky one round large light leading 7-8 smaller bright lights in trail in single file formation on a straight and level flight path from south to north. The large light had the apparent size of a dime held at arm’s length. A split second before the final disappearance another large object seemed to shoot out ahead of the original large object. The observer was prompted to report his sighting after the local news announced the Patuxent River Naval Air Station radar tracking of two UFOs on 29 December.
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 5, 1965; Lynchburg, Virginia (BB)
On this date, (exact time not given) witnesses observed a round circle of light high in the sky moving southward. The object would pause then continue on course. This was reported to the Weather Bureau at the Lynchburg Airport by telephone. The area was scanned for 30 minutes by a AN/FPS-6 height finder radar. The length of the visual observation was 5 minutes. (Dan Wilson, BB files)
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 5, 1965; Wallops Island, VA (BB)
5:56 p.m. EST. A NASA engineer, M. Dempsey Bruton, head of the Wallops Island (Virginia) tracking station, observed a round bright yellow light rising from the horizon at 200 degrees azimuth. The apparent size of the object was that of a nickel held at arm’s length. As the object reached an overhead position it disappeared. The length of observation was approximately 8-9 seconds. The witness claims that his wife and brother-in-law made the same observation. (Section IV; Section VIII).
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 8, 1965; Georgetown, South Carolina (BB)
9:00 p.m. EST. A civilian observed two lighted objects approaching from SE over the ocean between Georgetown and Charleston. The objects were at an estimated altitude of 2-3 miles. The objects made an “U” turn and then went back out to sea. The objects’ speed was estimated as faster than jets. There was no sound. Objects apparently caused TV interference. (Dan Wilson, Project Blue Book files)
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 10, 1965; South Boston, Virginia (BB)
7:15 p.m. EST. The observer Strickland heard a hissing noise and looked up to see a large object with a long trail of sparks moving across the sky from north to south. After a few minutes the witness heard several planes overhead. (Dan Wilson, BB files
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan.10, 1965; Silver Springs, Maryland (BB)
Night. Three members of family observed a bright white light (1/2 size of the size of an automobile?), flying straight from NW to SE. The object was believed to be 200 feet from the ground and in level flight at 45 degrees elevation. The sky was overcast and visibility was 4 miles, according to the RECORD CARD. The length of observation was 5-10 seconds.The time given for the sighting on the RECORD CARD is 1555Z which converts to 10:55 a.m. EST. The time given on the JOINT MESSAGE FORM says 1555Z, at night. (Dan Wilson, BB files)
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 11, 1965; Washington, DC
4:20 p.m. At least 12 persons, including six Army Signal Corps communications system specialists observed 12-15 white ovals maneuvering erratically across the sky, with jets seen in pursuit apparently from Andrews AFB. Among the witnesses were Messrs. Paul M. Dickey, Jr. and Edward Shad. The Defense Department denied the incident. The witnesses have publicly maintained their story. (Section II).
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 12, 1965: Blaine AFB, Wash. (BBU)
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 12, 1965; Wallops Island, Virginia
6:30 p.m., a bright yellow object was seen for two minutes by Mr. and Mrs. Milliner, NASA public relations employees, on Wallops Island, Virginia.
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 12, 1965; Lynden, WA
Border Patrol officer saw bright disc illuminating ground, swoop down, hover near car, accelerate up into clouds with rushing air sound (section V).
Date: January 14 1965
Location: Thaxton, Virginia (BB)
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Summary: McManaway while watching a B-52 high in the sky saw a cigar-shaped object larger than the B-52. The object was heading east at an estimated 2,000 mph.
Source: Dan Wilson, BB files
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 14, 1965; Wilmot, NH
Cat. 3. Luminous object hovering, humming sound, electricity resumed when object sped away.
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 14, 1965; Staunton, Virginia
4:45 p.m. An object was seen over Staunton by Carl Billings and Jody Smith.
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 14, 1965; Dooms, Virginia
6:00 p.m. A stationary light was seen over Dooms by seven students and a bus driver.
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 14, 1965; ???, Virginia
12:00 p.m. Mr. James Myers, saw a circular object rise from the ground.
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 15, 1965: Between Wilmot and Enfield, N.H. (BB)
At 10 p.m. a former Manchester newsman, Mr. Charles Knee, Jr., was driving on Route 4-A when the radio suddenly stopped, the lights on the car went out and the engine quit. He lost control of the car and pulled to the side of the road and then heard a loud humming sound like a high frequency electrical whine. He then opened the car door and stepped out. He looked up and saw a very bright light below the cloud cover at around 2,000 to 5,000 feet altitude which looked about the size of a flashlight held at arm’s length pointed toward his face. It seemed to hover for a moment and then it took off to the south traveling very fast. As the light left and the whine died away the car’s lights and radio came on and the motor started. The whole thing lasted about 15 or 20 seconds. (Dan Wilson, BB files)
Date: January 18 1965
Location: Buchanan, Virginia (BB)
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Summary: Three children observed a round object with 3 rings like donuts stacked one on the other moving directly overhead. The object seemed to be high when first sighted to the north. The object paused momentarily and appeared to descend slightly, then ascend and continued on course to the south at a fast rate of speed. It was observed for 2 to 5 minutes. A check with the Washington Air Defense Sector revealed that there were no aircraft under their operational control at the time of the sighting. The area was scanned by a AN/FPS-6 height finder radar 45 minutes after the sighting.
Source: Dan Wilson
Date: January 19 1965: Landing & Aliens at Brand’s Flats, Virginia
Date: January 20 1965
Location: Long Beach Mississippi
Time: 0940A
Summary: A slow flying object was seen. Two figures were observed (presumably on board, through windows or however), one of which seemed to be operating a “camera like device,” as observed from the ground. No other information.
Source: Donald Hanlon, FSR Vol. 11 # 2
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 21, 1965; Richmond, Virginia (BB)
7:10 p.m. EST. A bright light, the size compared with a half dollar held at arm’s length was observed hovering over the tower of radio station WTVR. After hovering for a few seconds the object appeared to move rapidly to the north and disappear over the horizon. The light was seen for approximately 45 seconds. (Dan Wilson, BB docs)
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 22 (4th ?), 1965; Baltimore, Maryland (BB)
5:25 p.m. EST. A 10 year-old boy and 4 adults observed an egg-shaped object that went way up in the sky. The object suddenly dove down and disappeared far beyond the observers. [Two different dates are given for this sighting. Form 164 gave January 4th while the letter gave January 22nd] (Dan Wilson, Blue Book files).
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 23, 1965; Lightfoot, N of Williamsburg, Virginia (BBU 9242)
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 24-28, 1965; Unknown location in Alaska (BBU)
(McDonald List)
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 24, 1965; Richmond, Virginia
A radio newsman and his wife saw an orange ball of light streak across the sky and “blink out” over Richmond.5
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 24, 1965; Salem, Virginia
Five college students reported that an oval object kept pace with their car on a darkened highway near Salem. The object, at an altitude of about 400 feet, was observed to have three yellow lights and one green.
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 24, 1965; Verona, Virginia
A couple reported seeing a bright yellow light that hovered overhead for about five minutes before heading for Staunton.
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan 25, 1965, Marion, Virginia
A policeman and several other witnesses observed an object which took off from a wooded area on a hill. Traces were allegedly found.
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 25, 1965, Fredericksburg, Virginia
The same night, approximately twenty minutes after observation No. 20, nine persons saw a top-shaped object emitting sparks which moved up the Rappahannock Valley at a low altitude.
Date: January 25 1965
Location: 3 mi N. of Bedford, Virginia (BB)
Time: 10:55 a.m.
Summary: A person saw an aluminum-colored object of large dimensions fly slowly westward. Five minutes later, two persons at Moneta (10 miles southwest of Bedford) saw a bright cigar flying south to north.
Date: January 26 1965
Location: Brands Flat Virginia
Time: 1930
Summary: A group of teenagers, including Steve Miller, 16, were riding on Route 250 near Brands Flats when they saw a little man about 3 ½ feet tall sitting by the road watching the cars passing. He was wearing a silvery looking one-piece silvery garment. They got out of the car and pursued the little man; two more joined the first and ran with him, easily outrunning the boys and leaving no footprints in the muddy ground. The group contacted the Staunton police; within an hour a group of police were on the scene, as well as a young photographer, Charles Weaver. Weaver, and a man named Huffer, approached a barn, which the photographer entered; calling out to Huffer, who found his companion knocked down. Weaver claimed something struck him. They left the barn, but as they fled, believed they saw a little man standing in front of the building; Weaver paused long enough to take a picture, and the pair joined the other investigators. The disposition of the photograph was never determined.
Source: Local Police & Newspaper source
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 26, 1965; Marion, Virginia
Evening. The Marion police received numerous telephone calls concerning a stationary object described by Rev. Preston H. Robinson as circular and showing several lights. It flew away at high speed.
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 27-28, 1965; Altavista, Virginia (BB)
1:35 a.m. EST. As reported in accordance with AFR 200-2, one witness observed a bright light the size of a golf ball to baseball held at arm’s length. The object was observed maneuvering in an erratic pattern in and around three aircraft (2 aircraft the first night and 1 aircraft the second night) up and down over and above. (Dan Wilson, BB file
Date: January 1965
Summary: Jan. 27, 1965; Plum Tree Island (Hampton), Virginia (BB)
6:00 p.m. EST. A NASA research engineer, A. G. Crimmins (located at Hampton) observed an object that was approximately 75 feet across and 10 to 15 feet in height. The object had 3 to 7 lights colored red and orange. The object appeared to rotate. The object first appeared at an azimuth of 20 degrees and a maximum of 75 feet of elevation. The object moved approximately 1/4 mile west of the original position on a zigzag course and then appeared to land on the shore. It remained fixed for approximately five minutes. The object then took off to the north and then turned right to depart to the east at a high rate of speed. The object was viewed through 20-power binoculars. There were apparently other reports of similar sightings in the same area at approximately the same time. (UFOE II, Section IV).
Date: January 1965
Time: Jan. 28, 1965; Alaska (BBU)
3:30 a.m. (Over a period of 5 days there were object sightings reported throughout Alaska. Sightings were reported from Anchorage, Fairbanks, Cape Lisburne, Northeast Cape, Cape Newenham, Cape Romanzoff, Unalakleet, Indian Mountain, and Fort Yukon). On January 28, at 3:30 a.m. local time, an object was tracked on radar at the same time and direction as visual sightings of tear drop shaped objects. Object tracked on FPS-6 and FPS-20A radars. (Dan Wilson)
Date: January 30 1965
Location: Newport News, Virginia (BB)
Time: 8:35 p.m.
Summary: Five high school students observed a triangular shaped object, size compared to silver dollar held at arm’s length. The object was first observed at an angle of 45 degrees and an azimuth of 330 degrees at an estimated 3/4-mile away. The object made a descent to the south and then turned northwest. The object had a white light at the apex of the triangle with an orange light on the left base and a white light on the right base. The length of the observation was 20 minutes
Source: Dan Wilson
Date: January 30 1965: Sid Padrick Contact Case
Date: January 1965
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