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Date: 1955
Location: Kazakhstan
Summary: Crash – Allegedly in-fact the UFO was once more transported to Zhitkur.
Date: Mid 1950’s
Location: Yokohama, Japan
Date: 1955
Location: New York, New York
Date: 1955
Location: Homer Alaska
Time: night
Summary: 3-year old Mark Fritz reported encountering a strange being in his bedroom. The being was wearing a black cloak and pulled it open so the witness would not be scared. The witness recalled that the face was human-like and it made him feel at ease. The alien claim he was from a group that was called the “Nodnuls.” No other information.
Source: Art Bell, Shadow People
Date: 1955
Location: Lakewood Colorado
Time: unknown
Summary: Lloyd Arnold, 49, was in his home in Lakewood when he had an out of body experience in which he was taken aboard a UFO and examined by five occupants of normal height and appearance, although they had darker than normal skin. One spoke English, the other a tongue he has never heard. He recalls acceleration “like a jet, but more severe,” when he was flown to a place where the humanoids where gathered. “Call it a dream or hallucination, if you will. It was vivid and real. I was fully conscious and knew that I could stop it if I choose…but I have an immunity to fear.” His first UFO sighting was in 1913, and he has had many other sightings and experiences.
Source:Humcat quoting, Newspaper source
Date: 1955
Location: Adelaide South Australia
Time: unknown
Summary: A 10-year old girl recalled under hypnosis having been inside a disc shaped object and speaking with three men onboard the craft. The men apparently gave her a ride to a planet with an advanced society.
Source: Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic & Pony Godic
Source:IUR Vol. 14 # 4
Date: 1955
Location: Chita region, East Siberia, Russia
Time: unknown
Summary: A group of scientists conducting research in the area accidentally stumbled upon a network of cell-like hollows, similar to honeycombs, but of a huge size, about 2.5m in diameter consisting of a total length of cells of about 500 meters. In one of those cells the strange mummified body of a humanoid creature was found. The body of the entity was about 1.5m in height, with a disproportionately large, pumpkin-shaped head, short legs and six fingered hands. The finding soon caused interest in the regional Chita Department of the KGB. Once that happened all traces of the mysterious entity vanished, apparently the KGB had taken the body and shipped it to a classified laboratory. But later news came from nearby China from the Bayna-Kara-Ula region where similar entities had been discovered, reportedly descendants of a short dwarf-type gray yellowish alien entities that had crashed in the area in ancient times. Apparently the body of the entity was a kind of human-alien hybrid, identical to the type found in China.
Source: Sergey Kozhushko in: “Mysteries of Siberian Caves” “Tayny XX Veka” (Mysteries of the 20th Century) # 22 July 2005
Date: 1955
Location: Goudhurst Kent England
Time: 0330A
Summary: The witness was staying at the local village school and was sleeping in one of the rooms by herself. She suddenly awoke feeling a terrible coldness in the room. She then saw a strange figure crouching to the left of her bed. It was small and had two large staring eyes and appeared to be encased in a soft glow. It stared at the witness with an obscene and malevolent gaze. Eventually the room became warmer and the creature disappeared.
Source: Graham J MacEwan, Mystery Animals of Britain & Ireland
Date: 1955: Sighting Outside,Three Hills, Alberta Canada
Date: 1955: Eucla, Australia Crash
Date: 1955
Location: Zula, Ocotlan, Mexico
Time: daytime
Summary: Several young witnesses reported encountering a strange little man as they played in the backyard. They claimed that the being had human features and wore a form-fitting suit that covered his body completely except for his face. The first one who saw the little man was a 6-year old boy, who at first thought it was a doll and attempted to touch the humanoid, but when he approached the figure, this one stepped back. This alarmed the youngster who ran to his house and told his mother what he had seen. His mother did not believe him, but the boy insisted and dragged her outside. Once outside she almost ran into the strange humanoid and noticed that he had large lid-less protruding eyes that reminded her of a fly. Terrified, she fainted right away. Upon hearing the commotion outside other family members ran out to see what the problem was. Upon coming to her senses the woman noticed that the humanoid had now boarded a sort of floating platform that he seemed to control with a pair of pedals and a horizontal instrument panel on the top. The object seemed to move in short bursts or jumps and vaulted over a nearby fence, it then rose into the air and entered a large hovering metallic disc-shaped object that shot away at high speed quickly disappearing from sight.
Source: Luis Ramirez Reyes, “Contacto: Mexico”
Location. Near Jacksonville Florida
Date: 1955
Time: late afternoon
The witness and 2 other children were walking along a dirt road when they saw a flash and remembered a dark man, but only after hypnosis did she recall being taken aboard a craft and having knowledge taken out of her head by the beings. They told her they would return and that she was chosen. They also examined the other children.
Source: Dr James Harder & Dr Art Winkler
Date: 1955
Location. Moab Utah
Date: 1955
Time: late afternoon
The young witness (involved in previous encounters) was playing in his backyard alone while his mother washed clothes on the back porch. She went inside to the kitchen for 4 minutes and came back out to see the witness missing. They searched for him all over the neighborhood and found him an hour later crying and inside a coal box on the back of the house. Asked how he got there, the witness could only remember that several “little men” (not described) had carried him there. No other information.
Source: UFO Experiencer Support
Date: 1955
Location. Chillicothe, Ohio
Date: 1955
Time: night
The witness remembers floating out of his bedroom window, which was on the second floor, and rising up into a hovering disc shaped object. Inside several short gray creatures with huge black eyes, apparently performed several very “unpleasant” procedures on the witness.
Source: CAUS
Date: 1955
Location. Porto Alegre, Brazil
Date: 1955
Time: night
The witness was awakened by the sounds of her dog howling. Opening the window to look she was stunned to see a horrifying creature that frightened her. She described it as a bipedal black hairy creature, resembling a wolf. It was looking straight at her making a threatening growling sound. It seemed to drag itself as it walked away into the brush disappearing from sight.
Source: Luis Santos, Fenomeno Brazil
Date: 1955
Date: 1955
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Time: night
Summary: Seven-year-old William was in bed one night recovering from a minor mishap. His father was working night shift and his mother was sound asleep in bed. William looked across the room because some movement had attracted his attention. Standing next to a table he saw a figure with another one standing behind the first. They were not very tall and the one closest to him stared without blinking through round, quite large eyes, right at him. William noticed long snake-like things on the tops of their heads. He thought they were snakes because they were wiggling and moving. Both figures were doing something at the table with one still staring directly at William while the other one moved around. William now observed another figure over by the window, which also seemed to be staring at him. This third figure looked exactly like the other two. Then in a type of voice that he’d never heard before, one of the figures said “go to sleep little boy.” The eyes and the voice seemed almost hypnotic to William and he gradually fell asleep. At no time did he ever felt frightened by these figures.
Source:Phillip Mantle
Date: 1955
Location: Cedarville, Ohio
Time: night
Summary: On several occasions the main witness and his family reported seeing a hovering disc-shaped object hovering above some nearby railroad tracks. One night the witness remembering hearing a loud sound and an alarm go off. He then saw a tall “spaceman” wearing a dark gray suit and helmet with big blue eyes, which look like they were smiling at him. The witness was not afraid and the figure suddenly vanished.
Source:Mystical Universe, Alien UFO sightings
Date: 1955: Humanoid Dies In Sweden
Date: 1955
Location: Near Prague, Czechoslovakia
Time: night
Summary: The lone male witness, R, is sleeping and suddenly wakes up to see a woman with beautiful blue eyes staring at him. She speaks to him in a musical voice, before disappearing she tells him that they will someday meet again. Two years later he sees her again in Nottingham England along with a bright light and two men who speak to him in the same musical voice. They mention a UFO crash (no details) and awake him while “singing” to him.
Source: NUFON 177, October 1997
Date: 1955
Location: Sao Martinho de Bilene, Mozambique
Time: night
Summary: Several witnesses including indigenous personal and Portuguese colonials reported the landing of luminous oval-shaped objects in a local field. Several human like occupants wearing silvery luminous outfits would exit the crafts and collect soil, plant and other samples from the surrounding area. According to the source this episode was repeated on numerous occasions.
Source: Fernando da Silva Martins http://www.ufo.com
Date: September 20 1955
Location: Del Rio, Texas
Time: night
Summary: A young witness reported seeing a creature about 4 to 5ft in height outside his house. The creature was dark gray in color and had gray thin legs and arms. It had a very big head with large eyes and no hair. The witness was terrorized and speechless. Around the same time other locals had witnessed several UFOs flying over Laughlin Air Force Base 6 miles east of Del Rio.
Source: MUFON UFO Reports
Date: 1955
Location: San Francisco, California
Time: late night
Summary: While lying on her bed Mrs. Evelyn McKeever observed a beautiful entity described as female of medium height, with abundant blond hair and wearing a white Grecian style dress. It walked through the closed door of the bedroom, crossed the room, and walked out through the opposite wall. At the time that the figure was visible, the witness felt an odd sensation throughout her body. Her heart beat violently and she felt shock waves passed through her. She got up and looked out the window and saw a large glowing orange cigar-shaped object maneuvering high over the area.
Source: Evelyn McKeever, UFO Magazine Vol. 15 # 1
Date: 1955
Location: New Zealand, exact location not given
Time: late night
Summary: A woman was asleep in her home when a light suddenly awakened her behind her window. She was then apparently taken up in a beam of light, which went through the window. She was then met by about 10 short beings. These had large egg shaped heads with large dark almond shaped eyes. They had slit mouth and nose and very small ears. They wore silver suits and gloves on four fingered hands. They seemed to move around in quick and short movements. They communicated by using telepathy assuring her that they meant no harm. She was then examined on a table inside a circular room. The table resembled a slab of marble and it warmed quickly making her feel comfortable. The beings stood around her and a light from above shone on her. Something was done to her throat.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1955
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