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(Last Updated On: )
Location: Vestra Norrland Sweden
Date: July 1955
Time: 0600A
Three lumberjacks were out in a wooded area busy cutting trees when they suddenly heard a loud crashing sound. They then saw a cigar shaped craft flying very low between the trees, this object then apparently crashed into a clearing next to a river. There was no sound only a gigantic flash of light in the vicinity. Seconds later came a vacuum type wave that made all the witnesses tumble forward. Everything then seemed eerily silent. All three men went to the crash site but found no debris or fire. But close by they found a small man that was surrounded by a white light, he was apparently injured. One of the men touched the being and received an electrical shock. The small man then opened his eyes and spoke to the men, telling them that he was dying and to be calm. He was described as very well built with broad shoulders and normal features; he had yellowish skin with very light hair, small hands with slender fingers. He wore a reddish metallic uniform, which was skintight; he also wore a broad silvery belt with a very large buckle, which shone slightly in a light blue shade. In the center it had the initials “U V.” He spoke for two hours before he died. He was put into a bag that smelled like sulfur, the bag had been provided by the humanoid, and thrown into the river where he apparently disintegrated.
Source: John La Fontaine, UFO Universe
Location: Loveland Ohio
Date: July 1955
Time: evening
Carlos Flannigan, driving a truck over a bridge, noticed a terrible smell, and saw 4 “more or less human looking” figures 3 ft tall “moving about oddly” on the river bank beneath the bridge. He claimed they had wrinkles on their heads instead of hair. He said one was holding a wand-like spark-emitting device. He reported it to the local police headquarters.
Source: Ted Bloecher
Location: Loveland Heights Ohio
Date: July 1955
Time: night
Mrs Emily Magnone and her husband, awakened by their dog’s barking, smelt a strong odor “like swamp.” Their next-door neighbor went out to investigate & saw, 15 ft away, a 3-foot little man “entirely covered with twigs or foliage.” Whenever she turned on the porch light the little man disappeared, but would reappear in the same place when it was turned off.
Source: Ted Bloecher
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Date: July 1955
Time: 2200
The main witness, John and a friend Barry Brock both teenagers at the time were reclining on the lawn discussing the infinity of space and the stars when, without warning they were “sucked” up by some type of powerful energy into a room or enclosure that had a huge window through which they were looking at what appeared to be a dense star cluster. John’s intuition led him to believe that they were at a great distance from the planet Earth and that frightened him. His next recollection was commenting to his friend how bright and clear the stars were and Barry agreeing. His next recollection was of Barry screaming and a strong energy pulling them through space back to the place on the lawn where they had originally been. They were both now in a standing position and simultaneously both screamed and ran into the center of the street. Barry grabbed the sides of his head with his hands and began to jump and down screaming that he had lost his mind. The witness only had brief recollections of the event years later but at one point was able to recall seeing a very tall being with large black wraparound eyes walking slowly up to him and his friend Barry screaming nearby.
Source: http://www.etcontact/newsite
Date: July 1,1955
Location: Carnation (on Tolt River, Cascade Mts.), WA
Time: 14:00
Summary: 5-8 minutes 1955 daytime sighting of a saucer craft by a family of four while on a picnic on a Sunday in the Cascade Mts. of Washington. The famil
Date: July 1, 1955
Location: Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Summary: the object hovering in the picture was observed and photographed by engineer rm azevedo of rio de janeiro brazil on a summer night in 1955.he and his wife and friends were enjoying the evening on the veranda facing guanaraa bay when the pictured object was spotted standing perfectly still in the ksy azvedo snapped the picture using a leica camera model f 3 with a summaron f1 35 lens the film used was kodachrome type a for photoflood.exposure time 40 seconds distance infinity diaphragam completely open projected on a screen the color slide shows the moon behind some thin high cloud haz but the object is obviously under the haze.the moone sends a streamer of reflected light down on the water of the bay and so does the object azevedo and other observers watched the object while the photo was being made saw it start to move hesitate then speedily leave in the direction of the mountains .the picture shows a faint light path where the object moved out of sight azevedo at the time tough he had 19;6 UAO PHOTO… (Continued frorn Page I I seen and photographed some now military device, so the slide reposed in his files for over two years. A ft’w months ago, a friend, Dr. Anti (physician-surgeon) was visiting Azevedo, and the subject of UAO came up during thc course of the conversation. Azevedo brought out the slide and showed it to Dr. Anti who immediately asked permission 1o show the picture to his friend, Dr. Olavo D. Fontes. In due course, Fontes had thtl picture examined by Ed Keffel (well known photographer of the magazine O’Cruceiro who photographed a UAO in 1952). also Commander Bacellar, who is former chief of the Brazilian Navy’s Meteorological Station at Trinidade Island and one of the NavY’s toP exPerts on UAO. Other photographic experts also examined the slide. Visual examination on a special slide projector and microscopic studies as wcll as granulation tests and measurements of the image’s brightness were perfol’med and rechecked several times. The results confirmed the authenticity of thc color transparency and that possibility’ of a falsification or photographie trick was definitely excluded. During the course of his thorough investigation, Dr. Fontes also interviewed the witnesses of the sighting. The full report, including estimates as to size and distance based on measurements of landmarks in the picture, will be offered as oDe of the special reports from this office in the near future. We consider this lo be one of the most important photos of r UAO ever taken.
Date: July 1, 1955
Location: Dierks, Arkansa
Time: 22:00
Summary: Cigar 10 seconds Cigar-shaped craft, 8 feet long with flashing liglhts, hovering above ground
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 1, 1955; 50 miles SE of Sacramento, CA
11:10 AM. Silver object moving straight down from an estimated altitude of 32,000 feet. Observation made by air-visual and ground radar.(Dan Wilson)
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 1, 1955; China Lake, Calif. (BBU)
[Might be the same incident described above] (McDonald list)
Location: Near Stockton Georgia
Date: July 3 1955
Time: 0330A
Mrs Margaret Symmonds, 52, was driving at 0330A when her headlights picked up 4 figures huddled in the middle of the road. As she approached, she saw that they were 4 humanoid beings less than 4 ft tall, with very large heads & short legs, wearing slouch hats & grayish capes. One had something like a stick & seemed as if digging in the road. Only then one closest to her looked at her as she drove by, swerving to avoid them; he held his claw-like hands over his head. She saw that he had enormous “saucer like” eyes with no visible pupils, who reflected a reddish light, and a long hooked nose like a carrot. The skin was dark and rough looking. She screamed and woke up her husband.
Source: Ted Bloecher & Leonard Stringfield
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 5, 1955; Newfoundland, Canada (BBU)
3:00-3:56 a.m. (AST). At 3:00 a.m., USAF 97th Air Refueling Sq pilot Lt. Homer H. Speer and copilot Lt Paul Daily of KC-97 call sign Archie 29, and pilot Lt. Robert W. Schneck and copilot Lt. David Cueldner (sp?) of KC-97 Archie 91, both planes at 20,000 ft on a refueling mission out of Harmon AFB (48°32.7’N, 58°33.0’W), saw 2 bright objects at 49°10′ N, 59°50′ W, at 20,000 ft appearing stationary. They reported sighting to Harmon at 3:05, made contact with radar site, 2nd Lt. Charles H. Denney, Senior Director, USAF ADC site N-23 (Air Defense Direction Center, 640th AC&W Sq, Harmon AFB, Stephenville, Newf., CPS-6B search and height-finder radar, TPS-502 backup height-finder, at 48°35.3′ N, 58°40′ W). Radar painted object at 3:07 with intermittent contact till 3:56 (also 4-5 additional objects). Archie 29 KC-97 in best position to close on object ordered to do so by Harmon, position 290° from radar site at about 80 miles, 10 o’clock to KC-97 [inconsistent with lat-long coords]. Objects started moving to NE at 50° true heading accelerating to 275 knots (300 mph) faster than Archie 29 KC-97. After object reversed course to S heading, pilot Lt. Speer of Archie 29 reached closest approach to 18 miles distance, maintained visual contact with object calling direction changes of object to radar site by radio, changes correlated exactly with those painted on scope by controller. Brief height-finder radar contact at 35,000 ft. Object began climbing at 3:38 a.m. and fighters scrambled, no radar or visual contact made. Speer lost sight of object at about 40,000-50,000 ft. Radar then tracked object accelerating to 1,600 knots (1,800 mph) moving off to NE. At same times radar also painted 5 smaller objects at 5,000-10,000 ft (briefly detected on height-finder) and thus below the KC-97’s at 30° true [heading??], 60 miles from radar, [inconsistent with other coords] moving very fast, changing direction and azimuth, jumping on and off scopes, forming circular pattern, changing to line abreast, traveling 10-20 miles then changing direction, speed 1,500+ knots (1,700+ mph). Radar tracked about 4 objects at point of initial sighting on 40° true heading, speed 300 knots (350 mph). Objects at 3:40 a.m. at 50°10′ N, 57°50′ [?] W. One C-119 aircraft en route from Goose Bay passed within 5 miles of the objects, not known if seen. Radar targets confirmed by 1st Lt. Anthony G. Scarpace (sp?), Ground Electronics Officer of 670th ACW Sq, who found radar operating properly and no inversion effects present. Investigated by NEAC AFSSO (AF Special Security Office), reported to AFSS (NSA subunit not to be confused with AFSSO compartmented security agency), NSA and CIA. (Sparks; CIA, AF, NSA FOIA; Project 1947) 56 mins 11+ witnesses RV
Date: July 7, 1955
Location: UK/England (rural)
Summary: Disk 10 minutes 1955+/-, multiple identical circular saucers in formation, spinning, slow-moving, low, 30′ dia.?, visual only.
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 8, 1955; Augusta, Maine
At 9:00 p.m. EDT, one spherical object with a green hue and a trail 9 -10 miles long was seen. A loud humming sound was also noted. The object was observed air-visually, ground-visually and on GCI radar. The length observation was approximately one minute. (Dan Wilson)
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 9, 1955; Santa Catalina Channel, Calif
Family aboard boat saw a round cylinder, grayish and white, surrounded by a “haze of fumes.” UFO zigzagged upward, then sped away. [UFOE, XII]
Location: Kolomenskoye, south of Moscow, Russia
Date: July 10 1955
Time: unknown
A local district militia officer, P. N. Karpov was on patrol when he suddenly encountered a huge 2.5m to 3 meter tall hairy humanoid near the banks of the River Moskva. The frightened policeman grabbed his gun and opened fire on the hairy giant. But the gigantic hairy figure escaped inside the bushes and disappeared into thin air. The militiaman then inspected the bushes but did not find any trace of the entity. After 1955 the village of Kolomenskoye became part of the growing metropolis of Moscow and its fruit gardens and wooded area substantially decreased. Other reports indicated that the hairy giant entities have been in the area for hundreds of years, reportedly able to slip in into our reality from other dimensions.
Source: Vadim A Chernobrov, “Encyclopedia of Mysterious Places in Russia” First World Guidebook of Anomalous Zones, Mysterious and Wonderful Places Quoting Evgeniy Ivanov book, Moscow 2004
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 11, 1955; Toulon, France (BBU)
Daytime. Military pilot of C-47 transport saw a round reddish-orange light changing color to bright white, no trail. (Project 1947)
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 11, 1955; China Lake NAS, California
(12/0510Z;July 1955) At 9:10 p.m., a round orangish-red object, the size of a dime held at arm’s lenght was observed from the tower with 60 power and 8 power binoculars. The object seemed to have a tail 4 times the length of the object. F-86D’s were scrambled but failed to contact anything. Type of observation: Ground-Visual and Ground-Radar. The object was observed for 20-30 minutes. Charles P. Chitwood, control tower operator gave this description of the object. The object was in the northern sky at a 340 degree heading. The object moved on a heading of 240 degrees for 7 minutes, then suddenly reversed its course and sped away at an 80 degree heading. The object then reversed its course again and disappeared on a measured course of 277 degrees. At 9:06 p.m. (12/0506Z), the AC&W Squadron at Boron, Calif., had an object on their scopes. They made a call to Edwards AFB, who in turn notified China Lake NAS. (Dan Wilson, BB files, Footnotes.com)
Date: July 15, 1955
Location: Woodland Park CO
Time: 14:00
Summary: Oval 10-15 sec. Orange disk in night sky
Date: July 15, 1955
Location: Yokota A.F.B.
Time: 19:00
Summary: Light 2hrs Missing time At the age of 13, my Dad was station at Yokota AFB outside Tokyo, a group of us kids went camping in the foot hills along a river (Tanagakawa) which led to Tachikawa. After eat one night Kenny (Major son) and I went out to a picnic bench which looked over the river. It was a moonless night and the stars were bright. I was lying on the table top and Kenny was lying on the seat to the left of me. We laid there looking at the stars talking. My eye caught a star moving in a zigzag pattern across the sky..being raised in the Air Force and my Dad a pilot, I knew aircraft very well and this was no ordinary flight pattern at that elevation and it was no helicopter. So I got up on my elbows and in a loud voice to Kenny “Look at.. As the light was coming at us at a great speed..It got so bright that today I think I felt the heat..This is the last thing I remembered.. Until we were standing at the end of the table and both of us said nothing. Return to camp and Jack and two other guys with us, asked where we had been. We simple answered, “up at the bench”..Only thing I can remember them saying was that they were just up there 15 minutes ago and did we go in town..Kenny and I went straight to sleep..the next morning no one could wake us until 8:00 we both got up..There was nothing said about last nite except they asked us if we went to town..I didn’t understand why they would ask this nor Kenny..we hadn’t gone anywhere..WE let it drop.. Kenny and I remained friends for a year after that incident…Years later I realized that Kenny and I never dicussed that night..Now that was unusual for two Air Force brats seeing something come out of the sky and not saying a thing to each other or our parents.. In the later eighties I was on the road in Ohio and heard a talk show host talking to someone about abduction and sure fit the experience that I went thru..I dismissed it at the time. Months later I told my wife ((name deleted))..about what I heard a on the radio and told her of the event in Japan..She is a well educate dutch girl..in bio-genetics we met in Calfornia..We had been marrried 14 years at that time..She said she had something to tell me. While we sleeping in our bedroom in California she was awaken by the present of being which describe to a TEE the greys..which is famous now..she was told to go back to sleep and no harm will come. This shook me..not only had she not told me, but what the hell was going on..
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: July 15, 1955
Location: Ringold LA
Time: 22:00
Summary: Light 2 min. max As a young boy at church summer camp my friend and I were sitting on the steps of the main dining hall talking. I looked up in the sky
Date: July 17 1955
Location: Meopham Kent England
Time: dusk
A man had taken his dog out for a walk through some fields when he suddenly began to feel uneasy, “as if being watched.” The hairs of his dog were standing straight up. He looked up and saw a very large hovering cigar shaped object with large rounded windows, almost directly overhead. The windows were brightly lit and he was able to see several humanoid figures that were apparently looking down at him. The object followed the witness silently as he ran with his dog across the fields and to his house. The witness hid inside his home and last saw the object hovering over some nearby buildings.
Source: Mrs M Fry Contact, In FSR Vol. 27 # 5
Date: July 17 1955: Bexley UFO Encounter
Date: July 18 1955
Location: Plessiel Airfield, near Abbeville France
Time: 0300
Mr. Maupin and five other witnesses on the airfield were blinded by a light from a disk-shaped object 150 m away. It left orange glows in its trail. Silent, flying slowly, it hovered near the Metro station, close to the ground, but did not actually land. It left toward the northwest. A woodsman from Mareul-Caubert, Mr. Rolle, saw the object half-an-hour earlier. It came from the direction of Amiens.
Source: Magonia 366
Date: July 20 1955
Location: Edison Georgia
Time: afternoon
Tant King, a farmhand, saw a “hairy little gray man without clothes” emerged from a nearby wood and walk along a fence. This being was visible for 25 minutes before it returned to the woods.
Source: Ted Bloecher
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 20, 1955; Portland, Oregon (BBU)
2 fighter pilots and GOC ground observers saw a round object with a silver lower part climb when fighters approached. (Weinstein; BB files??)
Location: Edison Georgia
Date: July 24 1955
Time: afternoon
Mrs Alberta Donnell saw a shaggy being about 4 ft tall, “mole colored,” approach her house from the pasture. The next day her daughter saw it walking in another part of the same field. 2 days later, fresh tracks & partly eaten citron melons were found.
Source: Ted Bloecher
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 25, 1955; Near Syracuse, New York (BBU)
5:22 a.m. [12:22 a.m. EST ?] Pilot flying F-86 fighter saw an orange object. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index)
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 26, 1955; Kansas City, Kansas (BBU)
9:34 p.m. [3:34 p.m. CST ?] USAF pilot flying B-47 bomber saw a round object, no trail. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index)
Date: July 1955
Summary: July 26, 1955–Lasham, Hants, England
Members of British Gliding Association watched boomerang-shaped object (or flattened triangle) hover above glider then speed away. [UFOE, XII]
Date: July 29 1955
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Summary: Zigzagging UFO made shrill sound.
Source: UFOE, VIII
Date: July 29 1955
Location: Columbus, Nebraska (BBU)
Time: 10:45 p.m. (CST)
Summary: Morrice Raymond saw 4 orange flashing lights and a white flashing light move up and down like yoyos.
Source: Berliner; FUFOR Index
Location: Near Niagara Falls New York
Date: Late July 1955
Time: 2000
Two families picnicking on the shore of Lake Erie watched a large silvery object rise out of the water and approach them using pendulum like movements. They all ran to their cars to leave but the vehicles would not start. The object got to within 30 feet of the witnesses and they were all able to see four humanoids with white heads and wearing black robes, inside the object. The object then flew back over the lake, rose vertically, and left.
Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference
Date: July 1955
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