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Location: Near Fixin, France
Date: December 1954
Time: unknown
40-year old M. Baran spotted a gray top-shaped craft sitting on a field. Several humanoid figures wearing gray combination suits seemed to be moving around the object moving their arms with apparent difficulty. Previous to that he had seen bright lights descend from the sky.
Source: Raoul Robe, Regional Catalogue
Location: Hamilton New Zealand
Date: December 1954
Time: 0130A
Doreen Wilkinson reported that three invisible entities attacked and violated her in her home. Around the same time John Stuart was sitting at his desk when a bizarre entity appeared before him. The humanoid was about four or five ft from him and was facing him. Its body resembled, vaguely that of a human. From the waist up it was a man and from the waist down that of a woman. Its flesh stinking putrid, seemed to hang in folds. It was grayish color. The slack mouth was dribbling, its lips moved but there was no sound. Stuart heard a telepathic message, “Your friend knew too much and had to be silenced.” Soon the creature seemed to waver and grow less distinct; then materialized again into solidity. Stuart almost collapsed in horror as he realized that the male & female areas of its body had changed places. He received one more warning before the creature dissolved and disappeared. Stuart soon abandoned Ufology.
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Location: Twenty-Nine Palms California
Date: December 1954
Time: afternoon
Orfeo Angelucci (involved in previous encounters) decided to drive a short distance down the road to a diner. As he opened the door to the diner his eyes fell upon a young man sitting alone at a center table. Their eyes met in an intense gaze and an inner communication seemed to have passed between them as if they had known each other from before. “Hello friend” said Orfeo, “Hello Orfeo” replied the young stranger. The strange told Orfeo to call him Adam. The strange had ordered dinner for two and Orfeo observed that there were three glasses of water. Adam appeared puzzled when Orfeo pointed at the glass and asked him if he expected anyone else. Offered a bottle of beer, Orfeo declined, preferring water. In response his new friend smiled and produced an “oyster white pellet” from a pocket. Orfeo was offered this “pill” which he dropped it into his glass of water, which bubbled, assumed a pale amber color, and effused an exhilarating aroma. After tasting the elixir Orfeo somehow felt transported into “some radiant star system.” At one point Orfeo heard music emanating from the glass and saw what appeared to be a miniature young woman dancing in the nectar. She possessed golden blond hair. Her arms moved in rhythmic motion with the graceful thrusts of her dancing body. The expression on her face was that of bliss and “eternity among the angels.”
Source: Paris Flammonde, The Age of Flying Saucers
Location: Giugliano in Campania, Licola, Italy
Date: December 1954
Time: evening
A man and his fiancée were driving towards a beach when the engine of his automobile suddenly stalled out. Both got out of the car, and shortly thereafter they observed a large, 10 meter wide, disc-shaped object landing on the nearby beach. Two creatures emerged from it. The creatures were similar to human males, but shorter. The sported almond shaped eyes and very prominent cheekbones. The creatures approached the two frightened witnesses and communicated with telepathically. They said something about the fact that ‘they were not form this world and had not hostile motives, so humans needn’t be afraid of them.” The creatures subsequently returned to the object, after which it took off and disappeared into the sky. The witnesses realized that the automobile had nothing wrong with it and was working fine.
Source: Maurizio Verga “When Saucers Came to Earth”
Date: December 1954
Location: Guanare Venezuela
Early in December, the director of Barquisimeto College was chased by a luminous disk as he was driving near Guanare. He fired at the object with his revolver, without effect. He stopped another car in which a lawyer and two policemen were traveling. All four saw the machine fly away.
Source: Magonia 345
Date: December 1 1954
Location: Bassoues France
Time: 0430
A 39-year-old civilian saw an oval light, very bright, illuminating the countryside. After some maneuvers and oscillations in mid-air, it landed for a couple of minutes less than 3 km away, then flew off to the east.
Source: Magonia 346
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 2, 1954; Ceuta, Spanish Morocco (BBU)
2:10 p.m. local. A French military radar site at Ceuta tracked a target which was simultaneously observed visually by the crew of a fighter in the air. The speeds and altitudes of the target were recorded for a continuous period of about I hour from 1410 to 1510, during which time its altitude varied between ~ km (23.000′) and 18 km (59,000′) with variations in speed from 10 kph (6 mph) to 220 kph (137 mph). The altitude/speed diagram shows a rate-of-climb of >1500 rpm maintained for some 17 minutes (speed 100 mph slowing latterly to 40 mph) up to an altitude of nearly 59,000′, levelling off with speed dropping briefly to near-zero, then accelerating steadily to 137 mph over about 12 minutes at the same altitude before suddenly dropping 20,000′ in 1 minute down to 39,000′ and again levelling off, still at 137 mph, for about 10 minutes, at which point the target dropped, with a simultaneous rapid deceleration, at a mean rate of about 5000 fpm for 3 minutes down to another level of 23,000′ at Source:
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 3, 1954; Gulfport, Mississippi (BBU 3352)
12:12 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mellen saw a translucent grey, round, flat object rotating on its vertical axis at high rate. (Berliner)
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 3, 1954; Wilmington, N. C.
Civil Aeronautics Administration personnel watched round, yellowish UFO through binoculars. [UFOE, V]
Date: December 4 1954
Location: Zuaga Spain
Time: midnight
Twelve workers saw what they described as a square machine, with a side of 10 m, land and take off at great speed, flying toward the south.
Source: Magonia 347
Location: Coronel Pringles Argentina
Date: December 4 1954
Time: 0600A
E. Aguirre Zavala, a commercial employee, observed a very bright disc coming down to about 20” above the ground, where it remained suspended. In the middle of this disc there moved a strange figure, which seemed to be a dwarf with an enormous head. The UFO rose up shortly afterward after emitting a very bright light.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source
Location: Caselle Di Nogara, Verona, Italy
Date: December 4 1954
Time: night
A young waiter observed a large “flying saucer” that touched the ground in a meadow close to his house. The object was sky-blue in color and a bright red light emerged from some symmetrical, round openings. The witness, also an amateur hunter, took his rifle and walked through the nighttime fog towards the object. At about 50 meters distance from it, he fired at a figure that appeared to emerge from the saucer’s turret. Immediately thereafter the witness was struck by a violent blast of wind and the disc “disappeared into the darkness”.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 348
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 5, 1954; North East, Pa.
Domed object with double row of square “ports” hovered low over Lake Erie. [UFOE, XII]
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 7, 1954; Cape Province, South Africa (BBU 3356)
1:15 p.m. Weather officer, using a theodolite, saw a white, semi-circular, flat object with a dome fly from W to E, then turned N. (Berliner; UFOE, X)
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 7, 1954; Edenton, North Carolina (BB)
At 3:05 p.m. Capt. Dayton Robinson, Jr. was flying a Marine TV-2 aircraft near Norfolk, Va., with his passenger Cpl. Edwin G. Capone, when they observed a dull white balloon-shaped object. Robinson rolled the aircraft toward the object with the intention of circling the object. At this time the object appeared to accelerate rapidly and moved to the south in a slight climb at approximately 15,000 feet. The speed of the object was estimated to be 2,700 to 3,000 mph. The object was observed for approximately 20-23 seconds. (BB files).
Location: Zuera, Zaragoza, Spain
Date: December 8 1954
Time: unknown
Mr. M Sevilla Galvez, a hunter, saw a luminous craft 60 ft in diameter & 12 ft high, with antennas and propellers, land 50 yards away. A door opened, & 2 men speaking in an unrecognizable language emerged. They re-entered, the door closed, and the craft rose vertically at great speed with a hissing sound.
Source: FSR Special Issue # 4
Location: Chacao Miranda Venezuela
Date: December 8 1954
Time: unknown
“Saucers” were reported to have landed at several places in the town of Chacao. Toms Betancourt said he threw himself on one of the “Martians” and grappled with him. “He was gelatinous and very slippery,” and got out of my hands.”
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source or C?
Location: Gricignano Di Aversa, Caserta, Italy
Date: December 8 1954
Time: early morning
A 100-year old farmer, Giovanni Aquilante, departed his home to go to work. He would not return. The evening of the second day following his disappearance, two of Aquilante’s sons and another relative were returning home from searching the area for the old man when next to their home they encountered two odd looking figures hiding beyond a low wall. The beings had phosphorescent eyes. The three men were utterly petrified by the vision—but after a number of seconds one of Aquilante’s sons (Andrea) managed to move and run towards the two “phantoms”. By the time he got to the rear of the wall, the figures had vanished. The following day at about 6am, the elder Aquilante returned home. He was in shock and hungry, yet not tired. He did not respond to the many questions of his wife and sons. Despite the fact that it had rained over the previous two days during which he went missing, Aquilante’s clothing was completely dry, even his shoes. A few hours later, one of Aquilante’s relatives was told a story by him. The morning, on which he had left his house, he was passing the village’s railroad bridge when two “dwarves” suddenly emerged from behind a bush. They wore suits, “having colors like the rainbow.” Both beings took the man by his hands and lifted him skyward. The creatures appeared extendable; they alternated between resembling “dwarves” and then “giants”. Aquilante didn’t recall how he had spent the 48 hours away from his home. He communicated that he continued to fly in the sky—then the creatures left him right next to his house telling him that they would return to get him again. According to one of his sons, Paolo, his father suffered much from the experience; Aquilante lived in a nearly perpetual “confused state” and had difficulties speaking. The old man was regularly frightened that “they might come back to get me.”
Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe Oct/Nov 1991
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date: December 9 1954
Time: 11 p. m.
Summary: On the 9th of December, 1954, M r. F. C., a respected and competent employee of a well-known Rio de Janeiro bank, was sitting on his veranda trying to catch a breath of cool air. The time was 11 p. m. The night was clear with no moon or haze, but with a few low-flying clouds. Mr. C. suddenly spotted “something” which was apparently hovering over an Army plant about 1,000 yards from his house. Despite the warm breeze coming in from the sea, the object remained motionless in the sky at what Mr. C. estimated to be between 500 and 900 feet altitude. The object was not self-luminous, for the side toward the earth was bright, but the opposite extremity was in shadow. It was evident that the object was reflecting the bright lights which circled the military plant. The man ruled out the possibility that the object was a balloon or conventional object, called his wife and asked her to bring his camera to him. He took three pictures on his Beautyflex camera, set at its widest opening. The first was snapped at 1/25 second, the following at 1/10. For the third, he kept the shutter open for a longer period of time. The first two shots were poor, underexposed, showing nothing. But the last was the striking photo seen above. The object stayed in sight for 10 minutes, then as Mr. C. was preparing to take a fourth shot, he turned from the camera and saw that the object was gone. It was not sighted again. A more complete account of this sighting and photo, including analysis will, be included in the September issue of this Bulletin. Photo and report courtesy of Dr. Olavo Fontes. This is the first publication of this photo, the original negative of which reposes in Brazilian AF UAO files.
Source: APRO
Location: Linha Bela Vista, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: December 9 1954
Time: evening
Farmer Olmira da Costa e Rosa was cultivating his crops of French beans and maize at this place, 2 ½ miles from Venancio Aires, when he heard something ‘like a sewing machine’, and animals in a nearby field panicked. He then saw an object, shaped like a bowl or explorer’s hat, cream colored and enveloped in a smoky haze. It was hovering just off the ground, and three strange looking men were there, one inside the craft, one examining a barbed-wire fence, and one close to the farmer. In astonishment the farmer dropped his hoe, and the man smiled, approached, picked up the hoe, examined it carefully and handed it back to him. He then bent down plucked a few plants and walked back towards the machine, with the others. The craft rose slowly to about thirty feet, then accelerated, and flashed away towards the west at high speed. The farmer, almost completely illiterate, had never heard of ‘flying saucers’. He was able to study these men at close range and in great detail. They were of medium height, broad-shouldered, with long blond hair blowing in the wind. With their extremely pale skin and slanted eyes, they were not normal looking by Earth standards. Their clothing consisted of light brown coverall garments fastened to their shoes, which were heelless. He concluded that they must be aviators from some foreign country.
Source: Hanlon, The Humanoids & A; Magonia 349
Date: December 10, 1954: Sicily, Italy Sighting
Location: Floresta Venezuela
Date: December 10 1954
Time: 1830
A Caracas doctor, driving with his father, stopped his car to watch 2 little men run into some bushes. Shortly afterwards a luminous disc rose from behind the bushes and darted off at great speed with a sizzling sound.
Source: Jim 7 Coral Lorenzen; Magonia 351
Location: Chirico-Cerro de las Tres Torres Venezuela
Date: December 10 1954
Time: night
Two hunters, Lorenzo Flores, Jesus Gomez, saw a luminous object “like 2 washbowls put together,” 9 or 10 ft wide, hovering 2 ft off the ground. Flames emanated from the base. 4 little hairy men about 3 ft tall emerged and tried to drag Gomez toward their craft. Flores struck one with his gun butt; it felt like striking rock, and the gun broke. Gomez fainted from fright; both youths were scratched & bruised, their shirts in ribbons, when they told the police their story.
Source: Apro Bulletin 1/55; Magonia 352
Location: Casina, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Date: December 11 1954
Time: unknown
An 11-year old little girl noticed a very luminous object situated vertically in a field. It resembled a “barrel” and had a “small window” from which a “little man” gazed at her for a long period of time. All of the sudden the object “disappeared”. Later on, also other people smelled an “acrid” odor and discovered some stirred up soil surrounding five holes. The central hole was the deepest.
Source: Maurizio Verga “When Saucers Came to Earth”
Location: Linha Bela Vista, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: December 11 1954
Time: 1700
The farmer Pedro Morais heard a commotion among his fowls and looking around for a hawk, beheld an object ‘that had a bottom like an enormous polished brass kettle’. It was hovering, with an oscillating motion, and making a noise like a sewing machine. Its upper part ‘looked like the hood of a jeep’. In a nearby cultivated field he next noticed two small human shaped figures. He could see no faces, for they seemed to be enveloped in a kind of yellow sack from head to toe. Indignant at this trespass on his crops, he headed for them. One of them began to run towards him, while the other raised his arm in what seemed to be a warning gesture to keep away. One of them then knelt down and plucked a tobacco plant from the ground, and both entered the craft, which vanished from sight in a few seconds.
The farmer, totally illiterate, had never heard of flying saucers or science fiction, and thought the creatures were ghosts. When told that the Brazilian government was anxious to get one of these little men dead or alive he vowed he would shoot one if he got the chance.
Source: Hanlon, The Humanoids; Magonia 353
Date: December 15 1954
Location: travelling south by car from Carnarvon to Geraldton
Time: 3am
Summary: At 3am, two men, travelling south by car from Carnarvon to Geraldton saw a light in the ESE sky. Seen for 20 minutes. They reported seeing ‘portholes,’ along the side of the machine. The object rotated every 30 seconds.
Location: Near Campo Grande Brazil
Date: December 15 1954
Time: unknown
The witness, fishing in a river near his home, saw an unusual craft land a few hundred feet away. His dog began to howl. Through the telescopic sight of his gun he could see a small sphere revolving around a larger one, which hovered 6 ft above the ground. At the bottom was a 3-ball landing gear. 3 occupants, human looking but quite small, emerged & came down to the ground; they were agile, with rapid movements. One held a luminous basket, the other a metal tube with a cone shaped end; with those they collected calcareous material from the river’s edge, sucking it up into the tube & discharging it into the basket. They then got back into the object, which took off at high speed. The witness found square holes in the ground.
Source: Col. Adil de Oliveira, Chief of Brazil’s Air Force Intelligence
Date: December 16 1954: Navy Sees ‘Flying Saucers’ on Radar Screen
Location: San Carlos Venezuela
Date: December 16 1954
Time: night
Jesus Paz left his 2 friends car to go into the bushes to relieve himself. They heard him scream, and found him unconscious on the ground; a small hairy man was running away toward a flat shiny object hovering a few feet from the ground. The machine vanished with a deafening whistle. At the hospital Paz was found to have long, deep scratches on his right side & down his spine.
Source: Apro Bulletin 1/55; Magonia 354
Location: Pescara, Italy
Date: December 17 1954
Time: 10.00
A-10 year old little girl, Luisiana Nardini, was playing near a wall when a “dwarf” came around from behind it. The dwarf was less than 1 meter tall and wore a helmet on its head. The small being motioned some gestures with his hand to the little girl, as if to invite her to come nearer to him. She was afraid and ran home hurriedly. Luisiana related her encounter to her mother, who went to the Location: There she discovered a small toy displaying the same features of the being sighted by her daughter.
Source: Maurizio Verga “When Saucers Came to Earth”
Location: Valencia Venezuela
Date: December 19 1954
Time: 2300
18-year old jockey Jose Parra, out on a training run, came upon 6 very hairy little men loading rocks into a disc shaped craft which was hovering less than 9 ft from the ground. Parra started to run away, but one of the little beings pointed a device at him that emitted a beam of violet light, and he found himself paralyzed. The entities jumped aboard their craft & it took off. At the site were found footprints “neither animal nor human.”
Source: Apro Bulletin 1/55; Magonia 356
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 19, 1954; Vienna, Austria
High-speed UFOs reported. [UFOE, X]
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 20, 1954; Pontiac, Mich.
Red-orange circular UFO, with white glow from “portholes” at front, sped overhead. [UFOE, XII]
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 23, 1954; NE of Nogales, Arizona (BBU)
At 10:19 p.m. MST, an F-86D pilot had both radar and visual contact with an object described as a hazy glow of red and green flashes. The object remained 5,000 to 10,000 feet above the F-86 at all times. The length of the observation was approx. 40 minutes. Momentary interference was noted on radar scopes both in the F-86D and at the 684th AC&W Squadron at Davis-Monthan AFB. (Dan Wilson, Weinstein)
Location: Perak Malaysia
Date: December 24 1954
Time: afternoon
Wong Yi Moi, a young Chinese girl had been tapping rubber trees near the edge of a large estate not far from the Trolak River when suddenly she heard a rustle in the grass behind her—before she could turn, she was seized by powerful arms, which were covered with dense, black hair. Struggling, she managed to look over her shoulder and found herself staring into a face that was straight out of a nightmare, with two long, blackened fangs jutting out from between thick lips. In a frenzy of horror, she saw two more ape-like creatures standing by the edge of the forest. Their skin appeared to be white beneath its covering of black hair, and their faces were distorted by fearsome grins. The two creatures by the trees were over six feet in height, and wore loincloths. Each carried a knife slung from the waist. The creature struggling with Wong Yi appeared to be a female. She wore a yellowish skirt made of bark and uttered weird, croaking cries. Finding additional strength the young Chinese girl succeeded in tearing herself free. As she fled, she snatched one terrified glance over her shoulder, but the creatures were moving away back into the forest. Two other people had also spotted the “fang men” along the banks of the Trolak River within hours of Wong Yi Moi’s experience. The first was a corporal in the Malaya Police, Abdul Talib, who had been on patrol with a security detachment. On seeing the three weird creatures on the opposite bank of the river, the corporal raised his rifle and all three-ape creatures dived into the river and swam out of sight. The second witness was an Indian rubber tapper named Appiasamy. Hairy arms too had grabbed him from behind. Breaking free he had run for his life only to fall headlong down a rocky slope, bruising himself badly.
Source: John Macklin, Dwellers in Darkness
Location: Mooi River Natal South Africa
Date: December 27 1954
Time: 1000A
Alerted by children Elizabeth Klarer ran to a nearby hill. An object about 60 ft in diameter then silently descended to 10-12 ft above the ground, 20 yards away. It had a flat hull rotating around a flattish dome, with portholes. In one of these she saw a man “with a thin face, aquiline nose, and high cheekbones,” who looked at her with hypnotic intensity. The man was blond and appeared to have light gray eyes, he smile at her in a gesture of reassurance but she backed away. Then, with a blast of hot air, the craft rose & disappeared at tremendous speed.
Source: Cynthia Hind, Fate August 1969
Location: San Rafael Moreno Argentina
Date: December 28 1954
Time: 0330A
As they were traveling by car to Mendoza on Route # 143, a group of seven persons saw brilliance at the side of the road. It was a luminous object resting in a nearby field, emitting a bluish light, about 100-200 meters away. According to the description of Prof Maria Luisa de Amaya, it had the form of 2 deep dishes placed together edge to edge. They could not make out any structural details. The witnesses stopped the car, got out, and walked toward the object. When they were about 50 meters from it, they noted that there were 2 human figures next to it, of normal height, wearing one piece diver’s suits of a dark color, their heads covered with a kind of cowl. One of them was crouching next to the object. After he got up, the 2 individuals entered the UFO through a sort of rectangular door, the object began to emit smoke or gas form its equatorial region, at the same time that it rose up vertically and then stopped a few meters from the ground, throwing out 2 flickering red lights. Alarmed, the witnesses returned to the car and started off at high speed. The object followed them for 20 minutes, until, with the first light of dawn, they could no longer see it.
Source: Roberto Banchs
Location: Bergamo Italy
Date: December 29 1954
Time: midnight
A cigar shaped object was seen hovering at 25 meters above the ground. Several figures could be seen inside a transparent compartment. No other information.
Source: LDLN # 326
Date: December 1954
Summary: Dec. 29, 1954; San Diego, Calif. (BBU)
Daytime. Crew flying B-47 saw 2 objects pass the plane. (Weinstein; BB files??)
Location: Sommaprado, Brescia, Italy
Date: December 30 1954
Time: 0630A
A 62-year old bell chimer was walking down a mountain pathway in order to reach a small church in which his job was to ring the bells. All at once, he heard a “loud and odd noise” —however, he did not see anything when he had a look around. After having traveled a few meters further, he arrived in a treeless clearing where there he heard the noise once again. The man looked upward and sighted a strange 10-meter long cigar shaped object hovering approximately 3 or 5 meters above him. It is unclear whether the object was already over the man—though he was gazing at it from a slightly diagonal perspective—or it arrived and came to a stop. In any event, the witness became afraid and nearly fell down, then got hold of himself and continued to watch the object for about 5 minutes. The craft appeared to be composed of some polished brass and was larger in its central section. The forepart was transparent like glass. There were two creatures inside this section, one seated behind the other. They both seemed to be regarding the man with interest. Their demeanor was “joyful” and the witness stated the they resembled “smiling children”. The beings wore black uniforms and “very odd helmets.” Three kinds of propellers were attached to the top row of the craft, and three more to its bottom one. When the object was stationary, the propellers also were still too, they resembled a fishbone-shaped structure. Alternately, the propellers rotated when the object was flying or departed from the Location: Subsequently, the man resumed his trek towards the little church—and before arriving there, he once again heard the same loud noise. He observed the object departing rapidly in the direction of a nearby valley.
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Date: December 1954
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