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(Last Updated On: )
Date: 1594
Sighting Time:
Day/Night: Day
Location: Freiburg, Germany
Urban or Rural: –
Entity Type: form of Jesus Christ sitting on a rainbow
Entity Description:
Hynek Classification: DD (Daylight Disc) Metallic or whitish object was seen in the day.
No. of Object(s):
Size of Object(s):
Distance to Object(s):
Shape of Object(s):
Color of Object(s):
Number of Witnesses:
Source: T. Peter Park, The Anomalist # 10
Summary/Description: People saw the form of Jesus Christ sitting on a rainbow, “as if to announce the Last Judgment.” Again in 1594, a dead man on a bier, with many figures in black carrying trumpets, was seen in the sky over Saxony.

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