Date: February 1992 Location: Devon, England Time: 0330A Summary: The whole family was sleeping in the same room due to...
Date: winter 1991 Location: El Cobre Spain Time: night Summary: Two sentries standing guard duty at an old abandoned prison...
Date: 1984 Location: Dylife Wales Time: unknown Summary: A man exploring a disused mine was making slow progress through one of the levels when...
Date: January 1992 Location: Dulwich East London, England Time: 0600A Summary: The witness woke up to hear noises coming down the hallway that led...
THINK ABOUTIT SIGHTING REPORT Date: January, 1983 Sighting Time: 20:30 Day/Night: Nighttime Location: Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom Urban or Rural: We...
THINK ABOUTIT SIGHTING REPORT Date: June 1952 Sighting Time: Day/Night: daytime Location: Newton Abbot Devon England Urban or Rural: Rural...
Date: January 2007 Location: Baltimore Maryland Time: night Summary: The witness was in her room watching television as her son played across the room...
Date: Mid- 1900 Location: Caddwst, UK Time: Dusk Summary: A flying disc was observed. One disc, about 20 feet across,...
Date: 1700s Location: United States Summary: In the US, there is an 18th century Indian legend about luminous humanoid beings...
Date: early October 2001 Location: Los Cipreses, Chile Time: night Summary: For a number of nights local residents reported encountering a strange, entity in...
Date: early April 1967 Location: Moulton Iowa Time: evening Summary: Jimmy D and his wife, a young farm couple, were driving home when they...