Date: May 1954: Ayacucho Perú Encounter Location: Kensington Lake, Detroit, Michigan Date: May 1954 Time: 1300-1400 The 5-year old witness...
Date: Jan. 1, 1953 BBU Location: Mobile, Alabama Time: Summary: Brookley AFB USAF Capt. and senior...
Date: October 1997 Location: Not given Time: 0245A Summary: The witness woke up in the middle of the night when...
Date: early April 1997 Location: Roldan, Argentina Time: evening Summary: Two sisters were walking near route AO 12 facing a silo factory, when they...
Date: April 1994 Location: Near Tallahassee Florida Time: late night Summary: Three men driving on an isolated road were startled when their vehicle headlights...
Date: April 1981 Location: Somers Point, New Jersey Time: 0010A Summary: The witness was suddenly awake and sensed that something...
Date: January 1981 Location: Camaracu Island Brazil Time: dawn Summary: A farmer saw a glowing gray colored saucer shaped object land nearby on his...
Date: October 1980 Location: Nebraska, exact location not given Time: afternoon Summary: A man was walking through his garden when...
- by Terry Melanson ©, 2001 (Last Update: May 10th, 2005) “The higher the degree of strangeness in an event,...
In the late 1950s, Brazil seems to have become the testing ground either of an alien power… or those pulling...
Date: Fall of 1996 Location: Valparaiso, Florida Time: dusk Summary: At the edge of the Eglin AFB reservation, 5 people...
Date: January 1993 Location: Savannah Georgia Time: night Summary: A woman living in an isolated cabin along a river was...
Date: January 1950 Location: Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina Time: Night Summary: Nautical UFO. Long-distance walker onshore north of San Sebastian Bay, saw very...