Date: January 1997 Location: Pico Del Toro, Zacatecas, Mexico Time: unknown Summary: A local farmer, Gonzalez Cabrillo, reportedly encountered a landed UFO and its...
Date: October 1994 Location: Ohio, exact location not given Time: 0315A Summary: The witness awoke to the sense that something was in the room....
Date: July 1994 Location: Tlatelolco Mexico Time: 0200 A Summary: The 26-year old witness suddenly woke up with a start and saw a meter...
Date: April 1994 Location: Near Tallahassee Florida Time: late night Summary: Three men driving on an isolated road were startled when their vehicle headlights...
Date: January 1994 Location: Kainuu, Finland Time: 0315A Summary: Two soldiers out on maneuvers in a forested area were awoken at night by a noise apparently coming...
Date: October 1981 Location: Tylorstown/Ystrad, South Wales Time: evening Summary: On a Tuesday evening in October 1981 Malcolm (who was...
Date: July 1 1981: Rome Ohio Encounter Date: July 3 1981 Location: Rome Ohio Time: late night Summary: Several witnesses were up on the roof...
Date: April 1981 Location: Somers Point, New Jersey Time: 0010A Summary: The witness was suddenly awake and sensed that something...
Date: January 1981 Location: Camaracu Island Brazil Time: dawn Summary: A farmer saw a glowing gray colored saucer shaped object land nearby on his...
Date: October 1980 Location: Nebraska, exact location not given Time: afternoon Summary: A man was walking through his garden when...
THINK ABOUTIT SIGHTING REPORT Date: December 21 - 31, 1978 Sighting Time: Day/Night: Night Location: New Zealand Urban or Rural: -...
THINK ABOUTIT SIGHTING REPORT Date: July 16, 1947 Sighting Time: 15:30 hours Day/Night: Day Location: Promontory Point, Utah Urban or Rural: -Rural Hynek...
THINK ABOUTIT SIGHTING REPORT Date: September 3, 1987 Sighting Time: Day/Night: Day Location: Yukon Territory, Canada Urban or Rural: - Hynek...