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(Last Updated On: )
Date: July 3, 1967
Sighting Time: 5:30 PM
Day/Night: Day
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Urban or Rural: Rural
Hynek Classification: DD (Daylight Disc) Metallic or whitish object seen in the day.
Duration: 25 seconds
No. of Object(s):
Size of Object(s): 25 feet wide
Distance to Object(s): two miles away at about 2000 feet
Shape of Object(s): Disc
Color of Object(s):
Number of Witnesses: Multiple
Source: Knight; “Metal Ejecting UFOs” in CONFRONTATIONS: A CHALLENGE TO SCIENCE, © Jacques Vallee
Summary: Of the 35 photographic cases examined by the Condon Committee, only two were judged to be “first priority” — having potential value in establishing the existence of “flying saucers.” One was the so-called Calgary case with its two photos. Dr. Hynek, who subjected the original negatives to exhaustive lab tests, called the first photo the “best Daylight Disc photograph I have personally investigated.” [map id=”485″]
Full Report
Of the 35 photographic cases examined by the Condon Committee (pp.168-9), only two were judged to be “first priority” — having potential value in establishing the existence of “flying saucers.” One was the so-called Calgary case with its two photos. Dr. Hynek, who subjected the original negatives to exhaustive lab tests, called the first photo (above) the “best Daylight Disc photograph I have personally investigated.” Fifty miles southwest of his home in Calgary, Alberta, Warren Smith and two friends were returning from a weekend prospecting trip through rugged “bush” country on July 3, 1967. At about 5:30 PM the youngest of the group pointed to what at first all thought was an airplane. It was some two miles away at about 2000 feet — but losing altitude fast, as if headed for a crash. As it traveled toward them, they noticed it had no wings. “…It passed slightly out of view behind some trees, ” went Smith’s deposition, to which he swore under the Canada Evidence Act, “…then reappeared and hovered in the open sky, and something of a much smaller size fell from the craft.” In the 25 seconds the object was in view, Smith remember the loaded camea in his pack. “I … took two pictures of this strange craft and swear… no other humans were in that area” and “no camera tricker” was involved, he stated. The object was described as circular, shiny, and about 25 feet wide. Arrows point to a small cloud formation virtually unchanged in both photos, proof of Smith’s claim that the shots had been taken only seconds apart. Hynek, who flew over the site with Smith, found no evidence of a hoax in his investigation.

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