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(Last Updated On: )
Date: 1973
Location: Goshen Indiana
Time: 2000
Summary: The witness a supervisor at a local rubber factory was called outside by one of his men who had been smoking a cigarette. Once outside the man pointed up and to the left. They both saw some type of craft moving very slowly from the northwest to the southeast. There were a number of slanted downward windows in the craft. They could see several figures moving about and some were apparently looking down out of the windows. The background behind the figures was red, making the figure look like silhouettes. The strange thing about the craft was the rather bobbing motion it had while moving. They watched the object for about 10 minutes until the craft drifted out of sight.
Source: NUFORC
Date: 1973
Location: Near Norton Air Force Base, California
Time: unknown
Summary: The witness was employed by the Air Force as a photographer. One day he received unexpected news that his security clearance had been upgraded. A few weeks later, he and another military photographer were flown for a temporary duty assignment to Norton Air Force base. As they landed they were taken on a two-hour drive inside an Air Force vehicle with blacked out windows. They finally arrived at their destination, which turned out to be inside an underground installation. They were ordered to disrobe and given white smocks to wear. The main witness was taken to a room, which contained a disc shaped craft suspended in a heavy net hanging from a large crane. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter and had a small opening on the side. The witness was lifted up to the opening and put inside. He was shocked to see that the inside looked to be about 10 times the size of the outside. Disoriented he poked his head back outside to check the size which appeared to be about 35 ft in diameter only. He continued to photograph the inside of the disc and was later taken to photograph actual alien bodies dressed in blue jumpsuits. At that point, he became ill and the other photographer was called in to complete the assignment.
Source: Preston E Dennett, Uncensored UFO Reports # 1
Date: 1973
Location: Gravellona Toce, Novara Italy
Time: unknown
Summary: A man working on his ham radio equipment received a strange message. After hearing peculiar static a metallic voice speaking in Italian communicated with him. He was told to maintain the communication a secret. Later he was given instructions to go to a wooded area near his home. At the rendezvous site he encountered a landed metallic circular object. Next to the craft stood three normal looking men, the men wore “asbestos” type suits and helmets with antennae. The beings promised to return but never did.
Source:Janet & Colin Bord, Life Beyond Planet Earth?
Date: 1973
Location: Miri Sarawak, Malaysia
Time: unknown
Summary: Several persons vacationing along the beach reported sighting several tiny man-like creatures moving in the area. No other information.
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A summary of UFO and Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Encounter with isolated humanoid entities.
Date: 1973
Location: Miri Sarawak, Malaysia
Time: unknown
Summary: Several boys reported encountering a tiny man like figure that was cutting a wire fence with an intense beam of light. The entity disappeared into the bushes when they tried to catch it.
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A summary of UFO and Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Date: 1973
Location: Near Akron Ohio
Time: unknown
Summary: The two witnesses were driving when they sighted two hovering craft and experienced a time lapse. Under hypnosis one of the witnesses remembered lying on an examination table surrounded by electronic equipment. Several undescribed beings connected her to this equipment and assured her that it was going to be a painless examination. Later both witnesses found themselves sitting side by side on two chairs completely silent. They were then suddenly returned to their vehicle without any memory of the event.
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Date: 1973
Location: Near Frederick Maryland
Time: 0200A
Summary: Richard Kilburn was returning home along a remote road when he suddenly experienced a memory lapse. He only had fragmentary memories of an event. Under hypnosis he recalled seeing two lights descend from the sky and land nearby, his vehicle suddenly veered off the road and stopped. He got out of the vehicle and heard a sound, he then saw four or five humanoids coming over a nearby fence and approach him. The beings were very short and thin, hairless with large heads shaped like inverted teardrops, large black walnut shaped eyes, small noses, slit mouths, no ears and white putty like skin. They had long tube like fingers and wore black tight fitting suits and gloves and were clumsy when they moved. One that seemed to be the leader gave directions by gestures while another being began digging a hole. The witness was seized by a clamp like device and taken to a luminous white egg shaped craft sitting on a platform of girders and making a humming sound. He was escorted up a tube like ramp into the object and entered a luminous white domed room and next found himself on a table wearing only a diaper like cloth. A device came down from the ceiling and a needle like device ran along his back. He was then given an extensive physical examination by several of the beings, with different devices. He later lost consciousness and found himself driving home in his vehicle.
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Date: 1973
Location: Cooksville, Maryland
Time: 1900
Summary: Mike Shea was driving toward Olney to meet a friend when about 15 minutes outside of Baltimore he noticed a beam of light strike a barn 150 feet from his car. He then saw a huge hovering object with a ring of alternating red & yellow lights. The object was totally silent. When the beam of light shut off Shea became fearful. He felt something coming up behind him. Suddenly he saw the object overhead and felt an electric current running down his spine. The next thing he knew he was feeling quite relaxed and was approaching his destination. He had somehow lost two hours of time. Years later under hypnotic regression he remembered seeing four figures standing at the side of the road. He then realized the figures were creatures dressed in a black kind of plastic armor. They had black faces and appeared to be wearing helmets with a line down the middle that came to a point. The beings looked like huge grasshoppers with long arms and bowed legs. Three of the creatures were large. The fourth one was small and wore a black silky suit with a zipper up the front, somehow this being seemed “ancient” to the witness. He then saw a large shiny craft hovering nearby emitting a low whirring sound and a smaller craft on the ground. Eventually he was taken inside one of the crafts, put on a table, and examined. Various organic samples were collected from his body.
Source: Patrick Huyghe, The Field Guide To Extraterrestrials
Date: 1973
Location: Bukit Mertajam Penang Malaysia
Time: 0900A
Summary: Two boys walking on the grounds of a local primary school encountered three tiny figures, green in color, standing on a field. One of the boys attempted to catch one of the figures but was shot in the hand. The entities ran into the brush and disappeared. A small object was also seen on the ground.
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A summary of UFO and Related Events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Date: 1973
Location: Denbigh Moors Wales
Time: daytime
Summary: While hiking in the moors area the witness encountered a beautiful female “alien” with shiny black hair that pointed a silvery pencil like object at him which paralyzed him. He then lost consciousness. When he came to the alien woman had gone but lying next to him was a pot of honey and two incense sticks.
Source: Norman Oliver, Quest UFO Magazine Vol. 10 # 5
Date: 1973
Location: El Canton Nancito, El Salvador
Time: late evening
Summary: Two young sisters had gone to the nearby river to fetch some buckets of water. The younger sister became tired and drifted off to sleep. At that point the older sister saw a figure approaching from a nearby path. She described the figure as a humanoid female, wearing a white tunic, with long jet-black hair. It carried something in her hand resembling a lantern or torch. The terrified girl stood watching as the figure approached her. As it got to within 20 feet it suddenly disappeared in plain sight. The girl then woke her younger sister and both went back home.
Source:Personal Communication
Date: 1973
Location: Dartford, Kent England
Time: night
Summary: The 44-year old witness awoke to see a motionless figure standing in his bedroom. It was wearing a “bulky” one-piece matte silver suit that was joined to a round helmet with a rectangular faceplate of smoky color, so that the face was not visible. The height of the figure was about 6-foot. After about 5 seconds it turned its head to the right to face the witness; then it suddenly disappeared.
Source: Andrew Collins
Date: 1973
Location: Santa Ana California
Time: night
Summary: While asleep with his wife in bed, Allen C Smith “dreamed” he was on a “strange ship” of some kind. He was lying on a table and there, two entities nearby, one of which was bending over him, and passing a small rod-like instrument over his stomach and chest. The figure’s face was ‘silvery” with no facial features, appearing like a mask of metal. Without speaking, Smith “heard” him tell the others “this one has some kind of malady.” Smith looked around and “knew” that the object he was on was “run” by “magnetic electrical force, coming from rods sticking in a bunch of crystals or a crystal like substance nearby.” When he awoke, he was lying on the carpet in the living room. He had shaved before retiring, but had what appeared to be two days growth of beard on his face.
Source:Paul Cerny
Date: 1973
Location: Covington Kentucky
Time: night
Summary: The witness had been standing on her front porch when two bright stars like objects descended nearby and exploded into a bunch of small white lights, like fireworks. Everything was silent as the lights came together forming a large moon shaped craft that then landed nearby. Later under hypnosis the witness remembered seeing five small beings with large cat like eyes approaching and entering her home. She also remembered being taken onboard the object and seeing a round object encircled with rings.
Source: UFONS # 239
Date: 1973
Location: Wright Patterson AFB Ohio
Time: night
Summary: An air force sergeant was called to duty in the middle of the night, states that he was led blindfolded to an area where he was instructed to guard three bodies stretched out on a table. The bodies were about 3-feet tall with large heads and off-white skin.
Source: Leonard H Stringfield
Date: 1973
Location: Springwood New South Wales, Australia
Time: night
Summary: Two men were sleeping in a caravan at a remote construction site when a bright blue light shining from a hovering disc shaped object awakened one. A time lapse of two hours was reported. But the witness vaguely remembered interaction with several undescribed “men.”
Source: Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic IUR Vol. 14 # 4
Date: 1973
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Time: 2:00 PM
Summary: “It was about 2:00 PM I’d guess. I didn’t hear anything. I had just seen two chipmunks scampering around the base of a Sycamore tree. Then I looked up and, by God, there it was… this round flying saucer. That’s all I know to call it,” reported an electronics technician from Louisville. The man took six pictures in all, two of which were blurred because of the object’s rapid departure. The pictures and negatives were examined by the COURIER-JOURNAL photo staff, and if the photos were faked, they were fakes of the highest quality.
Date: 1973
Location: England, exact location not given
Time: night
Summary: In a dream like state the witness saw an egg shaped object land on thick legs. A door slid open and a ladder descended. Two beings stepped out, one a humanoid with a big head and no hair, green eyes and a gray face; the other was human with blonde hair. She was unable to move as the beings approached, but she felt no fear or anxiety. The beings took her inside the craft, but she remembered nothing except computers and the end of the experience, when the door opened again and she went down the ladder, then the object took off at high speed.
Source: David Haisell, Ron Knight
Date: 1973
Location: Bronx, New York
Time: night
Summary: The witness was up in her apartment roof when she noticed a bright light overhead; she was somehow attracted to the light as it descended. The light became a large disc shaped object hat hovered directly over her. Moments later she found herself on a table with several humanoids looking down on her. The beings had almond shaped eyes. The air in the room felt stuffy and she had problems breathing. Another more human looking being appeared and communicated with her, telling her that they were here to help with their evolution.
Source: UFONS # 225
Date: 1973
Location: Harlingen Texas
Time: night
Summary: Carlos Canas woke up to see a translucent, 7 ft to 8 ft tall being that emitted a green glowing light floating in mid air in his bedroom. The being appeared to have only eye sockets and it did not appear to have legs. The top part of the body was smaller than the lower part. It floated back and forth at the foot of the bed appearing to look at the witness. Canas attempted to scream but he could not emit a sound. He finally ran out the bedroom and into his grandmother’s room. Later upon returning to his room the creature had already vanished.
Source: Carlos Canas, E-mail
Date: 1973
Location: Redondo Beach California
Time: late night
Summary: The witness was asleep next to her husband when she got the impression that someone was standing next to her bed. She opened her eyes and was startled to see a luminous blue being with large almond shaped eyes. The being peered at her and telepathically sent her a feeling of love and caring. The humanoid did not touch her; it simply walked through a wall and disappeared.
Source: CAUS
Date: 1973
Location: Attercliffe, Sheffield, England
Time: night
Summary: The witness was returning home with her boyfriend when they caught sight of a dark figure that ran into one of the alleyways. Concerned they decided to walk in the middle of the road; slowly they walked passed the alleyway. Suddenly they noticed two bright red circles that came closer, they then realized it was his eyes. They both began to run when the boyfriend felt something strike his back. He turned around and lying on the floor was a pitchfork type tool, like a hayfork. They picked it up and ran home later contacting the police. Other witnesses came forward reporting a strange prowler described as very tall, 6′ 6″ at least, dressed in black, with a black cape with burning red eyes. Around the same time an old woman reported seeing a figure “jumping” across the rooftops. She watched him take tremendous leaps of about 20 or 30 ft, this frightened her. She then saw him walked down the side of a pub’s wall and into the scrap yard. He was also chased by policed but mysteriously disappeared as they cornered him inside a shack.
Source: Martin Jeffrey
Date: 1973
Location: Divinopolis Minas Gerais, Brazil
Time: late night
Summary: After arguing with family members and his sister’s boyfriend the witness, Zenon Carlos Rios decided to go up to the rooftop and sleep there for the night. As he lay on the hard concrete, almost at the brink of falling asleep, he suddenly heard a long whistle that startled him awake. He looked up and saw a large blue craft, two meters above him that seemed to be about to fall on him. The craft was egg-shaped with blue, black and white lights. There was a huge glass paned window going from one side to the other and inside he could see two human like figures sitting at a control panel. The two humanoids wore black outfits and had very pale features, and short white curly hair. The witness was unable to move and as the bottom of the craft was about to strike him, a door opened. Then a powerful blast of air sucked him inside the object. Inside he noticed a strong odor resembling propane gas, he immediately lost consciousness. His next memory was waking up on the terrace feeling great pain throughout his body. With great difficulty he walked downstairs and was stunned to learn that he had been gone for 3 days. He could not remember what happened during those three days.
Source:Irene Granchi, UFO Abductions in Brazil
Date: 1973
Location: New South Wales, Australia, exact location not given
Time: late night
Summary: The witness was asleep at home when she was apparently abducted. She found herself lying on a sterile looking aluminum like table, in a circular room. The room was cold and it had three other tables and seating. Two types of beings were present. One type was tall with an elongated head, no mouth or nose and set back ears. They wore a silvery suit and moved normally. The other type was shorter with elongated heads and seemed to move clumsily. The beings in the silvery suits appeared in control of the smaller ones. She saw other humans onboard, including her sister. They seemed to be in a trance and were seated on seats attached to the wall. The beings did not communicate with her but seemed to communicate with each other from their throats using cricket type sounds. The beings examined her apparently doing something to her stomach.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1973
Location: Wahiawa, Hawaii
Time: late night
Summary: Rob Carlson had gone to the river in Whitmore Village with his friends to catch catfish. They laid traps in the river for about an hour, intending to come back in the morning to gather up the fish. As they were busy putting in their traps, they heard a blood-curling scream. It sounded at first like a wild man screaming in the bushes right next to them. In a state of panic the witnesses began to run. As they got to the top of the hill, running down a little trail, they came to a curve in the path. As they entered the curve, they all stopped dead in their tracks. An 8-foot tall man was walking down the trail, heading right for them. He was naked except for a cloth around his waist. They turned and ran back to the river. As he stumbled down the side of the embankment, a giant woman stepped out from behind a tree. She must have been at least seven feet tall. Turning downriver they ran until they came out of the ravine safely. Giant footprints were found at the site.
Source:The Obake Files: Encounters in Supernatural Hawaii
Date: 1973
Location: Ontario, Canada
Summary: The photographer remains anonymous. The witness took a series of photographs of the object. The circular object is clearly seen moving about a clump of trees. The photos have been deemed authentic by various photographic experts. A good, clear image for the time period.
Date: 1973
Location: Near Jordan, Ontario, Canada
Time: late night
Summary: Tom Campbell and his fellow musicians on leaving Jordan had a nighttime encounter. He had no recollection of the events until years later. The four musicians had just finished a gig and were busy packing their gear into the van when a stranger whom they had not noticed at the party approached and asked for a lift home. They agreed to let him accompany them. Finally loading the last of the instruments on board, all climbed in and set off for home. For some unexplainable reason they took a service road that bordered the Queen Elizabeth Highway on the north and Lake Ontario on the south. Close to Charles Paley Park the driver saw lights up ahead and thought that there had probably been an accident. Upon stopping, those in the rear, including Tom were curious as to what had happened. To which the driver replied, “I think you had better take a look at this.” Upon doing so they were astonished to see a saucer sitting in the middle of the road. Attempting to turn around the driver found that despite his very best efforts, he couldn’t turn. Even worse the van appeared to be floating sideways towards the saucer. The drummer, who was in the passenger seat up front, suggested to the driver putting his foot on the brake. Tom noticed that there appeared to be no road, vehicle contact. The van came to a halt within thirty feet of the craft. Soon they saw what appeared to be small figures getting out of the craft. The next thing that was heard was the door handle on the driver’s side rattling. Tom could hear footsteps moving down alongside the van to the rear door. At the same time he saw the head of the alien pass the side window. It had white cream-colored skin with black eyes. Suddenly the mysterious hitchhiker leant forward and opened it. When he did so the occupants saw four aliens looking in. One promptly climbed in, yet his head did not reach the ceiling of the van. In the dim light his features were not very clear. It was apparent he had no ears, and a small mouth. His facial muscle showed concern, probably because Tom was contemplating attacking them, but was unable to move. The alien telepathically informed him that his hostile thoughts made him concerned for the safety of his crew. That it was not their intention to harm the band members and their mission was one of peace. They wanted to examine three members of the group. At that point the alien “captain” turned around and caught his foot in the tripod of the snare drum, which promptly rolled out onto the road. One of the crewmembers picked it up and returned it to the van. Three of the band members and the aliens passed down the side of the van and entered the saucer through an egg-shaped doorway, steps were visible and a hallway further on the curve to the left. Entering the craft they saw three chrome cots on wheels. At which point they were asked to undress and then sit on the cots. Soon Tom saw one of the little humanoids wheeling a cart over towards him with what looked like a tray of instruments on it. Some looked like dental probes, and lights. Soon the three captives were taken into separate rooms in which the aliens collected different body samples. Later the three band members were escorted to the door and the bass player was sent. Later getting into the van everyone sat like zombies and also the stranger that had hitchhiked a ride with was gone. Later they drove home. Most of their memories were retrieved years later under hypnosis.
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC
Date: 1973
Location: Berendeyevo, Yaroslavl, Russia
Time: late night
Summary: As Tamara Nikolayevna waited for her husband to return from work when suddenly the door to the apartment was thrown wide open. At the door stood an unknown and beautiful looking man with blue eyes, which quickly entered the apartment. The stranger was dressed in a bright blue, tightly fitting tricot outfit. He did not speak only looked around apparently inspecting the premises. He briefly sat down on the bed then arose and left the same way he came in. Around the same time she was visited by another man-like stranger, this one dressed in black. He sat directly in front of Tamara and struck her across the chest once and then left. (!) Frightened, Tamara consulted local psychiatrists but was judge sane.
Source: Anna Kukushkina, Yaroslavl UFO Group
Date: 1973
Location: Belotic, Yugoslavia
Date: 1973: Bradenton, Florida
Date: 1973
Time: 11:00 pm
Date: 1973
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