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2010: June UFO & Alien Sightings

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(Last Updated On: )

Date: summer 2010   
Location: Mertztown, Pennsylvania
Time: evening
Summary: A father and son were parked on the side of the road in a heavily wooded area when a winged ‘monster’ casually glided up the road. It looked big enough to carry a full grown man away with no effort. When the wing flew over the hood of the car, they both instantly ducked down. The creature had a round human sized head with no beak and huge bat-like wings, the body was 5-6 ft in length easy, wing span was 25-30 ft easy, no feathers, bat-like skin, jet black, and a 4-5 ft skinny rat-like tail that stuck straight out. This creature didn’t flying like a bird it glided about 10 ft off the ground at a very slow speed. After 50 to 75 ft of gliding, it took one huge flap of the wings, never changing elevation and glided up the road until it disappeared into the woods. The adult witness is convinced that this creature lives ‘underground’ probably near some hot springs since it has no feathers.
Source:  Phantoms and Monsters blog     

Date: June 2010     
Location: New York City, New York
Time: late night
Summary: The witness (involved in other incidents) woke up in the middle of the night and was paralyzed. She was able to move her eyes and hear her surroundings, but could not for the life of her move her body. She heard a commotion on the left side of the bedroom and as she turned her eyes towards that direction, she saw two small gray creatures communicating to each other. Not believing what she was seeing she began to panic when a third smaller gray came through the window with what seemed to be a mask in his hand. She began to scream but no sound came out her mouth, it was as she was screaming in her mind. As the gray humanoid approached her with the mask she felt a ringing/siren noise in her head and she apparently blacked out since she doesn’t remember seeing the gray humanoids depart. As soon as they left she was again able to move her body.
Source: http://www.alienufotruth.com/sleep-paralysis-and-encounter/   

Date:  June 1, 2010
Location:  SE Province of Khost
Time:  between the hours of 2100 and 2200 hours
Summary:  All dates and times are approximate. it was a warm evening, june timeframe, between the hours of 2100 and 2200 hours local, respectfully. i was outside my work area, beside the building which held the operations office, command team work space. the fob was a “blackout” fob, which means that at night the entire area is pitch black, and everyone is required to observe proper light disciple; only red lense flash lights were authorized after sunset. while outside smoking with another nco she pointed out a series of stationary lights which had appeared above the fob. there were between 8 and 10 orange-yellow lights. they moved together in a semi-oval, or chevron shape pattern. they appeared to have come from the direction of camp chapman which is only a few kilometers from our location at the time, and seemed to be heading towards sabari which borders khost district to the south. the lights remained at the same elevation, and brightness for several minutes. we knew this wasn’t illume rounds from sabari or from chapman because of how long the lights were stationary above, and how they seemed to shift and turn in order to pass over a nearby hill. the lights flew at an unknown height, but even as they changed direction slightly they still maintained the same level of brightness. no noise could be heard coming from whatever these lights were.
Source:  MUFON 83212

italyrome7june10__001Date: June 2, 2010
Location: Ischia Italy
Time: 12:00
Summary: My Fiance just got back from a two week trip to Italy. Last Wednesday they hiked to the top of a mountain in Ischia, an Island off Naples to visit a statue of the Holy Mother. They took a sequence of pictures. Never noticing anything in the sky. Although it was a perfectly clear day. It wasn’t until they got back to the house later when reviewing the pictures that they noticed a UFO that was above them. This object was not in the sequence of pictures before or after this one. Interestingly, and within 48 hours of this photograph they heard there was a report on the mainland in Naples that made the local news of someone claiming an actual UFO landed on their property.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 2, 2010
Location: Ilkeston Derbyshire England
Summary: Derbyshire fireball. We noticed a bright orange fireball object moving at speed overhead,where it slowly came to a standstill, then slowly died out leaving nothing visible. During the event no sound was heard.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 4, 2010
Location: East Kilbride Glasgow Scotland
Time: 23:25
Summary: diamond shaped object over east kilbride glasgow uk Whilst standing in my back garden I looked up to the sky and noticed a strange light I went inside and got my binoculars, The object seemed oval shaped with a small white light underneath (to the naked eye) But when using binoculars I could see it was sort of diamond shaped with a white light hanging underneath, The object made no sound and silently flew or floated in a straight line towards my house then slowly turned left and was lost in the towns light pollution. 
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 4, 2010
Location: Easton, Maryland
Time: 02:00
Summary: On the night of June 4th , I think, for an unknown reason I looked up and said Good-Lord I’d like to offer a Male Alien a glass of water if there are any. I then filled a glass of water and left it on a counter, then went to bed around 10pm.  Around 2:00 am I awoke with a tingling sensation all over my body, Standing just outside my bedroom doorway, there were two figures standing in my hallway. I went to get out of bed and couldn’t, I seemed to be paralyzed with my head turned toward them, I went to point to the sky, couldn’t, tried to roll out of bed and couldn’t. During all of this there was a brighter than usual light coming in through a far bedroom window, behind them but towards me, with a blue-ish tint to it. The two figures I saw were gray in color with dark, large eyes, nostrils but no visible nose, and a small mouth, but there was no sound of any kind, except the frogs and ducks outside. My bedroom is on the second floor, on the back of my townhome, the light was coming from the front.  I fell back to sleep, until about 10am the next morning, bad dream right. Went to turn on my cable tv in my bedroom and the cable was out, tried down stairs, it was out too. I then called my cable company, they ran a circuit test and said everything was fine on their end, so they came to look at my boxes. The cable tech said he had to reprogram the EPROM chips in my boxes with another computer and did, worked fine after that. We talked, there was no lightning or storms the night before that we knew of and I informed all my equipment is on surge protector anyway shouldn’t have blown or wiped like that. Then I went out to my front yard and there was and still is, a tear- dropped shape of discolored, almost burnt grass in my front yard about 30ft wide and 30 ft long that wasn’t there before, pointed from where the light was coming from. If you have any other explanation, could you advise me please?
Source: Davenport, Peter

Date: June 4, 2010
Location: Pals Spain
Time: 10:24
Summary: Circle shaped light above Pals (Spain) Me and my wife were on holiday in Spain. We saw the moon by daylight and next to it a small light that did not move. I made a picture of it. Then I forgot it. When I was home in the Netherlands I saw the object on the photo. 
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 5, 2010
Location: York England
Time: 23:10
Summary: The object exactly like a hot air balloon shape, and translucent, with an orange glow at its base, moving northwest to southeast at an estimated speed of 150-200 knots. The sky completely clear of cloud, the object being observed through binoculars in view for approximately 30-60 seconds suddenly just disappeared. The time 23.10hrs 5th June 2010
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 5, 2010
Location: Hull England
Time: 00:00
Summary: I was stood in my back garden then i looked up at the sky there where 3 orange balls in the distance gliding steadily they came from the direction of a near supermarket they where clearly not planes or choppers no indicator lights beneath them they was there for about 30 secs then flew south strangely enough after the flew off 2 or so minutes later sheet lightning started coincidence i don’t know.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 5, 2010
Location: Australia
Time: 05:45
Summary: circular shape with rings descending from the stars, Rings then changed to triangular shape. My husband observed a circular shape with rings descending from the stars, he came inside and woke me. We then proceeded out to the rear of our house where I saw the circular shape with rings travel over our house, we followed it to the front of house, it then traveled past & behind the neighbors house’s. The rings then changed to what could be described as triangular shapes protruding from the sides of the circle. The circular shape then “flew” upwards where we lost sight of it. Please note that the rings/triangles where surrounded by a fog. Approximately 1 – 2 minutes later we then observed an aeroplane flying from a different direction. This was obvious from the shape and the wing lights, we therefore dispute any person/s or organizations trying to state that it was an airplane. We do not believe it was the so called rocket as stated in the news later that day. Duration: 3 minutes
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 5, 2010  
Location: Sydney Australia
Time: 05:50
Summary: White bright light, spinning with a circular trail around it, snapped a photo of it. Kind of Egg Shaped light, spinning across the sky from West to East Leaving a Spiral trail that was moving with it, very bright white light. No sound though there was a commercial plane some distance behind
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 5, 2010  
Location: Leeds England
Time: 22:16
Summary: 14 bright white/yellow lights seen travelling horizontally across sky following each other 
5th June 2010 Kippax, Leeds, England, 22.16p m Three uneven round, yellow/white bright smallish lights seen travelling horizontally in sky in a south easterly direction.. Followed by another six of the same . At 22.43 pm Four more of same lights seen travelling same path. All travelled so far then stopped & moved off at what appeared to be a 90 degree angle. There were no noises, evening was warm & quiet & dry. They were not Chinese lanterns. Too slow for helicopters & too low for airplanes. Saw three of the same things also previously on 22nd may 2010 at 22.15pm travelling in a north westerly direction. Duration: 45 min

Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 6, 2010  
Location: Rheinland-Pfalz Germany
Time: 02:00
Summary: Multiple light-orbs / -spheres, translucent, multi colored, appearing rapidly and circling my house. The event date is a approximation only. I guess I must have been between 10 and 15 years young back then. I am now 32 years of age. 
Ok, this story has been nagging me for many years, as I have never been completely sure if I have only been dreaming or if it has been real, that is why I have not really told anyone. One night I woke up in the middle of the night, and I got up to go into the kitchen to get myself some fresh water to drink from the sink in the kitchen on the second floor of our house. I hopped on the kitchen table that was beside the big kitchen window in order to get a better view out of the window. I had a habit of watching the stars out of that particular window quite frequently when being dark outside. So I gazed at the stars when I started to see some lights rising on the horizon of our small mountainous terrain here. The lights quickly grew to light-spheres while coming down from the top of the little mountain that was straight ahead of the window. They were moving in a straight descending line directly towards our house, keeping rather near to the ground at all times and very very fast. So fast that for a moment I even feared they would crush into our house. In a split second they stopped dead ahead of the kitchen window at only a few, maybe 3 to 5 meters away. The whole travel could not have lasted more then 3-4 seconds in total. I just checked from Google Earth that the top of the mountain is approx. 500m bird-line from our house, high-differential of maybe 100 meters. Now I could see the orbs / spheres very clearly. There were maybe 5-7 of them, each one kind of translucent, still radiating a quite strong light. Each one in a different color: blue, orange, red, purple, yellow, almost like a rainbow. The colored light seemed the come from the spheres outer shell only, being unevenly distributed. Kind of like the soap-bubbles having this kind of oily, uneven texture. The texture now only being unevenly distributed patters of light. The spheres must have been about 1/2 to 1 meter in diameter. For a few seconds the spheres where hovering still before my window. Then they started to move again, spinning around our house, light sipping in from the different windows in the different rooms. That got me freaking out and I started to panic, as I realized that I was alone at home that night, my parents being on some of their parties. I think i started screaming, running around eratically around the house (of that I am sure). I was really really scared and I don’t remember having any clear thought in that moments. Weird thing is, I do not know how it ended. That is why I was always struggling with myself, pondering whether it was only a dream or something real. And I still am. I was wondering if there is anyone out there, having experienced something similar. Although having a strong interest in the matter of UFO, I try to remain sceptic. To this very day I have not seen anything that has convinced me of UFO’s or e.g. dimensional things being real. For the above stated reason I will give permission to release my contact info. At this stage I will only hand out a synonym (+email), not my real name of course.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 6, 2010  
Location: Halifax England
Time: 03:30 
Summary: ufo in west yorkshire It was round orange ball very bright’ seen it a few time over the ovenden area Halifax Yorkshire,i had just come back from the loo, got into bed then this noise of a fighter jet coming over waking most of the house up i jumped up opened the curtains and the ufo was right outside just a stone throw away’ this thing lite the whole area up in a orange glow, both me and my partner witnessed this and it was truly amazing sight to see, after about a minute it slow went over towards queensbury.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 6, 2010  
Location: Singapore
Time: 05:34
Summary: UFO Spotted above northern singapore We spotted this unknown saucer like object in the sky whilst having a BBQ, we got the camera on full zoom, and then zoomed into the picture and got a basic idea of it. It was a dark grey colour, with reddish lights around the side. It was moving slowly until it went behind a building and we lost sight Duration: 4 minutes
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 10, 2010  
Location: Sydney Australia
Time: 13:52
Summary: Clouds appearing from no where, white dots and teleportation. We saw three small dots in a clear blue sky that soon begun to turn into clouds. These clouds would change colour/color, Disappear, reappear, change shape and move around in the same area. Every now and again you saw small white objects within or around the clouds and frequently after the cloud would disappear and relocate. At some times there would only be one cloud sitting on its own in the clear blue sky the shape of an oval. Last thing that happened was all these clouds came together, lighted up and disappeared. We saw it from up in a building. I tried filming but memory was full and only captured 40 seconds that weren’t very useful. Duration: 15 minutes
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 10, 2010  
Location: Edinburgh Scotland
Time: 23:05
Summary: At first I thought it was a plane- as of the light. I watched it fly past (as I have done since I moved here- we have a good view). After watching the plane for rouughly 15 seconds i realised it wasn’t moving. As I studied it for a few more seconds I realised it was in fact moving- but vertically. I thought at first it may have been a hot air balloon but common sense made me realised that no sane person would have been flying one at this time of night. The object was a perfectly cylindrical “plume” of light- yellow in colour- with a small “bulb” at the top of it. At this point I called the girlfriend over to confirm I wasn’t just mental, but she saw it too. The object rose a further minute till it was at a height higher than that of which planes pass the window. My girlfriend turned away for a bried moment when the object all of a sudden “vanished.” Had I not been concentrating so much on it then I would have lost it but I was fixed on it. The object had tur! ned into a perfectly circular ball of “blackness.” The onject veered slightly to the left and toward us quite quickly. All of a sudden it started to accelerate horitzontally toward us. In a period of about 20 seconds, it had passed over our heads and out of our sights. As I rushed down and out of our first story flat to inspect where it should be, it had vanished completely. Duration: 4 minutes
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 11, 2010  
Location: Afghanistan Forward Operating Base
Time: 23:30
Summary: V shape formation over Afghanistan While I was on guard duty, from ((deleted)) to ((deleted)) hrs., I looked up to the northern mountains at my 2:00 o’clock I saw a string of lights moving from east to west; it stopped at my 12:00 o’clock. I ran out of the tower with my NVG (night vision goggles). As I got to the outside of the tower the object was gone. I stared in the area and noticed that the object was coming out of a left bank turn heading towards me. The mountains are about 2 miles away, and it floated over our Forward Observation Base (F.O.B.) in Afghanistan. It stopped over our base and it spun around pointing north again it drifted west over a small village. Just past the village, it stopped then it just shot over the northern mountains in a split second. The object was 5 large lights in a V shape formation. I could not see the object, due to the cloud cover, but you can tell that it was one solid object with 5 lights. It was also very large as it hovered over the base, I can see that it was larger then the base! In a war zone no military air craft are to fly with lights on, and I know all of our aircrafts. Also, as the U.F.O was hovering over the base it was a windy night with gust of 30 miles. It had stopped and it started again as it passed. 
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 13, 2010  
Location: Renfrew Scotland
Time: 00:10
Summary: Bright red/orange lights flying in loose formation in night sky. Whilst looking out of the window to the night sky suddenly a bright light rose up from behind buildings opposite the house. This bright light was red/orange in colour and moved at a speed quite similar to an aeroplane on take off. It followed what seemed to be an arc shaped trajectory; was visible for a few minutes, dimming as it moved into the distance, then disappeared into the distant night sky. This light was followed closely by a second light which appeared before the first one had disappeared and behaved similarly. There then followed a further eight similar lights all moving in the same direction although their trajectories varied slightly. The lights all arose from precisely the same position and the distance between the lights varied. My wife and I do not have any particular interest in UFO’s but this phenomenon certainly puzzled us.  Duration: Approx 20 mins
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 14, 2010  
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 15, 2010  
Location: Chadwell St Mary England
Time: 03:20
Summary: I woke up, it was 3:20am and hot, felt like looking out of the bedroom window of our 10th storey flat overlooking nothing but fields for miles. After sitting up and turning round I looked out of the window and this is what I saw. Approximately 50 yards away directly in front and almost level with our floor was hanging in the sky motionless and silent an “Alien spacecraft?” Well, it was saucer or maybe cigar shape. It had two rows of windows there were “People?” Well that’s what they looked like to me, All wearing what the nearest I can discribe looked like those early Beatle jackets without the collars, some dark ones and some were wearing white. The ages of the occupants appeared to range from 10 to 60 years some men had beards there where also women. I went to wake my wife but then noticed she was already in the same position as me looking out. She started waving at them, they waved back some smiled, they were sort of coming and going to the windows. After what seemed like 15 minutes it either shrunk or sped off rapidly and in silence.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 16, 2010    
Location: Offerton Stockport Cheshire
Summary: Black Saucer morphing above trees and changing shape at one,point one,comes from below seems to morph with each other


Date: June 16, 2010    
Location: Kettering England
Time: 18:00
Summary: Transparent or Camouflaged Craft which I spot on a clear day. I was travelling on the A14 near Kettering in England, it was a very sunny day, no clouds, only blue sky, As i was driving i saw an object in the sky which i first thought was a plane wings, it did a 360 and it vanished, at first i didn’t think much of it, then i saw this happened again, (its was like a camouflaged object in the sky and the reflection (reflection was as if a planes wings) i saw let me to think the sun helped me to spot it, the object was there stationary. It was also transparent, i could see the blue sky through it. After the reflections, it would seems as though the object wasn’t there, but it was. The object when i first saw was about 3000-4000ft above ground and very far away, I was driving towards its direction. The objects size if bringing the wings to account, would be massive, (being 2 planes width). This area is no flight path, and there’s no airports close by. This is my first sightings as such, and i know there was something definitely in the sky. I drive for a living and have been driving through the A14 for a while. This experience let me to think there could be more of this transparent ufos in the sky, which maybe spotable on a clear day. Duration: 10 – 20 secs
Source: National UFO Reporting Center


Date: June 19, 2010
Location: Macau China
Time: 17:15
Summary: Disk
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 20, 2010
Location: Beijing China
Time: 20:00
Summary: Red, green, blue flashing light hovering in the north-east sky. i know its not a star, because i could see its hovering(not a single star could be seen that night in Beijing). Its not an aircraft either, because as i was watching the object, there had been a few aircraft flying by (Beijing International Airport is on the north east side of the town.) Event lasted about an hour as the object slowly moved far away. Duration: 1 hr
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Source:   National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 22, 2010
Location: San Sebastian Spain
Time: 02:50
Summary: UFO formation over San Sebastian, Spain Hi, I’m writing this report to inform you I have a video of a UFO sighting recorded on a NOKIA N95 8gb cell phone. The video quality is not very good, since it is taken at night in the city, with the resulting light pollution, and the digital zoom to its maximum capacity. The recording is spectacular although the conditions of brightness and sharpness common to this type of devices. The video can be put under all kind of tests to ensure its authenticity. It is absolutely real. I do not want to avoid comments identify humorous or otherwise by known or not as well known. I hope you do not mind this detail. I’ve got a Private Pilot License, and thank to my experience and knowledge about flying, and the knowing on attitude and maneuvers of aircraft on airspace, that’s why I’m absolutely sure that this are not “conventional” fixed wing aircraft. The only possible explanation would be that they were helicopters, but given the characteristics of air space location, time of sighting, weather and number of traffics sighted, it’s hard to believe we’re talking about this type of aircraft (and also due to other reasons explained below). Let’s describe the facts: Location: San Sebastian, Spain Date: 06/22/2008 Time: 2:50 AM (local time) The facts are set in a rainy late night, after a sultry day, classic Basque coast, in the afternoon that triggers a “gale” that completely changes the weather, thus passing a hot sunny day in excess , a late-night and early morning rain, the sky completely covered (the ceiling would be around 600 or 800 feet). Weather conditions certainly were not ideal, either for VFR (visual) or IFR (instrumental) flights. I leave a disco located near the mouth of Urumea river, 300 ft from the sea, and the first thing I see (outside the disco could at that time be about twenty people watching the scene) is something like flares or fireworks (is the first thing that went through my head just seen the objects). I never leave my amazement when I see that they are objects that have a bright orange light, fixed and weak (although the video appears in a flashing mode), which seem to be quite large, and maintaining a steady ascent flight (improper of a flare or firework). This is a sighting made up of at least nine traffic. I say at least it is the number of traffic which document the recording, but I am sure that before I started recording I could see more objects. I think there were around 13 or 15 spotted objects. I think this is a considerable number of traffics, which were moving in groups of 3 or 4, some in pairs and solo, with variable speeds from one another, although all were heading in an east-west direction, looking that its point of departure was off or the sea. I could not hear any sound coming from the objects (sound of rotors, …). The truth is that my proximity to the disco would probably prevent me hear any sounds associated with them, but it is also true that in the case of many objects, it is logical that it had heard a noise, more so considering that the wind, even weak or very weak intensity, was at that time, and after the passage of the gale, north-northwest direction, so it was not a factor which prevented listening t! o sounds from that area, or that slowed them. The recording, in mp4 format and weighing 63.4 MB, has a duration of 4 min. and 25 sec., and has audio (with a “taco” or improper word included). I have to say it was something I could not believe. I was watching something that escaped my mind all logic by the circumstances of the moment, and physics of flight if we think of objects such as flares and fireworks. I had never seen anything like that. I have never spotted suspicious objects to be classified as UFOs but from my experience as a pilot and my knowledge of aviation, and from an objective perspective, I cannot give a logical explanation and some of what happened on that late night/early-morning of Sunday June 22nd on the sky of San Sebastian. Trying to clear any doubts, I first put in touch with local newspaper “El Diario Vasco” once I got home (around 03:30 AM). From the paper, and to my question about whether they had received any calls or had known what had happened, they said no, and the person writing that I attended dealt with the subject telling me that I would have the exclusive on the matter. I did not provide any information in this medium, because my focus was solely on finding out what had happened, beyond creating a notice or cause any unnecessary minimum alarm. A few minutes later I put in touch with San Sebastian Airport with the intention of resolving any doubt in the case of several traffics had taken off from this airfield, which is unlikely since these facilities are operational only from 06:00 h. to 21:00 pm GMT. Indeed, a member of airport security personnel, along with several Civil Guard troops, at that time the only staff at the facility, tells me that since the closing time of the aerodrome there has not been any takeoff or landing operation. Thus, in the narration of the facts and seeking a possible explanation between the event, he tells me that there must have been a chopper concentration close to the field … If so, that is, if it were private helicopters, where did they take off? at that time? in those weather conditions? how many? what was their fate? There are many questions, in addition to the already questionable as “normal” physical characteristics of the flight, since no one respects Training, traffic looking! each flight develops its sole discretion, even at times to provoke some kind of collision between aircraft. Also, the navigation lights are anything but navigation lights. They are more comparable to “landing lights”, although these are only used at final approach maneuvers, landing and take-off on, but that’s not all, as the brightness, hue, intensity and very important direction of the light beam, not easily explained. Landing light beams are projected in a sense, the flight path, and not through a kind of focus light at an angle of 360 ° as in this case. In the recording can be viewed at all times the same intensity of each traffic light, regardless of their position, and throughout the flight path east-west. Thinking on the possibility that, being helicopters, were those well known and dilapidated soviet made MIL-MI that usually come from Eastern Europe to Spain for the summer fire season, I contacted next day with the tower of Labacolla Airport (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) for the purpose of ascertaining whether there was a landing operation of such choppers over last morning. The only reason for contacting with Santiago de Compostela Airport was that is the only one airport in the northern half of the Spanish peninsula, with the exception of the Foronda Airport (Vitoria), which operates 24 hours a day (H24 operational). The answer given by the driver in command at that time was negative, indicating that there was only air military exercises of NATO airspace early in the vertical drawn from León to the west, there are therefore any flight plan or known traffic area in the hours watching the events. We are talking about a longitudinal distance between two points (San Sebastia! n – León) approximately 160 nautical miles (300 km). We must take into account the rigor that military and civilian authorities established to determine airspace to such maneuvers, for the danger they entail implicit in the civil air operations. Given these responses, only have the option of consulting military authorities and the Radar Control Center in Madrid, Spain. Not being easy the access to these establishments, I leave it to anyone interested in the phenomenon of inquiring beyond the initial investigations carried out. All these details about the physics and flight characteristics of the objects spotted have been discussed with different Airline Transport Pilots of recognized national carriers, they can likewise view the recording made, and very surprised at what is seen in the same, have not been able either to give a priori any explanation of the phenomenon. Like me, they could give as valid only the explanation that they were helicopters, yes, with all the questions raised above. Duration: 5 min.
Source:   National UFO Reporting Center

Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 26, 2010
Location: Valencia Spain
Time: 03:00
Summary: two orange lights with vapour trial from horizon to horizon I live in the mountains just outside valencia spain and At 3am on 22nd June 2010 i out the back of my house (south facing) and was looking up at the milky way thinking how bright is was i decided to go out to see what it looked like from the front of the house, when i got out the front of the house and looked up i say what i could only describe as a very thick vapour trail starting down at the west horizon. I followed the vapour trail only to see at the end of it and almost down to the east horizon two elongate orange lights. 30 seconds later all that was left was the vapour trail from horizon to horizon which didn’t vanish until at least 15 minutes later. i’m just wondering if you can shed any light on what this could be. it was amazing to see and i have never seen anything like it before.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


Date: June 26, 2010  
Location: Manchester England
Time: 23:45
Summary: I live 1 mile to the north of manchester airport, therefore thought this was an airplane. however it was too low and was travelling north east away from me and the light was bright even travelling away. There was no sound and the line of travel was perfectly straight. the object was around 3000 ft from the ground at a guess. It wasn’t spectacular, it just wasn’t a plane, or satellite as it was way too low. Duration: 4 minutes
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 26, 2010  
Location: Elk, AK
Time: 10:22
Summary: Odd brightly lit object object observed silently flying in a wavering flight path.west to east in eastern Washington state. I ran to the truck to grab a manual for my Jeep. When I was returning to the house I saw what I thought to be a very bright shooting star. I immediately noticed that it was moving to slow for a shooting star and it did not change in light intensity, nor did it have the normal streak behind it. I watched the object move from west to east, I know this as I am familiar with the layout of my parents property. I watched this light for several seconds and determined it was not a plane due to fact that the light was not unidirectional, as would be the case if it were a plane or helicopter. I called to my nephew who was inside and asked him if he wanted to see something weird. We both observed the light/object as it continued towards the east. After a few moments he ran inside to tell his mom, my sister, to come out and look at what was in the sky. I explained that it was weird because there were no flashing port or starboard lights. The flight speed and altitude was also odd as it seemed to be drifting and did not appear to follow a straight path. I thought that it could possibly be a satellite but due to its brightness and low elevation have considered otherwise. I doubt that it was a small plane as there was no prop noise. The object continued to the east until it disappeared behind the horizon. Duration: 2-3 minutes
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 26, 2010  
Location: Budapest Hungary
Time: 23:30
Summary: Big black silent rectangle with one yellow light I was biking in a street,going home,late night. Suddenly i spotted a very bright,constant yellow light heading toward my direction,right under the clouds (that can be 600 meters maximum). It had not any sound. It was not an airplane,or helicopter,since its one yellow light was not flashing. It was going slower than an airplane,totally silent. When it got right above me,it disappeared in the clouds,but i could see it in them. After few secs it got out of the clouds above me,continued its flight (north to south),and from now ,I did not see its light,but i recognized its shape,that was a big black rectangle. At this time,it begun to slowly dancing.. like a dropped sheet of paper,and flew away in this method. Still heading southwards,flying “dancing”, and it disappeared above the rooftops. Whatever this was,must have seen me,because my bike has a very sharp flashing light,and this thing was flying on maximum 5-600 meters. Its size was approx a smaller airliner,and interestingly,the yellow light on it was exactly the colour of the streetlights.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 26, 2010  
Location: Corby England
Time: 23:00
Summary: Big orange stingray shape UFO in Northampton – United Kingdom 26th June 2010 while been outside for a cigarette with my brother we notice an orange light that was glowing at the horizon. It was very big and glowing at least 5 times more then any star. In fact it is full moon and it had almost the same intensity. Everything happened in Corby, Northampton United Kingdom. After like 2 seconds it got above us and it did a sudden move to the right and back to initial position. This move was repeated one more time and then it increased speed and passed over our heads. It looked like it stopped for a few seconds moved left and right in this time and after that it just disappeared. The shape was bizarre to me since it looked like a stingray; there were 4 orange lights one on top two on the sides and one at the tail. They did not blink or change intensity all the time. The colour was a very beautiful orange and intense. I just want to add the sky was clear there were 18 Celsius or 64 Fahrenheit and also it was a full moon. The UFO was way to big in order to be mistaken with a star or an airplane. There was no sound from it or anything else that will get your attention. Duration: 60 sec
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 26, 2010  
Location: Birmingham England
Time: 23:30
Summary: Circular orange fireball seen in the Northfield area of Birmingham, UK at 11.30pm on Saturday 26th June 2010. 
Circular orange fireball seen flying slowly across the sky, then steadily dissapeared into a cloud, but didn’ t re-ermerge the other side of the cloud. It didn’t move in a straight line and was not an aircraft or a helicopter. Seen in the Northfield area of Birmingham, UK at 11.30pm on Saturday 26th June 2010. Duration: 90 seconds

Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 26, 2010  
Location: San Pascual Philippines
Time: 23:30
Summary: nobody never seen this before so it was very strange to see something like this there where red lite in perfect formation up in the sky going past my home then they made a left turn went into the clouds and we didn’t see them any more but they a all of followed the first one but be for the went in to the cloud the made some kind of shape. i tried to use my telescope but it was to hard because they where moving in a slow pace Duration: 15 mins?
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 27, 2010  
Location: Basingstoke England
Time: 00:00
Summary: bright red fireball flew across the sky at high speed As I stood in my garden I saw a glowing bright red fireball shape flew across the sky at very high speed it was very low but as it proceeded across the sky it rose and shoot off over the houses opposite and banked to the right As this object moved past us its colour changed to a light yellow and slowly became smaller before eventually leaving our sight Duration: 40 seconds
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 27, 2010  
Location: Zurich Switzerland
Time: 04:30
Summary: Moving object with lights over Zurich, Switzerland I have seen four(may be five, but not seen oon the video) objects which were lighting and move slowly around same place like an hour from 4:30-5:30 GMT +1 over Zurich in Switzerland.my girlfriend saw it also and few friends i spoke today told me they have seen this as well. In the end it was almost not lighting but still moving like flowing. Duration: 1 hour
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 27, 2010  
Location: Hertfordshire England
Time: 22:15 
Summary: shocked but i really saw them we heard no noise just saw one big one with flashing lights around it and the following 3 were just orange lights which hovered a little than quickly disappeared into 2 different directions. Duration: 5 mins
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 27, 2010  
Location: Hillerød Denmark
Time: 22:45
Summary: 2 lights over Hillerød Denmark was sitting in my apartment in Hillerød, Denmark, and went out to get some air when i noticed 2 flying objects going kinda fast but not in a straight line.. they both had a orange light from them but one of the object was loosing light.. suddenly the light was gone and as i saw the other object move the line disappeared as well. i could still the object as it moved away till i lost focus of it.. Duration: 1 min
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 28, 2010  
Location: Dudley, Kingswinford England
Time: 23:50
Summary: Looks like a star but much too low , stationary for a while now , appears to have flashing red lights and blue lights , apparently there’s 3 but i can only see one at my current address
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 30, 2010  
Location: Rotterdam Netherlands
Time: 23:45
Summary: My son and I were on the terrace of our penthouse apt. I drew my son’s attention to a “moving star.” It looked like a star but it was much brighter. It came from the northeast traveling across the sky to the southwest. Hard to estimate the altitude, but it looked pretty high. It was definitely not a plane and went way to fast for a helicopter. We thought that the speed was not constant (stop and go) but that could be an illusion on our part. Also, it might have been a satellite. Or the space shuttle, if one happened to be in operation? Duration: 2-3 minutes
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 30, 2010  
Location: Nottingham England
Time: 00:00
Summary: me and a friend had finished work and was on the walk home this was around midnight as we continued our walk we got to a bridge witch is a local main road near my home as we got half way over the bridge i was looking up into the sky and i seen a bright white light i pointed and said to my mate look at that what the hell is that, kinda like a tear drop shape moving through the sky rather low. the light was steady didnt flash or go on or off didn’t have any other lights on it or near it this thing was traveling at extreme speed faster then any plane or helicopter i have ever seen. in the distance there was other planes and aircraft witch had blinking lights and that but this thing was moving ten times faster then any thing else in vision it seemed to be so fast then it pulled the clouds with it didn’t look like a vapour trail it was like it was making its own path through the sky freaked me and my mate out a bit
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: June 30, 2010  
Location: Viareggio Lucca Italy
Time: 23:00
Summary: mi ero appartato in un campo nella zona della darsena viareggio verso le ore 23 circa, alzando gli occhi al cielo noto due oggetti a forma di boomerang, luminosi a tratti, sembravano altissimi nel cielo ma a suo tempo anche molto grossi – I was secluded in a field in the area of the bay of Viareggio at about 23 or so, looking up to the sky two objects known boomerang-shaped , bright at times , seemed very high in the sky but in his time also very gross
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date:  June , 2010

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