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(Last Updated On: )
Date: January 2008
Location: Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Time: 2000-2100
Summary: The witness, L. Davis, (involved in other encounters) reported encountering a medium height dull darkish gray creature glide from the lounge to the bathroom in her mother’s house. She saw only its side and only from the mid chest up and only for a moment. She said that it was not a “friendly” being and began to become aggressive once it had been spotted. It continually made its presence felt at times and remained in the house for about 3 days and then it was gone. The witness claims she had been 5 months pregnant at the time but the baby or fetus disappeared. She remembers having a very odd “dream” where she gave birth in an open paddock on a medical table during the day. There were many strange human-like people around. They took the baby girl away for some time and then let the witness nurse her and then took her away again. She didn’t realize that there was something wrong until a few days later.
Source: http://www.iwasabducted.com/ufoboard
Date: early January 2008
Location: Barrio Cortes, Manati, Puerto Rico
Time: night
Summary: The witness, Hector, was outside his home talking on the cellphone when he heard what sounded like very loud footsteps in the nearby jungle area; the branches seemed to be cracking under the weight of whoever was walking about. Hector then went inside his home and found a flashlight to see who was walking around in the brush. To his surprise he saw two large green eyes and each time he shone the light at the eyes the creature that belonged to the eyes would hide behind a tree. Immediately he ran in the house to obtain additional witnesses, including his grandfather who was armed with a metal bar for protection. At one point the grandfather attempted to strike the creature with the metal bar but this one ran away very fast. Hector was able to describe the creature as human like but huge in size. The creature disappeared into the thick brush and was not seen again that night; however two days later his cousin saw the same or similar creature in the brush, which frightened him a lot. Soon they burned the brush around their house in order to scare the creature away, and it was not seen again.
Source: Andrew Alvarez Chardon & Lucy Guzman http://www.ovni.net
Date: January 1 2008: Granada Hills, California Abduction
Date: January 3 2008
Location: Warnham, England
Time: 0230am
Summary: The witness (involved in a previous encounter) had retired to bed after 1230am after watching a late film on TV. She soon fell asleep, but was awakened by a dragging sound outside of the building (block of flats). As she listened trying to decipher the sound, she turned onto her back to free her right ear so she could hear better, but still couldn’t make head or tail of the sound. She thought she’d climb out of bed and take a peep out of the window to her left so she opened her eyes—and at the foot of the bed, on the left hand corner was the most awesome sight of a glowing young lady wearing a bright white shiny gown. She stood looking at the witness with what she could only describe as pure and clear eyes. A bright white silvery glow radiated from her very essence and extended to a few inches around her, and yet it was confined to her being and didn’t light up the bedroom. This was quite unexpected and surprised the witness. They both stared at each other and no words were exchanged by either of them, not verbally or telepathically, so the witness was wondering what was going on. As they looked at each other the witness could still hear the sound outside which had awakened her and thought that the two were connected. This strange vision lasted for about 30-60 seconds and then just vanished. She laid in bed for a couple of minutes trying to make sense of what had just happened, then decided to see what was causing the sound outside. She climbed out of bed and looked outside through the bedroom window. A Coca Cola can have been blown about on the tarred drive by a fairly strong wind, causing the sound, the noise ceased when the can hit a curb. The witness then went back to sleep.
Source: Your True Tales—May 2008
Date: January 3 2008
Location: Seattle, Washington
Time: 1500
Summary: A husband and wife had been falling asleep on the sofa bed in their living room when the husband woke up and looked at the VCR which read 1441. There was an odd buzzing noise and a strange light pattern on the ceiling above them. He then heard scuffling sounds in the kitchen behind his head and became intensely afraid. Just as he was about to investigate, three distinct figures with huge heads and small bodies “glided” into the room. The room was dark but he could plainly see that they were not human. There is a light from the street that comes in enough to where he was able to make out a face. The creatures were wearing dark coveralls that were tight and showed off their skinny bodies. They also wore masks of some kind and he could see as far as faces was their huge black eyes surrounded by patches of light skin in the eye slits of the masks. Their beltlines were about level with the bed so he guessed they were about 4’ tall. The witness was convinced that he was not asleep or dreaming. He was immediately terrified out of his mind and tried to scream but could not even move. One of the creatures stood at the foot of the bed and the other two were on his side. His wife remained sleeping. The creatures were making strange noises as if breathing through ventilators; he could also hear mechanical sounds. Almost immediately he was lifted into the air a foot or two from the bed, as if by magic. He could still feel the skin of his wife’s shoulder under his hand and the blanket on top of them as well as open space and cool air below. He sensed movement all around and the room seemed to wobble and spatially distort. He attempted to kick at them but could not move, so he tried to lean from side to side in the air. He called out mentally for God and Jesus Christ to save him and instantly he was back on the bed and the beings and the strange glow were gone. The witness is convinced that divine intervention saved him from the creatures.
Source: NUFORC
Date: January 2008
Location. Between Tamworth & Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
Date: January 4 2008 Time: 2130
The witness, a student, was returning home from Katoomba with his mother, his sister and a young niece and while driving along, no other cars, a triangle of three red dots appeared overhead and started to move over the sky from east to west and then it started to vibrate and it then flashed blue and was gone. Before it did this he took a photo on his camera phone. Two days later a man in dark clothing (most noticeable of which was a long black trench coat, even though it was summer, and a “Che Guevara” beret) came up to the witness in the street claiming to be from an organization called “Black Stone” and demanded he had over his phone; when he refused he looked into his eyes and the witness could not move, he reached into his pocket and took his phone. As he walked away the witness found that he was able to move. The triangle shaped craft was estimated to have been a bit bigger than a modern passenger plane.
Source: http://www.auforn.com/2008_JAN.htm
Date: January 2008
Location. Texas, exact location not given
Date: January 5 2008
Time: 0600am
The witness woke up at 0600am because he had to be at his son’s house at 700am to take his dogs to the vet. He remembers feeling a bit shaken about what he had just “dreamed”. He had never experienced it before. He dreamt that he was standing on the bottom of the ocean with 2 men who looked like normal human men. He couldn’t figure out why he could still breathe air normally as he was on land. The men also breathe normally. He didn’t feel the water or any other pressure surrounding his body and was somewhat afraid because he knew that he needed scuba gear to go into the ocean. However the men made him feel safe, they hold him (in his mind) that they were 4,700ft below the ocean on the floor. It was dark except for the light that came from the immediate area where the men and the witness were. One of the men handed him an almost perfect circle that was light green with an indentation in the center. It had a blue ring that hugged the circle or almost circle because it had a straight end to it, resembling the round weights used on a bench press bar. The man told him, “This is argon. Take this to your scientist. It will provide energy to light cities for 1000 years. The use of argon for energy will save the planet’s resources”. He took the circle in his hands and began to go up but became afraid and let it go saying to the man, “if I go up to fast I’ll get the bends”. He said to the witness, ‘Don’t be afraid, you will go to the surface slowly”. When he surface he saw a city with a lot of industrial buildings. It was difficult to describe it because he felt displaced. The surface of the water was dark. He saw himself taking the object to a scientist who asked him “Where did you get this”. He woke up at this point.
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Date: January 2008
Location. Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan
Date: January 5 2008
Time: early morning
An unidentified flying object might have fallen in the Belaya River in the May district in the Pavlodar region, northern Kazakhstan. A source with the regional emergency situations department told Interfax referring to an eye witness. The chief of the local police department saw a shining flying object falling in the river in the early hours, the source said, adding that the policeman “reported about it to higher authorities.” According to the emergency situations department, divers examined a 15 meter air hole in the ice and officers of the local sanitary and epidemic office took water samples. “Divers plunged four times, but no objects were found. Water samples are normal,” the department said. A local Ufologist, Lyubov Rybalko stated that it was possible that a UFO had splashed down in the Belaya River and then left.
Source: http://www.interfax.ru
Date: January 2008
Location. Orlando, Florida
Date: January 5 2008
Time: 1045am
Two witness watched “a non human figure” crossing a road and walk ‘through’ cars on Frontage Road at the Orlando Intl Airport at the end of the runway. No other information available yet.
Source: WWPRC
Date: January 2008
Location. Illinois (exact location not given)
Date: January 6 2008
Time: 0200am
The witness arrived home from work early in the morning and as he stepped out from his struck, he caught a glimpse of a light that was in the northern sky above the tree line. It seemed to be at a distance so didn’t pay much attention to it. As he walked to the front door of his home, the source of the light was not so far away. It was actually just above the trees. He stepped onto his porch and the light then slowly moved to within ten feet of the porch and about ten feet from the ground. There was no noise and he did not feel threatened in any way. The light just hovered there. As he stood for about 2 minutes just looking at it, the object then began to emit a strange sound. It was a low tone and it was as if the object “was playing music to me”. It went from a low tone to a high tone, then back to the low tone. As the witness stood there trying to figure out what the object was it began to change color as the tone it emitted also began to change in pitch and length. The object “played” the “music” for a period of time as the witness stood listening. He raised his hand and tried to feel it there was any heat coming from it, the object then emitted two bright glows of a light blue light and then became silent. It hovered for a few seconds and then it darted into the night sky at a high rate of speed.
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Date: January 7 2008
Location: Malta, Illinois
Time: late night
Summary: The witness (involved in other sightings) woke up feeling a sharp stabbing pain in her finger. A figure about five feet, three inches tall was standing right next to her. The entity had a syringe like implement and needle and was taking blood from the finger. It was light enough in her room that she could completely see all that the entity was doing. The entity was gray in color, with a large head and large black eyes, and his mouth was wide open, breathing. It had black gums and no teeth and the first thing the witness noticed was the awful smell of the entity’s breath. After taking the syringe full of blood, he quickly walked away from her and right through the closed window. The witness says she was not paralyzed during the encounter. A few nights before this encounter she had found herself levitating above her bed and before has had strange needle marks on her stomach and arms.
Source: http://ufocasebook.conforums.com/index
Date: January 8 2008
Location: Near Brownwood, Texas
Time: 23:30
Summary: The witness was outside at night when she saw an object flying over her sort of flittering about in the night sky. She thought it was a craft, but realized quickly as it came closer to her that it was a foot wide. It shot around really fast and made lots of sharp, nearly right angle turns moving very fast. Then it got right over her head and flew down toward her head in a spiral or like a slinky when stretched out. She reached up and grabbed it just before it touched her head and it collapsed or rather “scrunched” in her hands. It felt like a fabric—it was a material, but it was sort of prickly, but it didn’t hurt her hands. It seemed alive, but not alive. It was under intelligent control, she believes, but it was not alive in the sense that a bird would be alive. The next thing she knew there is a small, green box-shaped craft with a being inside. She went inside the craft—it was just large enough for two people. Suddenly, it “flipped” and she felt a jerking sensation and they were airborne. She saw two satellites fairly close up in orbit. They looked just like the ones we have in orbit around Earth—they were ours. The craft then flipped or jerked again and moved really quickly and the two satellites were somewhat farther away. They apparently had moved a fairly long distance in a matter of a second. The next memory she has is of being inside something with large white room: another, larger craft. There were two tall humanoids about 6’5” and 7’ tall. They looked somewhat human so she surmised they were hybrids. They had light tan skin and had eyes similar to ours, but they were squinting a bit, like we would in bright sunlight. They had bulging skulls like she has seen before and right below the ridge on their foreheads was a second set of eyes that looked vestigial. They were there, but looked like they were no longer of any use as organs for sight. A being said to her telepathically. “He has redundant sets of eyes.” As she looked across the way—about five feet from her—that’s when she saw the being she described above. She then looked at the being that was talking to her and realized he also had redundant sets of eyes and looked almost exactly like the being standing apart from her. The witness points out that there were other people with her at the time of the abduction however they did not “see” what took place, seemingly unaware of what they were actually looking at.
Source: http://www.alienjigsaw.com/Articles/Stephenville.html
Date: January 2008
Location. Suurbraak, near Swellendam, Western Cape, South Africa
Date: January 10 2008
Time: 2330
A group of friends enjoying a ‘braai’ on the banks of the Buffelsjags River have reported spotting a legendary mermaid-like creature, known locally as the Kaaiman. Local resident Daniel Cupido said he and a group of friends were relaxing next to the river last weekend when he heard something which sounded like someone “bashing on a wall.” Cupido walked toward the sound. At a nearby low water bridge, he said he saw a figure, “like that of a white woman with long black hair thrashing about in the water”. Thinking to save her, he waded toward her, but said he stopped in his tracks when he noticed a reddish shine in her eyes. The sight sent “shivers” down his spine, yet he was pulled forward as if hypnotized. He called for his child, Deidrian, 13 and his nephew, Werner Plaatjies, 11, to help him, breaking his trance. He then shouted to his friends to take a look as well. Martin Olckers said he saw a female figure swimming, first on one side of the low water bridge, then on the other, and then standing on the bridge before diving back into the black water. He said the figure made the “strangest sound” like a woman crying. His mother, Dina, said the figure sounded so sorrowful, “my heart could take it no more”. Her husband Martinus said their parents had warned them about the Kaaiman but they never believed it existed. Some people believe that the Kaaiman is responsible for drownings.
Source: Aldo Pekeur Herald Correspondent January 15 2008 http://www.theherald.co.za/herald/news/n02_15012008.htm
Date: January 2008
Location. Gig Harbor, Washington
Date: January 11 2008
Time: various
A couple who lives in a wooded area saw a light across the yard; there are no neighbors or street lights, so they watched it. They watch the light do a variety of movements and break into 2 up to 4 lights and back into one again. They went outside to investigate, they did not find anything. Walking back into the house, they both suddenly heard a loud sharp electronic sounding screech which went on for 40 or so seconds. The sound stopped for 30 seconds and then suddenly started on the opposite side of the property 100 yards away. This sound bounced back and forth 3-4 times until it stopped. Their 3 year old daughter said she encounter “a yellow man” in her room and talks about it often.
Source: NUFORC Type: E
Date: January 2008
Location. Cleveland, Ohio
Date: January 12 2008
Time: unknown
A man and a female friend were traveling through town when the woman suddenly told him to stop the car. The woman, named Alisha, had always been a sort of “medium for spirits”. Shocked the man watched as she stared blankly for about 30 seconds until she told him to hold her hand. As he held her hand he felt in a sort of “dream-like world”. He looked at a nearby tree and saw a small blue child-like figure “falling” down from the tree. The figure stood up and began moving his hand in a circle and pointed at the man. The witness could feel a burning sensation on his forehead. Suddenly as he snapped out of the dream-like state, he felt a small bump on his forehead. A couple of weeks later he found a “Y” shaped vein that was popping out of his forehead, it eventually became a “V” shaped vein and apparently is still on the witness’s forehead.
Source: Above Top Secret UFO Forums
Date: January 12 2008
Location: Berlin, Germany
Time: 0100am-0130am
Summary: The witness was on his way home, the sky was clear and starry. He then saw a strange object with red lights hovering in the air, at about 1,000 above the rooftops. The witness stopped to stare but feeling extremely cold he decided to walk on home. There was no one around. Suddenly a “girl” appeared behind him, she apparently appeared out of nowhere. He felt a strong fear, a strong illogical fear. He turned around and saw the “girl” about 2-2.5 feet behind him. She stared at the witness with a strange smile on her face. Scared he turned around and began to walk faster. The female figure then began to walk behind him also at a fast pace. Strangely she didn’t make any sound as she walked. The witness felt isolated, there were no cars, no pedestrians, and he was totally alone with the strange “girl”. He walked across the street and looked behind to see the girl standing motionless like a robot. She seemed to cast a shadow much larger than her body. She had blond hair almost white in color and she had very white skin and seemed about 17-years of age. She stood motionless without moving an eyelash, a strong wind was blowing and her hair did not move. She stood there like a stone statue. The witness waited for about 10 minutes but she did not move. Terrified the witness ran home.
Source: John Hayes webmaster@ufoinfo.com
Date: January 12 2008: Dubno, Rovno region, Ukraine Sighting
Date: January 12 2008
Location: Buffalo, New York
Time: 7:30 pm
Summary: The witness remembers seeing a 9-foot tall very white female figure standing by the door of the pool room watching the kids playing. The lights also seemed to flicker at the same time. The figure reminded the witness of a very tall “angel”.
Source: WWPRC
Date: January 2008
Location. West of Homestead, Florida
Date: January 13 2008
Time: 1630
A couple was driving in far western Dade County in the rural areas where strawberries and tomatoes are grown. They were looking at the last field, a 4 or 5 acre patch of planted strawberries, with a small house and barn towards the back, and beyond that the Everglades. They pulled to the side of the road to observe a bright light that was approaching silently from the WNW. It was very bright. It finally came to a stop and hovered over the farm house. With a sharp hissing noise, a beam of light shone directly on the roof of the house for a few seconds, and then disappeared. At this point, once their eyes had adjusted to the intense glare, they could see black spots (maybe windows?) along the widest point of the oval. Suddenly there was a strange distortion developing in the sky over the house as the object became darker and appeared to shrink in on itself. It was a kind of swirling distortion that appeared to increase in size and seemed even to distort the sunlight and clouds as it did, and the object became even darker and smaller. Then there was an audible, low pitched popping sound, almost like one can make by pulling a finger out of one’s puckered mouth and the object disappeared altogether. The distortion effect subsided, and then disappeared after a few seconds more. They then approached the house by passing through the gate and going up the driveway, and detected a strong smell of ozone, like from a strong electrical gadget, as well as an organic kind of repugnant odor. They looked up at one of the windows and saw a grayish reptilian being staring at them. Terrified they made a U-turn right through a flower field and left the area.
Source: http://www.skyscan.org/BHill.htm
Date: January 2008
Location. Perez Zeledon, Punta Arenas, Costa Rica
Date: January 13 2008
Time: night
The witness, Richard Sandi, (involved in other encounters) was sleeping when he suddenly realized that he was floating apparently out of his body in his “astral self”. He found himself floating towards the ceiling thinking that “his time had come” and to relax. Once outside the house he was met by a woman human in appearance but not quite. He felt no fear as the woman introduced herself as “Mentric” and told him that she came from another planet whose name the witness could not remember. She told him that they knew that this is what he wanted to do and that she was going to show him “things”. He suddenly felt himself floating alongside the woman inside of what he thought was some kind of “bubble” the whole time he felt a strange sensation. He was shown scenes of humans at bars, discos at other places as the woman pointed out how humans did not really care about the planet or about themselves. At one point the woman told the witness that she was going to take him to see her friends, but he apparently blacked out and does not remember anything else. He saw himself lying on the bed and felt his astral body floating down and rejoining his sleeping body on the bed. The next day the witness took several photos of t he Golf of San Jose and upon developing the photos he found a huge object in one of the photos which he had not seen while taking the pictures.
Source: http://www.enigma-tico.com/contactoenperez.html
Date: January 2008
Location. Bristol, Tennessee
Date: January 14 2008
Time: 1535
The witness was at home sitting on a chair watching TV sitting in a spot which he could see outside through a window. He glanced outside and something caught his eye. It was a giant black bird which he had never seen before. The bird was black with some pink or light orange near its tail section. At first he saw it fly past the space that he was able to see through the window, seeing it for about one second. It was flying pretty fast, about 25 miles per hour. When he saw the “bird” he immediately knew that he had never seen another of this species before, so he turned his head to the right to look out of the other window in the room, where he aw the bird fly past the space viewable through that window, apparently on the same flight path. He estimated the wing span to be between eight and ten feet and he thinks it was about 100ft from where he was sitting. The direction from which the bird came leads to a pond about a half mile walk from the house
Source: WWPRC
Date: January 2008
Location. Near Boulder City, Nevada
Date: January 15 2008
Time: afternoon
The witness was driving north on US-93 just south of the Hoover Dam when he witnessed a cloud with a light inside of it. He stopped the car and began video taping the strange sight. As he sat watching trying to figure out where the light was coming from he noticed a blue light hovering behind his car. He turned and looked and saw that the light changed its location or perspective every time he moved his head. He got into the vehicle and began to drive frantically. He called friends and told them of the situation and also called 911 but was told that there were no troopers available in the area. The blue lights followed him to Hoover Dam. At a Homeland Security check point he explained to the agent what was going on and was told to move on. After passing through Hoover Dam he saw that the cloud with the light in it was on top of the hillside. Near town he stopped at a light and saw that the cloud was on top of the next mountain. He stepped out of his car and while talking to his mother on his cellphone, he noticed that the lights had reappeared behind his car accompanied by two small “ships”. There appeared to be beings or figures at a large window moving around and watching him. At this time his camera went dead. He got back into the car and headed towards Las Vegas. Approaching the 75 exit his rear passenger side tire blew out. Waiting for the police to arrive he noticed that there was a cloud directly above the car. The cloud seemed to be pulsating, and waiting for him to exit the car. However the police arrived he changed the tire and drove to his hotel. While in his room he began watching the video and suddenly he heard voices that he had not previously experienced. He felt as if he was not alone. He left the room and claims he was contacted by the FAA and then made contact with MUFON representatives.
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Date: January 15 2008
Location: St Louis, Missouri
Time: 2300
Summary: The witness was walking his dog on his late night jog when all of the sudden he saw a large circular object overhead. He ignored it at first and just kept walking when it suddenly swooped down and landed about ½ mile in front of the witness. The witness kept walking and got up to it. The object was about 50 yards across. The witness claims he was just going to walk by it when he was suddenly “sucked in”. Undescribed beings reportedly “probed” the witness and his dogs with “sticks” and red probes. He then apparently blacked out. His next memory was of walking back home, the object gone. It was now only 2305 but it had seemed like hours to the witness.
Source: NUFORC
Date: January 2008
Location. Svartbytrasket, Boden, Sweden
Date: January 18 2008
Time: 0130am
In a dream-like state, the witness (involved in other encounters) claims he saw five female faces, the first a human one, the following three more extraterrestrial in appearance and the last one was more alien looking than the rest, it was a thin face, with a marked nose with a long horizontal U-shaped mouth. However the witness thought that she was beautiful and wanted to meet her.
Source: http://www.algonet.se/~hermesat/first.htm
Date: January 20 2008
Location: Near Chattanooga, Tennessee
Time: 0500am-0600am
Summary: The witness woke up to see a black figure standing next to his bed, about 5foot 5inches tall. The witness was apparently able to see through the black figure, which was human in shape. He could not see any real features, like a face, but it had legs, arms, hands, neck and a head. It touched the witness but he is not sure where. Several seconds later the witness fell back to sleep and did not see the figure depart.
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Date: January 20 2008: Near Norrtalje Sweden
Date: January 2008
Location: Copper Canyon near Denton, Texas
Time: 0145am
Summary: After a late night movie and after dropping off a friend, the witness, Bob, decided to take a deserted country road back to his place, which served as a shortcut. Bob drove on Copper Canyon Rd and as he drove over a railroad crossing at a sharp bend in the road, something otherworldly suddenly appeared from behind a tree to his left. Slamming on his brakes, Bob was stunned as a thin, gaunt, hairless, long arm, long legged creature, suddenly was caught in the high beams of his headlights. Less than 20 feet away, this weird, 5 foot tall, slumped forward, long fingered entity darted smoothly across the road, alarmingly in 2 seconds flat. However the real shocker came when it stopped under the yellow light of a streetlamp looming overhead, then turned, glancing in his direction. Like the eyes of a cat, yellow light reflected back at Bob as he tried fighting off the fear of the unknown. He stared wide eyed and shaken as the unexplained nocturnal visitor silently turned and resumed fast, gracefully sliding strides, thankfully away to his right. Bob’s mind whirled as he watched it quickly squeeze through the partially open gate of a driveway and within moment the thing vanished into a line of woods on the far side of a field to the southeast. Bob drove home in a state of shock but later being something of a hand graphic artist he successfully reproduced a detailed illustration of the being. Earlier that evening around midnight, two witnesses spotted a glowing amber colored chevron shaped object zooming through the sky. The UFO appeared to be only about 1000 feet up and moved like a stone skipping across the surface of water.
Source: DAPS http://www.dapsghost.com
Date: January 2008
Location. Near Norrtalje, Sweden
Date: January 21 2008
Time: 1500
The next day, “Miguel” (involved in the previous encounter on January 20) returns to the agreed location. Once outside his vehicle he sees the disc shaped object come out of the waters of Norrtalje Bay and hover close to the shore. Three creatures exit the craft and approach Miguel; they seem to be able to glide over the water. The tow new creatures introduce themselves as Ziros and Andrak. Andrak is slightly shorter than the other two. Miguel learns that the creatures have been visiting Earth from Reticuli 4 for several thousand years, but live here on Earth in secret bases in the sea and the mountains. They want to help us and assist researchers in different ways. Earlier they had helped Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. He was told that something very ‘important’ will happen in medicine and physics in 2012. After 2020 there will be open contact with the space people. We must prepare ourselves. They have been aware of Miguel and had contact with his relatives a long time ago. They had also contacted several others in Canada. Miguel was also informed that there are other alien groups visiting Earth from different planets. Some of them come here to kill animals and experiment with humans. The conversation with the three creatures continued for a long time. They talked about the situation on Earth, about their work, both in antiquity and today, about life on other planets, life and death, God and many other topics. After the contact the creatures returned back into their craft which then disappeared under the waters. Apparently Miguel had a camera during the second contact but was unable to use it. Miguel claims further telepathic contacts. Soon after Miguel drops out of sight and moves to the United States, apparently to Washington DC.
Source: Hakan Blomqvist UFO News No. 4, 2009 quoting Tobias Lindgren
Date: January 22 2008
Location: Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina
Time: night
Summary: I was hiking in the Blue Ridge Parkway this last weekend and luck would have it I had my camera with me. I had a close encounter of the third kind. I took a bunch of pictures before about 2.5 hours of time disappeared from me. I know this because when I came to, my camp fire was totally out and so was a 3 hour candle that I burned in my tent. I had a service dog with me and she is always with me and alert and when I noticed I was back in my camp site I could not get my dog to awaken. She acted like she was drugged. I actually had to carry her out of the woods because she was so sleepy. I took her to a vet the next night as soon as I could get back to my car and the vet said she was fine but it looked as though she had been sedated.. I have some really interesting pictures u.. Do not want to go to the police or anything. I am pretty sure I was abducted. I know this sounds weird but I can not account for the missing time and my service dog being totally out of it for 2 days. This all happened with in 30 minutes of seeing the strange object in the sky and taking the pictures. Let me know how I can go about talking to someone about this as I can not sleep very well since this happened. I really think something happened to me out there.
Date: January 24 2008
Location: North Riverside, Illinois
Time: 23:00
Summary: I reported another UFO incident on 4/16/2007 in North Riverside on here and it IS posted, I have since then try and put that out of my mind but recently a friend and I were walking back home through the local bike trail and out of nowhere an extremely bright white light hovered about tree level above us for 3-4 seconds and my friend and I could not move! The light was so intense and the whole ground around us lit up like it was day time! There are NO lights in the bike trail and it was not an airplane,helicopter,or a meteor. After it disappeared my friend and I ran as fast as we could to the nearest exit,we will never go back into the bike trail again. I swear to god that this really happened. I have a picture of the previous reports UFO and it looks to me that it could have very well been the same thing that shined its light on us that night! I will be sending the Photo of the first UFO incident I reported.
Source: Davenport, Peter
Date: January 2008
Location. Maize, Kansas
Date: January 28 2008
Time: 2315
The main witness was in his backyard with his son to take the dog out. He was sitting there looking up at the stars (the sky was clear and no wind) a typical thing for him to do when all of the sudden thee was this dark thing flying over their heads. His 10 year old son looked up and saw the same thing. It was moving at a slow steady pace. It was dark out so there was just enough light to make out the outline of this object. It looked more like some kind of creature and not an inanimate craft. It was hard to judge the distance in height, but it appeared to definitely be above the tree line but lower than an airplane. It was probably 20-30feet in length and 15 feet wide. Around the time of the sighting, an airplane did go by on the other side of the house; it was flying kind of low as it was coming in to land. It had all its lights on and he would say this thing was probably as high as that plane. It was dark in color, kind of an ashy blackish brown color. It didn’t appear to have wings, and was sort of lumpy around the edges, kind of like a blob. Its belly looked to be very smooth and flat, sort of like the belly of a stingray. It had no lights, no sound; it was totally silent and was gliding very smoothly through the sky. It had what he described as a tail although it just looked a little narrower than the body of it. They were able to watch it for about 3-5 minutes before it was out of view. It reminded the witness of some kind of creature from the ocean, like a whale.
Source: NUFORC
Date: January 2008
Location. Laguna Del Monte, La Plata, Argentina
Date: January 29-30 2008
Time: late night
Nelson R. Polanco, his sister Rosana Rocha and a mutual friend Nora, experienced several strange events during the night as they watched strange man-shaped figures apparently floating over the water and also bright flashes of light, at one point a small luminous white sphere approached Rosana as she cowered in fear.
Source: Luis Burgos in Lista Planeta UFO
Date: end of January 2008
Location: Guanajuato, Mexico
Time: late night
Summary: A woman suddenly woke up in the middle of the night to see two strange figures in her bedroom. One of the figures was a gray alien type being, shorter than most abductees tell in their accounts; the other was a much taller being, and human like wearing a hood and some sort of robe like a monk would wear. She said she was not frightened, and was wide awake and was suffering from insomnia. She didn’t want to move to wake her husband since she thought it could elicit some sort of response from the “aliens”. She said she kept trying to send them “mental messages” since that is what she recalled from other accounts she had heard, that they could possibly be telepathic. She said once she felt she could move and turn to wake her husband; they disappeared into some sort of smoggy, foggy, swirling vortex cloud. A few days later her husband was awakened by a small high pitched, screechy sound. It was not loud but it woke him. When he opened his eyes, he saw the section of their bedroom where they sleep, engulfed in a pale, almost pastel blue light. It was totally engulfing the room. It was like a wall of light that sectioned off the rest of the bedroom where they had their dresser and computer. It was distinct and separated one half of the room from the part they were in. He immediately thought of his wife and turned around to grab her since he thought she could have been taken. But his hand caught her shoulder which immediately reassured him. He could not wake her. The blue light was then “sucked out” through the ceiling and it reminded him of a toilet being flushed. It spun in a vortex and it made no sound.
Source: Doug Bower in: http://kevinsmithshow.com/mystory
Date: January 2008
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