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(Last Updated On: )
Date: late January/early February 2008
Location: Silay City, Philippines
Time: various
Summary: Many local citizens had become insomniacs for almost a week, vigilant of the “Aswang” attacks in the area. According to local newspaper articles, some residents reported a new type of ‘Aswang” wandering the cities at night, describing it as a cross between a frog and a human. The creature was know as “oko” and was observed on the roofs throughout the city.
Source: http://thecabinet.com/darkdestinations
Date: February 2008
Location: Michigan (exact location not given)
Time: 0330 am
Summary: The witness was staying in a suite at a casino with her brother and his wife, herself and her children, ages 8 and 9. She suddenly awoke around 0330 am to the sensation of a pressure on her side, kind of pushing her down. She thought that it might be one of her daughters pushing her down. She raised her arm out to try to push off whatever was on top of her and felt something substantial, but definitely not either one of her kids. At that point she began to feel frightened. She was lying down on her side so she turned her head to her right shoulder to get a glimpse of what was on top of her. She saw a large, dark funnel of no substantial shape. She heard a mocking laugh. She struggled to no avail. She decided to let the entity know that they should get off of her in the name of Jesus Christ. The funnel suddenly hit the ceiling and disappeared. She laid there very frightened hoping that it had been a dream. She decided to switch sides on the bed, and didn’t wake up anybody. She attempted to go back to sleep when she felt hands all over the front of her, pushing and pulling. She knew that she was sleeping as the second “attack” began as the sensations began to wake her up. She began to cry out, and this woke his sister in law. She said she looked over at her in bed and saw that she had a dark figure over her with its “arms” wrapped around her. Her brother heard her cry, turned on the light and asked her if she was okay. She said that she wasn’t and her sister in law told him what she had seen. They stayed in the room one more night and the only thing that happened was one of her daughter’s was crying in her sleep and she could not see nothing bothering her.
Source: Your True Tales—June 2008
Date: February 2008
Location: Lewisville, Texas
Time: afternoon
Summary: The witness, a grocery store employee in the produce department was on the floor making sure everything was stocked and clean, and was walking around when he noticed a man come around the aisle completely by himself. He was wearing regular clothes; nothing was apparently unusual about him, so the witness continued what he was doing. The man just kept walking around the department and looking around the store as he was lost or something. At this point the witness noticed that what was weird about the man was the way he walked. He didn’t walk with a normal stride, but in a way it was almost like a slow motion type walk, yet not so dramatic and obvious as you would picture such a walk, it was hard to explain but it was a weird slow walk. The witness continued to work and had bent down to pick up some trash on the floor, and when he stood up the stranger was a good 10 feet away and was staring straight at him. Completely motionless they stood looking at each other. All of the sudden, the stranger’s eyes turned completely black, no white parts or iris was visible—just completely black—but it only happened for a couple of seconds. Puzzled the witness broke eye contact and continued working, the stranger then just walked away.
Source: Your True Tales—March 2008
Date: February 2008
Location: Svartbytrasket, Boden, Sweden
Time: night
Summary: The witness (involved in other encounters) was lying in bed with his face turned against the wall when suddenly he felt as if someone was watching him. He turned around and saw an extraterrestrial woman standing next to his bed. She was totally black in color and after about 10 seconds she disappeared into thin air. Suddenly another extraterrestrial female figure also totally black in color appeared in the room. She had a horizontal U-shaped mouth and a non-human face. She also disappeared into thin air in about 5 seconds.
Source: http://www.algonet.se/~hermesat/first.htm
Date: February 2 2008
Location: Houston, Texas
Time: 2220
Summary: The witness was driving on Interstate 45 in his 04 Dodge pickup truck headed northbound; he took the West Mt Houston exit and got on the road. The road was nearly empty which he thought was very strange. After driving about 8 miles, his truck was completely engulfed in fog. He didn’t where it came from but he didn’t think much about it. The time was 2027. After a few seconds the fog cleared and he was all of a sudden driving down Main Street in Tomball which is a good 15 to 20 miles from where he was when he entered the “fog” and way past his house. Incredibly no time had passed, it was still 2027…the same song that was on the radio was still playing. Somehow he had completely “bypassed” West Mt Houston and Hwy 249. At first he was very confused and pulled into a gas station to turn around and the truck started acting funny as if it didn’t “like” whatever it went through. It wanted to die at traffic lights and just ran rough in general which it has never done in 4 years since he had it. It finally started running normal on the drive back home and has ever since.
Source: http://kevinsmithshow.com/mystory
Date: February 2008
Location. Not given
Date: February 3 2008
Time: night
Summary: The witness had been sleeping in his bed for about an hour when he heard a strange squeaking sound. He opened his eyes and saw a beam of extraordinary light shining through his window; it was color he had never seen before. He got out of bed sand saw 4 tiny little ant things crawling on the floor. They were about 6 inches long and 2 inches high. They had two white spots on their face which she assumed were eyes, and had 8 legs with two extended arms. Their skin color was blue. They all squeaked in unison and started jabbering to each other very quickly. One of them turned towards the witness and it had a green tube mounted on its back. A green beam shot from the tube and he was knocked out. She woke up to find himself strapped to a metal table naked. There were computers and strange devices all around her. There was a strange metallic odor in the room. Two of the creatures were standing on pedestals besides the table and were busy at work on some computer. A large machine came down and obtained sperm from the witness. Afterwards a small bridge from one of the pedestals reached out to the table and one of the creatures walked towards him. It did not seem to notice that he was staring at it. It simply examined his head and squeaked to the other alien. A metal band was placed on his head by a machine and he assumes that he was scanned. After the scanning the creature walked back to the pedestal and they released the straps. The witness sat up on the table and stared at the two aliens who were squeaking at each other. One of them strapped a green tube onto its back and shot the green beam at the witness again, next thing he knew he was waking up in his bed and it was morning.
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20231
Date: February 5 2008
Location: Caguas, Puerto Rico
Time: 1730
Summary: The witness, a Mr. Gonzalez was just leaving the Sam’s store at the “Caguas Centro” shopping center and was on his way to his vehicle when something caught his attention. He saw something that appeared to be coming in for a landing, behind the Pep Boys store. The figure was totally dark or black in color, had a long neck and was huge. It appeared to Gonzalez that the head was quite small. When Gonzalez attempted to take a photo with his cellphone of the strange creature, it had already disappeared behind the building. He looked around to see if anyone else had seen it but everyone around him had been totally oblivious. Gonzalez waited sometime inside his vehicle in the hope of seeing the creature again but it did not come back.
Source: http://www.ovni.net
Date: February 7 2008: Bolton England Sighting
Date: February 8 2008
Location: Orillia, Ontario, Canada
Time: night
Summary: The witnesses were out at night in order to take pictures of their old large tree. However they captured some strange things on film on their Sony digital camera. The last picture they took that night was a face of an alien with open mouth. They have no idea why it looks green. When the photographer took the photo and looked at it briefly on the camera, he thought it was an apparition of a soldier with an army helmet. Then when he uploaded the photo to his computer, he saw what looked like a green alien face with very large eyes and mouth open. It looks like he just caught the right half of its face and torso. He thinks the flashes of many pictures attracted it, and then when it came closer the first smaller flash startled it, it opened its mouth in a “panic”, then the main large flash caught that expression. Another photo was taken the night before by the witness 14-year old daughter and it shows something resembling a skeletal being with its head turned. There is a spine and neck, head, face and either wings or shoulders. In August 2007 the main witness had seen a very large star-like craft flying silently above the same large tree.
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Date: February 2008
Location. Not given
Date: February 10 2008
Time: night
Summary: The witness (involved in the previous episode) awoke in the middle of the night and saw the same light through his window. This time there were 4 aliens on the floor, however this time they seemed much more organized. They didn’t seem to be interested in him at al, but were examining objects in the room. After a few minutes they all looked up and him and quickly fired the green beam of light again. Later when he woke up he wasn’t on a table but was sitting on a normal bench inside a white hallway. Across the hallway was a window. He looked out and saw that he definitely wasn’t anywhere near Earth’s solar system. There were two stars and two giant gas planets. An artificial female voice that seemed to come from everywhere told him to sit down on the bench and wait for further instructions. Two of the aliens were scampering towards him very quickly. They started squeaking at him. He didn’t know what they were saying but it was obvious they wanted him to come with them. They led him to a dark room where he saw pictures of himself doing normal activities in his house. He turned around and the aliens began squeaking at him again. The female voice then told him that they were collecting information on other intelligent life forms in the galaxy. After a long lecture he was struck with the green beam again and woke up in his bed in the morning.
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20231
Date: February 12 2008
Location: Dalkeith Edinburgh UK/Scotland
Time: 21:25
Summary: asteroid from bedroom window through a skywatcher 4 in scope hi there on 02 12 2008 and at around 9.25 pm, (give or take a few minutes either way), I saw this asteroid tumbling past the moon, and it was rotating in an anticlockwise direction. After wards and upon checking my compass, I saw that the moon was lying West of me, and the asteroid came roughly from the south heading to the north. I observed this asteroid for approximately 25-30 seconds! Much to my amazement, I could see this asteroid quite clearly, and it was clear enough to see additional features on it. The only thing I am really not sure about is the size of this asteroid when it was going pass the moon and when comparing it with the space station that I once saw in my telescope. If I had to estimate the asteroid size, I would not hesitate to guess its size to be at least 4-5 times the size of space station in length but 1-2 times its size in width. This is clearly an endangerment to the world, and personally, a serious enough threat in my opinion to possibly cause an worldwide extinction if it was to collide with earth. I will now explain and go through the sequence of events of what happened that night.
I had just come down the road from my mum’s, and I was going to my own home. It was almost 9.00 pm when I arrived to my house. As I was arriving, I was thinking about getting the telescope prepared for a night’s viewing. So I went into my back room on the second floor where the telescope was being stored. The room has a large window that faces towards my back yard of where I live which has very little light pollution in that direction. Anyways, the window is always fully opened ventilating the house and keeping the telescope cooled. I have a Sky watcher 4 inch telescope (a run of the mill) with two eyepieces: a 25mm and a 10mm. Well, the 25mm is the one I used for viewing the moon and the sky, and I centered the telescope on the moon. I took a quick glance at the moon, then exited the room to make a cup of tea to drink, then I went back to the telescope and casually peeked into the eyepiece. The moon had moved and the telescope was out of alignment for viewing the moon. So I carefully moved the telescope back into position as I was looking through the eyepiece. Then I saw this huge shadows of light,and dark like fingers beginning to appear in the telescope. I was saying to myself, “Oh! What’s that as I raised the telescope higher?” I quickly centered right onto this asteroid. “Wow!” That was my first and immediate reaction this asteroid was tumbling slowly. I don’t know how fast this asteroid was going, but it was moving slow enough to allow me to zoom in even more closer to it for viewing. It was Grey in color,and almost like pumice stone in composition, with various pot holes about it while it was tumbling around in a counterclockwise direction. I was mesmerized and captivated by it, I was concentrated on seeing more of features that was on it.
If you allow me to explain in inches hypothetically speaking could be miles, it was quite oblong in length if i say inches it could be miles it was 6-7 inches long by 2-3 inches wide, and it was also quite well rounded as it appeared in the telescope. Then this piece that kept catching my eye was probably about 2 inches down. It would sort of step down, (say half a inch), then along 2 inches (maybe 3 inches), then this piece step back up. in this step down piece. It was almost dusty, and it had some mounds, could be hills! with a few look-like potholes placed about it. I am able to remember every details of it, so I drew a picture of it afterwards while it was still fresh in my memory. Oh, there is so much to say about this asteroid. Really. Anyways, I was so exited looking at this asteroid tumbling that I accidentally bumped the telescope into the side of my window frame with very much to my dismay. I pulled the telescope towards me to try get another sighting, and I tried to align the asteroid back into my telescope view, but there was nothing. It was nowhere to be seen. “Wow”, I said to myself. “This asteroid was in my sight for about 25-30 seconds and I still cant believe I saw it”. I went through my kitchen to check on the time. The clock is a bit slow, or it could be a bit fast. Anyways, the clock said 25 minutes past 9 pm (gmt time) on the February 12, 2008. I swear this, it is a true event of that night, and I have no reason to lie. I told all the family, my brother’s friend, I have told everyone i know I didn’t have a computer with internet access, but now I do.so i can research it , The asteroid is certainly a threat to our well being, and I believe its a cause for concern. “It was anything else than an asteroid. And no way was it space junk or a satellite”,as my local observatory told me. I said it was definitely a rock, and they said it could not have been an asteroid. I’m a stone mason by trade, and this was no boulder you might see in the back garden. No one seems to believe me.
I’m telling you it was huge. Please help me. These astronomers in chile pinged some asteroid on the 12th Feb. I don’t know, but this one could have been it. Probably not, but what a coincidence…eh… the 12th here 13th there.maybe they pinged it farther on than the moon i don,t know Anyways, please help me. I hope this info is of use to you. It was most certainly between our atmosphere and the moon and near earth’s atmosphere. I would say it was traveling southerly to northerly on the time that I stated above. Oh, I live in Dalkeith, Scotland. I must have been in the right place at the right time to get it. These pictures I drew of it are going away because if the asteroid ever gets filmed and i have drawings, and if ever gets into the news, they may ask, “How come you drew pictures of it?” well i will say i warned everyone of it That’s my theory anyways. Although I have little in the way of proof, I know what I saw 100%. Also, I would like to say that I have now emailed a few people about it, and no one seems interested. These big telescopes look deep into space, and the observatory probably missed what is on there own back door. I trust you will give me some addresses, or at least point me in the right direction. I know it happened. There is no doubt about that. Are some people trying not to say anything about it because what is the use of putting the public in fear for a near miss? I trust this is not the case, because someone somewhere must have saw it too. Some web cam or some video of the night sky somewhere must have filmed it.if its been taped someone somewhere must have it on tape . If they have a tape of that night then it will be on it, if it isn’t then it isn’t a tape of that night because it should show up 100%.i fell so strongly against people telling me that i could not have saw it because how do they know stranger thing have been believed i’m unsure about the time because my clock is slow i never noticed it till one night when i took a pic of the clock and saw it was prob at least 11 mins slow against camera time thanks for reading this and watch out if anyone can help you can request my email from the UFO center.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: February 18 2008
Location: Bariloche Argentina
Time: 11:30
Summary: tres circulos se dirijian al cerro catedral
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: February 20 2008
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Time: 0130 am
Summary: The witness was walking his dogs through a county park alongside a stream, it was misty but visibility was quite good due to a full moon. About 20 to 30 yards in front of him something shot across the path he was on from the stream and into a clump of trees, it was like a dark shadow and was going at really fast speed. Both of his dogs became frightened and cowered behind him glued to his legs, whining, this alone was very unusual as one of the dogs is a long hair German Shepherd who he had rescued from dog fighters and was very vicious when afraid until now and the other dog is a 7month old Great Dane who thinks everything is a toy. He continued walking in the same direction for about 40 yards when it reappeared about 30 to 40 yards from him but was crossing a large open space so he was able to see more clearly, the dogs were still terrified so he turned around and took them home returning with a camera but the creature was already gone. The creature was described as about 24-30inches tall with the head the size of a grapefruit and round like one, long body, no waist, very skinny arms and legs, gray to black in color. He couldn’t see any eyes and ran in an upright posture but at an unbelievable speed.
Source: http://ufocasebook.conforums.com
Date: February 2008
Location. Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico
Date: February 20 2008
Time: early morning
Summary: Two watched in horror a huge black bird-like creature flying over the area and land on top of a nearby building. Terrified the men left. The next day around 0400am they saw the creature again on top of a nearby roof, they thought it was around 3 ½ ft tall. After about 20 minutes it took off making a noise resembling that of a baby crying. The strange “bird” was seen again the next day on the ground. In the same neighborhood a dog that was tied up on a pole was found strangely mutilated with what appeared to have been large claws.
Source: http://www.ovni.net
Date: February 2008
Location. Near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Date: February 23 2008
Time: early morning
Summary: A man was driving about 35-40 miles per hour, when a huge bird like thing appeared from above the trees, came down and seemed to hover above his vehicle. The witness pointed out that he is an active hunter and angler, and had never seen anything like this before. He stated that the thing was huge, but wasn’t sure that he could call it a bird. The shadow of the creature covered the entire truck. The driver who had a gun permit, and had the weapon with him, stopped his truck and got out to get a better look at the creature. Whatever it was, had now flown above the trees and was moving away. The witness who has watched many birds in the woods said this thing kind of soared or glided without a flapping motion. The witness admitted that he was quite scared during the observation, and stressed how huge the creature was, and stated, “Like prehistoric almost.” The witness went on to say that he knew what he saw, and if people want to call him crazy that is fine.
Source: http://www.mysterious-america.net/classicmys0708.html
Date: February 2008
Location. Between Gresham & Boring, Oregon
Date: February 27 2008
Time: 1230am
Summary: Two witnesses were driving east on Highway 26 towards Mt Hood when suddenly a bizarre creature crossed the highway in 3 strides. The creature was about 10ft maybe even 12 ft tall. It was very thin, very tall and all one color (grayish). It kind of looked like a stick. The witnesses did not stop the vehicle and continued driving.
Source: UFOs Northwest
Date: February 2008
Location. Montezuma district, Mexico City, Mexico
Date: February 28 2008
Time: 0650am
Summary: Local resident Daniel Sanchez Rosales recorded an unidentified flying object that he describes as having humanoid characteristics. The video was taken not far from Mexico City International Airport. The first one to see the flying humanoid was his nephew, Erik, as he left home for his middle school. It was then that he woke his uncle Daniel and they observed the phenomenon first through binoculars. During this observation, the witnesses described it as “a flying humanoid” resembling an astronaut. The witnesses claimed that it was facing them and it seemed to be surveying its surroundings. The recording has 12 minute duration; as if we add to this the observation time with the binoculars, then the whole sighting lasted about 15 minutes. At a given point in the video the object or alleged humanoid makes descending movements, then remains static for a while, and subsequently rises again. This ascending and descending is not common with balloons. Twice during the recording the dog’s reaction can be heard. They appear to be keening and expressing fear.
Source: http://www.analuisacid.com/28febr.htm
Date: February 2008
Location. Coogee, Sydney, Australia
Date: February 29 2008
Time: 0400am
Summary: At this seaside suburb a man walking down a street, observed a flash of light. In that direction he saw a large spherical shaped object sitting on the street T intersection. He could see a little man in a window at the top of the object. The witness became frightened, retreating behind a larger electrical signal box. The being appeared to move a lever, and a “shutter” came down over the window area, and the object took off at tremendous speed at about a 45 degree angle. The bitumen road surface appeared to have a white circle effect left behind and at least one nearby tree appeared to have been burnt. The witness reported noticing heat coming from the object. The duration of the incident was about 5 minutes. The road surface was repaired soon after by local council road maintenance crew as the road is a very busy route mainly during the day.
Source: http://theozfiles.blogspot.com
Date: February 2008
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