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Date: September 2006
Location: Fernandina Beach, Florida
Time: around 9pm
Summary: I encountered an unknown intelligent creature. I pulled into my driveway in Fernandina Beach, FL around 9pm in the evening of Sept 2006. It was very dark out with no cars or streetlights near by. When I stopped my car and turned it off…I then opened my door and stood up to exit the vehicle. As I stood up I saw something that is difficult to describe. With the car door still open I saw what looked like some kind of cloaked creature walking around the corner of the house from the backyard. It was hard to see. It looked like the shadow of a human sized creature. It was totally black and moved like a person walking upright. It blocked out what was behind it and I could really only see the distortion it caused. The distortion had wavy edges as if it was surrounded by energy. I could make out it’s head and shoulders but only in vague form. The creature took several steps and at the instant that I thought to myself “What is that?” It stopped dead in it’s tracks and appeared to look right at me. At this time I was scared to death that this creature had noticed me and was looking right at me. After a few seconds of looking at each other the creature turned and walked back around behind the house and I never saw it again. The entire encounter lasted about 20 seconds. When I saw this I thought for many years it was a ghost or demon as my grandmother often told stories of seeing ghosts. Only recently have I begun to think it was an intelligent creature with a technology that was inexplicable. After the encounter I got back into my car and drove to my roommate’s work and waited for him to get off work and come home with me. This was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had. This is the 2nd unknown encounter I’ve had. I reported on MUFON a UFO sighting I had around 1996. For years I believed that encounters like these were just crazy people. I have been forced over the years to believe that we are clearly alone and not the smartest or most technologically advance creatures on this planet and beyond.
Source: MUFON
Date: September 1 2006
Location: Unknown Location
Date: September 2 2006
Location: Blue Ridge Parkway
Date: September 5 2006
Location: East Texas
Date: September 6 2006
Location: East Texas
Date: September 6 2006
Location: Croatia
Date: September 6 2006
Location: Ashdod, Israel
Time: 2245
Summary: That night a witness named Ilan was looking out from his apartment balcony located on the 17th floor of the complex when he noticed a “humanoid” form floating nearby. Thinking at first that it was a child’s balloon he ignored, but then looking more intently noticed that it was brown in color and hovered without moving at about 20 meters from him. The body of the figure seemed to be “jelly” like and the witness saw two eyes that stared intently at him. The figure hovered there for about 15minutes and then small blue and white lights became visible on the feet area and then it move up into the sky quickly disappearing from sight. The night had been clear with a full moon.
Source: direct from ilantyco@gmail.com
Date: September 11 2006
Location: West of Billings, Montana
Time: 2230
Summary: Anne Krise was driving home on King Avenue when she saw two lights in the sky that appeared to be in the middle of a field. Initially she thought the lights were from an airplane, but as she approached them they were not moving at all. She then turned left on 48th street and turned off of the road and got out of her vehicle. The lights seemed to be ft off the ground. They began to move towards her at a very slow pace and as they came over her head, she could hardly hear any noise. There appeared to be a black body behind the lights. She turned around to see if anyone else was around and she saw a plane heading towards the Billings Airport. She then looked straight up into the two lights as the object passed over her. The last thing she remembers seeing was a bright white flash of light. She does not remember anything else from that night. She woke the next morning when her roommate, Ashlie, told her that a stranger brought her home at about 0100A. The stranger said that she had been lying on the side of the road next to her car, and that she was completely naked. Her entire body was very sore and she felt very sick.
Source: http://www.iwasabducted.com/ufoboard
Date: September 12 2006
Location: Tappen, North Dakota
Time: late night
Summary: A young man, Evan Briese, woke up to get a glass of water. Looking out a window the boy saw something moving in the corral that is home to several large hogs that area basically family pets. Thinking it might be a coyote; he grabbed a gun and walked into the corral. There, he encountered two creatures standing 8 to 9 feet tall that were doing something to one of the hogs. The boy fired his .22 caliber rifle at one of the creatures and was pretty sure he hit it, judging by the unearthly scream it emitted. Another creature then grabbed the boy and threw him to the ground, causing him to black out. When Evan Briese awoke he found that Ruthy a 450 pound sow that had been ready to give birth was gone. The boy ran to the home of his older sister, Trista a short distance from the house he shares with his parents. Trista Briese made a frantic phone call to her parents and it wasn’t long before they and later the Kidder County sheriff, were on the scene. Evan Briese, whose shirt was in tatters told his story. The sheriff, Doug Howard, then left but came back the next day. He ultimately came to no conclusions about what happened to the hog. Several days later with the help of a hypnotist, Evan Briese remembered more details. Five entities had been in the corral. Two were in the process of dragging what appeared to be a dead hog when the boy interrupted the creatures that apparently left with the pig. Several days later, with the help of a hypnotist, Evan Briese remembered more details. Five entities had been in the corral. Two were in the process of dragging what appeared to be a dead hog when the boy interrupted them. The sheriff claims he could not find any evidence. Other family members have reported encountering UFOs previously.
Source: KXMC-TV Bismarck North Dakota & Mufon UFO Journal # 463
Date: before September 15 2006
Location: Thames River area near London Eye, England
Time: various
Summary: Four people have reported seeing an “angel” hovering over the River Thames this year. Some people say the sightings date back to 1666, the great fire of London. Other recent sightings have occurred around war time.
Source: www.paranormaldatabase.com
Date: September 2006
Location. El Yunque Rainforest, Puerto Rico
Date: September 16 2006
Time: 1330
During an afternoon of rest and relaxation along with several colleagues and friends, research Reinaldo Rios was setting up his ASA 35 mm camera in order to take several snapshots of the panoramic view surrounding them. Rios suddenly felt “forced” to look ahead and at the same time heard the word “tranquility” in his mind. He could now see a strange figure which at first he took for a “gnome” or “goblin”, immediately he heard the words “I am your friend” clearly in his mind. He felt sure they came from the strange figure. The others present were not able to see the enigmatic figure. Finally Rios heard the message, “Reinaldo Rios, you are our fried, relax”. The figure then vanished, but not before Rios was able to snap a photo.
Source: Reinaldo Rios in http://www.astrolabio.net/revistas
Date: September 2006
Location. Camuy, Puerto Rico
Date: September 19-22 2006
Time: 2230-2300
A seven year old girl had gone to her grandparent’s bathroom in order to wash her teeth before going to bed. Suddenly she ran out of the bathroom screaming almost in a state of shock. After calming down she told her mother that once inside her grandparent’s bedroom she was going to open the bathroom door when she noticed two “red eyes” suddenly materialize in the room followed by a humanoid figure described as about 5’6” in height, covered with black hair, a large mouth filed with canine teeth, large pointy ears human-like hairy clawed hands and human-like feet, it appeared not to wearing any clothing. The creature growled menacingly at the girl who immediately scream and ran out the bedroom and to the other bathroom where her mother was, as she looked back the creature seemed to chase her. Later a search of the house by her mother and her mother’s boyfriend prove fruitless. The girl stated that right before she saw the creature she felt as if something was watching her.
Source: Lucy Guzman Ovni.net http://www.ovni.net
Date: September 2006
Location. Eagan, Minnesota
Date: September 21 2006
Time: 0030A
On September 20 around 1915-1930 the two witnesses were driving home from dinner, heading west on Cliff Road. The night was cool and the sky was brilliant blue in color. The only exception being some clouds that looked like they had been painted in the sky. The clouds looked like they had been created by the strokes of a paint brush using violet colored paint. They formed the shape of a flame. The source of the flame appeared to be the yellow glow of the sun that was now hidden by the earth. The sight was so impressive that they pulled over to get a better view of the beautiful sunset. Then something caught the man’s eye, just above where the clouds ended. It looked like a black dot or disk off to the southwest of them. He kept looking over at the object as they drove home, which was probably just about a half a mile in distance. As he kept looking over at the object, it did not seem to move at all. When they got home he went to a clearing on a nearby hill and found the object still in the same spot in the sky. He observed the object and it seemed to be stationary for the most part, only moving slightly from time to time. A few times he saw an energy surrounding the object like an aura. Besides the energy glow around the object he never saw any other lights coming from it. Using passing aircraft as reference he guessed that the black object was at least 30-40,000 feet above the earth. After five minutes the object began to move west and slightly north in a somewhat straight line until it was no longer visible. Around midnight on the 21st he was about to go outside to enjoy the clear night sky when he sensed “beings” roaming around inside their house. The energy they created in the house startled his wife and woke her up. Prompting her to come out and ask what was he doing and telling him to come back inside and shut the door. He could feel from time to time, himself and a being’s energy pass through one another or his body being touched by these invisible beings. This lasted for about a half hour and then he sensed the energy leaving the house.
Source: http://mufoncms.com/sightings
Date: September 2006
Location. Near Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia
Date: September 21 2006
Time: 0350A
Mohamad Firdaus Azmi, 17, claimed he heard someone walking on the ceiling of his house at 0350A. He also heard an unintelligible voice. All of the sudden a black figure dropped from the ceiling into his bedroom. He described the creature as having a face like a cat but with legs like humans. The body however had no hair or fur. The creature was about 0.5meters in height. The witness was shocked for a moment and then immediately switched on the lights to the room. He tried to catch the entity which ran to the living room. He did not manage to catch the creature as its body seemed very smooth as if “oily”. He said the creature moved in a hopping manner like a kangaroo. The creature hopped around the living room as if looking for a way out. As the creature became more aggressive the witness opened the door and it scurried out and was lost in the dark. The witness lodged a police report of the incident.
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, Malaysia
Date: September 26 2006
Location: Near Iksha, Moscow region, Russia
Time: evening
Summary: Andrey, the witness, was returning from his countryside cottage in his car to Moscow. The road was a typical rural road which connected to the Dmitrovskoye Highway. Suddenly his engine stalled, puzzled since his car had been working fine, Andrey exited the vehicle and opened the hood in an attempt to find out what happened. All of the sudden he heard a rustling sound coming from a field next to the road, moments later Andrey saw a light shining from an unknown source situated somewhere in the forest next to the road. He then began to walk towards the source of the light when he saw a humanoid entity about 1.6m in height, with a very large head and wearing a tight-fitting silvery suit, soon a second similar humanoid appeared out of the woods. When Andrey attempted to approach them, one of the humanoids made a warning or stay back gesture with its hands, indicating to the witness that he must not approach. Andrey had wanted to ask the humanoids who they were, but when he attempted to speak he found himself unable to utter one word, as if his vocal chords had been paralyzed. Moments later the aliens apparently understood what he wanted to ask and Andrey felt a telepathic impulse inside his head with a distinct verbal message which said, “We are representatives of an Extraterrestrial Civilization and we are here on a definite mission” however the witness could not understand the type of mission. Then Andrey attempted to establish their point of origin but was only told that they hailed from a place “several dozens of light years from Earth.” They added, “Unfortunately terrestrial technology has not achieved a level to understand our technological development, especially the recent ones”. The complete “conversation” with the aliens lasted for about 30 minutes and after the contact was over both aliens turned and went back into the forest, apparently to their craft which had been the source of the bright light, and Andrey returned to his car. A week after the contact Andrey gained the ability to be able to see things and objects at a great distance.
Source: “The Territory of Ghosts” TV Program, broadcast February 4 2007, Moscow
Date: September 26 2006
Location: Near La Crosse, Wisconsin
Time: 2115-2130
Summary: A 52 year old man known only by his Cherokee name of “Wohali” and his 25-year old son were driving on Briggs Road when their 4-wheel drive truck’s headlights caught a bat-like man-like creature that was six or seven feet tall with about a ten or twelve foot wingspan that almost flew into their windshield. The driver swerved and pulled the truck over to the side of the road on a ditch, both men immediately became physically ill and began to vomit. The creature had leathery wings, long claws on its feet and hands and a snarling expression on its face. Both witnesses somehow felt that the creature was angry that it had been seen. It had a large muzzle with rows of sharp teeth, and the creature “screamed” at them before sailing straight up into the air. Both men were sick to their stomachs the rest of the night. Investigators later found a mutilated deer carcass in the same area.
Source: T. Peter Park tpeterpark@erols.com quoting Linda Godfrey
Date: September 2006
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