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(Last Updated On: )
Date: August, 2000
Sighting Time: 3 am
Day/Night: Nighttime
Location: Hamilton , Ontario, Canada
Urban or Rural: Rural
Hynek Classification: NL (Nocturnal Light) Point or extended luminous source observed at night.
Duration: 5 or 10 mins.
No. of Object(s):
Size of Object(s): as big as 747
Distance to Object(s):
Shape of Object(s): egg shape
Color of Object(s): bright lights
Number of Witnesses: 2
Summary/Description: my wife and i was driving near Hamilton mountain about 3 am. we notice this object with a bright light . it did not look like a star. i stopped the car got out and look through of field glasses. t was not a plane. went i realize that it was not a plane all i want to do is get out of there as fast i could. the next day it was on the radio station that numerous people seen this object.we have never told anybody to this day. it was bright like a star , but it move to fast for a star. went i check it out with field glasses the light was to bright .

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