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Date: 1998
Location: Near St. Louis Missouri
Time: night
Summary: The witness woke up from a night’s sleep to find herself in a marble like autopsy table. The area she was in had a gray mist with non-directional lighting coming through. She thought she was in a walled enclosure and when she looked down at her feet she noticed what she took to be a very startled alien. This was a being about the size of an 8-year old child, very thin in build with long arms and legs, gray in color and lacking any sort of clothing. It had very large completely black, elongated eyes, with a pointed chin and large head. The entity had a very large forehead with a complete lack of hair over its body, the being appeared surprised that the witness was awake and came around up to her face and telepathically told her to fall back to sleep but before she did so she felt that there were others off to her left which were observing these proceedings
Source: Bob Buck
Date: 1998
Location: Maldives Islands, exact location not given
Time: night
Summary: Ibrahim Ismail and several other local youths were out fishing in one of the lagoons when they spotted what they thought was another “man” standing about a hundred feet away from them. The group immediately knew that the “man” was not a human. As it got darker and colder the witnesses stood in frozen stupor as they watched the silhouette of a giant man-like figure approaching their position. They estimated that the “monster” was at least 10 ft tall. The group was finally able to move and ran towards the shore as fast as they could move. As they looked back they could see that the eyes of the giant were large, bright and glowing. When the group reached the shore, they saw the giant arrive also but it suddenly disappeared. A month later another man was also fishing in the area when he saw a similar figure suddenly come out of the water and walk on the water; it also had large glowing eyes.
Source: World of The Strange
Date: 1998
Location: Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Time: night
Summary: A young girl named Anastasia Stepanova suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling great fear. She felt as she was being observed and saw a gray figure about 1.20m in height standing at the edge of the bed, staring at her. She felt a feeling of aversion against the creature and almost felt sick. She could not move a muscle as the creature inched slowly towards her, getting closer and closer. Soon the creature was upon her and she felt its cold rigid body, she then felt penetrated by the entity. She apparently lost consciousness. Soon after the incident she became ill and began suffering symptoms of pregnancy. Visiting her doctor he was surprised that she was indeed pregnant and that the embryo was developing considerably more rapid than usual. It had begun to stir in a week. Soon Anastasia refused to visit the doctor anymore. Later one night she woke up again feeling paralyzed, her bed was surrounded by several short ugly entities. She lost consciousness and in the morning woke up realizing that her child was gone. Soon Anastasia went to visit a very well known and respected gynecologist, Victor Kozlov, who examined her and was astounded to find strange bright spots in the walls of her womb. She suffered from abortion-like symptoms soon after the incident. One night she had a very vivid “dream” in which she saw a 1-year old child with strange pink-gray skin, elongated eyes on a wide face. It seemed to be playing with animals similar to the terrestrial pig and hen. To this day Anastasia is convinced that the little boy was her child.
Source: X-Libri UFO, Russia
Date: 1998
Location: Apalachicola National Forest, The Bradwell Bay area
Summary: “It was 1998. I was 37 years old. I had been working with the forest department for 12 years. There was a fire in the Apalachicola National Forest that summer. The Bradwell Bay area was on fire when all this happened. The fire was raging pretty bad at this point. We didn’t know if we would ever get it out. That morning I had reported to the command center on Helen Guard Station Road to get briefed on what I would be doing that day. So me and another guy were given the task of driving around looking for animals along the road of the Bradwell Bay area. Animals would make it to the road and usually fall out if they were injured or had real bad smoke inhalation. Our job was to pick them up and take them to the vets at the command center. The vets would treat them and on some occasions euthanize the ones that wouldn’t make it. So we were driving around the area heading south doing about 45 mph. Faster than I should have been driving. I was talking to my partner and didn’t realize how fast I was going. All of a sudden we saw a black figure run out of the woods on all fours. It ran right up under my driver’s side tire. I hit the animal with both the front and back tires. I was driving a 95 Dodge Ram 4X4. So I knew at that speed I had killed it. Immediately we thought it was a bear. We got out to pick the bear up and put it in the truck. Upon further investigation, we realized what I had hit was not a bear at all. It was a creature that neither one of us had ever seen. It was about 6 feet tall. It had legs, knee caps and feet just like me and you. The arms hung to about the knee. One arm a matter of fact was down by its knee. The other one was up over its head. I had run the creature over under its right underarm, across the shoulder blade and over the back of its neck. The creature was covered in hair. About 3 to 5 inches long on the arms, legs and head. The hair on the back, ribs and chest was much shorter. The muscle definition on the animal was phenomenal. It looked like a prize fighter or one of the guys you would see in the UFC. We flipped the animal over. The jaw was broken from where I had hit it with the truck. I could see though it had a protruding snout much like that of a baboon or what you would think a werewolf looks like. It had eyes just like us. The thing looked a lot like a chimpanzee. We quickly radioed into the command center and they sent two FWC officials out to our location. Within about 15 minutes, the FWC officials arrived and they told us they had never seen anything like it. So we all picked the animal up and loaded it into the back of their truck. The animal weighed about three to four hundred pounds which dead weight is a lot. They told us they would figure out what it was and let us know. So we had been contacted by the command center at this point and they told us to come on back and make a statement about what we saw. So we showed up at the command center and immediately we were brought back to a room where we were to fill out an incident report. We were about 10 minutes into the incident report when we were asked to stop and wait and that there were some people coming to see us. Within about 30 to 45 minutes two government officials showed up. They walked us out to the vehicle. They were asking where we ran over the… the thing. We told them where it was and so they examined the area. The truck had no damage. There was a black steel bumper on the front. The animal hit the bottom of that and the tires took care of the rest. There was really nothing on the truck except for on the undercarriage. There was seem blood and hair. The officials collected the blood and hair samples and put them away. Next they asked us if we would get into the vehicle they came in and take them to the location where we had ran the animal over at. So we complied and got into the vehicle and left with the gentlemen. It was a rather quiet ride back out to the spot. They didn’t say much at all except for a couple of exchanges with each other. We showed up at the spot and walked them through what happened. Then all of a sudden one of the guys, I guess the guy in charge turned and looked at us and said congratulations fellas you ran over a bear. I said sir, but this is no bear that we hit. He quickly interrupted me with, you don’t understand, you ran over a bear. He then said that every time I tell anybody about this I ran over a bear. I was to never speak a word about what we actually hit. That I could face charges. My whole retirement could go away. They said I could lose my job and that they would slander me and make me look like a fool. So I looked at my partner and we had no other choice but to comply. On the ride back it kind of struck me as odd that this was an actual government cover-up. They knew what this thing was that we had hit. They had seen them before and now they were in possession of a body. For some reason they didn’t want anyone to know and they were going to great lengths to keep this under wraps. The main reason I’m telling my story is, I’m hoping one of the other three people, my partner and the two FWC officials will come forward. I figure it’s a lot harder to silence four people than it is just one. People need to know that these things are out there and that they are real.”
Source: Youtube video “Interview with retired forest ranger” posted on 15 September 2013 and “Retired forest ranger interview part 2” posted on 9 October 2013 Transcribed by JLB
Date: 1998
Location: Dalkey Ireland
Date: 1998
Location. Boonah, Queensland, Australia
Date: 1998
Time: night
The witness (involved in other encounters) was coming outside to go to the toilet when she saw a woman with blond hair sitting close by. She had never seen her before in her life. The woman put her hand out and grabbed the witness’s hand as she walked by. As she did so she said to the witness, “I’ve been waiting for you, you should have been here three times before and you didn’t turn up.” This was true as the witness had been going to leave the Gold Coast three times before but didn’t. Then the woman told the witness about her life from when she was a little girl. The woman then said, “Tell your children to move to the other side of the range as there is going to be a tidal wave and it’s going to wipe out the whole of the coast.”
Source: UFO Research Queensland, Australia
Date: Spring 1998
Location: Colorado
Time: morning
Summary: “I was camping and hiking through Colorado in Spring 1998. This morning, I was woke up by smashing sounds that got closer to my camp. I thought it was mad bear and got my hiking stick out. I knew I couldn’t hurt a charging bear but maybe I could distract it somehow with a shred of hope and a poke from my stick. The sounds got right up on my camp, but took a turn. It stopped and I peeked out of my tent. When I saw this big, dark hairy shape through the trees. It looked like it was carrying something that was wearing red cloth. Then it turned and ran up this steep hill. I heard it crashing through trees and it sounded like a tank going sixty MPH up a steep slope. I wish I got a better look but it all happened so fast. I got the feeling like I needed to get out of there right then. I saw something that maybe I shouldn’t have. I packed up camp and hiked out of there. I’m not sure but since then I have the feeling that red cloth may have been a t-shirt. I think that big thing was carrying an abducted child because people, especially kids have gone missing. Nobody knows what happened to them.”
Source: FB Cali Entities Group
Date: 1998
Location. Near Kiev, Ukraine
Date: 1998
Time: night
Alla, a local woman was in her bed submerged in dark thoughts, her husband and her three children were alcoholics. She saw no future and had on that night decided to commit suicide. Suddenly someone knocked on her front door. She could only say, “Who is there? The time is late”. But she did not have time to react as two strange entities suddenly appeared amid the room. The figures were generally humanoid in appearance with very black claw-like hands with long nails. Evidently the entities knew exactly what their purpose was. They then said politely, but firmly, “Don’t do what you are planning, is better that you come with us.” Where? For what? And who are you, Alla replied. Her guests explained that they lived in a planet with “shape shifting beings” that can change their shape and density at will “It is difficult for those being to perform physical tasks, that’s why at times they ask humans for help”. Their species also lacked female of their kind, and were having trouble in continuing their species. It was difficult for their women to give birth and that’s why they invited terrestrial females to their planet. At this point, Alla half got up, intending to put her shoes on, but the strangers stopped her, saying, “No footwear is needed.” Her next memory was in appearing in a large room, evidently onboard of a big spacecraft. She saw about three compartments onboard and in one she noticed about 20 human males of different ages, the second compartment was empty, and in the third room she saw two adult women that were talking to each other. In apparent bewilderment one of them was saying to the other, “I can’t understand, whether I am still in this world, or already dead and in heaven?” Surprised, Alla wondered why the aliens needed those elderly women. At this moment the door opened and the aliens appeared, accompanied by a younger human woman. “Hello” she said to everyone. One of the “captive” men then said, “Here is one more prisoner”. Moments later the young woman explained to Alla that she had met the strange entities as she left a dance hall, at which time they proposed sex to her. After getting over her shock, she agreed, since her life was full of marital and family problems anyway. The aliens then performed medical checks on both women and also performed some type of “IQ” test, that including remembering chemical formulas. They aliens were evidently testing their mental capabilities. The aliens spoke with the captives in the Russian and Ukrainian languages, but communicated among themselves in a strange “sing-song” language. Apparently Alla did not passed any of the tests given to her by the aliens, so she was apparently returned back to her home. But apparently the other female taken from outside the dance hall remained with the aliens. While speaking with the other earth woman onboard the spacecraft, Alla noticed five small globe-shaped spheres, resembling ball lighting and seemingly behaving like intelligent beings. They positioned themselves in a row. The alien commander then proceeded to tell them something, which Alla understood as, “My dear, you returned! Well go to your place.” Alla then saw six small containers on the control panel resembling ordinary wine glasses; the spheres obeyed and placed themselves inside those containers, changing into the shape of a mushroom.
Source: Leonid Terentyev, “UFO Captives”, the Secret Doctrine # 7, April 2004, quoting Tatyana Nuraliyeva
Date: 1998
Location. Perm, Russia
Date: 1998
Time: night
11-year old Diana (involved in a previous encounter) was standing on her balcony when she noticed a bright orange globe floating in the sky. The image of alien woman, longhaired with large black eyes appeared on the globe. This time around the alien woman looked disappointed. The alien woman stretched her hand out and said, “The time has come. Good or evil?” Diana saw a bright beam of light emanating from the palm of the alien woman. Diana wanted to touch it but was blinded by the bright light and the vision then disappeared. At that very moment she remembered her previous contact of 1991. During the encounter Diana had the ability to communicate with telepathy with the alien woman, and asked only one question, “Who are you?” She received always the same reply, “You know, who am I”
Source: “NLO” Magazine Saint Petersburg # 47 November 17 2003
Date: 1998
Date: 1998
Location: Izmir, Turkey
Location. Pinetown, Durban, South Africa
Date: 1998
Time: night
While asleep the witness woke up and heard a distinct deep humming noise which vibrated her bedroom windows. She was unable to move and was paralyzed from head to toe. She moved his eyes towards the window and saw a tall man standing inside the bedroom by the window. The figure was about 6.5ft to 7ft in height, with a bald head and wearing a black coat, the figure looked human but did not speak but communicated telepathically with the witness telling her not to be afraid. The humming sound began to move through her body as he tried to scream but could not. The tall man-like figure then parted the curtains and the witness saw huge lights on what appeared to be the underside of a spacecraft, suddenly there were large flashes of light and her hand, which she had been trying to desperately move to wake her husband was suddenly released from the paralysis, she then grabbed her husband, but by that time the lights and the tall man-like figure were already gone. The witness was terrified after the encounter and apparently encountered a similar figure in 2002.
Source: http://www.etcontact.net/newsite
Date: 1998
Location. Penetang, Ontario, Canada
Date: 1998
Time: night
The witness who slept on a mattress on the floor in his bedroom of a two room ground floor apartment woke up in the middle of the night with a visitor beside his “bed”. He was looking into the eyes of a being that seemed ancient and youthful at the same time. The eyes seemed to be normal eyes. The room was dark, and the being was wearing a “Jedi-like” cowl—a dark brown or gray monk-like robe. The witness thought, “Let’s get on with it”. He recalled being resigned, and not about to enjoy it. When he awoke the next morning he remembered a lot of the event. Traveling in a craft replete with technology, they went somewhere. He recalled being free to observe inside the craft but he couldn’t recall more than one area. He didn’t recall being restrained and didn’t recall a negative emotional state, other than his own initial resignation. He couldn’t recall the being communicating with him, although he got the impression that he was answering questions. The witness seemed to have forgotten the rest of the event. (Witness has been involved in other encounters).
Source: HBCCUFO.com/An experience in Penetang, Ontario
Date: 1998
Location. Puszcza Kozienicka near Radom, Poland
Date: 1998
Time: night
Two people who were probably stealing wood in the forest reported seeing an unidentified creature (no description given). Three dead goats were found at the scene. The goats apparently bled to death from round incisions under their lower jaws. Other sources indicate that other animals had been killed in similar circumstances around the same time. Other people saw men dressed like commandos or anti-terrorist police take the corpse of a strange creature away. Others further indicated that a living creature had been captured and transported to an institute in Warsaw Shades of Varginha Brazil 1996
Source: “Wydarzenia niesamowite” Magazine 1998 per woe_vp@pl.com
Date: 1998
Date: 1998
Location: Llandudno Beach, Wales
Date: 1998
Location: Houston, Texas
Time: night
Summary: Pamela Stonebrook, the famous jazz singer, whose first recorded abduction is dated 1994 (but she had earlier abductions, suppressed in her memory since her childhood) reported that she later had sexual contacts with a reptilian entity. The sex was very unlike any sex with any human man. On that night she was sleeping when suddenly she awoke and found that she was having sex with someone beautiful “like a Greek God”. The man was tall, blond, light haired with a beautiful face. At first she thought that it was just a dream. But the sex was so furious that she closed her eyes and enjoyed the all-submerging feelings. And when she opened her eyes next she didn’t see the beautiful blond slender man but before her she instead saw a reptilian entity with scaly skin. And that moment she understood that the alien visitor was able to camouflage its appearance. Afraid of the alien’s real appearance, she cowered back. But then she heard a telepathic message from her “partner” “With me you are safe. We have been together forever, we love each other”. Maybe they had been together forever indeed but Pamela only remembered the encounters since 1998. Pamela described her reptilian lover as very sensitive and very intelligent, his body resembled that of the body of a snake, solid, but smooth, greenish or yellow-green in color. The eyes of the reptilian were larger than human eyes and she noticed different tints in the alien’s eyes—golden, red and brown. The alien’s eyes reminded her of a cat’s eyes, with vertical pupils, but very beautiful. His neck was massive and on the top of his head he had a “crest” and two openings and a small bulge for a nose. Pamela finally was able to talk to her family and friends about her encounters and said, “Frankly speaking, I don’t care a rap if anyone would laugh at my story, because I myself could react the same way—before it happened to me.”
Source: A Personal Experience; The True story of a Jazz Singer and her Extraterrestrial Contact” Pamela Stonebrook, Discovery Channel “Most Amazing UFO Stories” Broadcast January 22 2006 quoted by Svetlana Anina in: “Three years in love with a reptilian” “NLO” Saint Petersburg, Russia February 27 2006
Location. Colopo, Chile
Date: 1998
Time: late night
At a water tank storage area a security guard watched a huge brightly illuminated wheel-shaped craft hovering low over the area. The 45-year old witness became frightened grabbed some clothing and ran to the road and rode his vehicle into nearby Tocopilla, there, still stunned he entered a church, where he began to meditate. While inside the temple he was approached by a tall Nordic-appearing man that sat next to him and asked him, “Why did you run away, we were not going to hurt you.”? The witness became concerned since he had not told anyone about his previous encounter. Frightened, the witness stood up and without saying a word to the stranger walked out of the church. According to the witness the last words he heard the tall stranger say was, “We will see you again”.
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Date: 1998
Location. Saginaw, Michigan
Date: 1998
Time: late night
A man named Jeff had returned to Central Michigan University as a student and the night after the final exams he woke up to find someone or something forcibly turning his head to its side. The next thing he knew he saw a large preying-Mantis type creature bending down over him. He sensed that the strange being wanted him to calm down even as it stuck a needle-like object into his ear. “It wanted me to relax” Jeff says. Jeff fought the encounter to no avail, waking up the next morning with strained neck muscles and an eye he could barely see with. He remembered another more benign encounter in 1994 when a small gray alien creature woke him up from his sleep so he could escape a fire raging in his apartment.
Source: Justin Engel, Saginaw News 3-8-2004
Date: 1998
Location. Sandviken, Gavleborgs, Sweden
Date: 1998
Time: late night
The witness was in her bed when she suddenly felt as if someone was touching her body and woke up. Several beings stood around the bed and these appeared to have been performing “tests” on her. The humanoids had large heads, large black slanted eyes, slim bodies and long dangling arms. Later the witness found several bruises on her body and remembers having found bruises before without any apparent explanation.
Source: Michael Sjoberg and Gudrun Andersson, UFO Sweden
Date: 1998
Location. Merrill, Wisconsin
Date: 1998
Time: late night
The witness who lived alone in a 2 bedroom apartment was suddenly awoken not by a noise (or one that she could remember) and was looking at 2 small beings in cloaks that covered their heads and only left shadows where the face should have been. She looked behind them to see a taller one. The taller one was a little slumped over due to the fact it was taller than the ceiling allowed. What surprised her was that the first thing she said was “not again”. She was on her right side laying down when she made a fist and proceeded to strike one of the smaller entities. She drew her arm back to hit one of the small ones but it suddenly held up its hands to stop her which it did. She came within an inch of its hand but could move any further, it felt as she was pushing down on an opposing “magnet”. Her next memory was of being led (she could not remember if her legs were moving) to a disk shaped object that was leaning against her bedroom wall. She then leaned into the disk shape object and found that the material she was leaning into was very soft. She sank into it. The material was black in color. The disk then lifted her into a laying position and proceeded to float toward the bedroom wall that leads outside. She thought or spoke out loud that there was no way that she could go through the wall. But she apparently went through it, it did not hurt but she could feel going through it. When they were outside she felt that someone was definitely going to see what was happening. The disk then floated up and she became very sleepy, she fought it but her eyes closed. The air was blowing on her face and she knew that she was going up. Her next memory was of waking up in a room that was all white. No straight edges anywhere, on the walls the floor doors and window were all rounded edges. She got up but does not remember what the bed looked like. She walked towards some curtains that were blowing in the wind and the closer she got to the curtains she realized that it was some kind of balcony. She walked outside and was amazed at the beauty of it all. The sky was pink, a beautiful pink and there were white clouds. The more she looked at the sky the more she realized that the clouds were not like the ones on earth. It almost appeared that they were “simulated” to look like clouds. She noticed that there were ripples in the pink sky, just like when you drop an object in water and get the ripple effect. She looked down and saw a huge lake also pink in color and rippling. She looked back up and thought, “Oh I see there is a dome over us and is reflecting the water.” As soon as she thought this a small being touched her hand and she became sleepy again. Her next memory was of waking up in the morning with a big chunk of her sheet in her mouth.
Source: direct from the witness, masseyswife@msn.com
Date: 1998
Location. Tula, Russia
Date: 1998
Time: unknown
Local resident Igor Vitalievich Arshinnikov was reportedly abducted on board a UFO, medically examined and implanted by humanoid entities, but his memory about this event was totally erased. However, he found a strange opens car on his hand, resembling a common pimple (blackhead) with a black dot in the middle. A year after the abduction the pimple had grown to about 1cm in diameter, and had become hard, and it then became inflamed with pain. The witness then pulled out (using pincers) a flat elongated object from inside the wound, the size of an orange seed. The man took the strange find to his brother Evgeniy Denisov who owned a microscope. Looking through the microscope Denisov noticed that the surface of the object was rough and homogenous. The object resembled molten metal or ceramic, he attempted to scratch the object using a scalpel but the surface was extremely hard just like a diamond. Immediately after being extracted from the skin the “implant” had been charcoal black but in a couple of days it had become red in color. The object was defiantly not a simple metallic splinter and the witness had not noticed any wound or scratch in the area before. Igor pointed out that soon after he removed the object from his body he began to feel better; he no longer had back pain or nightmares at night. He was possibly abducted again in 2005 but again his memory was totally erased.
Source: Svetlana Yeliseeva in: “Taynaya Doctrina” (Secret Doctrine) Newspaper, Simferopol, Crimea Ukraine # 10 2005
Date: 1998
Location. Zaporozhye, Ukraine
Date: 1998
Time: various
A young Tatar-Muslim woman named Aihsa reported entering into a series of contacts with aliens from an extraterrestrial civilization from the Big Bear constellation (Ursa Major). At one time a man-like humanoid entity entered her bedroom and communicated with the witness via telepathy. The alien was tall, about 1.8m to 1.9m in height, and was dressed in a dark overall, his face was tanned, and he had large slanted eyes, a long straight nose and a slightly protruding chin. He hand five long narrow fingers. The alien said that his name was “IMA” and spoke about numerous different subjects: God, evil, and about the 5 laws of the Universe. Sometimes he spoke in Russian and at times bright, living images were transmitted directly into her mind like a cinema. She always saw “IMA” in front of her as if it were a holographic image, she was told: “What you before your eyes, its not entirely me” He added, “Information transmitted to you can be so exact to a degree that you will be able to almost touch it.” At one point they argued as to the nature of the aliens, Aisha stated that they were neither Gods nor demons and she then received the following answer, “Aisha were are not Gods or demons. We are not from some unnaturally developed civilization. We are the same people as you are, but based on a different genetic base. So that qualitatively makes us people, men, but not in principle. We are not spirits we belong to the SAINA race”. The aliens told Aisha that they were inhabitants of a huge star system called “O-NAVAIL”. Their star was located in the Great Bear Constellation. They call their star system IR-SHIIR. Their planet is called NIASU which literally means, “The dwelling place”. And the center of their entire system (which is a union of 5 different planetary systems in different constellations) is a spiritual entity called TRON. TRON is the collective mind of all the representatives of the system. Aisha later learned that IMA was subordinated to his alien “boss” which is a female by the name of KILAMANS. IMA was supposed to take her place in this difficult system (Earth?) and have a career here. Aisha made an astral journey to the alien planet NIASU which she found quite interesting. Everything in the planet was surrounded by stern solemnity, tranquility and as seemed to her, aristocratism. The light there was dim (cloud cover?) but the ultraviolet rays were powerful like in the hottest deserts on Earth. Their cities had many trees and plants, and they build their homes in the immediate vicinity of the water reservoirs, which was cooler than the rest of the planet. At one point Aisha asked IMA if they had created the Earth and IMA answered, “We didn’t create anything, everything is the will of the Universe, but we have kept your planet under control since the moment of its birth”. IMA also added that temporarily they had established a base in the area of the Kerch Peninsula (probably under the Sea of Azov). They are “the 5th unit of a galactic star fleet”. IMA is the captain of a flagship named “The floating Butterfly”. They are engaged in guarding and studying the Universe and provide communications within. For some time now they have had responsibility over the human civilization, which was imposed to them as “curators” of Earth. On another occasion Aisha was contacted by an alien named LOESU which she considered to be the ideal of inner beauty and perfection. He was tall, dark skinned, with huge slanted eyes, no hair (his head was covered with something resembling a hood) a long nose, wide mouth and broad lips. He had very long and thin fingers. LOESU also had a very muscular chest, which Aisha saw since he wore something resembling a partially opened shirt. When asked by local journalists why she had been chosen for contact, Aisha answered that the aliens did not have the right to communicate with any human. They have to follow definite criteria to choose the person they were to contact. The “Contactee” must have the abilities that can play the role in expanding humanity’s mind. The person must have the aptitude for comprehending the existence of other civilizations and to promote others to realize the fact. They told her that they would be transmitting information to her and that she “should write it down or draw it”. The aliens told her that they had been preparing her for the final contact and had decided that she met all the requirements they insisted upon. They only asked her to pass the information on to others since they wanted to study their reaction. They also told Aisha that this was needed more by humans than by them, in fact they pointed out that “human souls were the smallest particles of the whole universal soul.” That humans had lost their communication with space and must somehow restore it. At one time IMA told Aisha that evil exists only in the mind and that we had the ability to throw it out with our thoughts. That meant that humans must change their attitudes. Only by understanding their role in the Universe can humans re-establish their connection with the Creator. The Creator will then help humans cleanse themselves from evil. But only the humans had the choice to destroy of save themselves. None of the alien races were able to interfere in this.According to IMA the five basic laws of the Universe were: 1. The priority of Energy. 2. Creation. 3. Non-comparison. 4. Compatibility. 5. Eternity.
Source: Elena Petriv in: “Mriya” Zaporozhye, August 3-10 2000 and Dr. Anton A. Anfalov PhD.
Date: 1998
Location. Zarinsk, Altay region, West Siberia, Russia
Date: 1998
Time: night
Marina, a local resident, awoke in the middle of the night and decided to go to the balcony. There was a full moon outside which illuminated the environs very clearly. When Marina attempted to remove her blanket she suddenly saw a strange man sitting on her bed. She was momentarily afraid and then found herself in a strange torpid state. However her mental abilities remained distinct and unaffected. Marina stared at the stranger with the curiosity of a child. She mainly remembered the stranger’s eyes which were filled with “unearthly aloofness” Marina appeared unable to describe the other features of the stranger. “Did you fall from the moon?” she asked the stranger, but he did not answer. Then she felt herself becoming unconscious. She awoke in the morning thinking it had all been a strange dream. However the next night she awoke in the middle of the night again and felt her hands become torpid, she attempted to lift her arms and the next moment her body zoomed up into the air. She slowly floats in the room, feeling a pleasant weightlessness, looking around at everything in the room, realizing that this was really happening to her. She then felt someone touching the comforter that covered her body. She then realized that she was not floating by herself, in fact someone else appeared to be “carrying” her, they floated from room to room, to the corridor and then towards the kitchen window. Remembering that she lived in the 5th floor, Marina began to feverishly pray. Apparently the next moment she was returned back to her bed, she could not remember anything else. The strange man then began visiting her almost every night. He would pull Marina out of bed, “teaching” her to walk through walls and to feel free while levitating in the air. One night she managed to switch on the light as the stranger was in the room in an attempt to get a better look at the stranger. The man was wearing a huge mask-like visor on his face, he had light hair and was of athletic built and was wearing a black tight-fitting coverall. Soon, after teaching Marina “the necessary skills” the mysterious alien “teacher” did not return. Apparently from that day on Marina was able to levitate independently
Source: “Atlayskaya Pravda” Newspaper, 1999 # 144-145
Date: 1998
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Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home2/orbman69/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 262
14 min read
1998: January UFO & Alien Sightings
Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home2/orbman69/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 262
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1998: February UFO & Alien Sightings
Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home2/orbman69/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 262
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1998: March UFO & Alien Sightings