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Date: October 1998
Location: Sarny area, Rovno region, Ukraine
Time: unknown
Summary: Forestry wardens in the Sarny area discovered huge humanoid footprints near a remote unpopulated lake amid the dense forests. The footprints appeared to have been left by giant entities, measuring 80cm long and 26cm wide. The distance between them was about 1.5 meters. Authorities took the incident very serious and the next day the local authorities and journalists arrived at the lake and was established that the footprints originated from the lake and led into the forest. But no one dared to examine the dense forest, so the delegations went home. Local residents stated that they had never encountered huge animals in the area, much less humanoid in shape. Journalists collected the testimonies, evidence and took video clips and the information was sent to the National Academy of Science of Ukraine in the city of Kiev. Local militia guarded the lake for some time.
Source: “NLO” Magazine Saint Petersburg # 4, January 26 1999
Date: October 1998
Location: Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
Time: 0545 A
Summary: The witness, “Mr. Osagui” was waiting to go and start the early shift and was getting some rest in his vehicle which he parked near a local bridge. On this day he had arrived earlier than usual. While sitting in the car he suddenly felt a presence accompanied by a slight vibration which felt like static electricity. He began to sweat profusely and felt immense heat, even though the car air conditioner was on. He attempted to sit up and straighten up but realized that he was totally paralyzed. However he was able to look to his right and was stunned to see a strange figure looking directly at him and motioning with its right hand for the witness to either approach or exit the vehicle. The witness then went into a panic and attempted to move again and was suddenly able to sit up in the vehicle at the same moment the humanoid entity shot up into the sky at incredible speed and disappeared from sight. As soon as the humanoid was gone the witness began to feel the air conditioner in the car again. He described the humanoid as about 5ft in height, pale gray in color, dark red slanted eyes, and very long extremities. The humanoid also lacked any nose cavities and had long skinny fingers which ended in rounded balls. The experience lasted about 5 minutes.
Source: Lucy Pla lucy@ovni.net
Location. Near Astrakhan, Russia
Date: October 1998
Time: afternoon
Michael Trachtengerts was riding his motorcycle in an isolated area called Surikov’s ravine when he noticed what appeared to be the figure of a man over 7 ft tall in a wooded area. It disappeared quickly into the woods, the witness dismounted his motorcycle and ran into the woods and soon heard branches breaking behind him. Looking back he saw a large crouching figure staring at him with large black eyes filled with “emptiness”. The figure was gray-brown in color. As he stared at the enigmatic figure it suddenly disappeared in plain sight. The witness ran towards where the creature had been and found nothing.
Source: Bobbie Short
Location. England, exact location not given
Date: October 1998
Time: evening
While relaxing and meditating, Geoff Evans (involved in other encounters) suddenly found himself in two places at the same time. He was still conscious of his physical body, but his awareness was somewhere else. He was being escorted by two “grays”, one on either side of him, into a circular room. There was a balcony around the circular shaped floor and, sitting in the balcony, were what appeared to be an assortment of different types of beings. Some didn’t seem physical in the sense we know it, and some seemed fluorescent or seemed to emit light, but they all appeared humanoid. The impression that he had at the time was that a few were human. Then vivid memories from his past came to him and he had the feeling that these beings were also witnessing his memories. He felt like an open book in their presence and felt a bit embarrassed. He did not want to be there and tried to feel connected to his physical body but he could not move. Then he felt understanding and compassion from them and did not feel as he was being judged. Soon he found himself connected again to his physical body. Like many other encounters, it seemed very real at the time and it was only later that Evans questioned if it had really happened.
Source: Geoff Evans, Journal of Alternative Realities # 9
Date: October 1998
Location: Mariano Escobedo, Veracruz, Mexico
Time: evening
Summary: 45-year old Lina Lozano Villa was alone at home after her husband and children had gone out when suddenly she felt extremely tired and fell into a stupor. In a state of lethargy she climbed into bed. Moments later she heard somebody enter the bedroom, locked the door and sit at the foot of her bed. She opened her eyes and noticed a figure extending a hand out to her, automatically she extended her hand also, but she wasn’t able to touch the hand since her hand stopped 3 or 4 centimeters from the figure’s hand. Her next memory was of standing outside a landed domed disc-shaped UFO, a hatch opened on the left side of the dome and the enigmatic figure invited her onboard, inside there was another alien who communicated telepathically with Lina and told her he was going to show her “their city”, at this point the witness realized that the alien’s mouth did not move when she heard the words and it became obvious that all the communication was mental. Surprised she asked the alien how was he able to talk without moving his mouth and was told that they did not need their mouths to speak. He then motioned to her to follow him, she sat on the lone armchair located at the end of an empty hall. The room was illuminated by an unseen source of light and as she sat down she had the sensation of riding up in an elevator at high speed, she did not where the two aliens had gone. After an unknown amount of time, the tall alien appeared out of nowhere and motioned her to follow him. The hatchway opened and at that point she noticed the other alien standing next to her. Walking outside she came to an area completely illuminated by white light. The alien asked her to go on, but she refused, afraid that she might fall. He assured her that would not, and took her by her hand, she felt as she was walking in mid-air. Soon she was at a location standing on a rock, not on a normal rock but on what appeared to be a metallic rock formation, metallic-gray in color. Pointing with his hand he told Lina, “Here is my city”. She then saw an incredible sight, what appeared to have been a huge city within a “crater” encased in a transparent dome. She could not see sky, clouds, or a sun, only a white light. As she contemplated the scene she asked the alien why they have brought her to see their city. The alien answered but she could not remember what he told her. And then the alien said, “You will remember some things and others you will not”. At this point using to fingers the alien touched Lina’s forehead and her next memory was of waking up in the morning on her bed, which was neatly made up. She described the aliens as very tall, light skinned, small slanted eyes, very small mouths, lacking eyebrows or eyelashes, their eyes were of an undefined color. She felt at peace with the aliens, and felt that the aliens were friendly and wanted to make contact but were afraid of how humans would react, they seemed fragile in nature. She noticed that the humanoids wore tight-fitting gloves that somehow seemed to adjust and opened up to the movement of the fingers, she could not understand how it was possible.
Source: http://www.eldurmientedeorizaba.com Translation by Albert S Rosales
Location. Sierra De Luquillo, Puerto Rico
Date: October 1998
Time: 2200
Ismael Roman and two friends had gone out fishing at an isolated spot when two of the men left to go further up river and left Roman behind. As he sat at the edge of the river waiting for the fish to bite, he heard a splash as if someone had thrown something in the water, he looked around and did not see anything, he heard another and noticed something brown run and hide behind a nearby rock. He then waited for the figure to come out from behind the rock. As it did he noticed that it was a short, thin frail figure, brown in color with a pear shaped head, no hair, large black eyes that seemed to turn green when it blinked. It had no ears, no clothing, a long thin neck, and narrow shoulders. It ran into the brush and out of sight. The witness thought that the creature was friendly and possibly wanted to play.
Source: Edwin Fontanez UFO PR
Source: .
Location. Serra do Espinhaco, Baldim, Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: October 1 1998
Time: 0700A
Spelunker Leandro da Silva and two friends from the city of Sete Lagoas were exploring a cavern and had penetrated deep within the chasm when one of the men, Marcelo Uchoa spotted a strange “ugly creature” the size of a man, frightened, Marcelo screamed, Leandro looked and also saw the creature and also screamed. The screams apparently frightened the creature that ran even deeper within the cavern disappearing in a crevice on the wall. At that moment Leandro was able to take two photographs with his digital flash-less camera. According to Ufologist Lydia Ribeiro, the creature was similar to the Chupacabra which was widely reported in Brazil during that that year in the sate of Sao Paolo. On October 13 another Ufologist Vittorio Paccacini and visited the cave accompanied by the witnesses and two other men. 110 meters within the cave the men began to hear strange sounds coming from somewhere below them which they could not identify, it sounded like something dragging itself on the ground. By now thoroughly spooked Leandro screamed and dropped the lantern screaming that something was coming towards them. The panicked men ran out the cave, Paccacini armed with a gun covered their exit. The men cancelled a third expedition when none of them felt comfortable going into the cave.
Source: http://www.perspectivas.com.mx
Date: October 1 1998
Location: Wadley 5 hrs from San Luis Opsipo, Mexico
Time: 21:00
Summary: While on a 5-day camping trip in Mexico, two campers had a close encounter on TWO occasions. On the second night out of a five-day camping trip near Wadley, Mexico two men were skywatching right after dark when they noticed two bright stars in the sky. The “stars” suddenly descended upon them, and as it turned out, they were not stars, but instead UFOs. The objects hovered overhead for no less than fifteen minutes. The craft were so massive, and close enough for the men to make out a dark, metallic hull with a ring on lights that encompassed “every color of the rainbow”.The men stood there mesmerized, and watched as the UFOs suddenly “went right back where they came from”. Two nights later, the UFOs re-appeared, and this time instead of hovering, they decided to put on a display of “out of this world” aerial manuevers. This event lasted about fifteen minutes as well. A friend of theirs was in the town of Wadley, 14 miles away, and he too observed the aerial display of the second encounter. The event seemed to have a profound effect on the witness and I believe his story is absolutley true. We also contacted Dr.Steven Greer (CSETI), a personal friend of the chief witness. He was very interested in this particular sighting. Although we filed this sighting with CSETI, I thought it extremely important that NUFORC be informed as well. Although I did not personally witness this event, the information was relayed to me because I am credible UFO researcher who has documented many, many cases. If you are interested, I would gladly share any of these cases with your excellent organization.. Thank You.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Location. Winter Park, Florida
Date: October 8 1998
Time: 0500A
The evening before, June (involved in other encounters) had sensed a presence of someone outside, but saw no one. The next morning as she entered her car she felt a slight resistance against her feet, which were on the accelerator and the clutch. She said, “like stepping on an inner tube.” At the same time she heard a sound similar to a balloon being rubbed. This continued for several seconds, but when she shone her flashlight on the floor of the car, she saw nothing. As she continued to drive, she heard a rustling noise “like someone playing with paper” in the back seat, but dismissed it as imagination. As she made a sharp left turn, she heard a thump in the back seat as though someone had hit his/her head against the right rear window. When June looked into her rearview mirror she saw the left eye of a gray type being looking back at her. She then slammed on the brakes, got out and opened the left rear door, but she could see nothing. Badly shaken she drove the rest of the way without incident.
Source: Miami Skyscan
Date: October 14 1998
Location: South Eastern Coast Ireland
Time: 01:45
Summary: Was at a hotel on the southern coast of Ireland, just enjoying the night air, when a light appeared about 30 degrees off the horizon, it shifted quickly to the left then got closer, I’d say about a mile or so then banked right and headed into the ocean. My friend thought that it might have droped behind the horizon but we both agreed that the horizon (Curve of the earth), was well above the point of entry. Much like above, except the thing seemed to have a “V” like shape almost like a delta wing, but white green. It was to dark at the point of impact to see if there was much spray coming off the ocean, but it must have done something. There was a strong wind that followed shortly afterward and we both felt it. Then nothing, now we are used to ocean breezes but this was much more and only lasted a second or two. I have never seen anything like this before.
Source: NUFORC
Date: October 18 1998
Location: Dublin Blanchardstown, Ireland
Time: 23:35
Summary: A moving star in the sky, jerking, zig-zagging, etc… I was looking out my bedroom window staring at the stars when suddenly one moved. At first I thought it was satalite but it was zig-zagging, jerking, moving in circles, and changing direction. I called my father and my brother and we went outside to look at it better. It stopped moving for a while then started moving again. I stayed there observing it for another 20 mins befor I went inside again. When I got upstairs I couldn’t see it anymore…
Source: NUFORC
Location. Vernal Utah
Date: October 19 1998
Time: 0034A
Several men were out elk hunting in an isolated area when they saw what appeared to be a plane crashing. They exited the truck and proceeded over the ridge to investigate. As they neared the area they saw two more craft apparently hovering over the area. On the ground they saw what appeared to be some “people” gathering around. No other information.
Source: NUFORC
Location. Near Asuncion, Paraguay
Date: October 22 1998
Time: late night
Closing his rural store a man named Jesus is about ready to walk home when suddenly all around him is illuminated by a vivid white light, frightened he runs to the back of the store and attempts to open the door. He is not successful and runs towards a nearby shed about 50 meters away. After a few steps he feels something descend from above and looking up he is terrified to see an enormous object, from which hung three huge hook-like protrusions on ropes. On a fourth rope descended a bluish humanoid figure that moved quickly towards him. It grabbed the witness, which quickly fought back. Jesus was able to grab the strange bluish creature by its neck and began to squeeze. Suddenly the creature began to shake violently. Seeing this unexpected reaction Jesus loosens his grip and the figure instantly slips up and with an elusive motion hangs one of the hooks on Jesus belt. The hook rose up and the witness hung helplessly in mid-air. The UFO began moving away gently pulling the rope with the witness hanging at the end. When Jesus arrived next to an opened hatchway he pushed himself away with his feet from the object and slid down the rope fortunately landing on some bushes and suffering only minor injuries. His sister Rosalita witnessed the whole event from nearby.
Source: UFO 2000 LM Moscow Corp.
Date: October 24 1998
Location: Grand Mere, Quebec, Canada
Time: 2030
Summary: A woman reported seeing two entities that were wearing white astronaut-like outfits with some kind of helmets on their heads. One of the beings was leaning over and seemed to be picking up something from the ground. The other stood nearby. When the beings walked they seemed to float just above the ground. Their size and appearance were similar to humans. About 75 feet behind them, there was a thick brown fog made up of different bright colors with a bright glow about 27 feet in diameter. She watched them for 5 minutes before leaving the window. When she returned the entities had disappeared and the strange fog was moving away. Investigators found ground traces and footprints.
Source: Skyopen # 62
Date: October 25 1998
Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Time: 0500A
Summary: The 12-year old witness suddenly woke up without any apparent reason. The room was well lit by a light from an unknown source. He looked at the foot of his bed and an odd figure was standing there. The figure was hard to see because of the light, but it looked as if its hands were covering up his face. The witness attempted to look closer but suddenly fell asleep. He woke up the next morning sleeping in the sofa.
Source: NUFORC
Location. Marina Del Rey, California
Date: October 26 1998
Time: 0030A
The witness had just gone to bed when a bright light entered the room. The light dimmed and through the partially closed vertical blinds a light entered the room and circles it. Through the vertical blinds a shadow then appeared. The shadow or figure had an elongated head, sort of football shaped, a long thin neck and a thick body. The light apparently shone from behind the figure, which seemed to be moving. When the witness looked outside the light and figure had vanished and the car alarms were going off. Then he heard a low level humming sound that lasted for a few moments.
Source: NUFORC
Location. LaGrange, Georgia
Date: October 29 1998
Time: 2145
A man was alone in his house when he noticed a “girl” about four feet in height but featureless and dark, standing less than twenty feet away. In the two seconds that they stared at each other, he noted she wore a flowing dress nearly the color of the face, and her shoulder length hair seemed to flow into her clothing. The apparition then floated away and disappeared. Two hours later the man spotted “a blue cast” shining under his daughter’s bedroom door. He rushed in, but the light had vanished. The man and his wife had heard phantom footsteps walking about the house and unintelligible conversation for four months before these incidents.
Source: Jim Miles, Weird Georgia
Location. Baca Grande, San Luis Valley, Colorado
Date: October 30 1998
Time: evening
A woman reported some type of small “objects” hitting the house. She looked out a window and saw several 4-feet tall hooded figures running around her yard. Later she also reported seeing something resembling a “hairy pig” running past the house. Other phenomena were also reported.
Source: Christopher O’Brien
Location. LaGrange, Georgia
Date: October 30 1998
Time: night
The husband woke up feeling he was suffocating and found an invisible entity sitting on his chest. The foot of the bed also levitated off the floor, and his hair seemed wet. Somehow returning to sleep, he dreamed that the “grim reaper” was standing at the foot of the bed. Both husband and wife have observed “shadow” figures roaming through the house.
Source: Jim Miles, Weird Georgia
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