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Date: January 1998
Location: Boraceia, Brazil
Time: 0100 A
Summary: After seeing a strange illuminated object hovering over a field, two of the witnesses armed with a flashlight and a gun went to the field to investigate. On their way there two pet dogs joined them. The dogs began barking towards the direction of the water and the witness shone the flashlight in that direction. The light illuminated a strange creature about 2 meters tall. The creature’s head was oval shaped. Its arms were curved and reached all the way down to the knees; it had long legs and had a small nose. The witnesses heard a sort of murmur-type sound coming from the creature. Around the tall creature there were several smaller similar looking ones that emitted incomprehensible sounds. At this point the tall creature began moving in the direction of the witness, who terrified fired a shot at the creature that suddenly vanished in plain sight, apparently along with the other smaller creatures.
Source: Osmar de Freitas, GEONI
Date: beginning of January 1998
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Time: evening
Summary: A local 8-year old girl reported experiencing many unusual encounters. Her parents were also witnesses of many of the events. At the beginning of January Ania saw a strange short, gray entity sitting on a cabinet. The entity turned its head toward her and then disappeared.
Source: K. Bzowski, Poland
Date: 1998: Brighton, Michigan Sighting
Date: January 1998
Location: Barreiras de Yacuruna, Bahia, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: The witness was lying in his bed fully awake, when he suddenly became totally unable to open his eyes or to move, and felt the presence of “somebody” in the room. And then he felt a sensation of something touching his head, and he felt what seemed to be a needle entering the rear part of his cranium, just behind one ear. Then slowly he felt the instruments following a precise trajectory inside his head and descending until it reached the dental arch. He never felt any pain. Shortly afterwards he felt the needle being withdrawn. Soon he was able to open his eyes and move his body again. Two nights later, glancing out of a window, the witness saw a gray figure which was walking away past the house and which was watching him as it went. The following night another witness was sitting on her bed attending to her 2-month-old baby, when she too felt the presence of “someone” behind her. At first she thought it was her husband but to her horror, she perceived two long whitish hands extended towards the infant. Terrified she shouted at her husband, who came at once. And then both of them saw something like a “faint, indistinct, light colored stain” moving away towards the door.
Source: Alberto Romero FSR Vol. 45 # 2
Date: January 1998
Location. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date: January 1998
Time: late night
The 22-year old witness woke up to see a tall thin gray figure with large light eyes standing by the bed looking at him. It smiled mischievously at him then disappeared through the bedroom wall.
Source: Personal Communication
Date: January 1998
Location. Not given
Date: early January 1998
Time: night
The witness was taking a walk in the woods a mile from his house when he was suddenly blinded by a huge white light about 50 meters above the ground and about 100 meters away, the light descended and he saw in the middle of the brightness an outline of a figure. It looked human, but the head was rounded at the top and narrow toward the chin. The head appeared too big for its body, the figure advanced toward him and when he was running 20 yards away the witness began to run in the opposite direction. Suddenly he felt a sharp sting inside his head and he blacked out. Soon he woke up in a bright room on what felt like a metal table. Soon three grayish figures were leaning over him, he was unable to move or speak. He then felt a sharp prick on his arm and blacked out again. When he woke up he found himself lying on his bed. He found a painful welt on his arm.
Source: Unsolved Mysteries.com
Date: January 1 1998
Location. Huelo, Hawaii
Date: January 1 1998
Time: 0400A
The two witnesses who previously had seen moving lights above some nearby fields were sleeping when the felt some type of “knock” in his head (telepathic communication?). He woke up and looked out the window to see a multicolored UFO emitting multicolored lights towards the witnesses’ location. He woke up his friend and both then saw a figure standing at the end of the bed. Terrified they hid under the covers and a few moments later looked to the see that the figure had vanished, however the craft remained outside, a little further off, until about sunrise. The figure was described as tall, with a huge head, with large staring eyes.
Source: NUFORC
Date: January 1 1998
Location: Keysborough VIC, Australia
Time: 23:30
Summary: red lights bigger than a plane irregular flight patterns travelling sw to ne flying low but not lower enough to get a good description event occurred over a populated area late at night as far as known only three witnesses the event from they’re family backyard. 2 red lights larger than a plane flying irregular patterns, travelling sw to ne and then vanishing.
Source: NUFORC
Date: January 1998
Location. Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Date: January 3 1998
Time: unknown
In an undisclosed section of the city a metallic delta-shaped craft landed and a number of Cyclopes-like humanoids exited it. The humanoids took a pet parrot from the yard of one of the witnesses and then took off. No other information.
Source: UFOCAT, quoting Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News July 1998
Date: January 5 1998
Location: Wagga Wagga AUSTRALIA
Summary: The witness was driving her husband, who finished work at midnight, and her baby daughter from their home in Wagga Wagga to her parent’s home at Jamberoo, near Kiama, for the weekend. Shortly after leaving Wagga on the Hume Hwy with her husband and baby asleep, a large brightly luminous disc shape UFO appeared in the sky ahead of her at an estimated 300-400 metres distance. The object stayed in this position while she drove approx. 120 km., disappearing as she went through towns, and appearing again on the other side of the town. It mostly stayed relatively still but occasionally shot off at great speed to the left or right only to return seconds later to the same position. The object disappeared just north of Goulburn as the dawn was lightening the sky. It rapidly gained altitude until out of sight in seconds. There was no interference with the normal operation of the car, according to the witness and the amount of traffic she remembers was normal for that time of morning. Supposedly after having great difficulty waking her husband at one point, he glanced at the object, mumbled “yeah yeah” and was immediately asleep again. Normally on this trip she would stop at Yass for an hour’s break for coffee and arrive at Jamberoo at about 7- 7.30am. This time, on arrival she was genuinely surprised to find the trip had taken 1.5 to 2 hours longer than normal, even without the break at Yass. No subsequent sickness or body markings were noticed and as the witness suspected no abduction at that time no further investigation was undertaken until reported to Paradox in 1997.
Source: http://www.phantomsandmonsters.com
Date: January 1998
Location. Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: January 5 1998
Time: 2130
Julia Romero Buenfil was on her way home with her young daughter on Calle de los Censos avenue when suddenly she saw the figure of a man emerge from a wooded field next to the avenue. The stranger then walked in the direction of Julia and at the same moment she felt strange as if time had been suspended around her, she wanted to reach home but was not making any progress and was unable to utter a word. The strange man was very tall, at least 1.90m in height, with very white skin, wearing a green-colored military pair of trousers, and an orange jacket that seemed to exude “energy”. The man’s eyes were the most peculiar, which were very black and protruding, she didn’t notice any feet since the stranger appeared to be levitating just above the ground. Terrified she was finally able to move and grabbing her daughter quickly ran into her house, once her daughter was inside, she immediately ran outside in search for the stranger. She suffered from a high fever for three days after the incident. She further described the stranger as having elongated very white chiseled facial features; she could not see any hair since it was apparently covered by a hood, also of a very bright orange in color. He was very thin and seemed to float just above the ground. Later she learned that on the same date her nephew, Gerardo Sanchez spotted a very luminous disc-shaped object hovering over the area.
Source: http://www.eldurmientedeorizaba.com/contactojulia.htm
Date: January 8 1998
Location: Fairbanks, Alaska
Time: 22:38
Summary: A large florescent green oval shaped object moving at a strange speed descending on the horizon ended in a large flash. A large bright fluorescent green ( oval in shape )object suddenly appeared in a totally clear sky at 22:38 on 1/8/98. This object was traversing from a Northerly direction and heading in a Southerly direction. Lasting only a few seconds and terminating in Flash wished appeared to be an explosion. It did not appear to be traveling fast enough to be a comet or a meteor. Nor was there any trail following it.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: January 8 1998
Location: Phillipstown, Scotland
Time: late night
Summary: A woman went to her son’s bedroom to check on her 3-year old who kept crying. She went to check on the fourth occasion and was shocked to find her son glowing green in color on all exposed parts of his body. He was also making a loud “buzzing” and “clicking” sound. She sat with him trying to calm him down he went into a deeper color of green and then returned to normal. He then told his mom that he had a strange “dream” of monsters in his bedroom with aged Wrinkled Faces that had apparently come into his bedroom.
Source: UFO Scotland
Date: January 1998
Location. Haravilliers, Val d’Oise, France
Date: January 10 1998
Time: 0730A
A total of 7 witnesses including the main witness M D were driving to a hunting expedition in two cars: a Peugeot 306 driven by M D and a Lancia with J M being the only occupant and his dog. The meeting place was a location called “La Guibarderie” near the little hamlet of “Le Ruel” not far from Haravilliers. Independently, M K was on his way to the meeting place in his Mercedes. The weather conditions were exceptionally clear and many stars were visible. As the two cars approached the parking area at the hunting preserve, their occupants see through their windshield a bright illumination in the sky in the horizon. Soon a huge black round object (30 to 45 m in diameter) comes towards them, slowly gliding only about 20 meters above the ground. The first thing M D notices are a series of large projectors disposed on 6 to 7 light ramps, like those of a stadium. Measuring 5 x 3 m, each ramp bears, red, green and yellow spotlights. The beams do not light up the surrounding area. They resemble those of a Christmas tree decoration. Inexplicably, M D does not stop the car and the Peugeot continues to approach the location where the object is hovering. M D feels compelled to lower the glass on the driver’s seat side to get a better look. As the car passes just beneath the object, a bit on the left side, he can see a dull gray platform with a brighter octagonal contraption in the center (about 15 m) resembling a screw with a middle round aperture (diameter 6 m) punched with 8 regularly disposed exhaust type portholes about 1m in diameter. Next, a beam of light comes down to the ground, and then the 4 Peugeot occupants see three green, red and yellow beams converging on the parked Mercedes. There follows a gap of 3 minutes during which, nobody remembers what occurred, and the five witnesses find themselves 1200m father from their original position without M D remembering having driven the distance. The object is no longer in sight. The two cars then meet in the parking lot and the Mercedes driver confirms that he had been also bathed in the light-beams that poured down on the Mercedes. The three cars then resumed their journey to the meeting place, everybody feeling a bit dazed. The six friends did not mention the incident to the other 25 hunters in the party. On January 15 M D begins to suffer from acute conjunctivitis, which led him to consult an eye doctor. Around April 20 M D’s memory begins to return little by little. He recalls having been levitated into the hovering UFO through the central hole. Inside he was confronted by a humanoid figure about 1.20m in height, completely covered in a diving suit, his face was hidden behind a metallic cylindrical dull-black helmet. This helmet was about 42-43 cm high and about 32-33 cm in width. It had a curved top, two round holes were the eyes should have been and a wide horizontal double row of “piano keys” resembling a row of straight white teeth, making it look like a mouth, which remained closed at all times. This gave the mask a somewhat shamanic and sinister appearance. At one point the entity said something like “Tobro”, which M D assumed could be the name of his place of origin. Although he only remembers having seen this one creature, he had the impression that there were other unseen entities in the object. He was placed on a table but does not remember having been subjected to a physical examination. A pale white-beige light that seemed to emanate from all directions illuminated the room. A strange putrid odor permeated the room. M D thinks that an implant was inserted into his body. Later it was revealed that a gamekeeper located not far from where the men were to meet testified having heard “the sound of heavy engines, not unlike that of a Boeing 747” a few minutes later he saw a big round dark object emitting three colored beams of light.
Source: Franck Boitte, Franck Marie BIDU, Gerard Deforge
Date: January 1998
Location. Barnegat New Jersey
Date: January 11 1998
Time: night
One juvenile sighted a disc-shaped flying object hovering over the house; it had alternating green & yellow lights around its rim. On top there was a glass dome and a pilot-like figure apparently wearing some type of helmet could be seen inside. Frightened he ran inside the house and could still see the disc hovering outside. A strange symbol was also seen on the side of the disc. It also had an antenna on top and other markings on the bottom right under the rim lights.
Source: Mufon UFO Reports
Date: January 1998
Location. Lajas, Puerto Rico
Date: January 14 1998
Time: 0530A
An employee at a cow ranch that belonged to the University of Puerto Rico, Carlos David Vargas Montalvo was doing his usual morning chores of rounding up the cows from the feeding lot. Like usual and without any apparent fright the animals responded to his call and lined up, except for what he thought was one white cow that remained back in the field without moving. Curious he called the “cow” again but again there was no response, he decided to walk over thinking that the animal could be hurt or sick. As he approached the white form on the ground he kept calling it, when suddenly the supposed cow began to twist and turn on the ground and took out two huge white wings, at this point the stunned Montalvo realized that it was not a cow but a bizarre winged bird-like creature, totally white in color. Stunned the witness watch ed the creature rise up on his wings and disappeared quickly towards the nearby Laguna Cartagena. A heart patient, Montalvo was in shock for the next several hours.
Source: Wilson Sosa, Terra Clubs Ovni
Date: January 1998
Location. Atlantic City, New Jersey
Date: January 15 1998
Time: night
A fifty-year-old grandmother and government employee was abducted on this night. She was in great terror and in fear of her life during the abduction. No other details given.
Source: George Filer
Date: January 21 1998
Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire England
Time: 20:42
Summary: Whilst waiting for my wagon to be unloaded i was looking up at a clear sky suddenly 4 dull orangey(glowing maybe) oval shapes passed the sky in formation after about 10 seconds the formation broke up and they vanished. As above: after the shapes vanished i doubted what i had seen (but then again i am not prone to seeing things) suddenly on the horizon travelling south i saw what some might have thought to have been a comet travelling at an unbelievable speed. This happened about 30 seconds after seeing the 4 objects. the comet like image was pure white to see but with very little tail, much like something entering or leaving the atmosphere at great speed.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: January 1998
Location. Caloocan City, Philippines
Date: 3rd week of January 1998
Time: night
A local couple reported that their week old baby boy, Dave Nagawang, was killed by an “aswang” (a mythical winged creature). Dave, his parents and neighbors said, was found dead early in the morning with blood in his mouth and on the walls near his bed. Rumors circulated that an aswang killed the boy. Neighbors reported hearing something bigger than a cat walking on the roof, and of the sounds of wings flapping overhead, of a strange bird-like chirping at night: “ik-ik-ik. Subsequent sightings of the aswang or some say is flying counterpart the mana-nanggal were reported in Marikina, Pasig and Navotas. So far, the aswang has allegedly claimed the lives of an old man and an old woman, and a middle-aged widow. The creature is believed to be malevolent and preys particularly on women, babies and young children. Is reported to be “dog-like” with
wings, and glowing red eyes.
Source: Filipino newspaper sources
Date: January 1998
Location. Nursery Woods, Cumbria, England
Date: January 25 1998
Time: 1645
A man was walking his dog in a wooded area when he heard some snapping branches. Thinking it was a deer he stopped and looked around. Looking through the trees he noticed a large creature covered in a sort of ginger brown hair that seemed to be drinking from a pond about 150 meters into the woods. The creature appeared to stare at the witness, when it stood upright, the witness estimated to be about 6’6” in height. The witness quickly left the area. There was no reaction by the dog reported.
Source: Cumbria Creature Chronicles
Date: January 29 1998
Location: Swadlincote Nr Burton upon Trent England
Time: 19:30
Summary: A Triangular object with lights in each corner and a central light was seen. It circled slowly at low altitude (500 ft) below cloud cover. At one point it stopped and hovered for a minute. As the object banked away from us we could see the triangle shape in pale white lines liojing the corner lights. Seen by myself and my son from our car. Observers were college manager and a school boy
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: January 31 1998
Location: Maipu, Chile
Time: evening
Summary: Several witnesses observed over the roofs of this city several man-like figures descending from the sky seemingly without parachutes. Motorists on the motorway saw the figures enveloped in clouds fly towards the northwest and disappear.
Source: RR0 France
Date: January 1998
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