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Date: 1997
Location: Near Botafuegos, Spain
Time: 0500A
Summary: J L was driving his motorcycle near the town when he observed a dark human-like silhouette standing by the side of the road. The figure was very tall, at least 2.5 meters in height. Once he drove by the figure he stopped his motorcycle, and concerned looked back at the figure. As he stared at the figure it suddenly vanished in plain sight. He then drove away, but the figure appeared one more time at the side of the road, but this time he kept on driving and did not stop.
Source: Manuel Benitez, Jose Antonio Caravaca
Date: 1997
Location: Llangennith, Wales
Time: 0630A
Summary: A young surfer was on his way to the beach and was driving slowly so he would not disturb the villagers, when, cresting a hill, he almost hit a mysterious young woman who seemed to be covered from head to foot in diaphanous white material. She was apparently oblivious of the witness and he lost sight of her.
Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land
Date: 1997
Location: Braganca Paulista, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: In a remote jungle area several children reported seeing a non-human, non-animal creature covered with dark hair. At times, it seemed to hover just above the ground moving very fast and stirring the leaves under its path.
Source: Varginha Diary
Date: 1997: Phuket Thailand Fast Moving Big Bright Light
Date: 1997
Location: China, exact location not given
Time: night
Summary: The witness (involved in other encounters) recalls that he was sleeping in his bed facing the wall when he woke up to the sound of rustling in the room. He opened his eyes, turned around, and saw the silhouette of a small figure in the doorway. It was very small, with a disproportionately large head and long arms. As he watched, the visitor stepped back and walked away down the hallway. The witness felt very calm, despite this intrusion.
Source: Chris Rutkowski, Abductions & Aliens What’s really going on?
Date: 1997
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Time: night
Summary: Paul Ford and his wife encountered a strange figure on the road. As they got nearer they could see it was a man in a long cloak. “Then I realized it had no face and it was just hovering above the road.” Ford recalled. They beat a hasty retreat from the area.
Source: Paul Devereux, Haunted Land
Date: 1997
Location: White Sands, New Mexico
Time: night
Summary: Reported authentic UFO crash at the White Sands range that was documented by an amateur film shot accidentally from behind a fence. The film clearly shows a brightly lit disc-shaped object that descends at high speed, stops and then tries to pull up and while doing that explodes into hundreds of small shiny particles. The craft was likely piloted. The remains were likely retrieved by the US military.
Source: Anton A. Anfalov list
Date: 1997: Small object hovering over the roof of house
Date: 1997
Location: Santander, Spain
Time: night
Summary: After reporting seeing strange maneuvering lights over the area, Saretta MacPheterson was sitting alone on a beach staring out into the sea. There were few other people around when suddenly a tall thin man-like figure approached her. He seemed to be wearing a plastic coverall suit. He had an expressionless face, gray in color. The stranger sat next to Saretta who noticed that the figure had four fingered hands. The being told her that she should not marry; scared Saretta sat up and ran home. Months later after getting married, Saretta was found murdered in her flat, apparently strangled with a towel. Neighbors reported seeing a strange tall thin pale figure loitering around the apartment complex around the same time. The night of her funeral several attendants reported seeing a luminous object hovering over the area.
Source: Testigo Ovni # 5, 1998
Date: 1997
Location: Near Togliatti, Russia
Time: night
Summary: Two men, M. Yumtsov and P. Stepashin were traveling by car in the area when they suddenly saw a bright light descending directly over them. Both men seem to loose consciousness. Soon Yumtsov regained consciousness and saw his partner apparently sleeping leaning against the door. He was surprised to see his speedometer reading 80km per hour; he felt no sensation of movement. In front of the car hovered a luminous sphere. He watched as several diffused figures descended from the sphere on what appeared to be bright threads. One of the figures floated up to the front windshield of the car and began to make hand signals, as if suggesting Yumtsov to open the door. The witness wanted to open the door but suddenly became very frightened and remained still. The figure appeared not to have a face; instead of eyes or a mouth it had slight indentations. When the witness refused to open the door, the humanoid apparently became terribly angered and emitted a shrill whistling scream, almost bursting out Yumtsov’s eardrums. The figure approached the windshield further and somehow managed to insert several silvery threads into the car. The threads grabbed on to the sleeping Stepashin’s arm and encircled and then began to pull him. Terrified Yumtsov suddenly applied the brakes this somehow caused the bizarre figure at the windshield to float back and retrieve the silvery threads thus releasing Stepashin. The luminous sphere then also disappeared. At this point Stepashin woke up not knowing what had occurred; he did find several bruises around his wrists. Also several dents were found on the car’s hood. The two men were so terrified that they remained parked on the side of the road the rest of the night.
Source:Igor Tsarev “Secret Authority” # 21
Date: 1997
Location: North Western district, Queensland, Australia
Time: 2045
Summary: Four people traveling in a vehicle reported they saw a very tall humanoid in a silver suit that stepped out at the side of the road. They apparently kept driving.
Source: Glennys MacKay
Date: 1997
Location: Evington, Virginia
Time: night
Summary: On a dark night Kyle Keatts was wandering about in the woods near his home when something caught his eye near the chicken coop, which was near a barbed wired fence, and beyond that for several miles were some cows and other farm animals. He remembered seeing two red eyes that stuck out from out of the darkness near the ground, he then approached it in order to obtain a better look. He remembered looking at the protruding, oval-shaped eyes, which appeared to have a black slit through them, like a cat’s eyes. It looked back at the Keatts and he perceived a sense of danger and became frightened, and ran towards his house yelling for his father to come out. His father ran out and saw what appeared to be a 3-4 foot tall animal running upright on its legs, and its legs looked like that of a kangaroo, but it did not hop, it just ran very fast. In the light of the light pole they saw that the creature was black with scaly-looking skin with what looked like spikes running down its back. A neighbor had reported that an unknown predator had slaughtered 10-15 of her chickens.
Source:Your True Tales, May 2004
Date: 1997
Location: Carina, Brisbane, Australia
Time: night
Summary: While working in a shopping center the witness (involved in other encounters) she noticed a woman who had a certain air about her and as she watched her she seemed to be gliding along above the floor. The woman came to her desk and she noticed that this woman’s irises were a pale gray color and her pupils were elongated from top to bottom rather than the usual round shape. She couldn’t keep her own eyes off the woman’s eyes and felt quite mesmerized by watching her. She knew she was asked a question but can’t remember what it was or what she answered. She thought to herself “what planet are you from”? And with that the woman quickly moved off and disappeared. She described the strange woman as having un-styled hair that was just to her ears, fairly straight and a mousy brown color. She wore a cardigan done up to the top button and the dress seemed to just hang on her. She didn’t seem to be dressed for the times but more like in her grandmother’s days. She carried an old fashioned handbag over her arm. The witness has experienced strange dreams in which she has found herself getting out of a ship and meeting a young man about 20 years old with tight curly hair, plaid trousers and a very tight-fitting jumper. She accompanied the young man on a dinghy like boat into a floating craft, on the top of the craft there was a gray type alien that appeared to be steering it. He wore a tight-fitting gray suit with an emblem on one side. She saw a craft with transparent walls and people walking inside, she thought these people were “workers”.
Source: UFO Research Queensland, Australia
Date: 1997
Location: Georgia
Date: 1997
Location: Phoenix Arizona
Date: 1997
Location: South Sheffield
Time: 22.00
Summary: On our way back home one very dark evening, we were driving through Catcliffe and I saw a bright white light high in the night sky. Pulled over and we both got out of the car and watched it. It was very bright and very high and stationary. We watched it for several minutes then it started moving fast. What really grabbed me was it was like when a you try to swot a fly and it can instantly change direction. This was what the light was doing, suddenly changing direction 90%. This went on for a couple of minutes then it disappeared. As far as height is are concerned I can only estimate about 4 or 5 times higher than what light aircraft fly over a city. Difficult to judge on a dark night looking straight up. The speed it changed direction I would say is impossible for any flying aircraft I know of. Witness Name: Keith Axelby
Source: www.uk-ufo.co.uk
Date: 1997
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