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(Last Updated On: )
Date: early May 1997
Location: Olhos D’Agua, Brazil
Time: 1500
Summary: A local inhabitant was collecting fruit at the plantation when he spotted a short strange hairy creature with large red eyes running among some small trees, it moved in quick bounding motions not unlike those of a kangaroo. The witness ran in its direction but it was already gone by the time he reached the area.
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado, Ojos del Dragon
Date: early May 1997
Location: Near Campinas, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: During a spate of bizarre animal mutilations in the area a woman in a rural area reported seeing a six-foot six-inch tall creature, very thin, with small forearms and long claws and of a dark gray color. No other information.
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 2 # 20
Date: May 1997
Location: Mairinque, near Sao Roque, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: A lone witness reported seeing a strange creature described as covered with dark hair, the size of a normal human being, similar to a kangaroo but heavier. Its forearms were short as compared to the longer and thicker legs in which it walked. It had five clawed digits on each leg. Several long fang-like teeth protruded from its mouth. The creature made a five to six meter long jump and disappeared into the rain forest.
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta” quoting Antonio de Padua Faroni, Brazil
Date: May 1997
Location: Ness Tziona, Israel
Time: night
Summary: On several occasions the witness was lying on her bed and in a dream like state saw the presence of tall longhaired humanoids, with a stunted nose and giant nostrils, that would come into her room. At times she felt a smothering, heavy feeling in the atmosphere, and a very strong horrid stench would cover the house. For several days afterwards the house experienced electrical blackouts whose cause was never determined. She was also visited by short, bald headed skinny humanoids with huge eyes. Other strange events were reported including unexplained noises and strange circular marks on the ground that exuded a putrid smell.
Source: Barry Chamish
Date: May 1997
Location: El Morado Natural Reserve, Chile
Time: night
Summary: Electronic technician Claudio Pasten was camping in an isolated area when he was reportedly abducted by bizarre luminous beings with transparent glowing faces. He was transported to different otherworldly locations. He remembering traveling inside an object surrounded by numerous luminous balls of light the size of ping-pong balls. The craft seemed to run in “light” energy. He was supposedly given numerous messages some of a divine nature. No other information.
Source:Ovnis Terra
Date: May 1997
Location: Near Poznan, Poland
Time: night
Summary: Locals watched several bright spheres of light hovering above some trees and maneuvering low over the ground. The next day 20 more spheres were seen in the area. At one point a fire brigade vehicle responded to the seen suspecting a possible fire. One of the spheres approached the vehicle suddenly and then disappeared behind some trees. At this point the vehicle’s electrical system began to smolder and smoke. At the same time the radio station suddenly began playing a mysterious melodic music when they changed stations the same music was on. Suddenly everything around the vehicle “changed” and they saw what appeared to be a “screen” with multicolored spheres of light approaching the vehicle. Also near the screen and the sphere several humanoid figures approached the vehicle, the humanoids were described as tall, with bright eyes and wearing black flowing smocks. As the humanoids came closer to the vehicle and man on a motorcycle appeared apparently not noticing the figures or lights and seemed to drive right over the figures (a hologram?). Another vehicle approached but the driver apparently saw the figures and lights and drove away from the area.
Source: Tomasz Wierzawski, UFO Raport
Date: May 1997
Location. Kadima, Israel
Date: May 2 1997
Time: late night
Chani Salomon woke up feeling a strange presence in the room. She tried to rise from bed but was unable to move. Suddenly she noticed a very shiny object about 60 cm in diameter hovering over the floor very close to her. She felt an unusual an uncomfortable feeling coming from the object, very intrusive in nature. The main discomfort centered on her heart, she felt an indescribable pain in that area. Chani tried to cry out but was still unable to. Desperate she began reciting the sacred Hebrew prayer “Shma Ysrael” over an over again. The bright object eventually disappeared. Days later when she was on the beach she felt a strange sensation in between her eyes on her forehead and saw the people around her in a strange “incandescent & translucent” light.
Source: Barry Chamish
Location. Campina Grande do Sul, Brazil
Date: May 4 1997
Time: afternoon
Three young boys were flying a kite in a field when the kite string became entangled on some nearby trees. When they came over to the site where the kite had come down they noticed a dead chicken nearby, which they did not find strange, thinking it had been used in some type of sacrifice or ritual. At that same moment they noticed on a nearby ravine a strange thick trunk shaped cloud that was slowly descending. Afraid the boys began running away from the area, but two of them looked back and noticed inside the “cloud” what appeared to be a brown human shaped figure. They were not able to notice any features and their eyes began to sting, at the same time they saw the cloud descend into the ravine. Seconds later they began hearing what sounded like the terrified screams of a man, at this point the boys ran panic stricken to their nearby houses.
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Date: May 1997
Date: May 1997
Location. Enterprise, Oregon
Date: May 6 1997
Time: 1300
Ana Lisa reported seeing a bizarre creature described as five feet, no body hair, two arms and legs, a cone shaped head, and a light orange color. She could not see any mouth or nose, and it moved funny—bent arms and knees and bent it’s back, it was very thin, had three fingers on a hand, glowing yellow eyes, resembling a goblin and a troll with long fingernails and it didn’t make any noise. She didn’t notice any sex organs on the creature and there was no smell that she noticed. She had a good view from the car as the creature walked, not ran, only 20 feet away. She stopped the car to watch but did not follow. Ann Lisa said it looked disoriented, hesitated several times, didn’t seem to know where it was going, but it seemed to be looking for something.
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 72
Date: May 7 1997
Location: Adelaide Australia, SA
Time: 19:30
Summary: first a diamond shape full of lights then travel right a v type object. the craft appeared as a diamond shape with 20 or so lights the lights got bright as to wink at her then the lights got duller than it traveled to the right and was half a diamond and it to a v the height of the craft was close to the edge of the atmosphere as the air was breaking over the front of the craft like water on to a boat hull was travelin at a great speed my eyes and sight was not keeping up with the craft until i looked at the whole sky and see the craft travelin at a great speed across the sky until it was travelin at such a speed it was stretching to a thicker shape then vanishing out of sight .i said turn around and draw in the sand what you just saw and so i did and the pictures were the same and i was then satisfied i know what i know seeing is BELIEVING thank you for further info find me the craft was to big to describe as big as a war ship
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: May 7 1997
Location. Near Ft Bragg, California
Date: May 7 1997
Time: afternoon
It was reported that a Bigfoot type creature in the woods attacked a group of Mexican loggers. It came screaming out of the brush and the Mexicans thought it wanted their lunch, but it threw all the food back at them. Screaming and roaring it attacked with no mercy. It threw several Mexicans over the bank and broke arms and legs. One Mexican ran for help and found a Georgia Pacific helicopter and pilot. They both went back to find the wounded Mexicans, and saw the creature running up a skid road. The pilot thought it weighed at least 500 to 800 pounds, and was approximately 8 ft tall. Several large tracks were found.
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter, # 67
Date: May 7 1997
Location. Grimaldi-Ventimiglia Italy
Date: May 7 1997
Time: night
A student traveling on an isolated road reported seeing a tall hairy creature with a gorilla-like body and a human-like head, standing on the side of the road. No other information.
Source: CUN Genova
Date: May 1997
Location. Gilroy California
Date: May 9 1997
Time: 2245
Several witnesses were driving outside the Junior College and had parked on a dead end road for a rest stop. As one of them was coming back from relieving himself, the others inside the car pointed to a glowing humanoid figure standing near the car. He jumped into the car and they all quickly drove away from the area. No other information.
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Location. Sheggia, Umbria, Italy
Date: May 11 1997
Time: morning
Oddo Brunamonti was cutting some brush in a field when he noticed a strange figure among some nearby trees. At first he thought it could have been a horse until upon closer inspection he noticed that it was some type of creature standing erect. Scared he ran into his vehicle and then returned to the area along a road close to the woods. At this point the creature stepped out of the woods and the witness noticed that it was about 1.60 meters in height and completely covered in reddish-brown hair. The creature then executed a tremendous jump landing in the middle of the road, about two meters away from the car. At this point the humanoid raised his arms and emitted a deafening scream, opening its huge mouth. Inside the red colored mouth the terrified witness saw a row of powerful pointy fangs. The horrified witness maneuvered his vehicle around the creature, revving the car engine at high speed. The sound of the engine apparently spooked the creature, which performing another incredible jump disappeared into the woods. Before the creature disappeared the witness looked back to see a pair of powerful and clawed hands on the creature. The next morning another witness heard strange wailing sounds coming from the same patch of wooded area. Soon numerous domestic pets and animals were found strangely mutilated in the area. Others reported unusual military helicopter activity and still others reported seeing a UFO over the same location.
Source: Moreno Tambellini, SHADO
Date: May 1997
Date: May 1997
Location. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Date: May 14 1997
Time: 0300A
The witness, Matias Pakula, was looking out his bedroom window when he spotted a cigar shaped object hovering 300 ft in the air and about 20 ft away. Through windows he saw what he described as “beautiful beings” inside. After about 5 minutes the object shot away at high speed.
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Date: May 1997
Location. Loma Colorada, Naucalpan, Mexico
Date: middle of May 1997
Time: 0600A
Leonardo Benavides Diaz was with his family when they heard a commotion from outside. Going out they saw a crowd looking up at a bright orange light that was flying over the area towards the north. Some days later as Diaz was jogging near his home in the early morning hours when he was overcome by a strange feeling of “something not being right.” Turning around he saw standing among some nearby trees a strange being about half a meter in height staring at him. Diaz felt a strange chill in his body and also felt great fear. The figure was man-like and wooden in appearance and stared at the witness from about 13 meters away. Feeling terrified the witness ran from the area and obtained additional witnesses but upon returning the strange little figure was gone.
Source: Roberto S Contreras
Date: middle of May 1997
Location: Near Clines Corner New Mexico
Time: daytime
Summary: A silvery disc shaped craft with a dome on top descended on a cattle field besides the I-40 highway. Motorists in both directions stopped and got out of their vehicles to see the craft. To their amazement, three reptilian like humanoids emerged from the object and walked about nonchalantly, ignoring the crowd of onlookers. The creatures were about five ft tall and had light blue skin with dark hues and tones. The reptilians had three long, claw like fingers and toes and yellow eyes with a black, catlike split in the center. Supposedly some in the crowd photographed the events. A state trooper came along and ordered everyone back to their vehicles. The humanoids went back inside their craft and left the area northwest bound, at a slow rate of speed
Source: C L Turnage, Sexual Encounters with Extraterrestrials
Date: May 1997
Location. Near Everglades National Park, Florida
Date: May 15 1997
Time: night
The witness was in his RV camping when his dog, a German shepherd wanted out that night, and shortly after he heard a single “yelp” from the dog. He took his light, one of those million candlepower jobs, and went out, flooding the area with light. He saw a strange creature, with eyes that glowed green in and out of the light. It was almost yellow, three feet tall, about 100 pounds, bipedal, five 2-1/2 foot spines on its back and it was sucking blood out of the dog. It looked at him, then let out a screech, and ran off when the witness yelled at it, concerned about his pet. The dog’s neck was broken, twisted to the back, and had two fang marks, and appeared to be drained of blood. He heard another scream from the distance, and hurriedly put the dogs body in his small RV bathtub, and put ice on it, and got out of there, heading to a local vet. The vet said he knew of no animal that would do that, confirming that the shepherd had been drained of blood, but admitted he had heard of other cases that were similar.
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 68
Date: May 1997
Location. Redmond Oregon
Date: May 15 1997
Time: 2000
A man and his wife were at the Redmond lava caves near the airport when they heard a howl out of one of the caves during the early evening. Suddenly an immense creature came from one of the caves only 50-60 ft from them. It just walked out of the cave, and then walked quickly away, apparently not noticing the couple. It left 22-inch tracks in the sand, and was really ugly, they said. The 8 ft creature was sandy colored with a peaked head, very broad shoulders, and no hair on the face, hands or feet.
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 67
Date: May 17 1997
Location: Santa Monica, California
Time: 1600-1700
Summary: The witness had just picked up her daughter from school and was on her way to pick up her son from nursery school, she was going west bound on Santa Monica boulevard driving her husband’s work truck. As she neared the intersection she suddenly heard “voices” (which sounded as if they were originating from a military radio) that emphatically said, “We are one”. She dismissed it as her daughter did not react. The light turned red and they stopped one car behind the limit line, then her daughter (about 8 at the time) said to her, “Mom, this man’s smoke is bothering me.” She turned to the passenger side to see whether her window was open and then closed it, when the “man” in the car whose smoke was bothering her daughter slowly inched his vehicle along side hers. He was driving a late model SUV, possibly a Land cruiser. The first thing that immediately struck her about him was his hand. He had fingers just like ours, but his were perfected , long and even, with square tips at the ends. He was nonchalantly dangling his cigarette out the window and when he saw that he capture her attention he gently moved his wrist. A very elegant well made watch dropped from below his long sleeve. She remembers things slowing down and looked at him as he slowly turned from profile to fully looking at her in the face. It was sometime during these observations that she then heard the “voices” again, they said, “We are taking our nonsmoking campaign overseas.” Immediately she surmised that the man cold not have been born or come from anywhere here on Earth. His head was about 50% larger than a human’s and it was very perfectly round. His eyes were normal in size and slightly almond shaped, they were a light color, and the witness couldn’t recall the color. His hair was “amazing.” It was very limp, light blond as to be nearly colorless and he was wearing it in a Dutch boy haircut. He had a well shaped mouth, thin lips, and a small nose. H e smirked at her when he saw that she had reacted to again hearing the voices, but at no time did she feel threatened by him. He does remember becoming annoyed that this display was taking place in front of her daughter. Then her daughter asked, “Mom what is he doing?” The light somehow had changed to green allowing only the one car in front o them to cross the intersection and he then moved his vehicle into the lane in front of them. She did not have time to react and her foot continued on the brake while she wondered why the traffic was not moving, how the light had changed so fast back to red and why no one was honking their horns. She then heard the voices again, “Now step out of the car and let her take a good look at you.” His driver side door slowly opened and she saw on long, spindly leg come out of the car and a very flat heeled black shoed foot deliberately gets lowered to the ground. He then pulled to a standing position facing forward (his back to the witness) and held his stance there for a drawn out moment. She noticed that she was very well dressed, black shirt, black pants, and black shoes. His shirt was tucked in smoothly and had hung beautifully on his lithe long frame. The man was at least 6’5” as his height matched the top of the vehicle. The fabric of his clothing was very well made lustrous silk, the shirt had buttons but the collar was unbuttoned. The pants were belt-less and she noticed that his torso and legs were in proportion as were his arms. His neck was impossibly thin and the back of his head seemed to teeter on it. He had very narrow hips; however his chest and torso appeared normal width with respect to his height. He had very little in the buttocks area. He slowly turned to face the witness then he moved forward toward her. As he approached she noticed that his gait was abnormal, almost as though it was mechanical, she likened it to someone “not being used to gravity”. As he approached the witness and her daughter, the witne ss felt her daughter tense up, and she remembers being especially quite. She listened carefully to see whether he would communicate with her directly, he did not. He also remembered thinking that the stranger was an “angel”. She could tell that he was definitely a male, his pants close fitting, outlining his male form against his leg. He made his way to the back of the vehicle opened the hatch and searched for something, pulling out two small bottles of Evian. He then looked directly at the witnesses and held them up with this one hand, smiled and quickly climbed back into the vehicle. The timing was such that the light turned green immediately as he got and drove ahead of the witnesses for some time. She could not follow him since she had her daughter with her.
Source:The witness wrote about her experiences in a book titled: “Maxie Time” 2000.
Date: May 1997
Location. Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: May 17 1997
Time: night
A man named Anisio Cacheta encountered a huge simian-canine combination like creature that was apparently followed by a horde of normal appearing dogs (!). It had more of a simian appearance and had spine-like formations running down the length of its body. No other information.
Source: Carlos Machado, CIPEX
Date: May 1997
Location. Ponte A Mensola Italy
Date: May 18 1997
Time: 1030A
In a hilly area east of Florence a local merchant watched a tall human-like figure suddenly descend slowly from the sky onto a nearby field. The figure was about 1.60 meters in height, human like and totally covered in a black tight-fitting diver’s suit. It wore a red belt around its waist and a black helmet with wide dark goggles. It landed on a vertical position on the high grass. A few minutes later it rose up, again slowly and vertically and disappeared from sight. Others in the area saw bright red lights flying in a zigzag fashion over the area.
Source: Federico Rosati, CUN
Location. Bloomington Indiana
Date: May 19 1997
Time: 0015A
Local Ufologist John Tosti & two other men saw several bright objects hovering over a local power plant. Tosti decided to drive to isolated Snoddy Road and attempted to signal the objects by using a flashlight. Two of the objects descended to his position. As one object approached his vehicle, the engine and electrical system sputtered. Tosti was able to make out a disc-shaped metallic object, with a round small dome and even a smaller dome on top. A blue glow emanated from the bottom of the craft. Around the middle of the craft was a row of square window, showing a yellow to amber ambient light within. Inside the craft he saw the silhouettes of several individuals with large heads. He attempted to communicate by waving his arms, but was apparently ignored. Two smaller bright spherical objects emerged from the disc, which then shot up at very high speed, joining the other objects in the sky. The objects then left the area.
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 2 # 22
Date: May 1997
Date: May 1997
Location. Barrio Alvorada, Brazil
Date: May 20 1997
Time: 1830
Jerry Vislau was rounding up some cattle when one of the animals got loose and ran to the fields. He chased the animal, which abruptly stopped next to a tree. As he approached the cow a large hairy animal suddenly jumped in front of him from a nearby tree. At first he thought it could have been a monkey, but on closer scrutiny he noticed that the creature was about 2 meters in height and completely covered with dark hair. He could not see its facial features to clearly but did notice two large white fangs and black slanted eyes. It appeared to be very strong and it had long black sharp nails on its hands. The witness became a little bit concerned as he noticed that the creature was moving its hands (claws) and making a strange “trac trac” noise. He ran back home and along with his wife decided to go into town and report what he had seen. They soon heard a soon similar to a loud bark and looking behind them noticed that the creature was quickly approaching them. The creature stopped and left as the witnesses approached a lighted area near the town.
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Date: May 27 1997
Location: Ganiushkino, Kurmangazinsky area, Atyrau region, Kazakhstan
Time: daytime
Summary: The witness, Gulmira Askarovna Zhumasheva had gone with her sister to swim at a local river when the spotted a strange creature walking along its banks. It was described as short, with long arms, and body covered with yellow fur. When the creature noticed the witnesses it uttered a strange sound, resembling that of a child. There was no noticeable smell from the creature and it moved away from the area crawling in all fours. Both women were in shock after the incident.
Source: Vadim Chernobrov, “Cosmopoisk”, (Cosmosearch) And Chronicles of NLO (UFO) Visits, Moscow 2003
Date: May 27 1997
Location: Urubamba outside Cuzco, Peruvian Andes Peru
Time: 21:00
Summary: A fast moving “body of Light” sweeps over us as we star watch in the Sacred Valley of the Incas outside Cuzco Peru at an elevation of 10,000′ The night was clear, cold and very dark (no moon). The “Light” was seen coming from the southwest directly over a 600′ peak just in front of us. It was bright white and seemed to have mass, but no structure was perceived by the two witnesses. It was approximately a half mile in width and moving at a “very high speed” … I had been asked to build a “walking meditation garden maze” for a large resort in the Peruvian Andes. Upon completion of the maze I invited the owners and a friend for a small ceremony to dedicate the Classical 7-Path Labyrinth to the healing and well being of our planet Earth. It was the last few days of late May around 9pm in the evening on a star lit clear night, no moon. Following the short dedication ceremony the four of us stood watching the heavens, Maria del Carmen and I faced the sacred mountain “Yawar Maki” which juts up from the Urubamba river a few feet from where we stood. She and I were looking up over the peak at the Southern Cross when suddenly a “large body” of fast moving light sped directly over our heads. In fact both of us almost fell backwards as we followed the light with our heads craning backwards. Across the sky overhead it moved and then just disappeared into thin air. The two men were looking in the other direction and by the time they heard our squeals and looked in our direction, the body of light has completely disappeared. The entire event took not more than a matter of seconds. This was neither airplane or lightning, this we know, what is was through is still to be known. The creation of this particular Labyrinth is as a healing center for tourists and pilgrims visiting the ancient sacred sites in this area of the Andes. In myth and folklore, the Labyrinth traditions tell of many unusual stories such as that of Scandinavian sailors who would use the labyrinth in a form of sympathetic magic to control the weather. It is also energetically linked with the seven major energy centers in the bodies auric field, the tones on the scale, and the 7 primary colors in the rainbow. Unusual phenomena has been recounted in relation to the labyrinth for the past 3,500 years and in fact the act of walking a labyrinth still seems to draw transformative events to the practitioner. I and maria del Carman both feel this usual “event” and our walking and dedication somehow are united. I have never seen a UFO but I came away from this experience feeling like I had seen something I could not explain by conventional terms. Both Maria del Carmen and her husband, a famous British journalist recounted several sightings during the past year and a half they’ve owned the hotel and lived in this part of the Andes. They tell me these type stories are common and knowledge of “craft” is widespread and seen by many. In fact, a lake just over the peak we had stood in front of called “Chequerec” is known locally as the “UFO Lake” and for the past 100 years (and probably more) stories have been told of craft coming and going from the lake and tales of “little green men” etc. After this experience I asked around to the native people, the Quechua. Everyone had a story which was usually told in a matter of fact demeanor as something as natural as the sun coming up each day. Another Indian friend that I ! would describe as being educated, soft-spoken and extremely low profile, and who’d lived many years at the ancient site of Machu Picchu recounted a story. He claims to have seen up to l7 “ships” on one night last November 1996. As he told it, he was guiding an American woman into the sacred ruins late after midnight (which is allowed with special permission) when they both witnessed a litany of unusual “lights” above and around the old city. He said he’s not seen anything of this nature in the past seven years, and believed that they’d (the star people) returned. This site has been known in local lore to be a place of intense UFO phenomena throughout the ages.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: May 1997
Location. Barrio Mameyes de Utuado, Puerto Rico
Date: late May 1997
Time: 2100
Miguel Calderon was driving in his Jeep in an isolated road when about 100 feet away, he saw two child like figures wearing silvery clothing standing in the middle of the roadway. The figures were about 3-feet tall, and the silvery outfits were tight fitting, ending in turtlenecks. Their skin was pale-yellow in color and both had large black slanted eyes. One of the figures lifted its right hand and the Jeep suddenly stalled, and its lights dimmed. The stunned witness watched as the short being lowered its hand and both then suddenly lifted up into the sky without any apparent means of propulsion and disappeared into the darkness. At this point the witness was able to re-start its Jeep. The witness also noticed that the beings wore silvery gloves.
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 21
Date: end of May 1997
Location: Near Kotovo, Volgograd region, Russia
Time: evening
Summary: Ruslan Gryankin and two other local youths were cycling in an area outside of town. About 30 km from town they turned into a forest track and 5km later found an appealing meadow in which they decided to camp. They kindled a bonfire, baking potatoes, which they ate and soon went for a walk in the forest. About 100 meters from the meadow, they suddenly noticed a strange entity lying on the ground, either dead or mortally wounded. The approached to within 5 meters of the entity, not daring to come any closer, they described the entity as having a general humanoid shape, but its height was no more than one meter, with brownish-green skin, and a large head somewhat shaped like a pumpkin (gourd). The entity was missing one leg, apparently torn off by some kind of mishap or explosion. They boys stared at the entity for about a minute and then ran away in fear, quickly cycling back home on their bicycles. Ruslan and his father returned to the site the next day, armed with a camera. As they exited the forest they suddenly saw a flash of light over the area where the boys saw the entity, there was no sign of the dead or wounded entity. No crash object or suspicious debris was ever located.
Source: “NLO” Magazine, Saint Petersburg # 23 June 7 1999
Date: May 1997
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