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Date: 1996
Location: Padova, Italy
Time: 0300A
Summary: The witness, a psychology student was sleeping along with two other students in a local flat when suddenly he realized he had woken up. He rested, relaxed in bed listening to the heavy breathing of a roommate in the same room. Suddenly from the bedroom door that had been left open, an apparently human-like figure entered. The figure was dressed in white and was not too tall; the witness immediately felt it was a woman. The figure came close to the side of the bed and took the witness left hand and began to pull with certain strength. It seemed that the entity wanted to pull him off the bed. Overcome with terror he began to resist the pull and began to scream wildly. Suddenly he found himself in the same position and the strange white suited entity had disappeared.
Source: Archive X
Date: 1996: Sighting over Stockton On Tees
Date: 1996
Location: Anapa, Black Sea, Russia
Time: daytime
Summary: B. Borovikov was hunting sharks in the area and on that particular day had descended to a depth of eight meters. He then saw giant beings rising up from below. He described them as milky white, but with humanoid faces, and something like fish tails. The being ahead of its companions noticed Borovikov, and stopped. It had giant bulging eyes. Two others joined him. The first one waved a membrane hand at the diver, and then all of them approached him and stopped a short distance away. Then they turned around and swam away.
Source: Paul Stonehill
Date: 1996
Location: Near Bananeiras, Brazil
Time: evening
Summary: A local farmer saw on top of a large high rock a large bowl shaped craft. Inside the object he saw 3 short men like figures that seemed to be moving around, at times walking in and out of the object. After a few minutes the witness left.
Source:CPB UFO
Date: 1996
Location: Near Tijucas Brazil
Time: 1900
Summary: Driving late at night on Route BR-101 near a local bridge, Maria Marlene Carvalho, 27, saw a light in the distance and felt the car suddenly being pulled towards it. The vehicle began to shake, and she lost total control of it as the car slowed to a crawl. Marlene suddenly found herself in a wooded hill surrounded by trees. A tall dark skinned humanoid figure suddenly appeared in front of her. In a deep grave voice the creature introduced itself as “Dakon.” The tall humanoid had large green glowing eyes. She seemed to black out and her next recollection was of walking into a police station near the capital. Police later searched the area but were unable to find anything.
Source: Diario Catarinese
Date: 1996
Location: Murwillumbah Highway, near Lismore, NSW, Australia
Time: 1930
Summary: John was driving back from Lismore when his car suddenly stopped. He checked under the bonnet but could not find anything obvious so decided to start walking to get help. John stated that he had a funny feeling like something was touching his spine. He looked up to see 2 bright white lights about 500m above and heard what he described as like the sound of an arc welder. He noticed that there were trucks driving by on the road. John then hit the ground and rolled down the embankment. He then noticed a “gray” alien, which said to him, “you can’t get away” and grabbed him by the arm and proceeded towards one of the “motherships”. John stated that the craft was shaped like Egyptian “Eye of Osiris” metallic and gunmetal gray with no apparent openings. He said that both walked straight through the wall. The alien (who John learned his name was Theoraba) took him inside and he observed other aliens working on computers etc. And also noticed what he now calls “baby aliens” in flasks of red, green-orange solution. John asked him “what are those”? And the alien replied that they were “baby aliens”. The alien then asked him, “Would you like to have something to do with these in the future”? Two aliens then grabbed his arms and legs as he was approached by a female alien who he thought was a half human “hybrid”, with the body of a woman, long arms, 5 fingers and very dark black eyes. He was told that the aliens wanted him to father children for them, and at this point John began to panic. The female alien then took on a more human appearance and that he then became sexually aroused and made love to the female alien. A metal object was later introduced into his anal cavity (the famous anal probe) and a patch of skin from his left palm was taken for “DNA” samples. When he asked about the skin sample he was told that their planet had “blown up” and that in order to continue their species and ensure that genetic inbreeding didn’t occur that hybrids were the only alternative. That same year on another occasion John was walking along the road at Kingscliffe and saw two “motherships” again, and shouted at them to leave him alone. Apparently he met the now familiar gray alien who told him that they had inserted an implant in his finger. Still on another occasion whilst out in the bush John encountered a female alien hybrid, which he assumes was one of his offspring. He communicated with her telepathically. He states that she was quite young and because of this was wearing what he assumed to be breathing apparatus, which went from around her head into her mouth and nostrils. He was told that she was unable to breathe in our atmosphere yet. John claims he has 5 male and 1 female hybrid offspring.
Source: Emma Derdak, AUFORN Queensland
Date: 1996
Location: Cubuy, Puerto Rico
Time: night
Summary: A man named Argelio, reported that during almost a whole month, at night, he would hear a loud motor-engine like sound, like a car revving up. Then he would see an object surrounded with lights land on a nearby field. Three short humanoids, with large heads and huge shiny eyes would exit the object and walk over to an abandoned hangar where he slept. The little beings would then open the door and go inside and stare at him. At times he would hide but they would still find him. Once he boarded up the hangar but the little men would still stare at him through the cracks and openings. The witness refused to divulge any further information for fear of ridicule.
Source: Orlando Pla, Lucy Guzman, Edwin Fontanez UFOPR,
Date: 1996
Location: Denver Colorado
Date: 1996
Location: Cedaredge Colorado
Location. Spokane, Washington
Date: 1996
Time: 2330
A lone witness spotted a gigantic winged creature flying over the area. The winged creature descended & ascended at a leisure pace. She watched it, stunned as it flew quickly away towards Canada.
Source: Contacto # 2, 10-98
Date: 1996
Location. Miami, Florida
Date. 1996
Time: midnight
The witness was sitting on her couch when she became aware of a small rectangle of light that came in through the closed window, rotating as it moved towards her, edgewise. As she looked into the rectangle she knew that she was somehow looking into another universe. Suddenly from out of the rectangle sprang a being dressed in a bronze or amber suit, wearing a tight helmet. Although she was unable to recall any facial features, she did remember the being’s eyes, which were huge and looked directly into hers as it bent over her. She was terrified and unable to move. When she became conscious of her surroundings again it was 0530A.
Source: Miami Skyscan
Date: 1996
Location. Miami, Florida
Date: early 1996
Time: late night
A young boy reported being visited always late at night by several short gray humanoids with large heads & huge black eyes. The beings apparently inserted some type of implant. Bloody noses & other physical ailments followed the encounters. X-rays indicted some type of anomalous mass in the brain area. No other information.
Source: Hank Worbet
Date: 1996
Location. Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina
Date: 1996
Time: late night
Several anglers reported seeing while fishing, a strange creature reported to have been half-man, half reptilian in a local river, it reportedly damaged several fishing nets in the water and swam very swiftly under the waters, no other information.
Source: Fabio Picasso
Date: 1996
Location. RAF Upper Heyford, England
Date: 1996
Time: late night
During a nighttime patrol by a security guard, he heard what sounded like horses hooves, apparently galloping. Needless to say there should not have been any horses in the fenced off area. The guard was using his flashlight, and rounded a corner of a building when the flashlight beam illuminated an unusual sight—a full sized Centaur, right out of Greek mythology. The only “incorrect” feature was that the Centaur had human hands and feet on the end of its horse’s limbs. (How did he make a galloping sound of horse’s hooves?) The guard, somewhat spooked, ran away from the scene.
Source: APRA, UK
Date: 1996
Date: 1996
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Time: 0230A
Summary: Terry Neal was sleeping in her apartment when she suddenly awoke to find a figure standing in her bedroom. The figure was staring at her. She could not tell the sex of the individual, as she could not make out any particular features. However, the figure was very tall. Her ceilings were perhaps 9-foot ceilings and this figure stood at about 7 ft tall. The figure was glowing with a light so bright that it made the room glow with a strange white color light. It resembled a pure white, silvery metallic glow. The figure reached towards her and she screamed. She had suddenly for some reason felt very frightened. At this point the figure suddenly vanished from the room.
Source: Direct From Witness
Date: 1996
Location: Near Maria Elena, Chile
Time: late night
Summary: Gonzalo Fernandez Gamboa and several friends were camping out in the desert and were having a cookout around a large fire. Suddenly as they sat around talking a tall stranger appeared out of nowhere, the man was about 1.90m in height, with very wide shoulders impeccably dressed, in a white shirt, no hat. He approached the group and speaking in perfect Spanish asked the group for some fire. One of the men grabbed a small stick about 40cm in length lit it up and gave it to the stranger. The stranger thank the group and then added, “be careful with fire it could be dangerous”. The group was extremely surprised since the stranger was completely clean without an ounce of dust on him, while the group was totally covered head to toe by the desert sand. The stranger disappeared into the darkness. Several of those present attempted to locate him but could not find any footprints or traces.
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Date: 1996
Location: Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain
Time: night
Summary: Several members of a family watched a bizarre flying luminous figure approaching their position at a low altitude. It was described as a bird-like creature about 3-4 meters in width, with glowing eyes and large bat-like wings. It flew so close to the witnesses that they were able to observed what appeared to be membranes or veins in the wings. It disappeared into the distance. No sound was reported.
Source:Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Date: 1996
Location: St Cloud, MN, Stearns
Time: early evening
Summary: I was standing on a deck early evening and notices lights in the eastern sky. The only reason it kept my attention is because it was traveling so fast. I can not remember if it was one or more objects. Then, it stopped for a while and seemed to be hovering. Which I thought was really odd but because of the distance I wasn’t sure so kept watching. This was high in the sky and at a great distance away so I didn’t see shapes or anything but what made me feel like I saw a UFO is that once it began to move it appeared to go practically straight up like a bat out of hell. Im no physics expert but the way the object departed at an angle that did not seem consistent with modern aircraft as I understand them. Until the day I die I’m convinced I saw either one of mankind’s fastest, most advanced plane or something from another planet. This is coming from a guy that grew up in San Diego near Mira mar air station where military planes come and go at all hours.
Source: ufo.net
Date: 1996
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