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1992: May UFO & Alien Sightings

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Date: May 1992: Daylight encounter with a unusual Being

Date: May 1992
Location: Manila, Philippines
Time: night
Summary: A woman, Martina Santa Rosa, reported an attack by a strange creature called a “manananggal” a sort of vampire type entity. Santa Rosa reported seeing half of her body and it was naked. She had long, scraggly hair, long arms, nails, and sharp fangs. A neighbor backed her account, coming forward to say that he had seen the creature’s top half flying away from Santa Rosa’s house
Source: Mike Dash, Borderlands

Date:  May 1992
Location. Georgia, exact location not given
Date: May 5 1992
Time: 0200A
The witness woke up to see a shadow like entity at the corner of his baby son’s bed. Sitting up he saw the dark “shadow” move from the baby’s bed to the window and wall at his right. The entity stood about 4 ½ feet tall, and appeared to have a black cape of some kind on with a wide teepee-like hat that was somehow connected with its cape. No facial features or arms could be seen. The entity then moved from left to right and then disappeared through the wall of the house. This experienced was followed by an unsettling dream about the baby, and later by a frightening incident. Months later other family members saw a shadow like figure with claws move out of the hallway and touch the chest of one of the older children in the house.
Source: John C Thompson, ISUR

Date:  May 1992
Location. Kentucky, exact location not given
Date: May 11 1992
Time: night
On a dark stormy night the passenger on the front seat of the car noticed a “phenomenal” creature standing on the side of the road. She first noticed its nude upper thigh, and then biceps. She described the creature as about 6 ft tall, solid black in color. It had a large almost dinosaur like head, with large oval solid black eyes and very fierce large solid black exposed teeth. No protruding nose or hair was seen. Its skin was also solid black and appeared to be rough like leather. It had very long fingers and its legs were never straightened as it moved away, it was almost in a crouching position, which made it appear that it was running but slowly paced. It quickly disappeared into the darkness.
Source: Blurry Photo.com

Date: May 12 1992
Location: Connersville, Indiana
Time: early morning
Summary: A young boy reported being paralyzed in his bedroom by a strange elderly-looking humanoid. The boy had been apparently abducted on numerous occasions. No other information.
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter 1-95, quoting Don Worley

Date: Middle of May 1992
Location: South Dade County, Florida
Time: 2300 
Summary: Katherine Francovich was sitting in her living room, shortly after her first encounter, talking on the telephone with a friend. All the lights were turned off in the apartment. All four dogs lay on the floor sound asleep. As she listened to the friend on the phone, she stared out through the window. Suddenly her attention was drawn to the ceiling. A mint green cloud, appeared at the junction of the ceiling and wall, opposite to where she sat. It slowly spread across the ceiling and down the wall, expanding exactly like a thick cloud of morning dew. The mint-green cloud expanded rolled-swirled throughout the entire room, hovering and clinging to the ceiling. Some of it drifted down to the floor, like cigarette smoke settling. She told her friend on the phone what was going on and before anything else was said she noticed movement outside the window. To her surprise one of the lime grove beings was peeking through the open window at her. The curious face peeked through the corner of the screen, in an almost child-like manner, with big almond shaped eyes. Instantly Francovich identified this being as a female, which seemed obvious to her from the feminine characteristics of her face. Within a few moments, she shifted her body slightly over to the center of the window. At this moment the witness became aware of the fact that there was another being with her. A smaller one who peeked around the right hand side of her body, as if too timid to stand next to her. The shy being was a male that kept taking a peek and then ducking behind the safety of the female, only to wait a moment before daring another quick glance. The swirling green cloud continued to float in her living room, directly above her. All this time the witness kept telling her stunned friend what was going on over the phone. For some unexplained reason her dogs never woke up. At one point the female raised her hand in slow motion and gently placed it on the screen. The palm of her hand was facing the witness, with the fingers spread apart. The witness counted six long digits. The witness then placed her hand against the window on the exact same place where the alien had placed hers. She heard the words “Protector of life, Protector of life” in her head several times. Then the female turned, with her back facing the witness and leaped off the porch. The young male followed right behind her. All their body movements seemed to be in slow motion and graceful, as if the laws of gravity did not apply. Soon they were gone.
Source:  Dave Taub, & K T Francovich

Date: May 21 1992
Location:  Melbourne VIC, Australia
Time: 2034
Summary: It was fork shaped with 3 points. the tips were blue. three lights ran down each point. first red. then green, then blue. as soon as we left the forest it disappeared.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center

Date: May 24 1992
Location: Haye, near Nancy, France
Time: 2300
Summary: There were several observations of a fiery humanoid silhouette seen in a wood near the village. Six members of the local UFO group ECOL reported seeing the fiery luminous figure floating over the ground in the woods. When the figure is approached it seems to dissipate and disappear.
Source: Raoul Robe Regional Catalog

Date: May, 1992.
Location: South Dade County, Florida
Summary: Katherine Francovich. “The body was as startling as the head, because the upper torso did not match the lower torso. The arms were very long, without what we call muscle tone, very skinny, extending into very long hands. The hands were six-fingered, definitely six digits on each hand. I know, because I counted them more than once. The thing that fascinated me about the hands — because I’ve worked quite a bit with primates — is that the thumb [of this creature] was in the exact location of where the human thumb is. So there was a thumb and FIVE fingers, instead of four.

Date:  May 1992