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(Last Updated On: )
Date: 1990
Location: Vladivostok, Russia
Time: unknown
Summary: Aliens apparently abducted a 32-year old metal worker named Victor. Under hypnosis he was able to remember being in a white square room with round windows. “Galina” a being that looked like his wife but was not, apparently brought him to an area, blasted him with something, and he fainted, later he came to in the strange room. There was another entity there, a small man, dressed in black clothing. They questioned Victor, and urged him to reveal something he did not know. Then a humanoid that was different from the small man approached Victor. They probed his torso and he fainted. Later he woke up in the same room. Victor was missing for several days, and when he returned home, his real wife informed investigators. Victor was tested, and strange cross-like marks were found on his body where the beings had touched him. Victor disappeared twice more. Later when hypnotized again, he recalled alien beings, screens, tentacles touching him, etc. He remained under medical care for a while.
Source: Paul Stonehill, The Soviet UFO Files
Date: 1990: Kings Langley, Hertfordshire Sighting
Date: 1990
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Time: unknown
Summary: An elderly male witness, Valentin K. was reading a book in his room while his wife worked in the kitchen. Nobody was near him at the moment. Suddenly he saw several flashes of light, which circled the air around him. In the next moment, he appeared in a quite different and unknown location. The place was like nothing he had ever seen before. He saw a huge meadow of bright green, trimmed grass. There was a river nearby, filled with transparent, clear water. Beyond the river he could see sloping hills. There were no visible trees. He could see several humanoid figures walking around in the distance. And nearby suddenly appeared a strange semi-transparent humanoid figure, like an orange cloud. The witness thought that it was all a dream and at that very same moment the nearby silhouetted assumed a dense nature becoming non-transparent, it seemed to materialize in front of the witness. The figure was human-like, but not completely. Its face, hands and clothing were dull orange in color. The strangest detail was the face, instead of a nose, there was a small dark opening, instead of a mouth, also a round opening, resembling that of funnel to pour water through. Ears were totally absent. The entity’s eyes were large, yellow-brown in color, which stared at the witness intently but with “kindness”. The alien “walked” closer to the witness in a strange floating gait, almost floating in midair. The alien wore totally bizarre clothing; the front section resembled that of a screen. Suddenly two other similar entities appeared nearby, which differ only in height, the first and original one was as tall as the witness, the second smaller and the third was taller than Valentin. The witness still thought that he was dreaming, but the humanoid closest to him somehow read his thoughts and answered via telepathy, “No, this is not a dream, I am real, Give me your hand!” Mechanically the witness obeyed the humanoid and stretched his hand. The alien gave him its hand. Valentin shook the alien’s hand, which felt normal like that of a human, hot, with five fingers. “Where are you from?” Asked the witness, overcoming his sense of fear. Instead of an answer, the “shield” located on the alien’s chest, began emitting bright colors and soon the witness saw images of “galaxies”, constellations, planets, it resembled digital figures seen on electronic watches. After that the witness remembers nothing. He came to his senses again in his bedroom. He felt somewhat torpid and his hand was hot. His wife apparently had not notice him missing; she remained in the kitchen all the time, and apparently the whole “adventure” lasted only several minutes. The witness, who was an accomplished artist, drew portraits of the scenes he witnessed.
Source: Anatoliy Zubkov, “Molod” Ukrainian newspaper and “NLO-(UFOs)-Liaisons of the Universe?” Lugansk, Ukraine # 10 October 1993
Date: 1990
Location: Outside Madona, Latvia
Time: unknown
Summary: One of the local residents living outside the hamlet who had never believed “neither in hell nor in God or UFOs” at one point reported experiencing a series of strange events. He reportedly came upon a landed disc-shaped object and began contacting the alien crew on a regular basis. He was later visited by an “unearthly being” twice and even stranger still once a month a powerful humming sound was heard under his wooded cabin, even his window panes shook as a result of the hum. The witness attributed this part of the phenomena to underground Soviet military activity in the area. According to the source there is possibly an underground alien base in the remote region amid the forests of eastern Latvia.
Source: Pavel Muhortov “M-skiy Triangle” Riga Latvia 1990
Date: 1990
Location: Mary, Turkmenistan (USSR)
Time: unknown
Summary: A 45-year old female witness named L. Maslovskaya reported encountering a strange humanoid entity that appeared in her apartment, seemingly out of nowhere and then vanished in a bright flash of light. 2 months later a strange male voice began speaking and terrorizing the entire family, “penetrating inside their heads and talking”. At first the voice proposed to take the 3-year old daughter of the witness outside to the street in the middle of the night and then take her to their planet called “Soleig”. The voice threatened that if the family refused they would “burn their apartment down with laser beams”. Frightened the witnesses moved to their neighbor’s apartment but also heard the voice there. In the morning the alien voice invited them to their spacecraft and controlled the witness behavior the whole day. The witness then visited the hospital where doctors observed her for 3 consecutive days. The doctors were dumbfounded and were unable to help. Later the humanoid voice only spoke to Mrs. Maslovskaya and her young children. The alien demonstrated “his” ability to stop the clocks and was somehow able to switch television channels apparently showing foreign films instead of the central program. Soon the family found the edge of their lampshades tore and burned, the alien then explained that this was done with a laser beam. Strange odors also appeared in the apartment. At times the alien would tell the witnesses to close their eyes and then they would see images like those on a television screen. One time the alien somehow transmitted Mrs. Maslovskaya’s daughter’s voice while the daughter was in kindergarten. The alien also illuminated Mrs. Maslovskaya different organs, including the heart and liver with a luminous circle and explained that they were not healthy. However she felt no ill symptoms during the alien intrusions. One day as the family returned from Astrakhan to their home the alien voice invited them to ride their spaceship back home to Mary, at the same time that a yellow sphere hovered in the sky. The 11-year old daughter frequently communicated with the alien, asking numerous questions. The alien then began to control the children’s behavior and when encountering resistance, displayed the ability to control their minds, making the children behave much younger than they really were. Mrs. Maslovskaya began fearing for her children’s wellbeing and addressed the editorial board of the local newspaper but no one believed her. A psychiatrist suggested that the whole family be interned. (Could the whole family really just go crazy without any explanation?).
Source: Vladimir G. Azhazha, “The Other Life” Moscow 1998
Date: 1990
Location: USA
Date: 1990
Location: Izmail, Odessa region, Ukraine
Time: unknown
Summary: A local female, Valentina Lisina reported communicating “three times” with visitors from another planet. She reportedly kept a diary of the events. The humanoids were very tall, about 3 meters in height, slender, very beautiful in appearance with blond hair and were dressed in long white robes. The visitors informed Valentina that they had come from the “6th dimension” and showed her a strange map where she was able to see the word “OSOL”. Valentina could not understand what that word meant, “the city, planet or the solar system?” The witness also reported seeing the flying craft in which the aliens arrived. She added that she was able to give more information but was “chronically short in time”.
Source: “Interesnaya Gazeta” Kiev, D-block # 11 1996
Date: 1990
Location: Little Harrowden Northamptonshire
Time: 8pm
Summary: It was a clear cold night, it was dark, I was walking up westfield road when I saw a bright white light moving across the sky, my thought was a light airplane with its cabin light on which was nothing out of the ordinary as we are close to Sywell airport. but after watching it I notice no engine noise, seconds later it shoots straight up which is when I hear then see two jets following its flight path and going straight up at the same point, i know these to be jets as there afterburners came on as the went nearly vertical following the light, this happened somewhere between 1988 and 1993 I now can not be sure of the exact year
Source: www.uk-ufo.co.uk
Date: 1990
Location. Near Esso, Kamchatka peninsula, Far Northeast, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: unknown
Several strangers or humanoid wearing “spacesuits” were observed in this remote region, the most pure ecological area on the Kamchatka peninsula. The humanoids were very tall and were dressed in tight-fitting metallic silvery spacesuits. Local legend and folklore tells that in “ancient times” a flying boat had crashed (or landed?) beyond the low mountain of Ulegendy and since then the area had been visited regularly by numerous UFOs. On many occasions while local reindeer breeders slaughtered their herds in the village of Anavgay 5 or 6 disc-shaped objects would hover over the location for hours. Locals were reportedly accustomed to seeing fiery globes in the sky, purple colored hazes and humanoid creatures. Also what appeared to have been holographic images were seen in the sky over the region.
Source: Kamchatka Ufological group, Lubov Timofeeva in” “Anomalia” Newspaper, Saint Petersburg # 11 June 1-15 2001
Date: 1990
Location. Moscow, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: 0330A
A local female resident living near Militia Police station # 27 reported a strange encounter with two humanoids that appeared on her balcony. She suddenly woke up and after seeing two silent flashes of light she saw a glow appear behind the windows. When she came close to the window, she saw a disc-shaped craft approximately 10-12 meters in diameter. The disk disappeared behind the house and soon a large figure appeared from that direction. The humanoid figure was floating in the air in a vertical position; flying towards her house, then descended to the ground and began walking among some trees. Some time after that, this entity zoomed up and approached her balcony. The entity was very tall, about 2.5meters in height. The humanoid was dressed in a dark-grayish spacesuit and was standing, with its head bend looking down to the ground from the balcony. A second figure, smaller in size, about 1.5m in height, now appeared in sight, it stopped within sight of the witness and pulled her helmet backwards and the witness saw the face of a girl with very white skin, with large eyes emanating warmth, good will and intelligence. Unexpectedly the witness felt back to her sofa, her eyelids became heavy and she quickly fell asleep. She awoke in that same position only at 0700A.
Source: Vladimir G. Azhazha, PhD “The Other Life” Moscow 1998
Date: 1990
Location: Alamogordo, New Mexico
Summary: “I’m 45. This was back in 1990. I’m driving my friend from Long Island out to Tucson, Arizona. I’m coming through the mountains into Alamogordo, New Mexico. And this dog comes out and I’m like shit I’m gonna hit him. So I stopped the truck. I’m pulling a trailer. I’m driving a Toyota pick-up with a Uhaul trailer. And I said, alright, and he comes up to the driver’s side door. Now I know I had plenty of rest because I’m sleeping during the day, he’s driving during the day. I drive all night. I wake my buddy up. ‘Darren, wake up! Look at this!’ The dog gets up and he had short front legs, like a Dingo. The eyes were glowing! Dingos are indigenous to Australia. They’re not in the south west out in the desert. Anyway, he comes up… I like rolled my window down a little bit and I said, No, something’s not right. So I locked the door. I pushed the button down with my elbow because I’m left handed. I hit the door and I reach over with my right hand and I roll the window up. He scratched on the window and then he was literally trying to open the door. He stood up… He stood up on his hind legs, back hind legs and he was literally trying to lift the door handle like he knew what he was doing. And I said, ‘Darren, wake up!’ And he looked over and he said, What the hell is that? I put it in first gear, it was a manual truck. I put it in first and I start… We were on a hill going up. I’m like, ‘I don’t know what the hell that was but that was crazy.’ He reached and tried to open the door on the truck. If I didn’t lock it in time, he probably would have opened the door. I’ll never forget it. I was about 20 or 21. I’m 45 now. Craziest thing.”
Source: Coast To Coast AM – April 8, 2016
Date: 1990
Location: Chistye Klyuchi, Shishkovskiy area, Irkutsk region, Russia
Time: early morning
Summary: A local female resident named S.H. encountered an unknown humanoid entity, apparently a male one, that appeared early in the morning in her apartment located on the 5th floor. The woman felt dizzy but realized that the alien carried her outside the house, and she found herself floating in the air in the level of her apartment. She became dizzier and everything began to rotate in front of her eyes and soon she appeared inside a circular room. Another humanoid was standing in the room near a control panel. Both humanoids were dressed in cloak-like outfits, gray in color. The aliens were persistent in inviting the witness to go with them, but she refused. The witness does not know how the aliens returned her to her apartment and after the incident she experienced a series of strange events in her apartment, at times an unknown entity would slap her young daughter behind her head.
Source: Vladimir G. Azazha, PhD, “The Other Life” Moscow 1998
Date: 1990
Location: Alkmaar, Netherlands
Date: 1990
Location: Curitiba, Brazil
Time: 0530A
Summary: The witness was awakened by the cries of her young daughter and upon opening her eyes she found herself already sitting in bed and she was cradling her young daughter against her chest that had already stopped crying, she couldn’t remember getting up from the bed and taking her daughter in her arms. At this point she was sitting with her back to the wall she turned to look at the wall and was stunned to see only about 2 meters from where she was sitting with her daughter a bizarre humanoid figure levitating about 1 1/2 m from the floor. The humanoid spoke to the witness without opening its mouth, which was slit-like, she did not see a nose, and told her not to be afraid. The witness attempted to scream but no sound came out she then tried to move but was totally paralyzed. She tried to call her sister who was sleeping only a few feet from her but was unable to utter a sound. But gradually a type of calming effect took hold in her mind. The humanoid was still there sitting in midair, his legs crossed just like Oriental lamas. The humanoid was bizarre in appearance, from his head protruded a sort of long horn-like protrusion resembling a twisted tube, his skin color was light green, mixed in with a silvery tinge, which seemed metallic and scintillating but not shiny, the eyes were similar to humans but larger and slanted almost touching each other in the center of the forehead, she did not see any ears. Its chest and arms were much larger in proportion to its crossed legs. According to the witness the humanoid appeared to be inside some type of square “compartment” about 1/2m in length, the humanoid’s long and delicate looking hands appeared to be moving very fast as if using some kind of unseen keyboard. He wore clothing that appeared to be the same color of its skin. A few minutes before 0730A the humanoid vanished in plain sight, just like a holographic image, the witness thinks she spoke with the humanoid by using telepathy or some type of “silent language”; the only movement she saw from the humanoid was the fingers which appeared to be five. The humanoid gave the witness his name and told her several other things which she unfortunately forgot soon after the encounter. Soon after the encounter the witness became an environmental activist.
Source: Portal UFO Genesis—visitor tales
Date: 1990
Location: Reutovo, Moscow region, Russia
Time: morning
Summary: A local woman named Polina N. was on her way to the local railway station when she suddenly heard an “inner voice” that said, “We want to talk to you”. She turned around and saw two humanoid figures standing near the trees, dressed in a uniform that reminded her of those used by soldiers from a nearby military unit. Afraid, Polina tried to escape but her legs did not obey her. Meanwhile the figures approached. At this point she realized they were wearing not uniforms, but streamlined black & silver spacesuits and it seemed to Polina that the humanoids were female. “We want you to come with us” she heard the strange inner voice speak again. One of the alien figures then put her hand on the back of Polina’s head. Immediately she became calmed and “indifferent”. The female humanoids then grabbed Polina under her arms and she felt herself quickly levitating and flying above the ground. She returned to her senses in an empty room evidently onboard a UFO. She could see a large white screen in front of her that reminded her of a projection screen. One of the alien females gave her some thick sour tasting liquid to drink from a cup that was made of some strange material. The screen then became lit and Polina suddenly saw what appeared to be her inner organs displayed on it. She had the impression that she was looking at her body from inside. Then she heard the alien voice in her head again, “Can we take information from you?” Polina became frightened of this alien request and refused. And then Polina heard the alien voice once again, “You haven’t lived yet. This is not your real life. Here, look at who you really are”. With those words she the image of an old man, and the aliens added, “This is your real inner self”. The image then dimmed, became smoky and then vanished. Two very tall female humanoids then appeared and came to Polina. These aliens had small heads, narrow chins, and narrow slits instead of mouths. While talking their thin lips did not move (all communication with Polina was telepathic). Then they placed Polina inside of some type of “capsule” and she lost consciousness. Later Polina returned to her senses sitting on a lawn near a row of houses. She felt very dizzy and nauseated. She turned around and could not understand where she was. A man approached her and said, “Well honey, look how drunk you got!” and continued walking away. Polina gradually recuperated her strength and upon seeing two women ran to them asking them where she was and could she get to the Reutovo railway station. Apparently she was now about 15km away from the railway station. Polina could not remember anything more about her abduction, so the leader of a local Ufological group proposed that she underwent hypnosis. She agreed, and under a state of hypnosis she was regressed back to the point when she was walking to the railway station. Apparently the humanoids in spacesuits had brought her to a field somewhere outside the hamlet. There was a huge spacecraft sitting on the field, with 2 rows of windows. Like an orange segment, one sector separated from the hull and descended to earth, creating a passage into the object. Polina was then carried inside and then the sector ascended, closing the opening. During hypnosis, Polina saw the aliens again, but now according to her description, these were different looking aliens. She described them as looking like ancient Greeks (Hellenic), with white curly hair. She understood that the other aliens she had previously encountered were merely biological Robots. She remembered that the alien leader had told her that they had come from another star system, where exactly she wasn’t able to understand. As they told her, their civilization (not only theirs) conduct observations on life on earth and had being doing so for thousands of years. The aliens told her that the Earth serves as a sort of base or (meeting point?) for many civilizations that visited there. Events that occurred on Earth reflect on the life of other worlds and that’s why humans saw UFOs so frequently. But they only observe over humans having no right to interfere in the affairs of humans.
Source: Vladimir Ivanovich Pogonov, “Regional Moscow club for the Research of anomalous phenomena”
Date: 1990
Location. Shilunoi, Lithuania
Date: 1990
Time: daytime
A local resident of the hamlet, an aged pensioner named Usiliene was watching clothes in her house with the door to the yard open. It was a sunny warm day. Suddenly she heard strange voices coming from the yard, someone or something speaking in an unknown language; the speech was very bizarre without vowels. After hearing the strange voices the witness turned the switch of the washing machine on and it did not work. At that very same moment the witness felt someone touching her shoulder. She turned around and was confronted by a bizarre sight. There was a “screen” floating in mid-air in her yard. She could see a sun, alien worlds, numerous stars, and also what appeared to be thin humanoid figures and two-legged animals. All of these images were shown on the screen. After the “demonstration” the screen vanished. She could not tell for how long she had been watching the screen; she then became frightened and became emotional and cried. Later after calming down she went to the yard but saw nothing, and the electric appliances in her house began to operate normally again.
Source: A. Kuzovkin, N. Nepomnyaszhiy, UFOs requesting landing Moscow 1991
Date: 1990
Location. Izhevsk, Udmurtiya Federal Republic, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: daytime
24-year old Vadim Strugai reportedly was standing by his bedroom window. Bright sunlight shone directly into his eyes. Suddenly out of nowhere 3 dark silhouettes appeared on the opposite side of the window, each figure was more than 2meters in height. Vadim was unable to see their faces since the sunlight blinded him, and the humanoids had appeared behind the sunlight. One of the humanoids “spoke” in a loud squeaky language and while doing this, he turned his head to the entity standing next to him and then the entities suddenly vanished the same way they had appeared. The incident shocked the witness and he experienced strong headaches. Incredibly a couple of days later the strange humanoid trio appeared again behind the same window and immediately Vadim heard a voice inside his head that told him in the “pure Russian language”, “Look this is the future”. And Vadim saw directly in front of him a screen remotely resembling a television screen. What he saw there frightened him. He seemed to be looking down from a high altitude and saw what appeared to be the remnants of destroyed houses and multistoried buildings, including skyscrapers. All these ruins appeared to be standing in water (indicating some type of severe floods). Everywhere as far as he could see he saw water. Trembling from fear Vadim asked, “When will this [as1]happen?” The same voice answered, “1999, July”, then there was a flash before his eyes and when he blinked the three humanoid silhouettes behind the window had disappeared.
Source: Alexey K. Priyma, “The 20th Century. Chronicle of the Unexplained and from Prophecy to Prophecy, Moscow 1998
Date: 1990
Location: Los Zazos, Tucuman, Argentina
Time: 1600
Summary: Goat herder, Flores de Mamani, was walking her animals back to her ranch along an isolated hillside when she suddenly felt paralyzed, completely unable to move. She was leaning back against a rock when she saw, a hovering sphere very close to her position. The normally fierce dog remained quiet and the goats remained very still. A door like opening became visible on the sphere and two little men came out. They wore brown diver’s suits, and had what appeared to be backpacks on their backs. The witness attempted to scream but could not. The beings were about 4-feet tall, heavy set and there appeared to be some stripes on their shiny brown suits. They wore helmets with a glass-like visor. She also noticed what appeared to be two antennas coming out of their suits. They seemed to glide just above the ground. The sphere was described as shiny and silvery with several multi-colored lights around it. One of the little men then approached the witness grabbed her arm and tied a rubber hose around it, and then he proceeded to extract blood from the witness arm using a syringe like instrument. She felt no pain. The other little man then proceeded to milk one of the goats that remained completely still. Soon the little men glided back to the silvery sphere and went inside. The sphere then shot away at tremendous speed. Below where the sphere floated the ground turned white and nothing grew there for a long time.
Source: Pablo Villarrubia Mauso
Date: 1990
Location: Petit Rechain, Belgium
Date: 1990
Location: Near Kiev, Ukraine
Time: afternoon
Summary: A local woman was gathering mushrooms in a field when she was approached by a strange figure more than 2 meters in height. The figure was dressed in a shiny dark diving suit and a helmet. The stranger shone a beam of yellow light at the woman and disappeared, having literally evaporated into thin air. The witness reported a strange aftereffect; according to doctors she completely ceased to attend to the toilet, even after eating and drinking regularly. Apparently the doctors removed the waste manually. Suddenly in 1993 the normal functions of the organism unexpectedly were restored.
Source: Max Zhibinov “Flying basins in the steppes of the Ukraine”
Date: 1990
Location. Yoshkar-Ola, Mari-El Republic, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: evening
After putting her son to sleep Ola E. Vanchugova began performing some domestic tasks. After a certain time she went to the room where the child slept. As she approached the window she saw what appeared to be a small fireball slowly sailed by the window. Then suddenly a bright beam of light, resembling that of a searchlight, entered the room through the lower section of the window. Simultaneously she heard a slight buzzing sound. The witness felt extreme heat and then sharp abdominal pain. Afraid she shut the window and the fiery sphere began to slowly move away from the window. In the morning Ola felt an unusual flow of energy and cheerfulness. She visited a local clinic where it was found that incredibly her blood pressure, which had bothered her for years had now back to normal.
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Date: 1990
Location. Chita, East Siberia, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: evening
After dinner, the family of a local woman named S.T. went to bed. Her husband fell asleep soon, and her son then switched off the television in the room. It became very quiet. Suddenly she saw a “man” approaching her from the balcony. The stranger was about 2 meters in height, thin, and dressed in a tight-fitting rubber suit, without seams. The witness did not see his face. The humanoid wore some type of helmet on his head. The witness felt paralyzed with fear, as the alien seemed to be wrapped in brown-colored hoses (?). The witness then began to scream, and the humanoid then raised his hand apparently causing her to become unconscious. She awoke only in the morning and found 2 bruises on her hand and a small rectangular-shaped scar directly over her vein, consisting of 10 dots, as if blood had been extracted from her body. Apparently the witness had been subjected to abduction and a medical examination while she was unconscious.
Source: Natalya Safronskaya, UFO Center Moscow in: “Anomalya” # 27-28, 1992
Date: 1990
Location. Bekasovo, Nizhegorodskaya region, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: evening
Two schoolboys, M and S, were walking along a fenced garden plot spotted strange prints on the soil, resembling round holes about 1cm in diameter. The traces followed a path into the forest. After walking about 30 meters, the boys saw a tall figure, about 2.5m in height, dressed in a black overall with a white zipper. The alien’s head was just a small protrusion without a neck, with hollow or sunken eyes and two openings in the place where the nose should be. The boys became frightened and ran out of the forest and then saw a silver colored object hovering over the forest. In fear they quickly fled the area.
Source: Vladimir G. Azhazha, PhD, “The Other Life” Moscow 1998
Date: 1990
Date: 1990
Location. Rural Western Australia
Date: 1990
Time: night
While driving along in an isolated area, the 20-yer old witness found her vehicle suddenly flooded with light, it also became very warm. She blacked out. Later she had a conscious recollection of being taken onboard an object. Inside, strange beings with holes for nostrils performed medical tests on her. No other information.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1990
Location. Newcastle, NSW Australia
Date: 1990
Time: night
After having gone to bed, the 60-year old witness woke up to find figures in her bedroom. A form of telepathic communication followed. She told them she was too old for their purposes, but they apparently still conducted an exam like a pap smear on her. The figures were short, with dainty and fragile bodies; they were very quick in their movements. The witness felt positive after the experience.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1990
Location. The Entrance, NSW Australia
Date: 1990
Time: night
Winifred Crause was in her bed when she suddenly felt absolutely petrified. She began waking her husband and in her mind’s eye could see outside. She could also see short creatures all around her. She then felt being taken up to a place, there she saw other people sitting around in a trance-like state. She was then placed on a bed, made out of aluminum. Several beings described as short with slanted eyes and wearing silvery outfits then approached. They communicated with one another using a strange sound. They treated the witness in a cruel indifferent manner, pummeling her stomach. She tried to reason with them but was apparently ignored. Suddenly she found herself back on her bed.
Source: Bill Chalker, The OZ Files
Date: 1990
Location. Moscow, Russia (?)
Date: 1990
Time: night
Ex-military officer Moskalenko was walking with a friend, Major Oleg Belomestnov when a sudden powerful blow in the back knocked Moskalenko down and flung him off the road. Belomestnov helped him to his feet, shaken by what he saw, he accompanied Moskalenko home. Moskalenko was in pain and confused, he saw visions, vague and hazy landscapes. Suddenly they were ordered to stop and a short lean, unkempt man, clad in black, warned him that there may be another “energized strike.” The man in black communicated by using telepathy. He paid no attention to Belomestnov, who was shouting at him. The man told Moskalenko that this was a warning. The stranger then squatted down and touched Moskalenko swollen leg with the palm of his hand. It instantly got hot and the pain vanished as well as the pain in the rest of his body and the delusions and apparitions that had been bothering him from time to time since a previous UFO encounter. The stranger in black then asked several pertinent questions related to that UFO incident and moments later disappeared.
Source: Paul Stonehill, The Soviet UFO Files
Date: 1990
Location. St Paul, Minnesota
Date: 1990
Time: night
Carl and his girlfriend had gone to see a movie on a Saturday. While they watched the movie playing on the screen, Carl noticed in his left peripheral vision that a strange looking man had entered the theater, walked down the aisle, and was now standing at the end of their row of seats. The man wore an overcoat and a hat that in such a way as to largely conceal his features. Clearly visible, but still strangely ambiguous, were his eyes. These seemed to add to the air of strangeness and menace about him. Rather than sitting down, the man simply stood there and stared at them. Both Carl and his girlfriend felt a powerful sense of fear associated with this stranger, and his unsettling stare. While Carl attempted to return his attention to the movie screen, his girlfriend felt herself becoming more and more unnerved, eventually hiding her face in Carl’s arm. For a few moments longer they tried to ignore the stranger. But finally, at her urging, Carl turned his attention to the location where the man had stood—but now the man was gone. Carl stood up and looked around but the man was nowhere in sight. He ran to the lobby but it was empty.
Source: Craig R Lang, Human Aliens—Close Encounters of the Third Kind in Our Every Day World.
Date: 1990
Location. Near Tres Castillos, Chihuahua Mexico
Date: 1990
Time: night
While driving along a route surrounded by rolling hills and cattle grazing grounds the witness and his family saw a strange creature that resembled a dog, but with one enormous difference, it was about the size of the Cadillac that they were in, height-wise. Its paws were large and padded like a mountain lion’s and it had razor back adorned with thick black hair that looked matted down, possibly from blood. It had large, glistening incisors that hung from its mouth, and the area around the mouth and neck region was caked with saliva. His mother caught sight of it lumbering in the opposite direction that she was driving about a couple of minutes before the creature caught sight of their speeding automobile. It was simply walking on the side of the vacant road toward the Sierra Madre Mountain range. It never attempted to commandeer the car; basically it took little to no interest in their presence. However the sight of it terrified the witnesses who drove away from the area without stopping.
Source: Your True Tales, April 2004
Date: 1990
Date: 1990
Location. Szelkino, Leninskiy area, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: 1990
Time: night
A young boy named Maksim Vologdin 2nd grade pupil suddenly awoke in the middle of the night, something then pulled him up from his bed. He came to the window and noticed 2 globe-shaped objects hovering over the house. A narrow beam of light connected both objects. One of the objects then emitted a beam of light that struck Maksim’s head. At that moment he heard a loud voice, “Attention! The ship from Kuili is speaking!” Something began beeping inside Maksim’s head preventing him from talking. The boy could later not remember what happened next.
Source: Alexey K. Priyma, “XX Century: Chronicles of Unexplained Phenomena” Moscow 1998
Date: 1990
Location. Simferopol, Ukraine
Date: 1990
Time: late night
In the summer 1928 a teenager from Yalta was loitering in the mountains of the Ai’ Petri plateau, walking among the rocks and crags when suddenly he noticed a strange light emanating from a “karst” (shaft) on the ground. Being curious he approached closer and kept watching the unearthly light from coming out of the shaft. Some time later he was suddenly seized by fear and ran home. Many years later (1990) the same witness (now an adult) was in his bedroom at night when a very tall woman suddenly appeared in his room amidst a strange circle of light. The woman communicated by using telepathy and said: “Do you remember when you were a young boy, you saw the light from the place we live in the shaft? The man was stunned since he had not told anybody about his previous experience. She also told him that they live in an underground city under the Ai’ Petri plateau with an approximate population of 2,000. She said they traveled in UFOs.
Source: Viktor P Sikilinda, Anton Anfalov
Date: 1990
Location. La Caldera de Los Marteles, Gran Canaria Spain
Date: 1990
Time: late night
The witness was driving alone on a desolate road when suddenly the car was enveloped in a dense mist. Moments later she found herself in another part of the island without any recollection how she got there, she had lost two hours of time and the gasoline in her vehicle was still the same amount. Later under hypnosis she remembered her vehicle being taken up in a beam of light into a hovering object. Inside she was apparently given a medical examination by several short humanoids with huge heads. No other information.
Source: Ivan Castillo, Año Cero
Date: 1990
Location: Mesa Arizona
Time: late night
Summary: A 21-year old woman awoke in the night to discover she had half an ear missing. Rising from her blood soaked sheets, she saw what she called a flying reptile with large red oval shaped eyes, winging its way across her lawn. Local police could not find any logical explanation.
Source: Gregory McNamee, Luis Alberto Urrea
Date: 1990
Location: Sarai, Ryazan region, Russia
Time: late night
Summary: Collective farmer, brigadier Alexey Popov was returning home after his shift to the village of Krivskoye when suddenly he felt that he was loosing control of his “Zhiguli” car. He stopped wanting to get out of the car and examine the engine, but he was unable to do that as a bright beam of light shone right through the windshield of the vehicle. Incredibly the cassette tape jumped out the tape player. Confused he looked around outside and to his further amazement watched a typical ambulance or emergency vehicle of the “Rafik” type (RAF-2203) descending from the sky and land on the road straight ahead. (Apparently the emergency van was some type of camouflaged UFO). The door of the “ambulance” swung open and a 2 meter tall “hospital attendant” jumped out to the ground from the van. The stranger was not wearing a hospital gown or uniform and looked more like a “space alien”. The humanoid then walked straight towards the witness vehicle. At first, Alexey remained sitting inside his vehicle waiting to see what would happen next. The “hospital attendant” approached the car and unceremoniously opened the car’s door and greeted Popov in heavily accented Russian. Popov also greeted him. “What are you doing here” asked the stranger. “I am coming back from my job, I was on duty at the collective farm” answered Popov in a trembling voice. Then a menacing question was asked, “Why have you violated our laws?! And then the alien said something strange, “You do not live, you exist!” “He is right” thought Alexey, remembering stories told by tourists who had visited foreign countries. Afraid he told the alien, “I don’t understand anything, what laws do you mean?” No explanation was forthcoming; instead a second giant figure exited the ambulance and joined the other alien. Popov then approached them silently listening to their speech and moved stepped back remaining silent. And then a third alien appeared took the hand of the second alien turned around and told the now demoralized Popov, “We must leave now, and you go on to your garage. There a man with a tractor is waiting for you.” The three “hospital attendants” then vanished inside the “ambulance-van”. Alexey then saw the vehicle’s light turn on and then slowly without any sound, the strange “ambulance” ascended up into the sky, gained speed and flew out of sight. Popov then started his car, which worked properly and drove to the garage. To his amazement he was met by several people in the garage, despite being very late, apparently the men were mechanics working on the tractor whose engine had been malfunctioning. But when Alexey approached the tractor, its engine suddenly began operating correctly. The location of the encounter was then visited by a local UFO group and a strange phenomenon was detected there, a column of light that zoomed straight up appeared on several photographs taken of the location.
Source: Ryazan UFO group in: “Selskaya Zhizn” (Village Life) Newspaper Moscow, “Anomalous Kaleidoscope” in “Yunost” (Youth) Newspaper, Yaroslavl Russia, April 27 1991
Location. Kyrgyzstan, exact location not given
Date: 1990
Time: various
Shepherd Omusha’s wife reported seeing a strange Bigfoot type creature not far from the pasture. The creature was standing on a high rock. She started pleading her husband to leave the horrid place and go to another pasture. The man did not agree, although he was anxious about it too. He began searching for the creatures; he found their tracks, but never saw a living one. One evening he heard his wife screaming very loudly. He grabbed his rifle and rushed outside. The wife was lying on the ground, almost unconscious. She was speechless and could not say a word. She could only point her finger in the direction of the rocks. The shepherd gazed in the direction that she was pointing and saw the silhouette of a running man. He did not hesitate and fired his rifle. In the morning the shepherd found blood spots on the rocks. Omush thought that those creatures would not come back to their pasture anymore. Several days later he found his little son dead. There was no trace of violence on the boy’s body, only a little wound on his neck. Omush was sure that a Bigfoot killed his boy. He swore revenge and waited for the creature to return. One night he fell asleep and when he entered his house in the morning, he found the dead body of his wife. Again, there was only a small red wound on her neck. Out of desperation he went into the woods searching for the creatures. Shepherd Shapak took care of Omush’s sheep. One day he suddenly saw the sheep getting very troubled and excited. They were bleating and rushing from one side to another. The animals were apparently frightened with something. Shapak could only see a silhouette of a man covered with thick fur disappearing amid bushes and trees. Then he saw another man on the ground. Shapak ran up to him and recognized Omush. The shepherd was already dead, blood was leaking from a small wound on his neck.
Source: Dmitry Sudako, Anomalia.Ru
Location. Balakovo, Saratov region, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: daytime
Elvan Fayzullina (Tatar by nationality) pupil of the 2nd grade, and other girls of the local boarding school were playing close to a concrete wall that separated the school from the nearby forest when suddenly several boys began screaming about 50 meters from them. The girls ran in their direction and found the boys in the act of attacking a strange entity, throwing stones at it. The entity resembled a small “goblin”, as depicted in local folklore: dwarf-like and covered in thick black fur. The girls watched in amazement at the entity and Elvan felt sorry for it. Apparently the hapless entity had no idea what to do and looked confused. It stood with its back against the concrete wall, and periodically attempted to jump on to of it, and then jumped back down. For some strange reason the entity did not run away. Soon the teacher came running over, draw by the kid’s scream and saw the strange entity, concerned for the kids she ordered everyone back into the classroom. After that the entity the entity apparently disappeared. Amazingly, during the encounter none of the children felt any fear.
Source: “NLO” Magazine Saint Petersburg # 31, August 2 1999
Location. Omsk, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: night
A local bookkeeper, T. Bekisheva had gone outside for a walk on a field when she saw a bright white sphere quickly approaching from the sky. As it became closer it became a submarine shaped object about 60 meters in length. It flew at the height of a 3-story house, emitting no noise. As it passed directly overhead she saw large brightly lit square windows on the side of the object and inside very tall human-like figures standing around. The object maintained its altitude and did not alter its speed. In a few minutes it disappeared over the horizon.
Source: UFO Kiev, quoting “Omsk truth” newspaper
Location. Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: 1990
Time: 2300
While the rest of her family slept the 45-year old female witness was preparing to go to sleep when she suddenly noticed in the darkness of her bedroom a black massive figure standing in the middle of the room. The figure was about 2 meters tall, with a large head and no neck; its extremities were not visible, apparently because of the darkness. The figure also had very broad shoulders and appeared to be a solid image. Terrified, the witness attempted to wake her husband sleeping nearby. As she raised her arm to touch her husband the figure suddenly vanished in plain sight.
Source: Anton Anfalov personal investigation
Location. Krestyanovka, Pervomayskiy area, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: 1990
Time: night
A local resident reported two close encounters with human-like extraterrestrials that visited his home. In both cases there were three of them. The entities were dressed in a strange manner and spoke in the “pure Russian language”. The extraterrestrials persistently asked the witness to go with them to their planet, but in both cases the frightened witness refused the invitation and the strange trio retreated. During the same time period, several other local residents witnessed numerous UFOs maneuvering near the village.
Source: Anton Anfalov, quoting “Krymskie Izvestiya” May 26 1993
Date: 1990
Location: East Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Time: night
Summary: The witness was traveling on Route 138 with his dad on the way to the dog track when a few hundred yards before the track on the right side of the road leaning up against a guardrail they saw a rather odd looking man. His clothes were old looking, dirty and dusty. His skin was pale gray. The detail that stood out the most was his hair, very dry looking, and thin and brittle, sticking out from the sides of his head in a strange manner. They arrived at the dog track and realized that there was no matinee that day so they turned around and headed back to the spot where they had seen the odd man, but he was gone. It had only been minutes later so he couldn’t have possibly walked in either direction and made it anywhere
Source: UFO Massachusetts, Bridgewater Triangle Reports
Location. Chernigov region, Ukraine
Date: 1990
Time: 2335
A local resident, Mrs. N Chachilo was awakened at night by a powerful light coming from outside. When she approached the window she noticed a “flying saucer” on the ground about 20 meters from her house. She also saw several gray figures standing near the object. The aliens wore strange small globe-shaped devices on their heads that blinked red and green colors. After standing outside for some time the beings ascended on board the UFO and the object disappeared into the sky in 5-6 seconds.
Source: Anton Anfalov quoting local press
Location. Chernovtsy, Bukovina, Ukraine (USSR)
Date: 1990
Time: late night
V. V. Ustyuzhanin was returning to his native village from a regional center in his car when suddenly he noticed the landing of some strange craft nearby, bluish in color. After that, a second smaller craft separated itself from the larger one. After that a thin ray of light became visible between both crafts. Startled, the witness looked at his hands and the steering wheel of his car and noticed that both were emanating a bluish light also. Soon he saw a human-shaped alien figure standing in front of the craft, he soon saw what appeared to be geometric figures inside the alien and then on a screen like projection he was amazed to see an image of himself performing all the day’s chores, but in a reverse sequence (!). Everything he did that day he was able to see in reverse order.
Source: Anton Anfalov quoting local press
Location. Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada
Date: 1990 (approximate)
Time: late night
The witness, a child at the time, was woken up in the middle of the by what he feels was some type of telepathic impulse. He looked out the window and saw a tall bright white human-shaped figure that soon disappeared. In the morning the witness and his family went looking for tracks. They found some strange tracks on the mud which looked human except there was an additional toe in the footprint. Several neighbors and friends came to see the print. That same weekend other neighbors reported unexplained cattle mutilations.
Source: Direct from the witness, asylum75@telus.net
Location. New Town, Edinburgh, Scotland
Date: 1990
Time: late night
A man named Brian Wilson was working the late shift one night at a local Pizza Parlor when a pair of “rather small” adults, who had a somewhat “lopsided” look about them, approached the counter, raised their right hands, and announced; “Hi, We’re Americans!” “What would you like?” Brian asked them, to which they countered, “What do you make?”
“Pizzas” replied Brian.
“What are pizzas?” enquired the supposed Americans.
The couple watched Brian intently as he prepared two cheese and tomato pizzas. All the while, the male “kept looking around the shop like he’d never been in a pizza parlor before”. Then the female pointed to a bowl of green peppers and asked what they were. By now, Brian’s colleague Doug had also noticed that there was something rather odd about the pair, and the two chefs exchanged glances of disbelief as Brian carefully explained what a pepper was. “Do they taste nice?” wondered the female. As the pair waited in silence for their pizzas (complete with green peppers) to cook, other customers came in and out of the shop as usual. Once their order was ready, the extraordinary Americans settled their bill. Each took a single bite out of their pizza then threw the remainder into the bin outside the shop.
Brian entertained a suspicion that his visitors may have literally been from another planet “I had read stories on the subject of aliens masquerading as human beings,” he told investigators. “These two individuals came across as acting as humans, but not doing a very good job of it!”
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Date: 1990
Location: Urgench, Uzbekistan
Time: midnight
Summary: A 15-year old school boy, Alisher Sabirov was returning home from a regional center along a dark road when he suddenly noticed a light in the darkness. The light appeared to originate from the sky. He first thought it was a meteor was a bright light suddenly illuminated him, he then heard a voice inside his head: “Will you fly with us?” Without hesitation he answered yes. Then something started descending over him. It was a triangle shaped craft with smooth corners, a large bright light and a huge central opening. The alien craft landed several meters from the witness. It was about 8 meters long and 3 meters in height; it ejected three landing props as it landed. On one side of the object a panel moved aside soundlessly and a ladder was lowered down. Then a tall alien woman appeared on the opening. She was taller than the average height and had long hair down to her shoulders. She was dressed in a silver cone-shaped dress down to her heels. Alisher heard the soft female voice in his head again that asked him again if he wanted to fly with them. He was then asked a myriad of questions about himself and his hometown all telepathically. The woman took the boy’s hand and accompanied him to the ladder. She ascended first and then Alisher. Inside the UFO it was easy to breathe, the air was light and aromatic, somewhat sweet-smelling. It was light inside, like daytime, but he could not see the source of the light. The light was soft and pleasant to the eyes. They went through a corridor about 5 m long, which gradually widened and turned into a spacious square room. In this room another alien sat on an armchair near a large control panel. The chair was apparently floating in mid-air, not standing on a prop. A second chair nearby was empty. The boy noticed a large color screen that was changing images (by sequence) displaying, bridges, canals, etc. The woman ignored the boy’s questions about the functions of the buttons on the panel. She only turned the lever on the right corner of the panel and said: “We see and study the world using this.” When the woman spoke, interestingly she spoke in the ancient Russian (Slavic) language, which the boy barely understood. Then she took him by the hand and led him to another room, almost the same size as the previous control room. It was empty, there was only one alien sitting on a chair in it. This alien was different; he had only one eye (Cyclops and large hands. The eye was without pupil. The cyclopean alien immobilized the boy for about 15 minutes (apparently scanning him). After that the alien woman took him out of the room. They went back to the ladder and Alisher descended alone. Using telepathy again, the woman said that they would meet again. The panel then closed. The landing props of the UFO then retracted and the craft hovered still about 1.5 m from the ground. Alisher then walked under the hull and banged on it, he heard a hollow sound. He also saw 3 large lights on the corners of the triangle and managed to insert his head on the large hollow hole on the middle. After that he felt heat and the craft vanished.
Source: A. Melamed, “Mysterious Alien Tashkent”
Date: 1990
Location. Khabarovsk, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: 2230
A. Pashayev, a cadet at a local police academy watched a fiery sphere that emitted a whistling sound descend towards the ground. The sphere suddenly stopped above a rocky outcrop and a bright light became visible. Inside the light appeared what resembled a large glass corridor. A woman walked out of the corridor carrying in her hands what appeared to be a portable radio. Soon two hatchways opened on the sphere and two platforms were ejected and on each platform rested a small “flight vehicle” black in color.
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Date: 1990
Location. Khabarovsk, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: late night
That same evening another resident was lying on her sofa watching TV when the door of the balcony suddenly was opened and a very long, seemingly improbable thin foot entered then the entire body of an extremely tall and thin humanoid. The figure was extremely thin and silvery in color, with a large ball shaped head, without a nose and a slot-like mouth. The humanoid waved his hand in the air and the witness felt extreme gravity and lost consciousness. She does not remember what happened next.
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Date: 1990
Location: Kulikov Ka, Tula region, Russia
Time: late night
Summary: Late one night a man named Ivan Larchev woke up feeling a very strong pain on his right side. He began to moan and wanted to grab the area where he felt the pain but was totally unable to move. His entire body felt numb for some unknown reason. At the same moment he felt a very heavy “force” pressing against him on the bed. He opened his eyes and saw a strange figure lying across his body on the bed. The pulsating pain originated exactly from the area where the figure was pressing down on. The bizarre figure appeared to be covered in short cropped black fur; the whole figure was totally black in color. Suddenly a few feet from the bed a light flared up and he saw small bright light hovering in mid-air. At this moment the witness was able to exclaimed “God what is that”! At that very same moment the hairy black figure also vanished in plain sight emitting a loud “cracking” sound. The bright hovering light also disappeared.
Source: X-Libri UFO, Russia
Date: 1990
Location: Slavyanka, Vladivostok, Russia
Time: late night
Summary: A man named Boldyrev a metal worker at a local ship-repair plant reported being abducted at least in three different occasions by extraterrestrials (not described). Each time he found himself aboard a UFO for at least three days. All three times his health was ruinously affected as a result. Furthermore after each abduction he remained with gaping bleeding wounds on his body. After his third abduction Boldyrev’s speech became slow and his walk mechanical.
Source: X-Libri UFO Russia
Location. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Date: 1990
Time: late night
The witness, Elena, (involved in other encounters) woke up late at night feeling a sharp pain. She turned the light on and saw that her body was covered by scratches and more incredibly, she could make out an inscription, in blood under the chest area (while she looked at the mirror), which read, “They are gone” and the Roman numerals “XXIIIVI.” Elena thinks it means the 21rst century. The strange inscription disappeared without a trace a week and a half after the encounter. A local clairvoyant told Elena that she had been visited by 3-meter tall “people in silver suits from the Constellation Reticulum”, and that they had apparently burned her body with the energy emanated from their bodies, that burned right through her dress.
Source: Interesnaya Gazeta Kiev Ukraine # 4
Date: 1990
Location: Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Time: midnight
Summary: A local man Alexander Ataev (Turkmen by nationality) reported seeing a saucer-shaped object land near his home, a hatch opened and several men wearing silvery suits came out of the object. The aliens approached Ataev and told him that they had come from a planet called “Tron”. From conversation with the aliens, Ataev understood that contacts or alien meetings were premeditated and not just by happenstance. He could only vaguely remember the rest of the conversation, he was told that their visits to earth were not of “idle curiosities” but were made in order to have direct influence on people.
Source: Alexey K. Priyma, “Unknown Worlds” Moscow 1996
Date: 1990
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