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September 22, 2024

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"REAL" UFO & Alien Sightings by Date & Location

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1985: September UFO & Alien Sightings

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Date:  Fall 1985
Location:  Sierra Nevada Mountains California
Time:  early morning
Summary:  The witness had gone bow hunting in an isolated area near the Yuba River and was walking along a deer trail when as he rounded a bend he was stunned to see six four-foot tall humanoids standing about 200 yards away. The humanoids wore military style silvery blue uniforms. These turned to face the witness who was able to see that they had child-like bodies, grayish skin, and very large eyes. The frightened witness pointed the bow at the creatures but one pulled something from his belt and pointed it towards him. The witness remembers being struck by something resembling gas and passed out. He woke up hour’s later lying face down on the trail.
Source:  Tom Dongo, Alien Tide

Date:  September 1985
Location:  Lake Casitas California
Time:  0400A
Summary:  The main witness was out camping with her family and some friends when they saw a huge yellow light descending over the area. The light was suddenly directly overhead and they could see a dark triangular outline with a circular protrusion outlined with lights in the center. The main witness then heard a sort of telepathic message form the craft telling her to drive to the nearby dam to meet “time travelers.” She made her husband drive, and she noticed that he seemed disoriented. They finally ended up in a field. She then lay down on the back of the pickup and spotted a light in the sky, at that moment she went to sleep. Next morning she woke up with a strange feeling on her spine and vague memories. Under regression she was able to recall sitting on a chair in front of a “U” shaped console talking to a tall slender man, with long strawberry blond hair. There was a sense of quiet in the room with fairly dim indirect lighting. She was able to see lights flashing on the console in front of the man that was facing her behind the console. The console was fairly large with molded edges and sides from the floor to the top. It was padded with something like fabric. After awhile the man asked her what she thought about communicating with his world, she said that it was a good idea and to use music as a perfect medium. The man told her that he was a biologist from the earth’s future. He showed her a video like image of creatures of all kinds that were emitting different frequencies, pursuing survival, and mating. They talked about the survival of life and many other universal themes. 
Source:  CAUS

Date:  September 1985

Location. New Hope Pennsylvania
Date: September 1985
Time: night
A man encountered a landed dark oval shaped object ringed by several bright white oval shaped portholes. Near the object stood a tall thin female being with large black oval shaped eyes. The being had pure white skin and her body seemed to glow in a translucent colored light consisting of blues and reds. The being’s eyes seemed to hypnotize the witness and all his thoughts were apparently examined, he felt under the being’s absolute control. This tall being was accompanied by three short gray skin beings wearing blue coat-like uniforms. No other information.

Source: Linda Moulton Howe, Glimpses of other Realities

Date:  September 1985

Location. La Grela Military Base Spain
Date: September 1985
Time: night
A soldier standing guard one night was confronted by a tall white humanoid figure that apparently attacked him. The soldier fired all his rounds against the figure that suddenly vanished in plain sight. The rest of the sentries responded to the scene but did not see the humanoid. The spent rifle shells were also missing.

Source: B Manuel Carballal, Samizdat Summer 1994 Vol. 2 # 1


Location. Penamoa La Coruna Spain
Date: September 1985
Time: late night

Several residents were awakened by the hysterical barking of their dogs, upon investigating the commotion they saw several 6-foot tall balls of lights drifting silently at ground level. Several small ape-like creatures were seen walking next to the spheres. Some of the witnesses fired countless rounds against the spheres and humanoids without any apparent effect. (During the same time there were reports of animal mutilations in the region.)
Source: B Manuel Carballal, Samizdat Summer 1994 Vol. 2 # 1

Date:  September 1985

Location. High Point New Jersey
Date: September 1985
Time: after midnight
A man out camping in an isolated area suddenly woke up finding himself floating up, along with his tent and gear. When he finally stopped he felt cool metal underneath him. He then crawled to the tent exit and looked out to see a figure wearing a gray uniform and a fog-like filled room somehow lacking depth. He went back inside the tent sat down and waited. Eventually the witness walked out and after relieving himself began walking around. Everything around him was gray colored. A powerful wind suddenly erupted throwing the witness in the direction of the tent. When he finally came to rest he began hearing loud explosions. Looking around he saw what appeared to be a battlefield. A broken chain link fence was in front of the witness. He could still hear the explosions and could see flashes in the distance. He felt he was standing on hard asphalt and now was able to see helicopters with shining lights flying overhead. He looked behind him and noticed a lit open door; he crawled towards it and entered it. There he found himself in a hotel-like room with food on a table. He ate the food and went to sleep. He later woke up and was compelled to press his pinkie finger against the wall, which suddenly became bright hot white and began enveloping the witness. He felt his body going through the wall then he found himself lying stiff on the forest floor. He hitch hiked back home and did not report the incident to the authorities.

Source: Chuck Manetta, Computer Network

Date: September 5 1985: Juneau, Alaska Sighting

Date:  September 10 1985
Location:  Druskininkai (70 km north of) Latvia
Time:  14:00
Summary:  this was during the camping trip .we were on the top of the hill and for many kilometers around was forest.next hill was probobli 15kilom from us sadenli we see wery strong ligthe coming from behind the 2 hill and lihte was serging we thout that it may be border or military chapter but in a few minuts we see big light green ball and bin of light was coming from its butom like serging below the ball was moving very slove thovards us after 20 min its dewids for 3 smoll bols and they move very fast tovards space.I belive this wos not man made object in thous times we didnt no about ufo but i convins that i sow samthing very strage.i don.t care you belive or not i olveis wont to report it . ((NUFORC Summary: This occurred during a camping trip. We were on top of a hill, and for many kilometers around, the area was forested. The nearest hill was probably 15 km away. Suddenly, we saw a very strong light coming from behind the nearby (?) hill, and the light appeared to be “searching.” At first, we thought that it might be a border guard or military helicopter, but within a few minutes, we noticed a large light-green ball, with a beam of light apparently being projected from the bottom portion of the object. The object was moving very slowly toward us, and after approximatley, it divided into 3 small balls. The three objects then rose in the atmosphere very rapidly.
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center

Date:  September 1985

Location. Sydney New South Wales, Australia
Date: September 11 1985
Time: 0230A

A bright light awaked the witness. She looked out the window and saw a flat green colored disc with flashing red and yellow lights. She went outside and noticed that the grass and trees were singed. She then saw three meter-tall gray thin figures standing nearby. There was a sudden flash and everything disappeared.
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico and The World

Date:  September 15 1985
Location: Arica Chile
Time: morning
Summary: Bathers were horrified to see two small strange creatures come out of the ocean waters and hurl themselves over the sands scaring locals. These were described as being 25 centimeters in length by 10 centimeters in height. They were pear shaped, with nipple like eyes, a nose, and a small hole for a mouth. They were black in color with yellow bellies. The creatures seemed to propel themselves using a protuberance in the rear of their bodies. A local angler, Angel Zamorano supposedly caught one of the creatures. Whereabouts of it is unknown.
Source: Paranigma

Date: September 15, 1985: Two saucer-shaped UFOs seen by family in car in Surrey, UK

Date:  September 1985

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