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(Last Updated On: )
Date: early 1979
Location: Nildottie South Australia
Time: evening
Summary: The two witnesses Jack and Don had been experiencing problems with their TV antenna being twisted around. The cause puzzled them. One evening after cooking a meal, the Venetian blinds went up and down. Both went outside to look and were approached by European looking people. They appeared to be wearing woolen jumpers. There were both male and females. A bright light shone on them and both men felt calm. They were then taken over to a mound of gravel adjacent to which a craft was located. The men were taken inside. It was cold and the beings apparently agreed to escort them back to the house to get jumpers. They were not allowed to take food. They then returned to the object and it took off. As it rose they saw the TV antenna on the house below twist around. They could see across the Murray River as they rose up. Don, the younger of the two, was given strange, repetitive tests. Seven hours later they were returned. When a neighbor visited and found them confused, police were called in. The two men were taken to a local hospital. They seemed to be suffering from yellow jaundice and eye problems. Both men passed away within two years of the encounter.
Source: Bill Chalker, “The Oz Files”
Date: January 1979
Location: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: A disc-shaped craft was seen on the ground and two tall figures wearing gold colored metallic suits and helmets. These were seen to float or fly out of the object several times and then go back inside. The craft then took off and left.
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Date: early January 1979
Location: Near Santa Cruz Rio Grande Do Norte Brazil
Time: late evening
Summary: The witness was walking home after dark, he stopped to light a cigarette and moments later a brightly lit object suddenly descended from the sky and stopped just several meters above his head. It was silent and shaped like a silo. A door opened and the witness could now see a man and a woman sitting inside on seats. They sat motionless side by side. A light now engulfed the witness and he felt being pulled upwards into the object. He grabbed a small palm tree and wrapped himself around it. He could barely hold on when drops of hot liquid like melted wax began falling on his arms, possible in an attempt to loosen his grip. But the witness would not let go and the beings finally gave up. The door closed and the craft shot up into the sky vanishing at high speed.
Source: Bob Pratt, The UFO Report 1991
Date: January 1979
Location: Taubate, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: A professor at a local college was driving on his way along a short street when suddenly his vehicle stopped. As he stepped out of the car two tall dark skinned men appeared. Both were very handsome and had long black hair, they approached him and told him they had been looking for him for a while due to his above average intelligence and knowledge. They soon conducted him to a nearby gigantic object that had been somehow concealed. Inside time seemed to stand still and they spoke to him about numerous subjects having to do with life on earth. Soon he was given a drink and apparently fell asleep. Later he woke up in a wooded area outside of town. He walked home and was stunned to find out that two years had gone by and that his wife had now re-married. (!)
Source:Cristiane Maria Tavares Picoli, Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Date: January 1979
Location: Kunsan Air Base, South Korea
Time: night
Summary: The witness was, a member of the US Air Force, was sleeping at an off base-housing compound called Silvertown. As his wife slept next to him he woke up to see a large dark figure standing in the door wearing a dark gray hooded cloak or cape. It began to glide towards the witness. He tried to call for his wife but could not and was unable to move either. It moved about 3 to 4 ft when suddenly the witness managed to make a whisper type noise and finally his voice returned and he began calling his wife’s name. His next memory was of waking up on the floor. He dragged himself back to bed and found his wife sleeping soundly. The room appeared somewhat darker now.
Source: Filer’s Files # 28
Date: January 1979
Location: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: A disc-shaped craft was seen on the ground and two tall figures wearing gold colored metallic suits and helmets. These were seen to float or fly out of the object several times and then go back inside. The craft then took off and left.
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Date: early January 1979
Location: Near Santa Cruz Rio Grande Do Norte Brazil
Time: late evening
Summary: The witness was walking home after dark, he stopped to light a cigarette and moments later a brightly lit object suddenly descended from the sky and stopped just several meters above his head. It was silent and shaped like a silo. A door opened and the witness could now see a man and a woman sitting inside on seats. They sat motionless side by side. A light now engulfed the witness and he felt being pulled upwards into the object. He grabbed a small palm tree and wrapped himself around it. He could barely hold on when drops of hot liquid like melted wax began falling on his arms, possible in an attempt to loosen his grip. But the witness would not let go and the beings finally gave up. The door closed and the craft shot up into the sky vanishing at high speed.
Source: Bob Pratt, The UFO Report 1991
Date: January 1979
Location: Taubate, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: A professor at a local college was driving on his way along a short street when suddenly his vehicle stopped. As he stepped out of the car two tall dark skinned men appeared. Both were very handsome and had long black hair, they approached him and told him they had been looking for him for a while due to his above average intelligence and knowledge. They soon conducted him to a nearby gigantic object that had been somehow concealed. Inside time seemed to stand still and they spoke to him about numerous subjects having to do with life on earth. Soon he was given a drink and apparently fell asleep. Later he woke up in a wooded area outside of town. He walked home and was stunned to find out that two years had gone by and that his wife had now re-married. (!)
Source: Cristiane Maria Tavares Picoli, Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Date: January 1979
Location: Kunsan Air Base, South Korea
Time: night
Summary: The witness was, a member of the US Air Force, was sleeping at an off base-housing compound called Silvertown. As his wife slept next to him he woke up to see a large dark figure standing in the door wearing a dark gray hooded cloak or cape. It began to glide towards the witness. He tried to call for his wife but could not and was unable to move either. It moved about 3 to 4 ft when suddenly the witness managed to make a whisper type noise and finally his voice returned and he began calling his wife’s name. His next memory was of waking up on the floor. He dragged himself back to bed and found his wife sleeping soundly. The room appeared somewhat darker now.
Source: Filer’s Files # 28
Date: January 1 1979: Silvertown Korea Encounter
Date: January 1 1979
Location: Schoonaarde, Belgium
Time: 0800A
Summary: Two youngsters, 10-year old Johan Van Boven and 13-year old Dimitri (apparently a mentally challenged child) reported seeing a disc-shaped object with cupola land on a field behind their home. Two small figures wearing inflated “rubber” suits (resembling those of the famed Michelin man) and helmets exited the object. After moving about the yard for a while they re-boarded the object using a small ladder. The craft then took off. There is no information about ground traces.
Source: Gesag # 55, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Date: January 1 1979
Location: Denbigh, North Wales
Time: 8:45 PM.
Summary: A member of the public, Keith Jones was about to go into the restaurant where he worked near Denbigh when he observed a UFO at an altitude of 100-150 feet. He went inside and asked his employer to go outside and look at the object. They watched a stunning aerial display by the UFO for several minutes before calling the police. A short time later two uniformed police officers, PC Berwyn Jones and PC Neville Hughes arrived at the scene where they too witnessed the UFO. The object was disc shaped with a dome underneath. There was no noise and it was described at being too low and too bright to be an aircraft. The object was last seen heading in the direction of Ruthin. UFO CLASSIFICATION CE1 (CLOSE ENCOUNTER 1ST KIND) On Duty sighting. 2 Officers.
Source: FSR Volume 25 No 2 Mar/Apr 79
Date: January 2 1979
Location: Nuoro Sardinia Italy
Time: 2315
Summary: L M was on his way to open a window due to the intense humidity inside the house, when he noticed outside, near the building, two short human like figures that appeared to be “floating” ten meters above the ground. Mesmerized he watched the two figures from the balcony. The two humanoids wore a transparent coverall, like plexi-glass and under that a gray metallic outfit, that emitted a bluish glow. On their heads they wore white colored helmets, with clear visors. He could see that their faces were normal, very handsome with large eyes. They also wore white tight fitting boots and had a dark cylinder shaped “container” around their waists. During the encounter the witness felt chills. As the beings approached the house they smiled at the witness and were soon lost from sight in the distance.
Source: Archivio S.U.F.
Date: January 2 1979
Location: Butterworth Penang, Malaysia
Time: 18:15
Date: January 3 1979
Location: Mindalore, South Africa
Time: 11:50 PM.
Summary: There were two incidents involving missing time or abductions on this day. The first occurred in Mindalore, South Africa. A man and a woman were driving in foggy conditions near a mine. They saw a gray cone-shaped craft with four legs that had landed, and then experienced a 20-minute lapse of time, but they did recall witnessing humanoids associated with the craft.
Source: Cynthia Hind, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1979, p. 3
Date: January 3, 1979: Filiberto Cardenas Abduction
Date: January 3 1979
Location: Mirabello Italy
Time: 2315
Summary: A couple was crossing a roadway when they noticed at a distance a red beam of light on the ground. The witness boarded their vehicle and approached in order to obtain a better look. As they approached they perceived a strong burning smell. The light resembled a pulsating vertical bar, red in color encircled by a round halo. As they got even closer they saw a human like figure walk in front of the light, moments later a second figure walked from the opposite direction. As a result of the intense cold the witnesses had to leave the area. As they drove away they observed a similar but larger light on the ground in front of a nearby orchard. The light slowly pulsated. Again the witnesses had to leave because of the cold weather.
Source: Maurizio Verga, “Itacat”
Date: January 1979
Location. Rowley Regis West Midlands England
Date: January 4 1979
Time: 0700A
Jean Hingley had waved goodbye to her husband while he went off to work in a bitter cold morning when she saw a light in the garden. Thinking he had left the carport lit, she went to investigate, but it was dark, so she returned to the kitchen. She put down some food for Hobo, the family Alsatian and called him from the garden, but he flopped down as if drugged and gazed at the ceiling, glassy-eyed. Then, with a “zee—zee-zee” noise, three weird creatures flew past into the lounge. They were only 3-1/2 feet tall and had waxy white faces and coal-black eyes with no eyebrows and very thin mouths. They wore silvery clothes, with a transparent bubble-type helmet over their heads. These humanoids also had transparent “wings” and floated. Jean was clinging to the sink paralyzed but then, she says, she suddenly floated towards the lounge. Jean noticed that the aliens were inspecting the ornaments on the Christmas tree with interest. They also probed into her mind with telepathy—“It was like a light or an X-ray penetrating.” They told her she would not be harmed and, when she asked where they were from, they said (or rather she could not tell which one said), “We come from the sky.” The she explained why the house was all dressed up to celebrate Jesus birthday. “We know all about Jesus,” they claimed. They said they would return and, “We come down here to talk to people but they don’t seem to be interested.” Finally when she showed them how to light a cigarette they fled as if in terror, taking a mince pie each with them. Outside, on her garden, was an egg shaped object with windows. They floated into it, and it took off, emitting a bluish flash and pulsating twice before disappearing with a flash. The dog returned to normal, and Jean called the police. The electric clock in the house had stopped, and all her cassette tapes were magnetized and unplayable. In the snow where the object had sat, was an oval outline, which the local UFO group was able to photograph before the snow melted.
Source: Alfred Budden, Fortean Times # 50, Jenny Randles “Abduction”
Date: January 1979
Location. Mindalore, Krugersdrop South Africa
Date: January 4 1979
Time: midnight
Meagan Quezet and her 12-year old son Andre were out looking for their dog, Cheeky after they heard it barking. Soon they noticed a peculiar pink glow beyond a tarmac road. Thinking that it was a police vehicle they approached the area. As they reached the glow they noticed that it came from a peculiar egg shaped craft sitting on the ground on several thin leg like protrusions. The incredible pink glow emanated from an area on top of the craft. Suddenly from an opening on the craft 5 to 6 men jumped to the ground. One of the men walked to the far end of the object, two remained standing in the front and two others walked towards the witnesses. The men appeared to speak among themselves in loud singsong like voices in an unintelligible language; two kneeled down and appeared to touch the asphalt. All the men wore tight-fitting white suits with hoods that covered the faces of most of them except for two. One that appeared to be the leader approached the witness and spoke to her in a high-pitched unintelligible voice. He made a slight bow towards Meagan as if in a form of salute. He had a black beard, frizzy black hair and slanted eyes and dark olive skin. Soon the men walked back to the craft and entered the object, the craft then emitted a whistling sound, the thin leg-like protrusions telescoped back into the craft, which then rose up and disappeared into the clouds. Under hypnosis the witness recalled being taken inside the object where she saw chairs, panels and a table. She was asked to come with them but she refused.
Source: Robert E Bartholomew, UFO Lore, quoting Cynthia Hind
Date: January 5 1979
Location: Bannalec, Finistere, France
Time: around 10 p.m.
Summary: A 15 meter in diameter circular object hovered near the ground at around 10 p.m. for three minutes. It had a blue halo, and shot away very fast.
Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1979
Date: January 5 1979
Location: Auburn, MA
Summary: Three glowing, red triangular objects confronted car, forward motion impeded, physiological effects
Source: section VII
Date: January 5 1979
Location: Near Sturbridge Massachusetts
Time: 2300
Summary: During repeated sightings of low level lights and a diamond shaped object over the area, a witness saw a 7-8 foot tall hairy figure in a field, he shone a spotlight at it, and it ran towards him. The witness fired 3 shots at it and then ran away, shooting one more time over his shoulder. The shots appeared to have no effect on the creature, but it stopped and did not chase the witness.
Source: Cufos Reports
Date: January 8 1979
Location: Rome City, IN
Time: 8:00 PM.
Summary: Mr. Marion Ritchie and his wife viewed a UFO on County Road 138 for a continuous 5 minutes. Mr. Ritchie, a credible man in his community, viewed a cylinder-shaped object over an open field about 50′ from the road with lights of white, red, and green. At first he thought it was a water tower, but as he drove under the object he knew it couldn’t be. The investigator, Charles Tucker, says that Mr. Ritchie described the cylinder as being 15′ long and hovering about 75-100′ from the ground. The lights suddenly became so intense that it was hard for Mr. Ritchie to tell what the object really was. As the lights grew brighter and brighter, the object zipped off into the cold clear night.
Source: MUFON UFO Journal, December 1979
Date: January 8 1979
Location: San Croce Sull’Arno, Italy
Time: 5:30 PM.
Summary: In the Tuscany region of Italy a 40-meter wide domed disc with an antenna flew over a farm at only ten meters above the ground. The farm animals were panicked and a tree bent over as the object passed.
Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT Italian UFO catalogue
Date: January 8 1979
Location: Tunis, Tunisia
Time: 3:00 AM.
Summary: A group of people witnessed a small disc, about 1.5 meters in size, hovering near a lake for 10 minutes. It then shot away and was gone in a split second. (Sources:
Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1979
Date: January 1979
Location. Fortaleza, Brazil
Date: January 11 1979
Time: night
A short humanoid about 80cm in height wearing a helmet with two luminous antennae like projections approached a witness and touched him in the arm, apparently burning him. It wore a silvery suit and blue boots. The humanoid apparently arrived in a gray colored object about 15 meters in diameter with lighted windows.
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Date: January 12 1979
Location: Sorocaba Sao Paolo Brazil
Time: night
Summary: In a farm area three reporters watched a large luminous disc shaped object descend and hover near the ground, while multitudes of witnesses watched several luminous disc shaped objects maneuvering over the nearby village. Two small beings about four and a half foot tall emerged from the object. The beings were human shaped and were wearing one-piece outfits with a kind of fishbowl type helmet over their heads. The helmets emitted bright beacons of light. Suddenly everything became very dark and moments later the disc ascended and disappeared behind some nearby hills.
Source: A J Gevaerd and Wendelle C Stevens, UFO Abductions at Maringa
Date: January 13 1979
Location: Loreto Santiago del Estero Argentina
Time: 1150A
Summary: A boy was alone in a schoolroom when he heard a sudden noise, looking around he saw a rectangular silvery object, 2 feet wide, and 5 feet tall and 3 feet long hovering a few inches above the floor. Two flaps opened on the sides of the object and two beings emerged, each was about 3-foot tall and dressed in shiny one piece overalls. Both wore helmets with a dark faceplate that covered the eyes, they had a device with a tube and clock like instrument attached. Their hands had only four fingers. One being grabbed the boy and a voice spoke to him in Spanish coming from the object, telling him to sit down. The boy was unable to move on the chair, while one of the beings went to another room and the other back inside the object. A reddish beam of light from the object knocked the witness out. When he woke up later the object and beings were gone. A strong sulfurous odor remained behind.
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions, The Measure of A Mystery
Date: January 13 1979
Location: Viterbo Italy
Time: evening
Summary: A farmer spotted a large fiery red sphere descend onto a nearby pasture. The sphere changed colors t bright orange and red then it began to dim revealing a 2-meter metallic sphere. A small man wearing a silvery white suit emerged from the object and walked around frequently bending down as if it was picking things up. The witness ran away from the area.
Source: Bufora Journal Vol. 8 # 3
Date: January 16 1979
Location: City of David, Panama
Time: Evening
Summary: Two women teachers, Ms. Griselda and Ms. Gonzalez, sighted an oval-shaped UFO while walking home from night school. The UFO was spinning and gave off orange and blue lights. It stopped and changed direction without turning, and made no sound.
Source: Jane Thompson, UFO News clipping Service, March 1979, p. 15; citing El Sol, January 18, 1979
Date: January 16 1979
Location: Bramston Beach, Qld
Time: 2215
Summary: A Ms Martin, aged twenty six, was driving home from work when she saw what she thought was the Moon behind trees, but quickly realised the Moon was to her right. The object seen was Moon sized, round and a golden colour. It was stationary. The car headlights began blinking on and off, then went off completely. There were no effects to the engine, dashlights etc. After she was some distance past the object the lights came back on. An electrician checked the car but could find nothing wrong. The headlights became dimmer over the next two weeks. A loose earth wire was found and repaired, and the lights functioned perfectly.
Source: UFO Research Far North Qld.
Date: January 18 1979
Location: Metzeral, France
Time: 5:00 PM.
Summary: A two-meter wide orange disc-shaped UFO made two passes over two witnesses. The UFO made a buzzing sound and had lights at both ends. Both witnesses’ eyes hurt after the close encounter.
Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, July 1979
Date: January 18 1979
Location: Lusiana Vicenza Italy
Time: 2330
Summary: A 42-year old woodcutter suddenly had his vehicle stopped, the headlights turned off, and the doors opened by themselves, he then saw an orange colored sphere on the road in front of the car. A door opened and two 1-meter tall brown colored humanoids came out. The beings approached and the witness could not move. The beings wore metallic looking scaled coveralls, they had long hands ending in pointed nails, their ears were like twisted wires and apparently were vibrating and humming. They then invited the witness onboard the object by using gestures, he went with them and into a room filled with instruments and a screen. The beings began undressing him, but the witness became frightened and implored them to let him go. Finally a door opened and he got out of the craft. The witness returned to his car finding his headlights back on.
Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe Oct/Nov 1991
Date: January 1979
Location. Near Bastia, Liguria, Italy
Date: January 19 1979 Time: evening
The witness was on his way to town and was turning on a curve when his vehicle engine suddenly stalled. As he looked under the hood he noticed two figures looking at him from behind a nearby electrical pylon on the side of the road. At first he thought they were electrical company workers and did not pay them any attention. He soon looked back at the two figures more closely and noticed that one was about 2.50 meters in height and massive in appearance, the other figure was somewhat shorter. Both wore shiny tight fitting outfits. The figures stared at him for a few minutes then walked back into the woods. Soon after that he was able to start his vehicle engine. That same night another witness had seen a bright bluish light descend into the same woods.
Source: Notizieufo, X-Files # 6
Date: January 24 1979
Location: Tyler, TX
Summary: Close-range sighting and humanoid encounter.
Date: January 24 1979
Location: near Lindale, TX
Time: 10:00 PM.
Summary: Driving near Lindale, 20-year-old John Scott Cates had stopped his car and gotten out to relieve himself when a blue beam of light from the sky struck him. It caused his hair to stand up like an electric static charge. Two UFOs appeared, and he experienced a six-hour long memory lapse. His next recollection was being back in his car, where he noticed that his engine restarted when a ringing noise sounded. He was left with holes in his shirt and a diamond shaped burn on his chest.
Source: Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 201(b); Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO; p. 191; Richard C. Niemtzow, MUFON UFO Journal, September 1979, p. 3; Bob Pratt, UNICAT database, case 62, citing Richard C. Niemtzow
Date: January 1979
Location. Toquilla Colombia
Date: January 24 1979
Time: unknown
A dentist and three students were traveling by car when suddenly the motor engine stalled. They then saw two metallic objects land nearby and three men wearing tight fitting silvery outfits and large helmets come out. There was a sudden whirlwind that surrounded their vehicle and they no longer could see the figures and the objects. When the “whirlwind” went away the figures and objects were no longer there.
Source: Miguel Forero, Centro Investigacion Ovni Colombia
Date: January 1979
Location. El Dean, Argentina
Date: January 25 1979
Time: 1500
10-year old Marta Isabel Santillan, was playing in an isolated field with a 3-year old playmate, when “a square shaped” object descended from the sky. It landed on some type of supports. A door opened and two small figures came out, followed by five more figures, all less than 1 meter in height. One of the beings that appeared to be the leader motioned for the little girl to approach, but she refused. The little beings wore black coveralls, with bracelets, covered with tiny shiny spheres, black boots, and covered their heads with a cap that had a shiny sphere on top. The leader of the group pointed a flashlight device at the little girl that emitted a red light that temporarily blinded her. She became disoriented, and her next memory was of seeing the little men enter the craft. Two large metallic protrusions, resembling arms, came out of the object. The object then shot away at incredible speed. Apparently other children in the area saw the craft.
Source: Fabio Picasso
Date: January 28 1979
Location: Vannes, France
Time: 5:15 PM.
Summary: A 1.5-meter long ovoid hovered over a house in Vannes. The UFO zipped over above an empty lot. It beamed white beams of light down onto the ground and up into the clouds. A UFO witness to repeated UFO encounters experienced lasting physiological effects due to the close approach of 2 disc-shaped UFOs. The observer also heard a mechanical voice in his head that said, “We mean you no harm.”
Source: MUFON UFO Journal, September 1979, p. 3
Date: January 29 1979
Location: Bissoe Truro Cornwall England
Time: 0200A
Summary: The witnesses were awakened to find their bedroom brightly lit up. One of the witnesses looked out the window and was amazed to see a bright hovering oval shaped craft. Inside two human like figures with long fair wavy hair could be clearly seen. The bright object then glided silently away and shot away at high speed.
Source: Bob Boyd, Plymouth UFO Research Group
Date: January 1979
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