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(Last Updated On: )
Date: Summer 1978
Location: New York State, exact location not given
Time: unknown
Summary: During an apparent Near Death Experience the witness became unconscious and found herself looking out a round window seeing what appeared to be black space and tiny white sparkles of light. She felt very cold and turned to her left to see a bright white light directly above her and four to seven thin figures around her. She received two telepathic messages and suddenly found herself tumbling head over heels apparently falling back to earth. She woke up in her couch vomiting. Later she realized that a lump that she had recently discovered in her breast was completely gone.
Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, “The Omega Project“
Date: Summer 1978
Location: Near Arco Idaho
Time: afternoon
Summary: Jessie Ross saw what looked like, a prehistoric eagle sitting on a 15-foot rock. When it saw him it tried to fly, it had to take lumbering steps with some flopping around. It was not a vulture and stood about 5 ft high on the rock, had a hooked beak, was coal black with a bright orange head, and had eyes two inches across. Eventually it got in the air, spreading its 20-22 ft wingspan, to catch the 90-degree summer thermals, and flew off to the north.
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter
Date: Summer 1978
Location. Puebla Nuevo Mexico
Time: 1900
Tomas Ornelas Saldana had gone with his father to a nearby creek in order to fill some jugs with water. As he approached the creek on foot he notice three multi colored football-sized spheres hovering over a nearby tree, these suddenly blinked out. As he proceeded to fill the jugs with water he felt someone watching him, he looked back at the tree and saw, standing on one of its branches a bizarre looking little creature, staring intently at him. Stunned he stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. Meanwhile Tomas’s father was in the parked car nearby and had not seen anything strange but did see his son stumble. Without taking his eyes off the figure, Tomas began filling the jugs with water. He described the figure as about 1 meter & 50 cm in height, with greenish scaly skin, except for its hands and feet, which were black and claw-like. On the left side of its chest it had a symbol resembling an inverted triangle that appeared to be part of the skin. It did not appeared to be wearing any clothing except for a belt, which consisted of several small inverted triangle-shaped sections. It had a normal sized hairless head with two huge pointy shorthaired covered ears, huge shiny cat-like eyes, a small wide nose, and a mouth with thin lips. As Tomas watched he also noticed two shiny objects hovering over the tree. A later a search of the area for the being proved futile.
Source: Fabio Picasso
Date: Summer 1978
Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Time: late evening
Summary: Lee Nigro was driving along a dark road near an area that is fairly well wooded. He was accompanied by his friend Churcho in the passenger seat when they spotted what Lee at first took to be a tall man standing in the middle of the road several yards ahead, apparently indifferent to the fact that a vehicle was moving towards “him”. Lee supposedly blared the horn frantically, since he believed he had the right of way, but still this “man” showed no interest in budging from “his” precarious spot in the middle of the road. As a result, Lee—who was known as being very tough and no-nonsense when the situation called for it—had to swerve his car aside in the road so that he didn’t hit this “man,” and could very well have had a serious accident as a result. Incensed at this individual for the near disaster, Lee Nigro got out of the car to angrily confront the man, only to realize to his horror—and that of his passenger, who could now fully see the figure illuminated in the headlights of the stopped car—that he was not confronting a human being at all. When asked what it looked like he answered, “Like an alligator” but he insisted that it stood on two feet like a man. Lee Nigro very explicitly claimed that the encountered humanoid had reptilian features and not the far more ‘familiar’ hairy hominid or ape-like type of creature. He never used the word Bigfoot to describe it, instead he insisted the creature he saw looked like something akin to a humanoid alligator with scaly, hairless reptilian skin. Unfortunately it was not confirmed if the creature’s hairless skin was green or some other hue. Then came the final part of the confrontation. While Lee Nigro’s passenger panicked and claimed that he tried to hide under the dashboard of the car, Nigro quickly grabbed a baseball bat he kept handy in the car if needed and struck the creature with it—only to find it had no effect whatsoever. After Lee Nigro struck the creature with the bat, it knocked the weapon out of his hand, and he wisely rushed into the car, shut the door, hastily started the vehicle up again, and hit the accelerator. Just as he took off, the reptilian cryptid apparently leaped on the hood of the car, then just as quickly leaped off again as the vehicle started moving forward. It then ran into the nearby trees on the side of the road, disappearing from sight even as Lee Nigro hightailed it out of the area.
Source: direct from Chris N godofthunder85@gmail.com
Date: Summer 1978
Location: 10 miles South of Marathon Florida
Time: 2200
Summary: The witness was traveling on US-1 near the seven-mile bridge and had just begun to cross a small bridge when he noticed ahead some dancing firefly like lights. They appeared to be very far away. There were 3 or 4 of them. As he reached the end of the short bridge he parked his car, and saw that the lights were still there. He approached three anglers on the east side of the bridge and asked them about the lights. He was told that they had been watching them all night. As they continued to talk about the lights they suddenly noticed their voices were being echoed down to them from above and just to the east. Every sound they made was being amplified and reflected back to them from above. As the three anglers began laughing the witness noticed a black area obscuring the stars about 100 feet up and maybe 50 feet east of the bridge. He yelled at the approaching object to come down. Within seconds the black object illuminated itself, appearing as a thick oval shaped craft. It was extremely beautiful and covered with exquisite esoteric devices. Its whole surface was a multicolored array of sparkling light. It seemed to hover silently and motionless. The other three men suddenly became very quiet. The witness suddenly began to hear a high-speed noise, which seemed to come from below at his feet. Looking down he saw a spiral pattern of lights apparently encircling him; he was then surrounded in a cylindrical grid pattern all the way up to his head level. His surroundings then suddenly disappeared. He then saw several “persons” that greeted him. He remembered a woman, and he asked them who they were, she replied that they were “Watchers.” He felt completely at ease and comfortable, he then began to look around at what he assumes to be the interior of the object. His next conscious memory was waking up in his barracks in Boca Chica Island.
Source: Internet Sightings
Date: Summer 1978
Location: Kalinino, Krasnogvardeysky area, Ukraine
Time: 2200
Summary: 4 local residents walking on a road in the center of the village were approaching a telephone pole when suddenly a strange entity ran out of the darkness from behind the pole and into the middle of the street. The entity stood first on its legs and then on its hands. It resembled a sort of hairy dwarf, covered in dense fur; its face and hands were white. Seconds later the entity jumped into a nearby flowerbed of roses. The witnesses ran after it and attempted to locate it in the flowerbed but could not find it. The witnesses kept walking further and entered an acacia valley. 20 minutes later they stopped to smoke a cigarette forgetting momentarily about the strange entity. While smoking they noticed a globe-shaped shining object that descended from the sky and began hovering at about 1.80cm above the ground. The globe was no less than 2 meters in diameter. Suddenly there was a flash of light from the globe and it zoomed up. Seized by an unearthly fear the witnesses remained sitting on the ground in the same location the rest of the night, even though their houses were nearby.
Source: Anton Anfalov personal investigation
Date: Summer 1978
Location: Near Little Rock Arkansas
Time: 2300
Summary: The witness was getting ready to go to sleep when suddenly everything became very quiet. He opened his eyes to look outside the window when he saw three (undescribed) creatures standing there. The next thing he remembered was a floating sensation and some sort of strange device resembling a chronometer. He then found himself back in bed and looking out the same window to see a brilliant silver sphere floating silently outside.
Source: Themestream
Date: Summer 1978
Location. Mindanao Island, Philippines
Date: Summer 1978
Time: night
Filipino angler Jacinto Fetalvero reported that one moonlit night he had met a beautiful mermaid, with “amiable bluish eyes, reddish cheeks, and green scales on her tail.” She helped him secure a bountiful catch. A torrent of ridicule ensued, and Fetalvero thereafter refused to discuss the subject.
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Date: Summer 1978
Location. Not Given
Date: Summer 1978
Time: night
The 13-year old witness was laying in bed sick with the mumps when he looked across the room at a pair of large glass stained windows on the far wall and noticed sitting on the window sill two little people. They appeared to have been laughing at him, bending over with their hands on their knees, and pointing. They were pale greenish yellow in color. They had very wide mouths and large almond shaped eyes. They had long limbs and narrow torsos. They were wearing clothes, but it appeared that the clothing would fade into the color of their skin. Their clothes were a darker greenish color. They had hats on their heads that came to a point, but the hats were kind of limp, not real firm. It appeared that their hats were indeed part of their heads. He did not recall seeing any ears or eyebrows. Everything about the creatures was subtle, with no real sharp defined edges or colors. They looked exactly the same. The witness watched them for a long time then fell asleep.
Source: Paranormal.com, Your Stories March 2003
Date: June 1978
Location: Mawnan Church Cornwall England
Time: unknown
Summary: A sixteen-year-old girl saw a large humanoid resembling a leathery owl with claws flying through the trees near the church. It reportedly had large round red eyes and a gaping mouth.
Source: Graham J McEwan, Mystery Animals of Britain and Ireland
Date: June 1978
Location: Northern Demerji Mountain, Crimea, Ukraine
Time: 0030A
Summary: A local teenager, Andrey from the nearby town of Alushta had climbed to the top of Mount Demirdzic and had camped there to spend the night. During the night a bright light pointed directly at his face suddenly awakened him. He opened his eyes and the outlines of several human-shaped figures. They had domed-shaped heads connected directly to their shoulders. Their faces were not visible or were absent (maybe robotic creatures?). The humanoids were apparently staring at Andrey, what was clearly visible was their large collars that came down to their breasts. Apparently the witness was paralyzed and everything was brightly lit around him. Andrey felt no fear or any other emotions during the encounter (apparently he was under some kind of psychological influence exerted by the aliens); he soon fell asleep and could not remember anything else. A local legend states that Demerdzhi is hollow and had been excavated thousands of years before by a race of dwarfs in an effort to extract supposed treasures buried within. A local clairvoyant, Lenura Azizova claims that there still exists an ancient underground alien base under the mountain.
Source: Anton Anfalov personal investigation
Date: June 1978
Location: Felling County Durham Ireland
Time: 0350A
Summary: The witness was awoken in her bed by a buzzing, high-pitched noise. It vibrated through her body almost like an electric shock. Her head felt like it would explode. Then an unseen figure held her wrist. The witness was paralyzed and could not move but could see that the figure had a fuzzy aura surrounding it. A bluish light was bathing the room. Apparently every time the being touched her it created a weird X-ray like effect. She could see into her arm, the bones, and blood vessels. It was as if the entity was studying her. Suddenly the creature disappeared and she was again able to move.
Source: Jenny Randles, Star Children
Date: June 1978
Location: Pirogov region, Russia
Time: around noon
Summary: Walking along a local reservoir off duty Major M V was standing on a field when he suddenly felt paralyzed and felt grabbed from behind. Looking down he saw a pair of legs wearing what appeared to be tight fitting cellophane pants and one-piece shiny stockings. He then heard a telepathic message and felt as if he was rising into the air. He was told that it was necessary that they would communicate with him, that it was only going to take a short time and all the memory would then be erased from his mind. Soon he found himself back on the field, without any further recollection of what had occurred
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Date: June 1978
Location: Middlesbrough England
Time: afternoon
Summary: Mike Burley had been playing rugby ball when he was struck on the head by the heavy leather ball. Feeling somewhat groggy he was led to a nearby field to recover. Left alone he suddenly seemed to black out, he saw a bright flash and passed out. Later he remembered that he had been lying on his back and a figure wearing a brown monk’s cowl stood next to him. He could also see three other figures standing by his feet. The beings then seemed to be cutting and scraping the witness who felt no pain; one of the figures appeared to be handling some type of implements. He also saw flashing colored lights and four rows of lights on what appeared to be a console. A bright light shone directly on his face and moments later he found himself lying face down on the field surrounded by his playmates that had been looking for him for awhile.
Source: Carl Nagaitis, Phillip Mantle, “Without Consent”
Date: June 1978
Location: Anchicaya Dam Colombia
Time: night
Summary: Two men working in a jungle area watched a luminous transparent almost cloud like whitish, man like figure, that had a greenish cast around it. The vague figure floated just above the ground as it approached to within 60 feet of the two men. At this point both men ran away towards their campsite and did not see the figure depart
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century
Date: June 1978
Location: Barcelona Spain
Date: June 4 1978
Location: Bellaria, Italy
Time: 11:00 PM.
Summary: Motorists observed flashing lights in the woods, stopped to investigate and saw a bright red, revolving hemispherical object about 10 meters above the ground. It was approximately 10-12 meters in diameter. Next morning physical traces including a deep imprint were found at the site and separate witnesses were located.
Source: Centro Ufologico Nazionale report
Date: June 5 1978
Location: Fairview Park South Australia
Time: 2240
Summary: A motorist driving around in the area had to swerve his vehicle in order to avoid hitting a five-foot tall dark complexioned figure, which stood in the middle of the road. He drove away and upon looking back the figure had already vanished.
Source: UFORSA
Date: June 1978
Location. Ashburnham Massachusetts
Date: June 8 1978
Time: 1740
Betty Andreasson observed two odd looking men dressed entirely in black standing in her driveway. They seemed to be very pale and had slick black hair. Upon being seen they hid in the bushes and later left.
Source: Raymond Fowler
Date: June 10 1978
Location: New Paltz, NY
Summary: A dark, silent wedge-shaped object with a square formation of white lights in the back and a triangular formation of red and white lights in the front paced the car of two students, ages 21 and 19, as they drove eastbound on Route 299. The UFO turned south toward them and passed over their car. The male student got out of the car and ran underneath it, and said it was as large as his outstretched hand at arm’s length. It shot off toward the southwest horizon in a few seconds time.
Source: International UFO reporter, August 1978, p. 4
Date: June 11 1978
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time: 1:00 PM.
Summary: Cessna pilot and another witness observed small silvery oval for 10 minutes at 4500′ that maneuvered near his plane.
Source: Haines printout, section III
Date: June 12 1978
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Time: 03:00:00
Summary: Iwas asleep in my apartment on the couch .I lived on the third floor.I had the fan,and radio attached to a couple of electrical chords t on the table close to me in the dark.I heard a noise and i turned over ,because i thought my sister was trying to take my radio because i wouldn’t let her listen to it at night. plus i had turned the radio off before i went too sleep.Next thing i know something 3 ft 7in and dark gray runs away from me.Directly towards my sister bedroom.Sir i’m terrified at this point.My sister told me she had been abducted ,and i didn’t beleive her until i was starring this creature eye to eye .It had a set of huge red eyes like a fly but they glowed in the dark .I attempted to scare it .It stop at my sister bedroom door and dared me to approach it .I was the coward not the alien.I also knew my sisteer was sleep in the room.By the way her bedroom door was always open at nigh,always.It was was three of them that ran ,but it was the one that stoped and challenged me to come near it ,and i didn’t.I threw the cover over my head ,and i did’t come up for air for like ten minutes.I didn’t go towards my sister bedroom,until sunrise.How and the hell was i going to my mother aliens took her child.Thank god she was there came daylight.My aunti told me to nail the windows shut and put aluminum foil on the nails,i did just that.People are not crazy the goverment need to stop letting this happen to us.I also encounterd the ship 50 ft from myself it had no sound ihad enough and ran for my life .Thi is the same apartment building the entity came inside .It was trying to abduct me that night,but my elctrical cords saved d me.I don’t ever want to see those things again even with a gruop of people .Thet are not affraid of us and that puzzles me that they don’t faer us .
Source: MUFON
Date: June 12 1978
Location: Orrington, Maine
Time: 11:30 PM.
Summary: A teenage girl en-route to Bangor while traveling on on Route 15 encountered a huge, intense red ball of light “radiating a lot of heat” that passed over her car at Wheeler Hill, on the Orrington-Brewer town line. Witness felt a shock, then the car radio went “haywire” and the car lights went out. The witness veered off the road onto the front lawn of a private home. When no one could be raised at residence witness then flagged down a man in pick-up truck who drove her back home. Ninety minutes later, at 12:30 AM Tuesday, she reported her sighting to the Bangor Police.
Source: Bangor Daily News – Jun 15, 1978
Date: June 14 1978
Location: Williamson West Virginia
Time: 2235
Summary: “Bryan Jude, 14, and John Wright, 13, were fishing at Williamson, West Virginia, on the 14th when a strange object appeared overhead at 10:35 pm. Bryan recalled “the craft floated around in the air, about the height of the power lines.” John said the object was gold and silver. Bryan said the craft had a door in the bottom and some kind of structure atop the circular ship. He added that it appeared to be about 60 feet in diameter. They both agreed that two beams of light were focused on them and that red, green and blue lights were flashing at different points on the craft. They said they were not afraid at first and the light beams appeared not to affect them. All of a sudden things changed. “We couldn’t move,” John said. “We laid down and watched but still could not move. My head felt like it was going in and out (getting bigger and shrinking).” Bryan added, “it was like somebody was behind us and whispering; you couldn’t understand what they were saying but you could hear.””They don’t remember heading for home some time later but became aware of their surroundings when they reached Bryan’s house. “I just remember going in the door of my home,” Bryan said. Thinking back, John had a vague impression of sitting in a chair on a spaceship. Bryan seems to remember seeing a tall person or thing that looked like blackened cheese. “Yeah, there was a terrible smell,” John added. The youths said they heard a rush of air just before the craft appeared on the scene. Bryan’s mother said she had seen something traveling across the sky but heard no wind. Several residents in the neighborhood said they were awakened by a roaring sound.”
Source: Bob Gribble, Mufon Journal # 242
Date: June 15, 1978: Metallic, saucer seen over Michigan farm
Date: June 16 1978
Location: Oulton, England
Time: 2315
Summary: The 16-year old witness was returning from his girlfriend’s house under a heavy rain when suddenly he heard a very loud voice “talking nonsensically” all around him; this was so loud that witness thought it must wake everyone in the village and he compared it to that of a radio newsreader. The volume intensity rose and fell as though the voice was being blown on the wind; words however could not be distinguished and it faded away after about five seconds. The witness then continued walking, and about 50 meters further on he noticed, through a wooded gate to his right, a cylindrical column of white light. This vertical beam appeared to be in the grounds of a convent and was an estimated 200 meters away, seemingly 3 to 3 1/2 meters high and 2 meters in diameter; it appeared to be solid and sharply defined. At the precise point where the witness considered the beam to be, there is a tall cross about 2 meters high, but from the witness’ position, only its top could be seen due to foliage and a small bank obscuring the rest. The bottom of the beam, however, was visible, just as if it were reaching the bottom of the cross. The witness then had the impression that something was in the beam, became scared and ran home, having watched the beam for about 5 seconds.
Source: Martin Keatman Bufora Journal Vol. 9 # 1
Date: June 1978
Location. Near Borisoglebsk Russia
Date: June 16 1978
Time: after midnight
The witness had been hitchhiking home when he spotted a soft glowing object on a nearby field and walked towards it. As he neared it he could se that the object had a transparent dome on top and inside he could see three short humanoids. The beings had large egg like heads and very long fingers. They seemed to be working around a central console. When he got to 25 yards from the object he was stopped by a force field and blacked out. When he came to he noticed that the briefcase he had been carrying looked old and frayed. The force field was gone so he walked toward the object but was knocked down by a blast of wind. The craft began to glow and rose off the ground and suddenly shot away at high speed. He later learned that he had somehow lost 45 minutes of time. Later under hypnosis he recalled being gently led into the craft and examined.
Source: Fortean Times # 33, Quoting Felix Zigel
Date: June 19 1978
Location: Near Brockworth Gloucestershire England
Time: 2215
Summary: The Johnson’s, a family of five was driving home when they all saw a huge multicolored disc shaped object hovering over a field. The driver panicked and sped off, he soon lost control of the vehicle, which began driving by itself. The car stopped and the family seems to snap out of a “dream” state. They soon realized that they had lost 45 minutes of time. Later under hypnosis they recalled being floated into the object and into a circular room, there three men in metallic suits, which had blue eyes and pale faces, met them. They also wore helmets. Two members of the family were given medical tests and were told by a man that had a disc like insignia on his uniform that they had come from a dying planet called “JANOS.” They were all given a seltzer like drink before departing the object.
Source: Robert E Bartholomew, UFO Lore Quoting Frank Johnson
Date: June 20 1978
Location: Rio De Janeiro Brazil
Date: June 22 1978
Location: California, exact location not given
Time: 2200
Summary: An undocumented report of an encounter with humanoids described as wearing silvery chrome suits bearing snake and dragon emblems.
Source: IUR Vol. 3 # 8
Date: June 24 1978
Location: Madison, WI
Time: 10:45 PM.
Summary: Oval object with red lights circled US commercial aircraft, two witnesses at 18,000′, 23 minutes.
Source: Haines printout
Date: June 25, 1978
Location: Fairview Park, South Australia
Time: 10:40 p.m.
Summary: on June 25, 1978, in Fairview Park, South Australia, at 10:40 p.m., a man driving around a roundabout swerved to avoid a collision with a 1.35 to 1.50 meters tall figure of a dark complexion. when he looked back there was no one there.
Source: UFORSA
Date: June 25 1978
Location: Adrano, Catania, Italy
Time: late afternoon
Summary: Several local residents were returning from an expedition to the nearby volcanic Mt Etna. They stopped their car as they noticed what appeared to be two headlights following behind them. As the lights approached they noticed that they were two human-like figures that glowed in a very bright white light. Also each carried in their right hands two very luminous flashing objects. Terrified the witnesses flee the area.
Source: Chris Aubeck, Return to Magonia
Date: June 25 1978
Location: Havoysund, Norway
Time: evening
Summary: Two men and a woman found themselves in a boat on the way to Ingy Island. Suddenly a huge object with flashing lights came from nowhere and headed straight towards and over them, and in doing so, it created such a wind in its wake that waves caused the boat to capsize. Days later, the travelers were found naked and confused some 2000 km away on the shores of the Faeroe Islands (Denmark). They claimed to have been in a room, where, although it was light, it was impossible to define anything. They said they had been unable to move and felt like they were being frozen, whilst experiencing a freezing sensation in their intestines. Later in during a medical examination, evidence of cracks due to tension and crush injuries could be identified in the anal area.
Source: Richard Brunswick, UFO, Photo Collection
Date: June 25 1978
Location: Medway, MA
Time: 8:00 PM.
Summary: At an evening baseball game in a silvery-gray domed disc came down low over the field and hovered, bobbed, wobbled, and moved behind some trees. It re-emerged, wobbled and hovered again for about a minute. Its distance was about 200-300 feet from the by-standers.
Source: Richard Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1978, pg. 16
Date: June 26 1978
Location: Crossett Arkansas
Time: night
Summary: Mike Lofton was outside feeding his puppy, when it suddenly began to tremble. Lofton then looked up and saw a huge hairy “thing” coming out of the woods and walking towards him. The 10-year old ran into the house and retrieved his father’s 22-caliber rifle. He then fired on the creature and it fled into the woods, apparently unhurt.
Source: Ron Schaffner
Date: June 26 1978
Location: Ayacucho, Argentina
Summary: A UFO landed for several minutes on the patio of a residence in Ayacucho, Argentina. Mr. and Mrs. Belloq–the couple who lived there–awoke to a humming noise, looked out and saw that only a few meters over the treetops was the flying disc. It had no lights and no windows, and ascended after hovering a few more minutes and flew off slowly in the direction of the city of Tandil.
Source: UFO Newsclipping Service, September 1978, p. 13; George Eberhart, A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies, p. 380
Date: June 28 1978
Location: Sarandi, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Time: 0730A
Summary: Ivar Manuel Melano was in his back terrace tending his plants and listening to the radio when suddenly a strange creature appeared in front of him, standing only a few feet away. Before he saw the creature he felt a very strong heat wave from an unknown source. He described the creature as about 1.40 meters in height, “dirty” in appearance. With a generally oval shaped body and head, it had two thin arm-like protrusions, two on each side, and two short thin legs. It did not have any noticeable eyes, and his face appeared to be covered with “acne”, the witness could see a barely noticeable mouth. The creature also had huge pointy ears and long strands of hair dangling down from each side of its head. The skin appeared to be brown in color or very tanned. He wore a tight-fitting brown diving suit with three large oval shaped buttons, which every once in a while emitted bright red flashes of light in different directions. Surprised the witness asked the strange creature what was he doing in his terrace, the creature answered, apparently in a strange language, which sounded like “Guru guru guru” to the witness, but he was somehow able to comprehend, “I am here to help you”. He asked the witness for two plants, preferably two pine saplings since according to the creature that species was predominant on earth. The witness agreed and gave the creature two of the saplings then he continued working on his plants. The creature then told the witness that he liked the planet earth mainly because of the “double life” that it possessed. The witness was not quite sure what the alien meant by double life, and the alien explained that we on earth had life under the water and in the air. The alien went on to say that humans possessed a perverse intelligence, not like the intelligence they possessed. That the humans thought out things too much, that always planned everything ahead, that was totally unnecessary where he was from. The alien then went on to say that he was from the planet “Mars”. That they did not have vegetation over there; he also mentioned that they did not sleep at night in Mars. (?). The witness was also told that the earth on Mars was very hot and lacked water. At one point the witness seemed to experienced a memory lapse and does not remember how the alien left, all of the sudden he was no longer there. Some dark stains were found on the terrace in the area where the alien stood. One of the pine saplings that the alien handled atrophied and did not grow normally; it grew in a sort of mutated manner. The witness still possesses the sapling, which he showed investigators.
Source: Pablo y Silvana Cano, Silvia Pallotto, Daniel Szaucer, and Daniel Valverdi Andrea y Sylvia Simondini
Date: June 1978
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