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Date: July 1978
Location: Coldwater Creek California
Time: 1500
Summary: The lone witness was panning for gold when he looked up to see a hovering dark object. Inside through an opening he could see two humanoid figures looking down on him. The witness waved at the figures, but there was no response, the craft then flew silently away.
Source: NUFORC
Date: July 1978
Location: Germany, exact location not given
Time: late afternoon
Summary: The witness reported that he was walking in a wooded area near an artificial lake when he suddenly heard beautiful music coming from some nearby trees. A very tall man then appeared near him, he wore a silvery white uniform and had beautiful shiny white shoulder length hair, large bright blue eyes and a bronze complexion. The witness felt unimportant and insignificant at the man’s presence, but felt love and compassion emanating from the being. After a brief telepathic communication with the witness, the being rose up into the air and vanished. No UFO was reported in connection with this event.
Source: Ulrich Magin
Date: July 1978
Location: Corsico Italy
Time: night
Summary: A night security guard was conducting his rounds in his vehicle at a housing development when he came upon a dark form in the middle of a clearing. Thinking of possible thieves he armed himself with a gun and went to investigate. The form was the size of a large truck. Approaching, the witness could now see it was an object shaped like an upturned cup. It rested on several leg like protrusions and had a small dome on top. Two medium size men of normal appearance were moving around the object. They both wore tight fitting skin divers outfits. The men bend down as if collecting something from the ground. Finally as the witness watched the men disappeared from sight. Moments later the object rose one meter from the ground, then lifted up vertically and left at high speed.
Source: Maurizio Verga, “Itacat”
Date: July 1 1978
Location: Oreland Pennsylvania
Time: 0200A
Summary: The main witness and some friends had been camping out in his backyard, which is adjacent to a golf course. As he lay in the tent he noticed a bright blue light coming from the golf course area. Opening the tent, he noticed an object resembling a half dome with a small protrusion coming from the top of the dome. The craft was oriented like a half moon in a vertical position rather than flat. There also appeared to be a base to the dome, cylindrical in shape, attached to the flat side of the dome. The object moved from east to west over the fairway, and the witness lost sight of it at the far end of the fairway. A few minutes later his friends joined him but they had not seen the object. They all went to sleep. Around 0200A the witness woke up in order to relieve himself. As he climbed out of the tent he noticed a faint blue glow from the west. Then the beam of his flashlight illuminated something about 20 feet away. He could see that it was a human shaped figure about 5-feet tall that stood motionless on the other side of a small hedge. The figure’s skin appeared grayish in color and the eyes were a burnt yellow color. It seemed to be wearing a skintight gray body suit. Stunned the witness stared at the being for about 5 seconds, it then seemed to dive on the ground and disappear. The next morning the witness and his friends found in an area by a nearby quarry an area of flattened grass. Also on the spot where the being had disappeared they found a rough outline of a person in the grass, browned grass when the surrounding grass was green.
Source: NUFORC
Date: July 4 1978
Location: Mt. Etna Catania Italy
Time: evening
Summary: Four military personnel from the local Navy Air base felt a strange compulsion to ascend the slopes of the volcano; there they saw three red pulsating objects overhead, one landed. It was a domed disc shaped craft with red and yellow lights. The group then encountered two tall golden haired white robed beings accompanied by three shorter large headed beings wearing helmets and silvery suits. The humanoids made several hand gestures towards the witnesses. The witnesses then quickly drove away from the area.
Source: Richard Hall, Mufon Journal # 153
Date: July 4 1978
Location: Santa Paula, CA
Time: 3:15 PM.
Summary: A small domed disc-shaped object, about 3-4 feet in diameter with rotating parts on top, made a head-on pass at two witnesses in an airplane
Source: International UFO Reporter, August 1978, p. 4
Date: July 4 1978
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time: 3:15 PM.
Summary: US private aircraft at 2800′, two witnesses, 1 minute
Source: Haines printout
Date: July 4 1978
Location: Schaumburg, IL
Time: 3:45 PM.
Summary: 34-year old school principal watched a distinctly outlined metallic sphere the size of airplane rush in from the East (Chicago) at speed faster than a/c exceptionally high. Object stopped dead over his house and remained stationary for 2-3 minutes. Then it started rising from slight veer to south until out of sight.
Source: IUR,3,8
Date: July 1978
Location. Bagley Minnesota
Date: July 4 1978
Time: night
It was late at night and the witness had been asleep. He remembers as if he were sleepwalking. Walking towards the back door of the house with two or three entities. In addition there were two to three more with his son, plus possible additional entities in the house. When he noticed the entities with his son he became angry and more awake. The entities were facing away from him. But when he yelled for his son, several entities turned around to face him. The entities were described as short, about 4-feet tall, with no discernible clothing. They had no hair, and their skin was gray and wrinkled. There was no discernible nose, ears, or mouth, and he could not see their eye color. He could not tell anything about their hands and fingers. He noticed no apparent genitalia. He also could not remember sensing any odor. The entities movement was stiff legged, not very fluid. They were very close to him, but did not touch him. He could sense a subtle form of control over him, but no actual communication. He got the impression they were not intelligent, but just drones or minions. He felt a sense of purpose of some other entity, which controlled them. His son (4 years of age) then hit an entity on the face. The entity did not appear to react, respond or even to understand this reaction. At this point he shut his eyes and remembers nothing more of the encounter.
Source: Craig R Lang Mufon
Date: July 5 1978: Spanish Encounter – Motorist Sees Humanoid Being from UFO
Date: July 6 1978: Francisco and Carmelo Nuñez Encounter
Date: July 8 1978
Location: Lempdes Puy De Dome France
Time: midnight
Summary: A motorist sees a sharp white gleam of light some 300 meters ahead on the road. As he arrives at the curve, he sees that the gleam comes from a mass approximately 5 m in height of which he does not distinguishes the base and which is positioned over a quay on the side of the road. The top was rounded in the form of a dome, surmounted by a white light. As he drove by he saw through a transparent wall of the object numerous human like figures wearing helmets and tight-fitting combination suits. He drove away and later came back with his wife and her mother who saw two zigzagging luminous points of red-orange and green lights. At the spot ground traces were found.
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine Pierre Delval, Contacts of the 4th type.
Date: July 8 1978
Location: Katta-Kurgan, Uzbekistan
Time: 11:45 PM.
Summary: An 80 meter long ovoid object flew over toward the southeast, then landed in a vineyard at 11:45 p.m. Ground marks were later found on the ground, and the vegetation (grape vines) were affected.
Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 14162, citing Illobrand von Luviger, UFOs – Zeugen and Zeichen, p. 363
Date: July 1978
Location. Butler Ohio
Date: July 9 1978
Time: 2300
Two young men walking along the railroad tracks at the outskirts of town suddenly heard a noise from the brush ahead. The youths looked and saw a huge seven-foot tall figure with large red glowing eyes. One of the witnesses panicked and ran home, the second remained transfixed by the apparition and was unable to move. The being was apparently beckoning to the young man to approach. The entity was described as having a huge round head, large red eyes and was making an unusual growling noise. The witness was finally able to flee the area.
Source: Ron Schaffner, UFO Ohio Yearbook 1979
Date: July 1978
Location. Near Bellville Ohio
Date: July 10 1978
Time: 2200
A carload of area residents were parked at the local railroad crossing when they noticed a huge dark figure with red glowing eyes that appeared to be in a slumped position standing over the tracks. The frightened witnesses fled the area and later notified the police.
Source: Ron Schaffner, UFO Ohio Yearbook 1979
Date: July 11 1978
Location: Can Cifre, Ibiza, Spain
Time: 1300
Summary: Two young children were playing in an empty field near the Can Fita farm when they heard a loud sound coming from some nearby woods. Somewhat apprehensive and thinking it could be some kind of animal, they climbed down the tree they had been playing in and were confronted by a strange being robot-like in appearance. The humanoid had a brilliant metallic body, which reflected the bright sunlight and had two antenna-like protuberances on top of its head and large slit like eyes and mouth. To their horror the humanoid suddenly began moving towards them using incredibly long jumps. Both boys ran towards a nearby barbwire fence and were astonished to see another bizarre figure standing just in front some nearby trees. They describe the second figure as a man over 2 meters in height, bearded and with long black hair and wearing a long white cape that was flowing in the wind. The white tunic reached the ground and had its upper section two black horizontal stripes and something resembling a star that appeared to be knitted on the chest area. Their fear became greater as they realized that both figures had apparently emerged from a huge object that was partially hidden behind some nearby electrical pylons. As they ran to the nearby town they were chased by a bright blue light most of the way. Later strange tracks were found at the site of the encounter.
Source: Iker Jimenez, Encuentros, La Historia de Los Ovni en España
Date: July 11 1978: Alto Da Mooca, Sao Paulo, Brazil Encounter
Date: July 1978
Location. Butler Ohio
Date: July 12 1978
Time: night
A man and his daughter were pitching hay from their half built barn when a slow freight train approached on the nearby tracks. The train began to sound its horn at different intervals. The man walked back into the house while his daughter decided to investigate why the train was making so much noise. She then came upon a huge bigheaded figure with glowing red orange eyes that began to emit a very foul odor and a high pitch scream. The girl dropped her flashlight and ran from the area terrified.
Source: Ron Schaffner, UFO Ohio Yearbook 1979
Date: July 12 1978
Location: Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Time: 10:15 PM.
Summary: A watch stopped when an orange glowing domed disc-shaped UFO came out from under the clouds 13 kilometers from the mountain town of Wiener Neustadt, Austria. The two witnesses reported that the object then simply vanished.
Source: Ernst Berger, MUFON UFO Journal, June 1978, p. 3
Date: July 13 1978
Location: Las Vegas Nevada
Date: July 16 1978
Location: northern part of Iran
Summary: A Lufthansa airliner flying over the northern part of Iran encountered a glowing UFO floating in the sky. The presence of the object caused electrical interference with the aircraft’s instruments.
Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, September 1978, p. 2
Date: July 16 1978
Location: Farningham, England
Time: 9:00 PM.
Summary: A metallic gray cigar-shaped object descended over a highway, causing a car on the highway to stop. The witness reported that the car was then levitated inside a beam and brought up inside the craft through an opening.
Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 12725
Date: July 16 1978
Location: Iracauba, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: JRB and his family observed a dome shaped metallic object land on a field and a short humanoid with greenish skin and large oval shaped eyes briefly come out. It re-entered the object, which then took off.
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Date: July 16, 1978
Location: Martins Bay, Beachav, New Zealand
Time: 09:00p
Summary: on July 16, 1978, at 09:00, in Martins Bay, Beachav, New Zealand, three “objects” about 40 feet across were observed “in a bedroom, for several hours” by a female witness named Arnerich. The web catalogue says occupants of “the craft” were seen, and animal reactions to the objects were reported.
Source: Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; SATCU, Xenolog, Timaru, ISBN:0-8092-3121-2.
Date: July 17 1978
Location: Orebro Sweden
Time: 0300A
Summary: The witness was sleeping with his family when he suddenly woke up feeling a presence in the room; he lifted his head and spotted a four-foot tall creature at the foot of the bed. The creature was grayish green in color and transparent, with club like hands and no discernible facial features. Somehow the humanoid pulled the blanket off the witness and put both its hands on the witness foot. The witness felt a terrible pain shoot through him and jumped up screaming form his bed, the creature turned around and floated out the open balcony and up into the air. Strange half moon shaped marks was found on the witness foot. Severe physical aftereffects were reported.
Source: J O Sundverg, UFO Universe Spring 1993
Date: July 17 1978
Location: Castanheira de Pera, Portugal
Time: 5:30 AM.
Summary: A one-meter diameter sphere was seen spinning 1.5 meters above the ground. At the site witnesses found scorched earth and burnt rocks.
Source: Victor Lourenco, PORTUCAT: Portugal UFO computer database, case 221
Date: July 17 1978
Location. South London England
Date: July 17 1978
Time: 1945
A woman had gone out to the park with her two daughters and was resting on the grass while her daughters played ahead, when suddenly an orange sphere of light descended from the sky and landed a few yards from the witness. Two five-foot tall men approached the witness from the direction of the object; they seemed to be wearing brown uniforms with peaked caps, with buttons on their chest. The beings stood in front of the witness talking in an unknown language. The witness then glanced to her side and saw the image of her father that had been dead for six years (!). At this point the witness collapsed feeling cold and drained of energy. She later had to be hospitalized.
Source: Jenny Randles, UFO Reality
Date: July 1978
Location. Cayey Puerto Rico
Date: July 17 1978
Time: 2205
The witness and her family were preparing to go to bed when a strong light shone through the bedroom window. The witness tells her husband to go and check and he goes over to the children’s rooms to check on them. Suddenly a bright light enters the bedroom and two short figures appear at the bedroom door. These are described as four-foot tall, with a large head, huge dark slanted eyes, two small holes for a nose and a slit like mouth. They had long thin arms and fingers and wore tight fitting silvery outfits and gloves. One of the beings approached the witness and touched her, apparently causing her to calm down and relax. She then was taken by her hand and led outside and floated into a hovering object. Inside she found herself in a large stainless steel room where two short humanoids operated several devices. She was then led out of the room through a curved metallic hallway brightly lit by an unknown source. She was made to lie down on a cot and saw a terminal like instrument descend form the ceiling and hover over her. On the screen the witness was able to see numerous internal organs, apparently hers. The short humanoids gesticulated among themselves and pointed at the screen several times. Moments later one of the beings placed a small box with multicolored lights on the witness head. At this point she began receiving messages in her head. Soon a tall human like being entered the room; he wore a silvery uniform, with a large wide belt and thin gloves. He was well built, with short black hair, dark almond shaped eyes and with a somewhat pale complexion. The witness was then given a complete medical exam in which various samples were taken from her. The tall human like being communicated extensively with the witness. She was apparently cured of a kidney disease she had and was given dire warning about the future of humanity as a whole.
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 20
Date: July 18 1978
Location: Near Xalostoc, Jalisco, Mexico
Time: night
Summary: A couple named Goytortua were traveling on the Jalisco Road when they encountered a huge red light hovering over the road. Three bizarre “amorphous” entities exited the object. These were described as almost globular in nature. The creatures stood in front of the vehicle emitting an extremely foul and nauseating odor. The driver attempted to put the car in reverse as his wife screamed in terror next to him but the vehicle would not respond. As the creatures approached the vehicle the temperature fell to almost below zero level. The creatures apparently wanted the witnesses to exit the car but these stayed inside. They finally re-entered the craft, which shot away at high speed. Both witnesses suffered from a classic case of radiation poisoning and also suffered from nightmares and found strange red marks on their bodies.
Source: Ruben Manrique
Date: July 18 1978
Location: Lurate Caccivio, Italy
Summary: A red-orange object hovered over Lurate Caccivio, Italy. It resumed revolving and emitted a hissing sound as it departed.
Source: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence: Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 349
Date: July 19, 1978
Location: Hopson, Tennessee
Summary: someone named Knowll, on 19 July 1978, in Hopson, Tennessee, USA, had a close encounter with an unidentified craft and its occupants.
Source: Eberhart, George Eberhart listed in his “A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies” 1980
Date: June 21, 1978
Location: Mindoro Island, Philippines
Summary: In 1993, author Jerome Clark, discussing merfolk, said that in the Summer of 1978, Jacinto Fetalvero, a fisherman from the Filipines, let slip the secret of a recent fishing success: one moonlight night, he had met a beautiful mermaid, with “amiable blue eyes, reddish cheekds, and green scales on her tail”, and she helped him secure a lot of fishes. He was ridiculed and did not want to talk about it anymore. By trace of press, I learned that it reportedly occurred on June 21, 1978, off the coast of Mindoro, that Jacinto Fetalvero was from the coastal city of Sablayan, and that he had said that he had three companions with him when he had met the mermaid.
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Date: July 22 1978
Location: Near Green River Wyoming
Time: afternoon
Summary: Two women, Mickie Eckert and Kathy Echard were driving on Interstate 80 and reported encountering different type of phenomena including mysterious lights and objects that followed their car and hovered over the area. At one point they saw numerous large trucks that turned into domed disc shaped objects that flew off. On another occasion they saw a bizarre black dog like creature with blazing red eyes next to their car. Next, one of the women saw a short child like figure in their back seat. Finally their vehicle seemed to have been transported to another dimension, the sun turned a strange gray color and became abnormally large. Then several figures wearing white spacesuit-like outfits and carrying tubes and pipe like objects were seen standing on the middle of the roadway walking back and forth. Then bright blue lights appeared and everything seemed to disappear. There is a possibility of missing time in this case.
Source: Sean Devaney, Unsolved UFO Sightings Fall 1994
Date: July 22 1978
Location: Perote, Veracruz, Mexico
Time: 2000
Summary: On July 22, 1978, Rosendo Hernandez Garcia, 33 years old, and Sergio Perdomo, drove from the town of Perote towards Martinez de la Torre, in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. They were in a truck of a bottling company, Perdomo was driving. According to Hernandez, when they arrived at a junction of the way with directions towards Valsequillo or Pueblo, Perdomo stopped the truck and “instantaneously fell asleep.” Hernandez said that himself had “felt compelled to get out or the truck” and to walk in a certain direction. Soon, he reportedly found himself confronted to “a very intense light of fluorescent appearance” described later as a “spaceship” in the shape of two plates stuck together and approximately 5 meters in diameter. In the “light” were “shining beings”, humanoids according to some sources, approximately 1.5 meters tall, in front of whom he felt much fear and a very intense feeling of cold. At this moment, two beings took him by the arms and carried him inside the “spaceship” , where the beings sat down in “anatomic seats” and installed Hernandez in another identical seat between the two others. Hernandez said he then felt like “having floated and having wandered between the stars”, he would also say that the experience “had the characteristics of an illusion.” In the ship, there were only the armchairs and on their right, a lever which, actuated, made the craft take off with a noise “similar to that of a cat’s purr.” Suddenly, without remembering anything more, and after a period of time he could not specify, he found himself on the ground and blinded by the intensity of the external lights of the spaceship. In panic, he ran towards the road again, where he succeeded in stopping a taxi which brought him to the town of Perote, where he was jailed for public disorder. Released, he returned home, feeling “disgust” and a strong headache. Later, the taxi driver who had brought him to Perote, Benigno Sanchez Brito, stated he had found Hernandez in the middle of a nervous breakdown; which was confirmed by the chief of the police force of the city, Leobardo Balderas Perez. According to Sanchez Brito, Hernandez yelled that “they” had carried him inside a spaceship, he shouted so that the taxi driver took him along and he finally threatened the if he did not want to obey. Alarmed, Sanchez made a statement to the police force when he arrived at Perote, this prompted Hernandez’ arrest. Local ufologists Hector Chavarria and Fernando Tellez investigated the case, and revealed serious discrepancies between the story by Hernandez and what had really happened. According to Perdomo, Hernandez and him had drunk beer and had stopped the truck in order to rest a while because he started to drowse and he thought it would be very dangerous to go on driving in these circumstances. Hernandez did not remember any more where the alleged “spaceship” had landed, and no trace of the latter was found during an examination of the ground. Tellez and Chavarria thus thought that Hernandez’ story was a possible fraud, with not very clear intentions. Later, Hernandez claimed to receive a series of messages from the space beings, he apparently went into the contactees business, with little success. In spite of the negative opinion of the two local investigators, the case entered without any reserve and in form of a short summary in at least two ufology catalogues, letting think that it was at the time of his close encounter that the beings communicated to him by telepathy that he was to inform mankind about future disasters, whose nature is not specified.
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Date: July 22, 1978
Location: Monroe City, Indiana
Time: 23:20
Summary: on July 22, 1978, at 23:20, in Monroe City, Indiana, USA, there was a close encounter with a an unidentified craft and its occupants. One object was observed by one witness on a road.
Source: Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Report
Date: July 23, 1978
Location: Evanston Wyoming
Time: at 01:00
Summary: on July 23, 1978, at 01:00, near Evanston on the I-80, Wyoming, USA, a UFO incident involving two housewives aged about 30 took place, and was explained as “Psychological.” “Gravity effects” were mentioned, “Telepathic phenomena” are said to have occurred. The incident is said to have lasted “six hours.”
Source: David Webb in his HUMCAT catalogue, and the “International UFO Reporter”, CUFOS’s ufology magazine.
Date: July 1978
Location. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Date: July 23 1978
Time: 2130
10-year old Marcos Aurelios & his younger sister were walking on the beach when they watched what appeared to be a “moon” tumbling into the waters. Soon multicolored lights appeared on a lighted area in the water. Then a beam of “solid” light appeared on the water and the figure of a man wearing a one-piece coverall appeared and began “walking” on the beam of light towards the beach. The figure disappeared when it reached the shore. Afraid, the young witnesses ran from the area.
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Date: July 23 1978
Location: Lake Michigan
Summary: Several Coast Guard stations observed cigar-shaped object with same pattern of body lights, moving at very high rate of speed
Date: July 26 1978
Location: Barnehurst Kent England
Time: afternoon
Summary: Mrs Clark was stunned to discover that while she had been busily working in her garden, a “helicopter” had descended from the skies to hover just a few feet over her head. Startled, she glanced up and saw two men in the cockpit; one of them was looking directly at her. Coming to her senses, Mrs Clark made a beeline for her house. When she looked again the helicopter had vanished. Later she realized that the incident had been even stranger than she had first thought. The helicopter had made no noise, in contrast to its usual deafening activity. On top of that it had carried no markings or landing gear. Furthermore, the cockpit glass seemed to be a simple globe rather than the standard design.
Source: David Clarke, Nigel Watson Phantom Helicopters over Britain
Date: July 27 1978
Location: Union, MO
Summary: Woman reported brilliantly lighted object buzzed her car, briefly lifted it off road
Date: July 27 1978
Location: Sheffield Village, OH
Summary: Elongated object with flashing lights, humming sound, close to ground, moved up and down for about 15 minutes, flew away. Trouble restarting engine.
Source: International UFO Reporter, September 1978, see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 72 (E,L) car
Date: July 27-28 1978
Location: Union, MO
Summary: Rash of UFO sightings reported to police over two days, probably including Delta Aquarid meteors
Date: July 28 1978
Location: Ludington, MI/ Two Rivers,WI
Time: 8:20 PM.
Summary: [Dick seems to have a little blurb on this in the list under the wrong date, and a generic Lake Michigan location]. There was an “early” report of something over the southern part of Lake Michigan, Benton Harbor, MI area, but whether this is part of the main case is unknown.
Source: CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth]. )
Date: July 28 1978
Location: Ludington, MI
Time: 11:45 PM.
Summary: The coast guard station gets a phone call from a citizen who reports that two people have seen a strange object over the lake. Coast Guardsman Don Clark sees it too. He says that he along with others saw a cluster of white lights, one of them flashing, and one steady green light, near the shoreline. It was “very, very bright”. It proceeded westerly and then accelerated silently over the horizon “faster than a plane”. As the object was heading towards their sister station at Two Rivers,WI , Ludington radioed them about the object.
Source: CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth]. )
Date: July 28 1978
Location: Ludington, MI
Time: 11:57 PM.
Summary: Six coastguardsmen were at the window of the station to watch it show up. What they thought they saw was a cylinder or ball with a variety of colored lights. These lights were white, red, green, orange, blue, and flashing one light at a time. Their brilliance was such that it hurt the eyes. The thing passed at a distance of about 5 miles, and for all they could tell was silent. Pictures were taken. If it could be assumed that this was the same object as on the Michigan side [a real coincidence if it were not], then a rather easy calculation of ~1200mph crossing speed was make-able. The thing wobbled as it flew, and then stopped abruptly, looking as if it had “hit a brick wall”. It then whisked out of sight “in seconds”. Then the personnel called a third station [at Sturgeon Bay, WI], warning them.
Source: CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth]. )
Date: July 28 1978
Location: Sturgeon Bay
Time: Midnight
Summary: Coast guard personnel saw the same or similar looking object passing by at high speed and at higher altitude.
Source: CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth].
Date: July 29 1978
Location: Ludington, MI
Time: 12:01 AM.
Summary: Ludington personnel saw a second object, moving at very high speed and flashing red lights and a strobe-like appearance. Three minutes later it was within eyesight of Two Rivers, who described it the same way.
Source: CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth].
Date: July 29 1978
Location: Green Bay, WI
Time: 12:25 AM.
Summary: Lighthouse reported what could have been the same object, described as very fast and flashing red and white lights erratically.
Source: CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth].
Date: July 29 1978
Location: Green Bay, WI
Time: 12:45 AM.
Summary: Another odd light showed up, possibly part of all this or possibly just “excitement” [as it lacked some of the strangeness of the other multi-witnessed sightings]. There may be more to all this but later sightings get more controversial. The main loose end is the film. The photographer didn’t trust anyone else with the film and had it developed locally. The pictures [not seen by this writer but broadcast on national television] supposedly show a somewhat streaky set of colored lights. A myth grew up that this film had been mysteriously lost after being sent to the CG office in Cleveland, OH, but that apparently applies to a second set of pictures taken by another person of an “event” that sounds like stars which occurred on a later day.
Source: CUFOS sighting report forms by Gary Randall [Two Rivers CG], and Don Clark [Ludington CG]; “Complete details on that Michigan Coast Guard case”, International UFO Reporter 4 (2): August 1979; Traverse City(MI) RECORD EAGLE, August 4, 1978; Muskegon(MI) CHRONICLE, July 30, 1978. [sighting was also written up in the National Inquirer,February 13, 1979 for what that is worth].
Date: July 29, 1978
Location: Palm Springs, California
Time: 10:30 p.m.
Summary: on 29 July 1978 at 22:30 in Palm Springs, California, USA, “An abduction of a witness was reported. One object was observed by one witness at a house.”
Source: Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports” and Eberhart, George M., A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies, Greenwood Press, Westport, 1980, ISBN:0-313-21337-2
Date: July 30, 1978: Nyons, France Sighting/Encounter
Date: July 1978
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