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(Last Updated On: )
Date: early January 1978
Location: Tehran Iran
Time: unknown
Summary: 12-year old Sara claims to have communicated with a “space being” 5 times in a 7-day period. The creature was about 6 ft 7 inches tall, had arms 3 times the length of humans and was covered with black fur. It identified itself as “HONOR” and said he was 10 light years ahead of Earth. The creature apparently gave Sara poltergeist like powers, as she is allegedly able to unplug wall sockets, move furniture and turn the radio on and off without touching any of the items.
Source: Robert E Bartholomew, UFO Lore
Date: January 1978
Location: Near Gateshead Tyne and Wear England
Time: 0350A
Summary: The witness suddenly woke up to the sound of a high-pitched buzz that seemed to be coming from inside her head. This happened several nights in a row until one night when somebody took hold of her hand. All she saw was the arm of the person that was holding her, she was afraid to look. A glowing bluish suit covered the arm of the being. She was able somehow to see through her own hand as if were an X-ray photo. Finally the figure left and the buzzing sound ended.
Source: Jenny Randles, Mind Monsters
Date: January 1978
Location: Near Puyehue, Chile
Time: evening
Summary: Don Gaspar and several other men were traveling by minibus during a business trip when they noticed a light on a nearby clearing on the side of the road. They stopped the bus and Gaspar ran towards the light. There was a sudden flash and Gaspar stopped on his tracks seemingly reduced to ashes (!). Two figures exited the hovering light and using a device resembling a large aspirator (vacuum cleaner) absorbed what was left of Gaspar into what appeared to be a large aluminum bag. Somehow in this condition Gaspar was made to understand that he was going to be reconstituted onboard the object. Soon he found himself in a room surrounded by a very white light, brighter on the top and more opaque towards the bottom. The room resembled a doctor’s examining room with a single bed in the center. Gaspar met several man-like humanoids very similar to humans except for very subtle differences especially in the area of the hands. He was given a thorough examination that included his heart, head and genitalia. A blond extraterrestrial female was later brought into the room and clearly communicated to Gaspar via telepathy that the wished to mate with him as part of an “experiment”. He was also told that human’s life span was too short for their purposes. Soon he was returned to his friends, who were sleeping peacefully in the bus and later as he stood around talking with them, his parka and several other belongings suddenly burst into flames. Soon after the incident the witness vision improved dramatically and a strange mark appeared on his forehead.
Source:Jorge Anfruns, Conozca Mas Año 4 # 6
Date: January 1978
Location: Warkworth New Zealand
Time: night
Summary: A young couple saw a bright light in the sky. They shone a flashing light at it and it quickly descended and landed nearby. It was a glowing silvery saucer shaped craft. A door opened and a very tall figure stood there. The witnesses then waved at the figure that then waved back. The door then closed and the craft rose and left.
Source: Keith Basterfield, Mufon Journal # 177
Date: January 1978
Location: Between Orlando and Jacksonville Florida
Time: night
Summary: Five witnesses were driving on a deserted stretch of road when a red luminous object descended behind some trees near them. They reached their destination 2 hours late. Later dreams revealed that they had been abducted by small gray skin humanoids and possibly examined. No other information.
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Date: January 1978
Location: Curitiba, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: Claudia accompanied her young son Cristovao, to the elevator so he could go down to play. In the elevator they met a strange man that smiled at Cristovao. Later worried about her son not returning home early she went to ask the doorman about her son and this one told her that he had not seen him get out of the elevator. They searched in vain for young Cristovao the rest of the night. Around the same time strange events were occurring in the apartment: objects were moving on their own volition and a sound similar to a “beep” was constantly heard. The next morning around 0800A an employee at a local power plant discovered Cristovao sleeping on the grounds of the plant. According to Clauida, Cristovao was emitting a very strong odor and told her an incredible story about boarding a “rocket” that took him to a yellow moon, from there he was taken to an even larger “moon.” There he encountered a man and a woman that appeared to lack mouths. The humanoids apparently inserted some items in Cristovao’s head and gave him rice and fish to eat and a reddish gaseous drink. In that place Cristovao saw other children. He was later placed on a small bed, covered with a blanket and allowed to sleep. He told his mother that they would one day return for him. She also discovered several marks on he son’s skin that had not been there previously. He kept pointing at the region of the sky where he said the “yellow moon” had appeared. The strange paranormal occurrences around the house continued for a while and then abruptly ceased.
Source: Pablo Villarrubia, Mario Rangel
Date: January 1, 1978: Veteran Pilot Encounters UFO With Portholes
Date: January 1, 1978: London England Sighting
Date: January 2 1978
Location: Victoria, Mahe Seychelles
Time: 20:00
Summary: My mother, sister and her boyfriend saw it first, and called me. It was a triangular shaped cluster of lights, like an invisible delta winged aircraft with lights along the edges of its wings, nose and tail. The lights were bright, greenish and teardrop shaped, like flames. It moved very slowly down the valley below us, making no sound. As it moved away it gathered speed and shrank to a single light, then shot away at incredible speed. That same night, it was sighted in several other places over Mahe and the surrounding sea, each time described differently. Over the airport, witnesses described it as a disc shaped craft with lights all around it, the tracking station described it as a cylinder of lights, and it was seen out at sea as a sphere of lights hovering over the ocean. This was all reported in the local newspaper the following day, complete with illustrations. These sightings were made within minutes of each other, and all the witnesses agreed that it made no sound.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: January 1978
Date: January 2 1978
Location: Simonswood Moss, West Lancashire, U-K
Time: 2300
Four young men were returning home and were driving on an isolated road in a flat boggy area when they realized they had taken a wrong turn onto a narrow dirt road bordering a ditch. Suddenly a seven-foot tall figure appeared in the glare of the headlights eight meters ahead. The being appeared to be wearing a white fluorescent one-piece suit with boots, it had no discernible facial features and it had very short arms ending in claws it also had a box with two flashing red lights on its chest. The figure took two steps towards the witnesses and suddenly stopped. The witnesses now in a state of panic left the area and drove to a nearby farm where they notified the authorities.
Source: Peter Hough, UFOs 1947-1987 The 40-year search for an explanation.
Date: January 1978
Location. Gomez Palacio, Mexico
Date: January 2 1978
Time: late night
A man was sitting in his front room reading late at night when he suddenly looked up to see a tall blond, blue-eyed man in the room. The witness asked, “Who are you?” On receiving no reply he asked, “What are you doing here?” At this point the stranger, whose body was surrounded by a strange glow, turned around without touching the floor. The stranger floated through the doors of two other rooms and into a patio at the rear of the house, followed by the witness. The glow around the man’s body increased and he flew up into the air and out of sight.
Source: Paul R Hill, Apro Bulletin, September 1978
Date: January 4 1978
Location: Kagawa Japan.
Time: 15:00
Date: January 1978
Location. Wrose England
Date: January 4 1978
Time: night
The witness was lying in bed when a short silvery transparent figure suddenly appeared hovering above the bed. It seemed human like and was wearing a monk like robe. It also appeared to have some short wing like protrusions and a bright halo type light around its head. It suddenly vanished in plain sight.
Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters
Date: January 5 1978
Location: Klamath Falls, OR
Summary: V-formation of 10 lights passed plane
Date: January 1978
Location. Santo Antonio De Caparica Estremadura Portugal
Date: January 6 1978
Time: 2230
Two men walking away from a beachfront café saw a bright bluish light flying low above the ocean at high speed in a descending angle. The light then stopped and descended slowly into a wooded area, next to some nearby camping grounds. Both men ran into the wooded area, which was now completely lighted by a bluish light. Upon entering a clearing they saw 8 meters away a huge human like figure, wearing a loose fitting silvery outfit, shiny in appearance. He also wore a large white helmet with a narrow black visor at eye level. The figure stood across from the witnesses and then it turned around and slowly walked towards a hovering metallic bluish saucer shaped craft with a dome on top, that was hovering very close to the ground. Both men became frightened and ran away from the area. During the encounter one of the witnesses felt a peculiar buzzing sound inside his head and suffered from lack of sleep afterwards. The next day ground traces were found at the clearing.
Source: Ballester Olmos, & Fernandez Peri Enciclopedia De Los Encuentros Cercanos Con Ovnis
Date: January 9 1978
Location: South Middleton Massachusetts
Time: 1930
Summary: Two of the witnesses were sitting in their living room, when through the window they saw an approaching large yellowish white light angling towards the ground; one of the witnesses described the object as a yellow orange ball of light. One witness ran out the back door to see the object disappear behind the trees. Telephone interference was reported in the house at the same time. Later one of the children in an upstairs room reported seeing a white figure at the foot of the bed that tried to touch him. Moments later the father heard a noise coming from an empty room, going to investigate he then heard a noise at the window, when he pulled the curtains back he saw a white figure standing on top of the back porch roof. The figure was hooded and seemed to be wearing a mask. Later while investigating a noise at the front porch door the same witness saw the white suited figure standing just outside the glass door.
Source: David Webb, Mufon Journal # 143
Date: January 9 1978
Location: South Middleton Massachusetts
Time: 1930
Summary: Two of the witnesses were sitting in their living room, when through the window they saw an approaching large yellowish white light angling towards the ground; one of the witnesses described the object as a yellow orange ball of light. One witness ran out the back door to see the object disappear behind the trees. Telephone interference was reported in the house at the same time. Later one of the children in an upstairs room reported seeing a white figure at the foot of the bed that tried to touch him. Moments later the father heard a noise coming from an empty room, going to investigate he then heard a noise at the window, when he pulled the curtains back he saw a white figure standing on top of the back porch roof. The figure was hooded and seemed to be wearing a mask. Later while investigating a noise at the front porch door the same witness saw the white suited figure standing just outside the glass door.
Source: David Webb, Mufon Journal # 143
Date: January 9-10 1978
Location: South Middleton Massachusetts
Time: 1430
Summary: The witness was chopping wood just north of his house when he spotted a white suited figure standing on a path about 90 feet away. The figure was described as four and a half foot tall wearing a square helmet with two round eyeholes; it had broad shoulders and arms that hung down its sides. It wore gray mittens each with 3 digits. The witness spoke English and French at the figure but got no significant reaction. After awhile the witness drove back home and on his way there he spotted a large egg shaped object on a slope in a partially wooded area. The object was dark gray in color and had bubble like windows.
Source: David Webb, Mufon Journal # 143
Date: January 1978
Location. Bakers Creek Falls, near Armidale NSW, Australia
Date: January 10 1978
Time: 0400A
A 25-year man encountered two, irregular shaped, bright yellow objects in the night sky near Grafton. One of the objects approached and appeared to slowly move down a mountainside. It seemed to periodically issue a “shower of sparks”. This initial sighting lasted for about 20 minutes. The percipient drove on but had difficulty recollecting the next part of the journey. Some 1/2 hour later, he observed a very bright object, which appeared to be a “chicken coop”. The object was stationary on the ground for 10 minutes, and then it moved. It was a huge elongated object with “portholes”, hovering over the ground. Photographs were taken but only show a blurred yellow shape. The percipient got out of his car and set off into the paddock to try to get closer to the object. However, as he got nearer, the object appeared to retreat into an extensive fog. The percipient advanced and saw the fog retreating out of the ravine. Suddenly the stopped and returned along its original path towards him. It quickly enveloped him reducing visibility to less than 10 ft. The fog was accompanied by a sound similar to a vacuum cleaner. Then the fog quickly dissipated along with the sound, leaving the witness alone. He returned to his car in the morning and noticed two “shockwaves” one minute apart, as if the whole area was suddenly shaken, and then normality. The witness could not recollect up to an hour of the journey despite traveling on a twisting and turning road, which presumably required the driver’s constant attention.
Source: Mark Moravec, PSIUFO Phenomena
Date: January 10 1978
Location: Chicago, IL
Time: 12:25 AM.
Summary: A 31-year-old paramedic was driving to pick up her husband (a policeman) from work when the 3-year-old son drew her attention to a “moving star” nearly overhead. At destination a few seconds later she noted a silver disc-shaped object (“with teacups on top and bottom of saucer”) as large as a full moon moving forward with yellow-orange trail behind as it moved. Saucer stopped, reversed direction, moved forward again and moved off behind building to which she was parked. Trail only visible while object was in motion. 1-2 minutes.
Source: IUR,3,2
Date: January 11 1978
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Summary: Sphere flew below Cessna 150
Date: January 1978
Location. Near Pskov, Russia
Date: January 10 or 15 1978
Time: 2200
Student Vladimir Sergeevich Kharitonov was vacationing in the city visiting his parents. In a clear moon evening he went outside the house to get some fresh air. Suddenly he noticed strange people in his yard. He approached them asking them angrily: “What are you doing in here?” When he did see their faces, he realized, that these were very unusual people. Their faces were covered by some kind of lattice forming an intricate ornament. The faces were not visible behind the smooth fabric, but their chins were clearly visible. The figures were slim & well built. Their height was about 1.80m. One of them was apparently a woman, since he could see long hair protruding from the hood (cowl) descending to the middle of the back. They were all in tight-fitting suits without buttons or visible seams. The material was shiny, like polished titanium. Behind a nearby heap of logs there was a car-sized object, which the aliens invited the witness to. This machine had a transparent cupola on top approximately 2 m in diameter and 1.5 m in height. The darkish lower part was larger and jutted back behind the cupola, and the front section was shorter. The whole thing was round, with no sharp edges. They went inside and sat on seats. The seats were soft, and comfortable. Inside it was very spacious. The “leader” who invited the witness, sat in front. The woman near him, he sat behind, and the third being close to him. The leader shut the door manually. There was no audible sound of moving or click. After that, the white-yellowish control panel started shining in front of him, consisting of transparent buttons approximately 15 x 30 mm each. They sat immobile for about 1 minute. He counted up to 9 rows of buttons with 25 buttons each. He did not noticed them closed an inner door but he felt isolated from “space”. The leader began pressing buttons on the panel; at this point the witness noticed that he had 5 unusual fingers (no details). The machine started slowly ascending, simultaneously rotating around its axis. He saw houses, cars and the road below him. At 40 meters they stopped and faced west. The crew sat calmly, without paying attention to the witness. Suddenly Kharitonov felt a very sharp acceleration of the object and felt a strong vertical ascend. At this moment the witness became frightened and thought he was being abducted and punched the “leader” on the head with his fist. His memory seemed to end at this point or he went unconscious because he next woke up lying on top of the heap of logs where he the craft had originally sat.
Source: V N Fomenko, Sol Shulman Extraterrestrials over Russia Stunning Facts and New Hypothesis, Moscow 1990
Date: January 14 1978
Location: Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Time: 0600A
Summary: In the basement of the local water sports complex “Oktyabrenok”, Mikhail Babkin suddenly stumbled on the smooth concrete floor and fell to his left against a concrete wall; he apparently was gone for one hour. He returned conversely the same manner in which he had disappeared. He thought he had been gone only for 5 minutes. During the period of his disappearance he was by himself in a small room. All around him stood five strange humanoids with square heads (or helmets?). Looking out the window he saw a bright sunny day and the tops of trees rocking as if in a strong wind (it was during the middle of winter). This occurred in the presence of 3 witnesses who frantically searched for Babkin to no avail.
Source: X-Libri UFO, Russia
Date: January 1978
Date: January 14 1978
Location: Redding California
Time: night
Summary: The witness woke up in the middle of the night to see a strange entity standing near her bed. It was described as having a flat head, large eyes, and a big nose; it appeared to extend its arms over her.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Confrontation A scientist Search for Alien Contact
Date: January 15 1978
Location: Washington County, IN.
Time: 7:10 PM.
Summary: A single engine Sundowner flying from Evansville, Indiana to Cincinnati, Ohio, encountered a UFO flying a collision course approximately 22 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky. The pilot accompanied by his instructor and girlfriend, related that he was flying at 5,500′ when he spotted two bright lights at eye level at some unknown distance ahead. Suddenly one of the white lights began to move horizontally away from the stationary light, then it made a perfect circle, and then another, while remaining at the same distance. The erratic behavior continued for several minutes, then the animated object became brighter, looking like a “blob” and began what appeared to the pilot to head in a collision course with the Sundowner, As the blob came menacingly closer, the pilot, fearful of collision dove his craft down 1,000 feet. In an instant, the white blob streaked overhead and out of view. When the pilot arrived in Cincinnati he called the Standiford Control Tower in Louisville. He was told they had no UFO confirmed by radar, but had received calls from people in the area who had seen a UFO.
Source: MUJ-122,8
Date: January 18 1978: Fort Dix / McGuire AFB Case
Date: January 18 1978
Location: Anlaby North Humberside England
Time: evening
Summary: Four young men were playing in the local schoolyard when they heard a sharp whistling sound and looked up to see a round silvery object with windows, and changing colors landing on the flat roof of the schoolhouse. Three beings emerged from the object. They were described as small and wearing gold colored suits and lacking any arms. Tubes came from their backs and apparently were connected into the object. As the witness watched, the beings ran back into the object which took off slowly, one of the witnesses saw through a hole in the bottom the beings apparently returning to some seats inside the craft.
Source: Nigel Watson, Strange Magazine # 10
Date: January 19 1978
Location: Longview, Washington
Time: 1715
Six young boys were playing soccer on a field when they saw a luminous disc shaped object flying over the area. It flew at treetop level then stopped and descended to the ground without making a sound. Four of the boys ran terrified to their houses and two remained behind. Two cousins, Manoel Roberto & Paulinho Roberto had stayed behind. The children told their parents and a search for the two cousins ensued. Later after midnight a telephone call from the police alerted the family of Manoel Roberto that he had been picked up by an engineer Mr. Touro in the nearby city of Rondonopolis, cold and hungry and looking for shelter. Later he narrated that as the object landed his cousin Paulinho and himself also tried to run but were unable to move. They were then attracted towards the object. Inside the craft they found themselves in a large room where there was only a chair and a button. In the room there were also eight short humanoids, wearing reddish rubbery tight-fitting suits, there faces were human-like. Both boys remained on the chair unable to move, until one of the short men approached and passed his hand over the side of the chair. Later the object landed in Rondonopolis and Manoel was let go by the humanoids. Around the same time there was a reported power outage in the area. His cousin Paulinho has never been seen or heard from again. His whereabouts remain unknown.
Source: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez, ONIFE-CEP
Date: January 1978
Location. Moscow, Russia
Date: January 20 1978
time: 0500A
A father and son awoke like they usually did to the traditional morning run with their dog. From the start, the dog’s behavior was uncommon; he hid under the bed and refused to come up. It was necessary to drag him by the collar and then it obediently began to run with the men along Korolev Street. Suddenly the dog stopped in its tracks and began to howl. Both men also stopped and noticed standing about 15 meters away a strange figure about 3 meters in height. The figure was dressed in overalls, which reflected the moonlight; it stood still slightly moving its hands. The head appeared to be directly connected to its shoulders without a visible neck. On its back it had an apparatus resembling a large oxygen tank. The figure then began to move has hands slow motion pointing towards the witnesses. Even though it was cold, both men felt a cold wind flow in their directions and a feeling of horror overwhelmed them. Suddenly the dog rushed towards the strange figure and both men heard an audible high-pitched tone, and immediately, after placing its arms straight on the side of its body the figure rose up straight into the air and disappeared from sight.
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Date: January 1978
Date: January 24 1978
Location: between Leicester and Hinckley, England
Time: 7:00 PM.
Summary: At least 17 people saw a delta-shaped object that flew low overhead, making no noise. It had steady red, blue, and yellow lights and as it headed south from Leicester it was seen by 12 more witnesses in Hinckley. There was also a sighting earlier that evening of an unusual nocturnal light by a married couple in Patcham, East Sussex, England.
Source: Philip J. Imbrogno, Contact of the 5th Kind, p. 18; Awareness, July 1978, p. 5
Date: January 27, 1978
Location: Clarksville, Tennessee
Time: 02:00 p.m.
Summary: A very thin summary of a ufology web site indicates that on January 27, 1978, at 02:00 p.m., in Clarksville, Tennessee, USA, there was an abduction, without memories how the witness, named Fender, 48, was taken from the road to a white oval room of 50 feet length. It is said to have lasted an hour, there would have been five small grey beings, and a warning message about disasters in the near future.
Source: David Webb’s catalogue and documents at the Center for UFO Studies
Date: January 1978
Location. Frodsham Cheshire England
Date: January 27 1978
Time: early am
Four men were out pouching in a field next to the River Weaver, when they sighted a silvery balloon like object float along the river and land. It emitted a strong purplish glow that made it hard to look at. Two figures of normal height emerged, they wore silvery suits and had lamps on their heads like miners, and these also glowed purple. Cows on a nearby field seemed to become paralyzed and unable to move. Using a metal cage the figures penned in one of the cows and seemed to measure it. The men then became frightened and ran from the area, as they ran they felt a strange tingling sensation around the groin area.
Source: Jenny Randles, Abduction
Date: January 1978
Location. Chelmsford England
Date: January 28 1978
Time: night
A young couple driving through town saw a bright light descend from the sky in front of them, as it got closer they could see that it was a brightly lit disc shaped craft with a large viewing window where several figures could be seen apparently looking out. The object moved away rapidly and was lost from sight.
Source: Bufora Journal Vol. 7 # 1
Date: January 1978
Date: January 1978
Location. Pine Knot Kentucky
Date: January 28 1978
Time: night
A man running his hunting dogs in a field just south of the city saw a brightly lit disc shaped craft land on a nearby clearing, about 100 yards from the witness. Apparently two eight-foot tall humanoids emerged. These were described as having yellow browned complexions and gave off a very putrid smell. No other information.
Source: Cufos Reports
Date: January 31 1978
Location: Pawleena, Tasmania
Time: 4:10 AM.
Summary: A round object with two brilliant lights in its center approached a farmhouse and circled the paddock at low altitude. It passed in front of a tall gum tree, then gained elevation, accelerated and sped away.
Source: Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre Newsletter, May 1978
Location. Montvale New Jersey
Date: January 31 1978
Time: 1815
Three young children were playing on the ice on a field of the local elementary school, it was dark, and floodlights illuminated the field. The boys then noticed a “plane” like object that passed slowly over the field. Moments later a second object arrived, it was described as square shaped with large yellow lights on each corner with a slight dome on top and a red light underneath. The object emitted a red beam of light towards the ground, which stopped short before touching it. They then noticed several figures moving stiffly along, around the park area. These figures were humanoid and were dressed in bright yellow outfits with boots and gloves. They were of average height and bald headed. One of the beings appeared different since he had a larger head which seemed “creased” down the middle and was wearing a brown cape over the yellow suit. As the witnesses watched the figures they noted and uncanny silence and an unpleasant sulfur like odor in the area. The figures walked away towards the nearby Public Works Garage. The boys then noticed another figure, this one a woman standing in the parking lot. She had medium long brown hair and wore a dark suit with blue fur around her shoulders and when she walked, she did as if in slow motion. She sat down on a low fence then raised her arm very slowly and pointed to the sky, apparently at another hovering square shaped object. The woman then also walked towards the Public Works building and at one point seemed to appear and disappear as a police vehicle drove by near her.
Source: IUR Vol. 3 # 3, April 1978
Date: January 1978
Date: January 31 1978
Location: Near Strasbourg France
Time: after midnight
Summary: A man felt compelled to go to a nearby canal and as he approached the area, he heard a loud “bip bip” type sound. He then saw a red and white light shinning from behind a nearby hedgerow. Upon investigating he came upon a landed object with a ladder leading into it. He climbed onboard and inside two very tall human like figures met him. Both of these had shiny auburn colored hair and were very well built. They both wore tight fitting blue gray outfits. The beings were friendly towards the witness and apparently gave him a small tour of the “Galaxy” before returning him back to earth.
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Date: January 1978
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