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Date: April 1978
Location: Beskudnikovo Russia
Time: 0530A
Summary: The witness looked out through the window of his second floor apartment and noticed four hovering disc shaped objects at second story level. Each object had a transparent dome and inside sat a humanoid wearing a transparent helmet. The humanoids resembled normal earthmen of about 35 years of age; they wore dark “motorcyclist” jackets and sat still with an expression of restfulness and content on their faces. The objects emitted strange beams of blue green light towards the ground. Each beam was apparently composed of dotted particles of light, which slowly descended towards the ground. The witness apparently fainted and did not see the objects depart.
Source: Felix Y Zigel UFO landings in the USSR And other Countries.
Date: April 1978
Location: Moscow, Russia
Time: late evening
Summary: A woman was lying on her couch reading a book and after finishing reading the book she attempted to fall asleep. Suddenly she felt some pressure on her entire body, she was under the impression that some “load” had been dropped on her body. Perturbed, she looked around and saw a deep heavy fog entering the opened window. Suddenly from within the fog two very tall figures appeared, these were about 2.5-2.8 meters in height, dressed in luminous clothing with round and also luminous helmets. The figures approached the woman and leaned over her. At this point she heard some unintelligible speech. She wanted to move and turned away from them, but she was unable to move, she was totally paralyzed. She begged with them that it was getting heavy and that she was suffering. In an instant both figures disappeared the same way they had appeared, first into the fog, which then floated out the opened window. She was immediately able to move again.
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Date: April 1978
Location: Near Florence, Italy
Time: night
Summary: A woman living in the outskirts of this city, looked out the window of her house to see a landed cigar shaped object and a tall blond, human like figure wearing a tight fitting silvery coverall standing next to it. The figure noticed the witness and beckoned her over and then invited her aboard the object.
Source: Chris Aubeck, Return To Magonia
Date: April 1978
Location. Texas, exact location not given
Date: April 1978
Time: late night
The 19-year old witness had fallen asleep that night when he was suddenly awakened by his mother’s dog. The dog was growling and shaking and staring at the bedroom door. The witness got out of bed and went to check and see what the dog was growling at. Going out into the hallway he heard a noise in the den area. Hoping to confront the intruder the witness put on a pair of jeans and sneaked into the den. Once inside he did not see anything, he checked his parents room and nothing either. He also checked the kitchen and headed back to the den, the dog still growling, and following him. Suddenly the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, turning around he saw a figure resembling a human. The witness decided to attack the figure. He came to the next day around noon. He had been stuffed under the kitchen counter, he was naked, his nose was bloody, and he felt sick and disoriented. The dog was hiding under the couch in the den refusing to come out. Feeling terrible and very hot the witness apparently fell asleep. He woke up suddenly at nighttime, naked again and the nose bleeding again. He looked over to the front door of the house and saw a 7 ft tall figure that looked very muscular, but incredibly, it looked like if it was on fire. It glowed as if it were a bright hot coal in a furnace. Its back was to the witness when he first saw it. It turned around as if was checking on the witness. The witness was apparently paralyzed and was unable to move. The strange being came over to him and put its hands on his chest. Strangely the witness did not feel any heat or fire. But he felt as it had been hit on the chest point blank by a shotgun blast. He also felt a great deal of some type of energy emanating from the creature. The witness felt his skin vibrating and so was the couch. The creature touched the dog and it fell over. The witness then heard a telepathic message in his head, which said, “That he had been with him since he was a kid, that he had been learning many things.” The witness attempted to get up but was told to go to sleep. The next day he woke up around 1500, feeling very tire and weak and could not eat. He fell asleep again and was sick for a few days after that. The creature had disappeared. He described it as 7 ft tall, heavyset, and radiated some type of energy. It had stripes on it. He could not remember what the face looked like.
Source: AAER
Date: April 1978
Location. East Coast Bays Road, New Zealand
Date: April 2 1978
Time: 2030
The witness was riding his motorcycle when he saw a wedge shaped object with lights hovering about 200 meters away. There were two figures clearly visible looking at the witness. These were visible from the waist up and appeared to be wearing dark robes. Another car arrived and the object rose and left.
Source: Keith Basterfield, Mufon UFO Journal # 177
Date: April 2 1978
Location: Strinestown, PA
Summary: Round object with body lights hovered ahead of car, made pulsating sound; tilted down, beamed a bright light from the top onto car.
Source: section XII
Date: April 7 1978
Location: Evansville, IN
Time: 8:35 PM.
Summary: At first the three boys saw two lights. They were like extra large stars, side-by-side. They watched for a couple of minutes, then continued walking. Then when they were at right angles with the lights, Brian said, “It’s moving!” Then they could see four lights; two in front and two in the back. Then a blue light appeared between the two lights in the rear, and flashed about 7 or 8 times. Each flash was accompanied by a beep, then the blue light stayed on. The object was about as big as a jet and approximately 200-300′ high and about 70 yards from the witnesses. The object itself was never visible, only the lights. The boys hid behind a tree and watched the thing as it moved very slowly, went about 200′, slowed almost to a stop, moved again. Lights disappeared in the east after about 15-20 minutes.
Source: Ridge files
Date: April 1978
Location. Dayborough Queensland Australia
Date: April 7 1978
Time: 1730
After bogging his car, a hunter saw two figures walking 100 meters away from him. They wore white jumpsuits, and were about 120cm tall, and human in appearance. After the figures stared at him, the hunter left the area.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: April 1978
Location. South Middleton Massachusetts
Date: April 8 1978
Time: 2100
The witness was sitting on her bed listening to music when she suddenly looked up and saw a humanoid figure silhouetted behind the door. The figure was about five-feet seven inches tall and appeared to be wearing a jacket. The door began to open slightly and the witness looked up again, seeing the figure still there, she swung the door open and saw the figure moving swiftly away. A search in the nearby rooms failed to locate anybody.
Source: David F Webb, FSR Vol. 27 # 2
Date: April 1978
Location. South Middleton Massachusetts
Date: April 9 1978
Time: morning
Two youths were riding a mini bike near a wooded area when they suddenly caught a glimpse of two white headed figures that appeared to be crouching behind the brush, their faces were light gray with large wrap around dark blue eyes. The heads were of normal size but had no hair. Later at 1400 four other youths were out sitting and talking when they suddenly felt they were being watched, two of them then saw several similar beings that quickly retreated into the brush. The other two witnesses saw a figure standing in profile 15 feet away. It was about five-foot three inches tall with a pear shaped head that appeared to be encased in clear round helmet, it had large dark oval eyes a nose slit but no mouth or ears. It wore a belt with a dark central band, vertical stripes, and a black buckle. The witness attempted to chase it but it disappeared into the woods. An odor like sulfur pervaded the area during the encounters.
Source: David Webb, Mufon Journal # 143
Date: April 1978
Location. Rigaud, Quebec, Canada
Date: April 11 1978
Time: 1920
Two young girls, Sylvie Legare and Miline Pasquiers were playing outside their home in a field when they heard a very loud noise coming from above them. Looking up they see a large object descending above them, a bright beam of light was then directed at the witnesses from the object. The object was shiny orange in color and was oval shaped with a transparent dome on top. Inside the dome they could see two “pilots” with large slanted glowing green eyes. Both wore what appeared to be aluminum colored outfits. One of the humanoids looked down at the witnesses with a “satisfied” look on his face. The whole time both girls remained paralyzed unable to move. As the craft departed both girls returned to normal.
Source: LeDuc, CASUFO in Project Becassine
Date: April 14 1978
Location: Liverpool, England
Time: approx 11:20pm.
Summary: I’ve waited 40 years to reveal this sighting because I thought people would think I was nuts. This event happened the week before two police officers chased a UFO down the M53 motorway on the Wirral, Merseyside. At this particular time I was working at Lucas Girling in Bromborough. I was a CNC machinist. We made braking systems for the french SNCF high speed train amongst others. That afternoon I was working a 3pm to 11pm shift. I finished work at 11pm and left the factory at approx 11:15pm. I was giving a colleague of mine a lift home because he lived in the same street as me. I was driving down Allport Road, Bromborough at approx 11:20pm. It was a dark night but cloud free, I could see the stars in the sky. As we travelled down Allport Road I noticed that there seemed to be a huge blackness in the sky blocking out surrounding stars. I stopped the car and both my colleague and I got out to observe this. Basically it was a huge black disc blocking out the starlight but the edge of the disc was edged with lights. It wasn’t a plane coming into land at Liverpool Airport because this thing was almost stationary but it just seemed to be creeping along. I felt the hair rise on the back of my neck. Rod and I jumped back in my car and sped off home ASAP. We both knew what we had seen but I think it was also a case of denial. Who would believe us? People would think we are a pair of idiots. We didn’t even discuss it between ourselves. But as the years have passed I firmly believe we are not alone. I think we are being observed, studied. worst case scenario is that in the scheme of things we could be like a small amount of bacteria in a petri dish.
Source: MUFON
Date: April 1978
Location. Near Stolec, Poland
Date: April 18 1978
Time: 2040
Wojciech Godziszewski and two passengers were traveling by car in this area the Polish German border when they noticed in the horizon a strange looking orange ball of light that emitted a very strong light. Wojciech stopped the car to watch the phenomena. After about 4 minutes a smaller yellow ball of light emerged from the orange sphere. It moved slowly toward the ground at a 45-degree angle. After about 2 minutes another identical ball of yellow light emerged and executed the same maneuver as the previous one. Soon they noticed another orange ball of light hovering somewhere the village of Dobieszyce and Swidwie Lake. The witnesses then headed towards the village through a forest road when suddenly they noticed a strange creature standing about 50 meters from the car. They described the creature as about 1.2-1.5 meters in height, with large pointed ears, and covered with long gray hair. Seeing the car, the creature turned around and started to run away. The witness accelerated his vehicle in order to catch up, but incredibly he could not keep up with the creature, which moved very quickly. The speeds of the car reach a speed of 110km per hour and they still could not approach the creature. The creature suddenly turned into the forest and disappeared among the trees. Godziszewski began to chase the creature on foot, but he was suddenly overcome by a feeling of dread and fear. After 2 minutes he returned to the car and drove back to Stolec on his way there he saw another orange ball of light hovering over the village of Buk, other residents there also saw the hovering light.
Source: Robert K Lesniakiewicz
Date: April 19 1978
Location: South Middleton Massachusetts
Time: night
Summary: The witness was playing with 3 cousins when she happened to glance at the window located in the basement. A foot away from the window a white face was staring back at her, it was oval shaped with vertical nose slits and a narrow mouth, the eyes were large slanted and gold in color. A transparent helmet possibly covered the head. She yelled at her companion but when she turned back the entity was gone.
Source: David Webb, Mufon Journal # 143
Date: April 19, 1978: Police officer photographs disc in Colfax, Wisconsin
Date: April 23 1978
Location: Cerreto Toscana Italy
Time: 0015A
Summary: Around 2315 several witnesses spotted a formation of luminous objects flying in a V-formation over a hill near Cerreto. Sometime later Cesarina Campioni was preparing to go to bed when she was attracted to a strange luminescence coming from her backyard. Looking out the window she noticed a strange “individual,” that walked in strange leaps and bounds over the ground. At the same time she heard a deep guttural metallic, incomprehensible voice. She described the individual as slightly over a meter in height. It wore a shiny metallic loose fitting outfit that covered his body entirely. The head was covered with a pointy helmet with a dark oval-shaped visor. It also wore a dark belt around its waist. The strange entity bounded away and disappeared into a nearby olive grove.
Source: Archivio SHADO
Date: April 1978
Location: Goleta, CA
Time: 7:30 PM.
Summary: Mrs. Castro was driving on Highway 101 when her car engine lost power, and her car radio went off. A bright light in the sky made a “zinging” sound, then dimmed to reveal four revolving green and blue lights on the UFO, estimated to be about 10 meters in diameter. The close encounter lasted three minutes.
Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 72
Date: April 24, 1978: New Jersey Abduction
Date: April 25 1978
Location: Villamare Di Sapri Italy
Time: 1430
Summary: The witness was in her kitchen when she noticed a large luminous sphere; clear in color descend to the ground nearby. The witness went to fetch a camera with the intention of taking several photographs. At this point the sphere seemed to shrink in size and a short being wearing a bright orange overall type suit stepped out. The being walked around looking in all directions. Its face appeared brighter than the rest of the body and it had human like features. On its head he wore a cone shaped device or cap. It moved in short steps and bounds. This apparently frightened the witness who yelled for her husband. At this point the being glanced at the witness and ran behind a nearby tree stump. A thick fog then began forming in the area and at the same time the luminous sphere shrank in size and dissolved into nothing. The being apparently disappeared also.
Source: Maurizio Verga “Itacat”
Date: April 25 1978
Location: Stratford, Ontario, Canada
Time: afternoon
Summary: UFO Researcher, Pat De La Franier was at his office going over some detailed UFO reports he wanted to present on a local UFO program when there was a sudden knock at the door. Now, where his office is located, he could hear everyone coming in the main door, being admitted, and then walking down the hall. But this knock came from nowhere, and when he opened the door, there was a very odd-looking man standing there. He was dressed entirely in black. He was about 5 ft 6 inches tall, extremely thin, with a slightly enlarged head. His hair was just nubs, as if he had been completely shaved and the hair was just growing back. His skin had a strange olive hue. His lips were very thin, and his cheeks were so sunken in that they looked like they were pinned on the inside. His eyes were dark and extremely long; they literally wrapped around his temples. La Franier stated that he had never seen eyes like that, “They just bored into me”. The stranger just stood there staring at the witness, who did not move. La Franier was fixated on his eyes and he felt intruded upon on a mental level. Finally, after a full minute, he spoke. “Would you like a photograph of your family?” It was a strange question, and his voice was very strange, too. It was low and hesitant as if this man had absolutely no conception of how to speak, how to put a sentence together. His English was impeccable, but the was struggling to get through the sentence. La Franier said no that he did not need any more pictures. And with that the stranger stepped back, turned and just disappeared. The man was completely gone, later La Franier discovered that many of his files and papers were missing.
Source: Susan Michaels, “Sightings: UFO
Date: April 29 1978
Location: Derry New, Hampshire
Date: April 29 1978
Location: Kuala-Lumpur Malaysia
Summary: On April 29, 1978, a newspaper of Singapore and a newspaper in France reported a story claiming that in Kuala-Lumpur Malaysia, or somewhere in Java, 30, or 50 people, at an electronics factory became hysterical at the sight of a “headless phantom” the day before, apparently. It seems that the French newspaper told that it started with a female employee of a factory of electronic components of the suburbs of Kuala-Lumpur, who allegedly saw this “headless phantom” in her microscope and would have been taken of spasms during two hours, then 30 other employees allegedly were victims of a “crisis of mass hysteria” and finally a few hours later, another female employee allegedly observed the same phantom and “fell into a trance.”
Date: April 1978
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