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Date: November 1977
Location: Monte Cerrado Para Brazil
Time: 0200A
Summary: A farmer living in an isolated location was awakened by a strong light that was circling overhead, shining a powerful beam of light into his shack. He opened the door and saw a hovering object with two figures inside. He went back in and armed himself with his rifle he then pointed the weapon at the object but suddenly became paralyzed and was unable to shoot.
Source: Cipex, Brazil
Date: November 1977
Location. Baia do Sol, Brazil
Date: November 1977
Time: afternoon
A man was sleeping after lunch when he awoke to see a red light blinking outside his house. Thinking it strange he went to the window. Outside he saw a huge object shaped like a helicopter but without rotors. A red light was blinking on top. There were three men inside. They were tall, at least 1.80 meters, with blond hair and blue eyes and were wearing white suits with blue capes. They looked like they working with instruments like a computer. When he appeared at the window, he heard one say to the others. “Look at that” and immediately the UFO took off, disappearing behind the trees.
Source: Bob Pratt
Date: November 1977
Location. South Middleton, Massachusetts
Date: November 1977
Time: afternoon
A little boy had set a toy car on fire in the backyard, the smoke started to bother his eyes so he went into the piazza for a minute. As he walked out, he heard footsteps, like crushing, he looked up and saw a figure all in white, the head and everything. The stranger went behind a little teepee shed and disappeared. Joel ran inside and told his father. Mr. LeBel came right out and found the strangely dressed man standing near his car. He sneaked behind the man and went to put his hands on him when the stranger slowly dissipated in plain sight. The figure had been wearing a white suit and a gray helmet.
Source: Raymond E Fowler, UFO Testament
Date: November 1977
Location. Armonk New York
Date: November 1977 Time: 1800
The witness was on his way home in an isolated area when he noticed a black five-foot tall figure sitting on a nearby rock ledge. The figure was dressed in all black or was entirely black in color and had luminous eyes. The witness yelled out and the figure made a sudden move. As the witness ran away from the area there was a bright pink flash and the figure vanished.
Source: Cufos Reports
Date: November 1977
Location. Southern Mississippi, exact location not given
Date: November 1977
Time: 1900
The witness remembers returning home from a visit to her cousin’s house almost 2 hours late and unable to account for the missing time. Her cat acted strangely in her presence. Later she was able to remember seeing a bright orange light to the left of her car apparently descending behind some nearby pine trees. Then she found herself in a room standing behind a desk like object very pale yellow in color with black knobs all over it and some type of writing under each one of the knobs. She then encountered several five-foot tall apparently hairless humanoids that were wearing caps; she could not recall any facial features. She also remembered looking down on white roads and green trees through the illuminated panels.
Source: Cufos Associate Newsletter Vol. 3 # 5
Date: November 1977
Location. Darregueira, La Pampa, Argentina
Date: November 1977
Time: 2100
Near a local antenna repeater, witness Roberto Oscar Cazinger observed an object about 8 meters in diameter hovering very close to the ground. The object emitted a loud penetrating noise. A triangular shaped opening became visible and two humanoids came out. One was short in stature that appeared to be the leader and the other one of medium height. The tall figure appeared to be operating buttons on a triangular shaped panel. Both figures wore tight-fitting reddish colored outfits. They had large dark eyes, with thin mouths and straight noses, and red lips. At one point the short figure spotted the witness and appeared to make hand gestures toward him. Soon the door closed and the craft rose up towards the north increasing its sound and speed and quickly disappearing from sight.
Source: Fabio Zerpa, El Quinto Hombre
Date: November 1977
Location. Near Colares, Brazil
Date: November 1977
Time: night
A pilot driving near Colares one night saw a disc land behind trees. He was alone on the road, it was completely dark, and he became frightened. Then he saw a man walking toward him. The stranger was tall and had blond hair. He walked closed to the car, looked at the driver, and looked into his eyes. The driver started to cry and the tall man shook his head, glanced at the license plate, turned, and walked back into the forest. Then the disc took off.
Source: Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure
Date: November 1977
Location. Near Corinth, Heard County, Georgia
Date: November 1977
Time: night
A local resident observed the crash of a boomerang-shaped UFO, the object, which was emitting smoke, fell nearby. Later, military activity was witnessed. The craft was about 60 ft in wingspan and was moved to an underground facility in Wright Patterson AFB. It apparently had at least 2 humanoids (grays) on board. Later in 1989, it was known that this object was hidden in a surface hangar at Forth George Meade Maryland, where apparently experimental electromagnetic pulse weapons were tested against alien spacecrafts.
Source: Anton Anfalov UFO Crash list
Date: November 1977
Location. Joaquim Murtinho Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: November 2 1977
Time: evening
The 16-year old witness was alone in his aunt’s house when he suddenly heard a brief rushing wind like sound and footsteps inside the house. He then saw a small object entering through the kitchen door, the object was Saturn shaped, luminous blue and with a golden ring around it. As the object flew by the TV set, the plug came out of the wall and fell gently on the floor. The small object now hovered close to the floor. Then out of nowhere a very tall man now appeared and made a motion to the witness, a bright light suddenly appeared and the tall man vanished. The small Saturn shaped object was now in the backyard and was now spinning. As he watched the object, three beings now appeared, one was the tall man, the others a woman and one that appeared to be a little boy. They took the witness back into the house and communicated with him by using telepathy. All three beings wore close fitting overalls with boots and gloves greenish in color. They also wore wide belts with a row of black buttons. From the man’s belt hung a silvery black tube. They all had dark hair and light skin. The tall man wore a metallic helmet with a transparent visor; he had blue eyes and a small black goatee beard. Going out the backyard the witness then saw a large domed disc with a wide stairway like protrusion that led to the ground. Through a transparent section he was able to see several other figures that appeared to be working on complicated equipment. At one point a neighbor of the witness came by to drop something off and the witness saw a tall man hiding on the side of the house holding a long yellow instrument, this figure made a long sweeping gesture with his hand and the three beings temporarily vanished. When the neighbor left the beings reappeared. The latter departed telling the witness mentally that they were going to return. The witness was struck dumb after the incident and could not speak for several hours.
Source: Hulvio Brant Alexio, FSR Vol. 30 # 6
Date: November 1977
Location. Guajara River Brazil
Date: November 2 1977
Time: 2000
Three men from a nearby pottery factory had gone to the river to collect some mud when their boat became stuck on a mud bank. They decided to wait for a while and one of them entered the jungle to do some hunting. He soon became aware of an intense light moving slow above the treetops. The object, which was very bright, and disc shaped stopped and a door opened on its lower section. Moments later a short muscular strange being wearing a black diving suit floated out. The being extended its arm and emitted a luminous beam of light towards the witness, who ran towards the river. The being re-entered the craft, which then began chasing the witness. As the object reached the boat all three men hid under some shrubs and watched as the humanoid floated out again looked around then returned slowly back into the object, which then disappeared over the tree tops.
Source: Antonio Huneeus, UFO Universe, Fall 1994
Date: November 1977
Location. Near Rockland (Knox) Maine
Date: November 2 1977
Time: night
Edward Etterof was driving his pickup near Rockland when, in a remote location his engine quit, and static filled his radio. Getting out, he saw a pink colored light settling into the trees nearby. He tried again to restart the truck but could not. The pink light went out and he could see through the tree a large round object on the ground. In a moment he saw a figure walking toward him in high, loping strides. Taller than a normal sized man, the figure had a long face that took up two thirds of its entire height, and long arms that dangled almost to the ground; its legs were short and squat. The creature stopped upon seeing the witness, and the witness saw two long, oval, yellow eyes that moved up and down, apparently looking at him. Then, with an “oohing” sound, the creature turned and ran. Etterof ran to his truck and as he tried the engine, he saw the pink light ascend into the sky; as soon as it vanished from sight, the engine turned over. Others in Rockland reportedly saw the pink-lighted object fly over.
Source: Mort Essex, Ideal UFO Magazine # 4
Date: November 1977
Location. Weimar, California
Date: November 8 1977
Time: 1400
The 23-year old witness had just given birth to her daughter 48 hours and was now home admiring her child as she slept in the crib. As she stared at the little girl, she felt someone staring at her, to the immediate right of her, very close. She turned her head and there about five feet away from her was a beautiful “awesome” looking woman. The witness was very shocked since the only other person in the house was her boyfriend and he was in the kitchen. She felt fear for a brief second and as her eyes locked eyes with the mysterious woman, this one smiled at her with the most beautiful and warm loving smile. The witness instantly realized that the woman was not human. She described the woman as “totally perfect”, about 5’9″, slender, with beautiful flowing, long, slightly curled hair, split down the middle. She was wearing a long, long sleeved white dress. The witness stared at her intently and the woman smiled at her a very intense feeling of love flowed from her eyes, directed at the witness. It was so powerful and intense that tears rolled down her face. The witnessed felt mesmerized as she studied the beautiful woman for a few seconds; she thought she must have blinked because in an instant the stranger was further away, standing in the doorway of the bathroom. As she continued to study her it dawned on her that she wanted her boyfriend to see her. She called his name and as he entered the room the mysterious woman vanished in an instant. She additionally described the visitor as having”opaqueness” to her, not a solid body like humans.
Source: NUFORC
Date: November 1977
Location. Sandusky (Erie) Ohio
Date: November 9 1977
Time: 0130A
36 hours after he had an encounter with a Bigfoot type creature, Millard Faber had another encounter-in his bedroom. He had gone to bed and although there was no noise, he was suddenly awakened, aware something was in the room. Glancing toward the door, he saw five glowing pink humanoid forms gliding into the room. They were slender, about 5-foot tall, and moved in a slightly bent forward position, as though carrying weights on their shoulders. Four of them sat in four chairs that were near the bed; the fifth approached to within a foot of the bedside; all stared at Faber but none uttered a word, although the witness “felt or heard” in some inexplicable way an expression of anger or hatred from the entities for making his Bigfoot sighting public. At this point Faber leaned over and snapped on the bed lamp; he could still see them and their angry expression, and in a panic of fear began screaming at them to get out and stay out. They did just that, and he has not been bothered by anything again.
Source: Vera L Perry, Awareness Spring 1978
Date: November 1977
Location. Punta San Martino, Italy
Date: November 13 1977
Time: 0025A
A man taking infrared photographs of the area saw on one of the images what appeared to be a dark humanoid figure with luminous glowing eyes. No other information.
Source: CUN Genova
Date: November 13 1977
Location: Columbia, KY
Summary: Daylight disc.
Source: EGBA,504
Date: November 13 1977
Location: Near Amphoux Var France
Time: 2300
Summary: A young couple in their 20’s, driving on D.561, saw a flashing light in the hills between Fox-Amphoux and Aups. After several kilometers the couple again saw it, now larger and blinking, at the crossroads of Logis d’Amphoux; it seemed to be above the nearby town of Fox. They pulled their car to the side of the road and watched it for 15 minutes. Then, about 200 meters behind them along the road, they saw a small point of light near the ground, as though someone were carrying a flashlight; they turned around and drove back toward the light and saw, about 30 to 50 meters away, a semi human silhouette of a phosphorescent white color, with no visible arms or legs and no features upon its head. It was about five-foot eight inches tall, “advancing & retreating,” and not appearing very stable. They compared the form to a TV image. The couple associated the lights seen earlier with the figure, became frightened, and drove off.
Source: Alain Prigent
Date: November 16 1977: UFO Incident at USAF Missile Base
Date: November 16 1977
Location: Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota
Time: 2135
Summary: Two air force security police officers checking a report of trespassers at a restricted nuclear weapons storage site, noticed a bright light hovering above a nearby hill. One of the men remained on the patrol vehicle as the second one investigated the source of the light. As the officer approached the area he observed a human like figure wearing a shiny green metallic uniform and a helmet with visor. The witness ordered the figure to stop, but this one continued walking towards the source of the light. As the officer pointed his M-16 at the figure this one suddenly turned around pointing an object at the officer, there was a bright flash of light from the object, and then the M-16 carbine exploded causing burns to the hands of the witness. As the injured officer hid, the second officer arrived and he observed two similarly clad figures, he challenged both but they refused to stop, he then fired, striking both. They were seen to fall, but 15 seconds later both stood up and fired several flashes of light at the officer, this one was able to hide and was unhurt. He then followed the two figures and saw them enter a landed disc shaped craft. The object then emitted a brilliant flash of green light and disappeared into the sky. Later investigation revealed that several components to one of the nuclear warheads were missing.
Source: reported in Enigma # 43, also Stringfield, and others
Date: November 18 1977
Location: Troy, Missouri
Time: 9:17 PM Local.
Summary: A bright white light moving at a high rate of speed came alongside a small aircraft flying at 13,000 feet between Vichy and Troy, Missouri, and paced the airplane for three minutes. The light then moved away at high speed. The pilot reported that while the light was abreast of his aircraft one of his transponders stopped working. After the UFO pulled away the transponder resumed its normal operation. The object paced the aircraft for 3 to 3.5 NM at a distance of 15 nautical miles and was fairly high above the aircraft. The pilot pressed IDENT and nothing happened. He turned on his other transponder and nothing happened. Then it took off on a 120°-130° heading and shot out of my sight. The second transponder recovered, but he could never get the first one to work again. The pilot had no trouble with the other instruments. The pilot did not notify ATC (about) a UFO.
Source: Dr Richard F. Haines files Case 44; APRO Bulletin Vol.31 No. 4
Date: November 1977
Location. Santa Maria La Bruna, Italy
Date: November 24 1977
Time: 1245
Giuseppe & Beatrice Lignori were returning home from school when they noticed on a nearby hill a strange movement among a bush. Curious they both approached the area. As they arrived at the bush, a human like figure stepped from inside of it. The humanoid was completely white in color resembling the texture of “chalk” and was baldheaded. It had penetrating dark eyes that stared fixedly at the witnesses. It had eyebrows & eyelids, but lacked any ears. Afraid both witnesses remained still looking at the strange figure. The figure was tall and at one point raised a hand to his waist and it was seen carrying a small cylindrical shaped object with a small protruding “antenna.” He then turned into the brush, which parted to the sides as he glided away and out of the sight. When he was gone the bush returned to its original position.
Source: Archivio SUF
Date: November 1977
Location. Near Coldstream England
Date: November 29 1977
Time: late evening
The witness was driving her daughter along a lonely stretch of road when suddenly a seven-foot tall, dark hooded figure leaped out of some bushes on the side of the road. The figure jumped directly in front of the car. The witness slammed on the brakes but the figure suddenly vanished in plain sight.
Source: Buforg in Northern UFO News # 50
Date: November 1977
Location. Near Serpukhov, Russia
Date: November 29 1977
Time: night
Three Soviet scientists on a camping trip near this city south of Moscow heard peculiar voices speaking in a language they did not recognize that woke them. The voices continued speaking for the next half hour, at the end of which an 80-foot, light bulb shaped UFO suddenly shot up from the ground and disappeared into the clouds.
Source: Jerome Clark
Date: November 29 1977
Location: Waimata Valley, Gisborne, New Zealand
Summary: Hovering dome-shaped object sped toward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled
Source: NICAP UFOE II, Section VI
Date: November 1977
Location. Wrose England
Date: late November 1977
Time: 0100A
The witness was playing with a tennis ball in his living room when the ball rolled into the dining room. As he entered the room he was confronted by a man, five-foot eight inches tall, dressed in a grayish suit. The face and hands of the entity were glowing white in color and he was holding the telephone receiver in his right hand. The entity suddenly vanished in plain sight.
Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters
Date: late November 1977
Location: Rochdale, England
Time: dusk
Summary: The main witness mother was preparing to pull the curtains when she drew her attention to something she could see in the darkening sky. She looked out through the window and saw an extraordinary craft, just hanging there, low in the sky, motionless and completely silent. It was huge, at least 100 ft long. It was cylinder shaped but rounded at the ends. There were portholes along its entire length, and she could see figures in silver space suits moving about inside. She wanted to cry out, but could not. She could not speak or move. Neither of them could. They just stood there, watching as the object began to glide slowly across the sky. Then suddenly it was gone. It just appeared to vanish into thin air. They had seemed to be watching it for only a few minutes or so, yet when she looked at her watch afterwards, a whole hour had gone by.
Source: Joseph Dormer, UFOs the Final Answer?
Date: November 1977
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