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Date: July 1977
Location: Not given
Time: early morning
Summary: Three days before Ann Cannady was to enter the hospital for surgery on her advanced uterine cancer, the doorbell ran, her husband opened the door and there stood a 6’6″ tall black man, with deep azure blue eyes. He introduced himself as Thomas and told he that the cancer was gone. Confused and startled they let him in and asked him who he was. He replied, “I’m Thomas, I’m sent by God.” Next he held up his right hand, palm facing Ann, and leaned toward her. She felt an incredible heat coming from his hand. Suddenly she felt weak and fell to the floor. As she lay there a strong white light traveled through her body, beginning at her feet. She passed out. Later she awoke and her husband was leaning over her asking if she was alive. Thomas was gone. Later tests proved that her cancer was totally gone.
Source: Nancy Gibbs, Angels Among Us
Date: July 1977
Location: Near Hulbert (Chippewa) Michigan
Time: 1650
Summary: The witness was driving west toward Hulbert when, rounding a curve at 15 mph, she saw standing on the right side of the road a strange figure about 5 ft 5 inches tall, with a normal but slender body, and with large, almond shaped eyes that slanted around the sides of his head. He was wearing a one-piece, metallic dark green suit. As she passed, the car went out of control, hitting the embankment and then lifting into the air. In one ten-foot sweep, it then landed on top of a four-foot high pile of logs, encircled on three sides by trees. She heard “the sound of static electricity” as she went out of control, and felt a jar as the car landed atop the logs. Looking behind her, she saw the figure was standing directly behind the car, which was now hissing. She felt disoriented and lays her head on the steering wheel; when she looked up the figure was gone. She grabbed her purse and the keys and jumped from the car, running the two and a half miles home. Her electric watch stopped at 1650. When she returned with her husband, they found not only her footprints, but those of the stranger, as well, shaped like horse hoofs with a heel, the toes of which seemed to be dug 3/4 of an inch into the hard packed soil. It took heavy equipment to remove the car from the pile of logs; the car showed only a minor scratch, and the witness drove it home. UFO sightings followed in the area.
Source: Dixie Franklin of the Grand Rapids Press
Date: July 1977
Location: Minley Manor Woods, Hampshire, England
Time: evening
Summary: Hannah Green and her family were driving through the woods when their attention was drawn to two “coach-loads” of troops” who entered the woods by what was known as the “Fleet Exit”. They had to reverse and go back and as they did so they noticed just to their what looked like a small, man-made valley with steep sides about fifteen feet deep. Inside this small valley, there were two clear burn marks, which looked like something had either landed or crashed. The presence of so many soldiers milling about concerned the family so they swung the car around and drove back in the direction from which they had come. As they approached a bend on the road they saw standing on a gentle slope two of the strangest looking “men” Hannah had ever seen. Both were of an impressive height, but were exceedingly thin and dressed in “all in one, white, tight-fitting suits with headgear like the astronauts in the Apollo mission wore”. For a moment the two “men” remained stationary, however, as Hannah and her family watched transfixed, both suddenly broke into a run and headed for a clearing. Most bizarrely of all, as Hannah continued to follow the path of the two men, they disappeared before her very eyes.
Source: Nicholas Redfern, “Cosmic Crashes”
Date: July 1977
Location: Braganca Para Brazil
Time: night
Summary: Numerous locals have reported encountering a strange entity labeled the “Fish woman.” Described as fair skinned and fair-haired woman who is believed by some to live alone in a tiny desolate island. Some anglers claimed to have seen her walking on the water and peculiar lights have been seen in the area also. One witness was walking home alone one night when she suddenly came face to face with a pretty woman, dressed entirely in black that she believed to have been the “Fish woman.” The strange woman was wearing a blouse with tight fitting sleeves right down to the wrists, and her hands were encased in gloves. She had long blond hair and stared at the witness intently. The woman asked the witness what she did and how many children she had. Suddenly the woman vanished in plain sight. The shaken witness went home suffering from a severe headache. A later search by Brazilian military units failed to find any trace of her.
Source: Timothy Good, Alien Bases
Date: July 1977
Location: Jussaral, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: Local villagers reported seeing an object come down to the ground, then they saw two or three small figures come out from under it and get something off the ground. The light from the object was as bright as the sun. After the object left, marks were found on the ground.
Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone
Date: July 1977
Location: Thoissey, L’Ain, France
Time: 2100
Summary: The witness was working in a pizzeria in a camping area when she saw 5 beings (of human appearance) come into the bar. The ordered drinks and began speaking, letting her know that they had come from a different planet and that they spoke all known languages. The witness, who spoke several languages, then went on asking them several questions indifferent languages, and they were able to answer each time. They even spoke to her in some other “strange” languages she could not understand. They never told her what they were nor where they were from; they all had their drinks and left. There was a newspaper report of a UFO landing in the area around the same time.
Source: GREPI
Date: July 1977
Location. Vila De Piria, near the River Gurupi Brazil
Date: July 1977
Time: 2300
Jao de Brito was sitting quietly in a hide among some thick bushes awaiting game. An animal appeared but suddenly an object came down from the sky, and shone a beam of light on the animal, which quickly left. The light beam struck de Brito, which then felt, very weak, and unable to move. The object was shaped like a cylinder, and the witness could hear voices coming from it, speaking in an unknown language. The object suddenly left, but the witness required hospitalization afterwards.
Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base
Date: July 1977
Location. Near Uxbridge Ontario Canada
Date: July 1977
Time: 2330
Neil Sutherland, 16, and Lucy Gilbert, 15, driving along a country road in a pickup truck, stopped to give a lift to a rather strange looking individual who said he was from “another planet.” He wore a one-piece garment with a turtleneck, which “clung to his lower body like a metallic wetsuit.” He was about five-foot 4 inches tall, and was bald except for two tuffs of hair on each side of his head; his eyes were dark with flaming red iris and cornea. He spoke with an English accent, and said his planet was 5.6 light years away and that his orders were to photograph Toronto. (He had placed a box-like apparatus and tripod in the back of the truck as he boarded.) The couple dropped him off at Goodwood and the last they saw of him was his heading down Route 27 toward the city.
Source: Henry McKay
Date: July 1977
Location: Connersville, IN
Time: Evening
Summary: Three young boys, Todd being 12-years old, were playing on the-playground north of Maplewood School. Low in the sky off to the east they noticed three lights which they thought were some type of military aircraft. But as the lights approached, not changing position, they couldn’t see any stars between them. The other two boys fled, but Todd was entranced as this now massive triangle-shaped thing came in over the trees in the east and moved overhead at, what he thought, was about 150′. There was a low-toned hum as it moved at about 25-30 mph. Each side of the triangle looked about 300′ wide, as it passed over Todd fell backward and laid on the grass looking up at it. It continued moving west, then all of a sudden disappeared. The craft was in view about 5 minutes. The report was filed in 1992 and Todd was unsure where the other two boys were. It had been a long time. A Form 5 for Psychological/Physiological cases was filed because Todd had reported that his eardrums, as well as other organs, vibrated during the incident.
Source: Worley files
Date: July 1 1977
Location: Timaru, South Canterbury, New Zealand
Time: 2:10 PM.
Summary: A Piper Cherokee pilot observed a black cigar-shaped object enveloped in a “heat of haze” flying at 1,800 to 2,000 feet.
Source: UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA EIGHTY YEARS OF PILOT SIGHTINGS Catalog of Military, Airline, Private Pilots Sightings from 1916 to 2000 Dominique F. Weinstein
Date: July 1 1977
Location: Aviano, Italy
Time: 3:00 AM.
Summary: Electronic alarms suddenly sounded at the NATO base and then home to the 40th Tactical Group. Something had set off the magnetic and motion detectors in the high hurricane type fence protecting the Victor Alert compound, a facility that housed fighter aircraft, their crews, maintenance and support personnel. Simultaneously a power outage occurred at the Victor Alert facility, and though a back-up system immediately kicked in, minor power fluxes went on for the next 15 to 20 minutes. Soon security personnel were reporting a strange light display off to the northwest, off base, perhaps 200 meters beyond the fence line, over a soybean field. Luminous round object with dome hovered above a NATO base security zone, spinning; changed color, emitted sound like swarm of bees.
Date: July 2 1977
Location: Sandfly, Tasmania – Ca
Time: 2300
Summary: An eighteen year old man and his sister were driving at fifty km/h when the man noticed a reflection in the middle of his outside rear vision mirror, of a very bright red light. It seemed near the ground 250 metres away. The light may have followed the car.Soon after the light was seen the car’s engine seemed to loose power for fifteen to twenty seconds as if the ignition had been turned off. The driver let the clutch out, selected first gear and coasted down a slight decline and clutch started the engine. The light had by now gone. Later on going up an incline the same thing happened again. However, it did not quite stop and he used the ignition to restart it
Source: TUFOIC
Date: July 4 1977
Location: Happy Texas
Time: midnight
Summary: The witness and his girlfriend had gone to an isolated field to watch the fireworks from the nearby town. Soon they noticed three white objects encircled in multi colored lights hovering over the area. The objects now began shining blue-white laser-like lights to the ground. Frightened the witnesses attempted to crawl away from the area. They reached their car and started to drive away, but suddenly the vehicle stalled. Looking out and up the witness saw a huge object hovering directly overhead; it had numerous bright white blinking lights. They both exited the vehicle and attempted to run away from the area, but then the witness stiffened and fell to the ground. His next memory was of lying naked on table in a silver colored room. He felt like he was strapped to the table, with straps on his neck and ankles. He noticed several surgical instruments apparently on a table next to where he was and also noticed his girlfriend (also naked) lying on table and surrounded by numerous silvery-garbed white colored figures. Two humanoid figures approached the witness and apparently took skin samples from him, he felt no pain. Soon he found himself in another room with his girlfriend sitting next to him. He found a triangular shaped scar on his penis. His next memory was of waking up on a field naked along with his girlfriend, their clothes nowhere to be found.
Source: NUFORC
Date: July 4 1977
Location: Arlington, VA
Summary: Prior to a fireworks display, a retired USAF Colonel, his wife and another couple observed two star like objects for thirty minutes. Both objects moved at random speeds. They also appeared to be stationary in an irregular position during the course of the sighting. The witness, who is presently an aerospace engineer, stated, ” I was fascinated by the fact that each object duplicated the exact motion, course and speed of the other.” Upon their departure in tandem, in a northwesterly direction, their speed was estimated to be that of MACH 5 plus. “The speed was so rapid upon their departure that the objects appeared to leave trails.”
Source: UFO INVESTIGATOR, December 1977, page 4
Date: July 4 1977
Location: Toppenish, WA
Time: 7:45 P.M. PST
Summary: Four witnesses observed a disk-shaped object approximately 20-22 feet in diameter hovering overhead for around five minutes. Description: I saw people in a disk shaped object approximately 20- 22 feet around hovering over me for around 5 minutes with 6-7 people on board. In a phone interview with the witness she stated the object was spinning (on the inside). She described the color as a “primer gray” and says that she could see welding indentations on the craft. The craft had no markings or emblems. She could see the occupants clearly. They were wearing white lab coats and one of the men was wearing a red tie. She described one woman as wearing 1950s style glasses. The occupants were all human. She stated that the craft made a musical sound similar to the melody heard on ice cream trucks. The craft sped away executed several rapid back and forth movements shot straight up and disappeared.
Date: July 6 1977
Location: Steynsburg, South Africa
Time: 5:50 PM.
Summary: A spherical light–larger than the apparent size of Venus–moved, hovered for two minutes, and then shot away.
Source: Awareness, April 1979, p. 4
Date: July 7 1977
Location: Zhang Po, China
Summary: Three thousand residents of Zhang Po saw two huge, orange-colored UFOs descend from the sky during the showing of an outdoor movie. Eyewitnesses heard a humming sound and felt heat emanating from the objects, which maneuvered just above the crowd. The UFOs generated a panic and stampede in which two children were trampled to death and dozens of other bystanders were injured.
Source: Anthony Lee, FSR, March 1983, pg. 24
Date: July 8 1977
Location: Jessup, MD
Summary: Silvery disc with dome, green windows, moved erratically around farm for 20-25 minutes, fled away slowly.
Source: CUFOS report, Rodeghier, p.71 [E] tractor
Date: July 9 1977
Location: Flat Rock, MI
Time: 2:30 AM.
Summary: A dull silver saucer-shaped UFO hovered off to the left side of a road. It was only about 200 feet above and the ground and 150 feet from the road. It had many red and green lights around its rim, and a beam of light illuminated the ground for two minutes. The object floated away over the treetops moving toward the southwest.
Source: J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies case files
Date: July 10 1977
Location: Pinheiro Brazil
Time: 0100A
Summary: A chicken farmer was walking to town to catch a bus and since it was dark he was carrying a flashlight. Suddenly a bright greenish blue light appeared in the sky and swooped down over him chasing him. It then circled came back and hovered above some nearby woods. The witness could now see that it was a V-shaped craft. The witness shone his flashlight at the object and he was then suddenly struck by a beam of light from the craft that knocked him down, feeling a tingling sensation the witness passed out. At one point he briefly woke up and saw several men staring at him, they examined him silently for a while. Then he blacked out again, he finally woke up several hours later. He felt terrible pains throughout his body and was unable to work for two months. Further inquires revealed that the witness, after being rendered unconscious later woke up in a strange city. The city had wide avenues and beautiful gardens; he could not see a Sun, only empty space above him. He saw many people in the city. These were human-like, all about 30 years of age, five-feet tall, and slender. All were dressed in gray-brown clothing, a few in light blue. The women wore long gowns, the men tunics, and trousers. Most were light skinned and had eyes of different colors, blue, and brown. The women were pretty and had long blond hair. The men had short hair, beards, and mustaches. He was allowed to explore the city, but was always followed by one man. He saw a number of vehicles that resembled Volkswagen Beetles but without motors or steering wheels. He also saw about 20 disc-shaped objects on the ground in an area that looked to him like an airport. He eventually found himself eight miles from where he was originally picked up.
Source: Bob Pratt, The UFO Report 1991 & UFO Terror in Brazil
Date: July 11 1977
Location: Floradad, Uruguay
Time: 15:30
Date: July 12 1977
Location: Mt. Vernon, IL
Time: 2:10 AM.
Summary: Our local police dispatcher reported to the UFO Filter Center at Mt. Vernon, INDIANA, that multiple witnesses were reporting unusual lights to police at Mt. Vernon, ILLINOIS, which is 60 miles to the NW.
Source: UFOFC, Ridge files
Date: July 12 1977
Location: Mayfield, KY
Time: 2:10 AM.
Summary: Police radios were reporting unusual lights being observed at Mayfield, KENTUCKY, which is 85 miles SW of the UFOFC at Mt. Vernon, INDIANA.
Source: UFO Filter Center, Ridge files
Date: July 12 1977
Location: Roseto Degli Abruzzi, Italy
Time: 1:50 AM.
Summary: A domed disc passed over a hill in Roseto Degli Abruzzi. Two kids playing with walkie-talkies experienced RFI radio interference.
Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: Italian UFO Catalogue
Date: July 12 1977
Location: Quebradillas, Puerto Rico
Time: 2030
Summary: Adrian De Olmos Ordones, 42, was resting on the balcony of his house when he saw a very small figure, 40 feet away across the street, slip under the barbed wire fence of a farm and walk toward a street lamp post 20 feet away. He was 3.5 foot tall, and covered by a green garment that seemed to be inflated with air; a large metallic helmet with a glass front encased the head and came to slight point on top, surmounted by a short extension with a luminous point on top. On his back was a box like a knapsack. The witness also observed that he had only four fingers, that his feet were similar to a duck’s and that he had a tail, not long enough to reach the ground. In his right hand he had a small shiny object. The witness had his daughter bring him pencil and paper so he could make a sketch, but by mistake she turned on the balcony light; the being, startled, ran back to the fence, passed under it, and then stopped and put his hand on his belt. Two red and two blue lights appeared on the backpack with two jets of sparks, aiming downwards, accompanied by a sound like an electric drill. With that, the being ascended 10 feet into the air, lifting his tail, and flew horizontally to a grove of trees 150 yards away. Mr. Olmos, his family, and neighbors watched the lights of the figure as he moved about the trees for 10 minutes, in company with another light. During this period the cattle on the adjacent farm “went crazy,” running about and lowing. The next day, tracks presumably left by the humanoid were found and photographed at the site. A neighbor woman had seen a luminous object descend into the wooded area two days previously.
Source: Sebastian Robiou Lamarche & Jorge Martin
Date: July 13 1977
Location: Emden, MO
Time: 3:00 AM.
Summary: Dog started barking at 3:00 AM. This barking was unusual, described as a “scared” bark. The object was described as egg shaped or oblong, about the size of an average car. It had a 3-dimensional appearance, “..like you could look through it, or right into it.” The outside was orange and toward the center it was brighter and a slightly different color. The colors were described as similar to setting sun but not dark enough to be considered red. The night was very quiet with no wind. The witness made an effort to hear any sound from the object but heard nothing. He noted that even when the object started moving, he still could hear nothing. The object, judging by a tree in front of it, was estimated to be 20 feet or less from the ground and was in the area of a clearing. It remained still and in view for about 10 minutes. Then the witness’s wife, watching from indoors while he watched from the porch, turned on house lights. At that point, the object flickered slightly and started moving away slowly and steadily, maintaining its low altitude. It speed was estimated as 5 mph and it was moving in a northwest direction.. The object was lost to sight after after 20 seconds as it became obscured by trees. The witness heard the neighbor’s dogs start barking about 3 minutes later.
Source: Woodward
Date: July 15 1977
Location: Black Mesa Oklahoma
Time: 0900A
Summary: While hiking in the area R Selfried was reportedly abducted by several short gray humanoids. Apparently this is his second abduction. No other information.
Source: UFONS # 283
Date: July 15 1977
Location: Bellevue, KY
Time: 10:45 PM.
Summary: Mrs. Fern Frey (name changed) was lying in bed with her 11-year-old daughter who was asleep. She was shocked to see her bed light up with a bright green glow. Thinking her home was being burglarized, Mrs. Frey jumped out of bed. (There was a lot of this “jumping out bed” this summer). The glow was coming through one of the two windows in the bedroom. She cautiously peeked through the curtain and watched in bewilderment as the green light retreated, “just like a liquid being drawn up through a straw.” In a matter of seconds the light was “siphoned” up into a low hovering object that was shaped like an inverted saucer a couple of hundred feet away. She guessed it was about 30′ in diameter and was metallic. The moon’s glow reflected on it and she could determine that its visible surface was clearly divided into equal-sized squares. The bottom was in darkness, appearing flat, and it was into this section that the recoiling beam of light was drawn. The object then gracefully lifted and disappeared into a wooded area.
Source: MUJ-122,9
Date: July 16 1977
Location: Wakefield, MA
Summary: Multiple UFO abductee Betty Andreasson had her sixth close encounter experience on this night in Wakefield, Massachusetts.
Source: Raymond E. Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, p. 137
Date: July 17 1977
Location: Barra da Corda, Brazil
Time: 0500A
Summary: Joao Batista Souza, owner of the Nova Melia Ranch was strolling on his property in the early morning when he saw a “ball of fire” flying along about 200 meters from him. Terrified, he hid behind a mound, and watched the glowing sphere land. As it landed, its brightness abated, and he could now see that it was “shaped like a straw hat.” A door opened, and a small being about 1 meter in height, emerged, carrying in its left hand a sort of torch emitting a reddish light, and with something else, not distinguishable, in the other hand. The face could not be seen, being encased in a helmet with “antennae,” but the rest of the entire body was “covered with hair.” At that point the rancher appeared to have lost consciousness. Members of his family found him lying there and carried him into the house where he remained in bed for several days, too weak to get up.
Source: Dr. Daniel Rebisso Geise, FSR Vol. 39 # 3
Date: July 18 1977
Location: Palomares, Spain
Time: 2:10 a.m.
Summary: A red, round object hovered over some olive trees in Palomares, Spain at 2:10 a.m. It directed a beam of light to the ground.
Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, May 1978
Date: July 1977
Location. Not given
Date: July 19 1977
Time: midnight
The witness awoke about midnight to find three beings in her living room. They were hairless humanoids with watery eyes, a thin build, and pasty white skin. In height the beings measured about 4 1/2 feet. These beings escorted her to a UFO and she entered by means of a beam of light. She lay on a “water bed” while a mist covered her for apparent decontamination. After the beings placed her on a table they probed her with a beam of light and returned her home to bed. Medical problems followed after the abduction.
Source: Dr. Leo Sprinkle
Date: July 21 1977
Location: Porter, TX
Time: 4:15 AM.
Summary: Officer John W. Bruner, a deputy sheriff, was on duty and was the first person to observe the phenomenon. Officer Bruner and his partner Officer Coogler were parked west of the object which appeared to be approximately 1/2 to 1 mile away. Bruner and Coogler got out of their vehicle and tried to observe the object better by shinning their light on it. The object moved toward the men and the officers turned off the light because they became nervous at seeing the object’s response to their light. The object then moved back to its first location. The two officers concurred that the object appeared to have six portholes surrounding a type of framework. The two officers observed the UFO for approximately 45 minutes. During that time period, the UFO appeared to stand still in mid air, pulsated, traveled at incredible speeds and flew with erratic mobility. The officers described the UFO’s apparent size to be about that of a grapefruit. Officer Bruner is convinced That the object he saw was not a balloon or a helicopter.
Source: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1977, page 4
Date: July 22 1977
Location: Croix-en-Plaine, France
Summary: An 18 meter in diameter domed, bowl-shaped disc hovered 50 meters over a house in Croix-en-Plaine, France at 10:30 p.m. Rays from the UFO converged on the roof of the house.
Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, November 1979
Date: July 23 1977
Location: Lindley (Steuben) New York
Time: 0110A
Summary: A 26-year old and her 13-year old niece, looked out of their bedroom window before retiring and saw 11-12 white lights in a “dipper” shaped formation which were moving about outside the house. One bright light appeared on a hill 300 yards away. They could hear a whooshing sound then two of the lights ascended. Then they heard footsteps from the creek (100 yards away), and saw two small figures floating up and down in front of a tree by the creek. After this they saw several other figures, at various spots, carrying what seemed to be flashlights; they wore close fitting, “skin diver” outfits with glowing green belts. Next a rectangular red luminous object was seen by one of the witnesses to approach close to the creek, and then recedes again. At this point both witnesses developed severe headaches. They then saw one figure on a distant hill shining a light on a tombstone there; the stone seemed to rise up into the air and move back and forth. A taller figure than the others (who were less than 4-foot tall) stood near the light on the hill and called out with an “ooh, ooh” sound; then the others all then approached him and, five minutes later, deployed back into adjacent fields. One of them approached the house, coming under the second story window; he dropped to the ground, as though to conceal himself, then approached the door and rattled its handle. By this time (0345A), the older witness had called her mother, who notified the state police. All of the lights and figures disappeared just prior to the arrival of police, the lights in the sky being indistinguishable from stars. Both witnesses believed only an hour had passed (actually over three hours had elapsed), and they complained of burning eyes and headaches that lasted for two days. Footprints were found in the area.
Source: Ted Phillips, Douglas Dains, & Dr Gary Truce for Cufos
Date: July 1977
Location. Cruis-Mallegougasse, France
Date: July 24 1977
Time: 2230
On Route 951 a couple, Mr. & Mrs. Gaizand reported seeing a luminous form shaped like a half sphere sitting on the ground by the side of the road at about 40 meters away. The object was about 7-8 m in diameter and about 2.50 m in height. The craft had three blue-white bright lights. Next to the craft stood two human like figures. The figures were about 1.65m in height and wore gray uniforms and helmets. Mrs. Gaizand was seized by a panic and begged for her husband to drive away. Both suffered from conjunctivitis and insomnia after the encounter.
Source: LDLN # 195, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Date: July 24 1977
Location: Henderson, KY
Time: 8:40 PM.
Summary: Report not phoned in to UFO Filter Center but came over police scanner (KNI Net) at UFOFC. Report of an “aircraft going down” prompted law enforcement officials to look for a crash. None found.
Source: UFOFC, Ridge files
Date: July 25 1977
Location: Lindley (Steuben) New York
Time: 2300
Summary: The witness heard a noise at his door and on opening saw a 4-foot tall humanoid standing there; he was wearing a suit that was light on top and dark on the bottom. He retired indoors to get his gun and flashlight and stepped out on the porch, playing the light around the yard. The flashlight illuminated an object above a nearby tree; then a beam of light from this object knocked the witness back. Following this the witness remained indoors. Both he and his wife felt cramps, and the witness said that his head felt as though it would explode, his body felt numb, and his ears were ringing. He reportedly saw 6 or 7 UFOs throughout the night, and a number of 4-foot tall humanoids, some of which could be heard on the roof. The beings made a chattering sound. All were gone by 0500A. Footprints were seen on the grass, and on the roof a metal louver was partially removed
Source: Ted Phillips, Douglas Dains, & Dr Gary Truce for Cufos
Date: July 26 1977
Location: Artigas Uruguay
Time: morning
Summary: On three occasions in July, a family named Da Costa claimed to have been visited by several small beings, apparently extraterrestrial, who left their footprints and disappeared while the witnesses stared at them. In the garden area small boot like footprints were found, and the next day one of the witnesses found a stone with strange drawings on it, which he could not decipher.
Source: Cronica de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: July 1977
Location. Genova Italy
Date: July 26 1977
Time: 2100
A witness noticed an immobile figure nearby; it suddenly began to move slowly, with one hand on his throat as if having some difficulty in breathing. It had a round head, a squat body, and was wearing a one-piece dark gray body suit. Police was notified.
Source: CUN Genova
Date: July 28 1977
Location: Dunnockshawe Lancashire England
Time: 0230A
Summary: A 19-year old youth was camping with a friend along the edge of Clowridge Reservoir. Some time before dawn he went to the water’s edge for some drinking water, taking his rifle with him. As he bent down over the breakwater he noticed a strange figure standing about 100 yards from him. The figure was at least 8-foot tall and dressed completely in a white robe, and had a beard and bushy hair. The figure stood motionless staring out over the water and did not seem to noticed the witness, who then called out to his friend; as he did so, the figure vanished. A family in the area had reported seeing lights during the summer.
Source: Northern UFO News # 43
Date: July 31 1977
Location: Normal, IL
Time: 6:30 PM.
Summary: University professor called wife and secretary to see a silver “stretched cigar” three times (apparent) diameter in length. Object flew in slow straight path from 30-degrees in SW to 30-degrees in NE and was lost in the trees.
Source: IUR,2,9
Date: July or August 1977
Location: Exact location not given
Time: night
Summary: The witness was relaxing alone at home when a strange sound and light caused her a period of confusion. Under hypnosis she remembered that the light and sound drew her toward a strange craft where she met a being with large eyes. She felt safe and secure. She converse by telepathy with the being then found herself back at her door. She felt that the experience had expanded her and her spirituality.
Source: Dr Leo Sprinkle
Date: July 1977
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