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Date: October 1976
Location: Near Springfield Missouri
Time: unknown
Summary: The witness remembers being abducted along with his wife and year old daughter by several tall humanoids with large domed heads and huge black oval shaped eyes. The beings apparently were able to control the witness thoughts and seemed to extract all information from his mind.
Source: Linda Moulton Howe Glimpses of Other Realities Vol. I
Date: October, 1976: Silvery, UFOs seen over Ramapo mountain range
Date: October 1976
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Time: 0830A
Summary: Following an inexplicable urge the witness was taking a walk outside (something he rarely did in the morning) and was on Billinghurst street between Cangallo and Diaz Velez when he noticed a woman walking in the opposite direction toward him that greeted him by his surname as they crossed paths. Her facial expression was strange—aggressive and mocking. The woman was dressed in a black skirt and jacket, matching shoes and a black handbag in her right hand. She spoke with a local accent. She appeared not to be wearing any excessive makeup and her height was about 1.60mm, perhaps shorter. According to the witness there didn’t appear to be any other people around. The next day the witness ran into the same woman around the same location and as he readied himself to ask her about her strange behavior the previous day, she looked defiantly at him and asked, in the same tone, “What’s the matter?” Taken aback the witness did not confront her and watch as she continued walking normally until she reached Cangallo where she turned around to look at him from some 60 meters away, as if aware that the building’s porter and him were discussing her, if she was from the neighborhood or not. On that second encounter the witness felt a sensation of cold and panic as the strange woman walked by. According to the witness the woman’s eyes were shiny, “possessed”. They appeared to have a “golden sheen” filled with menace, malice and hatred. A couple of months later again in Billingshurst the witness saw the figure of a woman totally dressed in black that jumped in front of him falling to the ground, and yelling for help, stunned he realized that nobody else around had apparently seen the woman and kept walking, looking back he realized she had now disappeared.
Source: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez, Argentina
Date: October 1976
Location. Kelvin Arizona
Date: October 1976
Time: noon
Four men digging in a turquoise vein in the desert area suddenly noticed what appeared to be the desert floor moving across the sky. It came out of the western sky, and it was silent. The apparently camouflaged object then stopped at about a football field away from the witnesses, it then descended and landed. A ramp came down and two men dressed in normal leisure clothing, (shorts and t-shirts) walked down the ramp. Next two women and then 3 children. The men went back to the object and brought out something resembling a barbeque, the women took out something resembling a cooler, while the men brought out a table and some chairs that appeared metallic. The children brought out some toys while the women appeared to be bringing out some food. One of the men walked over the witnesses and asked what they were doing. The witness explained that they were searching for turquoise, and the man answered by saying that he would never understand human fascination with rocks, and then he walked away. Soon the group of “visitors” picked everything up, waved at the witnesses and left. (Bizarre as it seems there have been other similar reports from different locations.)
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & The World
Date: October 1976
Location: Rigdon, IN
Summary: Abduction report. Two witnesses. Disc observed. Confidential report.
Source: MUFON Indiana, Ridge files
Date: October 1976
Location: San Rafael (Marin) California
Time: night
Summary: While, sleeping, the witness had a dream “as vivid as though it were a waking memory.” He was aware of being in a different place—a landscape of multi colored, limbless trees “like colored toothpicks.” No leaves or other growth was apparent. He was confronted by an entity 4-4 ½ feet tall, thin of built, with an oval head and sparse black hair. His skin was olive brown, and his eyes were large and dark, showing no whites. He had no apparent nose except for two nostrils, and very small ears, and a slit for a mouth that was only apparent when he opened it. He was dressed in a tight gray or brown-colored one-piece suit. The being told the witness telepathically not to be afraid, the witness asked if he was a police officer and was told that he was a “guardian” or “guide.” He pointed at the sky where two suns were seen; a third sun was not then visible. The witness was shown a book with thick pages showing pictures of large black spider-like animals, which, he was told, were “pets.” He asked if he could keep the book offering to pay; payment was declined and he was told with some humor that he could indeed have the book if he knew how to take it back with him. They were joined by a female being, (the guardian’s wife) and two adolescent sons. The woman told the witness that he was on a planet in the Alpha Centauri system, “five light years from earth.” The woman and her two children escorted the witness to their home in a vehicle “like a bucket that floated above the ground” at a moderate to fast speed. The house resembled an ice cream cone on its side; in whose small end were located energy sources, derived from the suns and from the atmosphere. He was shown the rest of the house and his questions were answered, and then he was asked if he was ready to return. He was taken back to the wooded locale where the guardian was waiting. The last thing he was told was that he would be welcomed back on his next visit, which they hoped would be a “physical” visit, “not just in your mind.” They appeared friendly, displaying “a sense of humor,” and the apparent purpose of the trip was to demonstrate the power of the mind.
Source: Ted Bloecher & Paul Cerny
Date: October, 1976: Silvery, UFOs seen over Ramapo mountain range
Date: October 1976
Location: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Time: night
Summary: Woody Polston spotted a huge cylindrical-type of disk, followed by another huge object. Both were aluminum colored. He remembers watching for 2-3 minutes before stumbling back into his car where he spent the next 12 hours in a semi-conscious state. His watch was then 10 hours slow. He experienced recurring nightmares for over a year afterwards.
Source: Apro Bulletin March 1980
Date: October 5 1976
Location: Rankins Springs, NSW
Time: 1840
Summary: A credit manager, aged twenty six, was returning home from a trip with a friend and his younger daughter. Approaching a rise in the road he saw an object in the sky low down and stationary. It then travelled in a south- east to north-west direction at about forty five degrees to the horizon. It had the appearance of a flattened disc, swollen at the front with “portholes.” The car radio had been on all the time but upon the object’s appearance it had ceased to operate.
Date: October 6 1976
Location: Rive-De-Gier, France
Time: 1920
Summary: A domed disc-shaped object was seen hovering over a local factory. Several figures were seen moving inside the dome. Soon the object became extremely bright and shot away at high speed towards the east.
Source: LDLD March 1979
Date: October 1976
Location. Chamouilley, France
Date: October 10 1976
Time: evening
A girl from Eurville was on her way to Cousances-les-Forges to meet her fiancée when as she reached the exit to Chamouilley the beams of her Mobylette illuminated a very tall being standing in the middle of the road. The figure then advanced in her direction placing his arms directly in front of him (like a sleepwalker). The humanoid measured over 2 meters in height; it had an uncovered head with long blond hair and wearing something resembling welder’s goggles in his face. The figure wore a phosphorescent combination suit that reflected the light. The witness left her moped behind and took refuge in a friend’s house nearby. She did not see the humanoid depart.
Source: Raoul Robe, Regional Catalogue, Groupe 5255
Date: October 1976
Location. Crackneck Lookout New South Wales Australia
Date: October 10 1976
Time: 2015
Two young couples were in a parked car at the Crackneck Lookout, on Bateau Bay. Hearing some noises, they went off to the cliff edge, and saw an off white “thing” crawling up the cliff. They ran back to the car and locked its doors. Then the “thing” came over the cliff edge and approached them. It resembled a man, 8-9 ft tall, without clothing or hair, but it had eyes resembling that of a fly. Its mouth was round; it had 3 joints in its arms and legs, and pointed fingers. Its shoulders were about 3” across. They drove away. One of the women had observed a rectangular dark orange light out to sea.
Source: Bill Chalker & Keith Basterfield
Date: October 10 1976
Location: Stoke Mandeville England
Time: 22:00
Summary: It was about 10pm on a clear autumn evening, and I was looking out of my bedroom window smelling the fresh air, when I noticed an object approaching from my right. It moved at a phenomenal speed. It moved from right to left in front of me. The object was a perfect cigar shape, exactly as if you were observing a saucer from an angle. The shape was pure, perfect and unbroken. The object was also a pure brilliant white. There was absolutely no sound at all. The weather was a clear still evening. The width of the object was approximately twice that of the moon. I lost sight of the object as it was obscured by trees to my left. The object travelled in a perfectly straight trajectory. I do not believe that a natural phenomenon can produce an object of such a perfect shape and light, which travelled at such a fast speed in such a straight trajectory. The sighting has utterly convinced me that there is life beyond this planet.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: October 1976
Location. Dunn (Hartnett) North Carolina
Date: October 12 1976
Time: 1700
Tonnlie Barefoot, 8, playing in a cornfield, ran to his mother to tell her that he had just seen a little man not much bigger than a coke bottle. She paid little attention, and sent him back. He returned, saying he had found the little man’s footprints. Adults the next day in fact found a number of these footprints, 2 ¼ inches long and 1 inch wide, in two places. The boy said he first saw the little man watching him with an open mouth. The man, who had a mustache, wore a blue shirt and trousers made of a shiny material, a black “German type” hat with an emblem like crossed rifles, black boots, and a white tie. When he saw that Tonnlie had noticed him, he let out a little squeal like a mouse, and ran off among the cornstalks,
Source: Fred H Bost, Pursuit Spring 1977
Date: October 1976
Location. Wrose Yorkshire England
Date: October 15 1976
Time: 2000
Paul Bennett was playing with 5 friends near a Westfield Grove when he saw “a little black creature about two-foot tall” standing at the edge of the road. It then ran, with little short paces, across the road and up Westfield Grove. Its head was “squashed” like a tomato, and it had no feet or toes, its legs extending straight to their extremities; similarly, its thin arms lacked hands and fingers. There were no features visible, nor ears and hair. None of the other boys appeared to have seen it, and most of them made fun of Paul when he told them. One, Michael McDermott, did assist Paul in a search for some evidence of the little creature. They found a set of 30 small circular footprints leading from a puddle along the route taken by the being. McDermott claimed he heard a faint whistling sound and someone calling Bennett’s name, according to the witness.
Source: Nigel Watson and Roger Hebb for MUFOB
Date: October 17, 1976
Location: Akita Airport, Japan
Summary: Control tower and airline pilot on runway observed glowing disc like “two plates placed together” hovering to south; object then flew away
Source: Ref. 1, Section III
Date: October 21 1976
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Time: 5:40 p.m.
Summary: Several witnesses saw a glowing red circular object moving slowly south at an estimated 1500 meters altitude. Two rows of square windows were visible along the perimeter, and a white light beam shone upwards from the object.
Source: Bertil Soderquist, MUFON representative in Sweden
Date: October 1976
Time: Oct. 23, 1976; Winchester, MA
Date: October 1976
Location. Near Hobling Moselle France
Date: October 24 1976
Time: 2230
Romeo Lucarelli was driving home from Hestroff to Hobling with his little daughter when he saw two lights ahead, which he took at first to be a car parked on top of a hill. As he approached, he recognized that it was a dumbbell shaped UFO about 50 ft long hovering in the air about 300 ft altitude. After he had passed by it, it began to follow him, and passed over the car so as to be in front of him. He made headlights signals, and then saw in the middle of the dumbbell a rectangular “screen” feebly lighted by orange light, in which 2 silhouettes appeared, as if looking at him. He came to the village and drove to his house; the UFO now hovered above his garage, and he pointed it out to his wife. She went to get binoculars, but just as he was about to use them the UFO “turned out its lights.” They heard a dull humming sound. At the spot which he had first seen it, three landing marks were found; each consisted of two tangential double circles of crushed grass, the outer ones about 3 ft greater in radius than the inner ones, and the whole about 50 ft wide.
Source: G. Bretelle & B Wagner
Date: October 1976
Location. Dunn (Hartnett) North Carolina
Date: October 25 1976
Time: 0620A
Shirley Ann McCrimmon, 20, had just come home shortly before daybreak when she heard a noise outside. She looked out and saw a very small man, no bigger than a coke bottle, looking at her. After watching him for several minutes, she moved; at this, the little man shone a very bright yellow light in her eyes. She screamed, and the little man ran away. He was either naked, with light brown skin, or wearing a thin light brown garment. He wore boots but no hat. Two footprints were found.
Source: Fred H Bost, Pursuit Spring 1977
Date: October 1976
Location. Near Guadalajara Mexico
Date: October 28 1976
Time: unknown
A 600-foot diameter spaceship settled over a small mountain near Guadalajara; cars in the area experienced electrical failure. When the cars stopped the drivers got out and stood “watching the craft make various maneuvers.” After the UFO sighting a person who claimed to be from the spaceship asked for a medical examination at the clinic of an eminent and respected Mexican doctor, 43. The doctor examined him and was shocked at his appearance. His skin was as white as milk, and apart from “black strands on his head” there was no hair on his body. ”He insisted that humans on this planet were very low on the scale of evolutionary development, and that we had yet to discover 3 more planets in our solar system.” It was reported that the UN’s Science and Technology office was investigating the case.
Source: Thomas Hyman & Charlotte Blaab
Date: October 1976
Location. Lake View (Dillon) South Carolina
Date: October 28 1976
Time: 2230
Richard Britt and his 12-year old son Richie, from the porch of their house, saw a luminous object flying horizontally above the woods. Britt went indoors and Richie continued to watch. The object reappeared, rotating and emitting red, green, and blue lights; then it flew down toward Richie and stopped near the porch. Now it gave off a white light. It was aluminum colored, about the size of a large automobile, with a row of small triangular windows above, which was one large triangular window. In this window stood a pale white unclothed being with no facial features except 2 large dark eyes; it had no neck; the hands were claw-like. Richie began to scream; when his father rushed out he found nothing there. Richie had to be treated for hysteria; he could not tell what he had seen until the next morning. On that morning Mr. Britt noticed that in an area about 15 x 20 ft in size in front of the porch, there was no frost on the grass.
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Date: October 1976
Time: Oct. 28, 1976; Evansville, IN
7:05 p.m. A close encounter case with six witnesses. Although a nocturnal sighting, the case has a high degree of strangeness, as can be deduced from the testimony of witness Lee Golden: “This is no hallucination. This thing came right over the top of the house (which was 50′ from the witness), I’d say a hundred-150′ over the top of the house. And it was rectangular on the top and it had a big light at the bottom. I couldn’t see how the bottom was made, but it was totally noise proof, wasn’t any noise at all.” As it came over it appeared to be the size of an automobile and was gaining altitude and heading North. When it got higher up, something shot out from the bottom of it. Later on, something shot out from the side. The object had come from the South, headed North at low altitude (180-150′), then turned and headed NE, gained altitude and finally shrank to the size of a star. Duration: 15 minutes. Moved slowly at first, then seemed to stop, then moved quickly away and out of sight.
Date: October 29, 1976: Humanoid sighting in Baracaldo
Date: October 30 1976
Location: Cernoy-en-Berry Le Loiret France
Time: noon
Summary: A married couple was driving with Maggy Carof and were just turning into the D.50 highway when Ms Carof saw standing on the edge of the highway, about 200 yards away, a figure of the stature of a child about 12. He was enveloped in a blue gray cape with a white collar, and wore a black cap like that of a Pierrot. This figure then disappeared “progressively,” beginning with the right side. An immediate search of the area showed nothing. The witness’s dog, which was in the car, moaned at the moment of the observation, and was sick the rest of the day.
Source: Maggy Carof
Date: October 31 1976
Location: Los Angeles California
Time: 1800
Summary: The witness was being driven back home by her husband on his motorcycle and was going west on Figueroa Avenue. As they drove in front of a hotel she looked up and saw a metallic disc shaped craft, shooting up from behind the buildings. The object remained at a height of 100 feet as it traveled in a straight line, occasionally dipping 30 feet. Rounding a curve the sun shone on the object, and it appeared to turn transparent. Inside she was able to see 3 or 4 human like figures inside. Two, which were looking at her and were leaning over a console or platform. The men looked very handsome. She gave them the peace sign but they did not respond, displaying no emotion just curiosity. They attempted to follow the object but eventually lost sight of it.
Source: NUFORC
Date: October 1976
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