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Date: early January 1976
Location: Between Pelkosenniemi and Kemijarvi, Finland
Time: 1500
Summary: A traveling salesman was driving his car on the Saukkoaava Road towards Vuostimo when he was near the outskirts of Kemijarvi close to the Niskala farm he spotted a large disc-shaped bright object descend gently towards the ground, flying over his car. As this happened his vehicle engine ceased to run and he had no choice but to stop the car. The bright object landed on the road some 100 meters away. The witness estimated the object to be about four 4 meters in diameter and one and a half in height. It was shining brightly. A few minutes’ later two small humanoids appeared besides the object. In the darkness the witness could see that they wore strange looking dark green suits and were about 80 cm in height. The two humanoids began to walk towards the witness car, but when they were about 40 meters away they suddenly turned around and hurried back to the object. The witness did not see how they entered the object but the object ascended almost at once straight up and vanished behind some thin clouds without a sound. When the object disappeared he was able to re-start his car again. He drove to scene where the object had landed and he found three landing marks, five cm wide and two & a half meters apart.
Source:Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Date: January 1976
Location: Saragossa Spain
Time: evening
Summary: A 51-year old shepherd, having penned his flock for the night, was about to return home when he encountered three strange, very tall entities, dressed in white, in the roadway. Upon seeing him, the three beings turned about and disappeared. Two days later in the same enclosure in which he kept his herd, the witness once again observed two beings of similar appearance as earlier. He went into the village and returned with the police, but the beings had by then disappeared.
Source:LDLN # 158
Date: January 1976
Location: Alberta Canada (exact location not given)
Time: evening
Summary: At least ten witnesses observed a light for an hour. A boy claimed to have seen portholes and legs when the object landed near him. He later reported a recurrent nightmare of being taken onboard the object by humanoids described as “Saturnians.” He only had vague memories of the incident. No other information or descriptions.
Source:John Brent Musgrave
Date: January 1976
Location: Houston, Texas
Time: night
Summary: During a storm, the 10-year old witness saw a very large bird-like creature land silently about six feet from him. It was at least eight ft tall, with large glowing red eyes and a wingspan of about 20 ft. Terrified, the witness stood frozen in place. At that point his dog ran towards the creature barking furiously. That apparently broke the spell and the witness screamed and jumped on top of his father’s car. The giant bird like creature then flew off as silently as it had arrived. The witness continued to scream until his father came out. His father found strange prints on the ground.
Source: UFOs About.com, Paranormal story archive
Date: January 1976
Location. Salyer, California
Date: January 1976
Time: night
21-year old Wendy Allen stepped out into her back porch and nearly collided with two bluish white glowing oval objects that were making a humming sound over her parked car. Below that there were two huge luminous red orbs that just stared at her. Much to her horror those red glowing ovals were part of an eight foot tall man-like ape. She reported the sighting to Syl McCoy a veteran Bigfoot researcher and chief fire inspector for the U.S. Forestry service at Willow Creek.
Source: Peter Guttilla
Date: January 1976
Location. Norfolk Fens England
Date: January 1976
Time: 2330
A couple driving along the 16 Foot River noticed a bright blue light that appeared to be far away. Within seconds it was very close, increasing in size dramatically. The light flew over the car then hovered and swung above a nearby field. The frightened witnesses then drove away; they soon returned to the area and saw a “man” holding what appeared to be a flashlight standing in the middle of the road. Upon seeing this figure they left the area and did not returned.
Source: Bufora
Date: January 1976
Location. Williams Air Force Base Arizona
Date: January 1976
Time: late night
A security guard finishing his rounds encountered a huge brilliant red light hovering above some trees near a construction site. As he approached the site to investigate he was able to see a large hovering saucer shaped object with a hump on its center bottom section. It was surrounded by red light. As the witness moved closer to the object he heard a low whirring sound and the object descended and landed on a tripod like gear. A stairway like protrusion descended towards the ground. Then a figure appeared and began to climb down to the ground. The humanoid was described as eight-foot tall, with long dangling arms a huge torso and two stump like legs. His face was long and oval shaped, it had two large tear shaped eyes. The witness felt paralyzed as the creature began moving towards him using high loping steps. The witness felt a strong humming inside his skull and smelled an odor resembling rotten eggs. Moments later on the road behind him a car went by, this apparently caused the creature to walk back and board the object which then lifted off at high speed and disappeared.
Source: Rufus Drake, Saga UFO Report July 1977
Date: early January 1976
Location: San Benito Texas
Time: night
Summary: Two police officers, Arturo Padilla and Homero Galvan watched a huge stork-like creature with a “bat-like” face flying low over a canal.
Source:Ron Schaffner
Date: January 1 1976
Location: Llanos De Mojos Bolivia
Time: 0510A
Summary: The witness was exploring a remote area of the Amazon jungle when after getting up one morning he observed a silent disc shaped object pass overhead and descend out of sight behind some trees. The witness prepared a backpack, grabbed his machete, and walked towards the direction where the object had descended. He eventually came upon a large disc shaped craft that hovered over some nearby bushes. As he stood watching he felt somebody touch his arm, as he turned around two tall blond men wearing silvery one-piece coveralls confronted him. The men had several strange instruments hanging from pockets on the coveralls. They spoke to the witness in a soft melodic unknown language. While they spoke, one of the men took out a small apparatus from his pocket and seemed to adjust it. Suddenly their language became clear and understood by the witness, who spoke German. They spoke to the witness, telling him that they originated from the star cluster known as Proxima Centauri.
Source:Zitha Rodriguez Montiel, Prof R N Hernandez and Lt Colonel Wendelle C Stevens, UFO Contact from Andromeda
Date: January 1976
Time: Jan.1, 1976; Marle, France
1:00 a.m. Three witnesses watched a 15-meter long football-shaped object hover 800 meters above a road then shot straight up in the sky fast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, January 1979).
Date: January 1976
Location. Near Harlingen, Texas
Date: January 1 1976
Time: afternoon
Tracey Lawson, eleven, and her cousin Jackie Davies fourteen, were playing in Tracey’s backyard in an area in the Rio Grande Valley. As they looked out on a plowed field beyond the yard they noticed an unusual object standing some 100 yards away, near a borrow pit bordering an irrigation canal. Tracey went inside her house to get field glasses, through which she observed a “horrible looking” black bird of extraordinary size, over five feet tall. Its wings were folded around its body, and the bird was staring at the girls through large, dark red eyes attached to a gray “gorilla-like” face. Its head was bald, and it had a beak at least six inches long, it made a loud, shrill “eeee” sound. The bird or whatever it was lost to view for a few moments, reappearing on the northeast corner of the property, its head poking above a small clump of trees. The girls fled inside and told Tracey’s mother and father, who did not believe them. But the next day Jackie’s stepfather, Tom Waldon, found strange tracks, three-toed, eight inches across, and square at the head, pressed an inch and a half into the hard ground. Stan Lawson also noted how oddly the family dog was behaving. It cowered inside the doghouse all day, leaving it only at suppertime, when it bolted into the house and had to be dragged out. That night Lawson thought he heard large wings scraping across the bedroom window, but whatever caused the sound left no trace of its passing.
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Date: January 2 1976
Location: Omaha (Douglas) Nebraska
Time: 0150A
Summary: Freddy Coniglio, 25, saw a triangular luminous object outlined in flashing red, green, and white lights; he estimated it came within 150 yards, and then passed overhead, with no sound. It remained visible for 40 minutes. Inspecting through a 40X telescope, he could see three or four “beings” moving about inside it.
Source:Cufos Files
Date: January 2 1976
Location: Near Chilliwack British Columbia
Time: late afternoon
Summary: The witness, who had been camping in an isolated area, was walking back to the cabin when he saw two “youngsters” who appeared to be skiing, approaching along an old hiking trail. They seemed to be wearing some sort of light colored reflective outfits. A few minutes later the road dipped slightly and he lost sight of them briefly. He soon regained the previous view in time to see the two young figures crossing the road to his side. He could not see the figures clearly, but they both appeared to be engaged in earnest conversation. Before they had come close enough, the two figures left the road, crossed a shallow firebreak ditch, and disappeared into the forest. Surprised the witness arrived at their last location and failed to find any footprints or marks on the snow anywhere. No path existed at the site where the two figures had vanished and there was a river on the other side of the forest. The witness retraced his steps from the cabin and failed to locate a single solitary footprint from the strangers.
Source:Graham Conway
Date: January 1976
Location. Domene Isere France
Date: January 5 1976
Time: 1750
Jean Claude Silvente, 10, was walking through a brush grown vacant lot (surrounded by buildings) when he heard a noise, and saw that a UFO had landed at the edge of the brush. About 30 feet away, it was a bell shaped object about 15 ft high, white luminous, resting on 5 thin legs. A door opened and a “giant” at least 6.5 foot tall emerged, walking stiffly and with his arms extended in front of him, in the manner of a sleepwalker. He wore a tight white luminous coverall and had long blond hair. On the back of his hands was a green circle. When the boy sneezed, this “giant” turned toward him, and Jean Claude ran home. Shortly afterwards he was sent to get milk; while returning, he saw the same being, following him on the sidewalk at 80 ft distance, still with his arms stiffly in front of him. The witness ran home.
Source: Michel Levy, LDLN # 159
Date: January 6, 1976
Location: Liberty, Kentucky
Summary: A domed disk plunging toward them. The massive object stopped short and paced the car, which soon became filled with blue light and suffocating heat. Reported abduction. Strange red marks on skin burned with water. Small areas of bubbled up paint on car.
Source: The UFO Encyclopedia by Margaret Sachs
Date: January 6 1976
Location: Domene Isere France
Time: 1800
Summary: Returning from getting milk, Jean Claude Silvente again saw the UFO being of the day before, in the same posture, only 12 ft away this time. He spilled the milk and ran. His sister’s boyfriend, who was following him, saw nothing. But then, at the same place (on a sidewalk only 30 yards from his house), Jean Claude, his mother, his 17-year-old sister, and her boyfriend all saw a red “headlight” dive down form the sky at them “as it would land on them.” They ran in panic to a nearby police station.
Source: Michel Levy, LDLN # 159
Date: January 6 1976: The Kentucky Abductions
Date: January 1976
Time: Jan. 6, 1976; Stanford, KY
Domed disc with body lights descended, illuminated car interior with blue light; missing time, abduction, physiological effects (Ref. 1, Section XIII).
Date: January 7 1976
Location: Brownsville Texas
Time: 2030
Summary: Alverico Guajardo heard something hit his trailer, dashing outside he got into his station wagon, drove it slowly around the south side of the trailer and shone his headlights on “something from another planet.” As the lights hit the creature, which had been lying on the ground, it suddenly rose up and stared at Guajardo with blazing red eyes the size of silver dollars. For the next 2 or 3 minutes it stood gazing at the man, who sat immobilized with fear. The creature was 4-feet tall, with black feathers and a beak whose length was between two and four feet. It was making a “horrible sounding noise” from its throat, which appeared to be pulsating. Its long bat-like wings were folded around its shoulders. The creature then backed carefully away toward a dirt road three feet away. By the time Guajardo had gathered enough courage to bolt out of his vehicle toward a neighbor’s house, the creature had vanished into the darkness.
Source: Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman Creatures of The Goblin world
Date: January 8 1976: Near Chernivtsi, Ukraine Close Encounter
Date: January 8 1976
Location: Domene Isere France
Time: 2045
Summary: An anonymous adolescent saw a red yellow point of light descend from the sky to the same vacant lot that a UFO had landed on the fifth. Getting up on a little gravel heap, he saw on the ground an object 60 ft in diameter and 25 ft high that emitted a very bright red-yellow light, which hurt the eyes. After 2 or 3 minutes he noticed a “non-material” luminous form, which frightened him so that he fled.
Source: Michel Levy, LDLN # 159
Date: January 1976
Time: Jan. 8, 1976; Shale Plant on “Bootlegger”, MT
5;30 p.m. Several saucer shape (UFO 51 NIDS)
Date: January 1976
Location. Miami Florida
Date: January 9 1976
Time: unknown
Sergio Cervera and his 18-year old daughter spotted a giant bird like creature with a wingspan of approximately 6 meters. The creature flew over their vehicle and as it did they felt strong air displacement and experienced a strange mental confusion. Apparently they see the bird like creature leaving, flapping its wings as it disappears into the distance.
Source: Denys M Breysse, Project Becassine
Date: January 9 1976
Location: Near Echevis Isere France
Time: 1910
Summary: Jean Dolecki was driving home after dark when a luminous object appeared in the sky and landed in a field beside the road, 100 yards away. It had the form of a cylinder with a narrow waist, the upper portion larger than the lower one, 40-45 ft in diameter and 50-60 ft high. From the bottom a bright white light was emitted, which illuminated it. The top surface seemed to be vibrating, and on each side near the top was attached a relatively small vertical helix, which also vibrated. A door opened in the upper portion, and 3 “robots” resembling “aluminum diving suits,” 6.5-7 ft tall, descended. They had square heads, disproportionately small legs, and in lieu of arms, a telescopic “pole” about 7 ft long, mounted on the chest. These entities moved about near the UFO, walking in a mechanical way, & wagging their poles up and down, for about 10 minutes; then they re-entered, and the machine took off, disappearing at a vertiginous speed.
Source:Gil Helaar, Nostradamus # 198
Date: January 10 1976
Location: Merville-Franceville-Plage Calvados France
Time: 2230
Summary: Mr. Masseron sleeping in a trailer was awakened by blows on the trailer, and scratching sounds; then the vehicle was shaken. He looked out and saw, a few dozen yards away, a luminous egg shaped object about 5 ft tall and 3 ft wide, resting on the ground or very close to it; is upper half was green and its lower half red. This rose up in a spiral, emitting a sound like a jet taking off, then hovered motionless at 50 ft altitude, and then disappeared. The witness opened his door, and heard something like a message as received on a walkie-talkie set, with a background of static; the only thing he could understand was the reiteration of the letters “L.P.X.” He then noticed something moving at his left; and saw a dark human silhouette running across the road near his trailer. He noted as peculiar “the man’s whole body was oriented on the axis of prolongation of his right leg.” At the same time Ms. Zamora, sleeping in a nearby trailer in the trailer park, had been awakened by voices; she heard one voice ask, “What shall I do?” and another answer “Do as I do.” She opened a window and at once heard the “walkie-talkie message.” Then she observed, apparently at the same place where Masseron had previously seen the UFO, a luminous ellipse, green above and red beneath, which was jumping up and down. She woke her husband; the ellipse was now gone, but the “message” was still continuing. The investigator, searching on the same night, found “rather curious footprints” at the place toward which the man had been seen running.
Source: Guillaume Chevalier, LDLN # 175
Date: January 1976
Location: Jan. 10, 1976; NE of Belt, MT
11:00 p.m. Two pulsating red lights at 500′ (UFO 48 NIDS)
Date: January 1976
Location. Hamden Connecticut
Date: January 11 1976
Time: 1755
A 14-year old boy was walking through falling snow to a friend’s house when he saw a large glowing figure walking, or rather floating, near some sumac bushes 400 ft away. The figure was seen in profile, from the waist up. There was no discernible face, and the back of the head was flat and corrugated. The glow from the head extended above the bushes (7-8 ft high) and extended about 9” from the body, with a less luminous silvery outer glow that extended 9” beyond that. The witness ran to the friend’s house; then with two other friends, carrying a 22-caliber rifle he returned to the site. They saw the figure; when one of them played a flashlight beam on it, it fell backwards behind the ridge. It had no facial features, no neck, and no arms. When the flashlight was pointed elsewhere, it rose up again, and remained in flashlight view for 3-4 seconds before slowly ducking behind the ridge. When it came up a third time, the witness shot 2 shots over its head; it slowly descended for the third and last time. One of the witnesses apparently was unable to see the being.
Source: James P Barrett for Apro
Date: January 11 1976
Location: Near Poteet Texas
Time: night
Summary: Two ranch hands near this city, just south of San Antonio, sighted a five-foot tall bird-like creature standing in the water of a stock tank. “He started flying” Jessie Garcia reported, “but I never saw him flap his wings. He made no noise at all.”
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Date: January 12 1976
Location: Near Brownsville Texas
Time: afternoon
Summary: Two sisters, Libby and Deany Ford, observed a “big black bird” near a pond northeast of Brownsville, which lies along the Texas-Mexico border. Libby said that the creature was as big as her “and it had a face like a bat.” Later looking through a book in an effort to identify the creature they likened it to a pterodactyl.
Source:Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Date: January 1976
Location. Mt. Verrugoli Italy
Date: January 13 1976
Time: 2015
Several witnesses reported seeing four strange humanoids accompanied by a feeling of well being that enveloped their bodies briefly and then disappeared. A strange light illuminated the area. The beings were described as tall, over 1 meter, 60cm tall, robust built, wearing dark opaque coveralls, oval shaped metallic gray colored helmets on their heads, with black egg shaped visors. The beings carried an oval shaped white metallic object on one hand and on the other, a round luminous object. On their backs they had what appeared to be rucksacks. Another witness felt heat and a strange silence and stillness in the air.
Source: CUN Genova
Date: January 14 1976
Location: East Bethel (Anoka) Minnesota
Time: 0330A
Summary: Jan Stewart drove Mary Root home from an astrology class, arriving at 0315A, and then drove home herself, arriving at 0430A whereas it should have been only 0330A. Later in the morning, after breakfast, she began to feel sick. The next day she remembered dreaming that she was sitting in a sort of cell with 2 red lights. Later under hypnotic regression, she remembered that a tall white clad figure had come up to her car door and that she had opened the door and taken his white-gloved hand. There was a red haze and 2 other white clad beings who were standing in the door of the translucent “bottom bubble” of a UFO resting beside the road. The 3 humanoids forced her inside, where she could see nothing until she saw, close to her face, a face with big, slanted eyes, which terrified her. She also remembered sitting in the red-lighted cell. Then she was allowed to return to her car, whose engine was still running; an hour had passed.
Source: Brad Ayers for Cufos and Richard Swanson
Date: January 14 1976
Location: Raymondville Texas
Time: 2300
Summary: Armando Grimaldo had just returned home and was looking for his key chain on his front porch when he suddenly heard a loud gurgling sound, and then a tall dark humanoid figure rushed at him and knocked him down. Sharp claws were dug into his back as he cried in pain. He struggled and the attacker fled apparently on foot. The figure was described as very tall with a monkey-like face, ash gray in color. The witness was treated at a local hospital for wounds on his back.
Source:Gray Barker, Saga UFO Report March 1977
Date: mid-January 1976
Location: Tarbes, France
Time: evening
Summary: Two young people returning to their home by car saw a woman standing on the side of the road apparently asking for a lift. They picked her up. During the trip at a certain point in the road the lady slapped the driver in the shoulder and warned him that an upcoming turn on the road was very dangerous and very often people die there. As he turned around to answer her, the lady vanished in plain sight.
Source:Pierre Vieroudy
Date: January 1976
Time: Jan. 17, 1976; 15 miles W. of Augusta, MT
5:30 p.m. 70′ altitude, light bulb shape (UFO 55 NIDS)
Date: January 17 1976
Location: Great Falls, MT
Time: 5:40 p.m.
Summary: UFO. NORAD did not confirm
Source: UFO 54 NIDS
Date: January 19 1976
Location: Heislerville (Cumberland) New Jersey
Time: 1945
Summary: Mrs Kay Peterson and Mrs Vi Camp were leaving Mrs Peterson’s house when they spotted an object with 2 bright lights hovering over the woods about 300 yards away. It was boomerang shaped, with 2 small wings. They called Mr. & Mrs Wayne Tomlin to see it. About 2 minutes later the object took off, passing over their heads with a low whirring sound. They could see a semicircle of red lights on the underside, and Mrs. Camp saw a small window in which a figure was visible from the waist upward.
Source: Mike McClellan
Date: January 1976
Date: January 20 1976
Location: Millis, Massachusetts
Time: 0200A
Summary: The main witness remembers working in a warehouse on Rte 109 when one morning in the dead of winter there was talk of something falling from the sky and landing in a pond on one of the arms and melting the ice. He said to his co-workers, “let’s go over there and view the area were the event happened.” But he was told that nobody could get in there because the military had closed the area off. He did not see anything about in the local newspapers the next day either. However later that spring there were reports of a small strange being in the local paper dubbed, “the creature” sighted and reported to the Millis and possibly to the Dover police by several students. (Strange report, but the “Dover Demon” was not encountered until April of 1977).
Date: January 20 1976
Location: Ventnor (Atlantic) New Jersey
Time: 0515A
Summary: Police officer Frank Ingargiola and newspaper reporter Sonny Schwartz saw over the Atlantic City surf a spherical white luminous object with a bright haze around it. As they drove along the Boardwalk, it seemed to follow them. They called other police cars; a sergeant was able to observe it in the distance with binoculars. The witnesses also noticed a very tall man with “immense broad shoulders” lurching down the Boardwalk in front of the car; he wore a ¾ length suede coat and a 10-gallon Stetson hat.
Source:Mike McClellan
Date: January 21 1976
Location: Eagle Pass Texas
Time: 0045A
Summary: A man had just arrived home and had stepped into his backyard when he spotted a large “something” stooped over near a clothesline post. Before he knew what was happening, the creature made a hissing sound, jumped him, ripped into his shoulders, and then hopped off. He described the creature to the police as having “a brown or almost black body, bright red eyes and the wings of a bat?short stubby legs and two arms, each about two and a half feet long. It had pointed ears, the face of a pig, but without a snout.” Investigators found mysterious feathers at the scene.
Source:Jerome Clark & Loren Coleman “Creatures of The Goblin World”
Date: January 21 1976
Location: Matias-Barbosa Minas Gerais Brazil
Time: 2330
Summary: Erminio Reis, 30, and his wife Bianca were driving on the Rio de Janeiro-Belo Horizonte highway near Matias Barbosa when they began to feel sleepy. Erminio pulled their VW over to the side of the highway and fell sleep over the wheel. Several minutes later, Bianca, still awake, became aware of a dead silence over the area, and noticed a blue light that appeared to intensify and approach them. As it neared, she screamed, believing it to be a plane about to crash. Her husband, now awake, had no time to say a word, as the couple, still in their car, were “absorbed” in a bright beam of light, as it through a chimney. They found themselves, still in their car, in a brightly lit, “kind of circular garage.” A kind of skylight appeared in the ceiling and two human appearing men floated down toward the car and its occupants. They were dark and about two meters tall (6’6”). They signaled to the couple to open the doors and get out, but Bianca was paralyzed with fear. Erminio got out first and his wife, eventually, followed, having to force her door open. The men were speaking incomprehensibly to the couple and Bianca screamed at them, “What do you want? What do you want?” Her husband describing the situation as “dream like,” kept repeating, “It’s a mistake, it is a mistake.” One of the two beings stepped on a button in the floor and a staircase appeared, up which the couple was led into a large compartment filled with instruments. They were given headsets to put on over their ears; one of the two entities also donned a similar set, and then plugged them into a kind of computer. As he quickly manipulated dials, the couple heard a voice say, I’ am Karen, calm down.” Bianca was told that she had to undergo a series of examinations of the skin, ears, and eyes. Then she was placed in a box-like device that turned red, inducing in her a static electric charge that caused her to lose consciousness temporarily. She was next placed in a form-fitting chair that converted into a table and bed. Both were required to drink a thick green liquid of rather bad taste. Several other entities joined the others, including one tall female with dark hair and large dark eyes. The couple was told that they performed medical research on “their” world and that age was treated as an illness, and that no one experienced death. Finally they were advised not to speak of their experience, since they would be considered mad if they did. They were told that they had a method to “erase memory.” They were then set free to continue their journey. Bianca claims that by means of a small implement that was implanted during their experience she was able to remain in communication with the being called Karen.
Date: January 21 1976
Location: Cannon AFB, NM
Time: Sometime before 3:55 a.m. MST.
Summary: NMCC Memo: The following information was received from the Air Force Operations center at 0555 EST: “Two UFOs are reported near the flight line at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. Security Police observing them reported the UFOs to be 25 yards in diameter, gold or silver in color with blue light on top, hole in the middle and red light on the bottom. Air Force is checking with radar. Additionally, checking weather inversion data.” (Actual FOIA document) Among other UFO researchers who arrived in Clovis were several members of the “UFO Study Group,” which has about 40 members, mainly employees of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories the facility where the atomic bomb was developed in World War II. Police said scores of sightings were reported between 6 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Friday an hour before the Los Alamos observers arrived.
Source: Las Cruces SUN NEWS, Sunday Morning, Jan. 25, 1976
Date: January 21 1976
Location: Fairfield, MT
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Summary: 300′ craft on ground with others.
Source: UFO 52 NIDS
Date: January 1976
Date: January 23 1976
Location: Bolton Lancashire England
Time: 1715
Summary: The 17-year old witness had gotten off the bus and was returning home at a housing area when she saw two lights in the sky one amber the other red. They appeared to be bumping into each other, suddenly a metallic object with a curved base and a flat top with several lights, swooped down over her. A pressure on her shoulders knocked her to the ground and her teeth began vibrating, hurting her mouth. She ran home terrified and attempted to scream but could not. Later under hypnosis it was revealed that the witness had suffered a time lapse. She could only recall being inside a room with a tall blond woman that wore a long gown. She was told by this woman “not to be afraid” and felt that information was being inserted in her brain at high speed. She was also given several apocalyptic messages.
Source:Jenny Randles, Abduction
Date: January 24 1976
Location: San Pedro De Las Colonias, Coahuila Mexico
Time: unknown
Summary: A youth reported the landing of a metallic disc-shaped object on a field from which, 2 humanoids (not described) descended. The humanoids approached the witness and communicated with him telepathically. No other information.
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Date: January 1976
Time: Jan. 25, 1976; Gillette, WY
8:09 p.m. A Sheriff’s deputy was driving with his family when an object started coming toward the car. The deputy immediately stopped the car and turned off the headlights. The object appeared to be the size of a semi-truck and had rotating lights of many different colors. The center of the object was a bright light. As the object came closer to the car, the officer felt that “It was trying to catch us,” and he tried to turn his car around. When he was unable to turn on the narrow road, he started backing away from the UFO. After traveling for almost a mile, he reached a point where he could turn around. By this time the object was about 100 yards from the car and about 10 feet off the ground. As the officer was attempting to turn his car, the UFO was lost from sight. Later the witness returned home and got into a truck in order to search for the UFO away from the main roads. Upon his return to the valley where he had seen the UFO first, a “bright light” rose swiftly and soon disappeared from view. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1976, page 1)
Date: January 26 1976
Location: Beaune Cote D’Or France
Time: night
Summary: M. Claude Cretin, while driving, saw a searchlight beam flash 3 times; then he noticed, in the bushes beside the road, a diving suit of yellow orange color with a round-topped helmet having a rectangular glass at eye level. Atop the helmet was a whitish light. Only the upper portion of the figure, which was about 20 ft away from him, was visible above the bushes. He notified the police, who on the following day found freshly broken branches at the spot.
Source:Alain Gamard
Date: January 1976
Time: Jan. 27, 1976; Key West, FL
4:25 a.m. Mrs. Rosemary Heitmeyer was still awake looked out her hall window and observed three objects that looked like upside down soup bowls with domed tops. The objects were bobbing and moving very slowly. Underneath the objects there were square windows glaring an orange-red color. Mrs. Heitmeyer woke up her husband and he joined her outside the house. The three objects were still moving slowly, but soon started moving rapidly away. Mr. Heitmeyer, a retired Navy chief petty officer and former employee of the Cape Kennedy Missile Test Center, confirmed his wife’s observations. He estimated that the objects were about one half mile away. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1976, page 3)
Date: January 29 1976
Location: Benacazon Sevilla Spain
Time: 0030A
Summary: Mr. Carrasco, a 29-year old farmer, was walking home when he heard a noise “like a jet.” Turning around, he saw a brilliant light hovering in the sky; it approached, and landed 18 ft away. It was dark green, rectangular, and taller than a telephone boot. It stood on 3 legs. From this object emerged 2 men 6’6” or more in height, who came to within 12 or 15 ft of the witness. They were clad in dark but luminous tight fitting clothing resembling rubber or plastic, with wide belts whose buckles emitted blindingly bright and hot flashes of red and white light; he could not see their faces, but noticed that they had shoulder-length blondish-white hair. The witness put his hands over his face, but could not stir from the spot. He heard the men talking in a language he could not understand; then he began to run. The UFO rose and flew over him, emitting something that burned him; he lost consciousness until at 0230A he found himself at the door of his house in Benacazon. He had to be hospitalized for shock. In the hospital he was found to have strange sooty black marks on his right cheek, on the palms of both hands, on his shoulders and on his right arm; these began to disappear after 7-8 hours.
Source:J J Benitez, FSR Vol. 22 # 1 & Iker Jimenez
Date: January 29 1976: Sixty-foot craft lands (Johnny Sands case)
Date: January 31 1976
Location: Eglin AFB, FL
Time: 4:30 EST (3:30 CST).
Summary: UFOs were spotted over the base’s Armament Development and Test Center, just like it happened in Loring AFB in 1975. This 31 jan 1976 NMCC memo dated the same day at 1400 EST states: 1. At 310805 received phoncon from AFOC: MG Lane, CG, Armament and Development Test Center, Eglin AFB, Florida called and reported a UFO sighting from 0430 EST to 0600 EST. Security Policemen spotted lights from what they called a UFO near an Eglin radar site. 2. Photographs of the lights were taken. The Eglin Office of Information has made a press release on the UFO. 3. The temperature inversion analysis indicated no significant temperature inversion at Eglin AFB at that time. The only inversion present was due from radiation from the surface to 2500 feet. The Eglin surface conditions were clear skies, visibility 10-15 miles, calm winds, shallow ground fog on the runway, and a surface temperature of 44 degree F. [Signed] Fred A. Treyz, Brigadier General, USAF Deputy Director for Operations
Source: (NMCC) (Actual FOIA document)
Date: January 1976
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