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Date: April 1976
Location: San Martin, Andes Orientales, Peru
Time: unknown
Summary: In an isolated area Peruvian explorer Carlos Torrealba reported being lost in the jungle and coming in contact with a community of “giants from the stone age.” He reported that the men had tanned olive skin, large feet, naked and walked hunched over. Their height was about 1.9 meters to 2 meters tall; their hair was reddish and some work animal skins as covering. There is no other information (that I could find) in reference to this enigmatic find.
Source: Diaro Las Americas 1976, Also Los Enigmas.com
Date: April 1976
Location: Handsworth Sheffield England
Time: 0100A
Summary: The witness, a seven-year old boy woke up feeling that he was being watched, turning around he observed a large orange globe hovering 12 foot above the garden. The object eventually moved away. A few days later as he got up from bed to drink some water he observed a silvery hand at the foot of the stairs. Standing next to the hand, but not apparently connected was a tall silvery figurer with a blank face; it had its arms stretched out in front. As it took a step up the stairs the witness ran to get his mother but the entity had vanished when they returned.
Source: David Clarke, Northern Ufology June 1980
Date: April 1976
Location: Moca Puerto Rico
Time: 1530
Summary: The witness was alone at home cooking when she heard footsteps on her porch, going out she was confronted by four very tall men with rosy skin and long whitish blond hair. They looked very much alike. The men had large blue eyes and very fine features. They wore tight fitting silvery one-piece suits with a golden symbol on their chests and a belt with a bright white oval light where the buckle would have been. They stared at the witness and seemed full of love and understanding. They communicated with the witness via telepathy. They told the witness to move from her house and that she would see them again. Soon after this encounter the witness began having strange dreams and experienced astral travel and remembers visiting a peaceful world with pyramid shaped buildings and large beautiful rivers.
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma 52/53
Date: April 1976
Location. Barcelona Spain
Date: April 1976
Time: afternoon
Summary: On Easter week at Prat Airport, a well to do couple, their infant daughter and the child’s nanny were getting ready to take a flight that would take them to the island of Mallorca for a brief holiday stay. After parking the family vehicle, the husband left his family in a waiting area while he went to the Iberia ticket counter to secure the boarding passes. Upon returning to the waiting area, he found his wife but no trace of the nanny or the two-year old daughter. The wife indicated that she had not seen the nanny, leave at any moment, and had assumed she had gone to the restroom with the child. Time passed and the restrooms were searched without result. At that point, airport security was notified and the nanny was repeatedly paged over the PA system. The airport was then shutdown, and the control tower ordered all departing flights to remain on the ground while the police searched the terminal. At a given point, a humble old woman approached the distraught mother, and gently advised her to pray for the return of her daughter. Before the grief stricken mother could react, two amazing things happened simultaneously, the elderly woman vanished into the encircling crowd of onlookers, and the mother realized that the nanny, holding the child, was sitting right next to her. In a mixture of joy and anger the mother asked the nanny where she had gone all this time. The confused nanny replied that she had been sitting there all along. (!) When an effort was made to take the baby girl from the nanny’s arms, the child appeared to be physically stuck to the nanny. After a prolonged struggle, the husband literally tore his daughter from the nanny’s arms, noticing that the part of the nanny’s arms that had remained concealed had acquired an unnatural shade of red. The situation back to normal the family boarded the flight to Mallorca. Onboard, the nanny erupted into hysterics midway through the crossing, having to be restrained by flight attendants until they arrived at Son San Juan Airport. The family then decided to return home in Barcelona, and placed the nanny in a private hospital, heavily sedated. A clinical hypnotist Francisco Rovatti later hypnotized the nanny in an effort to recover her memories from the time she was apparently missing from this “plane.” The sessions only revealed that the nanny had heard “an unpleasant-sounding male voice” summoning her as she sat next to her employers at the airport. She also remembered seeing a red light on the floor. Efforts to go beyond that point caused the nanny to erupt into hysterics.
Source: Antonio Ribera, Secuestrados por Extraterrestres
Date: April 1976
Location. Near Loy Butte Arizona
Date: April 1976
Time: late afternoon
Summary: The witness was returning back to the ranch after taking some pictures of the sunset when he felt compelled to walk down the road and past the ranch. Reaching a crossroads he then saw a bright white sphere hovering over the area. The sphere seemed to flash back and forth from different locations at a wink of an eye. It then dimmed and flew behind a nearby hill. The witness then walked towards the hill and noticed a figure standing on the side of the hill waving a light at him, the witness yelled at the figure and it began walking towards him. The witness now realized that the sphere was on the ground behind the figure. The figure was human shaped and appeared to be made out of light. The witness attempted to run but apparently blacked out. He woke up later standing on a rock and disoriented. He later had some vague memories of being inside the sphere and looking through a porthole at stars. He also remembered several beings with oversized heads and large almond shaped eyes.
Source: Tom Dongo, Alien Tide
Date: April 1976
Location: Atwater, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Time: 1800
Summary: Two girls noticed an odd man walking down a street in this suburb. He was approximately 2 meters in height, with olive tanned skin pigmentation. He appeared to be from 60 to 65 years of age, with black dyed hair very short hair, combed back. His eyebrows lengthened at a peak towards the face with a line on the base of the eyelids and then angling upwards. The eyelids appeared very “metallic”. His nose was coarse and he had thin and dark lips. He wore clothing resembling the style from the 50’s but it appeared brand new. It was walking near the Berri de Montigny station. It walked in a bizarre, “contracted” way, with its arms firmly stuck to his body, his fingers also stuck to one another. His walk resembled that of a robot, it moved in very small stiff steps and at a rather slow pace.
Source: Jimmy Guieu, Our Masters the extraterrestrial ones, 1992
Date: April 1976
Location: Tarlton, Oklahoma
Time: night
Summary: Beth Ann Gibson saw a short figure walking on a field parallel to her home, thinking it was a lost child she yelled at it. The figure suddenly turned around revealing a creature with large glowing red eyes and long dangling arms. Soon after this encounter cattle in the area began to die under mysterious circumstances. In some cases pregnant cows were found strangely mutilated with their amniotic sac inexplicably missing.
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Date: April 1976
Location: Rau Fjellet in Norway
Date: April 2 1976
Location: Chalus Mazandaran Iran
Time: unknown
Summary: Ghulam Reza Bazargani, 19, was walking in the forests near Chalus when he saw a UFO come from the sky and stop directly above him. He was paralyzed. Four beings with big noses and small green lips came out of the object via a silvery ladder and took him inside, where he was placed in an oval shaped cell in front of a strange instrument, which passed light of various colors over his body. He lost consciousness, and came to himself early n the 4th, near Isfahan, 285 miles south of Chalus.
Source: John F Schuessler, quoting newspaper source
Date: April 1976
Location. Isfahan region Iran
Date: April 3 1976
Time: unknown
Peasants in the area reported seeing three green skinned three-foot tall creatures, described as being 6-foot wide and having violet colored bellies. Apparently these creatures descended from the sky during a violent hailstorm. No other information.
Source: Charles Bowen, Saga UFO Report May 1977
Date: April 1976
Location. Quixada, Ceara Brazil
Date: April 3 1976
Time: 0500A
Summary: Rancher Luis Barroso Fernandes had just finished rounding up his prized animals and was returning back to the farm on his burro when after about 3 km from the farm he began hearing a loud buzzing sound similar to the ones made by giant bees. Looking around he did not see anything and continued on his journey. Suddenly a bright ball of light of about 3 meters in diameter flew over the witness. The craft slowly descended towards the ground in front of him. It resembled a huge tractor tire or a giant turtle. Afraid, his burro reared back while at the same time a bright beam of light from the object illuminated them both instantly paralyzing them. At that point a door on the object opened and two figures became visible, one of them carried with him what appeared to be a flashlight, which he pointed at the witness, at this point a beam of light struck the witness on his face causing him to become unconscious. Two hours later he woke up feeling strong heat on his face and having some difficulty breathing along with a severe headache. Barroso’s health quickly deteriorated and his hair turned gray-white over night. His mental status became that of a 2 year old and almost 15 years after the encounter he had wasted away and died in bed.
Source: Reginaldo De Athayde
Date: April 1976
Location. Helena Montana
Date: April 4 1976
Time: 0500A
Summary: During a period of heavy UFO activity and mysterious cattle mutilations in the area a 16-year old local youth was looking out his second story window, which provided a good view of the pasture to the east side of the house when he saw a tall, hairy creature walking in the pasture, coming from the south. He said the creature was taking long strides and his arms moved back and forth as a person’s would. The creature did not appear to have a neck but it was capable of turning its head and it appeared to be looking around. Except for its face, it was covered entirely with brown or black hair about an inch to an inch a half long. They youth was unable to describe the face, but said the forehead protruded out then upward to a rounded head. The nose looked pushed in. He didn’t notice any ears. When the creature moved, it walked very smoothly without stooping and id not appear to bend its knees much. The creature’s back seemed to go straight down to below the buttocks, without any curve at the small of the back. The youth estimated the creature’s height at eight feet. As the boy watched the creature kept walking until it was directly east of the house, at which time a second hairy creature joined it. The second one was about a head shorter than the first, but just as wide and the color was the same. At this point the larger creature reached down and picked up something dark colored, “about the size of a bale of hay.” Something was flapping from the ends of the object, which looked similar to a piece of dark plastic. The larger creature handed the object to the smaller creature, which carried it. The larger hairy creature then started walking straight toward the house. When it was within 100 feet of the house, it looked directly toward the window where the boy was watching. The boy vaulted downstairs to wake his father and the two returned to the window in not more than two minutes, but when they looked out the strange creatures were gone. Later on strange tracks were found on the pasture. They boy was extremely shaken after the encounter. (I included this case because it seems to deviate from your “routine” Bigfoot sighting report).
Source: Roberta Donovan, Keith Wolverton Mystery Stalks the Prairie
Date: April 1976
Time: April 4, 1976; Huntington, IN
C1. Close Encounter listed but no details, one witness. (EGBA,673)
Date: April 1976
Location. Essex, Massachusetts
Date: April 4 1976
Time: 2130
Summary: Three witnesses returning from bible study saw a large object with a double row of bright white lights (20-50 lights each row) moving rapidly towards them. They stopped the car and the object hovered at treetop level 100 yards away. Then, all the pulsating bright white lights turned off, and three blue, green, and red lights turned on, casting a bluish light on what they now saw was a silvery domed disc. The object was said to be about 300 ft in diameter. The witnesses fled in terror after two of them seemed to lapse into some sort of trance.
Source: NEUFOSG Newsletter Vol. II # 2
Date: April 1976
Time: April 5, 1976; Great Falls, MT
7:10 p.m. Cylindrical object, aluminum colored. (UFO 80 NI
Date: April 7 1976
Location: Kontich, Belgium
Time: 11:40 p.m.
Summary: A couple driving their car saw a dirigible-shaped UFO cross the road at a fairly low altitude. It had red and white spotlights around its perimeter. At 11:40 p.m. in Laroque Timbaut, France a three meter tall pinkish, ovoid object, 1 meter in diameter, hung just above the ground. It then jumped at distance of 200 meters almost instantaneously.
Source: J. Delaire, UFO Register, Volume 7 (1976), p. 31; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 11691
Date: April 9, 1976
Location: Nagoya City, Japan
Date: April 13 1976
Location: Alliance, OH
Summary: C1, no details.
Source: EGBA,685
Date: April 1976
Location. El Garrobo, Sevilla, Spain
Date: April 14 1976
Time: 0620A
Summary: Manuel Rocha Romero, 35, was sitting inside his car waiting for a local market to open. Soon he spotted a red disc shaped object nearby about the size of a steering wheel. As the object approached his location he could see that it was composed of two main parts, the upper part a brilliant blinding red color, the bottom part, larger than the top was yellow in color, and apparently transparent. Inside he could see a figure or silhouette. The object was silent and was twice the size of an automobile. It shot away from the area at high speed.
Source: J Mateos
Date: April 14 1976
Location: Schmärbuel/Maiwinkel, Bettswill-Bäretswil Switzerland
Time: 16:15
Date: April 1976
Location. Huron (Erie) Ohio
Date: mid April 1976
Time: night
Summary: Vera Perry was awakened from sleep and glancing toward the doorway, saw a figure, standing upright, staring at her. He was about 6-foot tall, dressed in a grayish outfit with a rounded neck, and was bare headed, apparently bald. The facial color was similar to a mushroom, and in the place of eyes were brownish tinged areas that curved around the side of the head. She could see no nose, and the mouth was merely a straight line. The figure stood motionless; when Ms. Perry began screaming the entity vanished.
Source: Vera Perry, Awareness Spring 1978
Date: April 1976
Location. Mt. Tamalpais, California
Date: April 16 1976
Time: midnight
Summary: Caroline Morris called the police after midnight to report that “screeching, and growling in a ravine below her hillside home near the rugged slopes of Mt. Tamalpais on the north side of San Francisco Bay frightened her Patrolman Dan Murphy and Edward Johnson were dispatched to the scene. “When we got there,” Murphy said, “we heard the sounds, too. They were strange high-pitched sounds ”With guns drawn, they hiked down the pitch black, wooded slopes training their flashlights through the underbrush, “I heard heavy breathing ahead of us,” said Murphy. “Then there were crackling noises, as if something was approaching.” In the beam of Murphy’s light they saw a large, “dark colored thing.” Said Murphy, “It was walking on its hind legs. I saw it climb an eight foot retaining wall and disappear into the brush.” At sunup the officers returned and found a thick trail of blood. Following it through the brush they came upon a slain deer, its neck broken, the body disemboweled and badly mangled.
Source: Leonard H Stringfield, Situation Red The UFO Siege
Date: April 1976
Location. Mawnan Cornwall England
Date: April 17 1976
Time: daytime
Summary: June and Vicky Melling, on holiday at Mawnan, saw a “bird man” hovering over the church tower. It resembled a man with wings instead of arms, big eyes, big pointed ears, and a large triangle on his face in place of nose or mouth. They were so frightened that the family went home 3 days early.
Source: Doc Shiels, Fortean Times # 16
Date: April 18 1976
Location: Fargo North Dakota
Time: night
Summary: Sandra Larsen recalled under hypnosis 2 days later being floated out of her bedroom and into a UFO hovering some distance away. Inside the object, she found herself lying on a slab and hooked up to a complex of wires attached to her head. Then she floated back to her bedroom, just before dawn. She went to the living room, and saw outside a bright light under the clouds, which shot back and forth and finally landed on her front lawn. She went out and picked it up; it was a small metallic cube, which felt warm. For some reason she dropped it, and ran back to bed. When she arose later, it was not there.
Source: Jerome Clark
Date: April 22, 1976: Police officer has repeat sighting
Date: April 23 1976
Location: Matapozuelos, Spain
Time: 2315
Summary: While almost half the residents of this village watched a reddish oval shaped craft maneuvering overhead, 14-year old Fidel Hernandez Rolla was playing with some friends in a field outside of town when they saw a reddish spheres slowly descend and land on a nearby field. Fidel was left alone as his friends ran from the area in a panic. With a mixture of fear and curiosity Fidel approached the object and crouched behind a stonewall to look at the enigmatic craft. Suddenly a row of lights became visible inside what appeared to be an opening on the craft. Inside the craft, Fidel was able to see numerous multi-colored lights, monitors and other unidentified apparatus. The craft was topped with a crystal dome and inside several very tall human like figures could be seen moving about. The witness then saw three huge man-like figures suddenly appear behind the object, not to far from his location. The humanoids were over 2 meters in height and wore tight fitting white outfits with belts and boots. They all had light colored shoulder length hair. Their faces were human-like with large almond shaped eyes. In an Indian file the humanoids walked to a nearby potato field where several pounds of potatoes were stacked high in pyramid style. After looking at the potatoes for a few seconds the beings then started at the witness. At this point he heard unintelligible words inside his head as if the humanoids were attempting to communicate telepathically. Seconds later the humanoids suddenly disappeared in plain sight. At the same time the object rose up emitting a steady buzzing sound. As the object disappeared into the distance several additional towns people arrived to see the object vanish into space.
Source: Iker Jimenez, Enigmas Sin Resolver
Date: April 23 1976
Location: Flintville, TN
Summary: Humanoid report, witnessed by Robertson
Source: EGBA,493
Date: April 26 1976
Location: Fayetteville, TN
Summary: C1. No details.
Source: EGBA,493
Date: Late April 1976
Location: Pacific Ocean, exact location unknown
Time: night
Summary: Bulgarian sailors, Yulia and Doncho Popasov were circling the globe in their 8 meters boat when one night they saw large circles of light on the water surface, which were sliding past. The sailors got the impression that, from the ocean depths, a searchlight shone. Yulia even heard a moan behind her back. She turned around, and something very huge seemed to be hovering over the boat. Then they saw a large light approaching the ship. It resembled some type of vessel and they could see human shaped figures inside.
Source: Russian UFO Portal
Date: April 1976
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