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Date: beginning of May 1975
Location: Near Renedo, Valladolid, Spain
Time: 1600
Summary: Alan Pipo and a friend were driving through a field on the outskirts of town near the main gas station. When it began to rain they decided to stop the car. As they sat in the vehicle they suddenly noticed a figure about 1.90 meters in height, heavy set in appearance, wearing a diver’s suit and a helmet from which two antennas jutted out. The figure’s suit was gray-blue in color and it seemed to float just above the ground. They first saw the enigmatic figure at about 15 meters away when it suddenly seemed to disappear in plain sight. They described the being as having normal arms and legs, and somewhat resembling a modern day astronaut. Right after the figure vanished, the two men exited the car and searched the field but failed to find anything. The next day, Pipo, again met up with his friend and had inadvertently exchanged hunting jackets during the excitement. Pipo found unfamiliar car keys in his pocket and realized they belonged to his friend, as he gave his friend the keys both felt a strong electrical discharge. Since that day Pipo’s friend began to suffer from different ailments. He experienced strange numbing of his hands; he had to seek medical assistance in order to alleviate his condition.
Source: Pedro Garcia, Angel Del Pozo, “Esgueva, Zona Ovni” Año Zero XIV # 10
Date: May 1975
Location: Reno Nevada
Time: 1700
Summary: Several witnesses in a vehicle saw a disc shaped object hovering over some nearby apartment buildings. The top part of the dome had windows and several shadowy figures could be seen moving inside. The bottom of the craft was lit up with a dim light and the craft emitted a slight humming sound, it then drifted slowly away and disappeared from sight behind the buildings.
Source: NUFORC
Date: May 1975
Location: Near Trairi, Ceara, Brazil
Time: 2000
Summary: Joao Ferreira & his son Ademar had been fishing in a river & Joao was cooking the fish while his son venture further down the river. Suddenly Joao heard his son scream, “Father! Someone’s trying to catch me!” Joao ran to him and saw a blue disc shaped object as big as a car on the sand with three men standing near it. The object had a dome and five or six windows around it. One of the men was short and stocky, and the other two were tall. The stocky one had yellow clothing. The tallest wore green, and the other one blue. All had light skin. The men quickly entered the object, which took off emitting sparks or rays of different colors. Before entering the object the men told Joao to stay back that they were leaving. Meanwhile his son had hidden in the bushes near the river.
Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone
Date: May 1975
Date: May 1975
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Time: evening
Summary: Two weeks after a dramatic UFO sighting from his plane—a sighting confirmed on the radar screens at Mexico City airport—-young pilot, four black-suited Scandinavian looking men in a black limousine pursued Santos Montiel down the freeway. After forcing him to the side of the road, they warned him not to discuss his sighting, the pilot was on his way to do a television interview. A month later one of the strangers reappeared and threatened him again while he was on his way to a hotel to talk to the prominent UFO investigator Allen Hynek. He described the MIBs as tall and strangely white, and said he never saw them blink.
Source:David Pratt, Visitors from the twilight zone
Date: May 1975
Date: May 1975
Location: Near Big Bear Lake California
Time: night
Summary: Victor J Mertes, who had observed UFOs in Tujunga earlier on the year, claimed to be in communication with “them” and had supposedly found one of their landing sites which had a planting of mushrooms that were not native to the area. One night when he was in the area trying to pick up one of the mushrooms he heard the bushes moving. He turned and saw a weird little man floating in the air. The being had bulging eyes and floated in midair. The witness fired his shotgun at the being, but something told him not to fire the weapon. He left the area convinced that the beings were “bad people.” After the incident Victor got sicker and sicker. He got in trouble with the law, was turned away from the hospital, and when his mother died of cancer in the spring of 1976, Mr. Mertes took his life.
Source: Jeffrey Von Heltz
Date: May 1975
Location. Burnt Ranch California
Date: May 1975
Time: night
A local recluse living at an isolated wooded area reported seeing a large light hovering over his shack. He reportedly saw several large hairy figures or “monsters” drop to the ground from the light and scurry into the woods. The witness was reported missing soon after the incident and his whereabouts remain unknown. No other information.
Source: Peter Guttilla, Saga UFO Report Sept. 77
Date: May 1975
Summary: May 3, 1975; Tequesquitengo Lake, Mexico
Three domed discs “escort” small aircraft, one off each wing and one behind, confirmed by radar. E-M effects on radio, aircraft lifted (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Section III).
Date: May 3 1975
Location: San Antonio Texas
Time: 2115
Summary: Alois Olenick driving to a nearby store saw amber colored luminous object rise from a grove 900 yards away. It then approached his pickup, losing altitude & becoming a blindingly bright cherry-red light. When it was directly over him, the witness lights went out & his engine died. He gout out & saw a globular craft with 2 conical protrusions; the bottom was of highly polished metal. When the UFO tipped at a 37-40 degree angle toward him, he could see that the top half was transparent & contained two occupants, visible by a reddish internal light; they were 5 ft tall or less, with bald heads, large pointed ears, long noses, & slit like eyes. Their skin appeared grayish. They seemed to be handling controls. There was no motor noise, but a cyclonic shriek of wind below the craft. Then it took off straight up, with a gust of wind that buffeted the pickup, and vanished almost instantly. There was an odor like burning electrical insulation that persisted in the truck for some time. The witness eyes were affected and he had to wear dark glasses as a result.
Source: Gary Graber for Mufon
Date: May 4 1975
Location: Near Cupey, Puerto Rico
Time: 0420A
Summary: A UFO was seen near the ground in this town. The object had an intense yellow pulsating light, and a row of 8 rectangular lights. Ground marks were found at the site including a burnt area 25 feet in diameter. There were also large three-toed footprints, fourteen inches long and spaced 50″ apart.
Source: UFOCAT quoting FSR April 1977
Date: May 5 1975
Location: Pleasanton, Texas
Time: 9:20 p.m.
Summary: A domed disc-shaped object was seen on the ground with two figures inside the dome. The witness, who was in a truck, was hit by a blinding light, and his hands went numb. The encounter lasted for two minutes.
Source: John Schuessler, Physiological Effects from UFOs, p. 64
Date: May 11, 1975: Chiba, Japan Sighting
Date: May 11, 1975: Hat-shaped UFO with 2 smaller satellite objects
Date: May 12 1975
Location: Howrah, Tasmania
Time: 4:10 p.m.
Summary: A solid looking flying object, trailing exhaust, flew northeast through the sky. The UFO changed shape and then made a ninety-degree turn. It then executed a 180 degree turn, and then swooped down and away. A movie film was made of the UFO.
Source: Richard Hall, Skylook, December 1975, p. 15
Date: May 15 1975
Location: Fredericton, New Brunswick
Summary: A friend and I were driving to his house after dark, North of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He lived at that time in a Trailer Park, and we had to take a dark, unlit road to get there. All of a sudden a large glowing, white craft appeared above the road in front of us and swooped down and stopped over my car. I looked at my friend and said, “Did you see what I just saw??”, and he just shook his head. As the craft hovered, my car engine stopped, and we where missing about 25 minutes in time. We awoke in the car in time to see the craft swoop away. My friend was absolutely terrified!! Before he would go in the house that night, he made his wife go in the house and turn on all the lights and search the house!! I was just the opposite. I was absolutely exhilarated by the experience. I believe due to memories I can’t explain that I had been visited 25 years before as a small child. Approximately 25 years after this, I experienced another visitation while living in London,Ontario. I heard sounds that sounded like “buzzing”. I started to sit up and experienced a sharp pinch in my thigh. This time I woke up on the Alien Craft. I was laying on what seemed to be a chrome-like table, but it was very warm. There were all kinds of strange instruments around, and Aliens examining me and the instruments. When they noticed I was awake, I received another “pinch” and woke up back in my bed. I will be 75 years old when the next visitation should take place. I am anxiously awaiting that time!!!
Source: MUFON
Location. Near Voronezh, Russia
Date: May 15 1975
Time: early morning
In a highway near the city Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Paltsev saw a strange object on a wooded clearing right off the side of the road. He exited his vehicle and approached the object in order to investigate. As he neared he could tell that the object was a transparent ellipsoid. As he got closer he was able to distinguish two human like figures inside a transparent cupola. One of the figures placed its palm on the internal dome of the craft and Paltsev realized that it appeared to be a human hand. At this point the officer struck what appear to be a dense wall of air, and lost consciousness. When he came to he again attempted to approach the object but was unable to overcome the invisible barrier. He then sat at the edge of the road and watched the object rise up and fly low over the road, at this time a motorcyclist driving by also saw the craft, which soon disappeared from sight.
Source: I Tsarev, Planet of Specters
Date: May 1975
Location. Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Date: May 18 1975
Time: 2200
Mr. And Mrs. Philip Arlotta had just stepped into their car and Mrs. Arlotta had started the car engine when she noticed a strange object just ahead of them in the sky. She mentioned it to her husband, who suggested they turned off the engine—perhaps they could hear something. The object was moving from east to west, and they describe it as being as large as a cantaloupe, oval and bright yellow near the bottom but darker near the top. In the darker section where six square windows, which showed a red light behind them. The craft suddenly made an abrupt right angle turn to the left, and at the same time it changed color from yellow to orange before it began gaining altitude. The object emitted no sound. The next evening at about dusk, a lone motorist was heading to his home in Jeannette Pennsylvania and when he entered the same area on Route 130, something caught his attention just to his left. He stopped the car and backed up. At a distance of a few hundred yards he noticed what he thought was a German shepherd running—although the movement was more like that of an ape than a dog. After a few seconds, the creature stood up on its hind legs and ran like a man into the woods. The creature was described as seven to eight ft tall and covered with thick, black hair.
Source: Brad Steiger, Alien Meetings
Date: May 18 1975
Location: Rainhill, Merseyside, England
Time: late night
Summary: A family spotted three brilliant lights in a triangle drifting over their house. They went out in pursuit and saw what appeared to be a glowing object within a copse. However, after the man who had bravely ventured toward the wood in the dark went back for the others, they all walked into the edge of the trees and found nothing was now there. At first light an investigation began. The area was muddy around a small pond. The tracks of the witnesses leading to the edge of the area were visible but around the pond nobody had walked (except what seemed to be the prints of a dog). However, there were some very unusual marks. These appeared to be footprints, but extremely large ones, some fourteen inches across and with a stride length of four feet between them. Each print was oddly square and very heavily indented.
Source:enny Randles, Alien Contacts and Abductions
Date: May 24 1975
Location: Khamti Forest, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Time: unknown
Summary: The tribal people captured a pair of strange humanoid creatures. Police reports indicated that the height of the creatures, a male and a female, was estimated to at ten feet. A spokesperson for the police, a Mr. Das said that arrangements were being made to send the creatures to Tazu, the district headquarters in the Urizon territory. No other information.
Source: Peter Byrne, “Jungle Humanoids” FSR Vol. 21 # 3
Date: May 1975
Location. Armonia, Colima, Mexico
Date: May 25 1975
Time: unknown
Summary: Francisco Quiroz reportedly was taken onboard a UFO by some aliens (not described) who took several biological samples from him and conducted a thorough medical examination. The aliens told him that they had come from a planet called “Magonia” (?).
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Date: May 26, 1975
Location: Nancy, France
Time: 07:45 p.m.
Summary: The witness’ father sent a letter to Albert Ducrocq, a prominent French science journalist, describing his son’s sighting and photograph. Excerpt from the letter: “On May 26, 1975, at approximately 07:45 p.m., my son Didier, who has just been seventeen years old, called me, claiming that he had just seen a UFO and that he had photographed it. His claim was received by much skepticism on my part, my wife’s and my daughter’s. Before closing his shutters, he saw this “thing” and, after a few seconds, he had the reflex to jump on his camera and to take a photograph. We did not speak again any more of the incident; having finished the roll and not having money to have it developped, my son put it aside… and forgot about it until last week. It was an amazement at the sight of the picture which I join to this letter.” In an interview, the witness gave further details. “[The duration of the sighting was] approximately 10 to 15 seconds. It went down vertically. Then, it disappeared towards the south. It resembled an opaque black disc without any reflection nor relief, and it evolved without noise, at least, I did not hear any noise.”
Date: Summer 1975
Location. Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada
Date: Summer 1975
Time: 0100A
Summary: T. P. and a companion were on the highway around 0100A. They stopped the Datsun to relieve themselves at the side of the road. While doing so, T P spotted something crouching in the ditch about 100 yards away. Whatever it was it had green glowing eyes. T P thought initially it was a bear but he changed his mind when it stood up and appeared to be 8-9 feet tall and started walking towards them. They hurriedly scrambled into the car and began to drive away. As they did so, the humanoid ran alongside the car for about 30 feet. No unusual odor was detected.
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC
Date: Summer 1975
Location. National Sequoia Park California
Date: Summer 1975
Time: 0400A
Summary: The main witness had been camping with his wife and another couple when a noise woke him up. Looking out his tent he saw a nine-foot tall luminous figure that had long blond hair, the figure was gliding silently across a clearing. Another witness saw the figure and ran for his gun, the figure then suddenly vanished. The main witness had a vague memory of being lifted into a blue light and lying on a table where a being with large yellow eyes looked down on him.
Source: UFONS # 146
Date: Summer 1975
Location. La Junta Colorado
Date: Summer 1975
Time: 0800A
Summary: A couple driving en-route to the city of Lamar, with no one else apparently on the road, suddenly noticed at about 350 feet up in the air a hovering elongated donut shaped object, about the size of a half a football field and with a highly polished metallic look. They pulled off to the side of the road, but could not get close to the object because of a barbed wire fence. They watched for a while when suddenly three of four little white clouds popped in from the east, followed by a huge cloud that moved in front and covered the metallic object. When the cloud moved on the object had vanished. Both witnesses felt unusually calm and peaceful. Under hypnotic regression, the wife remembered trying to run towards the object but her husband told her to stay in the car. Suddenly she found herself inside the object, where two beings, one male, and the other female greeted her. These were described as very tall, thin, and “beautiful.” Their hair was long and blond and so were their eyelashes. The male entity wore a silver belt. She did not want to leave the craft but suddenly found herself back in the car.
Source: Patrick Huyghe, The Field guide for Extraterrestrials
Date: Summer 1975
Location. Crail, Scotland
Date: Summer 1975
Time: noon
Summary: Several young children on holiday vacation, including Alex, 12, Angela, 12, George, 9 and James, 8 were out playing out in a field and they recalled that everything “was very peaceful” around them. Suddenly something in the sky caught their eye. It was something they could only describe as “black” or”blackness.” As it suddenly arrived it was gone. They incident lasted only four seconds. Later the boys recalled seeing two separate objects. They were the same size, but one was higher than the other. They looked like biplanes. After the incident James seemed to have bad sunburn, and links that to the fact that he was standing directly beneath the object. He also remembers that although there was no noise there was an electric atmosphere, which was quite different from what they normally experienced. He also had the feeling that he did and says that Angela saw what appeared to be an “old man” standing next to them moments before the incident happened.
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Date: Summer 1975
Location. Owyhee River area Oregon
Date: Summer 1975
Time: afternoon
Summary: A man and wife were in a camping trip in an isolated area when they stopped at a small creek to cool off. Then they noticed a strange silvery plane like object fly past the hillside. The craft looked like a B-52 bomber but was totally silent. The next thing they remembered was seeing a shiny object sitting on the ground on an adjoining hillside. They later could not account for 2 hours of missing time. Later under hypnosis they remembered walking towards the object. They came up to the object and touched it they also saw an octagonal shape opening with rounded corners. The wife suddenly found herself inside the craft surrounded by numerous lights, she passed through a doorway and found her husband lying on a table with his arms and legs strapped down. The room was white with curved walls. There was a strange instrument hanging over her husband. She could also see a window and through it clouds. Two beings then walked in, one taller than the other. They had dark gray skin and were wearing dark gray uniforms. They had wrinkled skin, no hair, and only slits for a mouth, nose, and eyes. They communicated with her via telepathy assuring her that they meant no harm. They proceeded to examine her husband with the hanging instrument. They were both later released and returned to their parked truck.
Source: Terry A Hartman, Mufon Journal # 141
Date: Summer 1975
Location. Bensalem, Pennsylvania
Date: Summer 1975
Time: afternoon
Summary: One night the witness and his wife heard a terrifying sound coming from the laundry room as if something were clawing its way up the drainpipe. Their dog went berserk and attempted to break out of the room. The next day the witness had gone out to inspect the pipes when he found small tracks on the virgin snow resembling small hoof prints. Starting in the middle of the yard they went straight to the drainpipe and stopped. Earlier that summer the witness was walking his dog on a field of tall grass across the street when out of the grass jumped a little creature that his dog had apparently flushed out. It resembled a miniature kangaroo. No sooner had it jumped a few feet it suddenly disappeared in plain sight. One year later there was a terrific explosion in the woods directly behind the house, blowing out several windows in an apartment across the street. The police never discovered its origin.
Source: UFO/Paranormal stories, page # 2
Date: Summer 1975
Location. Charlestown, West Virginia
Date: Summer 1975
Time: evening
The witness was walking between Charlestown and Harpers Ferry when he saw a large dimly lit object on the ground. It was a metallic object surrounded in a glowing light that did not cast light all over the place. Transfixed by the sight he approached the object on foot. As he got closer he saw what at first appeared to be a man, feeling safe he walked even closer. He then noticed that the “man” was not entirely human in appearance. He felt an overwhelming friendly presence and a voice in his head. He described the figure as man like light blue in color. It wasn’t naked; it had what appeared to be a thin layer of clothing on its body. On the forearms and hands there was an abundance of light hair. The facial features were not exactly human, but fairly close. The eyes looked grayish blue. The strangest part was the back of his head, which was kind of oval resembling some kind of apparatus that it apparently operated in conjunction with the thin layer suit the humanoid was wearing. The witness asked the humanoid why didn’t the object cast any light and was told that the object was like the end of a tunnel and somehow the light was “blocked”, he also mentioned that they traveled by “light.” The object itself resembled a stretched out triangle, flat on the bottom and pointed on the top. But the sides were longer and the top was short. It did not have any flashing lights and was totally silent, but the witness remembered feeling a “vibration” coming from it. After about an hour the object left in a manner resembling that of closing itself up in a hole. As soon as it left there was a feeling of emptiness.
Source: Starbuck’s UFO Sightings Page
Date: Summer 1975
Location. Near Sovetskoye, Kurgan region, Russia
Date: Summer 1975
Time: evening
A local soldier named Nikolay Bushuev went AWOL from his Soviet Army unit and walked towards the nearest village. He ran across a glade and entered a forest. Suddenly he noticed an even shaped globe approximately 2 meters in diameter located about 25-30meters away. The globe was moon-colored and emitted the same colored light all around it. It appeared to be light and transparent but at the same time very durable. Not knowing why, the witness fell to his knees and when he touched the ground he noticed two entities approaching the globe-shaped device. The humanoids were also emitting light and moved very fast, almost as if weightless. Suddenly, Nikolay heard strange sounds resembling that of an infant crying. Upon hearing those sounds Nikolay hid in the bushes remaining very calm. Not knowing how long he remained in that position Nikolay finally decided to move and leave the area. He jumped up and noticed the globe-shaped object, which began emitting a blinding light, slightly waving. Nikolay screamed and began running from the area. The globe suddenly jumped up to an altitude of several meters and hovered suspended in mid air for some time. Nikolay could clearly see the branches of the pine trees under waving as if under a strong pressure. He could also clearly see two seated silhouettes through the walls of the globe. At this point Nikolay became calm and watch the globe slowly ascend. It ascended higher than the treetops and vanished quickly from sight. Later he examined the glade and noticed a small 30cm indentation on the ground, apparently a landing trace. Later he rejoined his comrades in the village.
Source: Nikolay Nepomnyasshiy, “Wanderers of The Universe” 1996
Date: Summer 1975
Location. Hexham, England
Date: Summer 1975
Time: night
Soon after a family named Robson, found a pair of Celtic stone heads in their garden, a neighbor reported being in her daughter’s room when she saw a hideous, half-human creature “like a werewolf” walked past the door. She screamed and her husband ran out his room in time to hear something padding down the stairs and out of the front door.
Source: Lone Wolf’s Den
Date: Summer 1975
Date: Summer 1975
Location: Southampton, England
Time: night
Summary: Dr Anne Ross an expert in Celtic mythology was given custody of the Celtic stone heads and soon found her own sleep being disturbed by a shaggy apparition. She woke in panic one night to see a “thing going out the door, it was about six feet high, slightly stooping, and was black against the white door.” It was half-animal and half man. The upper part resembled that of a wolf, the lower part was human. It was covered in a very dark fur. She saw it clearly then it disappeared. Her daughter saw a similar figure leap over the banisters, run along the hall, and disappear. The disturbances ceased as soon as the heads were removed from the house. Their current whereabouts are unknown.
Source: Lone Wolf’s Den
Date: Summer 1975
Location: Panorama City California
Time: 2300
Summary: The witnesses, Lori Briggs, & Jo Maine had gone to bed sometime before midnight. Lori awoke to hear voices from unseen beings that asked her to come with them. She resisted and heard a high-pitched sound, which grew louder. But she was still able to move. Jo slept as if drugged. After an hour both went to the kitchen there they heard the sound again and saw a light shining through the window. Lori’s memories under hypnosis were more detailed than that of Jo Maine’s. She recalled seeing several beings entering the bedroom. One being leaned over her bed. She asked several questions then the being asked her by telepathy to come with him. She was then lifted within a light and floated through her apartment walls. The beings dissolved into light and came with her. Outside the apartment she caught a glimpse of a dark domed craft. She then found herself inside a domed room 12 by 14 feet, seemingly too large for the craft & illuminated by a misty light from the walls. The being warned her not to touch anything onboard. When the beings conversed among themselves their speech was rapid and incomprehensible. Lights floated around her after the beings floated her over a pink stone-like table with a light beneath. The room was paneled in mirrors, like scales and in these she saw her blood vessels carrying blood of an apparently luminous quality. The beings used light to make imprints & records of her on thin slabs. The light apparently drained her of energy. The beings insisted that she go with them to the “mothership,” but she resisted and then found herself back in her apartment. The beings were described as humanoid with large, egg shaped heads, without hair and lipless, hole like mouths. Their eyes were deep set and lid-less and emitted light. They were 3 to 4-feet tall and very thin and their hands had only 3 fingers. They seemed luminous and floated above the ground. A taller being seemed to have been the leader.
Source: Ann Druffel, Idabel Epperson, And D Scott Rogo & John De Herrera
Date: Mid-Summer 1975
Location: Aztec, New Mexico
Time: 0200A
Summary: The 3-year old witness was in bed, lying between his father and mother, when he saw some strange figures appear in the bedroom. The figures came towards the bed on both sides. The witness attempted to scream but could not. The beings appeared to be reptilian in nature. His next memory was of looking down at his parents in bed. He told his parents about the incident the next day.
Source: CAUS
Date: May 1975
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