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(Last Updated On: )
Date: June 1975
Location: Goolma New South Wales, Australia
Time: unknown
Summary: Several witnesses reported seeing a huge gorilla shaped entity in the same vicinity where at the same time UFO’s and animal mutilations were also being reported.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: June 1975
Location. Near Voronezh, Russia
Date: June 1975
Time: 0100A
An officer in the Soviet Army came upon a landed disc-shaped object with a semi-translucent cupola on top. Inside he could see the silhouettes of two human like figures. When he attempted to approach the object more closely the officer stumbled on an invisible force field and lost consciousness. When he came to, he saw the disc flying quickly away. Thinking only minutes had transpired he was shocked to realize he had been missing for two hours. Soon after the incident he suffered from frequent nightmares where he saw himself onboard a flying UFO.
Source: I Tsarev, Planet of Specters
Date: June 1975
Location. Near Goro Italy
Date: June 1975
Time: daytime
A monster appeared in a tomato field and badly frightened a farmer named Maurizio Tombini. He described the creature as “reptilian” about ten ft long and eight inches around, with legs and feet that left impressive looking tracks. Tombini likened it to a “gigantic lizard” and denied it was a crocodile. Several other people also reported seeing the creature and declared that the creature had a wolf-like howl.
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Date: June 1975
Location: Sydney, Australia
Time: evening
Summary: A man walking back to his car noticed a light shine directly to the ground like a torch light. Looking up he saw a pitch-black rectangular object that he could barely make out its outline. The object was on the other side of a fence in a brickyard. In an opened door he could see a humanoid figure with a baldhead, large round eyes, and dressed in a black robe that reached to the ground. The witness walked to about 10 ft from the object and saw the humanoid staring directly at him. He was suddenly hit with a beam of light and his next recollection was of standing next to his car having no recollection how he got there. The object and humanoid were gone.
Date: June 1975
Location: Dugny-sur-Meuse, France
Time: 1830
Summary: Several youngsters reported encountering a blue cloud-like hovering close to the ground in a field. A very tall “beautiful” woman appeared in front of the blue cloud. The figure had long blond hair. It wore a long bright robe. There was total silence during the encounter. Soon the figure and the cloud vanished in plain sight of the witnesses.
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Date: June 1975
Location. Tailem Bend South Australia
Date: June 1975
Time: night
At least three independent groups of motorists described seeing a hairy anthropoid along the side of the road carrying what appeared to be a lantern in its hand. The figure was large in size and similar to a Bigfoot type of creature seen elsewhere. One group of motorists said they saw not only the figure but also a light off in a nearby field. Another group said that as they passed the same spot, they observed a huge, illuminated domed shaped in the field, “possibly a UFO.” Also, around this same time, and in the same area, a truck driver with a load of sheep was passing through when the animals began a commotion in the back of the rig. He pulled over to see what the trouble was; he got out and saw a huge, hairy anthropoid like creature sitting on the top, trying to get at the sheep. The driver got back in and took off at high speed. The commotion subsided, and when it was checked later, the wire on top of the truck had been torn, and there was one dead sheep. There was the “vague appearance of big handprints and grip marks on the heavy wire mesh.”
Source: Bill Chalker
Date: June 1975
Location. Grimsby England
Date: June 1975
Time: night
Two men were sitting on the grass at a local park waiting for another friend and they had a full view of the Park Drive to their right when suddenly a strange object came into view. It was traveling very low to the ground and was only about 30 yards away. The object was luminous white with blurred edges and moved at very slow speed. The main body of the object resembled a large tram without wheels. At each end of the object sat a featureless white figure with a rounded head. The figures seemed to rock up and down in a seesaw fashion. The object finally disappeared behind nearby trees.
Source: Fortean Times # 63
Date: June 1975
Location. Minong, Wisconsin
Date: June 1975
Time: night
Summary: Karen Klinger and her ex-husband had decided to get out of their car and walk down a small pier by a lake. The moon, which she had noticed moments earlier, was nearly full and high in the sky at a 45-degree angle, suddenly vanished. All of a sudden something that looked like a bright orange star zipped above the trees over their heads and began to dart in diagonals from one end of the horizon to the other like a falling leaf. Two other identical objects then appeared. At the urging of her fiancé, Klinger rushed back to the nearby cabin where they were staying with four other people, and begged them all to hurry to the lake to see the objects, which became larger and larger as they got closer and closer to where everyone stood watching. One witness in the group took out a high beam lantern from his car trunk and flashed it four times at the objects, which responded by flashing bright beams of light onto the ground the same number of times. Klinger and her ex-husband noted a period of missing time. Later under hypnotic regression Karen remembered having a feeling of being enveloped by an intense white beam. Later she recalled facing a form that had static electricity around it. It had a head with shoulders. She received telepathic messages of what the figure was trying to convey. The message was that the world was on the verge of environmental catastrophe and that she had a role to play in the rebuilding process. They say that they were not going to allow humans to destroy themselves.
Source: Lisa Leland, Naperville Illinois, SUN
Date: June 1975
Location. Villarrasa Huelva Spain
Date: June 1 1975
Time: 0130A
Summary: The female witness was turning the corner on a large roadway at the outskirts of town when she encountered in the middle of the roadway a large object with red, green, and white lights. Next to the object stood three very tall human looking entities wearing white bright clothing and square helmets. They seemed to be moving their arms. The witness became frightened and ran home. Around the same time another witness at a different part of town saw 15 meters away a large round object that had a cupola on top with green and red lights. Next to the object stood three very tall men wearing helmets with a green light on it. The men walked around the object. This witness also became frightened and left; looking back he saw the object lifting off from the ground.
Source: Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia De Encuentros cercanos con Ovnis
Date: June 1975
Time: June 4, 1975; Holland, Manitoba, Canada
7:40 a.m. Henry Francois while driving east on a municipal road 1 mile south and 1/4 of mile west of the junction of P.T.H. #34 and 2, he observed an oval disc shaped object with a very brilliant light close to the top and center. The object was approximately 30 feet in diameter and 10 feet in height. The light was a brilliant silvery color and was going on and off at an interval of approximately one second. The object was sitting at approximately 2 feet from the ground and in the center of a municipal road. Francois sighted the object for approximately 2 minutes and then turned south on P.T.H #34 and stopped at Henry Sawatzky’s residence and ask Mrs. Sawatzky to witness the sighting. When they returned to the location the object had disappeared. (Reference: Royal Canadian Mounted Police report 11 June 1975. Treherne Detachment RCMP File Reference: 75-079-4)
Date: June 6, 1975
Location: Revigny Sur Ornain, France
Summary: . This photograph was taken by the Gendarmerie patrol on June 6, 1975, near Revigny Sur Ornain. This one was shot at the time when the phenomenon left the ground and shot up to the sky. No simple explanation has been found since for the reported events and the confirming photographs. A very interesting image.
Date: June 1975
Location. La Tejita Tenerife Beach Canary Islands Spain
Date: June 9 1975
Time: 2330
Summary: After receiving communication on a Planchette board, Emilio Bourgon, Jose Brito and Paco Padron drive to an isolated beach and there encounter some lights hovering over the sea. They see several lighted objects approach their location and apparently experienced a period of missing time. Later through telepathic communication an alien that calls himself Opat-35 explains to them that they have been onboard his ship. A beam of light had put them to sleep before entering the craft. Under hypnosis Padron remembers an orange bluish tunnel inside the ship and confronting a human figure dressed in white and wearing a helmet resembling that of an astronaut. He is led to a bluish round area with three portholes. He is then examined and a helmet with 23 cables attached to it is placed on his head. Nobody speaks to him. He then sees himself in a bright corridor and then back, in the car. The other two men experienced similar episodes.
Source: Robert E Bartholomew, UFO Lore
Date: June 1975
Time: June 11, 1975; Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
4:00 p.m. A large shiny triangular object was observed over Quebec City at an estimated altitude above 40,000 feet. Observers were a T-33 at 29,000 feet and a DC-8 at 31,000 feet and personnel of Quebec Terminal. The object moving very slowly to the NNW was observed on the Monteal/Quebec radar. There was no radar contact on the 22nd NORAD Region radars due to outages. (National Research Council of Canada Record Group 77, Vol. 308, reel number 1742 N75/071, Dan Wilson)
Date: June 1975
Time: June 11, 1975: Smith River, MT
6:45 p.m. Small men with huge UFO. (NIDS UFO 87)
Date: June 12 1975
Location: Big Chimney, WV
Time: Shortly before 10:00 p.m.
Summary: A diamond shaped object landed on a gravel road in a mountainous area. It was witnessed by four members of the Crichfield family. Four landing gear imprints were found at the site.
Source: Center for UFO Studies case files, letter dated August 3, 1975; Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing Alan Landsburg, In Search of Extraterrestrials, p. 8
Date: June 14 1975
Location: Berg-Rumlikon Switzerland.
Time: 13:18
Date: June 15 1975: Vitória Brazil Sighting
Date: June 15 1975
Location: Prairie Creek, Indiana
Time: 0500A
Summary: The witness was camping with a friend in an isolated pasture when he woke up to the sound of what sounded like grain machinery. He could not place the source of the noise and as he reached up to open the tent flap, he heard a voice in his head that told him that he must go back to sleep, which he did. A few days later he found several 4″ round and 2″ deep holes in the field.
Source: NUFORC
Date: June 20 1975
Location: Genova, Italy
Summary: A luminous globe, described also like a large incandescent ball, was seen to fall into the sea some miles off the coast of the port of Genova, Italy. The report arrived from a geophysicist of the university that was completing normal surveys and that had immediately signaled the fact to the National Fire Departments.
Source: Marco Bianchini, USOCAT by Italian Center for UFO Studies (CISU), citing Liberta, June 22, 1975 and La Stampa, June 21, 1975
Date: June 1975
Location. Near Birmingham England
Date: June 21 1975
Time: 2330
The witness and a friend were spending the night at a local nature preserve as part of a badger population project and had gone for a walk along the woods at the edge of a golf course when he noticed a white shape under a lone tree about 100 yards away. The shape appeared to be glowing and as the witness approached to investigate, it seemed to emit a faint hissing sound. The shape was now clear but still indescribable. An area facing the witness appeared to be writhing and its edges seemed faded and blurred. The witness suddenly became frightened and left the area quickly.
Source: Fortean Times # 51
Date: June 1975
Location. Near Mount Shasta California
Date: June 22 1975
Time: afternoon
A couple driving up a mountain road came upon two very tall strangers that were walking up the steep road with heavy backpacks and wearing only leather sandals. The couple stopped by the two men and was astounded at their vibrant blue eyes and long blond hair. One of the men stepped forward and asked if they had stopped for them. Both men entered the couple’s camper which drove up higher to the near the timber line, at that point the men asked to be let out. They both then walked and disappeared into the thick manzanita brush.
Source: Cyril H Jones, UFO Universe May 1990
Date: June 1975
Time: June 24, 1975; Queensland, Australia
7:45 p.m. Mr. Eric Falkenburger saw a bright object from his car. The object passed within about 1500 feet of his car and was just above tree top level. Falkenburger said that as he watched the UFO “suddenly shot off at a great speed and as it went, bright cone shaped search lights suddenly shone from the object.” (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, October 1975, page 2)
Date: June 1975
Location. Alcorn Aveyron France
Date: June 26 1975
Time: 2000
Noticing an approaching storm the witness walked out to the front yard to look at it. She then noticed a medium sized very thin luminous man like figure emerge from behind a nearby brick wall. The being wore a luminous red yellow outfit that appeared to be made out of shiny horizontal lines. No facial features could be seen as the figure moved quickly across the yard apparently floating just above the ground. The witness went to get a stick and upon returning, the figure had gone. Moments later she saw the same or similar figure at a nearby field, it then apparently disappeared into the woods.
Source: J C Bourret, El Nuevo Desafio de Los Ovnis
Date: June 1975
Location. Playa de Marin Pontevedra Spain
Date: late June 1975
Time: afternoon
A young couple walking on the beach observed three disc shaped object approach from the sea; they stopped 3 meters above the beach and slowly descended some distance away. Once landed, openings appeared on each object, from which “staircases” emerged. An entity came out of each object; these beings “promenaded” on the beach, came together and then went back to their respective vehicle, after which they took off and flew away at high speed. The witnesses, about 650 meters distant, could make out few details of the beings. No traces were found at the site.
Date: June 1975
Time: June 27, 1975; Pont-a-Mousson, France
Date: June 27 1975
Location: Pont-a-Mousson, France
Time: 11:20 p.m.
Summary: A vertical cylinder hung in the sky at only 10 meters altitude in Bouillancourt-la-Bataille, Somme, France. It had two antennae.
Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1976
Date: June 30, 1975: Flight JK-297’s Sighting
Date: Late June 1975
Location: Near Suria Cataluña Spain
Time: 2030
Summary: After receiving several mental messages the witness, Luis Guardia Masso, went to an isolated forest location and sat down on a clearing. Soon he noticed behind some nearby bushes two tall man like figures wearing a gray mesh like outfits that covered them completely except for their faces. Using telepathy the beings told the witness to lie down to sleep. He did and apparently in an astral like state he floated up into an object where he communicated with the beings and was given numerous religious & cataclysmic messages before waking up in the forest clearing in the morning.
Source: Pedro Guirao, Ovnis Proximo Contacto?
Date: June 1975
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