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Date: 1974
Location: Hedgerley, Buckinghamshire, England
Time: unknown
Summary: Walking back home from school one day, the 10-year old witness, his mother and twin brother observed a silver saucer shaped object hovering above their home which they estimated to have been about 12-feet across and at an approximate height of 40 feet. They could see two silver clad figures on top of the object. Their mother panicked and pushed both boys to the ground. They then heard a humming noise and then the object quickly disappeared from sight.
Source: Bufora investigations
Date: 1974: A silver disc low above houses that left almost instantaneously
Date: 1974: Allison Park Pennsylvania Alien Sighting
Date: 1974
Location: Elizabeth South Australia
Time: unknown
Summary: A young girl and a friend remembered seeing a UFO at close range, a period of missing time ensued. Later she recalled feeling a buzzing sound in her head and finding herself in a room of some kind. She then saw a face on a small pointed head, with pointed ears. She also remembered seeing someone walking towards her surrounded in a silver glow. Apparently some type of mental apparatus was used on her.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Location. Bugarach, near Rennes-le-Chateau, France
Date: 1974
Time: daytime
The day after members of a family named Bettex spotted a huge fiery sphere descend and apparently land on the side of a nearby mountain, they were visited by three tall blond haired men wearing black monk-like habits that threatened them to remain silent and not to mention to anyone what they had seen. Both husband and wife remained as if paralyzed by the front door as the three unorthodox visitors walked away to a nearby vehicle. Scorched ground traces were found and the alleged landing site. Soon after the incident Mr. Bettex died of a mysterious disease
Source: Manuel Figueroa
Date: 1974: Close encounter with saucer at Quakers Hill
Location. Carolina Puerto Rico
Date: 1974
Time: afternoon
The witness, Doña Melin was one afternoon cooking dinner alone @ home when she heard somebody calling her name. Walking out the front porch there she encountered three tall, white skinned men, with large blue green eyes, fine chiseled features, with long blond white hair. They wore tight fitting blue outfits with gold trimmed emblems on the left hand side, the emblems contained what appeared to be a W and H and an A. They also wore a large wide belt with an oval shaped buckle that emitted a white light. Apprehensive the witness told the men to wait until she turned off the oven. The men then communicated by using telepathy. They told her to be calm, that they were happy to see her. The men promised to return then walked away and slowly disappeared from sight.
Source: Boletin UFO PR Vol. 1 # 3
Location. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Date: 1974
Time: night
One evening, while baby-sitting the witness suddenly felt a cold, creepy chill come over her, accompanied by a sense of urgency to check on the baby. The nursery was dimly lit by a small night-light. She entered the room hesitantly. A shadowy figure caught her eye. She saw a “gnome like” man, dancing in the corner near the crib. He was about as tall as a two-year-old child and was dressed in Old World clothing; knee length britches, suspenders or a vest, over a loose fitting shirt. He had longish hair, a mustache, and a beard, and was unkempt. Never taking her eyes off the queer creature, she walked slowly to the crib, and picked up the sleeping baby and cautiously backed out the door. Others had seen strange shadowy figures running about the house. Other phenomenon was also reported.
Source: Sharon Jarvis, Dark Zones
Date: 1974: Ronald Reagan UFO Sighting
Location. West Yorkshire, England, exact location not given
Date: 1974
Time: night
A being about six to seven-foot tall appeared next to the witness as he was lying in bed. The being wore a one-piece suit with a high collar. The witness had an intense feeling of great joy during the encounter. The being greeted him and disappeared.
Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters
Location. San Antonio Texas
Date: 1974
Time: night
The witness and a friend were driving on Loop 410 at the Valley Hi Exit when they saw an object hovering above them. The witness could only remember seeing three gray figures looking down at them. The middle one was a bit taller than the other two. He suffered from nightmares soon after the incident and claims he reported the incident to the Air Force the next day.
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & The World
Location. Canberra Australia
Date: 1974
Time: night
Two young women, hearing a “strange noise,” were compelled to go outdoors to their car. They found the car out of their control and were driven to a remote site, accompanied by a brilliant light source. The car stopped and they heard a weird chant began from behind the car, and could see vague, human like forms. They suddenly became extremely frightened and one girl, for reasons not clear, got out of the car. When she tried to get back in, she was unable to because of the presence of a viscous, web-like substance over the car door. They finally made their way to a local police station; returning to the site with officers, they found nothing and were escorted home. On the same night police patrols in the area reported strange lights in the sky and one patrol car encountered a massive procession of snails on the road, headed in the direction of the young ladies strange encounter. The girls experienced a repeat of their earlier experience after the police left and their fear was replaced by a feeling of guilt, as though they had “betrayed a trust” by reporting the incident to police. One girl suffered physical effects following the experiences, developing a speech impediment, and losing her ability to write. The effects were not permanent.
Source: Bill Chalker, & Keith Basterfield
Location. Crozon, Bretagne, France
Date: 1974
Time: night
The young witness was camping with his family at an old military field in the area and one night was told by his mother to go empty the trash and the nearby dump. He did, but had to return in order to retrieve the trash container. As he looked for the bin he noticed a strange humanoid-animal figure standing nearby and staring at him. The creature was about 4-foot tall, reddish brown in color, with thin arms, small shoulders, and enormous and bulging eyes resembling two large black marbles. When the creature saw the witness, it dived towards the bottom of the garbage pit. In turn the witness ran away screaming from the area. Apparently he was made fun of after the encounter.
Source: GREPI list
Location. Yonkers New York
Date: 1974
Time: night
A man identified only as A. L. was sitting in his Yonkers apartment while his three children slept in their rooms. His wife was in their bathroom. Suddenly he happened to glance to his right, and was startled to see a black hooded figure holding a scythe, its face a luminous white skull. It was staring at him as it glided slowly backward and disappeared through the door. Fearing the Reaper had come for someone, A. L. banged on the bathroom door. When he got no response, he entered and found his wife lying next to an empty bottle of pills. With the assistance of his sister and husband, who lived nearby, he was able to revive his wife and take her to a hospital.
Source: Mark Chorvinsky
Location. Balaton Hungary
Date: 1974
Time: night
The witness suddenly woke up in her bedroom to see two strange humanoids standing in the room. One stood at the head of the bed, the other one to one side of it. Both were described as about 1.40 meters tall, gray colored, baldheaded and with large black eyes. They had apparently entered the bedroom through an open window. She only remembered the incident in 1991.
Source: CUN Europe
Location. Los Angeles California
Date: 1974
Time: late night
The witness had been sleeping when she was suddenly awakened by several small shadow like creatures who pulled her from her bed and began pushing her down the hallway. She attempted to resist but was unable to get away. The creatures persisted and told her that they “did not have much time.” At this point another voice from an unknown source interrupted and said, “No it’s not time.” She does not remember anything else until she woke up the next morning. Her daughter remembered hearing strange voices coming from her room during the night.
Source: Duane Bedell, Heartland UFO Journal # 33
Location. Rio Tinto Portugal
Date: 1974
Time: 2015
The 14-year old witness was in his backyard with a couple of family members when he heard a loud noise followed by a power outage. He ran outside and saw a Saturn shaped object 50 meters away. It was 6.5 meters in diameter and 4 to 5 meters in height. It radiated light beams of several colors and its top was transparent allowing the witness to see 4 or 5 entities. These were wearing dark frogman suits; helmets covered their heads. They were about 5 feet tall of humanoid appearance. During the observation the witness felt paralyzed and lost sense of time. When the object took off his faculties returned and the electrical power was restored.
Source: Mario Neves, PORTUCAT
Location. Near Delhi, India
Date: 1974
Time: 2300
Pranav Piyush was alone in his farm with he saw two triangle-shaped objects in the sky. They appeared to land beyond view of the witness and soon two tall human-like figures approached him. They conversed with the witness (in his native language?) and explained to him that the earth had been struck 65 million years ago by a comet and the survivors had managed to fly to Jupiter where they developed a new civilization. They then warned Piyush that another comet was going to strike the earth. Terrified the witness fell faint and saw the two figures walked back towards the direction where the triangles had vanished. As they moved away they appeared to change into inhuman figures.
Source: Astronaut forum section, posted 12-14-98
Date: 1974: Three bright lights follow close by the side of the car
Location. Near Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Date: 1974
Time: 0100A
Alex Franz and his wife were on their way to Mexico City when Mr. Franz began to feel extremely sleepy and pulled off to the side of the road in order to rest. His wife remained awake as he dozed off. Suddenly Mr. Franz was awakened by the sounds of his wife groaning and crying. Upon opening his eyes he saw a bright light that illuminated the cab and appeared to come from above. He attempted to assist his wife as he noticed that she held the vehicle door tightly close, so hard in fact that her nails were bleeding. The light was of a neon type and did not bother the eyes. At this point Mr. Franz managed to see a humanoid figure quickly moving away from the vehicle, moving towards the light, which was about 8 meters away from the vehicle. The figure seemed to blend in with the light and soon the light shot up into the sky and disappeared. When his wife came to, she told Alex to quickly leave the location because “some little men” had wanted to abduct them. When he was able to start the vehicle again, they noticed that 5 hours had gone by, which they had no recollection of.
Source: Lucy Pla, Ovni Net, Puerto Rico
Location. Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada
Date: 1974
Time: early morning
Jean Guy Moude was walking through a forested area when he suddenly lost consciousness and then woke up to see several large shiny “yellow eyes” looking down on him as he appeared to be lying on a “bed” of some sorts. He was apparently given a medical examination by several aliens wearing dark diving suits. Onboard he saw several instrument panels and other gadgets, which he made drawings off. He was later levitated back to the ground through an opened hatch along with some of the aliens. Then he saw several of the humanoids entering the hovering UFO through an opening on the bottom; they appeared to have climbed up via a type of metallic cable. The craft had several portholes around its perimeter
Source: Denys Breysse Project Becassine quoting Bourbeau
Location. Near Ceballos Chihuahua Mexico
Date: early 1974
Time: before sunset
A clergyman camping in an isolated and mysterious area called “La Zona Del Silencio” was preparing his tent when he heard a buzzing and saw a bright glowing object descending from the sky. The witness wanted to run but could not move as the object drew closer and hovered briefly above the desert floor. The object’s light changed from a whitish blue to a red orange. Moments later the object dimmed and the outline of a metallic disc shaped object came into view. The witness stood paralyzed as three tripod legs extracted out of the lower part of the object, the object then landed. Seconds later a door appeared in the side of the craft and a stairway descended to the ground. Four figures then stepped out. They were described as humanoid about five-foot tall. Their bodies were encased in a shiny metallic suit totally seamless. They were of stocky build with almond shaped eyes, a sharp nose, leathery skin, and a tanned complexion. The beings approached the witness in very quick movements and communicated with the witness in English asking him several questions mostly about his business in the area. They also mentioned a “God.” The witness was then invited onboard the object and shown a large interior with several control panels and a device was placed on his head. Later he was released and the object retracted its tripod, started glowing, and then took off emitting a loud humming sound.
Source: Warren Smith, Ancient Mysteries of The Mexican And Mayan Pyramids
Location. Jumonville Summit, Pennsylvania
Date: 1974
Time: night
Approximately 13 witnesses chased a large Bigfoot creature in their cars; it looked inside the vehicle at them and then hid behind a large stone. It seemed to move almost instantaneously from one side of the car to the other. No other information.
Source: Bigfoot Casebook, Janet & Colin Bord
Location. Komi Region, Ukraine
Date: 1974
Time: night
The flight of a large luminous sphere shaped object was seen as it traveled along the line of the Donets River and Gorlovka soon after north of Donets the object exploded illuminating the terrain in a radius of several km. Local residents began to locate fragments, some near the Vashka River. The local militia retrieved some of the fragments.
Source: Anton “Cade” Belousov, Soviet X Files List And A E Burenina UFO center Moscow
Location. Wichita Falls, Texas
Date: 1974
Time: night
Just north of Fort Worth a “cake tin” shaped UFO crashed for unknown reasons. It was vertical with several visible vertical rims. 3 humanoids were onboard, including one that was alive but which died soon. The craft was moved to a military base in Texas—either Fort Hood or Fort Bliss and later to the S4 facility.
Source: Anton Anfalov UFO crash list
Date: 1974
Location: Bremen, Germany
Time: late night
Summary: Franc Wolf was lying in bed unable to sleep when suddenly a beam of light came in through the window, shining in the center of the room. At the end of the beam a cloud seemed to form, from which gradually the shape of an old man-like figure emerged. The figure resembled what an ancient “Greek” would look like clad in a white tunic like those the classical Romans used to wear. His hair and beard were white. The figure floated in the center of the room staring at Wolf, who could suddenly no longer move. The figure suddenly disappeared as if switched off. And the beam of light gradually yielded back out the window. At this point Wolf was able to move and ran to the window to see a disc-shaped craft quickly departing the area.
Source: Greyhunter UFO Site, Germany
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