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Date: Summer 1974
Location: Near Denver Colorado
Time: 0130A
Summary: The witnesses were lost while driving in a remote area an unknown force pulled the car forwards and they lost consciousness. Under hypnosis they recalled seeing several beings that approached the vehicle from a nearby field where a bright object rested. Both remembered touching a black box and finding themselves on a table onboard the object. They were unable to move as the beings questioned them by telepathy. Asking about sex and emotions. One of the witnesses found himself behind a glass wall observing his sister being questioned. Upon returning one of the witnesses scuffled with the beings over surrendering a black box that he was carrying. They were both eventually escorted back to the car.
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions the Measure Of A Mystery
Date: Summer 1974
Location: Near Los Angeles California
Time: unknown
Summary: In a desert area a couple had pulled off the road because of engine trouble. They then saw a glowing object overhead, when it left the vehicle started again. Later the vehicle stopped again and both apparently went to sleep. They both remembered walking out of the car as if guided by an external force; they felt very calm as they approached a glowing white cylindrical shaped object with rounded ends. They found themselves inside the craft in a large misty empty room. Three luminous human like beings appeared and communicated via telepathy informing the witnesses that they could separate from their physical bodies at will. The witnesses also saw images of a planet with shimmering rocks but no vegetation and cities of shiny metal. The beings told the witnesses they were in search for a new world since their Sun was dying.
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Location. Transylvania region Romania
Date: Summer 1974
Time: unknown
It was reported that at an unknown date, several locals encountered a landed disc shaped object, and communicated with its occupants who were described as tall, human like and with long blond hair. One of them supposedly handed over a small box containing some 64 gold foils. Unknown writing and various signs were engraved on the foils. The secret police or Securitate became aware of the incident and confiscated the gold foils. The terrified witnesses were silenced and a few died of strange circumstances.
Source: Gabor Tarcali
Date: June 1974
Time: Location. Lyon France
Date: Summer 1974
Time: daytime
The witness was standing in the street gazing at a shop when she suddenly became aware of a “man” standing next to her. She moved along but the man followed her. The man was very tall and wore strange clothing with large boots. He had fair hair and blue eyes and spoke in an unknown language resembling German. For a moment he stood and looked at the witness, half smiled then walked away taking tremendous strides.
Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters
Date: June 1974
Time: Location. Rosswell British Columbia Canada
Date: Summer 1974
Time: afternoon
In an isolated farm a family that included eight children watched two large hair covered humanoids 100 yards behind the house. One appeared to be an adult, the other a youngster about half the height. They were going to a smaller jackpine to another picking up needle tips and eating them. Days later a large silvery object shaped like a cigar without wings, flew low and slow over the same path the hair covered creatures had taken.
Source: HBCC British Columbia
Date: June 1974
Time: Location. Santa Ana California
Date: Summer 1974
Time: afternoon
A group of children watched a huge blimp shaped craft that swooped down over them and followed them home. They saw a figure onboard the object that was looking down at them.
Source: Peter Guttilla & B Ann Slate Saga UFO Report June 1977
Date: Summer 1974
Location: Madrid, Iowa
Time: early evening
Summary: Three men, Sidney Phipps, Paul Talk and Ron Weaver were sitting in their car on a bridge just west of town when they saw what appeared to be a glowing man-like figure across a field on another bridge. The figure glowed from top to bottom with a pure white light unlike any the men had ever seen. It appeared to have seen the men and started to cross the road coming towards them. Interestingly, the men got out of their vehicle and began walking towards it. The strange glowing figure then started calling to them in a high pitched modulated tone that the men could not understand, it was terribly loud. The men started yelling back at it and continued moving in the direction of the humanoid. The figure suddenly stopped, turned and ran under the bridge. By the time the men reached the area where it had run off into they saw a large glowing ball flying away from the area at high speed. It shot towards the southwest and disappeared.
Source: BUFOD UFO Reports
Date: June 1974
Location. Near Petrozavodsk Russia
Date: Summer 1974
Time: 2100
Soldier V G Kharichev had just finished his daily duties and was walking along a path next to an airfield accompanied by some of the other soldiers. Suddenly they saw on the path ahead of them three running figures. Right away the men noticed that the figures were out of the ordinary, they were over 2 meters in height, dressed in tight-fitting white clothing that covered their bodies totally and even stranger appeared to be moving in “slow motion” like in the movies. The figures were about 30-40 meters from the witnesses who had stopped in their tracks. The figures then slowly turned around and disappeared into a nearby field. Disconcerted, the soldiers ran back to the barracks and reported the incident to their commanding officer.
Source: NLO Narod, Russia
Date: June 1974
Location. Parfondeval, France
Date: Summer 1974
Time: 2200
At a place called “Le Garde de Dieu” (The Garden of God) in the outskirts of the village 13-year old Jean Noel S observes what appeared to be lights in the garden. The cows and the dogs in the area began to howl. Suddenly a luminous phenomenon was seen descending in the northern horizon, emitting a strident whistling sound. Jean runs to get his parents and a neighbor. All then observed a luminous object very close to the ground in the field. The object emitted blue & yellow flashing lights lighting the form of the object, which resembles that of a spinning top emitting a turbine-like noise. The cries of the area animals could still be heard, the father then shines a flashlight towards the object and two bizarre silhouettes are observed, resembling upright potato sacks, which moved quickly above the ground. Illuminated by the beam of the flashlight the forms scatter into the field where the cows now appeared to be unperturbed. The forms then pass within a few meters of the witnesses who panicked and take refuge in the house. The father and the neighbor are encouraged to investigate and as they walked along the road they observe the two strange forms apparently entering an opened air vent. Very anxious the men return to the house. As the woman panic the men explore and search the house for any intruders but fail to find anything. The luminous object then rises silently from the field and flies over the garden and quickly disappears from sight. The next morning the witnesses explore the cow pasture and find a circular area of 3meters in diameter that appears to have been pressed down.
Source: Raoul Robe, CNEGU January 2002
Date: June 1974
Date: June 1974
Time: Location. Saint Nizier en Moucherotte, Isere, France
Date: Summer 1974
Time: night
2 witnesses, J F Granier and C H Granier were in their vehicle when they spotted a humanoid figure about 1.60m in height standing on the side of the road. Its face is entirely smooth and the body resembles that of the commercial “Michelin man”. Its arms appeared to be spread wide; it turns and disappears into the brush. Later that night a third witness sees the same or similar being at the same location. She stops the car and the being approaches and scratches the window, then disappears with a big leap into the bushes.
Source: INFO Ovni “Les Humanoides”
Date: June 1974
Location. Near Propriano, Corsica, France
Date: Summer 1974
Time: night
A 60-year old woman sees a tall hairy silhouette standing near her home. It has long arms and suddenly runs away making long jumps and disappears into the bushes.
Source: J P Chambraud, La Corse base d’Ovni
Location. Near Cannonville Georgia
Date: June 1974
Time: early evening
The witness was driving home after dropping off a friend and was going under the I-85 over pass near Hogg Mountain Road when he heard a “whirling” sound. Emerging from the overpass he saw above him a large circular object with red lights spinning around its perimeter. The object was about 150 feet in size, and traveled basically the same direction he was driving. It was less than 100 feet off the ground, and was initially moving slow. Then it turned slightly to the east and went up over the tree line at a very high rate of speed. It was soon lost from sight. The witness then saw an entity dressed in silver standing on the road on the same side of the road where the object had been. As the witness turned on the bright lights the silver suited entity began running ahead of the witness car. Attempting to get ahead of the being, the witness noticed that the humanoid had short 10-12 inch antennas on each side of the top its head & was dressed in a wetsuit type, toe to head silver suit. Around the waist was a belt and what the witness thought was a holster. The entity incredibly ran at speeds over 65 mph. Suddenly the entity darted off into some bushes and disappeared from sight. The witness never slowed down and continued driving.
Source: John C Thompson
Date: June 1974
Date: June 1974
Location. Lvov Region, Ukraine
Date: beginning of June 1974
Time: daytime
The witness, a captain of the Soviet Army, Alexander Alexandrov was taking part in military exercises, which included parachute jumps from helicopters. They had taken off from the Kalinov military airfield in a MI-8 helicopter. After he jumped his main parachute did not open and the automatic device that opened the auxiliary became entangled and failed to function. He continued to tumble upside down towards the ground. Terrified he could see the ground approaching, plants and several field mice running away, he also saw several persons running towards the possible impact area. Suddenly he felt a sharp jerk suddenly halting in mid-air and saw darkness around him, there was a burst of light and he felt zooming up. In a dazed state he looked around and noticed two huge hands grabbing hold parts of his parachute in mid-air, he could also see a dark face, with large dark intelligent looking eyes. It was a giant man-shaped alien figure hovering in mid-air next to him. The entity wore a transparent globe-shaped helmet; its lips were tightly closed. The humanoid possessed huge wide shoulders and hands and wore a transparent cloak on his back, which he could see the sky through it. The witness and the giant alien faced each other. The alien had a penetrating glance; his eyes were huge and glowing, somehow giving him a solemn appearance. Alexandrov could see that the alien had tight sleeves on his wrists that gradually turned into a tight-fitting coverall covering his entire body. The entity also had a triangular shaped device, metallic looking, located on the overall close to his neck, it had blinking lights of different tints. The alien moved his hand along Alexandrov’s back from his spine to his neck, he received a clear impression of the alien grabbing the remaining tangled parts of his parachute and pulling on it, incredibly the parachute dome opened and Alexander descended, falling gently on the ground. The alien waved his hand and said something in an unknown language that sounded like “Pa-Pa” and vanished into a nearby cloud. On the ground Alexander could see a bright light moving away. At this point other military personnel and onlookers rushed to his location. They asked in amazement what was that huge figure that tore from him and flew into the cloud. Some in the group saw a huge triangular craft moving away from Alexandrov, others stated that whatever it was it was rhomboidal.
Source: “Unknown World” Kharkov Ukraine # 28 2001 Anton Anfalov
Location. Cypress Bowl, British Columbia, Canada
Date: July 1974
Time: evening
Two men working at a re-fueling construction site when they noticed what they thought was a “tent” placed on an elevated surface overlooking a parking lot. The tent appeared to be illuminated from the interior. As this was in no way unusual the two men began to attend to the night’s work. As the men moved one of the diesel trucks towards the gate entrance they were surprised to see that the vehicles light reflected off the tent. Very surprised and puzzled when the realized that the supposed tent was an apparent metallic object they temporarily ceased their re-fuelling activities drove down to the entrance gate and parked. Exiting the truck one picked up a tire iron, the other a thick piece of wood. However the men weren’t able to explain why they did that as no discussion took place. They both cautiously climbed up the sloping and uneven rock surface towards the “tent” that had attracted their attention. When they got to within 25 -30 ft of the object several things suddenly happened. Just as they became aware that they were looking at a craft of some kind. It was about 15 ft in diameter, 8 ft high, flat on top and had a dome and appeared to be about 4 ft off the ground. It was totally silent. What also held their attention was a black ball that moved around the interior of the dome at a dizzying speed. The two men also had the impression that “people” were walking around inside the craft. As they attempted to take all this in, and at the same time seek a rational explanation, they were suddenly startled by a loud foghorn type sound that halted them in their tracks and clearly implanted the instruction to “stop” in their minds. Without any exchange of conversation they both immediately dropped the weapons they had been carrying turned around and calmly walked back to the diesel truck. The foghorn continued to sound loudly every 4 seconds but they still had no accompanying sense of fear. Only upon re-entering the truck did an acute sense of fear overcome them, whereupon they voiced an unanimous “let’s get out of here” and promptly drove back down the mountain to their base without stopping at the obligatory additional sites to complete the night’s work
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC, April 2003
Date: June 1974
Date: June 1974
Location. Near Courthezon France
Date: June 1974
Time: late evening
Pierre Monnet (involved in a previous encounter) reported seeing two extraterrestrials he had met in the previous encounter (in 1951). The two tall blond men were riding what he described as a strange vehicle resembling a Renault 16 with a brilliant metallic gray color with a strange license plate in which, Monnet was able to make out the letters “WW”.
Source: Pierre Monnet 1978
Date: June 6 1974
Location: South Hampton, New Hampshire
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Summary: A family driving along Route 150 encountered a structured object with a row of body lights. They fled in fear with the object following. When they stopped, the object hovered with a “bobbing, fluttering motion” above an adjacent field. The body lights flickered and changed color from yellow-green to bright red to pink, then dark green and deep blue. The lights dimly illuminated a bowl-shaped undersurface. When the object began to descend as if to land, the witnesses again became frightened and fled.
Source: Christian Science Monitor, Aug. 2, 1974. Investigation by Raymond B. Fowler.
Date: June 1974
Location. Wissant Pas de Calais France
Date: June 6 1974
Time: daytime
A student, D.X, had taken his parents camper out to the Dunes where could study quietly for his end of term exams. Taking a break from his studies, he strolled along the beach near Cap Blanc Nez. Topping a dune, he was surprised to see, at its base, a cube shaped object, about 3 meters per side and aluminum in color, sitting on a slender, black tripod landing gear. No other features on the object were apparent. The ground at the site was marshy and muddy. Standing next to the object were two human like beings a little over 4 ft tall, wearing one piece suits of a shiny, gray-white color, almost a metallic sheen to them; a slight fold or crease ran from the neck to the stomach. They wore tall narrow helmets on their heads with faceplates that showed about three quarters of their faces. Their eyes were very large, their noses long and thin. Their hands were covered by what appeared to be inflated mittens. The witness did not notice their feet. One was about ten meters to his right, the other to his left. The one on the right circled around the object and had no sooner rejoined the second when a third entity appeared. He was much taller than the other two, at least two meters in height (6’6), and he came from behind the object, around the left side, and stood near the first two. Unlike the smaller beings, he wore no helmet. His features were human, and he had long blond hair. One of the smaller beings then made sounds coming from deep within his throat, which seemed to have a hypnotic effect upon the witness. At that point, the witness is unable to recall what happened next, as he appears to have “blacked out.” When he came back to his senses, everything had disappeared. He was troubled about not being able to recall what had happened to him. He could find no traces of the object and the three beings at the site.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Location. Warneton Belgium
Date: June 6 1974
Time: 2040
This encounter took place at the same site as that of the January 7 case, and at the same hour, although now occurring before sunset. It was the first time the witness had driven past the spot since the earlier incident. The observer saw the same two entities by the roadside; the car cassette player went out and the engine sputtered. He stopped the car beside them. Again he felt the same slight shock at the back of his head and heard a modulated sound—then the beings instantly vanished. He had looked for the UFO, but had seen nothing.
Source: Jean Marie Bigorne
Date: June 1974
Date: June 1974
Location. Metcalf Illinois
Date: June 6 1974
Time: around midnight
The witness was alone in his house and was lying in bed when he heard noises coming from the front porch area. Suddenly he saw three large headed figures come around the side of the house, stepping up to the porch and entering the house. The beings then stood in front of the witness bed gazing at him. The beings approached even closer and began to hop up and down as if excited about something. Eventually the beings took the witness outside. There he met a different alien that appeared more wrinkled and somehow older. The being communicated by using telepathy assuring the witness that he would not be harmed. He was then led to a nearby bean field and into a landed object with a pyramid shaped entrance. Inside he saw a huge circular room, lighted by a brilliant white light, and was then made to lie down on a cot where he was given a thorough examination including his sexual organs. That same night a neighbor had seen a huge fireball like object lift up from the bean field.
Source: Francis L Ridge, Regional Encounters The FC Files
Location. Lake George near Goulbourne New South Wales, Australia
Date: June 7-8 1974
Time: 2300
The witness, an elderly farmer, noticed an elongated luminous object in the sky which ejected a “falling star” that approached within two miles of him and hovered half a mile up, appearing as a red luminous sphere. Later, this sphere appeared to land behind trees several miles away. At 0300A the witness went out with his dog and walked toward the apparent landing site. He heard a number of dogs barking, and a voice yelling, “shut up!” which stopped them. He sat down and waited until 0600A, and then went to the site and found “an area of burnt vegetation for a distance of 200 yards.” When the witness was subsequently hospitalized for paranoid schizophrenia, he was able to recall further details; he had approached to within 300 yards of the landed object and observed it through binoculars. Three of four “men” 8-foot tall or taller, wearing glowing “silver” suits that covered them up to their necks, came from behind the object and “floated” to the ground. He could see no facial features. Then a chute emerged from the object, and down it came a number of cylindrical metal “packing cases.” Next about 40 head of black cattle came down the chute and were driven away by normal looking men, with dogs.
Source: Bill Chalker & Keith Basterfield
Date: June 1974
Date: June 1974
Location. Fort Devens Massachusetts
Date: June 9 1974
Time: late evening
The witness was walking back to his barracks located within the military base when as he stood by the flagpole he noticed a bright light approaching above the nearby church. As the light approached the witness was able to see an oval shaped craft with revolving colored lights on its bottom. As the object neared he was able to see three figures onboard the craft. One stood up in the center while the other two sat on each side. The figures seemed to be operating some equipment and were wearing uniforms with emblems. The witness heard a brief telepathic message then apparently passed out waking up the next morning at home.
Source: Letter from witness, UFO Universe Nov. 1988
Location. Kentucky, exact location not given
Date: June 10 1974
Time: morning
The young witness was attracted by something outside the home and upon investigating spotted a small silent hovering craft. The object had a transparent dome on top and had spinning flashing lights on the bottom. Inside the dome he saw two undescribed beings that were staring intently at the witness with large glaring eyes. The beings seemed to be moving in slow motion. The frightened witness ran into the neighbor’s house to get additional witnesses but when they came out the object had disappeared.
Source: NUFORC
Date: June 1974
Date: June 11 1974
Location: Lincolnshire, IL
Summary: recorded as close encounter one with seven witnesses.
Source: CUFOS
Date: June 14, 1974: UFO with occupants hover over farm
Date: June 14, 1974
Location: near Medellin Castle, Spain
Time: 5:30 a.m.
Summary: Lasted 1-1/2 hours and was seen to the East in the direction of Venus and disappeared as Venus would at sunrise. Some investigators report that the witness may have been the town drunk, but here for-the-record is what he reported. This man driving 200 miles north of Seville saw an object shaped like a pot (truncated cone) flying rapidly toward him at low altitude (estimated 100 meters). Frightened, he turned off his car headlights, but the object followed his car parallel to the road about 70 meters away to the right. When he switched his headlights back on, the object began approaching so he switched them off and the object retreated again. When he arrived at his father’s property, the object hovered over the barn, moving up and down, so he ran into the house. Later he went outside to check, and the object was still hovering there. It was lighting the entire area like daytime. Three humanoid beings were visible inside the object. Early the next morning at sunrise, the object abruptly sped away. Other witnesses in separate locations also saw an object.
Source: Inforespace, No. 22, August 1975; translated from French by Jacques Deschenes.
Date: June 15 1974
Location: Mount Dahjar, Himalayas Tibet
Time: afternoon
Summary: Tibetan mountain climber, Keo Wha Unan, was inspecting a rock formation on the upper slopes and as he emerged from a cave he spotted a silvery disc shaped craft hovering behind a crest of some nearby high rocks. It was shiny silvery smooth. Gathered around the object were 3 humanoid figures that appeared to be collecting snow, ice, and rocks. After 5 minutes they climbed onboard the object by means of a ladder like device. The object then began emitting a loud humming sound and rose at very high speed disappearing behind some cloud cover.
Source: UFO Roundup, Quoting UFO Update # 5
Date: June 15 1974: Calgary Canada, AB Multiple Sighting
Date: June 15 1974
Location: Manzalvos, Spain
Time: 23:00
Summary: Dolores, Maria, and Isabel were walking along a darkened street on a dark and cold night. Suddenly at about 300 meters away they saw descending slowly from the sky, in total silence, two bright red blinking lights. These lights remained suspended a few feet above the ground near some woods. Moments later the red lights disappeared and in the area that had originally separated them, a bright yellow rectangular late became visible. Soon after two dark man-like figures appeared, one on each opposite side of the bright yellow rectangle. These figures began to walk slowly towards each other; they passed each other and proceeded to go in opposite directions, “in movement similar to soldiers on guard duty.” These figures walked back and forth for several minutes. Soon the yellow rectangle began to diminish in size, until it completely disappeared. Again the two red blinking lights appeared and rose up disappearing at high speed into the night. Two days later a local woman had gone to retrieve several laundered blankets from the lines and was stunned to discovered that all had been bizarrely marked and painted in strange black symbols, some resembling numbers other strange animals. She was unable to wash this “stains” off. The source feels that there is some type of implicit connection to the earlier UFO sighting.
Source: Marcelino Requejo
Date: June 16, 1974
Location: Metcalf, Illinois
Summary: Mike Fox. Hair samples, nasal implant, anal probe.
Source: nicap
Date: June 18 1974
Location: Metcalf, IL
Time: Midnight
Summary: Beginning of a series of abductions. Son of farmer had been apparently abducted and no one knew it for some 12 years or spring of 1986. Natural recall of abduction into craft and removal of sperm. Elderly farmer saw object land in soybean field around 12:00 a.m.
Source: Don Worley files
Date: June 18 1974
Location: Metcalf, IL
Time: 4:30 a.m.
Summary: Second elderly farmer watched fiery object take off from bean field.
Source: Worley files
Date: June 19 1974
Location: Cote-d’Or France
Time: evening
Summary: Three men were chatting alongside a highway after one had just made some purchases. They suddenly observed a luminous object flying slowly in the distance, descending toward a hilltop. One of the men left the others and drove off in his car toward the direction in which the object had settled. He was able to approach the site to within a few hundred meters, and saw a luminous white, hemispherical object, wider than it was tall, with two large red lights on its surface. The terrain was rough, and he was unable to see the base of the object. While he observed through binoculars, he saw two heavyset beings moving in front of the white luminous object; they were dressed in heavy coiled outfits that made them resemble the “Michelin Tire Man.” They appeared to have round helmets on their heads. He was unable to see legs or feet. At that moment he heard some shots; thinking that someone was firing a gun at him, he hastily retreated to his car and drove away. The shots were actually fired by a “notorious poacher” who was parked in his mobile home less than a km from the landing site. No police action, it seems, was instituted against the man. The primary witness, highly regarded in the area, did not want his name associated with the incident. There had been other reports of objects seen in the vicinity of the same hill both prior to and after the June 74 encounter.
Source: Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne
Location. Near Pommard, France
Date: June 19 1974
Time: 2130
Gerald observes the passage of two luminous spheres over the area. One then hovers above the bell tower while the second one appears to land on a nearby field while it changed colors. Observing the landed object with a pair of binoculars he sees that is oval in shape and bluish in color. Two beings walk in front of the object, walking very stiffly and wearing what appeared to be large helmets. After six minutes the lights die out. The next day the witness and a friend explore the field and find some areas on the ground that appeared to have been excavated.
Source: Raoul Robe, Regional Catalogue
Date: June 1974
Date: June 25 1974
Location: St. Cyrille de Wendover Quebec Canada
Time: 0115A
Summary: Mr. & Mrs L. had just returned from a vacation; hearing a “bum-bum-bum” noise, Mr. L looked outside their trailer home and saw a reddish UFO hovering just above the ground; he went to wake his wife and on hearing a buzzing, saw a humanoid being about 15 feet from the window. Both went into the living room, where they saw outside 3 more ‘stiff moving” beings, 6’ tall like ‘robots,” examining an unoccupied nearby trailer. During the next 3 hours, the couple saw at one time as many as 15 of these entities, lined up parallel to an adjacent creek; they held this formation more than 5 minutes, then all moved at once. The object was domed, with red and white lights at the top, and encircled about the base with orange lights; it cast yellow beams of light onto the ground. The figures were described as having brightly red glowing horizontal bars, like toasters elements, across their torsos, and displayed no visible facial features. They appeared to “float” above the ground rather than walk; no footprints were later found, but investigators discovered and photographed 3 sets of tripod imprints, presumably left by the UFO, on the far side of the creek. Grass in these areas was swept in “nest” fashion; after mowing, this grass was said to grow twice as high as grass nearby. Several flat pieces of a “strange substance of white color” similar to plastic were found where the “robots” had been seen.
Source: Wido Hoville, Jean Roy, Marc LeDuc & P Blaquiere
Date: June 25 1974
Location: Corbin Beach Vashon Island Washington
Time: 0200A
Summary: Mrs Ken Crosby, rising from bed, noticed a glow outside their home and called her husband. Using binoculars, they observed a cylindrical object, dark in silhouette but displaying 3 bright white lights on one side and 2 red lights underneath. A bright beam of light from the object played on the beach. The object traveled south and turned east during the 2-3 minutes it was in view. Through binoculars, Crosby could see an antenna on the 30-foot object, as well as the silhouette of a humanoid figure inside.
Source: George Fawcett
Location. Villorba Italy
Date: June 25 1974
Time: 0300A
D P had gone to the kitchen in order to obtain a glass of water when he heard footsteps coming from the terrace area. He switched on the lights and was surprised to see his cat in an obvious defense pose and her hair standing on end, at the same time he noticed a strong “sweet” smell in the air. Walking out with a flashlight he illuminated about six meters away “as small thin humanoid” wearing a luminous tight-fitting coverall. It had two narrow slits in the area where the eyes would have been. The frightened witness walked back to the door as he watched stunned as the figure moved up as if on “an invisible escalator” and disappeared above a nearby tall acacia tree. The witness suffered from various physical ailments for a week after the encounter.
Source: CUN
Date: June 1974
Date: June 25 – 26 1974
Location: Tandil Argentina
Time: 2345 – midnight
Summary: Three men, all train dispatchers, were in the office of the railroad at Tandil when they saw at the window a “strange being with white skin, a silvery helmet which seemed fastened onto his head, and dark goggles.” The face was phosphorescent and ha a little beard that oscillated as if were alive. The being had a silvery breastplate; from its sides came flashes of colored light in the form of a “Z.” After a short time it began to sink down and disappeared below the window frame, leaving red, yellow and green flashes of light. When the witnesses ran outside there was no one there. At the site were found saucer-like circular imprints a half-inch deep. suddenly turned and halted by some unknown force, throwing the riders to the ground and injuring one slightly in the knee. They saw a figure at 5 meters distance that resembled the entity described by the 3 dispatchers completely, although they knew nothing of the previous report. After viewing the figure for several seconds, it “seemed to explode without a sound” and vanished in the air. No UFO was seen and they did not report the incident until a month later, when it came to the attention of the UFO investigators.
Source: Jorge Bruno of OTIFE
Date: June 1974
Location. Putre, Chile
Date: June 27 1974
Time: 0300A
Young Bolivian student Lucio Quevedo Lazarte was sleeping in his room when a noise coming from the living room woke him up. Going to investigate he was confronted by a man with very short white hair, wearing a tight-fitting shiny black outfit that ended in a closed turtleneck. On his arm he wore a bracelet and his hands were enclosed in dark gloves. He also wore a strange metallic belt with several sphere and rhomboid shaped object clinging from it. Lucio at first thought that the stranger was a thief and begged him not to steel the curtains. The entity answered him by saying: “I could changed that what you call a curtain for something of more value.” At that moment the humanoid took out of his belt one of the rhomboid shaped objects and placed it in front of Lucio’s face, at this time Lucio lost consciousness. Later he woke up from a kind of trance and the stranger had already gone. He went back to bed and covered himself completely even though he was unable to sleep after that.
Source: Cristian Riffo
Date: June 28 1974
Location: Outre, Chile
Time: 1500
Summary: The next day, Lucio woke up in his bed stiff, pale and unable to move. A local police doctor attended to him and concluded that he had some type of virulent disease. He woke up around noon, seemingly returning to normal. Around 1500 he suddenly got up from bed and climbed up on top of a bunk and proceeded to jump out the window. His brother Julio saw him and ran quickly to assist him, but to his surprised he could not find Lucio anywhere, not a trace of him. The police was called and they searched for him throughout the afternoon. Around 2100 a scream was heard: “He is here!” Everyone ran to the location and found student Donato Perez on the ground with Lucio lying directly on top of him. Donato explained that he saw Lucio being accompanied by two men that upon seeing him dropped him to floor and vanished. Lucio’s clothing was dirty, and his shoes stained with grayish volcanic sand. During a medical examination it was discovered that his fingertips had triangular shaped scars on them. A couple of days later he was able to recall what happened and remembered that as he fell out of the window two short humanoids grabbed him and took him flying to the nearby Taapaca Volcano. There they entered a landed object and inside he saw additional humanoids (not described). Later the same 2 short humanoids took him back and that’s when Donato saw him arriving. In the area around the Volcano investigators found several ground traces.
Source: Cristian Riffo
Date: June 1974
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14 min read
1974: February UFO & Alien Sightings
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14 min read
1974: March UFO & Alien Sightings