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Date: Spring 1973
Location: Dijon area, France
Time: 1000A
Summary: A lone witness responded to her front door after persistent knocking and was confronted by a bizarre looking man with a reddish face and a beard, who asked her for food. He wore what appeared to be “brand new” pressed clothing. She gave him some bread & cheese. He then engaged her in conversation explaining to the witness that she had been reincarnated on this earth several times. After that he walked away and disappeared from sight.
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Date: March 1973
Location: La Tinaja Veracruz Mexico
Time: unknown
Summary: Cirila Montero Lagunes reported that her 3-year old son Ramiro had wandered off one day in March and returned six days later, with a story of having been found by five “little men” (Chaneques) and taken to a cave where they fed him “sweet food” and played with him. He was located from information by a neighbor boy who said the Chaneques had told him where the boy could be found. The boy said he slept in the cave and was looked after by the gnomes, one of who was with him at all times. The hillside below the cave was found to be extremely dense with spine bearing shrubs, and access to it would have been difficult for such a small boy; the adults had to cut a path to the cave’s entrance to reach it. It was approximately 9 miles form his home. No connection with UFOs is mentioned.
Source: Ramon A Pantoja Lopez, Robert Freeman Round, Fate
Date: March 1973
Location: Not given
Time: late night
Summary: Olga Adler was in bed suffering from “chronic” back pain, her eyes were closed when the room suddenly became bright. She was suddenly paralyzed. She then perceived a figure in a long, light brown robe, resembling a monk’s habit, with the hood pulled up and rendering the face in deep shadows. The figure entered through a closed door and floated across the room. The figure held in his arms what looked like a heavy metal cylinder, which he placed on the witness back as she lay on her side, and pressed down. With contact of the cylinder on the witness back, she could feel comfortable warmth penetrating her body and felt surrounded by a tingling sensation like electricity. The figure held the cylinder there for at least five minutes. It then departed through the closed door and Adler fell asleep. Upon awakening, Adler was astounded to discover that her back ache was gone.
Source: Preston Dennett, UFO Healing
Date: March 1973
Location: E. PA
Summary: A major UFO “wave” apparently hit a three-county area of eastern Pennsylvania. Mostly round and oval lighted objects were reported. On March 20th Bushkill Township Police Chief Harold Kostenbader reportedly observed three objects himself.
Source: UFO INVESTIGATOR, May 1973, pages 1, 4
Date: March 1 1973
Location: Saylors Lake, PA
Summary: There were 42 objects with flashing lights observed by multiple witnesses during a three-hour period. The sightings occurred over a small lake-side community located in eastern Pennsylvania, near the New Jersey border. At least a dozen witnesses, including a state trooper, observed the objects passing over the lake, with one witness counting 39 objects before the evening ended. Trooper Jeffery Hontz, sent to the town to investigate, said he observed four objects pass over the lake from west to east. “‘But don’t ask me what they were,” he said, “it was like a Christmas tree flying in the air.” The objects, he said were flying at an altitude of 1,500 feet. Most had white lights, said Hontz, but others had red or blue lights. Mrs. Howard Pfeiffer said she and 11 other residents saw 39 objects — some in groups pass over the lake at 15-minute intervals between 7:25 p.m. and 10:45 p.m. She said the round objects were about the size of a “child’s wading pool”. Mrs. Pfeiffer, one of the major witnesses, discounted the theory put forth by some that the objects were planes. “The first one came so close I felt I could reach up and touch it,” she said. “There was no noise, no sparks, or anything. I know it wasn’t any plane or balloon or helicopter.”
Source: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1973, page 1
Date: March 7, 1973
Location: City not noted, SC
Time: Photograph taken (?). No photo, details or source.
Date: March 7 1973
Location: South Carolina
Summary: In a rural community several members of a family were shocked to see an unknown object slowly floating towards their farm. A sound could be heard as it approached them. Several fairly clear photos were taken of the UFO.
Date: March 10 1973
Location: Cologne Germany
Time: 2100
Summary: A local member of a UFO club had gone out into an isolated area in an attempt to signal UFO’s with a flashlight. Suddenly he saw an approaching bright disc shaped object that leveled off and landed very close to the witness. It was a 30-meter metallic disc. A hatch opened and a very tall slender figure emerged, his body was very muscular and he was wearing a wide belt, he walked stiffly, like a robot. His face was not visible due to an intense orange light coming form the landed disc. There was a flash of light from an object in the entity’s hand causing the hair of the witness to stand up. The entity then communicated via telepathy with the witness. The witness claims he was taken inside the object to a room where he was shown a film of the alien’s home planet and was given numerous revelations.
Source: Ulrich Magin
Date: March 1973
Location. Vila Velha Espirito Santo Brazil
Date: March 11 1973
Time: 1830
Dr. Walter Lourenco De Souza and 7 members of his family were at dinner when they heard cries uttered by his nephew Samuel Faria, 26, who had gone out for a few minutes earlier to take a bath in a bath house at the end of the garden. On February 3 in the same garden the witness had encountered a hovering UFO that emitted intense heat. Pale and trembling Faria said that as he was returning from his bath, he had been seized by the arms, lifted about 8″ from the ground, and thrown backwards. He struggled and freed himself, falling on the ground. On his upper arms were visible red marks, apparently from claws that had gripped him. These marks, which were photographed, gradually turned brown and disappeared.
Source: Marco Alexandre Fundao, SBEDV
Date: March 1973
Location. Avellaneda City Argentina
Date: March 11 1973
Time: 2000
Two tall men with long chins and pale skin, suddenly confronted the witness who has had previous encounters with entities, in his bedroom, these men wore ordinary clothing and spoke with an accent. They showed him a device, which they claimed could change anything into energy.
Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 9
Date: March 13 1973
Location: 20 km N of Salta Argentina
Time: daytime
Summary: Jorge Roberto Herrera, an engineering student, saw an object shaped like 2 plates put together descend in falling-leaf fashion till within a yard of the ground, on which it then settled, tilted, beside the highway. It was aluminum colored until it landed, then it turned to a dull copper. It was about 16 ft wide. After 3 minutes, legs thrust out, which leveled the UFO. Then Herrera saw beside it a being 5’2″ tall, dressed in a white “diving suit” with opaque helmet; the arms were cut off short, without any hands. The feet covered by the suit, without footwear. This entity was not seen to emerge from the UFO. It glided a few feet without walking, then disappeared. A few seconds later the UFO retracted its legs, returned to an inclined position, and took off. Herrera was 50 ft from it at the time. He took one step and found he was at the landing marks, having moved 50 ft unconsciously. There were seven un-symmetrically arranged imprints in an area only about 5 ft square. A small truck came up, whose driver said that he had seen the UFO and that it had caused his engine and his radio to fail. This man drove Herrera, who now felt ill, to Salta; he entered a clinic, where he was treated for 8 days without ever being told the diagnosis.
Source: Fabio Zerpa, ONIFE
Date: March 15 1973
Location: Milton, PA
Summary: Police reportedly were swamped with calls regarding a “giant ball” which moved quickly across the evening sky from east to west. According to one witness, the object looked like a lighted helicopter dome. At one point, he said, he observed the object make a 90-degree turn to avoid a crash with what appeared to be an airplane. As the evening progressed, several other Milton residents reported similar sightings, according to police. A spokesman at a local Air Force base, when asked about possible sighting reports, said no records were kept of such reports and local Air Force personnel were not on the alert for such sightings.
Source: UFO INVESTIGATOR, August, 1973, page 3
Date: March 16, 1973
Location: Sesekinika, Ontario, Canada
Summary: Object Photographed in Canada Our thanks to member 10hn R even boer for forwarding the accompanying photographs and the details about same. On the 16th of March 1973, Bert Harvey o f Sesekinika, Ontario, Canada sighted one and then three strange glowing objects in the northern sky. The objects appeared to be hovering in the general direction of Canadian Forces Base Ramore so he telephoned the Provincial Po lice who in turn phoned the Base but were informed that’ nothing was visible on radar in the vicinity. Original Photo Harvey said the objects were constantly changing colors from red to green to blue, that they started moving about and at one point two of them appeared to merge and then separate again. Harvey watched the mysterious trio from 9 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. in the company of h is wife Ada and his son Rod of Toronto , and Dave Barnac , a conservation officer for the Swastika branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources. On ThursdAY evening the objects were spotted again by r-.’Ir. Harvey but this time they appeared to be much fart her away. /\ ncws photographer, Mr. John Scott Watson was called to the scene. He latcr described the objects as each looking very much like a very bright star and said that every now and then they appeared to move very slowly in different directions “Each one of them kept changing COlor” , h..: said, “but were too distant to enable Ille to take photographs.” MAY-JUNE 1973 Blowup of Original Photo Several hours later, however, Mr. Watson returned to Sesekinika and observed two of the objects- one in the northeast and the other, much closer, in the northwest. He took time exposures at 5, 10 and 15 seconds. The photo shown on this page is one of the blow-ups whkh appears to show either an object with two lighted portions or two separate objects. Watson said , “I would not swear that any of the things I saw tonight were unidentified flying objects. But at the same time it seems st range to me that five stars would be changing color at the same time and moving in different directions.”
Date: March 20 1973
Location: Tarcienne Belgium
Time: 1915
Summary: Mrs Vandervoort, living outside the village of Tarcienne, went outdoors to close her shutters and saw a white light pass over the roof of the nearest house, some 100 meters away; it approached silently form the direction of the nearby woods, and moved toward the east. In the next hour, at intervals of some minutes apart, she saw a total of 25 similar lights or objects flying over a low level-10 to 15 meters above the trees, moving very fast. With the aid of an old optical telescope, she observed in front of one of these objects a “man” standing, handling a “board;” it was a “tiny” figure, but “of great height.” He held one arm straight up. The witness reportedly took pictures of some of the objects, “It was impressive,” she is quoted as saying, insisting they were not normal aircraft, with which she is familiar, as there is a Belgian Air Base northeast of her locale.
Source: Alain Boisvert, GESAG Belgium
Date: March 1973
Location. Apache Junction Arizona
Date: March 21 1973
Time: night
When Brian Scott returned to the site of his 1971 abduction he reportedly had the impression of having again experienced being taken aboard a UFO by the same 9-foot tall entities as earlier; this time he also encountered a short, squat being known as “The Host.” However the experience seemed to be “projected” rather than “solid,” and the voices of the entities “didn’t seem to come from their mouths.” He said that on this occasion he found the pair of boots that he’d lost on their earlier encounter.
Source: Professor Al Lawson, Mufon & Cufos
Date: March 22 1973
Location: Grand Tower, IL
Time: 9:15 p.m.
Summary: Object approximately 1,500′ high hovered over power plant. Witness estimated the object’s size at 25′ in diameter (250 yards away). He described the object as a ring of lighted panels or windows with definite spacing between windows, each emitting pulsating light varying from a dark red-to-orange-to-white sequenced in a clockwise rotation like a theater marquee. Witness said the object was doughnut-shaped, or more like a wedding band, since only the lighted panels were visible.
Source: Newsclipping, SL66,7
Date: March 1973
Location. Therines Oise France
Date: March 24 1973
Time: midnight
M Brechant, his 11-year-old son, Patrice, and his brother in law, Mr. Cosme, were in a car on a dark night on a saucer hunting expedition. In a field near Songeons, 250-300 yards away, they saw a luminous ball whose light diminished in intensity; for a few seconds, 4-6 white luminous rectangles appeared beside it. Then they tried to drive around the light and observe it from the rear. This second luminous ball, likewise in a field, was about 200 yards away. From its base emerged a triangular beam of light, its base on the ball, and its point toward the left. Through binoculars, Mr. Cosme could see 2 luminous silhouettes of beings, one behind the beam and one “sliding on it” towards the point, where it disappeared. They seemed to have elongated heads and enormously broad shoulders; he could not distinguish arms and legs, but the one behind the beam seemed to carry a sack on its left side. This silhouette gradually “evaporated,” then the beam went out, and then the ball. On their way home the observer’s car was pursued by a ball of yellow-white, then yellow green light at treetop level, first seen 300 yards away and later approaching to within at most 50 yards.
Source: M Carof, M Lesbros for LDLN
Date: March 26 1973
Location: Hannaches Oise France
Time: 0010A
Summary: On a dark night with a light rain, Jean Luc Noziere was driving home when his headlights picked up something white on the side of the road. When he came up with it he saw that it was a man’s face, only 2 ft above the ground, half turned to the sky. The eyes were wide open and unblinking, but the expression was an absent one, as if in a trance. The face was angular, with a square chin, and totally immobile. The witness drove on without stopping.
Source:Maggy Carof, Jean Luc Rivera
Date: March 27, 1973
Location: Genoa Sestri, Italy
Location. Wyoming, exact location not given
Date: March 27 1973
Time: midnight
The witness was driving in a rural area at night when he saw a light on the horizon. He felt an electric sensation running through his body, a bright light then descended over his vehicle blinding him, he then stopped the car. When the light goes out he saw two 7 to 8-foot tall hairless humanoids approaching the car. The beings had elongated angular faces, broad and slender and were wearing capes down to their knees. The witness felt extremely cold and could not start the vehicle, one of the beings entered the car and appeared to inspect the witness. At this point the witness apparently blacked out. He could later recalled vague images of approaching a round pockmarked rotating object, and of seeing a volcano and a strange sunrise. He also had a vision of a disaster in 1993.
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Date: March 1973
Date: March 29 1973
Location: Caracaya Venezuela
Time: 0100A
Summary: Armando Silva and his wife, of La Salina, near Caracaya, were at their country home at the seashore. On the evening of the 28th they had seen two elongated bluish objects high overhead. About 0100A a stifling heat in the house awakened them. Mr. Silva went to the balcony and saw the two blue, capsule shaped objects they had seen earlier, now flying near the shore. One of them dropped into the sea and re-emerged on the surface, then was joined by the second, which bobbed on the surface nearby. Silva meanwhile had gone to the beach to see more clearly. “I was terrified when, at one of the small windows on the strange little object that came down from the sky and fell into the sea a few meters from shore, I saw a tiny figure, like a 5-year old child, and wearing on its head what looked like a great gourd. I cannot say for sure that it was an intelligent being, since I only saw half of its body and its head, which, as I say, looked like a gourd. Nor did I see any arms. And I didn’t wait to see if it made any movements, for I took to my heels and ran into the house, where my wife was watching from the balcony, the two things which had come down from the sky and were bobbing up and down in the water.” The incident lasted about 15 minutes.
Source:Gordon Creighton, FSR Vol. 21 # 1
Date: March 1973
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