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Date: February 1972
Location: Near Strasbourg France
Time: afternoon
Summary: A housewife was alone at home preoccupied with some house chores when she suddenly heard a loud undulating sort of murmuring sound, similar of that to leaves falling to the ground. Suddenly she started to rise into the air, the walls, and the roof disappeared and she floated upwards into the sky. At one point she thought she had died and she floated within a gray misty cloud. Frightened she saw a motionless metallic object hovering above her. An interior voice tells her not to be afraid. A small dark trap door opened up on the bottom of the object and she floated inside. A bar of diffused light apparently is pressed against the back of her head, she was unable to react but felt no pain. Inside she found herself standing in a gray kind of footbridge surrounded by a tangle of other identical footbridges. Soon an invisible power” directed her towards a nearby corridor and towards a circular room with metallic walls. There she saw numerous human-like, men and women seated in individual chairs, which were placed around the circumference of the room. The same force that had guided her into the room guided her to an empty seat, which she sat down on. Next to her was a circular porthole and looking through it she could see that the craft was moving at a low altitude above a stretch of water, which appeared to be an ocean. She saw an object, which was apparently accompanying her object in formation; there was another identical above it. The witness had the impression that both objects flew in conjunction with each other, one possessing power, and the other speed. Around each craft shone an extremely bright white light. Soon she was confronted by about thirty pairs of human like “twins”, who appeared to be human robots, or copies of copies, apparently devoid of any emotion of feelings. Each time that one of them pressed on a metal panel that faced the witness it would light up. They seemed to operate in pairs of two and in perfect order, and each time they walked on the center of the room, which was illuminated the “aliens” would levitate up into the air and to the ceiling. She described the “clones” as about 1.50m to 160m in height, with beautiful fair complexions, blue eyes, wearing white combination suits topped with an egg shaped hood over their heads. Two of what the witness called “hermaphrodites” approached her. They appeared to act like androids telepathically communicated with the witness in a strange metallic voice. They told her that this was the third time they had met her, even though she had no recollections of the previous events. The witness understood that these humanoid clones had limited reproductive capabilities and that their “spirit” diminished while being “remade”. They did not exchange any words between them or with the witness. As under a charm or spell, the witness continued to stare at them fascinated. One of the humanoids approached the witness and telepathically told her the following, “We are of your parents, combined by nature.” Approaching closer he inserted a tiny flask of glass in the corner of her eye and withdrew liquid from it. She then heard in her mind, “These contacts take place with a great number of people with the goal to prevent your mutual destruction and the disappearance of your race.” Then, without saying a word the humanoids exchanged mysterious signals, which the witness was unable to understand. One of the beings then approached the metallic panel and pressed it, again becoming luminous. She heard additional telepathic messages, while the humanoids seemed to have disappeared from view. One of the messages contained the following message, “Each human being is a universe in miniature.” At this point the witness apparently lost consciousness and found herself back in her home. She did not hear any noises and searched around the house finding all the doors tightly closed.
Source: Godelieve Van Overmeire
Date: February 1972: Vallecito, San Juan, Argentina Abduction
Date: February 3 1972: Disc Lands near Nazca Peru
Date: February 11 1972
Location: Apollo Beach, Florida
Time: around 10:40 P.M.
Summary: A 24-year-old college graduate employed as a credit manager for a nearby Tampa firm reported observing a disc-shaped UFO about 300 to 500 feet in the air and not more that 100 yards in front of the witness, flying right in front of his car around 10:40 P.M., as he was driving to a nearby store. It was about 50 to 60 feet long with a series of windows about the size of a door around its girth. The windows were lit and the light behind them was revolving.
Source: UFO INVESTIGATOR, April 1972, page 4
Date: February 15 1972
Location: Rantau Panjang Kelantan Malaysia
Time: 1630
Summary: A young girl was playing in a rice field near her home when she spotted a tiny man like figure walking along the field. The entity was wearing a white shirt and trousers and had long white hair. She attempted to catch it, but it ran into a mud hole and vanished. She took a stick and poked at the hole and heard a cry from inside. A second boy also saw a similar entity in the area, described as wearing a long sleeved white shirt and purple pants with black dots. This entity also ran into a hole and vanished.
Source:Ahmad Jamaluddin, A Summary of UFO & Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Date: February 28 1972
Location: Callao, Peru
Time: unknown
Summary: 35-year old Carlos Belevan Mesinas reportedly came in contact with human-looking aliens from the Sirius star system. The alien’s skin was tanned (like African American, but not entirely black) dark brown in color. They were of medium height (about 1.8 m) dressed in tight fitting overalls, with helmets, black belts and big black high boots. Their eyes were light green and transparent. Their hair was light chestnut in color. There were 4 aliens, and they told him their names and positions in the crew. Their leader was called “Arut”. The aliens told Mesinas that they lived in 4 planets around the Hipparcos 30344 star system in the Canis Maggioris constellation. The witness experienced additional contacts until June 1974. The aliens reportedly have a colony of 256 humans in their planet. They build their homes out of volcanic materials and polymers. Water in their planet is fresh, they lack salt water. They purportedly used bases on the moon whenever they visit the earth. Corrected update: The aliens told Mesinas that they originated from an area near Sirius; the exact location was later established to be the orange star HD 52698 in Canis Maggioris constellation, 47 light years away. Aliens gave the names of their planets as, Nex-Aar, Niks, Nuks and Ner. Their star system is called Karks. The main planet was Nex-Aar, its capital Kab-Ver (population 23 million). The aliens had lunar bases in several Solar systems as well as bases in one of the satellites of Jupiter.
Source: Anton Anfalov
Date: February 1972
Date: February 1972
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