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Date: 1971: US Aircraft Carrier Stopped in Bermuda Triangle
Date: 1971
Location: Near San Antonio, Texas
Time: unknown
Summary: Two witnesses spotted a creature resembling a “pterosaur”, something resembling a flying dragon. It reportedly had a wingspan of 20 feet, big bony wings, with no feathers, just leathery dry skin stretched across these big bony flexing fingers. It made big droopy lops in the air and at the same time emitting an eerie guttural scream. It moved about blindly like a huge bat, and then it moved off to the mountains.
Source:Annie Rosenbloom, John Michael Ohio Skywatcher August 1976
Date: 1971
Location: Cairns, Queensland Australia
Time: unknown
Summary: A young man out searching for mushrooms encountered an object on the ground. Several humanoid occupants (not described) communicated with him and apparently gave him a ride onboard the object. After the incident triangular shaped blue marks appeared on the witness hands. No other information.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1971: UFO Encounter over Texas uranium mine
Date: 1971
Location: Wyoming, exact location not given
Time: unknown
Summary: The witness became separated from his sisters while playing in the woods; she was suddenly drawn towards several hairless humanoids with orange glowing eyes and small openings for ears and mouths. The beings were four-foot tall and had frog-like skin. She then found herself inside a craft looking at a screen with patterns on it. She sat on a chair with a helmet on her head. Later she was taken back to the woods by the beings.
Source: Thomas E Bullard UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Date: 1971
Location: Texas, exact location not given
Time: unknown
Summary: The witness was driving with her 3 sons, when she experienced a time lapse. Later under hypnosis she recalled a lighted object sucking the car inside. She found herself in a dark room with controls, and could see stars and the moon through a window. Three four and half-foot tall humanoid beings were present. They wore metallic armor like outfits. She was reassured by telepathy. She remembers drifting through clouds and a tunnel and seeing an eye. She also saw a pyramid with an old bearded man standing besides it.
Source: Thomas E Bullard UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Date: 1971
Location: Alor Setar Kedah Malaysia
Time: 1000A
Summary: A young boy was playing alone besides his home when he sighted a tiny humanoid figure near a rubbish dump. The entity was described as human like and wearing a copper colored suit. A mask concealed its face. For a moment both the witness and the humanoid stood motionless staring at eachother then the being started running and was lost from sight among the rubbish.
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A Summary of UFO and Related Events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Date: 1971
Location: Zhukovskiy AFB or Akhtubinsk AFB, Russia
Time: daytime
Summary: Near one of these Soviet flight testing bases, Air Force Major Arkadiy Yegorov who had been testing military supersonic aircrafts in the early 70’s reported approaching a shiny oval-shaped object once, “resembling a controlled ship”. The attempt was almost successful and the Major succeeded in seeing the face of the alien “navigator”, which he described as very pale as if made out of wax and not belonging to a “live human being”. But suddenly the Major suffered an attack of nausea and weakness, his legs and hands were paralyzed and he landed his experimental fighter with difficulty. He never reported this encounter to his superiors, afraid to loose his job and of being thrown into a mental hospital, like some other Soviet military personnel who had dared to report such encounters.
Source: Dr. Alexander Statiszhev, & Nataliya Leskova “Trud-7” newspaper Moscow June 3 2004
Date: 1971
Location: Salisbury Plain, England
Summary: An RAF expert claims that the Ministry of Defence in Britain asked him to keep quiet after he tracked a whole fleet of spaceships on military radar in 1971. Sixty Wing Commander Alan Turner, 64, who was a chief operator of the RAFs radar system for 29 years, said that all his colleagues were surprised to see 35 super-fast vessels appear on their screens. He said that the craft were equally spaced and shot from 3,000 ft to 60,000 ft at almost 300 mph. He revealed that every UFO would suddenly vanish from radar after a few seconds, and be replaced by an identical vessel moments later. According to him, six military radars and operators at Heathrow spotted the UFOs east of Salisbury Plain, and filed reports on the unexplained phenomenon in 1971.The RAF chief even drew a map charting their flight in between key sites like RAF Lyneham, Wilts, and the aircraft navigation transmitter at Brookmans Park, Herts.
Source: The Sun
Date: 1971
Location: Adelaide South Australia
Time: afternoon
Summary: The 12-year old witness was sitting at a local beach and was feeling depressed. An undescribed being then came out of the water. She was then led through a white tunnel into a “craft”. No other information.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1971
Location: Serro, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Time: afternoon
Summary: A man from the Serro region was taking a bath and swimming in a local river, wearing just a slip, bathing himself near one of the river banks. Suddenly he noticed a strange feminine figure standing on the opposite bank. She had a beautiful face, but her gown was odd, it resembled a long gray smock with long sleeves. He could not see her hair, as she wore a sort of green cap, similar to the ones used by swimmers. On her left hand she held something resembling a thick green book, while on her right hand she held something like an old fashioned coffee-pot, also green, no holder and two parallel pipes, also green. Amazed and curious the witness asked in a loud voice, who she was, and received no answer. He crossed the river, dried himself, put on his clothes and approached the “lady” whose beauty, from up close, stunned him ever more. Again he asked, “Who are you, where did you come from?” “I came from ‘Cera’,” she replied. As the area is extremely hilly at first the witness thought she had said, “Serra” (hill in Portuguese) but then it seemed to him that the odd word fit better. The witness walked a few steps beside the mysterious lady always commenting how pretty she was, without reaction from the latter. Suddenly he noticed that her gown sleeves were extremely long, almost hiding a disturbing detail that he noticed: her fingers were extremely hairy (!). At this point he briefly turned away but when he looked back the woman had vanished, seconds before she had been next to him and now she was gone, without any possibility of having run away, or she would still be seen.
Source: Hulvio Brant Aleixo http://www.mysterious-america.net
Date: 1971
Location: Serro, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Time: evening
Summary: The witness, a lonely horse rider, was traveling on the ridge of a hill when he saw a strange little craft land some tens of meters in front of him, also on the ridge. It was a boxy parallelepiped shaped, transparent little vehicle (possibly 2.5m long) but with a green floor, having two rectangular transparent lateral winglets. Inside, two humanoids could be seen. They sat on square backless seats. Both got out. They were short as to human standards. Both wore a green overall, were white, a Mediterranean biotype, dark haired and bearded. The beards seemed to be well-kept, trimmed. Both took a kind of notebook and pencil and began to write on it, not aware of the lonely human rider presence. The latter approached and innocently thought they could be from the Brazilian Army, because of the green uniforms, not to mention a cap (also green) similar to the one used by the military. The imagination of the simple rider went farther, but not to the stars. He wondered if they could have had something to do with a land property dispute that was taking place. The Army (the country was under a military government) could have sent people to monitor the place. The rider stopped, dismounted from his horse and took a few steps towards the strangers. In order to look polite, he gestured a military salute. However the strangers just looked at him briefly, stopped taking their notes, entered the craft which took off and then landed about 1km away from the witness. Notwithstanding, the lone rider adamantly insisted on approaching the mysterious flying duo. But when they saw him approaching again, they just displayed a sort of disgusted look and again re entered the little craft and didn’t land again. Just flew away.
Source: Hulvio Brant Aleixo http://www.mysterious-america.net
Date: 1971
Location: St Petersburg, Russia (then Leningrad)
Time: dusk
Summary: Graduate student Tatiana Syrchenko was reading a technical manual accompanied by the student chief when she suddenly felt a “push” from the back and could not overcome an urge to go for a walk. She walked out in an area, which was pretty isolated at the time as twilight quickly approached. Suddenly she noticed a very strange “automobile” approaching her. It was cherry red in color with dark tinted glass, with a peculiar oval shape, never seen by her in the Soviet Union. She stood in stunned surprised staring at the “automobile”. The strange machine drove up to her and a door was slightly opened, a man wearing a black coverall leaned out and asked her if her name was Tatiana, if she were then she must go with them. She glanced into the machine and saw two men sitting inside. She was very afraid, but almost as if he was able to read her thoughts the man in the black coverall said, “Do not be concerned we will bring you back safely”. He smiled and this gave Tatiana confidence, she immediately entered the machine. She noticed as she looked out the windshield that the machine dipped down in a steep 180-degree angle and had bright lights on the front. In a moment she found herself sitting in a square room that had walls and ceiling covered with a material resembling cotton, very soft to the touch. The room was well lit but she could not see the source of the light. The men who she had previously seen in the strange vehicle now wore silvery gray coveralls. She was told by one of the men that someone called “The Cardinal” wanted to see her. She protested saying that she was not dressed for the occasion. One of the men then approached the wall, raised his hand and a slot opened, and inside was two coveralls; one was silver and the other lilac in color. She chose the lilac coverall and quickly put it on, she remember that the material was also very soft. An aperture then became visible in the room and a man wearing the same lilac colored coveralls appeared. He looked elderly with long silvery white hair. He said something like, “I am glad to meet you Tatiana”. As she approached the stranger in order to greet him she suddenly blacked out. She then found herself back at the Institute still reading the manual. The clock still read 1600 hrs. A cosmic car used in the commitment of a UFO abduction? Intriguing indeed. From the Bonnybridge Scotland area comes a case investigated by researcher Malcolm Robinson that appears to describe one of those elusive ‘cosmic cars’ in this case apparently a ‘cosmic truck’. Sometime in July of 1992 the Slogget family was out walking on the moorland above Bonnybridge and as they claim, saw what daughter Carole then aged 26 described as a huge “Tonka Toy” emerge from behind some trees. The sighting was heralded by an intense blue light that illuminated the road around them and the object appeared emitting a loud whirring noise. A door was heard opening accompanied by a ‘howling’ sound. A brilliant white flash emanated from the object, rather like a photographic flash gun, then it disappeared behind the trees again. One of the most bizarre ‘pseudo vehicle, cosmic car’ reports come from tireless and veteran researcher Don Worley and comes from that memorable year, 1973.
Source: Albert Rosales garuda79@att.net
Date: 1971
Location: Near Toledo, Ohio
Time: evening
Summary: The main witness was sitting in a car with her boyfriend on a bluff overlooking a local University, when they saw a bright dot move across the sky, it stopped moving then became brighter and moved directly towards the witnesses. The bright object then hovered directly in front of their vehicle, no features could be seen, but it was very large. The next thing the witness remembers was seeing the object flying away. The witness eventually was able to remember a shape behind the light, footsteps, and faces staring at her through the car window. The faces had large gray eyes. A hand beckoned at her to open the car door then she was taken into the object in a bright beam of light. She then found herself in a circular room filled with a lavender colored mist. The room had a ledge around the outside and was metallic. Two short humanoids approached her; they used mental telepathy to communicate with her and were very kind towards her.
Source:Ohio UFO Notebook, spring 1994
Date: 1971
Location: Ontario, Canada, exact location not given
Time: evening
Summary: Two young local Indians attending a dance at the local church encountered a short two-foot tall grotesque little man with its face covered with hair, apparently inside the church. Soon the church was evacuated and everyone feared a death would follow the encounter.
(Interpreted as a “Mekumwasuck” in Passamaquoddy Indian Folklore: “A little man of the forest.”
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate January 1994
Date: 1971
Location: Como, Lombardy Italy
Time: evening
Summary: Prof. Caggiano was quietly smoking a cigarette by the window of his room, when he noticed a luminous disc-shaped beam of light projected against the wall of a nearby factory. The light then transformed itself into a cloud-like figure that began approaching the witness’s position along a wall. The “cloud” then assumed a man-like shape standing erect. The figure wore a luminous gray-pearl colored cloak like outfit that covered its features completely. The bottom half was tubular in shape, but no feet were evident. It moved quickly over the pavement as if it were “skating.” Confused and scared the witness ran out armed with a bat in order to confront the figure. As he approached, the figure suddenly transformed itself into a luminous mushroom-shaped cloud; it then lifted up and quickly disappeared from sight into the sky.
Source: Archivio SUF
Date: 1971
Location: Near Globe, Arizona
Time: evening
Summary: A teenage boy working with a large ranch concern on roundup was somehow lost from the rest of the crew and wandered about the area for several days without either water or food. He passed into a semi conscious twilight between consciousness and unconsciousness. During the time he was in this state he was aware of several little men around him giving him continued help and directions. They finally were able to lead him out of the range where he finally made it to Globe, a distance of about 50 miles from where he was lost. They did not give him either food or water, but somehow he had strength. He could plainly make the people out and thus he was not sure whether they were “ghosts” or real things. But he did manage to say a few words to them and they in turn to him.
Source: Commander X, Underground Alien Bases
Date: 1971
Location. St Petersburg, Russia (then Leningrad)
Date: 1971
Time: 1600
Graduate student Tatiana Syrchenko was reading a technical manual accompanied by the student chief when she suddenly felt a “push” from the back and could not overcome an urge to go for a walk. She walked out in an area, which was pretty isolated at the time as twilight quickly approached. Suddenly she noticed a very strange “automobile” approaching her. It was cherry red in color with dark tinted glass, with a peculiar oval shape, never seen by her in the Soviet Union. She stood in stunned surprised staring at the “automobile”. The strange machine drove up to her and a door was slightly opened, a man wearing a black coverall leaned out and asked her if her name was Tatiana, if she were then she must go with them. She glanced into the machine and saw two men sitting inside. She was very afraid, but almost as if he was able to read her thoughts the man in the black coverall said, “Do not be concerned we will bring you back safely”. He smiled and this gave Tatiana confidence, she immediately entered the machine. She noticed as she looked out the windshield that the machine dipped down in a steep 180-degree angle and had bright lights on the front. In a moment she found herself sitting in a square room that had walls and ceiling covered with a material resembling cotton, very soft to the touch. The room was well lit but she could not see the source of the light. The men who she had previously seen in the strange vehicle now wore silvery gray coveralls. She was told by one of the men that someone called “The Cardinal” wanted to see her. She protested saying that she was not dressed for the occasion. One of the men then approached the wall, raised his hand and a slot opened, and inside was two coveralls, one was silver and the other lilac in color. She chose the lilac coverall and quickly put it on, she remember that the material was also very soft. An aperture then became visible in the room and a man wearing the same lilac colored coveralls appeared. He looked elderly with long silvery white hair. He said something like, ” I am glad to meet you Tatiana”. As she approached the stranger in order to greet him she suddenly blacked out. She then found herself back at the Institute still reading the manual. The clock still read 1600 hrs.
Source: X-Libri UFO Russia
Date: 1971
Location: Martilandran, Spain
Time: evening
Summary: The town mayor, Amador Velaz was returning home along a dirt road after settling some minor citizen disputes when he suddenly stopped in his tracks when he noticed what appeared to be the figure of a young child playing along a ditch alongside a brick wall. Concerned, he went to take a closer look at the figure and was horrified to notice that the strange figure was really floating a few inches above the ground. The figure appeared to have been only about 1 meter in height. Stunned, Velaz watched as slowly at first, the strange figure rose up into the air, like a “helium balloon” and as it did it turned to face him. At this point Velaz realized that the creature had two round white-colored protrusions in the area where the head would have been. The bizarre entity was wearing a one-piece beige outfit with tight-fitting sleeves and a pair of huge “shoes” that clung down from its feet. In total silence the creature rose up into the air diagonally disappearing above a nearby pine grove. Screaming hysterically, Velaz alerted the neighbors and asked for a shotgun so he could shoot the strange entity. However some of the neighbors only saw what appeared to be a distant light descend into the forest. Velaz suffered from a high fever soon after the encounter.
Source: Iker Jimenez, “El Paraiso Maldito”, (Cursed Paradise)
Date: 1971
Location: Sharptown, Maryland
Time: night
Summary: Vincent Biddle and two friends encountered a huge, eerie, glowing creature with large red eyes on a back road near a graveyard. The creature chased the car as they drove off.
Source: Mark Opsasnick, The Bigfoot Digest
Date: 1971
Location. South of Broome Western Australia
Date: 1971
Time: night
The wife of a well-known Australian singer, and her two teenage daughters, observed a light by the side of the road while following her husband’s car some distance behind. Thinking her husband may have stopped by the side of the road, they pulled to the side. They found that the light came form the figure of a “man” who was bathed in a luminous glow. “One hand was outstretched and from it to the ground, rather in a manner of a yo-yo, a ball of white light bounced up and down.” Then the three witnesses saw that they were surrounded by thousands of small lights, arranged in rows as far as the eye could see. The daughter who was driving turned the car around and retreated over these rows of lights, which were extinguished upon each impact.
Source: Bill Chalker
Date: 1971
Location: Jamison Valley New South Wales Australia
Time: night
Summary: While camping in remote area south of the Warragamba Dam backwaters, the witness was awakened by a loud humming sound. He grabbed a flashlight and headed in the direction of the noise, ahead of him the area was lit up by a glowing white light. As he approached the clearing he was able to see that the glow was coming from an egg-shaped object on the ground. Several dark man-like figures were moving quickly in the vicinity of the object. As the witness turned on his flashlight the figures disappeared quickly into the object. The object then rose into the air and left at high speed.
Source: Rex Gilroy, Nexus Vol. 2 # 17
Date: 1971
Location: Near Tacoma, Washington
Time: night
Summary: 34-year old Beverly Roberts was on the I-5 freeway doing about 90 mph when she hit black ice and was sliding into the concrete divider. Her last recollection was of the guardrail filling the window, and that she was going to crash. She lost consciousness. When she finally came to, the car was undamaged, but idling along very slowly, almost driving itself, along the exit ramp two blocks away. She was very groggy and a police car drove up, but took off after a speeder. She recalled a truck with no lights coming at her from a side street. At a later date she underwent hypnosis in order to lose weight when she recalled what really happened during the strange road accident. She woke up in a small round craft lying on a metal bunk, held to the wall by a spun metal cord, her head was bandaged, and she was in a cast. Exploring, she went out of the door, a concave hole, and could see clouds below her through a chain guardrail that was about three feet tall, and about three feet from the wall. There was a fifteen feet foot wide hole that had a plastic dome on the bottom to see out of. Everything was made of a gray metal. She went through another doorway, and a male and a female were there. The male was very human looking, but the female had large almond-shaped eyes. Both had on gray outfits. “Where am I?” Beverly asked. The female alien said angrily to her companion, “Why is she conscious? Get her back to her room now!” She remembered being cold and seeing the male touch something on the wall that resembled a golf tee, and she was unconscious again. Beverly recalled waking later in a strange location. It was a desert like place, and everything was orange. There were farms that grew produce, and there were dry and barren hills. She was told that it did not matter if she saw all of this since she would lose her memory later anyway. Beverly had the feeling that she was in the center of the earth she reportedly spent a year there healing. When she awoke…her car was on the freeway off ramp.
Source: WBS Alien Report, Vol. 1 Number 3
Location. Sunnyland, Illinois
Date: 1971
Time: night
The witness woke up in the middle of the night after hearing a noise. She went to the window and saw two brown beings, about 4 ft tall. The beings were thin and had long arms; their heads were large in proportion to their bodies. The window was open and one of the humanoids came up and looked inside at the witness. Shocked and terrified, the witness hid under the bed the rest of the night. The beings walked upright and had huge black eyes. The one that came up to the window had brown wrinkly face. They wore similar combination dark outfits.
Source: Direct from witness
Date: 1971
Location. Lac Nalartie, Quebec, Canada
Date: 1971
Time: night
In a camping area at the edge of a forest, the sudden shaking of their tent by an unknown force suddenly awakened several witnesses. The witnesses looked out to see a 2-meter tall luminous humanoid figure moving away into a forested area. As the stunned witnesses watched the figure suddenly vanished in plain sight.
Source: CASUFO Catalog, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Date: 1971
Location. Framingham, Massachusetts
Date: 1971
Time: night
12-year old Marie was in her bedroom when she had the distinct impression of people in her room talking to her but she had no idea what they wanted, or what they were saying. She tried to get out of bed but was somehow restrained, her head ached suddenly and badly and then it was morning and she had a strange bruise just under her collar bone. She did not tell anyone of the experience. She could only vaguely describe the “people” in her room as tall, dark thin, with disproportionate head for body size, large eyes.
Source: Direct from witness
Date: 1971
Date: 1971
Location: MacDill AFB, Tampa, Florida
Time: night
Summary: In 1971, Jackie Gleason attended a small White House dinner. After dinner, Gleason spoke privately with Nixon. He asked the President if there was anything that Nixon could tell him about UFOs. According to Gleason, Nixon told him, “Well Jackie, if you can arrange to arrive at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa sometime in the next few days, I’ll arrange to have you shown some things that may help answer your questions. Gleason arrived in Tampa a day and a half later. After calling a phone number provided to him by someone on Nixon’s staff, he headed out to MacDill. After arriving on the base, he was taken to a dark colored building that appeared to be some sort of storage facility. Once inside, he had to pass through several levels of security. Finally, Gleason was escorted into a large room where some strange debris lay on the floor. An officer told him, “This material is from Roswell.” No emotion, just a matter of fact statement. The officer handed Gleason a small piece, which seemed almost weightless and very flexible. Just then a light came on in the center part of the room. Jackie was astonished to see what looked like a large piece of a broken disc just floating a few feet above the floor. He was warned not to approach it. After a few minutes, Gleason was escorted to another room. Three containers with glass plates for viewing greeted him. “These were the occupants found near the object you just saw.” Again, with little emotion, the officer gave Jackie a one-sentence description that spoke volumes. The beings were about four to five feet tall. Two of the bodies were badly damaged, but one was in very good shape. As Gleason looked at it, the officer said, “This one died later.” It had large oval eyes, grayish skin and looked male. “Are they all males?” Gleason asked the officer. “Your guess is as good as ours.” He answered Jackie with a slight smile. He then told Jackie that it was time to go.
Source: Bill Knell
Date: 1971
Location: Schaumburg, Illinois
Time: night
Summary: A Mrs. Larson was in her kitchen one night when she happened to look out the kitchen window and saw a strange object that had apparently landed on her backyard. The undescribed creatures came out of the object, looked around the backyard for a short while and then re-entered the object which then immediately flew away. No other information.
Source: http://server.scripthost.com/
Date: 1971
Location: Barrio Arenas, Puerto Rico
Time: late night
Summary: Pascual Bermudez heard the sound of a horse running outside and went out to look. He was stunned to see a large black horse being ridden by a man totally dressed in black with a black hat. The horse ran back and forth several times and then suddenly disappeared. During the same time period there was other type of phenomena in the household, including poltergeist activity and reports of strange bright lights descending into the woods.
Source: Personal Interview
Date: 1971
Location: Cayo Margarita, Puerto Rico
Time: 2330
Summary: The witness, Charles Le Breton, was alone fishing in an isolated cay in knee-deep water when he noticed something in the water that resembled a stingray, he tried to stab it, but the spear went right through it. It was something white and gelatinous. It apparently swam away and being curious he followed it. He then came face to face with a strange glowing figure. The figure’s body seemed to be covered with hundreds of shiny dots. The creature had an oval shaped head, at the spot where the eyes should had been it had two v-shaped holes from which an orange-yellow light shone. He did not see a mouth, nose, or ears. The creature’s extremities resembled those of an elephant’s trunk or maybe tentacles. The stunned witness was unable to move but soon a strange calm came over him. Soon the strange being began to communicate with the witness by using telepathy. He was asked numerous questions on subjects that he did not know anything about, but somehow was able to answer all the questions at length. After awhile Le Breton began noticing the creature’s body features and was able to make out a sort of paunchy stomach and hips. It seemed to have a soft texture, devoid of any bones.
At the end of its arms it had what appeared to be octopus like “suckers.” The witness also noticed about 500 feet away several other similar beings that seemed to glide above the water at times bending down as if picking up something from the water. A strange silence permeated the area and he also noticed a bright bluish-white light that shone from under the water from a nearby undersea lagoon. Suddenly the communication with the being ceased and two of the other creatures glided over, positioning themselves one on each side of the creature that had been communicating with the witness. Then they all three turned around and left, joining the rest of the creatures. The witness was then able to move and heard something in his head telling him to leave the area. He did but continued fishing nearby. He did not see the creatures depart. During the whole episode a strange dark cylindrical cloud hovered over the area, occasionally sending bright flashes of light towards the surface of the ocean.
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 19
Location. Chatsworth, California
Date: 1971
Time: late night
The witness suddenly woke up gasping for air. As her eyes adjusted to the light she saw a dim form squatting on her chest. It was described as a huge shapeless black blob with massive quivering arms that embraced the witness in a vice like grip. It had two blood red eyes that glared at the witness full of hatred. It also made a peculiar hissing sound resembling labored breathing. The witness managed to let out a scream waking up her husband. The creature then slid from the bed then sat on the floor pulsating and changing shape. As the husband switched the lamplight on, the thing slithered away towards the closet and vanished.
Source: Fortean Times # 15
Date: 1971
Location. Palm Springs California
Date: 1971
Time: late night
The four-year old witness remembered waking up to what he thought was a soft voice telling him to look out the window. He looked out the window and saw a small figure wearing a cape or something similar. The figure entered the backyard, scared the witness attempted to hide, but the voice insisted that he look out the window. He raised his head and saw the figure now gliding quickly towards the window. It was almost instantly right outside the window string at the witness with huge eyes. The witness cried out but no one paid any attention to him. He does not remembered how the figure left.
Source: CAUS
Date: 1971
Location. Mendip Hills England
Date: early 1971
Time: 2300
The witness was parked in an isolated area looking out for strange phenomena, when he saw an approaching semi-elliptical light form approaching from above some nearby trees. It soon became evident that the light was coming from a cylindrical form that was tapered to a point at both ends. As the witness watched a smaller object apparently descended from the bottom of the large form and began moving in a direct line towards the witness. The object was apparently a man-like figure. The witness immediately exited the car but suddenly heard a voice in his head telling him to stop, suddenly he was unable to move, and it felt like he was pushing against an invisible force. The figure continued his steady approach and as it passed in front of the car, the witness was able to observe more details. He described the being as almost 8-feet tall, well built in proportion and covered by a dark coat or cloak. He had swept back gray hair form a high and broad forehead. His face was long, the nose large but well shaped. He appeared to ignore the witness. The tall figure passed out of sight to the rear of the car. At this time the witness was able to move but as he looked in the direction of the giant figure, it had vanished. Soon the luminous cylindrical form rose up and disappeared in the distance.
Source: Ashley Clack, UFO Review # 30
Date: 1971
Location: The Moon. Apollo 14
Summary: Two astounding shots from NASA showing very clearly a UFO by the crater Lansberg on the Moon at the time of Apollo 14 mission. There has been a lot of debate on whether or not these photos show lights of an unidentified craft, or are they simply light glares on the capsules window or camera. Difficult to say, but interesting all the same.
In this second shot, the shape of the object looks like the one of a flying saucer with lights!
Source: NASA AS14-70-9836/37
Date: July 26-August 7, 1971
Location: The Moon. Apollo 15
Summary: This photograph is from NASA, and some say we are looking at a UFO on the Moon at the time of Apollo 15 mission. CDR: David Scott, CMP: Alfred Worden, LMP: James Irwin Importance: First use of the Lunar Rover, extended Lunar exploration time, focus on on field geology. Astronaut David Scott on slope of Hadley Delta. UFO is seen at top just right of center.
Source: NASA AS15-85/08, AS15-85-11514, NASA No AS15-90-12189
Date: 1971
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