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Date: Fall 1971
Location: Northern Ontario, Canada, exact location not given
Time: 0200A
Summary: The main witness and some others were on an isolated road on an incredibly clear night. There were four people in the car. Her husband who was driving, the witness was sitting in the middle and her friend Yvonne was sitting beside the passenger window. Another friend, Darryl, was laying on the back seat taking a nap. Yvonne was watching the sky when she saw two objects that were quite bright and seemed to be chasing each other. She pointed them out. All of them started to watch the objects (they woke Darryl up). The objects were clearly disc-shaped and made no discernable sound. The objects seemed to be playing tag with each other and performed impossible maneuvers. One of the objects left very quickly. It was as if it had completely left our known universe, or solar system, in an instant. When it sped off, the witness could feel it inside her body (perhaps a low frequency sound wave that can be felt but not heard?). The other craft stayed in the area. At this point the witness could “hear” herself talking with the occupants and she told them that she had heard about them and that some of them are good and some of them were bad and wondered what kind they were. She clearly heard, “Don’t worry. We’re just here to watch.” She thought back, “Okay, you watch us and we’ll watch you.” It then came down to just above treetop level and matched their car speed. She could see the outline of the trees against the light of the craft. It was clearly a saucer shaped object and it was spinning. There was no sound, even though it was now so close, but again she could she could “feel” it inside her body. At that point the witness conscious memory picks up when they are approaching the next town and the sun is coming up. At this time they were all quite awake. There was some missing time, at the minimum several hours. The witness suffered from nightmares after the incident
Source: Para Researchers Ontario Canada
Date: September 1971
Location: Tonle Sap, Cambodia
Time: evening
Summary: A group of special forces personnel were out on a search and destroy mission in a jungle area and were tracking a group of insurgents one evening when they heard a loud humming sound coming from a nearby wood clearing. The troops entered the clearing and came upon a large spherical object resting on four legs, more than a dozen humanoid figures were moving around the object, they were described as five-foot tall with grayish white skin and wearing silvery one-piece jumpsuits. They appeared to be carrying several types of instruments. The armed men approached the object and humanoids; a young corporal panicked and shot one of the humanoids that went limp. A taller humanoid then approached the soldier and made friendly gestures then struck him on the face, the soldier passed out. The beings then collected all their equipment and entered the object which retracted its legs then lifted silently straight up and with a burst of speed disappeared.
Source: Peter A Bostrom
Date: September 1971
Location: Oulton, Staffordshire, England
Time: 2340
Summary: Three witnesses saw two six-foot tall humanoids dressed in diving suits and moving in slow motion like the astronauts on the moon. The beings were on a field close to their home, on kept squatting down as if looking for something and both glowed slightly in the darkness, after ten minutes the figures faded and disappeared.
Source: Jane & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain
Date: September 4, 1971: Lago de Cote Photograph
Location. Plymouth Hoe, England
Date: September 6 1971
Time: night
The witness suddenly found herself in a sort of astral state projection in a field, fully aware that her physical body was at home in bed. Suddenly a gleaming object with white, yellow, blue and green lights appeared overhead. The craft landed and a door slid silently back, a ramp walk appeared and a tall being dressed in a one-piece suit came into sight. His face shone with great happiness. The witness felt also felt an incredible happiness at the sight of the humanoid. She knew instantly, that she had known the alien being for thousands of years. The alien communicated telepathically with the witness, telling her that they had come in peace. She promised to spread their message of love and peace and apparently passed out.
Source: Marilyn Preston Evans, “Another World”
Date: September 1971
Date: September 12 1971
Location: Aznacollar, Spain
Time: night
Summary: Juan De La Palmareno, an 81-year old peasant acting as night watchman in a melon field, saw a vessel “as big as a bus” land near an old well hole; from it, many (perhaps over 50) blue uniformed men without headgear disembarked. Most of them went down into a depression in the field, but 5 or 6 stayed behind, and one of these shone a light into the witness eyes. He went into the village to report this, followed for much of the way by two men with a light. Marks were said by the witness to have been left at the landing site.
Source: Manuel Osuna, Felipe Laffitte, Ignacio Darnaude
Location. Estacion Gil, near Buenos Aires Argentina
Date: September 20 1971
Time: 0145A
Osvaldo Nestor D’Annunzio was returning for a local ranch when he noticed a bright object quickly approaching his location. As the lighted craft approached to within 500 m he suddenly blacked out, he then woke up to see the object retreating from the area and then ascend disappearing behind a nearby eucalyptus forest. The witness felt heat emanating from the craft at its closest approach, he also saw that it was shaped like a child’s top, blue metallic in color, encased in a red glow and a flame shooting from the bottom. It was about 3m in length. When the object left the area, D’annunzio continued walking when he noticed that his arms were totally paralyzed and when he arrived at his home he had to kick on the door to attract attention. He remained in that state until about 1600 the next day. Incredibly for about 7 months he suffered from the same condition every night starting at midnight until early in the morning. He also suffered facial and scalp burns. Other witnesses in the area reported seeing the same or similar object flying low over the area, including one man who reported vehicle interference as a result of the passage of the object. D’annunzio was taken to a local military hospital.
Source: Roberto Enrique Banchs, Las evidencias Del Fenomeno Ovni
Date: September 1971
Date: September 20 1971
Location: Northern Sweden
Time: 10:45 p.m.
Summary: Engineer Sten Ceder was driving home when his car was suddenly brightly illuminated by multiple beams of light and he saw a square black object race past. He felt a force on the car from behind and applying the brakes had no effect. He was then surrounded by a perceived dense black “cloud” that seemed to extinguish all light. When he was once again able to distinguish light, he immediately noticed a shapeless “black mass” that rose from the ground and moved away ahead of him. It then appeared as a kite-shaped object silhouetted against the sky, gradually moving away from him.
Source: Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Supp. No. 10, June 1972.
Date: September 22 1971
Location: Serraria, near Itaperuna Brazil
Time: 1900
Summary: Paulo Caetano Silveira, 27, a typewriter technician, found his car being followed by a red luminous disc while driving to his home in Itaperuna. At Tombos he reported the matter to the local police, but they did not take him seriously. Calmed, he started off again; this time, at a small village named Serraria, he encountered a black object on the road that turned red luminous and then blinding white, and his car engine died. The object, slightly larger than a Volkswagen, had small windows and an open door; near it were standing 3 little chubby beings approximately 20″ tall, with fair complexions and slanted eyes. They wore one-piece, sky-blue coveralls with high collars, and “Roman helmets” with spikes; they carried vivid red and blue lights and moved in a stiff, mechanical way. Two bright beams of light were focused on the witness’s car; its doors popped open. These beams pulled the witness from the car and into the machine, whose interior was brilliantly illuminated by white light, with little in the way of furnishings; inside were five more similar creatures. Then he heard “an infernal din” commence and believes the object flew some distance with him, but he was losing consciousness. The next thing he was aware of was being carried out and laid on the road beside his car; the UFO then rose vertically hovered a moment before shooting off laterally at staggering speed. The witness was left in a state of shock and nearly blind; 5 days later he still could not see well and was extremely nervous. His watch had lost 15 minutes.
Source: Dr Munir Russade, Dr Walter Buhler
Date: September 24 1971
Location: Worthing, Sussex England
Time: 22:00
Summary: Its been such a long time ago, but its still very clear in my mind but the date may be wrong, it could be 1972. I lived on Lamleys Lane, Worthing, Sussex England. I had been married the year before, the cottage we lived in was the last house on the Lane going north up the hill, next to the barns and tractor sheds. That night my first husband and I retired about 10:00pm. After being in bed about 10 minutes I could hear a humming noise, I thought it was our electric kettle, maybe I left it on. I went down stairs into the kitchen, No it was not the kettle it was unplugged. Still hearing the hum I searched for it’s where abouts I pulled the bedroom curtains open to check outside the house. There it was as plain as day, I could not belive my eyes. A space ship oval in appearence with flashing lights around the middle they were white, and the craft was spinning. This is where the humming was coming from. It was stationary above the hill in front of me. I called my husband to come and look because he was a none believer. We watched it for about 15 minutes then all of a sudden it began to move, it went to the right, then to the left and was gone in a flash. About 5 seconds later 2 military aircraft flew right over the position where I had seen and heared the spacecraft. I have told a few people about my experience those that were close to me because people would think I was nuts or lying. This happened it has stayed in my mind all these years and the sound, it’s an experience you never forget. I believe now this was not aliens, its our future coming back for some unkown reason. Why did they not want to be caught? Because it would change the future.
Source: National UFO Reporting Center
Date: September 24 1971
Location: Caleta Buena, Chile
Summary: Luminous oval with dome approached car.
Source: APRO Bulletin, Mar.- Apr.1972 [E,R] police car
Location. Rio Carangula Brazil
Date: September 25 1971
Time: 0200A
Benito Miranda, a truck driver, perceived a strong beam of reddish light, coming from something that blocked the road ahead of him; his car slowed down and stopped. He saw an object about the size of a Volkswagen car; in it a door opened and three diminutive beings 20″ tall jumped down; they wore “Roman type” helmets and carried dazzling lights. With a beam of yellow light they raised him 150 ft from the ground, where he was floated for about 15 minutes. When the headlights of an approaching car came into view he was gently lowered back down to the ground and the object and its occupants vanished. He drove back into Itaperuna and reported to the police, who sent him to SAMDU Hospital to be examined.
Source: Dr. Walter Buhler
Date: September 1971
Location. Wantage, Oxford, England
Date: September 25 1971
Time: 0530A
The first encounter with a tall, hairy creature occurred at 0530A; no details are available. Later in the day, Miss Linda Milne saw a tall hairy creature going into the woods near the old Wantage canal. Two anonymous 14-year old boys said they were chased by it; when they threw stones at it, it ran towards them. They scaled a fence and the creature did likewise. Later, they observed a disc take off from the same field. At the time, there were many reports of UFOs in the area.
Source: J D Llewellyn, FSR Vol. 18 # 1
Date: September 1971
Location. Near Banbury, Oxford, England
Date: September 27 1971
Time: night
Len Delman, a lorry driver, saw what he took to be a man in a white suit in the road directly ahead of his lorry; he hid the brakes, coming to a halt, believing he may have hit the man. He jumped out and went behind his lorry, but found no one; coming around front he saw, in the headlights, a “spaceman” 7-8 ft tall, with big, staring eyes 8-12″ apart and extending to the sides of the head, and a pack of his back from which two tubes led to the head. When he sounded his horn repeatedly, the “thing” jumped 3 ft in the air, ran across the road, and leapt over the hedge. With two other lorry drivers who came upon the scene, Delman watched a disc-shaped object take off from the field where the figure had disappeared.
Source: J D Llewellyn, FSR Vol. 18 # 1
Date: September 1971
Date: September 30 1971
Location: West Malling, Kent England
Time: 0200A
Summary: Mr. Ron Foreman heard a loud noise outside followed by a “whoosh”; the television cut out and the room lights went dim. He opened the back door and found a 7-foot tall “creature” standing there, in a silvery suit with transparent helmet. It “glided” away over a fence, but later returned with a 2nd entity surrounded by a haze of light. Foreman went for the police.
Source: Bufora Journal Vol. 3 # 6
Date: September 1971
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