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(Last Updated On: )
Date: January 1967
Location: Near Warminster Wiltshire England
Time: unknown
Summary: An old age pensioner saw a UFO come down to hover 4-6 ft above the grass; 2 helmeted figures descended from it & walked stiffly into the woods, 100 ft away. They were fairly tall and wore dark gray close fitting clothing “with a peculiar sheen”, with black “plastic” helmets. When the witness approached to within 65 ft of them, one raised a gloved hand, and both vanished. A cloud of thick yellow smoke or vapor surrounded the UFO; he saw a light fly up out of this smoke.
Source: Arthur Shuttlewood
Date: January 1967
Location: Poyace Cundinamarca Colombia
Time: unknown
Summary: A shepherd lad named Martin told of seeing “angels” who came from heaven in a “gigantic oval house” surrounded by a “luminous halo.” The “angels” were somewhat shorter than the boy, dressed in “brilliant clothing” and with “eyes set far apart.” While they did not have “wings,” they were able to “fly in the air when they walked.”
Source: Richard Heiden
Date: January 1967
Location: Near Frankfort Kentucky
Time: unknown
Summary: Lola Dills was driving when she saw ” a black object with long spindly legs or stems at the bottom and sides.” The “side stems” were weaving and gesturing and appeared to end in pincers. The creature moved by placing the lower stems one in front of the other. The head consisted of a “round part” about 8″ in diameter that protruded from the top. The sides had a “shaggy look” and the front was white with two eyes; a bump with two small holes lower on the head may have been a nose. The mouth was a slit below the “bump,” and from it issued a “shrill sound,” heard just as she was passing. Then she saw “another and another with slight variations.” (Insectoid?)
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Date: January 1967
Location: Near RAF Hullavington England
Time: 0600A
Summary: Mr. H Tyrell, 64, was taking his usual way to work and had turned his car right onto the main road, just past Burton Hill House School for Physically Handicapped Children. His headlights were not full on and he suddenly saw the figure of a man appear in the middle of the road; he seemed to be dressed in gray coveralls and a bright buckle shone near his waist. Fearing he might hit the man, though he was not driving fast, he tried to pull up, but said it seemed he could not stop the car. Suddenly the man in gray turned and his face could be seen. He seemed a sharp-featured man of about 40,with a very white face. He turned sideways towards the verge, raised his arm, and just vanished in plain sight.
Source: Mike Rogers, The Warminster Triangle
Date: January 1967
Location: Vienna Woods, Austria
Time: evening
Summary: Following a sort of presentiment a Filipino woman was walking in the wooded area when suddenly she was paralyzed, unable to even move her eyes, as a strange object descended. It resembled two saucers edge-to-edge, with a domed top and three sphere “landing gear.” Three thin but strong men, 1.5 – 1.65 m tall descended via a ladder. They wore dark brown one-piece suits and transparent helmets, through which humanoid faces could be seen. One held a small box, which flashed a red beam at the witness when the figure pressed a button on it, which enable the witness to hear them talking in English. They asked if she would like to visit their planet, then flashed another light and gave a warning about the wickedness of humanity. They warned her she might die of cancer as she was of no further use to them, then re-entered the craft “with a smile of either mockery of pity.”
Source: Peter Rogerson in Magonia
Date: January 1967
Location: Near Elfers Florida
Time: night
Summary: Four teenagers parked in an isolated area suddenly noticed a terrible smell around them. Moments later a short hairy chimp like creature jumped onto the hood of the car. The hairy creature was greenish in color and had glowing green eyes. The witness started the engine and the creature ran back into the woods. Later a sticky green substance was found at the encounter site.
Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants
Date: January 1, 1967
Location: Wrexham Wales
Summary: Mr. Martin Williams. originally described the object as being 45-50 feet in diameter, 15 feet thick and at an altitude of about 150 feet. In Mr. Pace’s report, the object is described as being 50 feet in diameter, 10-15 feet thick and at an altitude of about 200 feet. These details are consistent, considering that the observation is now two years old. The shape, color and performance of the object described in Mr. Pace’s report are also consistent with the original data provided by the witness Mr. Pace visited the exact observation spot with the witness and established that at 1145 p.m. (British Standard Time), when the observation took place, it would be unlikely for other persons to have been in the area. The witness states that right after the observation he was able to flag down a truck on route to Wrexham, but the driver was only able to confirm seeing an unusual and bright flash in the sky. In his report on the case, Mr. Pace concludes: “From the conversation which lasted perhaps two hours I came to the conclusion that Mr. williams had quite genuinely observed an aerial object which was completely unknown in his experience.” we include a drawing of the object as observed by Mr. Williams:
Source: APRO
Date: January 1 1967
Location: Mahwah, New Jersey
Time: 1:00 pm
Summary: At 1:00 pm in January 1967, Mr. James Bjornstad, a Research Consultant at the Christian Research Institute in Wayne, New Jersey, was driving in the vicinity of the Immaculate Conception Seminary in Mahwah when his attention was attracted to something flying in the sky. Through the trees along the street he could see a dull dark gray object sitting almost motionless in the sky beyond. Stopping the car in front of the Seminary, Bjornstad got out with his Japanese brand 35mm hand camera loaded with outdoor color film, and walked through to a better vantage point, then adjusted the distance setting to infinity and snapped a picture of the strange flying machine.
Source: UFO + PSI Magazine / Christian Pfeiler
Time: Jan. 3, 1967 (approximate); New Richmond, Indiana
Dome-shaped object hovered over car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slowed, unable to accelerate, loss of steering control (Section VI).
Date: January 3 1967
Location: Athens Ohio
Time: unknown
Summary: A small humanoid, human like in nature, dark hair, and with an odd behavior, entered the local court house to asked directions. Was fascinated by a ballpoint pen. No other information.
Source: Hans Holzer, The Ufonauts
Date: January 5 1967
Time: Jan. 5 [25?], 1967; Winsted [Howard Lake?], Minn. (BBU)
4:30 a.m. Civilian man [Lenz?], 32, driving to work stopped to check his 1964 Chevy truck when its engine stalled. He then saw an intense light to his right, coming closer, then landing on the road, so he locked himself inside the truck. Object 75 ft diameter 30 ft high settled on tripod landing gear, an elevator-like device came down, and a man dressed in blue coveralls with “a glass fishbowl on his head,” of medium height, seemed to check something then left. (Vallée Magonia 812; FUFOR Index)
Date: January 5 1967
Time: Jan. 5, 1967; Philadelphia, PA
5:40 p.m. EST. A bank employee and three others watched a disc-shaped object with alternate red and green lights around it. The object circled over the area and emitted a buzzing sound. Each time it reached the western part of the circle, it stopped and changed to a vertical position, only the red lights visible and brightening, then it flipped back and resumed circling as before. After 45 minutes it shot away to the south. From the point where it disappeared, a square object sped into view going north. This object had a dim, blue-green light on each corner. Shortly afterwards, many aircraft were active in the sky. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 11, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 4.)
Date: January 6 1967
Time: Jan. 6, 1967; Harwich, MA
11:45 p.m. EST. A man and his daughter saw a thick, double-convex (lens) shaped disc with a dark upper surface, trapezoidal sections of fluorescent light on the lower portion, and pulsating colored lights (body lights). The object responded to house spotlights by blinking in the same sequence (light reaction). (Air Force report form in Colorado Project files.)
Date: January 6 1967: 6 Spheres over Aveyron, France
Date: January 7 1967
Time: Jan. 7, 1967; St. Louis, MO
5:45 p.m. CST. A man first saw 4-5 square lights in a tilted row (body lights). The object, a domed disc shaped like a straw hat with flickering lights on the dome, then turned bright red. It appeared to be metallic. It hovered, tilted, leveled off, and sped away. (Letter dated 1/21/67 in NICAP files.)
Date: January 7 1967
Time: Jan. 7, 1967; Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, Canada (BBU)
11:05 local time. (changes date to Jan 7). An airman radar operator of the 641at AC&W Squadron with his scope on 20 mile range picked up a target. The controller estimates its speed for the first eight sweeps to be 200 knots. During the next four sweeps its speed was 2100 knots 2,400 mph). The target was held for twelve sweeps then was lost off the scope. The radar was an AN/FPS-93. The object appeared on two different radar sets operating on different frequencies and then was seen by an experienced pilot of a MAC C-97 aircraft. (Project 1947)
Date: January 9 1967: Two Brothers Photograph Object in Michigan
Time: Jan. 9, 1967; Malta, Montana
9:00 p.m. MST. Alerted by their dog, (animal reaction), a farm family saw a large rectangular object that had glowing red light along the bottom and a large amber light on top (body lights) moving at high speed. It landed in a field where it remained for an hour with the red glow its distinguishing feature. Then the object suddenly disappeared as if it had taken off at high speed. (Billings Gazette, Montana, 1/20/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.)
Date: January 9 1967
Location: Wildwood New Jersey
Time: 1730
Summary: At 1730 there was a knock at the Edward Christiansen residence (involved in a previous UFO encounter), 17-year old Connie Christiansen when to the door, stunned she reported back, “It’s the strangest looking man I’ve ever seen.” Mrs Christiansen went to the door, unbolted, and unlatched it. It was growing dark and was bitter cold outside. There was no car in view and this seemed peculiar because the Christiansen home was removed from other houses in a rather isolated spot. A tall man stood at the door, he asked if Edward Christiansen lived there. And then said he was from “the Missing Heirs Bureau” and asked to be led in. The stranger was then invited him. The visitor must have been at least 6’6″ tall, enormously broad. He wore a Russian fur hat with a black visor on it and a very long black coat that seemed to be made out of thin material, too thin for the cold weather. He told the family “this will only take forty minutes.” As he removed his hat he revealed an unusual head, large and round while his face seemed angular, pointed. He had black hair, which was closely cropped, to his head. There was a perfectly round spot on the back of his head as if that area had recently been shaved. His nose and mouth seemed relatively normal, but his eyes were large, protruding, like “thyroid eyes,” and set wide apart. One eye appeared to have a cast, like a glass eye, and did not move in unison with is companion. During the course of the conversation Mr. Christiansen noticed a badge on the stranger’s shirt pocket, which he quickly covered with his hand and removed, placing it in his coat pocket. It resembled a gold or brass badge and it seemed to have a big K on it with a small x alongside and letters and numbers around the edge, according to Connie Christiansen. Underneath his thin outer coat he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt made of a Dacron like material. His trousers were of a dark material gray or black, and were a little too short. He wore dark shoes with unusually thick rubber soles. A strange feature on his leg fascinated Mrs Christiansen & Connie. When he sat down they could see a long thick green wire attached to the inside of his leg. It came up out or his socks and disappeared under his trousers. At one point it seemed to be indented into his leg and was covered with a large brown spot. The Christiansen’s noted that the visitor had an unnatural pallor. His speech was also strange, with a high “tinny” voice that seemed especially peculiar coming from such a large man. He also spoke in a strange, hard to understand, singsong like manner. At one point as his face gradually grew redder he asked for a glass of water and swallowed a large yellow capsule which he gulped down. He then returned to normal. After about 40 minutes he donned his hat and coat and told Mr. Christiansen that he would be in touch. When he reached the road, he made a gesture and a black 1963 Cadillac drove through the trees and pulled up. He climbed into the car and it drove away with its headlights off.
Source: John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
Date: January 9, 1967.
Location: Mount Clemens, Michigan
Summary: On January 9, 1967, two teenage brothers, Dan and Grant Jaroslaw, made some photos of a domed object with an apparent tower on one side over Lake St. Clair, Michigan. They photographed it from the backyard of their Mt. Clemens home, about a mile from Selfridge Air Force Base. The object was moving slowly at a very low altitude – probably too low to be picked up on radar at the Base. It remained in view about 10 minutes — ample time for the boys to take their pictures with a small Polaroid. When they released them to a wire service, the Air Force requested the originals for analysis. Evidently the brothers were wary of lending out their original prints, for they kept them under lock and key in a bank — but they did give the UFO officer at Selfridge a set of copies. This officer was quoted as saying they were “the best I’ve ever seen.” Nevertheless Blue Book, seizing on the fact that they’d been denied the originals, slapped an “insufficient data” tag on the case. Dr. Hynek, however, was impressed with the photos and thought the chance of a hoax having been perpretrated was “unlikely.”
Date: January 9 1967
Location: Acton Vale, Quebec, Canada
Time: night
Summary: 60-year old Jules Derome reportedly encountered and photographed several 90cm luminous humanoid forms in his garage. The strange forms disappeared by moving through the wall of the garage and presumably outside. The photos only show a vague luminous area. The witness apparently had additional encounters. No other information
Source: CASUFO, & Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Time: Jan. 10, 1967; Bruceville, IN
8:30 p.m. EST. A woman and her son, 16, were driving home when they saw an elliptical dull gray object glowing a bluish color around the rim. It was estimated to be 25 feet over the car, 30 feet in diameter and 8 feet thick. The object hovered, moved slowly, then accelerated away. It displayed a disc shape when it banked slightly, and it had several dim lights (body lights) on its rim. (Ridge, 1994, p. 19. from APRO Bulletin No. 15.)
Time: Jan. 10, 1967; Bangor, PA
10:50 p.m. EST. An electronics technician heard an intermittent sound that changed in pitch, then saw over the treetops two brilliant lights. Each light was dome-shaped and had a ring at the outer circumference. The objects maintained a constant position relative to each other. They moved, hovered, and then faded. A light beam was emitted to the ground, then disappeared. The initial lights then reappeared and the objects departed vertically at high speed. (Narrative from witness in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.)
Date: January 11 1967
Location: Point Pleasant West Virginia
Time: daytime
Summary: Mrs Park McDaniel was outside her home when she saw what she first took to be a small plane approaching; as it drew closer she saw it was man-shaped and had wings. The creature swooped low over the witness and circled above a nearby building before going out of sight.
Source: John Keel
Date: January 11 1967: Aveyron Basses Pyrenees, France Sighting
Date: January 12th and 13th, 1967: Baton Rouge Louisiana Encounters
Date: Jan. 13, 1967
Location: Iola Kansas
Time: 1:30 a.m. CST.
Summary: 9-year old Freddie Amos woke up at 0130A to see a round object hovering motionless low over an adjoining field. It was 25 feet in diameter, had a dome on top, short wing-like protrusions, and 3 wheels on its underside. There were red lights on the ends of the “wings,” and a blue light on top of the dome, and a man stood looking out, another man being visible, sitting at a desk, behind him. He was wearing a “crinkly” green uniform that covered him all over; his face was in shadow, its features not seen. This “terrible” man frightened the boy, though he could not say why. He got back into bed and watched the object, which circled the house and hovered again for 5 minutes at its original position before flying off. In the morning some of the cows were found to have broken through the fence around their pasture, so violently that one broke her leg. A pond in the pasture near the site continued to remain unfrozen although the temperatures were well below freezing. This encounter occurred during a minor concentration of sightings at nearby locales.
Source: Report from a dairy farm owner, Iola , KS, in NICAP files.
Date: Jan. 13, 1967
Location: Westover AFB, Chicopee, Massachusetts
Summary: Two UFOs above Westover Air Force Base in Chicopee, Massachusetts. Photograph: W. Varner, USAF.
Summary: Jan. 13, 1967; SW New Mexico, NW of El Paso, Tex., to Flagstaff-Winslow, Ariz. (BBU)
Date: January 15 1967
Location: Wildwood New Jersey
Time: late night
Summary: Two nights after the family heard strange metallic sounds over the house, Mr. & Mrs Christiansen returned home to find their children in a very distraught state. They had heard the strange metallic sound again, and then heard heavy footsteps crunching through the thick woods outside. A 19-year old man present looked out the window to see a tall man like figure hurrying away from the house. He was wearing a long white cape and when it reached a five-foot high fence it leaped effortlessly over it and disappeared into the woods.
Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
Date: Jan. 15, 1967
Location: Granville, Mass.
Time: 5:45 p.m. EST.
Summary: A woman and her two nieces saw a domed disc with white light emanating from portholes in its base. A humming sound was heard, and the sky and ground were illuminated by white light. Red flame jets appeared at one end when motion occurred. Speed was variable. At one point all its lights went out, and when they came back on, the portholes were showing red light. The object was seen three times within 20 minutes before disappearing.
Source: Hartford Courant, Conn., 1/16/67; Gillmor, 1969, case 13; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 45; U.F.O Investigator, Vol. III, No. 11, Jan-Feb, 1967, p. 4.
Time: Jan. 15(?), 1967; Boxford, MA
3:00 a.m. EST. A witness saw a bright red object that looked like an upside down saucer (disc) with a white glowing rim. The object approached and circled the witness’s home before moving away and disappearing. (Fowler, 1974, p. 343.).
Time: Jan. 15, 1967; North Granby, CN
Unspecified time. Six miles to the southeast of Granville, MA in North Granby, Conn., two women saw a disc-shaped object with a flange around it and white beams of light from portholes. The object passed between witnesses and a mountain. (Springfield Union, Mass., 2/22/67, copy in Keyhoe Archives)
Time: Jan. 15, 1967; Roosevelt, UT
6:00 p.m. MST. Two couples saw a yellow glow coming from inside a dome-shaped object estimated to be two miles away. The object hovered and moved around slowly. (Salisbury, 1974, Case 40, Table 1)
Time: Jan. 16, 1967; Charleston, South Carolina (BBU)
(McDonald list)
Time: Jan. 16, 1967; Warner, NH
5:00 p.m. EST. A motorist noticed a bright light seemingly pacing him. A long cigar-shaped object with amber windows eventually came toward him on a slow and steady course, and he heard a soft purring sound. On one side was a blinking red light. Two very bright white lights were on the ends of protrusions sticking out from the sides near the front and these lights shone ahead like headlights. A second witness (retired missionary), was alerted and she reported seeing two bright light beams pointed earthward with a dark area between. The lights were bright yellow in the center and white around the edges. (New Hampshire NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.)
Summary: Jan. 16, 1967; Warner, NH
5:15 p.m. A couple in the same area reported seeing a slow-moving gray object with body lights. At 5:30 pm a woman and her daughter saw an object that looked like a box kite without paper (presumably rectangular) with two bright headlights on the front. The object was moving slowly, and hovering soundlessly, but there was a purring sound when it started to move away rapidly. All witnesses reported the object to be huge. (U.F.O Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, Mar.-Apr., 1967, p. 5.)
Summary: Jan. 17, 1967; Freetown, IN
Francis Bedel, Jr., (23) of Portland, Indiana, was driving on State Highway 135, a two-lane blacktop road, north of Freetown, he later reported to State Police, when a brilliant glowing white light darted into his field of vision. It apparently hovered over the road for a few seconds, then slowly reversed its course. Bedel was so busy staring at the spectacle that he lost control of his car, which left the road and was badly damaged. State Police who investigated said that Bedel was not drinking and was not injured in the crash. (NICAP files)
Summary: Jan. 17, 1967; Same evening; Freetown, IN
On the same stretch of highway on the same night, Mr. & Mrs. Phil Patton of Freetown, reported to State Police that a brightly lighted disc-shaped craft, about 30 feet in diameter, came down alongside their car. Mr. Patton told State Trooper Conrad that the object moved along the highway right in front of their car and about one hundred feet distant from it. They estimated that it was about 100 feet above the road and they described it as a circular in shape and about the size of a small house. The Patton’s reported to police that they heard no sound from the object but that its outstanding characteristic was the extreme brilliance of its lights, predominately red but with flashing yellow and white along the side or bottom of the thing. After a half a minute, it flashed up and away. According to state police who investigated, the description given by the Patton’s was identical to that given by Francis Bedel, the young man who wrecked his car while watching a similar spectacle, about a mile from the scene of the Patton’s experience. (NICAP files)
Summary: Jan. 18, 1967; Norton, MA
6:30-6:45 a.m. EST. A man saw a cloud-like object with flat bottom, a dome on top, and a blue stripe. It hovered over an airport, then accelerated and sped away, disappearing in 3 seconds. (Robinson letter, NICAP files.) Independent observation: At 7:00 a.m. a patrolman in Mansfield, Mass., about 6 miles north of Norton, apparently independently of the above witness, saw an object with flat bottom and domed top that appeared fuzzy and cloud-colored, with a horizontal stripe of gas-flame-like blue color. (NICAP report form.)
Date: Jan.18, 1967
Location: Shamokin, Pa.
Summary: Front view (left side), as object came toward witness at about 400 to 500 feet altitude as viewed through binoculars
Date: January 18, 1967
Location: Sjaellands Odde, Sjaelland, Denmark
Summary: Jesper Andersen, 7 years old, came forward to claimed that on January 18, 1967, he was outside with another older boy, Tage Jensen, and his little sister of 4 years, and the they had decided to go back home as it became dark. But they noted something in the air straight in front of them, that they first believed to be a whirlwind, before realizing it was a solid dark grey object. Tage Jensen became scared and run home with his sister and told about what they saw to his mother. She looked outside from a window, but could not see anything. Jesper had stayed outside and observed the unknown object. After a while and for safety’s sake, he hid himself, in such a place that he could actually see the object against the valley’s background. He saw three “legs” that deployed at the bottom of the object, and it seemed to him that it was preparing to land. However, when it was only a couple of meters above the earth, the “legs” again retracted into the apparatus, and it started to move up to the sky. It then flew in straight level towards the shore of the Kattegat. Jesper then saw something that resembled a basket being lowered down amid the object, attached to a cable thick like an arm, and from a hole in the craft, eight little being jumped into that “basket.” These little beings were not taller that the boy, and he could tell that they had long faces and long noses. Seven of them had fair and short hair and a stripped suit while the last one had dark brown hair and a blue suit. The eight of them wore a cap on the head. Jesper was also able to tell that the weird beings had some transparent containers at the back, like a diver’s package, with a hose that went from the pack to their mouths. They had lights on their shoulders, and carried objects like binoculars or cameras. The object flew low above the shore and actually flew near to the boy at an angle, so that he managed to see the beings were smiling down at him. They apparently also waved their hands at the boy, but not the usual waving, since they held their palms vertically and agitated the arms horizontally. Then, a faint humming noise was heard, compared to the sound of a battery tape recorder, the basket went up again and the weird apparatus flew away. While the apparatus had been hovering above the shore, according to the boy, something had been thrown off onto the beach. The case surfaced apparently only 4 months later in the newspapers and at least one SUFOI ufologist interviewed the kid. SUFOI managed to get approximately 50 kilograms of that stuff, a sort of lump of a dark material. They forwarded it for analysis at the Technological Institute, and received back an extensive analysis report. The report however concluded that there was nothing found about what the black stuff was of from where it came from. It was the local residents who found out that it was actually the content from a paper sack of clay that one of them had thrown away on the beach as the aged protection paper had made the stuff too hard to be used.
Source: Article in the newspaper Holbaek Amts Venstreblad, Denmark, April 15, 1967.
Summary: Jan. 18, 1967; Shamokin, PA
6:00 p.m. EST. A family watched a disc with a red light on a projection at the rear approach at low altitude (estimated 400-500 feet), viewed through binoculars. As it neared, the object emitted two pinkish-white light beams downward at about a 45-degree angle from its forward edge. It then turned, rose suddenly, joined a second object and both sped away. (Keyhoe and Lore,1969a, p.43.)
Date: Jan. 18, 1967
Location: South Williamstown, Mass
Time: 12:15 a.m. EST.
Summary: Four witnesses saw a flash in the sky just before a power failure occurred. Then they saw a domed disc with body lights. It was near the ground on the opposite bank of the Green River. A red glowing object buzzed their car as they drove away.
Source: Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives; Fowler, 1974, p. 343.
Date: January 19 1967
Location: Lakeville Connecticut
Time: around 9:15
Summary: Glowing Object ls Photographed In Connecticut Multiple sightings of a red, glowing cigar-shaped object have been reported over the hills of northwest Connecticut recently. Most observers have been students and faculty members of Hotchkiss School in Lakeville. On the night of January 19 the object was photographed around 9:15 by Richard Gipstein, 17, a senior at the school. The object was moving toward the south above the hill line in the distance. Gipstein set his camera, with telephoto lens, on a tripod and opened the shutter for five seconds. The object first appeared for just a moment, and then disappeared, as can be seen in the photo above. Then it reappeared, travelling on the same line and continued to grow brighter. It then grew gradually dimmer as it moved toward the south until it faded out. The camera was a Voigtlander SLR 35 mm, and the lens was set at f8, George hernandez, 16, a junior at the school, was the first to have reported sighting the object a week earlier. As a result nightly watches were set up and notebooks carefully kept. The object’s next appearance was on January 16 around 11 P,M, It moved in an erratic pattern near the horizon towards the south and southwest. The light was pulsating. The next night was overcast but a brief sighting was reported. On the 18th between 9:30 and 10 P.M., some eight persons including two teachers reported seeing the UFO in the same general position. The next night, when the picture was taken, ten persons were reported to have seen it. Dismissing the possibility that it could be car lights, as some claimed, Gipstein pointed out that “it has been seen in too many areas and been reported in a 90 degree arc of the horizon.” Besides sightings at Hotchkiss, others were reported in the area around the same time. Mrs. Peter Merson and her ll-year-old son of Vernon reported seeing an object “with red lights which hovered in the sky’ on January 15. Three North Granby residents sighted a similar object about 5:45 the same night near Granville, Mass, On January 1?, M!s. Donald Warner of Sharon observed “a glowing orange oval moving low in the sky” about 6:45 P.M., while driving from Lakeville to Sharon. She drew to the side of the road to observe the object for about five minutes before it disappeared. Its light did Dot blink and it was soundless. Reginald Baker of Indian Mountain School also sighted “a glowing orange red cigar-shaped object with red lights” on the 24th. IIe photographed it around)
Source: APRO
Date: January 19 1967
Summary: Jan.19, 1967; Dunbar, WV
9:05 a.m. EST. The owner of an appliance store saw a dull aluminum-colored sphere with a flange around the middle and a window at the top hovering about 4 feet over the road ahead of him. He estimated it to be 25 feet in diameter. When he was 10 feet from it, the object took off and swiftly rose out of sight. Two projections like antennae were visible on the top and two legs underneath, with an apparent propeller between them that revolved slowly while the object was hovering, faster during ascent. (NICAP report; Charleston Gazette, 1/20/67; Huntington Herald 1/20/67; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, sketch p. 46; Flying Saucer Review, 13 (3), May-June 1967, p. 4; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 11, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 4, dated as Jan. 17.)
Date: January 19 1967
Summary: Jan. 19, 1967; Milan, IN
3:00 p.m. A photograph was reportedly taken of a UFO by Reed Thompson, a 15-year-old boy from Milan. The town constable stated that the boy was reliable and said that he had seen the photo himself. His report to NICAP Indiana Unit No. 1 stated he watched the object for 5-7 minutes before it sped off. Later, one of Indiana’s field investigators, Don Worley, obtained further information and a black & white copy of the original color photo, along with a report and drawings. (Ridge, APRO & NICAP files)
Date: January 19 1967: Connersville, Indiana UFO Encounter
Summary: Jan. 20, 1967; Methuen, MA
6:30 p.m. EST. Three girls, 16-17 years old, were traveling in an automobile when they saw a string of 9-10 bright red lights on a dark object that was moving over a field. The object hovered, and swung around, revealing lights of a different color and configuration. When the girls stopped to watch, their car stalled and the radio and lights went off (EM effects). Four glowing body lights were arranged in a trapezoid pattern, red lights on top and white lights forming the base. The lights appeared to be reflecting off a metal surface. The object started moving slowly and then shot away at high speed. Independent observation: A second car about 3 miles away driven by an adult male accompanied by his daughter and a friend saw 7-8 bright lights flying low. (Fowler, 1974, pp. 138-43; Sagan and Page, 1972, p. xxvi.).
Time: Jan. 21, 1967; Gering, NE
4:15 a.m. MST. Two men saw a white or silver object with red, white, and blue pulsating body lights. It hovered for about 2 minutes and then seemed to follow their car. (Hall letter, Scottsbluff, NE., in NICAP files.)
Summary: Jan. 22, 1967; Providence, NC
8:35 p.m. EST. A man saw a bright light that changed to a series of lights which maneuvered, hovered, and bobbed like a cork on water. The object seemed to ascend with less effort than when it descended . (Compare to Sept. 20, 1966, Sebring, Fla., case.) A wind-like sound was heard. (NICAP report form.)
Time: Jan. 24, 1967; Westport, CN
6:00 a.m. EST. A driver for a news service saw an elliptical object with many colored lights or ports on the underside, some red, some green. The object hovered over a house for 15 minutes, then flew away. (Westport News, 1/26/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Date: January 24, 1967
Location: Yorba, Linda, California
Time: 5:25 p.m. PST.
Summary: A 14-year-old boy saw and photographed a metallic-appearing object shaped like a top hat with four legs projecting from the bottom.
Source: Hall, 2001, pp. 286-87, from “The Yorba Linda Photograph” in Flying Saucer Review, Special Issue, Nov. 1967, pp. 26-35.
Summary: Jan. 24, 1967; Astoria, NY
1:00 a.m. EST. A witness saw a large solid object with two bright red vertical blinking body lights descend, emitting a sound like an electric shaver (buzzing). (NICAP report form.)
Date: January 25 1967
Location: Hampton, Virginia
Summary: Photo above was taken on January 25, 1967 at Hampton, Virginia by a teen-ager, who said the object was about the size of a Piper Cub at 1000 feet. The boy described the sighting to his school science teacher, who recommended he report it to the Air Force. He did so and the local UFO officer was impressed, stating, “in my opinion the photo is authentic.” Yet Blue Book tagged it “insufficient data.”
Date: January 25 1967
Location: Near Howard Lake Minnesota
Time: 0430A
Summary: Harold Lenz was driving to work in Winsted when the engine of his pick up truck stalled. He got out to check under the hood and saw a brightly luminous object, 75 feet long by 30 feet wide, approach, and land on 3 legs on the highway. It made a loud whirring noise. Something like an elevator descended from the bottom, and a man walked out dressed in a silver-blue, tight fitting coverall suit with a “fish-bowl” helmet over his head. He was about average height and human appearing. The occupant seemed to examine something on the object, and then got back into the UFO, which took off. Duration was 3-4 minutes.
Source: USAF Blue Book Files
Date: January 25 1967
Location: Pittsfield, Pennsylvania
Time: around 1800
Summary: On January 20 at 2330 Mrs. Walter J Kushner and her two daughters, Susan (17) and Tanya (14) and a close friend of the girls, Marianne Williamson (16), witnessed a brilliant aero form with a distinct disk shape drop below the cloud cover and execute a sharp turn before cruising parallel to a mountain ridge while the group was returning to their residence. All members of the party were awed by the lack of the sound and high speed of the object. On January 21 1967 @ 0200A, Susan, Tanya and Marianne were enjoying a typical teenage pajama party and were doing anything but sleeping when all three girls simultaneously spotted a peculiar light shimmering through the closed curtains of Susan’s bedroom. Without warning the drapes parted of their own volition and a midget triangular object hovering a few feet from the house began beaming pinkish light of a painfully brilliant intensity into the bedroom. When the triangle moved to the second window, the curtains repeated their opening act and the intensity of light emanating from the object increased several fold. At this point the girls became quite frightened and decided to get the hell out of there. Suddenly, all three girls became paralyzed and weak, unable to cry out or do more than whimper helplessly. Not able to move, their terror at this point became so strong that prayer became a viable option. After a few more torturous moments that seemed like an eternity, the light effect dissipated and their freedom of movement was restored, although a weird dizzy sensation continued to haunt the girls for the better part of an hour. On the 28th things were back to normal when shortly after the dinner hour, two men arrived at the Kushner household. They identified themselves as military investigators and flashed what appeared to be USAF identification. Mrs. Kushner described the ID card as having black printing on a durable white stock. Both men wore tan trench coats, which they kept buttoned from knee to collar. The taller of the two, who, according to the family’s testimony, did all the talking, was described, as having blond hair, green eyes, was thin and deeply tanned. The other gentleman was heavyset with dark hair, piercing blue eyes and was also deeply tanned. The men were very polite but very insistent about one thing: they wanted every shred of information about the girl’s experience. Neither parent could explain why they allowed their children to be so intensely grilled by these “government agents.” The men moved about the house with apparently total knowledge of the whereabouts of rooms, furniture, objects, etc. Their clothing looked as if it had been purchased 10 minutes before and the bottom of their shoes seemed un-walked on. When the mystery men left, they backed their vehicle out onto the roadway turned off their headlights and powered away down the road. At one point one of the men was seen writing strange symbols in vertical columns, starting from the left, going down one column, up the next, down the third. This on a small booklet. (Typical MIB report of the period).
Source: Robert A Goerman
Date: January 25 1967: The Betty Andreasson Alien Abduction
Summary: Jan. 26, 1967; Jamaica, NY
1:30 a.m. EST. Three witnesses saw an oblong or oval object, gray or silver, with a red top. On top were several protrusions, along which moved green flashes of light. The object moved in erratic flight with a swirling motion and made a “weird” noise. A dog was reported to be upset by the phenomenon (animal reaction) during the sighting. (New York NICAP Subcommittee report and letter with a copy of Air Force report form, in NICAP files.)
Time: Jan. 26, 1967; Kirkwood, MO
5:40 a.m. CST. A woman saw a disc-shaped object that was flat on the bottom and had a rounded top (dome). A group of closely spaced red lights was visible on the bottom. The object flew straight for 5-6 seconds before disappearing. (NICAP report form.)
Time: Jan. 26, 1967; Havre, MT
8:15 p.m. MST. A man saw a solid ball (sphere) with blinking yellow body light(s) which descended, circled a mountain, and flew off. (NICAP report form.)
Date: January 26 1967
Location: Near Charleston West Virginia
Time: morning
Summary: About a week after seeing a large metallic sphere hovering above a highway, Tad Jones was driving along the same highway at the same time, when he came upon a man standing by the road in approximately the same spot where the sphere had hovered. Thinking that it was a hitchhiker Tad slowed down and called out to him. The man did not reply and merely waved him on. He described the man as very tanned, wearing a blue coat and a blue cap with a visor. He was holding a box in his hand. It appeared to be some kind of instrument with a dial on it, like a clock, and a wire ran from it to his other hand. A later check with the local gas companies proved negative as far as being their man. Also no such instrument described by Jones was in use anywhere. He saw the same man again the next day but drove on.
Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
Summary: Jan. 26, 1967; Heidelberg, Germany
8:30 p.m. LT. Witnesses first heard a pulsating sound, then saw a shiny, metallic dirigible-shaped (elliptical) object; hovering over a building. As jets approached the object, it took off (aircraft avoidance) with its lights flashing in a regular cycle. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 4.)
Summary: Jan. 26, 1967; Near Coffeen, Illinois (BBU)
9 p.m. John Cox, Methodist minister, driving on Route 185 saw a 60 ft object, flat on the bottom, rounded on top, 10 ft thick, cross the road silently 300 ft away, at low speed. (Vallée Magonia 813; Hynek-CUFOS-Willy Smith files)
Summary: Jan. 28, 1967; Irish Valley, PA
6:00 p.m. Members of three families saw two objects, one saucer shaped (disc) with projections and a dome on top, blinking red and green lights across the front and a silver object protruding from the top. The objects variously maneuvered and hovered, together and independently. Many other area sightings also were reported. (Shamokin News Dispatch, Pa., 1/29/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Date: January 28 1967
Location: Studham Common Bedfordshire England
Time: 1345
Summary: A group of 6 10 and 11-year old children, including Alex Butler, Tony Banks, Terry Cahill, Colin Lonsdale and David Inglis, were playing in the Dell, near Studham Common, on their way to afternoon school, when a flash of lighting struck nearby; a few moments later, Alex Butler saw standing near some bushes, about 20 yards away, “a little blue man with a tall hat and a beard.” Alex and the others ran toward him and the little figure “disappeared in a puff of smoke.” This appearance and disappearance was repeated twice. Then they heard voices speaking in an incomprehensible tongue, as they saw the little man for the last time. He wore a one-piece suit with a broad black belt at whose buckle was a 6″ black box. The arms, held at his side, were not seen to move. The beard was a forked one. The children ran off to school, where their teacher wisely had them write down all the details separately.
Source: R H B Winder, FSR Vol. 13 # 4
Date: January 29 1967
Location: Near Knox City Missouri
Time: 2200
Summary: Mrs Enid Campbell saw from a window what at first she took to be a full moon, but as it moved closer she could see that it was a spherical object, white in color like a frosted light bulb, with a shiny gold horizontal ring around the center in which were numerous round holes. The object came up to within several feet of her window before stopping, and through its semi-transparent material she could see a control panel with a lever on top, and two occupants, one seated at the panel, the other standing. They wore “shiny, silvery wet suits.” She called her sons Gene, 18, and George, 14, who arrived at the window in time to see the object as it rose and moved away. While it hovered nearby, two smaller white luminous spheres approached and entered through an opening, after which the holes in the central ring jetted out red fire. Then the object ascended vertically and disappeared. The snow on the ground under the spot where it hovered was melted; and the area over which the object approached the house failed to grow plants, while the plants elsewhere grew normally.
Source:Ted Phillips for Mufon
Summary: Jan. 30, 1967; 5 miles SW and 20 miles W of Crosby, North Dakota (BBU)
8:04 a.m. (CST). Delton Schwanz, commercial pilot of 29 years’ experience and past AAF/AF service, with wife Della and children Robert, Roger and Diane saw a bright white sharply outlined lozenge-shaped object (length/width ratio 4:1) to the W elevation 15°-20° momentarily stopped then moving in level flight to the left, with a smooth climb in the SW, dropped white “strips” of light that descended vertically, disappeared to the S at azimuth 170° by ascending to about 30°-45° elevation. George Larsen (Larson?) and Larry Pateof (Pace?) were independent witnesses driving by car 20 miles W of Crosby near intersection of Hwys 5 and 85 who saw large white light move rapidly from W to S dropping a “piece” of the object and disappearing suddenly. (Hynek-CUFOS-Willy Smith files; Hynek UFO Exp, case DD-11)
Summary: Jan. 31, 1967; Kirkwood, MO
12:01 a.m. CST. A McDonnell aviation company engineer saw a brilliant bluish-white light going fast in a zigzag path. (NICAP report form.)
Date: late January 1967
Location: Riachuelo Osorno Chile
Time: unknown
Summary: An Osorno engineer, out walking in a wood, saw a blinding flash of light. Observing a bright light nearby, he found it to be from a flying saucer, rust colored, and about 35 yards wide, which was hovering close to the ground. A man, 5-foot tall suddenly appeared below it, wearing a one-piece, transparent, tight fitting garment without helmet or shoes; his skin was white, his nose flat, and his hair long. His arms seemed “glued to his body.” This entity disappeared, and the craft began to grow larger and to emit a powerful violet light, while it turned orange-red in color. Finally it rose straight up at high speed. The witness fell ill afterward.
Source: FSR Case Histories # 12
Date: late January 1967
Location: Valensole Basses Alpes France
Time: unknown
Summary: Five anonymous people observed a small, bearded figure, similar to the being encountered by M Masse two years earlier; inside an old deserted building, when the entity was pursued by the witnesses, he escaped through a window and disappeared.
Source: Charles Bowen & Aime Michel, FSR Vol. 14 #1
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