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Date: early April 1967
Location: Moulton Iowa
Time: evening
Summary: Jimmy D and his wife, a young farm couple, were driving home when they saw 3 strange men standing in a ploughed field; as they approached, these figures literally faded from sight. The couple, perplexed, turned around and drove back past the site, this time observing 7 men, who likewise disappeared from view. Later in the evening the couple saw an object, or something “like a dust cloud” coming from the same field that frightened so they fled to town where they stayed for the next several days.
Source:Taylor M Jackson for Nicap
Date: April 1967
Location: Near Chief Cornstalk Hunting Grounds West Virginia
Time: night
Summary: On a rainy night a man was driving along Route 2 when a large black form rose from the woods and flew over his car. “It was at least ten feet wide,” he claimed. He stepped on the gas but it kept right up with him at about 70 mph. It then moved ahead of him and turned toward the river.
Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
Summary: April, No date, 1967; Moberly, MO
Evening. A couple saw an object with a short cylindrical body, dome-shaped top, and flat bottom (turret shape). The top glowed blue-green, sides white, and bottom red. The object had a semi-circle of white body lights that suddenly glowed and blinked around the upper rim. It performed various maneuvers, once apparently splitting in two and rejoining. Eventually it sped up and crossed the road in front of the car. (Moberly Monitor-Index and Evening Democrat, 7/14/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Summary: April, No date, 1967; Tortuguero, Islagrande, Puerto Rico
11:15 a.m. A flight instructor and student in a U.S. Navy Cessna aircraft saw a flat oval object, which appeared to be a metallic dull white in color, that followed the aircraft. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 35.)
Time: April 1967; Brixham, Devon, England
A huge, cone-shaped UFO that slowly revolved, hovered for more than an hour, and shot away as an airplane approached was seen by members of Her Majesty’s Coast Guard and others at Brixham, Devon, England at 11:25 a. m., April [1967]
Summary: Coast Guardsman Brian F. Jenkins stated in his report to NICAP member J. A. Hennessey that the object was seen stationary at approximately 15,000 feet. It slowly drifted to the northwest during the next 80 minutes. It was slowly revolving, revealing a door like structure on its side as it did so. There was a curtain-like structure’ at its bottom that changed shape during the flight.
Time: April 1, 1967; Fishing Creek Valley, PA
6:30 p.m. EST. Three young children saw a sphere estimated to be 35-50 feet in diameter with two antennae and a varicolored halo. The object approached at low level, dropped to an estimated 40 feet altitude, and emitted a double-tapered light beam for 2 minutes that lit the ground 10 feet from the children. Two dogs barked wildly during the event (animal reaction). As they watched, the object suddenly disappeared. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 1; Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report.)
Date: April 1 1967
Location: Conifer Colorado
Time: 0230A
Summary: A light like a flashlight came halfway down the hill; D F Davies fired 10 38-caliber bullets at it, and it disappeared. At 0230A, Randy, who was still awake, saw a man with a light on walking past the house; he ran out calling to him. The light went out, & the man ran away. At 0330A, Louise looked out the window and saw a man in the yard, who wore dark clothes & a mask that covered his face down to his shoulders.
Source: Oleta Havelock & David Saunders
Summary: April 1, 1967; Wayne County, IN
5:45 a.m. A farm wife was putting milker’s on cows in a barn when she observed a round, red-yellow object the size of the full moon for about a minute. It hovered about 200 yards away, then climbed and disappeared in about three seconds. (Don Worley files)
Time: April 1, 1967; Hessel, CA
7:15 p.m. PST (10:15 p.m. EST). A family saw an unusual reddish light that approached their car after they flashed their headlights at it (light reaction). The object hovered in front of the car, glowing red with a dome visible on top. It had a hazy indefinite lower part at least as large as the upper part. A high-pitched whine bothered the witnesses’ ears. The object began moving slowly over the tree tops, gave off a brilliant light, and sped away (luminosity/speed correlation). (NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; NICAP report form.)
Summary: April 1, 1967; Harrisburg, PA
9:15 p.m. EST. A woman reported an illuminated bell-shaped object, estimated to be 35 feet long and 20 feet high (length to height ratio 1.75:1), with white lights and a pulsating red light (body lights). The object hovered for 3-4 minutes above a farm house, then slowly moved away. A burning-type odor persisted for an hour. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.)
Date: April 2 1967
Location: Michigan, exact location not given
Time: night
Summary: Jean Sheldon was out driving in a rural area and had stopped for a breath of air, when she saw a 50 ft disc surmounted by a glowing red dome. It descended, and an opening appeared in the underside, through which she was levitated on board. Here she encountered three naked male humanoids with green eyes. They told her they wanted to mate and she had “very exciting” sex with them for over an hour. Although this was supposed to indicate they were biologically compatible, Jean did not become pregnant.
Source: Peter Rogerson, quoting The National Tattler
Date: April 2 1967
Location: Medina New York
Time: late night
Summary: The witness, Shane Sia or Kurz who had been seeing UFOs maneuvering over the area for the past several nights, had gone to bed after seeing another object. She suddenly felt paralyzed and next thing she remembers is being awakened by a bright light outside her window and a loud humming sound. Her next memory is waking up with her foot covered with mud, her eyes swollen shut, and a triangular shaped burn mark on her abdomen. Later under hypnosis she remembered being somehow taken into an egg shaped gray metallic craft with lights around a revolving rim. She found herself inside an octagon shaped room with lights that seemed to emanate from all around her. She was then placed on a black slab like table and is unable to move. Later she sees a being with an oval shaped face; very light skin and large black almond shaped eyes. The being apparently communicates by using telepathy and tells the witness that she would not be harmed.
Source: personal from witness, Shane Sia
Date: April 4 1967
Location: San Cataldo Italy
Time: 2000
Summary: The witness had walked out to his terrace under a light rain and upon opening the terrace door he was confronted by a hovering metallic disc shaped object about 80 meters in diameter. In front of the object stood three men wearing tight fitting overalls. They appeared to have been looking at a caged bird nearby. The men were human like and from the center of their chests they emitted a green beam of light. They made an awkward hand gesture towards the witness upon seeing him. The witness watched unable to move as the three beings entered the object through an opening in the bottom, they went up in a beam of light as if walking up an invisible ladder. The object then departed at high speed.
Source: Maurizio Vega, Itacat
Summary: April 5, 1967; Davis, CA
1:50 a.m. PST (4:40 p.m. EST) A woman saw a basket-shaped (truncated cone) object with flashing lights for 10 minutes. The object moved slowly across the sky at low altitude oscillating up-and-down, and also seemed to oscillate laterally while moving. The body lights were red when the object moved upwards and white when it moved downwards (color/motion correlation). The object was described as tumbling end over end. (NICAP report form.)
Time: April 5, 1967; Menominee, MI
4:00 a.m. EST. Two University of Wisconsin students saw three large orange oval objects in formation that appeared behind their car, then moved in front of it, north of town. When they stopped the car, the objects hovered over the trees, their color changing from orange to purple. They then emitted a blinding light that lit up the area, and vanished suddenly. (Escanaba Daily Press, Mich., 4/6/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Summary: April 5, 1967; Jonestown/Lickdale, PA
7:45 p.m. EST. A justice of the peace saw a dark-colored disc, estimated to be 30 feet across, that flew over his vehicle at an altitude of about 30 feet, then stopped and hovered to one side. When over the vehicle, it looked as if it had lights behind painted black glass. The object emitted sparks, had a humming sound like an electric motor which grew louder as the object left, and had a sulfur/camphorated oil odor. When the object left at tremendous speed, the car felt pulled toward it (gravitational effect) and then was rocked. The witness had physiological effects. (Keyhoe and Lore, 1969b, p.1; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 6; Lebanon Daily News, Pa.,4/8/67.)
Summary: April 5, 1967; Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
7:45 p.m. EST. About 450 miles north-northwest of Jonestown, a woman and her two children saw a small glowing sphere with a metallic band approach their car. A humming sound could be heard. The object emitted two vapor trails. It receded, then turned and paced the car for several minutes before disappearing. (Peterborough Examiner 4/14/67.) About 45 minutes later in Welland, Ontario, about 165 miles northeast of Peterborough, a man saw an object with bright blue light that moved slowly and hovered, emitting a strange humming sound. (Letter 4/9/67 in NICAP files.)
Time: April 5, 1967; Belleville, KS
8:30 p.m. CST (9:30 p.m. EST). A manager of the Chamber of Commerce, his wife and grandson saw a disc with a peaked top surmounted by a green light. Its body was yellowish (like house lights) with red sections. The object flew over their car at an estimated 3,000 feet altitude. (Belleville Telescope, 4/6/67, NICAP files.)
Date: April 5 1967
Location: Old Bridge, New Jersey
Time: 2245
Summary: A UFO photographed over Old Bridge, New Jersey on April 5, 1967, which the Air Force gave an “insufficient data” rating.
Date: April 5 1967
Location: Frostproof Florida
Time: 2245
Summary: At least 9 persons in the Mullinsville area saw a hat shaped UFO “come out of a grove” and fly over the area, “shooting fire from the bottom.” The object hovered over a small lake at tree top level and was seen to have windows “all the way around.” One of the witnesses, Robert Edwards, said he was able to see several human like figures inside the object; “they were all bald headed, sitting around a table of something.”
Source:: Jesse Moore for the Lakeland Ledger
Date: April 6, 1967
Location: Tortuguero, Puerto Rico
Time: between 11 and 11:15 a.m
Summary: UFO Phenomenon in Puerto Rico APRO’S Representative in Puedo Rico, Sebastian Robiou L., recently sent Headquarters his full .reports on several investigations into UFO incidents on that Caribbean island. Below are summaries of two of his reports. The latest incident took place between ll and l1:15 a.m, (local time) on the 6 of April, 1967, near Tortuguero, while two Cessna 150 aircraft were flying under unlimited visibility conditions. Aircraft A contained a flight instructor, whose name cannot be published, and flight student Alvaro Munoz. The names of the instructor and student aboard aircraft B cannot be published. Aircraft A and B were flying in formation at 3,000 feet in an east-northeast direction, north of Vega Baja, on the nodh coast of Puerto Rico- Aircraft A was slightly ahead and 1,000 feet above aircraft B. Wh e student Munoz was practicing “blind flying,” his instructor observed an unidentified object behind and below aircraft B. He called the pilot of aircraft B, who then commenced a l80o turn, at which the UFO dropped sharply (estimated about 200 feet above sea level and passed under aircraft b without the pilot seeing it . Aircraft A continued its normal route and the pilot observed the UFO pass him on the north side, He pointed the object out to Munoz, who exclaimed (in Spanish): “My God! That’s a flying saucer!” The pilot then told Munoz not to loose sight of the object while he piloted the Cessna.Munoz got a good look at it as it passed on their north side, about 1,500 feet below them, while the pilot was attempting a tum to brine the object closer, The descending turn increased the speed of the Cessna F tom 90 mph to l4o mph, while the UFO appeared to be moving at least double their speed. The pilot of Aircraft A leveled the Cessna out and the UFO made a sudden 90o turn without any pre-deceleration and disappeared. The pilot of aircraft B was meanwhile terminating his tum: neither the pilot or the student aboard a lcmft B saw the UFO, The total sighting lasted between 15 and 20 seconds The. he two witnesses aboard atcraft A described the UFO as “oval, not round” and with a dull-white, metal color, Comparing its approximate size to the Cessna B, the UFO was estimated to be 60 feet long (3 times that of a Cessna 150). It had an apparent size of 8 inches at arm’s length. The two witnesses did not observe any other structural details on the object but they described it as” solid” and following “intelligent maneuvers, not erratic.” Upon landing at San Juan, Munoz called his wife to tell her about the sighting, which she confirmed to Representative Rabiou. Munoz, who is now a flight instructor with the Isla Grande Flying School and Service Corp., says that the Federal Aviation Administ.ation (FAA) gathered data on the sighting after it happened, but stated that they had not tracked any unidentified object at the time. Representative Robiou, who calls this “one of the most interesting UFO cases in Puerto Rico,” notes that the pilot-instructor of Aircraft A does not want publicity; Munoz is more coopemtive. Neither took UFOs seriously before their observation. Mr. Robiou’s conclusion is: “If we accept the statements of the witnesses as true, as they seem to be, we cannot find any explanation within our frame of knowledge. The object seen by the witnesses deserves the title: Unidentified Flying Object.”
Time: April 6, 1967; North Salinas, (Monterey Bay area) CA
8:45 p.m. PST; 9:45 p.m. MST). A couple watched a fly-by of a red disc with windows at low altitude. (NICAP report form)
Summary: April. 6, 1967; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
9:45 p.m. MST (11:45 p.m. EST). A Pacific Western Airlines pilot and crew saw a dull orange-red object that flew erratically as it paced the aircraft, then sped away. Confirmed by radar at Edmonton International Airport (radar-visual). (Redden phone call, 4/7/67, NICAP files; Weinstein, 1999, p. 35 from Gillmor, 1969.
Date: April 6 1967
Location: Conifer Colorado
Time: 0030A
Summary: David L Davies saw two lights like flashlights on the hill, and later saw a lighted object that hovered at horizon level for some time, then moved upward & disappeared. Kay, driving home earlier that night, had encountered “on top of the big hill” a man in dark clothes wearing a hood, who ran toward the area where the lights appeared. Davies had seen lights on the hill every night since March 26.
Source: Oleta Havelock
Time: April 6, 1967; Los Angeles, CA
10:05 p.m. PST (11:05 p.m. MST). Two people saw a fat, solid-gray cigar (ellipse) with a blinking red light for about 4 minutes. The object flew tilted, and two smaller objects came from the path of the first (satellite objects). The objects were viewed through binoculars. (NICAP report form.)
Date: April 7 1967
Location: Near Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia
Time: 2215
Summary: Mabel McDaniel, John Keel, and two other women went to a hill, when they spotted the usual reddish glow on a nearby hill. A second one popped up a short distance from the first. Keel flashed his light at them but nothing happened. So he climbed a fence and walked into a field to try to get a closer look. As he crossed the field he suddenly noticed a pale bluish ball of light hovering high in the trees of an orchard behind the nearby farmhouse. The light moved about from tree to tee as though it were following Keel’s movements. He flashed his light at it and it flared with a dazzling brilliance, dimmed, and vanished. The lights on the southern ridge also brightened for a moment and then went out. Coming back to the car, Keel found all three women in a very frightened state. Later they related how they had seen a very tall man in the field, which climbed over a fence then crossed behind their vehicle. Terrified they locked the doors and ran the windows up.
Source:John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
Time: April 8, 1967; Millersburg, PA
Afternoon. Three women and three children saw an elongated object, split in the middle, possibly saucer-shaped, that was hovering near a telephone tower on a mountain. It then shot straight up and disappeared. (Harrisburg Patriot-News, Pa., 4/9/67, copy in NICAP files)
Time: <>April, (bt. 10 and 15), 1967; Danville, PA
3:30-4:00 a.m. EST. A woman saw a shiny inverted bowl with flashing red lights hovering above trees. It emitted five light beams from the underside, took off in “three steps” and quickly disappeared. (NICAP report form.)
Summary: April 9, 1967; Grand Island, NE
Dusk. Confirmed by MUFON Field Investigator and State Section Director Eldon E. Ervin. A building contractor, his wife and three children were traveling east on Interstate 80 when the wife first noticed a bright object to the north, just north of the intersectio of U.S. Highway 80 and Nebraska Highway 281 and adjacent to a Drive-In theatre. The observers stopped the car, got out, and watched for 15-20 minutes while the object fluttered across the Cornhusker Ordinance Plant some 3 miles west of the theatre. At times the object wobbled as low as 40 feet from the ground. Later it disappeared to the north. The family drove as far north as Silber Creek but could not sight it again. Upon returning to their home, they called the Grand Island Weather Bureau. They were told an investigator would be out in the morning, but none appeared. The local police were also called, but no one came to investigate. (Credit: Elmer A. Krai, State Director for Nebraska)
Summary: April 10-11, 1967; Houma, LA (BBU)
Objects were sighted by civilians and AF personnel. There were radar returns on MPS-14 and FPS-10 radars. The objects were described as well defined, circular, white, and the size of a dime to a quarter held at arm’s length. The radar contact was at 277 degrees at 12 miles and revealed movement from 27,000 to 24,000 feet. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index)
Date: April 11 1967
Summary: April 10, 1967; Fayette County, IN
9:45 p.m. A glowing orange-yellow ball that swung in a large arc was observed by two witnesses for 20 minutes. It moved closer and became a huge dark object which reminded the witnesses of a passenger coach of a train with seven tall windows emitting light. (Don Worley)
Date: April 11 1967
Summary: April 11, 1967; Orange, MA
6:45 p.m. EST. Three people saw a flattened disc or ellipse with a rotating red light on the underside. The object hovered 100 feet over a pond, moved slowly, then sped away. (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 346.)
Date: April 11 1967
Summary: April 11, 1967; Royalston, MA
6:50 p.m. EST. (11 miles northeast of Orange). Two witnesses saw a mass of very bright lights, brighter than the moon which was visible. They descended and hovered, before moving slowly out of sight on an upward course. (Fowler, 1974, p. 346.)
Date: April 11 1967: Encounter No# 2 in South Wellington, Texas
Time: April 11, 1967; Woodville, ID
9:30 p.m. PST. While driving, a woman saw an amber-colored object shaped like a disc with a tall dome. She estimated that it was at a height of two telephone poles and as large as a car. The object looked like plastic and had vertical risers evenly spaced around a “conning tower.” A bright curved surface appeared to be hanging from a “brim which extended from rim to rim” of what looked like a “top hat.” The object hovered, moved slowly against the wind, passing directly overhead, hovered over lava beds where it emitted two fireballs with sparkles, then two more a few minutes later. Finally it went dark and disappeared. (Ricks letter, NICAP files; The U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 1.) [Note: The main reported features of appearance, performance, and mode of disappearance all suggest a hoax hot-air balloon carrying candles or flares.]
Summary: April 12, 1967; Hackettstown, NJ
Night. Five people, including a policeman, watched a revolving object with a red middle, green lights on both ends, and white lights on the bottom (body lights) for 1.25 hours. The object left a white trail, and it started and stopped many times, becoming all white when not moving (color/motion correlation). (NICAP report form.)
Time: April 12, 1967; Phoenix, AZ.
Cat. 3. Bell-shaped object buzzed car, banked, turned and flew away. (Blue Book files)
Time: April 12, 1967; Toronto, Ontario, Canada
8:15 p.m. EST. An adult leader and 18 Girl Guides saw four lens-shaped discs with flashing lights on the rims (body lights). The objects circled the witnesses, and two shot away when an airplane approached (aircraft avoidance). (Henry McKay report, 4/17/67, in NICAP files.)
Summary: April 12, 1967; North Granby, CT
8:30 p.m. EST. A woman and her two children, ages 11 and 8, saw a glowing, red-orange bowl-shaped object that was emitting very bright light (“painful to stare at”). The object made rapid motions and hovered. A rod extended from it for about 5 minutes. Finally, it shot away to the northwest. (NICAP report form.)
Time: April 12, 1967; Coastal Keys Highway
8:30 p,m. EST. Six members of a team while doing underwater film work for ABC News saw five bright white lights in formation, pulsating bright-dim on a 1/2-second cycle and maneuvering around each other as they passed at about 200 feet altitude. Witnesses, in two 16-foot boats in windy weather with choppy waves, included a former aircraft carrier pilot, two former submarine sailors, and a boat captain guide. (Letter to Herb Roth, 5/5/67, in NICAP files.)
Time: April 12, 1967; Phoenix, AZ
8:59 p.m MST. A bell-shaped object buzzed a car, which experienced EM effects on its engine. The object then banked, turned, and flew away. (Project Blue Book files, National Archives.)
Location. Sjaellands Denmark
Date: April 13 1967
Time: dusk
Two young boys saw a dark gray object overhead; one ran home, the other hid in a ditch. The object descended and put out three legs as if to land, then retraced them and moved out over the Kattegat; as it passed over the shore, it threw out some “boxes.” Hovering low over the water, the object lowered a box, or car on an arm thick cable, and 8 small humanoid figures emerged from the large object and descended on the cable. They were the same size as the boy and all but one wore striped suits and had scuba like packs on their backs form, which tubes led to their mouths; the eight occupants wore a blue uniform and had no pack. They all wore striped caps and had lights on their shoulders, and carried objects like binoculars or cameras. They waved to the boy before the object disappeared. On the shore was later found a lump of strange material, which was analyzed and found to be an unprecedented mixture of substances.
Source: FSR Vol. 13 # 5
Time: April 14, 1967; Melville, NY
9:00 p.m. EST. A small humanoid appeared in the doorway of a circular craft that landed alongside the road, as the witness’s car experienced EM effects. The engine stalled and the radio (which had been off) began issuing “strange voices.” (Rodeghier, 1981, p. 34.)
Location. Near Melville New York
Date: April 14 1967
Time: 2100
A motorist saw a glowing object overhead, suddenly his car engine stalled, and a smaller circular metallic object landed besides the road. His car radio, which had been turned off, began to broadcast in a strange language. A tiny metallic robot like figure appeared in the doorway of the object. It then dug up some dirt and placed it inside the craft. The doorway then closed, the object then turned a bright red color and rose into the sky emitting a whirring sound. It appeared to join the large glowing craft overhead.
Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference
Time: April 16, 1967; Downsville, Ontario, Canada
1:15 a.m. EST. Two rotating red, glowing dome-shaped objects separated by a bar (dumbbell shape) hovered overhead, then accelerated away. (Letter dated 4/16/67 in NICAP files.)
Summary: April 16, 1967; Shoreline at NE corner of Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico (BBU)
Time: April 17, 1967; Saigon, Vo Than, Viet Nam
Time not given. Five white oval objects, oriented vertically, moved across the sky in 5 seconds, periodically passing behind small scattered clouds. Five minutes later jet aircraft at high altitude flew in the same direction as the objects. (Haines, 1994, pp. 88-89; Smith 1997, UNICAT #371).
Time: April 17, 1967; Worthing, Sussex, England
2:15 a.m. (9:15 p.m. EST, April 16). A loud humming sound was heard as a glowing object shaped like an upturned saucer flew across the sky. The sound was heard again later and the object was seen moving sideways. (Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 30.)
Time: April 17, 1967; New Haven, WV
8:45 p.m. EST. Independent witnesses in six locations saw a glowing object with lighted ports. A pharmacist saw and followed the object as it flew up the Ohio River at an estimated 500 feet altitude. The object circled back and emitted two huge light beams to the ground from its bottom. This appeared to be a reaction to his flashing his headlights (light reaction). Three miles away a boy in a pony wagon crashed when the animal bucked as it saw the object. Another woman said that her dogs were upset when the object passed (animal reactions). She sketched a round shape with two cone-shaped protuberances sticking out from the sides of the white ball. These protuberances contained rows of porthole-like openings. A farmer reported that the craft hovered above a field and shone its lights down. He said the lights were blindingly bright. Several witnesses, including a sheriff, reported a bright yellow light with objects protruding from it. Yet another witness reported an object that stopped for 2 minutes, then reversed direction without turning and flew directly overhead at an estimated altitude of 400-500 feet. He reported that bright lights were coming from windows on the protuberances, and a row of steady red lights was visible around the object (body lights). TV interference (EM effect) was reported by two people. (Letter from pharmacist, 4/21/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 6; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969b, pp. 41-42.)
Time: April 17, 1967; Jefferson City, MO (BBU)
Time: April 17, 1967; New Haven, WV
Cat. 4. Dog and pony reacted to beam of light.
Time: April 17, 1967; Shelley, ID
9:30-10:00 p.m. PST. A woman and her daughter, age 16, saw a large amber-colored light approaching their car at an altitude of 60-80 feet. As it moved closer, the object was seen to be round with windows on top, and light coming from a bottom bulge. The object passed over the road behind the car, and disappeared after about 3-5 minutes. (Ricks letter in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 1.)
Time: April 18, 1967; Point Pleasant, WV
8:00 p.m. EST. A pilot and ground observers reported an anomalous “light-bearing object.” The pilot attempted to close in on the object and flashed his landing lights, but there was no response and the object disappeared. (West Virginia Register, 4/1/67,(??) copy in NICAP files.)
Time: April 18, 1967; Athens, OH
At 8:05 p.m. About 40 miles north of Point Pleasant, a Ph.D. professor at Ohio University, who is also a private pilot, and four others saw an unidentified light source that alternated between yellow and pink as it moved over a wide arc of sky at moderate speed. It was observed for 10 minutes. (NICAP report form.) At 8:30 pm in Athens, the wife of the Director of Ohio University Center for Social Science Education saw a solid, dull white oval for 10 seconds. It sped up as it moved to the northwest. (NICAP report form).
Time: April 19, 1967; Tully, MA
7:30 p.m. EST. Four witnesses saw a cream-colored domed object with flashing lights, bright white at first and then turning to red. The object hovered, made sharp turns, and moved off slowly. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.)
Summary: April 19; 1967; Huntington, WV
8:45 p.m. EST. A witness reported to the newspaper having seen a round object with red and white colors which followed their car and appeared to move with a gliding motion. (Point Pleasant Register, W.Va., 4/22/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Time: April 19, 1967; Port Clinton, OH
9:00 p.m. EST. Six neighbors saw a bright light that moved straight up, then crossed the sky, stopped, brightened, and emitted two smaller lights. The observation lasted 3 hours. (Port Clinton Daily News 4/20/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Location. Near Estacion Casalegno Santa Fe, Argentina
Date: April 20 1967
Time: 0330A
The conductor of a train, Enrique R Galimberti and another crewmember saw what appeared to be bright multi-colored lights about 120 meters away from the tracks. Thinking it was a fire Galimberti stopped the train and both armed with fire extinguishers attempted to approach the area. As they approached the area they saw what appeared to be multicolored lights moving around in a circular motion, both then observed behind the light what appeared to be a square metallic object over 3 meters in width and about the same in height. It had several lighted windows around its edge. At the front it had what appeared to be a “rotating wheel” that emitted multicolored flashes of light. Around the object several short humanoid figures were walking about. These were wearing silvery gray shiny uniforms, appeared to be bareheaded and appeared to be carrying what resembled a “rifle” or weapon on their shoulders. At one point the witnesses used the train horn to observe any reaction from the figures but there was none. Another railway employee, Salvador Pomidoro reported seeing the square metallic object on the ground in the same location about 15 minutes before.
Source: S von Wurmb, “Hoy” Asuncion Paraguay
Summary: April 20, 1967; Orange, MA
7:15 p.m. EST. Four witnesses saw an object with eight red blinking lights and two white lights (body lights). The object hovered, then moved away slowly. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.)
Time: April 20, 1967; Coldwater, MI
8:15 p.m. EST. A man saw a large cigar-shaped object with many body lights arranged in groupings. It flew low and slow from east to west. (NICAP report form.)
Time: April 20, 1967; Georgetown, MA
8:30 p.m. EST. Six witnesses saw two dark objects with two bright flashing red lights and two dimmer white lights (body lights). The objects moved in a pattern, stopping and reversing direction (maneuvering) at times. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.)
Summary: April 20, 1967; Bolten, MA
9:40 p.m. EST. Three people saw a domed disc with eight glowing yellow ports around the perimeter, white light on top, and red light on the bottom, turquoise lights front and rear (body lights). The object emitted a sound like the buzz of a shorted electric motor. It moved slowly, then sped away. Some vapor was visible with it. (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report in NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 347.)
Time: April 21, 1967; Ephrata, WA
1:30 a.m. PST. Two couples saw an unexplained light ahead and chased it in their car. Then they came upon an unidentified object sitting on the road and had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting it. The object (shape not described) took off, moved behind the car, and followed it for 5 minutes, then disappeared as traffic became heavier. The witnesses were badly shaken by the experience. (June Larson report, 8/1/67, in NICAP files.)
Summary: April 21 , 1967; Cocoa Beach, FL
4:00 p.m. EST. A woman saw a shiny disc with a dome and hazy underside. The object hovered, and tilted as a small aircraft passed beneath it. The plane reversed course possibly to look at the UFO. (Florida NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP report form, in NICAP files.)
Summary: April 21, 1967; Georgetown, MA
7:45 p.m. EST. Three witnesses saw two groups of lights, each composed of three red and one white lights flashing in sequence. A large white light viewed through binoculars showed the appearance of rectangular windows. The object moved into the overcast when aircraft converged on the area (aircraft avoidance). (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.)
Summary: April 21, 1967; Phillipston, MA
8:00 p.m. EST. Three witnesses plus another separate individual reported a dark object with 2-3 bright red body lights that hovered and descended behind trees. Aircraft seemed to have been chasing it. (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) .
Summary: April 21, 1967; South Hill, VA (BBU 11677)
Summary: April 21, 1967; Tucson, AZ
9:55 p.m. MST. A yellow, dome-shaped object with a flat bottom (hemisphere) and with a shaft of light (light beam) pointed upward, descended , tipping and swaying. (APRO Bulletin, May- June 1967, p. 7.)
Time: April 21, 1967; Maeser -Vernal, UT
10:30 p.m. MST A retired Air Force man saw nine silver, lens-shaped objects (discs) making violent maneuvers at an estimated 20,000 feet altitude. Viewed through binoculars, the objects had no visible rudders or tails and no vapor trails. (Salisbury, 1974, Table 1, case 46.)
Date: April 21 1967
Location: Cocoa Beach, Florida
Date: April 21 1967
Location: Near Rapid City Michigan
Time: 2100
Summary: While driving home from work, Charles D, saw a large round, blue white-lighted object descend to earth in a wooded area. After arriving home, he notified the sheriff’s office, and drove back to the site with his wife and children, and accompanied by the deputy sheriff. While Mrs Scott and the children waited in the car, the witness and the officers searched the wooded area, becoming separated. Although the deputy found nothing, the witness encountered a craft resting on small legs in a marshy area; standing beside it was a medium sized man. The witness called out, “Hello,” but received no response; he repeated the greeting and this time received a mental impression of the warning, “Get away from here!” He turned and fled to his car, badly frightened and in an agitated state; at home, when he told his wife about the encounter, he was unable to account for his great alarm.
Source: Richard Hall for Nicap
Summary: April 22, 1967; LaPoint, UT
Evening. A witness drove into a driveway and saw a 50-foot diameter red ellipse resting on the ground. The object rose and departed rapidly when the car lights were turned off. Dogs were barking (animal reaction). (Salisbury, 1974, Table 1, Case 47.)
Time: April 22, 1967; Maryville, TN
9:50 p.m. EST. An airline mechanic and his wife observed a bright disc that climbed slowly, sped up, slowed, changed direction (maneuvered), with erratic motions. The object remained visible for 5 minutes, once giving off a red flash. It was observed through a 3-inch refracting telescope. (NICAP report form.)
Time: April 23, 1967; Elizabeth, IL
12:15 a.m. CST. A man saw a very large elongated object (estimated 50 feet long and 20 feet in width; 2.5: length to 4 width ratio) with a red light at one end and a green light at the other end. A large pulsating red light was visible in the middle (body lights). The object hovered at low altitude, then sped away after about 10 minutes when car headlights hit it (light reaction). It roared louder than a jet, and cattle and dogs reacted (animal reaction). (NICAP report form; Elizabeth Weekly News, 4/26/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Time: April 23, 1967; Orange, MA
8:45 p.m. EDT,. A witness saw a circle of nine white lights that enclosed two red lights, hovering near a church. (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.)
Time: April 26, 1967; Richmond, VA
8:30 p.m. EDT. Two siblings, 13 and 16 years old, saw a silver oval object that had central flashing green lights and a bright light underneath (body lights). The object was hovering near the ground. When the children screamed, the green lights flashed furiously and the object began vibrating and shot straight up into the sky emitting beeping and shrill whistling sounds. (NICAP report form and letter.)
Independent observation: UFOCAT data base lists a sighting same day at Quantico, Va., Marine Corps Naval Air Station, about 60 miles away. See also the following case reported about the same time as the children’s sighting.
Time: April 26, 1967; St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada
8:30 p.m. EDT. An object with an intensely bright. flashing red light descended, the red light stopped flashing and turned green. Then a light beam shot out of the object, catching a dog and the witness in its light for an instant. The object then flashed green, turned yellow-white, and moved away with the lights flashing red, green, and yellow in no particular order. As it moved away the object hovered, banked, and drifted slowly. No sound was heard. (Report in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 3.)
Time: April 26, 1967; Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
9:30 p.m. EDT. A witness saw a small cylinder, estimated 3 feet in diameter and 5 feet tall, with flashing lights. The object landed, deploying six legs when it was about 4 feet from the ground. A whirring sound during landing stopped once the object was at rest. Ground impressions (physical traces) were found at the landing site. (NICAP report form and unidentified newspaper clipping dated 9/8/67 in NICAP files.)
Time: April 26, 1967; Mt. St. Helena, WA
Night. Two teenagers saw a saucer-shaped object with a dome, swept back wings, and red body lights. As it pursued the witnesses’ car and illuminated it with a light beam, a whistling sound could be heard. The object then turned away and started to follow a truck that passed. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) [Note the flurry of vehicle encounter cases-Code V- over in about a 2-week period in late April and early May.]
Time: April 27, 1967; Bloomfield, NM
4:34 p.m. MDT. Two men, one a Federal Aviation Administration electronic technician, saw a huge, polished, metallic-appearing ball that hovered, started to descend, and then disappeared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance). (Letter received 11 /28/67, NICAP files.)
Time: April 27, 1967; SW part of State, OK
8:30 p.m. Three witnesses saw an object that flashed light beams onto a car and paced the car at an estimated altitude of 200 feet, remaining visible for several minutes. (Arkansas Gazette, 4/29/67, copy in NICAP files.)
Time: April 27, 1967; Kingston, NH
10:10 p.m. EDT (9:30 p.m. CDT). Three adults independently saw a dirigible-shaped (elliptical) object with “bubble” dome on top and two protrusions on its underside. It had bright red body lights in a circular pattern, some flashing, and a white light in the center. The estimated 30-foot-long object paced a car at treetop level, emitting a shrill beeping sound which diminished as it disappeared in the distance. (NICAP report form; Reynolds report received 7/26/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; Fowler, 1974, p. 348.)
Time: April 27, 1967; Green Lake, WI (BBU)
10:00 p.m. CDT. Four boys with the aid of binoculars saw a cone-shaped object with a blue underside and a top that changed color from red to orange to white. The object descended with oscillating motions, and illuminated the woods an estimated one-half mile away. (Sparks, 2001, case 1449, from Vallee, 1969, p. 344.)
Summary: April 28, 1967; Brixham, Devon, UK
11:25 a.m. LT. A Coast Guard Station was alerted to a bright object in the sky and viewed it through 25x binoculars on a tripod. The object was stationary, revolving slowly. It was cone-shaped, pointed end up, and had a small triangular mark near the bottom, which had a crinkled appearance. A plane was seen to circle the object. More than an hour later, the object moved off slowly at a right angle to wind direction and disappeared into clouds. Possible radar detection. (Hennessey-Jenkins report, 5/26/67, NICAP files; National Enquirer 9/10/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files; Le Figaro 5/21 /67 quoting London Sunday Express 5/21 /67, copy in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 8.) [Note: The duration, description, and lack of any abrupt or rapid motions all suggest that this was in all probability a large, plastic research balloon. At their altitude, wind direction can be different from that at lower altitudes.]
Time: April 28, 1967; Toronto, Ontario, Canada
9:00 p.m. EDT. A real estate agent and occupants of three other cars saw a shiny, metallic-appearing flattened sphere an estimated 20 feet in diameter and 15 feet tall, with a band of alternate non-blinking red and green body lights around the middle. The object hovered just above tree-top level for about 2 minutes, then dropped down about 10 feet. The witness became frightened and fled before the object disappeared. (NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, May-June 1967, p. 3.) [Note the following report of a flattened ellipse same date about 2-1 /2 hours later.]
Time: April 28, 1967; Shelley, ID
9:35 p.m. MDT (11:35 p.m. EDT). A private pilot and his family saw a flattened ellipse with a superstructure and a large orange light. Through binoculars, rods or supports could be seen between the superstructure and the body. Arriving home with the object still in view, they saw it accelerate and a small ball of fire (“fire ball”) fell from the left side and drifted, after which a second fire ball fell away. The object then disappeared. (Ricks-Carter report dated 5/24/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 3)
Time: April 30, 1967; Orange, MA
Evening. Many witnesses reported five objects with three green lights in a row and two red lights (body lights) underneath. The objects were visible for about 2 hours, hovering and darting around. One object dropped a ball of blue light. (The Worcester Evening Gazette, Mass., 5/2/67, copy in NICAP files.) [See previous case re: dropped “fire ball.”]
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