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Date: 1966
Location: California, exact location not given
Time: unknown
Summary: Schoolteacher, Cordelia Donovan reportedly met a man in a long white robe that kidnapped her in a black Cadillac and gassed her. When she awoke she was onboard a flying disc where she was reportedly raped by a well-endowed human-like spaceman.
Source: John Keel, Our Haunted Planet
Date: 1966: Huge disk like object with dome top, gray metallic, with rainbow lights
Date: 1966
Location: New South Wales, Australia, exact location not given
Summary: Under hypnosis the witness remembered being in a moving vehicle in a rural area when the car engine stopped. It then started again; the witness then drove and then walked to the location of an abduction. He recalled being inside an object with four to six beings around him. The beings were short with elongated heads, very large wrap around lizard like eyes, and tiny noses, mouths and ears. No clothing was noted. They had pointed feet and moved extremely quick and seemed indifferent to him. The beings communicated by using telepathy apparently warning the witness of upcoming global disasters.A well known case with witness George Pedley observing an object at close range at 0900. He saw a light gray, non-reflecting object, estimated to be 25 feet long and 8 feet thick, rising vertically from marshland. It then climbed at a 45 degree angle from a height of about 30 feet above the marsh surface. The object ascended at a point 75 feet from the witness. He could hear a hissing sound as the UFO climbed. He described it as two saucers, edge to edge.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1966
Location: Arizona desert
Time: unknown
Summary: In the desert there was an alleged skirmish between the military and aliens landed near a UFO. One alien was captured but died. There are few details or sources for this report, according to this source.
Source: William F Hamilton, The Phoenix Light Mystery
Date: 1966
Location: Blowing Cave, Arkansas
Time: late afternoon
Summary: Several spelunkers, among them George D. Wight, were exploring the cave when they spotted a light at the end of the tunnel. As they approached it, Wight noticed a narrow crevice, just big enough for him to squeeze inside it where he found artificial steps. He called to the others and they climbed through the opening. The tunnel expanded and they suddenly came into a large corridor, 20 by 20. The walls and the floors were smooth and the ceiling had a curved dome shape. Soon they encountered blue skinned but otherwise human-like individuals. The strangers communicated with the witnesses, telling them that they had instruments that could measure people’s emotions. They learned that the tunnels went on for miles. They were led to underground cities populated by entities that included serpent-like creatures and large hairy bipeds. Using an elevator-like device, they were taken to a glass like city. Soon after this incident, Wight apparently returned to the cave and was never seen again.
Source: Richard Toronto
Date: 1966
Location. Willagee Western Australia
Date: 1966
Time: late afternoon
Several young children were playing outside when suddenly their chickens created a great commotion and their dog flew into frenzy, its hair stood on end and it began chasing its tail. The children then saw a metallic saucer shaped object dip down over them. The craft had a dome with portholes on top, and inside several figures wearing dark shirts with round white collars could be seen looking out. The object then flew north and disappeared from sight.
Source: Brian Richards, UFORUM
Date: 1966
Location. Peter Bottom Arkansas
Date: 1966
Time: late afternoon
Two boys were traveling on horseback in an isolated area when a man in a tractor suddenly emerged from the valley, moving at full speed in their direction. The man was extremely agitated and told them to leave the area, that a “monster” was living in the Bottom, he had seen it only moments before. The two boys, unafraid, decided to investigate as the farmer drove away. As they entered further into the wilderness area, the horses refused to go any further, so they continued on foot. A few minutes later they found themselves in a gorgeous mountain meadow lush with flowers and sweet smelling grass. One of the boys then noticed what appeared to be clumps of white fur lying near the trunk of an old tree. It looked like a dead dog or animal. Suddenly the clump stood up and ambled toward them. It was a creature nearly 9-feet tall, and almost completely covered with thick, snow white fur. Where the skin was exposed it was a strange, pinkish color. Its face and posture was human like. It also emitted a powerful odor, and made a sound like a radio signal as it slowly approached the two boys. The signal sounded like “beep, beep, beep.” The terrified witnesses fled the area immediately. A posse was formed to hunt the creature down, but it was never found. Dead and mutilated cows were found in the area & also a human corpse, missing its limbs from its battered torso.
Source: D Douglas Graham, Fate November 1995
Date: 1966
Location. Blowing Cave, Arkansas
Date: 1966
Time: late afternoon
Several spelunkers, among them George D Wight, were exploring the cave when they spotted a light at the end of the tunnel. As they approached it, Wight noticed a narrow crevice, just big enough for him to squeeze inside it. Then he found artificial steps. He called to the others and they climbed through the opening. The tunnel expanded and they suddenly came into a large corridor, 20 by 20. The walls and the floors were smooth and the ceiling had a curved dome shape. Soon they encountered blue skinned but otherwise human-like individuals. The strangers communicated with the witnesses, telling them that they had instruments that could measure people’s emotions. They learned that the tunnels went on for miles. They were led to underground cities populated by entities that included serpent-like creatures and large hairy bipeds. Soon using an elevator-like device they were taken to a glass like city. Soon after this incident, Wight apparently returned to the cave and was never seen again.
Source: Richard Toronto
Date: 1966
Location: Washington D.C.
Time: afternoon
Summary: The 16-year old witness and a friend were at the Library of Congress when out of the blue and out of the elevator doors a stunning figure, with a perfect body; radiant beautiful blue eyes and blond short hair stepped in. The witness believes there was some sort of telepathic communication. The witness had the extreme urge to touch the stranger, but this one would simply but pleasantly not allow it. He just smiled, laughed at the same time radiating some sort of inner peace and kindness. He seemed amused at the witness childish behavior. They then followed the stranger down the corridor leading to the exit. He stood and looked back, and smiled. The witness ran out the building to see the stranger enter a yellow car that was parked just in front of theirs. The yellow car disappeared in the heavy traffic. That same night in Silver Spring Maryland both witnesses heard a voice in their dining room and kitchen. They both then looked out the window to see an unknown object hovering high in the sky. Minute’s later air force planes were seen over the area.
Source: UFO Casebook Forum
Date: 1966: A Large Yellowish Rectangle Hanging in the Air
Date: 1966
Location: Congonhas do Campo Brazil
Time: after sunset
Summary: Just after sunset, Fazenda owner Walter de Freitas saw a bright white light come down from the sky and land by the river, 500 yards away. He walked to within 50 yards and could see a metallic lens shaped object standing on legs. Underneath it were moving figures-he was not sure whether like people or like animals-and he could see & hear that they were digging in the earth. When he got to within 30 yards, these 3 or 4 figures disappeared into the craft, which shot out fire and smoke and rose straight up. Many small fresh holes were left at the site.
Source: Andrija Puharich
Date: 1966
Location. Forster New South Wales, Australia
Date: 1966
Time: 2130
Two men going out for a drive on a hot night remembered seeing a circular shaped object land on a clearing in a paddock. Red pulsating lights could be seen coming from rectangular windows. A very tall luminous figure was then seen. The beings had a conical shaped head and stood with its right hand on its hip. As the entity approached, the witnesses fled the area.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1966
Location. Arkansas, exact location not given
Date: 1966
Time: night
A “man” that used to be a boarder in her house awakened the witness one night. He blindfolded her and told her to follow him. He drove her for miles before stopping; she was then taken inside a landed object. Inside she saw a type of laboratory and several humanoids wearing long dark cloaks and hoods, with shadowy facial features. She was examined on a table and told that she would not be “useful” for their purposes, since she has had an operation that prevented her form having offspring.
Source: Brad Steiger, The UFO Abductors
Date: 1966
Location. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Date: 1966
Time: night
A man and his fiancée were parked on the outskirts of the city and were listening to the radio, when they suddenly heard loud stomping noises behind their vehicle. Frightened they sped away from the area, and as they arrived home they realized they had lost almost two hours of time. Later he was able to recall that both had been taken out of their vehicle by four dark thin beings with yellow eyes and apparently taken inside an object and medically examined. No other information.
Source: Kandy Turner, UFO Vol. 6 # 5
Date: 1966
Location. Near Gallipolis Ohio
Date: 1966
Time: night
A woman who lived in a farm had reported her cattle being mutilated by unknown assailants. One night she went out armed with a shotgun to investigate and encountered several tall men wearing white coveralls. She chased them but they ran very fast and were able to easily jump over the fences.
Source: John A Keel, Strange Mutants
Date: 1966
Location: Vereeniging, South Africa
Time: night
Summary: MB was lying in bed when she suddenly became aware of a far-off whirring vibration, suddenly a small metallic Saturn shaped object appeared and hovered quietly over her bed, it seemed to have numerous oval shaped portholes around its rim. As she lay there staring at the object, she suddenly found herself inside of it. She was seated on a stool next to a porthole looking outside at what appeared to be ploughed fields and fences. Suddenly the craft swept up and nothing more was visible except for the interior of the object. She noticed sitting on a seat facing her, a very handsome man. He appeared to have perfect looks, build and immaculate in dress. He wore green “spectacles” with square frames and a hat. He stared intently at the witness. Besides him, where three more men and a woman. The woman wore a silk scarf tied around her head; a pleated woolen skirt in brown tones and a finely knitted woolen twin-set and a pair of brown brogues. She saw in the pit of the craft machinery and several crewmembers operating machinery. One of them operated a central steering column, which stood upright in the middle. Suddenly she found herself inside a large room, empty but for a white painted dining room table, oval shaped, and six tall backed chairs around it. From the wall protruded an elbow-arm with a large green disc light over the center of the table. She was alone in the room and noticed several white painted closed doors. She went to one of the doors then opened it, there was a long passage, and she went in and then found herself back in the central control room of the craft. When she became aware that they were returning to earth she panicked and pleaded with the crew not to take her back. But without any knowledge how she got there, she suddenly found herself lying in her bed again.
Source: UFO Afrinews, July 1988
Date: 1966: Anchorage, Alaska Sighting
Date: 1966
Location: Alamogordo, New Mexico
Time: night
Summary: Because of his high clearance, Air Force Sergeant Bill Holden was assigned to top-secret flights and special air missions. On trip took him to the above location on a mission called Project Mercury. It consisted of Air Force officers and civilian scientists. Although ordered to remain at a distance Holden said he could see a vehicle shaped like a saucer and parked on three legs. And to his surprise he said he also saw two aliens wearing silver/gray metallic coverall uniforms. Before the mission he had to sign a 20-year non-disclosure statement and was asked if he objected to being involved in other similar projects.
Source: UFO Chronicles
Date: 1966
Location. Esterhazy Saskatchewan Canada
Date: 1966
Time: late night
The three-year old witness saw a being standing in her bedroom, described as otherwise normal but with very bright eyes. No other information.
Source: CUFORN
Date: 1966
Location. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Date: 1966
Time: late night
The witness was in bed and felt restless; she then went to the outside toilet. There was a large silvery object present. A ramp led to it and she went inside. The ramp closed behind her. The next morning she only had vague recollections of what happened. Later she recalled some details. Inside she met four beings, and there was communication. She felt very happy about the experience. She was given a choice to stay with them or return. She chose the latter because of her children. The next moment she found herself in the kitchen.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1966
Location. Dead Man’s Pond, Wanaque, New Jersey
Date: 1966
Time: late night
The 9-year old witness had gone into a desolate area in order to catch insects for a school project. After about 10 minutes he noticed a huge shadow moving back and forth across the pond. He looked up into the sky and saw the biggest and scariest bird-like creature gliding across the pond, silently and with glaring eyes. It looked like it had fur rather than feathers and its wingspan was about 20 ft. Terrified the witness beat a hasty retreat from the area. (Mothman in New Jersey?).
Source: Weird New Jersey
Date: 1966
Location: Washtenaw County, Michigan
Date: 1966
Location: Hillsdale Michigan
Date: 1966
Location: Near Marshall, Michigan
Time: night
Summary: Three young itinerant crop workers, Phillip Williams, Herman Williams and Otto Collins reported being attacked by a green-eyed, rotten-stinking Bigfoot type creature in a wooded area, where a farmer said a luminous object had landed.
Source: Magonia database
Date: 1966
Location: Michigan
Date: 1966
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