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(Last Updated On: )
Date: May, 1966
Location: Whiteman AFB, MO
Summary: Multi-witness daylight landing (#234) occupants. Whiteman AFB was a Minuteman ICBM Complex with 15 launch control centers and 150 ICBMs.
Date: May, 1966: Large, bright, silver/white saucer-shaped craft passes over field
Date: May 1, 1966;
Location: Watertown, MA
Time: 10:00 p.m. EDT.
Summary: Four witnesses saw an oval object with bright rotating red, green, and white lights pass over the Watertown Arsenal.
Source: Fowler 1974, p. 341
Time: May 4, 1966; Charleston, WV (BBU)
4:30 [3:40?] a.m. FAA air traffic controller tracked an unidentified non transponding target about 5 miles to the 11 o’clock position from Braniff Airline Flight 42 headed E at 33,000 ft, which crew saw high above as a white-blue object giving off brilliant flaming light of alternating white-green-red colors. Radar showed object veering away to 8-10 miles away at 10 o’clock position, then come at the Braniff airliner to 3 miles distance then made a 180° left turn to the NW again within a diameter of 5 miles at 1,000 mph [5 g’s] which the Braniff crew confirmed with object descending from 20° elevation above horizon. (Hynek UFO Exp ch. 7, Case RV-2)
Time: May 4, 1966; Cardington, OH
Time not reported. About 10 people watched a saucer-shaped glowing object hover above the trees for 30 minutes. Smaller lights, occasionally flashing, darted to and from it. The object departed when an aircraft approached the area (aircraft avoidance). (NICAP notes.)
Summary: May 6, 1966; Carnestown, FL
2:05 a.m. EDT. In Collier County, southwest Florida, vicinity of Naples, a shaken motorist made a statement to Naples police about his car being approached from behind by a “large white light” that came within about 100-150 feet of his car, changing color to blue-green. He tried to flee, but the UFO zoomed past him making a “whooshing” noise, and circled around to the left and disappeared. (NICAP notes, police statement in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.)
Time: May 7, 1966; Goodfellow AFB, TX (BBU 10535)
9:55 p.m. A/3c W. L. Whitehead saw a short, cylindrical object with pointed ends, a yellow light at one end, blue light at the other, fly straight and level. (Berliner)
Date: May 10 1966
Location: Marisela-Caracas Venezuela
Time: 1652
Summary: A man observed the landing of an oval object and 2 beings, which came out of the object through a system of light beams. They used strange instruments to examine a number of objects, especially plants. They were 6 ft tall, had oversized heads, and appeared bright & “transparent.” Their eyes were slanted, their shoulders very broad. They wore no apparent weapon, but their belts were very wide & emitted light rays. They did not touch anything without first illuminating it with these beams. They went back aboard the craft “as if carried by the light.”
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia
Location. Whiteman AFB Missouri
Date: mid-May 1966
Time: daylight
At least 11 security guards posted around the site and the base and other independent witnesses reported an object descending in broad daylight into the woods, damaging tree limbs and branches on the way down. It was circular and according to rumor it landed on four structured legs (several children with their parents) that were about 100 to 200 ft from it witnessed this. As they approached the area they were able to see a small humanoid entering the base of the object. The craft quickly ascended vertically and moved away rapidly. The witnesses contacted the tower and security teams were dispatched to cordon the area off. According to the security guards, the vegetation was burnt at the center of four imprints, which were several inches deep and about a foot square. The base photographer was ordered to take pictures of the sight; his negatives and photos were confiscated. The base was a missile silo location at the time. In one occasion a motion alarm went off at one of the missile sites and two strike teams were sent there and observed a hovering circular object with many lights on it. It was at least 50 feet from the site and the strike teams experienced radio interference. They asked their commander what they should do and they were told that “if anything came out shoot it” after several anxious minutes the object flew silently away.
Source: Ted Phillips
Date: May 1966
Date: May 1966
Date: May 16 1966
Location: Cordoba Spain
Time: 0730A
Summary: Farmer Manuel Hernandez was returning home from the fields walking on Los Morales County Road when at about 100 meters away from him he observed a disc shaped object. The craft was metallic and had a protruding rim that reflected the early morning sunlight. Carefully, he approached to within several meters of the object, which appeared to be about 3 meters in diameter. Suddenly out of nowhere and without any opening becoming visible on the object, several bizarre beings appeared. The humanoids flew around the object and over the nearby field. Afraid, Hernandez began moving away from the area and noticed that the creatures appeared to be short in stature with bird-like wing-like protrusions and gray-green skin color. He could not distinguish any facial features, but did see that the strange humanoids wore dark coveralls and transparent glass helmets that covered their heads. Terrified he ran all the way home. Later, upon returning to the site with several family members, the object and the bizarre creatures were nowhere in sight.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia and Iker Jimenez Encuentros, La Historia de Los Ovni en España
Summary: May 16, 1966; Temple City, CA
12:30 p.m. PDT. A newspaper editor and office manager were called outdoors to see a grayish-green object high in the northern sky changing shape from rectangular, or roughly diamond-shaped, to domed disc. The object, apparently metallic, was reflecting sunlight. Haze-like heat waves surrounded it. For 15 minutes the object moved around lazily, then suddenly sped off to the northeast and disappeared. The editor compared the departure speed to that of a jet aircraft.
Summary: May 16, 1966; Temple City, CA
About 1:10 p.m. at a school in the area, the principal noticed the children on the playground staring at something in the sky. He looked and saw a dark disc-shaped object with dome on top moving from high overhead toward the east. Several other witnesses made similar reports between 1:00 and 1:30 pm. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report.)
Time: May 17, 1966; New Orleans, LA
Day. A Boeing engineer was among the witnesses who saw two discs flying off each wingtip of an airliner. The outer discs lagged briefly during a turn by the airliner. (NICAP report form.)
Time: May 17, 1966; Mentor, OH
Time not reported. An aircraft design engineer saw a bluish-white object pickup 10 smaller objects in groups, brightening each time a pick-up was made, then dimming (luminosity/motion correlation). The parent object then turned to the west and accelerated away. (NICAP notes.)
Date: May 21, 1966
Location: Morristown New Jersey
Time: dusk
Summary: Four hysterical witnesses watched in a local park a strange creature described as at least seven-foot tall, apparently faceless, covered with long black hair and with scaly skin. It had broad shoulders, and it walked on two legs in a stiff, rocking movement. The witnesses were in a parked car when they saw the creature walk by.
Source: Loren Coleman, Mysterious America
Date: May 21, 1966: Pilot and passengers see UFO
Time: May 23, 1966; Gainesville, FL.
University campus police saw a round glowing object with outer ring of red lights, and a white flashing light in the center, hover above the athletic field, then fly away. (NICAP notes from newspaper story.)
Summary: May 24, 1966; Temple City, CA
4:15 p.m. PDT. A woman driving in Temple City saw a strange object approach from the southwest, hover and bob around. She stopped and observed the object at relatively close range, at treetop level across a wide highway. “It was the shape of two geranium pots put together with the bands in the center,” she said. Although the object was clearly outlined, there was a slight haze surrounding it. The color was bright green. Flashes of sunlight reflected off the surface, giving it a metallic sheen. On the body were what appeared to be a row of louvers and an antenna-like projection. After several minutes the object climbed to the northeast, observed as it moved away by employees of a nearby restaurant who were alerted by the witness. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report.)
Date: May 1966
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