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(Last Updated On: )
Date: 1965
Location: St George Bristol England
Time: series of times
Summary: The figure of a man appeared at least 6 times to the witness in the lounge of her apartment. He was tall, long blond haired, fair skinned and blue eyed, and wore a gray, metallic looking 2-piece suit with a 4 inch wide belt and trousers tucked into boots; on his head was a large bulbous, silvery helmet. There was no communication. He also appeared in the same spot, facing the kitchen door.
Source: Charles Bowen, FSR Vol. 14 # 5
Date: 1965
Location: Tallahassee, Florida
Summary: Interest in UFOs prompted several persons in Tallahassee, Florida to phone the weather bureau when this mystery blotch appeared for two nights in 1965. It hung over the city for half-an-hour each time, then faded away. This photo was taken, and a good one it is.
Date: 1965
Location: Beijing, China
Date: 1965: Dome-shaped UFO in Cornwall, UK
Date: 1965
Location: Near Fouke, Arkansas
Time: unknown
Summary: In a swampy area 14-year old James Crabtree encountered a seven to eight-foot tall, reddish haired creature. Crabtree claims to have shot the creature three times in the face but without any effect.
Source: Ron Schaffner
Date: 1965.
Location: Bernalillo, New Mexico
Date: 1965
Location: Brasilia Brazil
Time: unknown
Summary: A man claimed he was abducted by a crew of Ufonauts and taken to their home planet, where he was put through a series of rigorous physical exercises; the planet was cold, the air was thin and its surface was pitted with craters. The personnel stationed there lived in specially equipped quarters, and the witness saw thousands of UFOs, and was told that they were being readied for “a peaceful invasion” of earth “next year.” It was reliably established that the man was unaccountably gone from his home and job for two weeks.
Source: Coral Lorenzen
Date: 1965
Location: Ann Arbor Michigan
Time: unknown
Summary: While riding by a cornfield with her husband, the witness remembered a light in the sky, beings, and a peaceful feeling associated with the experience. Under hypnosis she recalled pulling over to the side of the road while a UFO landed, she got out on one side and her husband on the other. She apparently lost consciousness and fell to the ground, then awoke when a being helped her up. The being (not described) touched her on the cheek, leaving her with a sense of love and compassion.
Source: Leo R Sprinkle
Date: 1965
Location: Hobart Tasmania Australia
Time: unknown
Summary: The witness recalled being visited by humanoid figures dressed in black that supposedly came from a distant star. They revealed that they were in earth for a purpose since they had to escape their planet due to a cataclysm. No other information.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1965
Location: Fairborn Ohio
Time: unknown
Summary: While visiting the local air force museum a government employee went through a double door marked “off limits” and suddenly came face to face with a four to five foot tall being with blue skin, wearing what appeared to be a self contained space suit. The being walked stiff legged and had a translucent glass dome over its large head; it had large eyes under a heavy brow, no nose, and a slit like mouth. The witness later learned that the being was being held in captivity there in an artificial environment.
Source: LeRoy Pea, UFO Crash Secrets at Wright Patterson Air Force Base
Date: 1965
Location: Indianapolis Indiana
Time: unknown
Summary: The witness, who was 18-years old at the time, remembers being abducted and taken inside a large room by a tall thin being with a huge pear shaped head and huge oval black eyes and wearing a light colored long sleeve gown. The tall being was apparently accompanied by several short gray skin humanoids. No other information.
Source: Linda Moulton Howe Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I
Date: 1965
Location: Near El Aaiun Morocco (formerly Spanish Sahara)
Time: unknown
Summary: Medium and Seer Carmen Yague reported encountering a landed disc-shaped object in an area within some sand dunes. Around the craft she saw several man-like figures wearing white shimmering outfits. On the chest area the humanoids had what appeared to be a large H-shaped figure and what appeared to be binary numbers. No other information.
Source:Ignacio Darnaude, UMMO File
Date: 1965
Location: Poland, exact location not given
Time: unknown
Summary: The main witness (involved in other encounters) was taking a stroll on a meadow with her mother when she saw a huge golden-red sphere in the sky. She shouted as her mother ran to her. The sphere approached them and a strange beam seemingly made out of multicolored beads of light shot out from the side of the sphere. The light surrounded the women and apparently pulled them onboard the sphere. While her mother was taken to a different location, the witness lay on a soft bed. A tall light-haired man dressed in a loose-fitting, silvery-bluish uniform approached her. When she saw him she no longer felt afraid, she somehow trusted him. After an examination she and her mother were transported to the ground within the beam of light.
Source: K. Bzowski in: “Gwiazdy mowia” Magazine
Date: 1965: Kabul, Afghanistan Alien Encounter
Date: 1965
Location: Bay City Michigan
Time: early morning
Summary: The witness, who was a young child at the time, woke up one morning to see a three-foot tall man standing at the side of the bed. The being wore a brown jumpsuit. His skin was brown and he had large round brown eyes. He stared at the witness for a few seconds, smiled and then apparently went under the bed and vanished.
Source: Witness letter in UFO Universe Summer 1989
Date: 1965
Location: Poole Dorset England
Time: night
Summary: A 7-year old boy, Terrence Druce, awoke one night to see a triangular shaped entity, about 4 ft in height, standing at the foot of his bed. It was composed of closely fitting triangles of many colors, and had thin black arms ending in crab-like pincers. The boy screamed and woke his brother, who also saw the figure for a moment before it disappeared.
Source: Leslie Harris, FSR Case Histories # 9
Date: 1965
Location: Poole Dorset, England
Time: daytime
Summary: The day following the previous incident, the two brothers, Terrence and Broderick Druce 6, were returning home across a parking lot when they again saw a triangular entity, standing next to a parked car, it reached about half way up the window of the car (approximately 4 ft). This time it was completely black, and the younger boy saw a nose or “beak” that jutted out near the apex. When they fled in fright, the figure turned as if to watch them.
Source: Leslie Harris, FSR Case Histories # 9
Date: 1965
Location: Chester, Cheshire, England
Time: various
Summary: Suzanne Brown claims she was visited numerous times by a 5 ft alien with shoulder length blond hair who wore a skintight membrane suit. Originally the visits which began when she was just 12 were relaxed and even “loving”, but by the time they ended she says she was terrified. According to Suzanne the creature communicated via telepathy, he called himself Myriko. At one point she was taken onboard a spaceship where she met other humans. A few months later and while home alone she began experiencing terrible pain from pressure in her lower abdomen. The pressure was crushing and becoming very painful, she then opened her eyes and Myriko confronted her. Telepathically, he told her not to worry that his people were merely taking what was theirs. She passed out and after waking up realized that her clothes were soaked with blood and it looked like she had suffered from a miscarriage. Her pregnancy appeared to have been terminated. Finally Myriko took her onboard a craft and showed her what appeared to be a nursery. There was an infant entity lying in a nearby cot, gray skinned and frail. It was apparently her child. Somehow she knew it was her child. Her final visitation was when she was 39-years old.
Source: Carl Nagaitis Without Consent
Date: 1965
Location: Anaheim, California
Time: daytime
Summary: A family was vacationing in Disneyland and was in one of the small shops ogling the stuff and deciding whether to buy anything. The wife heard someone say “hello.” She ignored it. “Hello,” again. And again. She straightened up and looked around: no one except her family, the clerk and a customer being checked out. The voice again: “I am speaking to you.” She stood back and whirled around. There was a person who hadn’t been there before, very strong facial features, and large pointed ears. She was being contacted telepathically, and was frightened. The man was very tall, and knew that he was scaring her. He told her not to be afraid, that he was “Velusian” and he was there on vacation. Her husband was still blissfully unaware of his wife’s state, and was bending over looking in the display cases. “By this time I was terrified because I had never encountered anything like this before and I am trying to get my husband up, you know, to try to�what am I doing, am I losing my mind? By this time I got him, he’s going “What’s wrong?” and I said, “This man here” and by the time I got him up this man had vanished. Out the door, vanished. Or just vanished.
Source: Michael D. Swords “Grassroots UFOs”
Date: 1965
Location: Batu Gajah Perak Malaysia
Time: 1400
Summary: Two schoolchildren on their way home sighted a small object on the ground near some bamboo plants near the school. Three to four tiny humanoid figures were seen near the object. No other information.
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A Summary of UFO and Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Date: 1965
Location: San Angel, Mexico City Mexico
Time: afternoon
Summary: Enrique Mercado Orue had stepped out after buying some cigarettes at a local store when he noticed a strange individual looking into his car, an Opel model. As he approached he noticed that it was a very tall man that looked and smiled at him. The stranger was light skinned, with silvery white hair and apparently about 27 years of age. The stranger then quickly walked away, disappearing over a nearby hill, as if gliding over the rocky terrain.
Source: Fabio Picasso
Date: 1965
Location: El Yunque Puerto Rico
Time: afternoon
Summary: In an area ripe with reports of UFO sightings and other weird encounters, 8-year old Maria Esther Figueroa had gone camping along with her school friends and several teachers. Maria mysteriously disappeared in the thick jungle and was never heard from again. Years later the other girl that had been in the woods with her at the time of her disappearance, came forward and told reporters that she had heard little Maria scream, and saw her struggling with two tall men dressed in light blue/gray coveralls, that had apparently grabbed her. The girl also screamed and the men saw her, telling her, in no uncertain terms to leave the area or she would too be taken. The men made a sudden move towards her and she ran away in a panic, apparently blocking the incident from her mind for years to come.
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 7
Date: 1965
Location: Avon Park Florida
Time: afternoon
Summary: The witnesses, who lived by a lake, one day, noticed an object hovering low over the water near the lakeshore. At the same time in a field near their house they saw several short child like figures that had large heads and huge dark eyes. The figures wore silvery outfits and seemed to be cavorting about like children playing.
Source: Rick Grootveldt
Date: 1965
Location: Dirtane County Kerry Ireland
Time: afternoon
Summary: A 12-year old girl on her way back to school heard a peculiar tapping sound coming from a nearby ditch, she went over to investigate and there she saw a very small man dressed in green and red clothing. He appeared to be doing something on the ground. The witness quickly departed.
Source: Scott S Smith, Fate March 1993
Date: 1965
Location: Near Sydney New South Wales Australia
Time: 1900
Summary: A woman, visiting near Sydney, watched a strange cloud come toward the base of a cliff in the house where she was staying. The “cloud” was transformed into a snow-white saucer, from whose edges emerge steam like vapor. The UFO emitted a hum-like sound as it hovered near the cliff and from it emerged a shining ladder, lowered from a hatchway. A man descended the ladder and shone a strange beam of light into the sea below; shortly after the object emitted a brilliant pink flare, which ascended out to sea and the ladder, with the man still on a rung, was retracted into the UFO. The object sped off in the direction of the flare; in the moonlight, the woman could see a long shape farther out in the water toward which the UFO moved; when it reached this floating object, both disappeared in a vivid pink flash.
Source: Keith Basterfield
Date: 1965
Location: Glen Allen, Virginia
Time: 1900
Summary: The witness, Kevin Jackson, an 8-year old child at the time was playing with a group of kids in a local church when he looked out the back fire escape door window on the 2nd or 3rd floor. He saw very close to the back of the church an oval or saucer-shaped UFO about 100-150 feet away. The craft was pretty much at eye level with the witness, perhaps slightly upward. He could see what appeared to be a number of window segments separated by vertical strips that extended about 50-60 per cent of the object’s width. The object appeared to be about 15-20 ft tall, and about 30-50 feet wide. It was pretty much occupying the leaf span directly over a 30-50 year old oak tree or similar tree. The window portion of the craft was emanating a red light and was very close to the top of the tree, so the windows may have been on the underside, but the witness could not really be sure. What he could remember more clearly was that the soft red light from the windows silhouetted several human-like figures that appeared to be sitting with some slight movements. He was curious until he saw the movement and then he became frightened. The craft made no apparent noise that he could hear inside and was hovering very still. He could not tell what color or material the object was, but could see its basic form in the dark. When he saw the movement inside the object he remembered grabbing another kid to look at it and he saw it too. When this happened he became very frightened and ran into the main church disrupting the service.
Source: http://www.etcontact.net/newsite
Date: 1965
Location: US
Time: night
Summary: The witness was awakened in the middle of the night by two beings with oval shaped hairless heads, round dark eyes and wearing dark coveralls. She was taken by the arms and floated out the window. She was escorted up a ramp into a dark elliptical shaped craft, which had apparently landed on a nearby schoolyard. She was then taken into a room and placed on a table where she was examined. Later she woke up to see a strange eye shaped object examining her. Later she was apparently allowed to play in the schoolyard with some other children. She was eventually floated back to her home.
Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project
Date: 1965
Location: Mamaroneck New York
Time: night
Summary: The witness remembers waking up and seeing a black shape standing over her, looking down at her, she is apparently paralyzed. She remembers seeing people from all over the apartment complex were gathered in the courtyard. She went out the window into this courtyard and observed an object hovering about six feet off the ground. The people were all in a trance and were being taken up one at a time into the object. Other tall black figures were around the courtyard. When she was taken inside the craft she was met by two of the black figures and placed horizontally on a table. One of the figures comes to her right side, the other to her left. One examines her with a tube like instrument, which is 12 inches long, and approximately one inch in diameter with a round end, it had a cord hooked to it. She is asked to look at the figure’s hands. It has three long fingers and a thumb. She then looks at the face, but can only see eyes, but not well. The tube is then inserted into her vagina. There is no pain. Then a smaller instrument, which looks like a metal eyedropper, is inserted up her nose. She then gets up and looks at the table. It is like cold metal and it has one pedestal for a base. She then steps down through a glowing hole on the floor of the object and is returned to the courtyard. She goes back into her apartment through the window, returns to bed, and falls asleep.
Source: Franklin B Reams
Date: 1965
Location: White Mountains Arizona
Time: night
Summary: Several Indian youths were walking along a railroad track when a freight train approached, they all jumped on it and a few moments later jumped out into some bushes alongside the railroad tracks. They then noticed a strong odor in the air, resembling blood; they then found four dead stiff cows on a nearby field. One of the witnesses looked back as the others were all lying on the ground apparently sleeping. Her next recollection was of her lying on a table in a round room being examined by four humanoids, two tall, and two short, all wearing robe-like garments. The beings seemed to communicate among themselves by using telepathy. The beings apparently performed some tests on her ovaries.
Source: Linda Biafore, UFO & Paranormal Perceptions # 27, summer 1994
Date: 1965
Location: Rio Claro, Brazil
Time: night
Summary: Edemilson Mendes heard the frightened shouts of a neighbor and upon going outside to investigate he saw two strange figures approaching him on the pavement. He described the figures a man-like, but greenish and scaly, reptilian in nature. As they approached he became dizzy and apparently passed out. He woke up two hours later not remembering what had happened.
Date: 1965
Location: Near Madras, Oregon
Time: night
Summary: The teenage witness was alone at home when he heard a noise coming from outside. Looking out he saw an object with strange lights descending towards the ground. Soon he saw an alien creature standing outside the front door staring at him. The creature had the face of an ape and wore what appeared to be a chain across the chest area. The next day he found an impression on the ground where the UFO had landed. No other information.
Source: Pancake Perspectives # 6
Date: 1965
Location: Near Provo, Utah
Time: night
Summary: A 19-year old semiliterate shipping clerk reported being taken from his house in a glassy sphere into a large black object where he met a 6-foot 7-inch tall man, apparently the leader and a beautiful copper skinned girl with blond hair and blue eyes, who wore black uniforms with disc-shaped shoulder epaulets and serpents motifs on the pockets. No other information.
Source: Dr. Frank Salisbury
Date: 1965
Location: St Louis, Missouri
Time: night
Summary: The 6-year old witness remembers waking up in his bedroom sometimes after midnight. There is a window in the bedroom and even though he doesn’t want to he opens the drapes. Outside the window floating in a fine mist is a small figure, with very thin legs and arms, with a large head and eyes. Without ever really seeing its mouth move the witness heard, “don’t be afraid Indian”. The thing he found strange about this was that at age 6, he had no idea he was an American Indian. As this all transpires it feels as if the air is sucked from his bedroom, he panics and runs to his parent’s room. There he finds his mother and father sound asleep. The witness was to have further dream-like episodes and experienced severe headaches.
Source: http://www.etcontact.net/newsite
Date: 1965: Idaho ‘Mining UFOs’
Date: 1965
Location: Coal And Candle Creek New South Wales, Australia
Time: night
Summary: A 12-year old boy was fishing with his uncle in a boat on a tributary of the Hawkesbury River, at night, when they heard a humming noise. They then saw a glowing, yellow/gold saucer-shaped craft appear from over some hills to the north. The craft descended and began to follow the watercourse until it was directly over them. The witnesses reported seeing portholes and a large “windscreen” or observing view-screen, and had the feeling they were being observed. The object remained stationary for about 30-40 seconds before disappearing at great speed to the northwest.
Source: UFOR NSW, Australia
Date: 1965
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Time: night
Summary: Four year old Thomas Ballendine suddenly woke up in the middle of the night to see two sets of tear-drop shaped glowing eyes floating seemingly in midair, in the middle of the very dark bedroom. He had been sleeping on a large queen size bed but when he woke up he was laying on a cold hard surface, his arms dangling at both sides. He went to lift his arms to his stomach when his arm rubbed against a musky hot damp wrinkly skin. He was terrified and he looked at the foot of where he was lying and saw another being. He was afraid since the beings apparently knew he was awake, he then looked up and saw a fourth being. This being then grabbed his chin gently and began to pry the witness mouth open, he then felt a cold metal object placed on his face and forced his jaw open once again. Terrified the witness passed out and later woke up back in his bedroom.
Source: UFO Evidence, http://www.etcontact.net/newsite
Date: 1965
Location: Vershi gold mine, Shilka area, Chita region, East Siberia, Russia
Summary: A woman named Roza Zvyagina was staying at home with her 3-year old son while her husband had gone out on a business trip. The child was sleeping and she was looking at her cat “washing” under the table. It was very light in the flat since the “Vershi” gold mine was nearby, lit up by numerous projectors opposite to the flat’s windows. She could hear the dispatcher’s voice from time to time over the loudspeaker. Suddenly the cat stopped licking itself and began staring fixedly at a corner. Roza looked in the direction of the cat’s glance and froze with horror after seeing a huge humanoid entity, which almost reached the ceiling because of its height, walking in her direction. The humanoid figure was thin, dark, and was moving in a very strange manner, placing its elbows forward and then bending his knees. The strange entity appeared to be moving as if on a spring, on leg moved ahead and the elbow parallel with it, and then the other. The woman could not see many details on the entity and neither did she see the alien’s clothing. She stared at the entity as it leaned over her and tightly grabbed one of her knees and her elbow. She wanted to scream, but could not even speak, it appears that she was paralyzed. The cat was now staring at both the humanoid and the alien. Suddenly the loud voice from the mine’s dispatcher was heard in the street and the dark entity instantly disappeared, simply dissolved into thin air. The cat then continued washing itself, like nothing had happened. Roza then stood up and turned on the light, had a cup of tea, but the feeling of a powerful hand grabbing her knee and elbow did not pass. After some time the knee that had been touched by the humanoid, experienced severe pain, the same with the elbow, which the woman had too have a surgical operation performed on it.
Source: “Interesnaya Gazeta” Kiev D-block # 5 2004
Date: 1965
Location: Thermalito, Oroville area, California
Time: night
Summary: Three women living in a small house in a yet undeveloped area reported that on several occasions, Noreen, one of the women, was sitting up alone in her living room when strange lights illuminated the entire house. Noreen remembers seeing strange forms in the windows, and also spotting a triangular craft on several occasions hovering above the house. A second woman, Laurie remembers seeing a strange elk-like creature coming through a closed window. She also had a strange feeling of being surrounded by “little people” about the house even though she never actually saw them, but always felt that they were around and under her bed.
Source: http://www.starbuck.20m.com
Date: 1965
Location: New Zealand.
Time: night
Summary: The The photographer is still unknown, but the photo was published by a reporter in a daily newspaper of Parramatta following a heavily publicized UFO flap in the Sydney suburb of Ryde in 1965. The photograph was taken over Epson in the South Island of New Zealand.
Date: 1965
Location: USA
Time: late night
Summary: The five-year old witness was sleeping with her brothers when she was suddenly awakened for some unknown reason. She then saw seven strange looking figures at the foot of her bed. The figures were four-foot tall, with large round black eyes, grayish white skin, and a large head with a very thin body and long arms, fingers, and toes. A bright light shone from the sky, which seemed to draw the witness and the aliens into it. Next thing she recalled was being on a table in a sterile room, again surrounded by the beings. The beings began to examine and probe her body with long thin metal instruments; some were inserted vaginally and rectally. Next thing she knew was lying back on her bed.
Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, The Omega Project
Date: 1965
Location: Scottish Highlands, Scotland
Time: late night
Summary: On two successive nights (famed ghost-hunter) Elliott O’Donnell encountered the supernatural in a lonely road. On the first occasion he just heard footsteps behind him, but on the second night he swung around and saw the dark shape of a man trailing him at some distance. The shadow seemed to be the source of the footsteps and was advancing towards him. O’Donnell was terrified and looked around for some mundane explanation but there was none. He stood stock still, and the shadow passed him as though oblivious to his presence. O’Donnell felt a transient “icy chill.” The shadow was like the silhouette of a short stout man, but the nerve-racking detail that caught O’Donnell his attention the most was that the figure was headless. There was a well-defined neck, but beyond it, nothing. (I included this incident because of the various incidents describing humanoids or entities that appeared to be headless).
Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land
Date: 1965
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Time: night
Summary: The 10-year old witness remembered finding himself wide awake and being escorted by an adult up steps and into what appears to be an aero-plane of some sort. His sister is with him and once they enter the craft his sister is escorted into another room. He feels concern for his sister but the adults that assure him that everything is going to be all right calm him down. They tell him that they are from another planet far away and they are here to run some tests. At this point he starts to take notice of these adults appearance. They appear to have skintight blue clothing on from top to bottom and the females are very obviously female. They appear quite human-like. The witness asks them if everyone dresses like that where they come from. He is told yes, that they have to in order to survive. They tell him that they are from a place called “Haven”. He asks them if they are angels but they laugh and say no. He then asks them if they are going back and if he could go with them. The witness is bitterly disappointed when they tell him that he cannot return with them. Soon he is put through something like a regular physical and then his sister and him are reunited and returned to their home.
Source: Phill Matthias, New Zealand
Date: 1965
Location: Helemano, Oahu Hawaii
Time: 0200A
Summary: A Filipino working for the Dole Pineapple Company as part of an irrigation crew was walking one late night in the pineapple fields, setting up the huge sprinklers into position. As he was walking in the dark he suddenly tripped and fell into a shallow hole. After investigating the hole it turned out to be a large man-like footprint. After telling what had occurred to the older workers, he was told that some of the men had seen a giant-man-like figure walking through the pineapple fields in the Helemano area.
Source: The Obake Files, Encounters in Supernatural Hawaii
Date: 1965
Location: Galveston, Indiana
Time: late night
Summary: Following a peculiar impulse that led him outside, Gene Floyd saw an orange glow in the sky. An “unspoken command” told him to shine his flashlight up at it, and when he did, flashing the lights three times, the glow blinked three times in reply. Later that night Floyd had a vivid “dream” in which he stood aboard a UFO conversing mentally with a humanoid figure with a large baldhead. Since then he seemed to have acquired a noticeable degree of psychic ability.
Source: Jerome Clark, Loren Coleman, “Creatures of the Goblin World”
Date: 1965
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Time: late night
Summary: A young girl, age about seven, was going to sleep, but insists that she wasn’t asleep yet. She looked over into the corner of her bedroom and there was a little man floating in the air. He was dressed in silver and had skin of silvery blue. He had white eyes and very red lips. He had a helmet with a clear mask. He looked at her like he was trying to talk to her but couldn’t. She got scared and ran out of the room.
Source: Michael D. Swords, “Grassroots UFOs”
Date: 1965
Location: Near Lubbock, Texas
Time: 2200
Summary: Linda and a friend, Betty, were driving a car just outside of Lubbock when they both noticed a bright light in the sky, Betty, who was driving began to try to follow it as it moved slowly at first, then more rapidly as they pulled off the highway onto a county road closing with their car until it stopped about forty feet away and ten to twenty feet above the ground. Linda said that it had an extremely bright rotating red light on top with a bank of light, about four, around the mid-section. Betty began to blink her headlights on and off and the “spacecraft” responded by blinking the white lights. At one point the witnesses noticed what appeared to be human-like figures inside some porthole windows, but no features could be seen. One thing that seemed puzzling to Linda about the encounter was than even though they were on a county road, it was fairly well traveled and she said at least seven or eight cars passed them, seeming not to notice what was going on. After approximate five to ten minutes the UFO rose and began to move away, seeming to suddenly disappear.
Source: Direct from witness, billburks333@yahoo.ca
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